Chapter Four

Cydney’s body still thrummed with arousal as she alternated her gaze from the scenery outside the car’s window and Wulfric. Each time he kissed her, it was better than the last. His mouth moving over hers while the hard bulge in his jeans pressed against her pussy had had her not caring they were outside in a place where anyone could have seen them. If not for the rain interrupting them, she was sure she would have let Wulfric do whatever he wanted to her right then and there.

After a while, she noticed the area Wulfric drove through was decidedly on the ritzy side. The houses were a lot bigger than the ones where Maggie lived. On one road, Wulfric turned onto a long, graveled drive that led to a large manor house. Given the professionally landscaped lawns and gardens, it seemed Wulfric’s supposedly bad design taste didn’t run to the outside of his home.

As he drove to the large, detached garage, Cydney looked at Wulfric. “I thought my dad’s place in Toronto was huge, but yours puts his to shame. Don’t you get lost living in there by yourself?”

He turned off the car and removed his seatbelt. “I guess now would be a good time to tell you I don’t live by myself.”

“You have roommates?”

“Not exactly. They’re more like family members.”

They got out of the car and Cydney walked around to stand at Wulfric’s side.

They then ran to the front door to stand on the sheltered step. “Just how many people are you talking about here?”

“In total, nine. The youngest is only a month old, and number ten will be along in seven months.”

Cydney blinked in shock. She couldn’t imagine living in a house with that many people residing in it, no matter how large it was. “You all must get along really well, or you would have started to kill each other by now.”

Wulfric chuckled. “We do, except Dolf and I tend to come to blows from time to time, but it never is very serious. That’s just how we deal with each other. I consider him the closest friend I have.”

She eyed him. “Okay. That must be a guy thing. I could never see myself hauling back and bitch slapping Maggie.”

“Come on in. I’ll introduce you to whoever is home, then you can take a look at my bedroom.”

The mention of his room sent a shiver of desire through her. The more time she spent with Wulfric the more she liked him. And the more she wanted him. Before she left here today she intended to have sex with him at least once. Hopefully a lot more than one time.

Wulfric ushered her through the front door and Cydney caught her breath at the stated elegance of the large open-concept foyer. The floors were a blonde hardwood, and matched the oak of the curving staircase to the upstairs. A large crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling.

She turned to look at Wulfric. “Are you sure you need my help? Just seeing this much of your house, I would say it doesn’t need any fixing, design wise.”

He grinned. “We hired a decorator to do the main rooms of the manor. Our bedrooms, we basically did ourselves. You’ll see what I mean. But first, the introductions. I can hear at least three members of my family are here.”

Cydney strained her ears, trying to hear what Wulfric must have, but she couldn’t make out a sound. Taking his word for it, she walked by his side as he guided her with his hand on the small of her back toward the back of the house. It wasn’t until they were closer to an unopened door at the end did she hear voices coming through it.

Wulfric opened the door, letting her go through first. There were two women and a man just as large as Wulfric, standing by a counter close to the stove. One of the women held a small baby in her arms.

He guided her closer to the small group before he made the introductions.

“Cydney, this is Dolf, Lexi and Nika. And the baby in Lexi’s arms is her daughter, Petra.”

She said ‘hi’ to each one as they were introduced.

Wulfric looked at Lexi. “Where are the others?”

“Brand is off doing whatever it is he does when he goes out. Raed, Algar and Garrick, we sent out to do some grocery shopping. Kamryn went along to make sure they got everything we needed instead of buying whatever catches their eye.” Lexi turned to her. “I have to say I’m really happy to meet you, Cydney. And from the accent you sound either American or Canadian.”

Cydney nodded. “Thanks. I’m Canadian. From Toronto, Ontario to be exact.

Wulfric just finished telling me how he lives with a large, extended family.”

Nika smiled. “And it keeps increasing.” She placed her hand on her flat stomach.

“I’ll be having a rug rat of my own soon. By the way, Lexi and I are American. She’s originally from Florida and I’m from California. Kamyrn is Canadian, from Niagara Falls.”

“I’ve been there many times to see the falls,” Cydney said.

Lexi shifted her baby up against her shoulder and patted her back when Petra squirmed in her arms. “I’m sure you’ll meet the others at some point today if you’re here long enough,” she said. “I’m married to Raed, and Nika is Garrick’s wife. Kamryn is married to Algar.”

The baby let out a small cry, causing Dolf and Wulfric to react by taking a step closer to her mother.

“I’ll take her, Lexi,” Wulfric said.

“No, I’ll take Petra,” Dolf quickly added.

Wulfric scowled at his friend. “Back off. She wants her Uncle Wulfric.”

