Chapter 20

A breath after midnight, Dage nudged the door to his suite open with one knuckle, fully expecting something to be thrown at his head. Nothing. He stepped inside the quiet room, his gaze dropping to the set of tea cups remaining on the sofa table. Good. Cara had visited.

He strode to the bedroom door and twisted, not surprised to find the lock engaged. The cocking of a pistol on the other side brought a wry grin to his face.

“Open the door and I shoot.” While Emma’s voice remained deadly calm, an underlying tremor lifted the consonants. His mate knew this was a bad idea.

No question he’d been an ass earlier. But he couldn’t let the woman threaten him with a gun without some sort of repercussion. Would she really shoot? “Where’d you get the weapon, love?” He placed a palm against the door.

“In the armory earlier.” A rustling sounded—the woman was readying her stance. “The gun’s old-fashioned and not likely to kill a vampire, but I believe a bullet would sting.”

“The gun had better not be in your hand when I enter the room, Emma.” Enough of this. They needed to talk.

“Not only will the gun be in my hand, you’ll be facing lead poisoning,” she returned just as evenly.

He stepped back and put his boot to the door. The heavy oak slammed open and he faced the barrel of a pistol, his mate’s angry blue eyes shooting sparks.

She was perched on her knees in the middle of the big bed, wearing sweats and a faded shirt sporting Isaac Newton getting beamed by an apple. “I’ve always wanted to see somebody do that.”

Leaning against the door jam, he crossed his arms. “The key is to plant your foot next to the doorknob.” He could have those clothes off her in a matter of seconds.

“Good to know.”

She looked healthy. Flushed skin, clear eyes. “Is the gun loaded?” A lead bullet would smart like a rubber band snap and not even pierce his skin.

“Yes.” She raised an eyebrow. “Though I want to get myself one of those green laser shooting kinds.”

“You may choose your own tomorrow.” He wondered if she knew how to shoot. If not, they’d need to start practicing.

“I believe I told you not to come inside this room.”

He smiled. She’d pulled her thick hair back into a ponytail and appeared as dangerous as a newborn kitten. “I didn’t listen.” His gaze focused on the gun and he heated the metal just enough ...

“Damn.” She dropped the gun to the bedspread and shook her hand. “That hurt.”

“I barely warmed it.” He flicked his glance to the weapon and the gun shot across the room to land near his feet. “Would you really have shot me?”

She crossed her arms. “You’ll never know.”

Two strides had him at the bed. “Lesson one with guns, love. If you’re going to point it, shoot it.” He reached out and tugged the band from her hair, appreciating when curls smelling like spiced peaches cascaded around her fragile shoulders.

She frowned. “Give me the gun back and I will.”

He smiled. “You are such a pain in the ass.” Damn but he loved her.

“Look who’s talking. You overreacted earlier, King.” She scooted back on the bed to rest against the headboard. A disgruntled frown settled between her pretty eyes, but she seemed more irritated than angry.

He inhaled deeply. Spiced peaches filled his head and made his cock throb worse than his healing ribs. “Yes, I did. I apologize.”

Her dark eyelashes fluttered for a moment against her pale skin as she focused on the bedspread. “I probably should’ve called for help before rushing into the lab.” She plucked a loose string. Her tone hinted that scientific discovery took some risks, but she lacked the energy to fight about it.

The mattress gave when Dage placed one knee in the center, reaching out and tugging her flat to be covered by his body. “We’re still both finding our way here.” He had no doubt she’d forget safety again in a heartbeat if there was science involved. She reminded him of Kane.

She smiled up at him. “True.” Her nipples pebbled against his chest.

Forcing a smile, he brushed her hair away from her face. “We need to learn more about each other.”

Sapphire eyes sparkled with laughter. “Really? Like what?”

“Like”—he ran his hand down the side of her body, enjoying the little catch in her breath—“are you ticklish?” Digging his fingers into her ribs, he easily held her in place when she bucked.

“No,” she protested, a bubble of laughter escaping. “Okay, maybe a little.” She yanked his head back with both hands. “Stop.”

He paused as if considering. “For now.” Tugging, he removed her shirt and then his own, fighting a groan as her soft skin met his. This was so much better than arguing with her. If she’d just allow him to keep her safe, life would be so much more peaceful.

“What else do you want to know?” She stretched against him like a satisfied cat.

Was she wet? “Favorite ice cream?” When she moved like that, he didn’t give a shit about peace.

Her gaze dropped to his mouth. “Mint chocolate chip.” She leaned up and nibbled on his bottom lip. “You?”

The sweats were ripped easily off her body by one of his large hands. “Chunky Monkey.” Her scent filled his head, and he had to force himself not to pound into her, to slow down and enjoy this amazing creature.

She stilled, biting her bottom lip while laughter lightened her eyes. “Seriously? Chunky Monkey?”

