GREGOR CLOSED THE file one of his sources had provided on Shelby Carson and sat back in his chair, mentally reviewing the contents.

Shelby's father died when she was a toddler and her mother, Lisa, and stepfather, Jonathan Whiteman had reared her. While little information had been gathered on her biological father, there was a thick dossier on Whiteman, who had recently completed three years of parole after being convicted of domestic violence. Shelby's only sister had married and moved to Seattle and two teenage half brothers lived with her mother in Arlington.

She had done well in college, graduating with a 3.7 grade point average, and had worked for two years as a computer analyst while concurrently obtaining a Master's degree in Psychology, before joining the CIA. It was after she joined the Agency that the file got interesting.

Her rise to top-level analyst had been nothing short of meteoric in the brief time she had been there. With her promotion had come the awarding of the highest security clearance the Agency granted, and the background search that usually took nine months to a year had been expedited and completed in only four months.

A slow smile warmed Gregor's face. He picked up the phone and began dialing.

* * *

Sitting on one end of the couch after changing out of her work clothes, Kris tucked up a leg and shifted to face Shelby. Raising an eyebrow, she asked, "So, why the sudden interest in my wearing sunglasses?"

Shelby thought she'd gotten away with not offering an explanation. Kris had been usually quiet since her return from lunch and had rebuffed her questions with noncommittal answers. Wanting to lighten the atmosphere, she quipped, "I already told you. They look good on you."

She smiled, but her eyes remained serious and she sighed in the wake of Kris' unwavering gaze. "There's a rumor going around that one of the operatives on our list is at headquarters."


"I don't know if they're talking about you, but I suspect they have no idea what the operative looks like, so just in case, I thought you should be more disguised."

Inwardly roiling, Kris took a deep breath. "Shelby. Who is the operative?"


"And you think that's who I am?"

Grinning, Shelby countered, "I don't know that it's not."

The corner of Kris' mouth turned up. She was trying to protect me. Why should she care? "Thanks for looking out for me."

Shelby smiled shyly and looked away. "You're welcome."

Kris searched for something light to say. She was usually adept at casual conversation when necessary, but Shelby's concern had touched her and she was still trying to come to grips with that.

"Do you see your aunt and uncle very often?"

Kris glanced at Shelby, surprised at the question. "No. You could say we're estranged."


The operative was curious about Shelby's family, and wanted the focus of the conversation off her own past, but understood that if she expected the analyst to be open with her, she had to be forthcoming as well. "What's your family like?"

"Pretty average, I guess. My sister Ann lives in Seattle, and my half brothers, Jimmy and Jason live with my mother in Arlington. What about you? Do you have any sisters or brothers?"

Well, that was certainly the short version. "No. I'm an only child. Remember I told you my aunt and uncle raised me?" Shelby nodded and Kris continued. "My father was in the Army and died on a training mission when I was a baby. I don't even remember him. Mom was killed by a car when I was ten."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Kris shrugged. "It's okay. It was a long time ago."

"Did your aunt and uncle have any kids?" Shelby was pleased that Kris was finally sharing.


"That must have been really hard for you. I'm glad I had a sister to grow up with. My two half brothers are pretty good kids, but there's almost ten years between us, so I was more of a babysitter to them than anything else."

Kris stood up and walked over to a picture on top of one of the bookshelves, inclining her head towards it. The picture was of an attractive woman in her forties with golden brown, shoulder length hair who was smiling at the camera, but Kris sensed the smile was forced. "Is this your mom?"

Joining her, Shelby said, "Yeah. She had it taken last year. My sister and I have been asking her for an up to date picture for a while, so it was her Christmas present to us."

"Your mom's an attractive woman."

"I think so, too, but then I'm probably a little prejudiced."

Kris inclined her head to one side and studied Shelby. "You have her nose."

"Well now, that's different. I've been told I resemble her."

The operative looked at the picture again. While there was a family resemblance, she was put off by the woman in the picture. Kris was sure Shelby's mom did not possess the same pleasant, sunny personality her daughter did. "A little. You're better looking, though."

Shelby could feel her cheeks warm and chuckled to cover her reaction to the compliment. "Thanks, but don't ever let her hear you say so."

"I don't think you have to worry about that. I'll be gone in a week or so."

The younger woman smiled sadly at the flippant comment. "I bet you'll be glad. No more sitting at a desk, looking at a monitor all day long."

