Chapter 13

The night filled with the loud hooting of a lonely owl outside the large lab, searching, calling for something in the darkness. For someone. The mournful demand slithered down Emma’s spine as she straightened from her bent position over the charts, an ache setting up between her eyes. She’d spent half the day supervising Devon and the other geneticists in the all-access labs, the other half in a heavy, thick suit dealing with the virus in the private clean lab by herself—because humans weren’t invited into that space. With a sigh, she put a hand to the small of her back and stretched, stifling a groan as her vertebra popped.

“Time for bed, love,” came a deep voice from the doorway.

She jumped and pivoted toward the exit where Dage once again leaned against the doorjamb. Broad and packed hard, clothed casually in cargo pants and a cotton shirt, mere camouflage for the vampire lurking within. The temptation to cross to him and taste that dangerous flesh had her mind spinning with denial. “No. I’m not finished working.”

He raised an arrogant eyebrow. “You’ve been working nearly fourteen hours. You need rest.” The low rumble of his voice held a direct line to her core. Sandalwood and power wafted her way.

Fourteen hours? It seemed like more. She’d already been deep into her research when Dage showed up in the late afternoon with the prophet. “I’m not leaving, Dage.” Her multi-channeled pod buzzed and she turned to push a series of buttons. Time was running out for her sister and the shifters. She just knew it.

Strong arms grasped her hips and whirled her around, and she emitted a startled yelp. The king ducked. The world tilted as she was flung over his broad shoulder. Her stomach impacted solid muscle and the air whooshed out of her lungs. Man, he moved fast. Desire battled with irritation.

“Put me down.”

“No.” He strode past Kane typing busily in his office and past the guards into the star filled night. “I’m at war on three fronts, love. Ours gets settled tonight.” He shifted and she found herself cradled in strong arms. She smacked her fists against his chest.

“That wasn’t nice.” The silver of his eyes glowed in the near darkness.

“I don’t feel nice.” She settled into his chest, eyes widening at the expanse of stars in the sky.

“Me either.” Muscles vibrated around her with a tension she felt in her own body.

She cleared her throat. “I can feel what you’re feeling.”

Teeth flashed in the darkness. “I know. Probably not very comfortable right now.”

“No.” Anger, irritation, and a deadly determination filled the king, and Emma said a heartfelt thanks he wasn’t mad at her. She shrugged and bounced off a rock hard chest. “What am I feeling?”


“No. I’m mad.”

“No. You’re scared to death.”

Acceptance settled onto her shoulders. “Yeah. I’m scared this virus will speed up. I’m scared for Cara and her baby.” And she was scared she might not be able to thwart death and save the king.

“I know.” He nodded at the guards posted at the residence, stalking inside the hallway. “It’s amazing. We’re immortal and the strongest beings on earth. Yet a bug too small to see may take us down.”

“No. I’ll wipe the stupid thing out.” Warmth began to hum throughout her blood. Tilting her head, she ran her tongue along the corded muscles of Dage’s neck. “Salty.” More than that. The king tasted of power and man combined.

He opened a door and began descending, his boots echoing against cement stairs. “Hold that thought.”

They were going the wrong way. “Where are you taking me?”

He twisted a knob and kicked another metal door open to reveal a shimmering indoor pool. “For a swim.” His voice echoed throughout the humid room. He dropped her to her feet and ripped her T-shirt over her head, reaching for his own.

A swim? Awesome. She toed off her tennis shoes and yanked her jeans to the ground. Her bra and panties followed suit. Turning, she dove into the deep end. Cool water washed over her and she broke the surface with an appreciative hum to swivel just as the king dove deep.

He gave a tug to her ankle before rising next to her. “You just jumped in.” Water caressed down the hard planes of his face and chest, making her mouth go dry.

She cleared her throat, treading water. “Sure.”

He shook his head, spraying droplets of water. “Scientists aren’t the ‘jump first and ask questions later’ type. The water could’ve been freezing. Or just chlorinated. You didn’t pause.” He raised an eyebrow, liquid gaze warming. “Why do you suppose that is?”

Hmm. Because the water appeared so inviting? She sighed. “Because I trust you.” She hadn’t stopped to consider why. If the king brought her to swim, then swimming was safe. Vulnerability rushed through her.

