HE PRESSED A memory button on his cell phone as he drove toward Arlington, and waited for it to be answered. "Did you get it?"

"No. And I don't know if I'm going to be able to."

"Why not? It's not like I asked you to do anything difficult."

"I can't find out without being obvious. Come on. I've already told you everything I know. I don't want to raise any suspicions. It might jeopardize what I'm doing for both of us."

"That has nothing to do with this."

"I know, but you worry me when you get so obsessed. Are you coming over tonight?"


"Maybe? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'll call you later." Disgusted, the tall man broke the connection, tossing his cellular phone onto the passenger seat.

* * *

Kris helped Shelby unpack the groceries, following her instructions on where to put the things that had to be placed in the upper row of cupboards. "Think you got enough food?" she asked facetiously.

Grinning, Shelby said, "Well, I wanted to make sure we didn't run out of anything. It's not like my life has been very routine lately. Who knows when I'll get another chance to go shopping?"

Kris laughed. "I don't think you'll have to worry about it for a long time, now."

"You helped pay. So that makes you an accomplice."

Quirking a half smile, Kris said, "Couldn't see myself letting you spend a month's salary on groceries."

"Very funny!"

"Just calling it the way I see it."

The rest of the evening passed comfortably as the two women spent it enjoying each other's company. The conversation was easy and relaxed as they watched TV and explored their mutual interests. Boundaries were unconsciously disregarded, with both of them relishing each tidbit of information the other chose to share, and committing even the smallest morsels to memory.

* * *

Right on schedule, Shelby awakened from her sleep and sat up, the darkness of her bedroom broken only by the light of the bedside lamp. She'd been determined to wake up before Kris, and fell asleep the previous night while silently chanting, 'Wake up at five,' over and over again. Although she rarely used it, her internal alarm clock never failed her.

Postponing all but the essentials of her wakeup routine in the bathroom, she continued silently to the kitchen. It was going to be hard enough not to wake Kris, and Shelby didn't intend to make any unnecessary noise.

She knew the operative was always up by five-thirty, so her timing should be just about right. Fifteen minutes later, finished with her advance preparations, Shelby put the bacon in the microwave, set the timer and took one last look at the table to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. Satisfied, she tiptoed into the living room and gazed at Kris.

The tall woman was sleeping all scrunched up on her side, the pillow and her feet pressed against opposite arms of the couch. How can you sleep like that? Shelby was startled when alert blue eyes opened, meeting her own gaze. "How'd you do that?"

"Do what?"

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I was." Kris smiled. "It smells good in here."

"Thanks." Shelby was still trying to figure out how anyone could be totally alert when they woke up. "But you woke up, awake."

"Tool of the trade. Allowing myself the luxury of waking up slowly could cost me my life."

"Oh." I never even thought of that. Shelby smiled. "Good morning."

Kris sat up and returned the smile. "G'morning."

"How do you like your eggs?"

"Over medium. What's the special occasion?"

"Well, I just thought...I have what I like for breakfast every day, but you don't, so I thought today we could have what you like." At the puzzled look on Kris' face, Shelby added, "Remember, you said you liked eggs, bacon, toast, juice, fruit..."

"I was only kidding."

A blonde eyebrow rose in question. "You don't like that?"

"No. I mean, yes, I do. But you didn't have to..."

"I wanted to. It'll be ready in about five minutes." Shelby gazed warmly at Kris who appeared somewhat stunned. "Think you'll be ready to eat then?"

Kris slowly nodded. "Count on it."

A short time later both women were thoroughly enjoying the hearty breakfast and conversing easily. Kris took a bite of her egg, as she listened to Shelby talk about a movie she had recently seen.

She felt a slight vibration at her waist and silently cursed. Kris had modified her cell phone to include a vibrate setting and she had no doubt as to the identity of the caller. Bastard. Couldn't even wait for the sun to rise, could you? What in the hell am I going to tell Shelby?

Kris didn't want Shelby to think she didn't fully appreciate all the trouble she'd gone to, and leaving the table in the middle of the meal could certainly imply that. Besides, she was thoroughly enjoying the company and didn't want to leave the table. As if I have a choice.

