Chapter 28

We land in Stasha’s living room between the two floral sofas and the brick fireplace, surrounded by the creepy vines growing along the walls and the ceiling.

“Careful.” I point up at the vines dangling above us. “They come alive. They attacked me the last time I was here.”

Laylen pulls a disgusted face. “Leave it to Alex to date such a weirdo.”

“Hey,” I say, offended, but then realized Alex and I have never officially dated.

Laylen waits for me to say something, but when I don’t, he lets go of my hand and we wander around the house. We check every room and the kitchen, but Stasha is nowhere.

“I don’t think she’s here,” I say as we return to the living room.

“Good observation,” he jokes and I stick out my tongue amazed at how the tension has crumbled between us. I’m beginning to see that kind of up and down pattern between Laylen and me and wonder what it could lead to in the future, good or bad. “But that just means we can take her by surprise.”

“I like the way you think.”

He flops down on the sofa and gets comfortable as he stretches his arms out on the back. “So did you know Aislin came to me and said she was sorry for everything?”

“That’s a little weird.” I’m not surprised, after the talk we had on our way to the cemetery. “But good, right?”

He wavers, gaze fixed on me as I stroll around the living room looking at photos, some of which are of Alex and Stasha and they make me feel ill to my stomach because they actually look happy together. “Yeah, but I was wondering where it all of a sudden came from?” He pauses. “Did you have anything to do with it?”

I shrug, keeping my back at to him as I stare at one picture in particular of Stasha kissing Alex on the cheek. He’s rolling his eyes but he looks content and it kind of gets under my skin a little. “Does it really—”

“Shhh…” Laylen hisses, leaping up from the sofa. “I think I hear something.”

We freeze, listening to the sound of footsteps heading toward the front door. Then we run down the hallway, making it just in time as the front door swings open. I crouch behind Laylen who hunkers down at the edge of the wall.

“I don’t know why he made me take one of you stupid things.” Stasha slams the door and I hear her keys land on the table. “I mean, it’s not like you do any good. And I can’t even hear what you’re saying. And don’t ruin my plants,” she snaps at someone, clearly not alone. “I need them to keep me alive.” There’s a pause and then she says, “This is ridiculous. Do you leak ice or something?”

Laylen’s head whips in my direction. Ice, he mouths as the temperature drops and frost begins to glaze the floor around us. I’d be afraid, but after taking so many of them down at the castle, it doesn’t seem as terrifying.

“Do you want to take down Stasha or the Death Walker?” I whisper in Laylen’s ear as the ice slips under our feet and along the wall behind us.

“I’ll take death girl, since you’ve proven you can handle a Death Walker,” he whispers back. “Besides, her touch won’t kill me.”

I nod and then take out a knife from my pocket. Then Laylen peeks around the corner and looks back at me. “Okay… the Death Walker’s on the couch. And Stasha’s watering her plants.”

I poise the knife in front of me and Laylen lifts his hand, counting down on his fingers... three… two… one…

We jump out from the hallway and take them by surprise. The Death Walker’s eyes flash yellow as it towers to its feet. Stasha drops her pail she has in her hand and water spills on the floor. “What the hell?” she says, her face reddening with anger.

The Death Walker instantly marches toward me as I step forward with the knife out in front of me while Laylen goes for Stasha. The Death Walker’s eyes flash murderously as pieces of its rotting flesh fall from its face. As it approaches me, it throws back its head and lets out a shriek before charging. Like at the castle I feel in control and powerful as I dodge out of its way. But it turns around and circles back. So I stop moving and its eyes flicker as I lunge for it. Its hands shoot out toward my neck, but I duck and evade it, skidding on my knees across the floor. Then it backs up, trying to get out of my reach. I get to my feet and swing the knife at it, but miss and cut its cloak.

I don’t give up, swinging back around and as it lets out another wail, I stab the knife into its chest and drop low to the ground as its breath puffs through the air while its body sways to the side. Then its eyes burn out and it tips over, hitting the floor with a thunderous boom. But I know it’s not dead, just passed out, because it’s Immortal and I don’t have the Sword of Immortality.

I whirl around, relieved to see that Laylen has Stasha pinned up against the wall. He holds her there by her shoulders and she glares at him.

“You’re messing up my hair,” she whines when Laylen shoves her against the wall harder.

I hop over the unconscious Death Walker and go over to them, Stasha’s eyes immediately narrowing on me. “Well look who was stupid enough to come back,” she says “What? Did you not get enough of me the first time?”

I point the tip of my knife at her throat. “You know, it really doesn’t seem like you’re in much of a position to be such a bitch.”

Stasha gives me a dirty look. “This is such bull shit. You have nothing over me.”

I move the knife closer until it clips her skin and draws blood.

She winces, pressing herself closer the wall. “Fine, what do you want?”

I raise my scarred arm. “I want you to take your death out of my arm.”

She shakes her head. “No way. You deserve it there—you deserve more pain than even I can inflict.”

The sight of Laylen’s fangs descending from his blood red lips causes her eyes to nearly pop out of head. “I think you’re the one who might deserve something a little more painful.” He pauses. “Now I know what you’re thinking. Vampire bites don’t hurt, in fact they feel good. But since I can manipulate your emotions, I can make it painful for you.” He grins at her, flashing his pointed fangs.

Stasha is pissed, but I can tell he’s scaring her. She leans away, turning her head to the side. “Fine. I’ll remove my death from your hand,” she snaps. “But you two are lucky that that stupid monster’s ice froze over my plants, otherwise this would have gone down differently.”

“And if you try to kill her instead of removing the death, I’ll drain you of all your blood, got it?” Laylen says with his fangs still out.

“Got it,” Stasha replies through gritted teeth.

Laylen slightly loosens his grip so Stasha can slip off her one of her gloves. “Give me your arm,” she says to me.

Hesitantly, I extend my arm to her and she enfolds her fingers around my wrist. Within seconds, the olive-green lines fade away, until my skin is back to its normal color. I let out a breath of relief as she withdraws her hand, but then gasp as I catch sight of something on her wrist.

A black triangle around a red symbol.

Laylen tracks my gaze and he shoves Stasha back against the wall roughly. “Where did you get that?” he demands.

Stasha looks down at the mark on her wrist. “This? I’ve always had it you dumbass.”

Laylen shakes his head. “That’s not possible… I’ve know you for long enough to know it hasn’t always been there.”

“Yes, it has,” she says in a condescending tone. “I’ve had it since the day I was born, but apparently you’re too stupid to remember.”

“Alex would have seen it when he was dating you,” I say, gripping the knife in my hand, fighting the compulsion to stab her. “And he would have mentioned it by now.”

Stasha laughs sharply. “Yeah right. He’s lied to me more than anyone in my life and I’m sure he’s doing it to you.”

Laylen starts to say something, but then the Death Walker starts to stir, waking up.

“We need to go,” I say and reach for Laylen’s hand.

“What about her?” he asks. “What should we do to her?”

I shrug. “Whatever you want?”

Laylen considers this but not for very long and he knocks her out by clocking her in the head with his own. Stasha falls to the floor, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as the Death Walker charges at us. But I’m already blinking us away.