Twin dimples flashed and he grasped her by the waist, jerking her to him. Heat cascaded off the vampire in direct contrast to the cool water. “Don’t looked so pained.” He kissed the top of her nose and leaned back, a serious glint lighting his eyes. “I’m sorry trusting a man is foreign to you.”

She gave a short nod, her gaze dropping to his full lips. “I’m really strong, Dage.”

He grinned. “Saying the words takes something away from their impact, love.”

Laughter bubbled up. “So true.” Her hands flattened against his chest and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Don’t let me fall.” Her breath hitched as she said the words.

“Never.” His hands dropped to cup her ass, tugging her closer. He gave a strong push and she ended up with an aroused male body pinning her to the side of the pool.

“We’re not at war, Dage.” Her voice pitched to a huskiness from the erection rubbing against her core. “I mean, you and me.” She slid both arms around his neck.

He quirked a lip. “We’re not?” His hands tightened. “Isn’t this where you tell me you’re leaving and not to get too attached?” The teasing words failed to mask the glint of challenge in his eyes.

An ache started to thrum to life somewhere in her chest. “I can’t stay.” Tears pricked her eyes and she forced them back. “You need to understand what I’m saying. Love and forever aren’t for us.” He needed to be prepared in case she wasn’t able to outmaneuver fate. She wanted to stay. She wanted that life full of fireworks and love. Could he unbend enough to trust her to keep herself safe?

“I don’t understand.” He lowered his head closer. “And it’s too late. You have my love and are my future.”

She shook her head, pain crushing into her heart. The brand on her shoulder began to burn with need. “No.” Grasping his hair, she yanked his mouth to hers.

He stilled, then plundered. No softness, no seduction, just pure, raw need. He tangled a hand in her curls and tilted her head to the side for better access, the hand on her ass clutching hard enough to bruise. One quick shift and he impaled her, driving in balls deep.

She cried out, arms tightening around his neck, her eyes opening wide. Ripples of pain slid into pleasure as her body softened and accepted his invasion.

He released her mouth, raising his head to pin her with a look so full of determination she forgot how to breathe. “Say it.”

Her lungs kicked in and she expelled air. Say what? She reached into his mind and quickly shook her head. No. Her mind rebelled against the raw demand of need echoing throughout his heart. A heart that she could feel within her own chest.

He widened his stance on the concrete slope, fully embedded in her. Fangs elongated in slow motion, wicked and sharp. “Need proof, love?”

“No.” She didn’t require proof. She knew what she felt and telling him would solve nothing. “You may not bite me.” The desire for him to sink those dangerous fangs into her neck was one she’d fight.

Too dangerous. For both of them.

Blue shards ripped through the silver of his eyes. “You’re my mate.” His voice lowered to a low rumble that almost had her orgasming. “I don’t need permission to taste you.” To prove his point, he kissed her neck, and slowly, so slowly sank those sharp points into her vein.

She exploded.

Lightning zapped through her. Stars imploded behind her eyelids and her entire body spasmed with something beyond an orgasm. Something that had her heart, body, and mind opening for him—for whatever he demanded. She plunged her own teeth into his flesh, biting until carbonated blood sizzled on her tongue, prolonging the crashing waves beating throughout her.

Releasing him, she threw her head back, her mouth opening on a silent scream as she rippled around the hard cock pulsing inside her. She slowly came down, her eyes wide on his dangerous face.

His gaze dropped to her mouth. “Jesus.” A flick of his tongue licked blood off her lips. With a groan, he pressed her against the wall, spasms shooting through his muscles and his head dropping to the nape of her neck as he came. His orgasm threw her into another whirlstorm of cresting waves. She tightened her entire body around him, crying out his name.

Soon only the harsh sound of their combined breathing echoed throughout the secluded pool room. He sucked in air and lifted his head. “Say it.”

Her heart fluttered. “I love you.” The words held a promise she didn’t intend to give, a promise that she’d fight fate to stay with him. A vow of trust in his ability to bend and accept her.

His smile rivaled the stars still sparking behind her eyelids. “I’ll give you a bit of time, love. But the shields stay down.”

Unease slithered beneath her skin. “Ah, no.”

“Ah, yes.” Leaning forward, he nipped her bottom lip. “I’m not asking.”

“I’ll consider it.” She settled her hands over his shoulders. “Do I taste different? I mean, since we’ve mated?”

He huffed out a chuckle. “Forever the scientist, huh?” His thumb rubbed against the twin puncture wounds in her neck and she fought a sigh. “No. You taste just as wonderful as before I marked you—like passion fruit and vintage wine. Maybe a Shiraz.”