Kris suddenly realized how her comment had sounded. "I'll be glad because I don't like being cooped up in an office." And because I need to get away from the constant scrutiny and surveillance I'm under. "I'll miss working with you, though." What in the hell am I doing?

When the two women sat back down on the couch, Stormy jumped between them, meowing plaintively, and both women automatically reached out to pet her. Kris pulled her hand back when her stroke landed on Shelby's hand rather than the kitten.

Laughing, Shelby said, "I guess we both had the same idea. Talk about a greedy kitten. Notice how she got right in the middle of us. Nothing stupid about this one."

"I hear you." Kris' attention was actually focused on how soft Shelby's hand had felt beneath her fingertips and, as her imagination became more suggestive, she suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong?"

"Um. Nothing. Just stretching my legs. Is there a public gym around here anywhere?"

"I have a membership at Theresa's Fitness Center."

"Want to go?" Kris was starting to feel very caged, and she knew it was time to find a physical outlet to control her excess energy and urges. She would've preferred running in the neighborhood, but couldn't guarantee Shelby's safety on the streets.

"Sure." Shelby was more than ready to do something normal. "Let me get my things together."

Kris quickly changed into a pair of silky, dark blue jogging shorts and a matching tank top. After attaching a miniature cellular phone to the waistband, and concealing her gun within the folds of a sweatshirt she was carrying, Kris went downstairs to check the area.

Returning a short time later, she walked into the apartment and looked at Shelby appreciatively. Her companion was wearing a stylishly cut teal workout suit, with close fitting leggings emphasizing shapely legs and a white form-fitting top offset by a lightweight teal vest trimmed in black. "You look very nice. Ready?"

Shelby's could feel her cheeks warm, but the tingling feeling she was experiencing under the intensity of Kris' admiring gaze overshadowed that reaction. When she finally found her voice, she nodded and said, "You look pretty good yourself."

She silently cheered when the tips of Kris' ears reddened, knowing that her compliment had not been ignored. "Ready?" she mimicked.

Kris nodded. She was more than ready, and still wondering how a simple compliment could evoke the strong physical reaction it had. While she readily acknowledged an attraction to the younger woman, she had sought to limit it to one based on professional respect. However, Kris was finding it disconcerting that both her emotions and her body had shown a distinct proclivity to ignore the constraints she placed upon them and act of their accord. And for a woman who was used to being in complete control, it was a peculiarly vulnerable feeling.

As they started out the door, the phone rang. Shelby smiled apologetically and answered it.


"Hi Shelby. It's Mom. How come you haven't returned my phone calls? I've been worried sick about you."

"I was going to, later. I've just been a little busy lately."

"Too busy for your own mother?"

Shelby silently sighed. "No, Mom." In an effort change the focus of the conversation, she asked, "Did Jimmy and Jason both make the baseball team?"

"If you'd stop over more often you could ask them yourself."

"Mom, what did you do? Take a crabby pill before you called?"

Kris was barely able to stifle a snicker at the comment. She was standing in the doorway, and hadn't intended to eavesdrop, but the apartment was too small to avoid hearing the conversation.

"I can't believe you are talking to your own mother like that. All the years I sacrificed and went through hell to give you things I never had, and you don't even appreciate it."

Shelby's face momentarily darkened. You'll always be a victim, won't you, Mom? What about the hell Ann and I went through because you did nothing to stop it. "Mom, what's wrong? You've been on my case since I picked up the phone."

"I had a busy day at work today and then had to come home and cook for the boys. Can I relax yet? No. Because you haven't called me all week and I was worried about you. Do you appreciate my concern? Of course not. You insult me instead."

Shelby rolled her eyes, strolled over to the couch and flopped down. "I shouldn't have said that. But I've been really busy with work stuff too and just haven't had much time to call. So can we call a truce?"

Somewhat mollified, Lisa said, "Yes, dear. I just miss you."

"I miss you, too. I'll stop over next weekend."

"Can't you stop over this weekend? I'll make dinner. I could really use some adult company."

Shelby inwardly sighed. "Let me see how things go at work and I'll get back to you, okay?"

"Just for a couple of hours, Shelby."

"I've got to go. I'll call you later."

"Why? What's the big hurry? I haven't talked to you all week."

Kris had watched various emotions flicker across Shelby's face and had heard the frustration in her voice for long enough. She walked over to the apartment door and knocked loudly.