When Shelby finished speaking, Kris abruptly stood up. "Excuse me, but nature calls." Kris immediately left the table and quickly made her way down the hall, shutting and locking the bathroom door behind her. She turned the tap water on full force and waited for the phone to ring again.

* * *

Ignoring the early hour, Gregor punched in the numbers from the note on his cell phone, allowing it to ring the requested three times and then hanging up. He looked at the tersely worded note again. While he was pleased that she had reestablished contact, he wondered why she had done so.

He had a few other questions he intended to ask as well. Like - what had happened the evening before at the apartment complex. It would not do for one of their special contacts to be killed before she had provided any information of value. Gregor intended to have both the information he needed, and the answers to his questions, before another day dawned.

Five minutes later, he redialed the telephone number, this time waiting for it to be answered.

* * *

When her cell phone lit up, Kris quelled her anger, and her tone was sharp, but quiet. "Yes?"

"I will be at the apartment complex tonight at 10:30."

"Fine." Kris clicked off and reattached the small phone to the waistband of the shorts she had donned earlier.

Shelby had watched Kris depart the dining room, puzzled. Had something she'd prepared upset the tall woman's system in some way? My cooking couldn't be that bad, could it? Yet the food seemed fine to her, and the operative had looked more irritated than sick; but, irrationally, she continued to worry. Moments later, she watched Kris return from what had to be the shortest bathroom break on record.

"Didn't mean to be rude."

Shelby smiled, "No problem. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, and breakfast is delicious!"

"You already told me that, but thanks again."

"I just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten. So what are we going to do today?

"We could go to Teresa's."

Chuckling, Kris quipped, "To work off our breakfast?"

"Well, it was kind of big."

"I thought it was just right."

"Good." Shelby knew she would be hard-pressed to explain the elaborate breakfast without divulging any of her real feelings. She smiled to herself. I actually got up at five a.m. on Saturday just to surprise Kris with breakfast. It was worth it, though. You've no idea how important you've become to me, and I wanted to do something just for you.

Kris still couldn't believe all the trouble Shelby had gone to on her behalf and gazed into the warm green eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Shelby was immersed in a warm glow as she gazed into the beautiful blue eyes shining with gratitude, and she began to lose herself in their depths.

Kris leaned forward, her thoughts totally focused on the woman across from her until the table stopped her forward progress. She silently cursed the barrier between them until she realized what she'd been about to do. I can't believe I almost did that. But Kris was having trouble conjuring up all the reasons why she shouldn't have and inwardly regretted the opportunity lost, even as she questioned her loss of control.

As Kris leaned back in her chair, so did Shelby, her heart still fluttering wildly as sexual tension charged the air. She could almost feel those full sensuous lips on her own, and at the thought, her body shivered in anticipation.

The silence lengthened. Both women's faces were flushed as they individually tried to come to grips with what had almost happened and their own reaction to it as they each carefully searched the eyes of the other to verify their feelings weren't one-sided.

They both almost sighed in relief when a very loud "meow" drew them from their introspections.

Shelby smiled down at Stormy. "It's not my fault you stayed on the bed." She glanced at Kris. "I'm gonna go ahead and feed her."

Kris nodded, her eyes following the blonde into the kitchen as she dodged the kitten that was winding between her legs. The operative listened to the steady stream of softly spoken words directed at the kitten as she appreciatively assessed and admired each movement and expression - every attribute of the attractive woman moving around the kitchen preparing the little feline's food."

Sitting back down at the table, Shelby said, "I can't believe she didn't complain before now. Guess I threw her schedule off by getting up so early."

That wasn't the only thing you threw off. Kris smiled. "She told you about it, too."

Shelby chuckled. "I hear you." She took a sip of coffee and made a face. "I'm going to warm this up. You ready for more?"

Kris handed her cup to Shelby. "Thanks."

Shelby took the cup inwardly smiling. Kris hadn't even protested. Things are definitely looking up.

They finished their coffee and Kris stood up. "I'm going to take a quick look around. Be back in a few."