The king had the heart of a poet. “So, are we still at war?”

“No. I’d say we’ve reached an uneasy alliance here.”

She smoothed his dark hair back from his rugged face. “Until I roll over and drop all my problems in your lap to solve?”

His jaw relaxed. “Exactly.”

Not in a million years. Love or not. The king had borne the weight of ruling by himself for centuries and she couldn’t allow it to continue. She shook her head, her thighs tightening against his hard hips. “You said you were at war on three fronts. Besides the Kurjans, who’s gunning for us?”

With their connection she could feel his heart fill from her use of the word us. He smiled. “The demon nation declared war on us earlier today.”

Shock rumbled through her. “Demon nation? Demons exist?”


“Are they minions from hell?”

Dage threw back his head and laughed. “Well, right now don’t ask me that question.” He dropped a quick kiss on her mouth. “Though, no. Demons are yet another species trying to survive on earth.”

It couldn’t be good to have demons mad at you. What kind of powers would a demon have? “Why are they mad at us?”

“Caleb has been at war with the demon nation for quite some time.”

She knew the massive rebel would be trouble. Maybe she should warn Lily. “Oh. He became our friend and thus his enemies became our enemies?”

Dage nodded in approval. “Simply put, but yes. For now.”

“Can you fix it?” She began to trail her fingers across his chest and down those amazing abs.

He stilled. “We’ll see.”


“Yes, love?”

“You’re still inside me.”

“I’m well aware of that.”

“So do something.”

His cock jumped inside her. “I thought you’d never ask.”

A couple of hours later Emma ran her foot down Dage’s leg, her entire body loose and relaxed in the big bed.

“Knock it off. Unless of course, you’d like to go for round three.” His low rumble pulsed around her.

She stifled a giggle. “Round five. I believe it would be round five.”

He tucked her further into his warmth. “Go to sleep. You have a virus to demolish tomorrow and I have a demon nation to appease.”

“If we both finish before lunch maybe we could go out.” She grinned, wrapping her hands around the arm banded at her waist. Even his forearm was lined with muscle and strength.

“Funny.” His breath brushed her hair.

Questions clicked through her in slow motion. “Do you ever go out? I mean, when you’re not at war?”

He nipped her ear. “Sure. There’s an Italian restaurant in Boulder I’d love to take you to. Sometime.”

“What about jobs? I mean, have you guys had jobs through the years?”

His arm tugged her closer into his heat. “Being the king is mainly a full-time job. In peace and war.” He sighed, his body relaxing behind her. “Talen has plotted strategy for centuries and Conn has trained our soldiers full-time. Though Kane has attended many schools to study science, biology, genetics ...”

“Probably a good idea.” She’d love to open up Kane’s brain and suck all the knowledge into her own. “What about Jase?”

“Ah, the youngest brother. He’s mastered all of the above.”

“No kidding.” He seemed so carefree and happy, though the sense of danger clung to him like a well-fitting jacket. She’d figured that was part of being a vampire. A predator.

“Yes. When he wasn’t skydiving, working as an oceanographer, giving flying lessons ...”

She fought a laugh. “So Jase has quite the résumé, huh?” Talk about a vampire of all trades.

“Yes. He wanted to be a race car driver for a while, but I had to veto that idea.” Dage’s voice rumbled with sleepiness.

“You didn’t want Jase getting hurt?”

A masculine snort stirred her hair. “No. I figured he’d win and get his picture in the paper. We can’t afford that.”

“Oh.” Jase probably would’ve wiped the track clean.

Dage yawned. “I forgot to ask. Does Kane’s blood show any sign of the virus?”

“No.” Her mind began to swim in lazy circles. “But if it shows up, we may have found the path to an antidote. Assuming he doesn’t contract an illness.” She yawned. “That was brave of him to ingest the virus for Cara.”

Dage shrugged, his chest knocking against her head. “He’s a good man. You do what you have to for family.”

Hurt caught the breath in Emma’s chest for a moment. For family. She hunkered down and began to count test tubes until sliding into an uneasy, dream-filled sleep.

Damn. She hated this dream

Fall had given up the fight to winter and its murky fog descended low. Eighteen years old, she sat on the chipped front steps of her home. The dirt road potted with holes stretched out before her. The trees spread naked limbs through the chilled air, allowing themselves to be swallowed by mist while dots of frost littered the brittle brush.