Shelby jumped at the noise, but seeing Kris at the door, she immediately understood that the other woman was giving her an out. "Mom, I gotta go. Someone's at the door."

"Well, okay, dear. Now don't forget to call me back."

"Bye, Mom."

Shelby shook her head, laid down the phone, and glanced at Kris. "Thanks."

"Didn't mean to butt in, but I figured you needed a break."

"Did I ever! She was really on a roll tonight."

Locking up, she followed Kris to the car. After the operative pulled out of the parking lot, Shelby turned curious green eyes on her companion. "What was your mother like? Do you remember?"

Kris was caught off guard by the question and torn about whether to answer or not. Her emotions were still raw from her recollections earlier that day, but she sensed Shelby needed to talk. She hadn't talked to anyone about her mother since she was a child. It had been forbidden at the institute, so she had tucked all the memories of her mother into a safe, dark corner in her mind – separate from the brutal memories of their parting.

Almost before she was aware of having made a decision, Kris began speaking. "She was pretty cool for a mother. At least that's the way I remember her. She was tall, but I think I'm probably taller now, and had short dark brown hair. Mom had hazel eyes that changed colors, depending on what she wore, and a pretty smile. She used to smile and laugh a lot."

Kris' eyes were far away as an image of her mother formed in her mind. "Mom raised me by herself and worked long hours at a factory to support us. It was hard for her with no one to help her, but she never complained or took it out on me. We didn't have fancy things and barely got by, but it didn't seem to matter."

Shelby saw a softness she had sensed but never witnessed on the operative's face as she spoke of her mother and knew she was seeing a side of this woman that few had ever been privy to.

Kris shrugged. "That's about it."

"She sounds like she was a great mother."

"Yeah, she was." Kris looked away from Shelby, concerned about the comfort level she felt in talking to her. While she had chosen to share that memory, it had felt good to do so and that worried her.

* * *

After signing in as a guest, Kris glanced at Shelby. "Where to first?"

"I usually warm up, then work out on some of weight equipment. We can do whatever you want, though."

Kris smiled. "No, that sounds fine. Lead on."

Shelby inclined her head to the right. "Over this way." She led the way to a room in the back of the facility that had an assortment of stationary bicycles and rowing machines in the front of the room, and stair steppers in the rear. "I usually warm up on the bike for about twenty minutes."

Noting that all of the machines faced forward, Kris opted for the stair stepper. She wanted a vigorous workout, and it would allow her to keep an eye on Shelby at the same time. "I'm going to do the stair stepper."

"Okay." Shelby mounted one of the stationary bicycles and adjusted the tension as she began pedaling. She would rather have had Kris right next to her, but knew they would be able to work together on the remainder of the regimen.

Kris was lucky enough to find a vacant stair stepper just to the left and rear of the Shelby's location and started moving the high steps in a steady, rhythmic pace, gradually increasing her speed to where it was comfortable, yet taxing.

She normally found this type of exercise incredibly boring, but watching Shelby's shapely legs smoothly work the bicycle in front of her was proving very enjoyable. It wasn't until a salty drop of sweat blinded her in one eye that she realized her own speed had increased proportionally with her enjoyment, and she consciously slowed down. Stepping off the platform, she joined Shelby when she saw her begin to slow. "All warmed up?"

"Yeah. How about you?"

"Oh, absolutely."

Shelby noticed the drops of moisture that had escaped from the sweatband Kris wore around her head and the sheen of sweat apparent on her body, and chuckled. "You sure are. Don't you believe in starting slow and easy?"

Kris bit off a chuckle, knowing her mind had gone in a totally different direction than Shelby's. "Always."

Shelby shook her head, amused. "Well your definition of slow and easy must be different than mine."

No. I don't think it is. Want to find out? Kris cut off her train of thought and issued a stern warning to herself. Don't even go there! She looked at Shelby and shrugged nonchalantly, then followed her to the workout room.

The two women steadily progressed through the various equipment designed to tone different parts of the body. Kris limited her use of the equipment to those in which she her view wasn't obscured. They were currently at a machine that worked the muscles of the abdomen and shoulders.

Kris noticed Shelby seemed to be straining as she operated the overhead bar even though she hadn't said anything. She laid her hand on Shelby's arm. "Wait a minute. The tension is too tight for you on this."