As Shelby began clearing the breakfast dishes, she looked forward to another day with the enigmatic woman, even as she was acutely aware of their remaining time together dwindling.

The events at the table played themselves over and over again in her mind. She had seen her own desire reflected in Kris' eyes, and the feeling had been electric. But what now? Damn table. Shelby chuckled at the thought. Cursing the table wasn't going to accomplish anything.

Dare she talk to Kris about how she felt? Or would that create a chasm in the closeness they were beginning to share? Shelby searched for a plausible way to maintain contact with the operative after the case was completed. Failing to come up with any innovative ideas, she wished for more time - anything to delay the inevitable.

Shelby sighed and decided to think more about that later. Today was Saturday, and she had Kris all to herself. She intended to make the most of the day and relish every single second of the time they spent together. Like you haven't been doing that already? She rolled her eyes at the inner voice. So what if I have?

Kris finished checking the area and leaned against the cement wall beneath the steps. What would it be like to have someone to come home to? If that someone were Shelby, it would be great. It's obvious we both want more. Was that the closest we're ever going to get?

The operative didn't have any illusions about the likelihood of living a normal life. Quite frankly, there was absolutely nothing normal about it. Could that ever change? Kris focused on that question as she explored her options for doing just that. It would be almost impossible, unless she had help. Unbidden, a certainty rose in her mind. Shelby would help. She immediately discarded that notion. If she asked Shelby, the details she would have to reveal might cause her to lose the very person for whom she was willing to risk everything. It might also put Shelby in even more danger. Unacceptable. Kris shook her head in frustration. But, if not Shelby, who then? She returned to the apartment without an answer. There wasn't one.

* * *

After spending an enjoyable day together, the two women were relaxing on the couch watching TV and talking. Now that she had forgiven them for taking her to the vet, their feline companion was content to alternately grace each lap with her presence.

Kris stood up. "I'm going outside for a while."

Shelby nodded. Kris had already been out once that evening and she'd expected her to leave again, but not quite this soon.

Standing there gazing at Shelby, Kris made a decision. "I'm going out the back way."

"What back way? The balcony?"

"Your bedroom window."

Shelby became uneasy. "Why? You've never gone out that way before. Besides, we're on the second floor and there's no fire escape in the back. Is someone out there?"

"Not that I know of." Kris hoped that was true. She was going out over an hour early to prevent being caught unawares.

"So, why?"

Kris had known Shelby would question the sudden change in her routine and had an answer prepared. "In my line of work, it's dangerous to establish patterns. I think it's time to vary it. It'll be safer."

Although Kris' reasoning made sense, Shelby was still uneasy. She decided not to push it. The most important thing was the operative's safety, and if Kris felt it was safer to leave from the window, Shelby didn't want to dissuade her from doing so. "Makes sense."

"Would you mind closing the window and screen after me?"

"No problem."

Blue pinned Shelby with her eyes. "And stay away from the window after I leave."

A chill made its way down Shelby's spine. Something was going on; she began worrying about Kris. She nodded. "Be careful."

Kris smiled reassuringly. "I always am."

Following the operative to the bedroom, she watched Kris open the window, slide the screen to the side, and maneuver her tall form through the opening until all that was visible were her hands. She stepped up to the opening and watched as Kris dropped from the window and landed in a roll on the grass below, then quickly disappeared in the darkness.

After closing the screen and window, she moved to the side, out of sight. The warm air let in by the window vied with the cooler product of the air conditioning for control of the room. She directed her attention to the darkness beyond. Please don't let anything happen to her.

Still wondering how Kris could disappear so quickly, Shelby sent every good vibe she could muster after the operative. She slowly turned away and walked back into the living room to begin the wait for her return.

Blue was standing in a circle of trees behind the apartment, gazing at the window from which she had just emerged. She caught a brief glimpse of Shelby backlit by the hallway light as she left the bedroom, and then forced her attention to the situation at hand. Fading into the darkness, Blue began hunting.