She shivered, the scent of nature’s demise skittering across her skin. It was the saddest part of the day—dusk. The day ended and night had yet to provide the protection of darkness.

Yet she waited on the porch.

Cara hummed a quiet tune inside the house, working on a school project. Mama had gone to the library and Daddy ... Well, Daddy was likely dead.

A low rumble echoed from down the road and soon the sheriff’s battered squad car emerged from the murk. He’d left the lights off this time. No one was screaming or getting hit, so why hurry?

He rolled to a stop and stepped out of the vehicle, hitching his pants up over his big belly. “Hi Emma.” A pronounced limp impeded his way as he moved toward her until Old Spice tickled her nose.

“Hi Sheriff.” She stood to her feet, wiping her hands on ripped jeans. She needed to look surprised when he gave the news. “What are you doing here?”

His faded blue eyes softened. “I have bad news, sweetheart.” The soft jowls in his neck jiggled as he spoke.

She nodded, sorry the sheriff had to feel anything for her father. The cop was a nice old man, one who’d tried to help more than once. “What is it?” He needed to tell her the bad news. Then she, Mama, and Cara could move on.

“There was a car accident. Your father’s truck went over the embankment by Shilly’s Hill.”

Yep. She’d seen him crash to the bottom in a fiery explosion. Handy curse these visions. “Was he drunk?”

The sheriff widened his eyes for a moment and slowly nodded. “He left the tavern an hour or so before the wreck.” Rubbing a hand across his thick white beard, the sheriff sighed. “You’re eighteen, so there should be no problem for you to keep your sister with you.”

Emma had celebrated her birthday a few weeks back. “Well, sure.” A warning tingle set up at the base of her skull. “Mama should be home soon. I’ll ask her to call you.”

The sheriff paled. He extended his hand, then dropped it back down to his side, empty and useless. “Oh Emma. I thought you knew. They were together. Your mother was in the truck, too.”

A decade later Emma’s strangled cry had her sitting straight up in the bed.

Warmth instantly wrapped around her and she found herself cradled against a hard chest. “Oh, love. I’m so sorry.”

She trembled, biting her lip until blood welled. “I’m all right.”

“No, you’re not. Let it out.” Dage’s warm breath brushed her forehead, the scent of sandalwood and power easing her muscles.

“No. I don’t cry.”

“Why the hell not?” His gentle tone softened the harsh words.

“Because it’s weak.”

He tugged her back down to snuggle against him. “Is not.”

“Like you cry.”

Large, gentle hands caressed her back from shoulder to tailbone, spreading warmth and reassurance. A guarantee of support and protection. “I promise I’ll cry next time I’m upset. Okay?”

She laughed, tears instantly filling her eyes and beginning to fall. “It was my fault.”

“What was?”

“I saw his death. I knew a year before it happened that he’d die. But I didn’t know Mama was with him, that he’d pick her up at the library on the way home.” Tears of shame and guilt scalded her face, dropping onto Dage’s warm chest. “I never said a word.”

Dage’s warm hand rubbed circles into her lower back. “What if you had?”

“What?” She hiccupped.

“What if you had told him? What would he have done?”

“Beat the ever living shit out of me.” The crazy bastard had thought she and Cara were possessed by the devil who had given them their special abilities.

Dage’s expelled breath stirred her hair. “Ah. So telling him wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

“I don’t know for sure. He may have heeded my warning—even if he did beat me first.” And Mama would’ve lived.

Dage’s muscles tensed until they vibrated from within. “I wish I could’ve met your father. For just an hour.”

Emma grinned through her tears. “Me too.” She placed a soft kiss above Dage’s heart. “Do you think it’s possible to cheat death?”

“Cheat? No.” He ran a hand down her hair. “But I think the future can be changed. The visions you and I share allow us to do so.”

She had every intention of altering the future she’d seen in visions. Their future. “Yes. But every time you try to alter the future, the new path becomes unclear. Isn’t it better to know sometimes?”

“Sometimes. If you like that future.” He rolled her over and brushed a gentle hand across her wet cheeks. “Better now?”

“Yes.” Safety surrounded her. A foreign feeling. The temptation to let go and hide behind the king rocked through her. But she was stronger and smarter than that. The king needed her whether he knew it or not.

“So, about round five ...”