Shelby had been so intent on watching the smooth rippling of Kris' sinewy muscles each time she leaned back and then slowly sat up drawing the bar over her head, she hadn't even thought about adjusting the tension when she sat down and the feel of Kris' hand further distracted her.

Once the setting was adjusted, she easily maneuvered the overhead bar. "Thanks."

Kris smiled. "Next time, say something, okay?"

Smiling, Shelby nodded, as she positioned herself on the padded bench. Reaching up, she securely grasped the overhead bar in her hands before slowly pulling it forward, then letting it guide her back down until she had achieved a steady rhythmic motion.

Kris stood off to the side and suddenly found herself transfixed by the movement of Shelby's breasts and abdomen each time she laid back in the chair and brought the bar back over her head. Sucking in a deep breath, Kris tried to will her eyes away from the incredibly sensual movement, but couldn't find the motivation to do so.

She finally quit staring when her companion released the bar, and glanced away, sure if she didn't that Shelby would see the desire reflected in her eyes.

Shelby swung around on the bench only to find Kris gazing around the room. Disappointed that the operative hadn't been watching her work out, she said, "We've been through all the ones I normally do. Anything else you want to try?"

Kris was still uncomfortably aroused. "No. I'd rather run for a while. Stretch out my legs a bit."

"Okay." Shelby usually enjoyed a couple of nice leisurely laps jogging around the track, and was looking forward to running with the Kris.

After five laps, Shelby had had enough. She sensed Kris had kept her pace slow for her benefit, but the heavy workout had taken a toll. She slowed to a walk. "That's it for me."

Kris slowed along with Shelby, and looked at the flushed, tired face. She had to restrain herself from brushing an errant lock of hair from Shelby's face. "Okay. Let's go."

When they arrived on the ground floor, Shelby headed towards the locker room.

"Where are you going?"

"To take a shower. I have clean towels in my locker."

"It would be better if we shower at your place."

"Oh, yeah, right." Shelby couldn't believe she had actually momentarily forgot about the danger they could be in.

Noticing the sudden worry reflected in her companion's face, Kris gazed into Shelby's eyes, momentarily losing herself in the soft green pools. "Don't worry. You're safe with me."

Shelby never hesitated. "I know."

Kris looked away first. What are you doing?! "Ready?"

Shelby nodded, and they began to walk toward the entrance when two smiling men stepped into their path, intercepting them.

The taller of the two said, "Hi, ladies. I'm Bob, and this is Greg. We were going to stop next door and get a sandwich. Would you care to join us?"

Kris quickly assessed the men. Bob sported a muscular physique. Boyishly handsome, his fashionably cut blonde hair fell over his forehead. His companion was a couple of inches shorter, with brown hair and a slighter build. He lacked the thick muscles of his companion, but appeared to be very fit. She figured them for regulars at the health club, dismissing them as potential threats. "No thanks."

Bob turned his attention to Shelby. "What about you? It'd be fun."

Shelby smiled. "No thanks. We've gotta be going."

"Could I have your phone number, then?" Looking pointedly at Kris, he said, "Maybe we could get together when you don't have company."

Her eyes paling, Kris said pleasantly, "Would you mind getting out of our way? We said we weren't interested."

"How about letting your friend answer for herself."

Kris glanced at Shelby.

"I don't give my phone number to strangers."

Greg looked at his friend. "Come on. We're wasting our time."

Bob wasn't used to being turned down. Most of the women at the gym welcomed his attention. He had been intrigued by the two strangers, but was angry with the tall woman, convinced the other one would've accepted his invitation had she not stepped in. His ego damaged by the rebuff, he glared at Kris. "What are you? A couple of dykes?"

Shelby met Bob's eyes. "Is that what you say to every woman who turns you down?"

Bob's face turned red. "You little bitch..." Glaring, he took a step forward only to find his progress halted when Blue stepped between him and Shelby.

"Get out of our way, now."

Bob stepped back, intimidated by the cold eyes glaring at him.

Kris grasped Shelby's arm and began leading her around the men toward the door. "You were wasting your breath."

Bob watched the two women progress through the door, then jerked his head after them. "Come on."

Greg shook his head. "No. Just forget them."

Bob ignored him and walked outside. He stood near the door watching the women get into the car and drive away before walking back inside to join Greg.

Blue overtly kept an eye on Bob until she merged with traffic on the street. She knew his ego had been injured, but considered him no threat.

"Why was he watching us?"

"Oh, he just wanted the last word."