* * *

Gregor had Markov drive by the apartment complex several times before instructing him to park out of sight on a side street. He got out and approached the structure from the rear. He had arrived early, intending to conceal himself in the dark area behind the building. The element of surprise was always an advantage when dealing with subordinates.

Reaching his destination, he melted into the shadows, his hand on his gun. He planned to interrogate Blue in the car and didn't expect her to accompany him without a show of force. He also intended to fully drive home the seriousness of her situation.

Gregor stayed in the shadows as he slowly crept along the rear of the building until he had a good vantage point. He'd considered hiding among the trees, but discarded that as too obvious. Gregor was quickly losing patience. The time set for their meeting was almost upon them, and he was surprised that she hadn't made an appearance yet. Maybe the reports in their files exaggerated her abilities.

He jumped when he heard a low voice say, "Looking for me?"

Turning around as he drew his gun, he growled, "Too many stunts like that will get you killed."

"Not likely, unless someone is more skilled than you are."

Gregor grunted in pain as his gun fell soundlessly to the ground and he straightened up to find the operative's gun trained on his chest. He hissed, "What are you doing?"

"You might try answering the same question. You pulled your weapon, first."

"You startled me." Gregor met Blue's intense gaze. "I have to protect myself."

Blue smiled sardonically. "You don't lie very well. You knew who I was when you drew it."

"We can talk in the car." Gregor bent down to pick up his weapon, then froze when he heard a round being chambered.

"I wouldn't."

Slowly standing back up, Gregor's stomach tightened in fear. "Are you crazy? When my superiors hear of this..."

Blue interrupted. "Hear what? That you drew on me and I acted defensively? They would expect no less."

Gregor narrowed his eyes. What she said was true. If Dimitri found out she got the drop on him, he was finished as a controller. "What do you want?"

"Hand me your gun. Nice and easy."

Blue took the weapon, and then ordered Gregor to place his hands on the wall as she expertly searched him, removing a small 38 special from his waistband. She removed the ammunition from both guns. "You can turn around, now."

Handing both weapons back to Gregor, she unchambered the round in her own weapon and secured it at the small of her back. "Now we can talk."

Gregor desperately tried to think of a way to regain control of this meeting and cursed his lack of foresight in not bringing Markov with him. "It's not secure here. We can talk in the car."

Blue nodded at the wooded area. "We can talk there." She had no doubt that he had pulled his gun to ensure that she would accompany him to the car and knew that the ensuing talk wouldn't have been a very pleasant experience.

Gregor cursed inwardly, but decided his only option was to do as she suggested. Once they were out of sight, he demanded, "Where is the information I requested?"

Kris handed him a folded piece of paper. He took it and opened it. "There are only three names here."

"Patience, Gregor, patience. These things take time."

Startled at her use of his real name, he growled, "I expect you to have more on Monday."

"I'll do what I can."

"You will do what I say."

Blue subdued the urge to just kill him and be done with it. "I said I would do what I can."

Gregor's stomach tightened. This woman was dangerous and unpredictable. Once he got what he needed, he was going to recommend to Dimitri that she be eliminated. "Make sure you do."

Blue smiled coldly at him. Gregor turned away, anxious to be done with this meeting.

"Not so fast." Blue smiled, humorlessly. "Know of any reason why someone is shooting at me?"

Gregor couldn't believe he'd forgotten to ask her that himself and realized he was more shaken by her actions then he had realized. Turning around, he met her gaze steadily. "No. I was going to ask you the same question."

Blue keyed in on his words. "Oh?"

"I came here yesterday to pay you a visit since you didn't see fit to keep in contact." He smiled coldly knowing he finally had the advantage. "I had no reason to kill you."

Blue didn't miss the past tense, and glared at Gregor. "What about now?"

"You are still more valuable to me alive than dead. My superiors are very interested in knowing what is going on. We don't take kindly to one of our own being fired upon. I'm sure you must have some idea."

One of your own? When hell freezes over. Blue didn't like Gregor's attitude, but she needed information. "I don't know yet. I'm working on it. What did you see?"