He had to taste her neck. “What’s wrong with my choice?” Canines retracted, his lips nipped her skin, filling his senses with ripe peaches.



“I don’t know,” she breathed, arching her silk covered mound against his ripped jeans. “You seem more of a French vanilla type to me.”

Those panties snapped in two, and he flung them across the room. “Vanilla, huh?” Hmm. Not so sure he liked that.

“Yeah. It’s more king-like.”

Oh, he really didn’t like that. He rose to his knees, straddling her nude body, both hands going to his leather belt to draw through the hoops. Her eyes darkened and her gaze ran over his chest in almost a physical caress. He breathed deep. “Open your mind.”

She opened her eyes wide and lowered those powerful shields.

Ah. He let her seep into him, her incredible mind, her rioting emotions. She didn’t know how to trust. So he didn’t ask. He put pure male challenge in his eyes and sent her a mental whisper.

Her eyes widened further, her gaze flicking to the belt still in his hands and back again.

He waited, leaving the unspoken challenge hanging in the air between them.

She straightened her shoulders against the mattress and held out one wrist, dark sparking eyes that reminded him of the clearest sky over the purest part of the ocean.

The leather easily looped around her soft skin, and he jerked her to a seated position, grabbing her other wrist and securing her hands together behind her back. His strength so surpassed hers the belt was a silly prop—yet the representation of her extending her arm filled him with power. The blue-eyed minx trusted him, whether she’d admit it to herself or not.

Her lips parted and interest darkened her devastating eyes even as those damn shields began to rise.

“No.” He tugged on her arms, leaning back on his haunches to appreciate her pretty breasts. “No shields.”

She mentally dropped them and twisted her wrists, raising an eyebrow when the binding held tight. “You’re kind of kinky for a king.” Her husky voice slid over his skin like silk.

“You have no idea.”

“Show me.”

He smiled slowly, truly appreciating the hard nipples all but begging for his mouth. “With pleasure.” A fluffed pillow cradled her head when propped against the headboard, her arms bound behind her back arching her chest. “You are comfortable?”

“I’m fine.” She settled against the intricate wood, her eyes an intriguing combination of wariness and want. “What now?”

“Now we talk about your pointing a gun at me.” He inhaled the intoxicating scent of her arousal. His mate.

Awareness flashed in those eyes. “You deserved it.”

“No.” He gave a low growl, nipping the underside of one breast. “Before we’re finished tonight, you’ll vow never to do it again.”

She gave a half-hearted struggle. “I won’t.”

His chuckle echoed back from her soft skin and he levered up to engulf one nipple. She gasped, throwing her head back with a soft groan. He tweaked her with his tongue, his emotions melding with hers until he couldn’t be certain which were his.

The king’s emotions ripped into Emma with a force that left her breathless. The man really did love her, though a dark edge breathed inside him. For the first time she truly understood what a dangerous being she’d given herself to.

“I won’t hurt you.” He shifted his attention to her other nipple and she fought to keep her brain functioning.

“I know.” She let herself navigate inside him, his heart bare, his soul laid wide open. Without question she sat in the middle of everything he was, everything he’d ever become. Her breath caught in her throat and tears burned her eyes. He’d do what it took to protect her ... because she mattered.

He lifted his head to meet her gaze. “Yes, I will. And yes, you do. You’re the one thing fate has given just to me. Without you”—balancing himself on his elbows, his wicked mouth wandered down her ribs to her navel—“nothing has meaning.” He swirled his tongue inside and she pushed toward him, trying to loosen her hands to touch him. She needed to touch him.

He chuckled, going lower to bite her inner thigh. “I like you helpless.”

She stilled, sparks of light shooting inside her eyelids as his heated breath brushed across her core. “Dage,” she breathed. Her hands splayed against the small of her back, fighting the belt. The leather held firm.

“Now that’s a lovely sound.” He kissed her so softly, too softly right where she needed his mouth. He settled in with a low growl, his wide shoulders holding her open for him. “Say it again.”

His fangs scraped her inner thigh and she stifled a scream. Oh God. Those dangerous canines were so close to her aching center. Heat flushed through her and a desire slammed home with a razor sharp edge of pain. “Dage.”

The pleasure that filled him at her husky whisper of his name echoed throughout her own heart, along every inch of her skin.

“What, love?”

“Bite me.”

She didn’t need to ask twice. He struck fast and hard, sinking into her artery and pulling with sharp tugs. Warmth and energy sizzled through his veins, swirling into pure, raw power. Emma gasped, feeling from within Dage’s skin. “Wow.”

His fangs retracted, and he sealed the wound with his rough tongue. “You’re telling me.”

“My blood gave you energy.” The scientist’s mind fought against the woman’s need. “Is it always so intense when you feed?