Shelby chuckled. "I never thought of that." She gazed at Kris, thoughtfully. "I've never been called a dyke before."

"Does that bother you?"

"That someone thinks I'm a dyke? Not really. It's not something I ever thought about much." Until lately. "Did it bother you?"

Kris chuckled. "No. I don't have a problem with lesbians or gays."

"Oh, I don't either. I just never thought of myself as one." But I am attracted to you even though I haven't associated my interest in those terms.

Nodding, Kris glanced at Shelby, an inscrutable expression her face, but remained silent.

A few minutes later, Shelby saw a Convenient Store sign. "Let's stop and pick up some lunch meat and bread."

The remainder of the ride home was quiet, with both women questioning their attraction to, and growing feelings for, the other.

Kris had seen no sign of a tail during the ride home, but as a precaution had driven down the streets immediately bordering the complex. She scanned the parking lot as she drove in, noting it was empty except for parked vehicles. Exiting the car, she moved to the passenger side and waited as Shelby got out, closing the door behind her.

"We are going to have to go grocery shopping soon. Sandwiches are fine for tonight, but I'd like a little more choice." Shelby was walking slightly in front of Kris and when the tall woman didn't respond, added pointedly, "Since we ended up leaving all our groceries at the store last night."

Several things processed in Blue's mind concurrently, each impression separated only by nanoseconds - a silver Cavalier pulling in too slowly...a window rolling down... an object being extended from the driver's side...

She threw her body against Shelby's, wrapping her arms around the analyst in a tackling move. As her momentum carried them both to the ground, their impact coincided with the unmistakable crack of a weapon being fired and shattering the relative silence of their surroundings.

Blue rolled them beneath the undercarriage of a nearby Jeep Cherokee before releasing Shelby and taking a covering position in front of her, weapon drawn and ready; but the Chevy had accelerated out of the parking lot and into the street. Following procedure, she reached for the miniature cellular phone attached to her waistband, relieved that it hadn't become dislodged during their fall.

She quickly glanced at it and pressed one, the speed dial associated with Earl's private phone. When he answered, she simply stated, "Code 1, apartment complex," and disconnected.

Shelby was terrified and scooted further under the car until she heard Kris whisper. "Don't go any further. We may have to move fast if he comes back."

Blue rose to her knees, keeping well below the windows of the car, and chanced a quick look around. The silver Cavalier had not returned, but unwilling to take any chances, she remained in place, shielding Shelby's body with her own.

Fortunately, the shot hadn't attracted the attention of any of the apartment dwellers and Blue knew that was most likely because, to an untrained ear, a shot sounded remarkably similar to a car backfiring. She knew it would only be a matter of minutes before Earl's team arrived and waited for her associates alertly, but patiently.

Shelby remained frozen in place, not uttering a word. She had no intentions of doing anything to divert Kris' attention. Her arm was throbbing painfully, and her hip hurt, although not as badly. She could see blood dripping from a scrape extending the length of Kris' arm as she held her gun over them protectively.

Confusing questions tumbled through her numb mind. Which one of us was shot at? Are these the guys that Kris said she'd take care of? What's really going on? Was this about the case or only about Kris?

A quarter of an hour later, which seemed like an eternity to Shelby, she watched Kris lift her cell phone up and say, "Okay."

"Earl's here. Stay down until I make a visual ID."

The sounds of a couple cars and quiet voices filled the air. She watched Kris cautiously rise, and then stoop down.

"It's okay." She extended her arm to Shelby once she cleared the underside of the Jeep and helped her up. "You okay?"

Shelby scooted from beneath the car and painfully stood up. Noting Kris' concerned gaze, she said, "My hip's a little sore and my arm is killing me, but yeah, I think so."

Earl strode over to Kris and Shelby. "What in the hell happened?"

Blue shrugged. "Not much I can tell you. The shot was fired from a silver Cavalier, probably a '95 or '96. I didn't get much of a look and by the time I was in a position to see the license number, he was too far away."

"He's probably long gone."

Though Kris nodded in agreement, Earl quickly dispensed search corridors to the six agents that had accompanied him.

"Any ideas who it might be?"

Kris shook her head. "None."

"What about you, Shelby? That's twice you've been shot at in a parking lot. Once could have been coincidence, but twice? Not likely."


Kris gazed at Shelby. Noting her pale, drawn face, she turned to Earl. "Any reason you can't direct the operation from inside?"