Gregor divulged what little information he had. "Very little. I was parked on a side street waiting for your partner's car to return. I saw you both get out and walk toward the building. A silver Chevrolet Cavalier pulled into the parking lot, and at the same time a shot was fired. There appeared to be only one occupant. I saw you cover the blonde woman as I was leaving."

Blue nodded. She didn't know any more now than she had yesterday, except that Gregor was bolder than she'd thought. She hadn't expected him to come to the apartment complex unannounced.

Gregor ordered, "I expect to be kept informed of any new developments."

Blue met his eyes noncommittally, until he broke contact and walked away.

She tracked him until he disappeared, then blended back into the shadows to ensure he didn't return. Blue was distinctly uneasy. She hadn't been surprised that he had pulled his weapon, but he had to have been desperate to come to the apartment complex unannounced the previous evening.

Blue began to feel suffocated by the forces surrounding her. Time was becoming very short, and her options even more limited. There were only fourteen names left on the list, but it was no longer just a matter of completing the case. She needed to find a way to break free of the past, but her first priority, regardless of any danger to herself, was to find out who was targeting Shelby. For the first time, Blue wondered if she would live long enough to do either. I have to.

An hour after Gregor left, Kris climbed the wrought iron stairs and slid her key into the lock.

Shelby paced worriedly through the apartment. Kris had been gone for over two hours, and with each passing minute she became increasingly concerned. Standing out of sight near the balcony door, Shelby searched the parking lot, illuminated by yellow gaslights, but saw nothing except for the usual Friday night traffic arriving and departing. What if something happened to her?

She can take care of herself. Shelby nodded acknowledgement to herself, but was still troubled. She's not perfect. No one is. What if that guy following her was out there waiting and surprised her? Shelby jumped when she saw the door begin to open. She hadn't even heard the key in the lock. "Thank God you're back! I was worried about you."

"No need."

Shelby turned away, walked into the kitchen, and muttered, "Easy for you to say."

Kris didn't know what to say to that. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"Well you did. You've never been gone longer than an hour. I didn't know if I should come looking for you or call Earl, except that I don't have his number."

"Shelby. Don't ever leave the apartment when I'm gone."

"What if something happens to you?"

"It won't."

Shelby heard the confidence in Kris voice and wished she could be so sure. "I hope you're right. I would still appreciate you letting me know next time you decide to take your time."

Kris nodded. "Okay." She was still having trouble coming to grips with the fact that Shelby genuinely cared about her. When she allowed herself to explore the feeling, it felt really good and warm, and she wanted to embrace it even as she backed away.

Shelby turned around and met Kris' gaze. "What's really going on? I know something is. I can feel it." When the operative remained silent, Shelby sighed. "I wish you would trust me."

"It's not about that. There are things about me that it's better for you not to know."

"How can you be so sure? Why don't you let me be the judge of that?" She walked over to the couch, waiting for Kris to join her.

She had spent the last two hours reflecting on her feelings for Kris and becoming almost frantic with worry. No longer willing to ignore the tentative connection between them, Shelby threw caution to the wind and spoke from her heart.

"I haven't known you very long, but you've become very important to me. I don't know why, and it doesn't make sense, but you have. Nothing you can say will change that. I know you'll be gone in a week, but at least let me in until you leave. Then you can walk out the door and forget you ever met me."

A myriad of emotions crossed Kris' face as she looked deeply into the warm green eyes. She shook her head. "I can't."

Shelby looked down, hurt. She knew Kris cared, but obviously not enough to trust her.

Kris reached over and squeezed Shelby's hand. "I could never forget you."

When Kris released her hand, Shelby grasped it in her own, not wanting to relinquish the contact. "Do you trust me?"

"More than I've ever trusted anyone."

"Then, please, Kris? Share with me."

The operative gazed into the concerned face of her companion and deliberately ignored the cold, logical warnings sounding in her mind. What could it hurt to share the bare minimums? The analyst already knew she had some personal business she'd been attending to. "I'll tell you what I can, but I can't tell you everything. Deal?"

Shelby nodded, and Kris continued. "Tonight I had to the meet the man who's been having me followed. That's why I was gone so long. I needed to be out there before he arrived to circumvent any unpleasant surprises he might have had planned. He made a couple of mistakes. That's all the help I needed."