“God no.” His tongue wandered north and found another place to play. Emma nearly slammed her thighs together, but his strong hands widened her further. “Only my mate packs a punch like that.” He spoke against her clit, his breath heated more than a human’s.

The scientist fell silent as Emma’s thighs began to tremble. Dage slid both hands under her to cup her ass, tugging her further into his mouth. He moaned in appreciation and Emma cried out. He worked her for a while, his mouth relentless, his tongue wicked hot until she was a gasping, nearly pleading bundle of screaming nerves. If he moved just a little faster ...

He chuckled again, the vibration nearly sending her over the edge. Nearly. “Dage,” she moaned.

“Ah, love. Now we talk about the gun.”

Irritation warred with need for a moment. “My hands hurt. Undo them.”

He lifted up. A sharp eyebrow and shards of blue bisected the silver in his eyes. “I strongly suggest you never lie to me, love.” The hands on her buttocks tightened.

She opened her mouth to protest, then fell silent.

“Oh yeah. I can feel what you feel. Your hands are just fine.” He released her gaze and lowered his mouth to nip, sending her arching toward him. He rumbled against her core. “Now, promise you’ll never point a gun at me again.”

She rotated her hips, seeking the release he kept just out of her reach, the muscles in her neck stretching. “I promise I won’t point a gun at you unless I intend to shoot,” she moaned.

He stilled, then gave a short bark of laughter. “Fair enough.” His mouth lowered, his tongue went to work and her world exploded.

He eased her down with soft licks and gentle kisses. She licked her lips, still needing something. More. Him. “Dage.”

Quick movements had his clothes removed and tossed across the room. Strong arms flipped her over and she landed on her knees, pitching forward until he stabilized her with one hand curved over her shoulder, her wrists still bound against the small of her back. “Well now. Isn’t this a sight.” Dage leaned forward and ran his tongue along the marking on her shoulder.

Her entire body shuddered in reaction. “Undo my hands.”

“Nope.” His knee nudged hers farther apart and he paused before slowly entering her, one hand on her shoulder and the other clasping her hip. “We’re not quite finished here.” He slammed the rest of the way home with a low growl, tugging her back to meet his powerful thrust.

“I know that, damn it.” He filled her, and she fought a keening that wanted loose. Oh God, start moving.

But he didn’t. He waited, the hand at her hip sliding to her belly and up to her neck, his other hand dropping to the bed. Holding her in place, he placed a gentle kiss on her marking. The soft touch burned right through to where they remained joined.

Emma stiffened, her gaze on the headboard, her thoughts on the man behind her. Her mind rioted with need, and her bound hands clutched against his hard abs as he levered over her. She craved. Or was that him? The feelings rumbling from him were unfamiliar. Dark. Powerful. Dangerous. The need to take, to possess filled him, a raw instinctive demand he had no intention of quelling.

She whimpered and moved back against him.


The harsh timbre of his voice nearly had her orgasming. “What?” She shut her eyes against the painful need whipping through her body.

“You will observe every safety protocol we have from now on.” His breath brushed her earlobe. One fang clamped on, the pain a delicious hint of danger that almost had her orgasming. Almost.

She shivered. “Talk about safety later.” Each word was gasped out with tremendous effort. Her mind spun. Her heart thumped. Every cell in her body focused away from their normal functions and on the vampire holding her captive.

He gave a low chuckle. “Now. I compromised on the gun, love. This is a promise you make now.” Sweat dropped from him to sizzle against her shoulders.

She strained against him, her entire body vibrating with need. Helpless and restrained, she nevertheless felt her own power echoing throughout his strong body. “Later.”

He pulled out and thrust back inside her, yanking her back into his thrust. “Now.”

Nerves screamed in need and she groaned low. Oh God. He was killing her. Her mind fought reason. “Fine. But you don’t do anything to hurt the geneticists who broke into the lab.”

His sigh held frustration and amusement. “I won’t hurt them. But the ones involved have been fired.”

They’d probably been frightened within an inch of their lives as well. “That’s fair. Now freakin’ move.”

His broad hand settled between her shoulder blades to press her against the mattress, the side of her face cradled in the soft pillow, her body fully exposed to him. Both hands clenched into her hips and he began to move. Then he began to pound, faster and harder than humanly possible.

A spiraling echoed within her skin, shattering into a million nerve endings that had her shrieking his name when she exploded. She saw blackness for a moment even while he continued to pound, his teeth latching onto her neck. He came with a low growl of her name. Jerking inside her for several moments, his scent of sandalwood and power infused the room stronger than before.

He quickly released her wrists and flipped her around to cradle against him, his breath panting out of his chest. She struggled to gulp in air, her entire body melting into his heat. “Okay. I guess Chunky Monkey makes sense,” she murmured drowsily.

He chuckled against her hair and followed her into sleep.