"No. Let's go." He moved slightly behind Kris, as she slowly walked next to the limping analyst.

This was the strangest case he could remember working on since he'd retired from the field. More was going on than was apparent, but what that could be, he had no idea. He was going to have to devote some of his time to trying to find out. Earl also questioned the wisdom of leaving Shelby on the case. There was no proof that either shooting was case related, yet it couldn't be ruled out either. He decided to see what Shelby wanted to do.

Kris reached down, picked up Stormy, then handed her to Shelby as they walked through the door. She'd known that greeting the kitten would be her companion's first priority upon entering the apartment and, noticing how she was favoring her arm and trying to hide a slight limp, had wanted to save her any further discomfort. She was rewarded with a warm smile.

Once all three of them were seated in the living room, Earl opened the discussion. "Shelby. I'm thinking about taking you off this case. Do you have a problem with that?"

A quick influx of color brightened her pale face. "Yes, I do. I started it, and I want to see it through."

Earl had expected that answer. "Okay, how about moving to a safe house?"

Kris stood up. "I don't think that's a good idea. There is obviously a leak on this case and until you find it, she's safer with me."

"Hey look, I wasn't insinuating you can't handle this assignment. I'm just trying to look out for her welfare."

"How are you going to keep the location secret? She can be shot at just as easily going in and out of a safe house as here. Unless you intend to keep her locked up twenty-four hours a day, what are you going to do? Surround her with operatives every time she moves? You could be exposing her to even more danger if the security breach extends to one of the agents guarding her."

Shelby tried to think of something light to say to ease the tension between Earl and Kris. "You must have really pissed Bob off."

As Shelby's words sank in, Kris grinned. "Nah. He was just an overgrown wus."

"What are you two talking about, and who is Bob?"

Smiling, Shelby said, "Oh, just a guy we met at the gym who wasn't too happy about taking no for an answer."

Earl looked at Kris, only to find her gazing at him, amused. He could just imagine what had transpired. "Any possibility..."

"No, Earl. Shelby was just tweaking you."

He turned toward Shelby. "Is there anyone that you can think of who might have a personal grudge against you? An old boyfriend? Someone from your old job? Anyone at all?"

"No." Shelby hesitated as an image appeared in her mind, but discarded it as paranoia. "I can't think of anyone who would shoot at me."

Kris watched Shelby closely. She instinctively felt there was something she wasn't sharing. The operative intended to pursue it later.

Earl mused aloud. "We're no further than we were before."

Kris' voice turned serious. "No, but Earl, everything points to a leak. You need to find it." But I'll probably beat you to it.

Shelby lifted Stormy from her lap and stood up. "I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back."

Once Blue heard the door close, she met Earl's direct gaze with her own. "Did you know the grapevine has Blue here? Thought you might find that interesting."


"My thoughts exactly. Now tell me you don't have a leak."

Earl mused, "It would seem so. How'd you find out?"

"Shelby mentioned it earlier."

Raising an eyebrow, Earl looked at her in surprise. "You told her Blue was your code name?"

"Not hardly. She has somehow pieced it together herself, but I don't think she's really made up her mind if I am or not."

Shelby's eyes widened as she walked up the hallway. So I was right. She knew the evidence had pointed toward Kris being Blue, but even though she'd actively thought about it, deep down she really hadn't believed it, even going so far as to convince herself that an operative that valuable and deadly would not be brought in to work a desk case.

But this was cold, harsh reality. She could no longer hide behind the comfort of not knowing for certain. The woman she was growing increasingly fond of was the notorious Blue whose reputation was the beating pulse of the rumor mill and whispered with awe throughout the Company's corridors. But, does knowing for sure really make any difference? No. It doesn't.

Shelby's thoughts were interrupted as she saw Kris staring at her. For one brief fleeting moment, haunted blue eyes met tumultuous green ones. Then Kris stalked past Shelby, and in a voice totally devoid of emotion, flatly stated, "Now you know," before walking out onto the balcony.

Earl answered his cell phone and after disconnecting followed Kris out onto the balcony. "Relax. It doesn't really matter. She's on our side."

Kris looked at her boss. Not to you it doesn't. To Shelby, it might. "Right."

"We're finished. The teams came up empty. I'm leaving two agents behind for the rest of the night. I'll be in touch."

The operative nodded and followed Earl back into the apartment, securing the door when he left. She turned around to find somber green eyes gazing at her.