"Will he leave you alone now?"

Kris sighed inwardly. "He won't have anyone follow us again and he had nothing to do with the shooting, but I already knew that."

"But it's not over, is it?"

Knowing it wasn't safe to divulge any more information, Kris said, "It will be, soon." One way or another.

"You can't tell me what's going on?"

"No. It's a personal matter that I have to deal with."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Kris thought about the time she'd spent with Shelby and how, when she was in her company, her problems faded into the background. She thought about the shared laughter, sometimes at television shows and sometimes just plain silliness. She thought about how Shelby always put her first even as she tried to do the same with her. "You already are."

Shelby produced a good facsimile of Kris' glare. "Did I ever mention that I hate cryptic answers?"

Chuckling, Kris said, "Okay. I'll try to keep them to a minimum." Her hand was still firmly held by Shelby's smaller one, and she no longer felt the need to break the contact, allowing herself to relax and enjoy it until her companion chose to relinquish her hold.

"Do you like your job?"

Kris glanced at Shelby, carefully choosing her words. "I like working on my own, being my own, boss, yes."

"What about the rest? Always living in the field, and always being on guard all the time. And um...?"

"You want to know if I like killing people?"

"Well, no...I mean, I don't think you would..."

"No, Shelby. I don't. I hate it. I have to put my mind in a special place to do it. But someone has to do it."

"Why do you do it, then?"

"Because I have to."

"No you don't. You could request out of wet ops."

"No, I can't." Yet.

About to dispute that further, Shelby looked at the strained look on her companion's face, then closed her mouth. The last thing she wanted to do was push Kris away when she'd finally opened up a little.

"You look tired. Why don't you sleep in my bed? You looked so uncomfortable this morning all squashed on the couch."

Kris shook her head and smiled. "Thanks for offering again, but I can't protect you from in there."

Shelby considered that irrefutable logic, then smiled shyly. "You could if we shared the bed. There's plenty of room, and you'd be a lot more comfortable." Before Kris could offer any protest, she hurried on. "And if you're more comfortable, you'll sleep better. And if you sleep better, you'll be more rested and alert so you can protect me even better."

No, no, no. Well, actually, I'd love to share your bed with you. "I'm going to be up and down a lot tonight. I want to make sure my visitors don't return. It'll be better for me to sleep on the couch." Well...maybe not better, but a lot less tempting.

"Okay." Shelby intended to extend the invitation the following night, though. It made no sense for Kris to be so uncomfortable, and she'd feel a lot better with the tall woman right next to her. A lot better in what way? She smiled inwardly. Both.

* * *

Gregor returned to the embassy and after sending word of his arrival, waited for Dimitri to summon him. The call came and he left his quarters en route to his superior's office.



Gregor hand over the small piece of paper, preparing for the explosion that was sure to come.

"This is it!"

"Yes, but she will provide more on Monday."

Dimitri narrowed his eyes. "See that she does. You're dismissed."

"Comrade Petrov."

"What is it?"

"I would like to recommend elimination once we get the remainder of the names." Gregor actually planned on getting a little more from her than just the names, but his superior didn't need to know that yet.

Dimitri looked at his subordinate shrewdly. He knew something had precipitated this request and speculated that Gregor had been outwitted. Considering whom he'd gone up against, it wasn't surprising. "Why?"

"She is insane, and unpredictable. She doesn't follow orders. She mocks us by providing such a short list of names. She shows no loyalty. She's..."

"Enough! Do you have specific examples of the malfeasance you mention?" Dimitri smiled coldly. "Well?"

Gregor had no intentions of incriminating himself. "No, Comrade."

"I didn't think so. You're dismissed." Dimitri smiled inwardly. Gregor was right. She was dangerous, but he still had a use for her.

When the door closed, he encrypted the three names, adding a personal request at the bottom of the list. Dimitri assigned it the highest priority, before sending it to his superiors in Moscow. He expected to hear something within 48 hours if not sooner. Then he would decide if he needed to get personally involved in handling Natasha Lubinyenka.
