Chapter Twenty-nine

Hollis halted on the sidewalk in front of Annie’s car. “Are you sure you want me to come with you?”

“Very sure.” Annie smiled. They’d been out of bed exactly twenty minutes, just enough time to shower and grab coffee and toast before Annie needed to leave to pick up Callie. Thank God it was Saturday and neither of them had rounds scheduled. She wasn’t sure her brain was functioning—only her body seemed to be working, and that was in overdrive. She couldn’t get within two feet of Hollis without wanting her again. “If it was up to me, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight for the rest of the weekend.”

Hollis grinned. “That works for me—except I promised to go riding with Quinn and Arly at least once.”

“Well,” Annie said slowly, running her finger down the center of Hollis’s stomach and hooking the tip inside her waistband, “I suppose I could do without you for a little while.”

Hollis grabbed her, pulled her close, and kissed her. She leaned back, her arms still looped around Annie’s waist. “I hope not for too long.”

Annie still wasn’t used to the flood of love and desire that crashed through her every time she looked at Hollis. She’d scarcely dared move when she’d awakened in Hollis’s arms, afraid she might break the spell. And then she’d stirred and Hollis had kissed her and she’d realized the dream was real. Every moment they shared was magic, and the magic didn’t have to end. She threaded her arms around Hollis’s neck and kissed her back. “Not very long at all.”

“Good.” Hollis didn’t move as an elderly man walking an ancient poodle turned the corner and headed their way. Annie held her tighter. Hollis grinned as the man gave her a cheery wave. Rubbing her cheek against Annie’s hair, she murmured, “You smell so good. So sweet.”

“Hollis,” Annie breathed. “We have to go. I can’t think with you touching me.”

“Okay. I’ll let go for now.” Hollis quickly stepped away and slid her hands into her back pockets. If she didn’t keep her hands occupied, she’d have them on Annie again. “Maybe we can take Callie out for a bike ride later.”

“She’d love that.” Annie started around the car, stopped. She walked back to Hollis and kissed her. “I love you so much.”

Hollis’s heart skittered in her chest. “I love you like crazy. Someday, I want…”

Annie searched Hollis’s face. She so rarely sounded uncertain. Now, her eyes were filled with questions. “What, sweetheart. What is it you want?”

“I want us—the three of us, you, me, and Callie—to be a family.”

“Oh,” Annie gasped. “You take my breath away.”

Hollis laughed, forgetting she said she wouldn’t touch. She leaned against the car and snugged Annie against her front. “Is that a yes?”

Annie pressed her face to Hollis’s neck, fighting tears. She’d never really believed that people cried out of happiness, but now she realized they did. “Yes. That is very definitely a yes.”

“Well then, let’s go get the kid so I can get working on that family thing.”

“Believe me,” Annie said, “you don’t have far to go.”


Mid-afternoon on race day, Callie jumped from foot to foot in front of Annie, peering up the long stretch of highway leading into Atlantic City that had been cordoned off for the riders. “Mommy, when will Hollis get here?”

“Soon, baby.” Annie shielded her eyes and searched in the same direction.

Beside her, Honor said, “The last announcement said the first riders were only two miles away. Any minute now.”

A wave of colored jerseys appeared around the bend, and the fastest cyclists streamed past them toward the finish line a block from the Atlantic shore. More riders appeared and the street filled up.

Jack stood on an ice chest, Honor steadying him with a hand on the back of his T-shirt. He pointed and shouted, “Arly! Arly!”

“She’ll be here soon, honey,” Honor said, readjusting his red Phillies cap.

“Mommy,” Callie said, “can I ride with Hollis and Arly and Quinn next year?”

Annie stroked Callie’s hair. “Maybe not next year, baby. This is a really long race. But there will be other ones you’ll be able to do soon.”

“You too?”

Annie laughed and glanced at Honor, who grinned and rolled her eyes. “We’ll see.”

Callie edged closer to Jack, her attention on the steady stream of riders passing a few feet away.

Honor said quietly, “Rumor has it you and Hollis are moving in together.”

“Let me guess—Linda?”

“I never reveal my sources. However, now that a certain flight nurse is sidelined until the baby comes next month, she’s taken a serious interest in all the hospital news.”

“Uh-huh. Like I said.” Annie smiled. “Callie and I are moving into Hollis’s at the end of the month. As soon as Hollis and I—well, Hollis realIy…I just hold tools and things—finish Callie’s room.”

“That’s great. She looks happy—you both do.”

“Oh, I am. She’s…amazing.” Annie blushed.

“Mmm-hmm.” Honor laughed. “Rumor also has it the high-risk OB clinic is opening next month with joint staffing from PMC and GWWC.”

“Also true. We’re just working out the schedule now.” Annie caught her breath as she recognized Hollis’s red jersey and dark blue shorts. Then she spotted Quinn and Arly. “Here they come.”

“They made it—they all look good too,” Honor said. “Come on, let’s meet them over by the finish line.”

Annie took Callie’s hand and followed Honor and Jack through the crowd. By the time they reached the finish line, Quinn, Arly, and Hollis had parked their bikes in the shade of a stand of pine trees and were pulling off their gloves and helmets. The breeze wafting in from the ocean ruffled Hollis’s dark hair and Annie’s throat tightened. Hers. That beautiful woman was hers.

Callie raced away. “Hollis!”

Hollis saw Callie and grinned. “Hey, Cal!”

“I saw you coming from way far away,” Callie cried, spreading her arms wide.

Hollis bent down, scooped her up, and spun around. “Did you? Where’s Mommy?”

“Right here.” Annie slipped her arm around Hollis’s waist and kissed her cheek. “Congratulations, baby. You looked awesome.”

“Hi.” Hollis slung Callie onto her hip and kissed Annie softly on the mouth. “You’re all I could see for the last hundred yards. Thanks for being here.”

Annie ran her fingers through Hollis’s hair. “I’ll always be here. I can’t imagine being anywhere else.”

“I love you,” Hollis said.

“I love you too.”

Callie tugged on Hollis’s jersey. “Can we get ice cream before we go home?”

Hollis raised an eyebrow at Annie. “What do you say?”

“Sounds good to me.” Heart full, Annie rested her head on Hollis’s shoulder. “Especially the part where we go home.”