“Sod off. She wants Uncle Dolf.”

Much to Cydney’s amusement, a small shoving match broke out between the two men. Taking a look at Lexi and Nika, and seeing them shake their heads at Wulfric and Dolf’s antics, she had to guess this kind of behavior was nothing new to them.

Lexi finally put a stop to it when it appeared the shoving match would escalate into something a little rougher. “If you two don’t stop, neither one of you will get to hold Petra. Wulfric, since you have a guest, I think it would be better if Dolf takes Petra.

You can hold her later. Besides, you fed her last night after you came home.”

“Fine,” Wulfric said.

Dolf shoved Wulfric out of the way and gently took the baby from her mother.

He gathered her close against his chest, making her look even smaller compared to how large he was. He kissed Petra’s downy head and cooed to her.

Wulfric snorted. “All right. I’m taking Cydney upstairs to take a look at my bedroom.”

Nika giggled. “That’s a different way of saying it.”

“For your information, Cydney is an interior designer. She just finished going to university for it. She’s going to see what she can do to fix up my room.”

Lexi smiled. “That sounds nice. And believe me when I say Wulfric needs your expertise.”

“He told me,” Cydney said with a laugh.

Wulfric took her hand and set them both in motion. Before they left the kitchen, he looked over his shoulder at the other people in the room, and said, “You know where we’ll be, not that I expect any of you to come knocking on the door.”

Cydney had to take longer than normal strides to keep up with Wulfric as he ushered her through the house and up the long, curving flight of stairs. At the top, he guided her down the hallway to a closed door three-quarters of the way down. He opened it and held back for her to walk in ahead of him.

The first thing that hit her was the ugly, green carpet. She turned to Wulfric as he walked in and shut the door. “Shag carpeting? You have shag carpeting?”

He gave her a sheepish look. She quickly took in the rest of the room. The large dresser was shiny, light green melamine and the color of puke. The walls were no better, painted a bland off-white. The only thing that wasn’t half bad was the king-sized bed, mostly because it sported no headboard of any kind. The head of it was pushed up against one of the walls.

Cydney met Wulfric’s gaze again. “This room screams the 70s.”

He blew out a breath and said quietly, “That sounds about right.”

Guessing him to be at the most close to thirty years old, she figured he hadn’t done a thing to the room after moving into the manor with his family. “And what’s with all the green? Is it your favorite color?”

“No. I hate green.”

“Then why did you keep the color scheme for the carpet and dresser? You could have changed them.”

He shrugged. “I told you I needed help.”

“I don’t even think they sell shag carpet anymore.”

Wulfric shifted to stand in front of her. “So will you take on the job?”

“God, yes. Someone needs to save you from this disaster of a room.”

“Good.” He stepped even closer until they were toe-to-toe, forcing Cydney to crane her neck to look at him. “Then I want you to decorate it as if it was yours. Spare no expense.”

Wulfric was so close the heat from his body soaked into hers. Remembering they were alone and inside his bedroom, the bed a short step away, desire had her heart beating faster. In a husky voice, she said, “What if I do it all in girly pinks and pastel colors?”

“Maybe not all, but I can handle a little.”

“Okay. I think the only furniture I’ll save is the bed, but I probably need to try it out just to make sure it isn’t too worn out.”

“I’ll join you, of course. But I haven’t shown you the en suite yet. Considering we got soaked in the rain, I think you need to try out that room first before the bed.”

“I am kind of wet, aren’t I? I really should take my damp clothes off. I don’t need to be getting sick.”

Keeping her gaze locked with Wulfric’s, she took hold of the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. He stared at her hungrily. His heated gaze dropped to her breasts, which caused her nipples to become taut, begging for him to suck on them.

With a noise that sounded like a real animalistic growl, Wulfric tugged off his shirt and pulled her into his arms. His lips took hers in a heated kiss. While he nipped and sucked, she ran her hands across his wide chest. She loved the feel of his hard body and knew she’d learn every inch of it with her tongue and lips before too long.

When Wulfric left her mouth and trailed his down to the side of her neck, she turned her head to give him better access. The pounding ache in her pussy increased, causing wetness to leak into her panties. She moaned when one of his hands came up and thumbed her nipple through her bra.

Feeling impatient for the man who held her, Cydney reached behind her back and undid her bra. She dropped her arms and allowed it to slide down them, to fall at their feet. She kicked it away.

Wulfric’s hand closed over her bare breast, rolling the taut nipple between his thumb and index finger. Cydney moaned, pressing herself closer. But she moaned even louder when he bent his head and flicked his tongue where his fingers had been. He opened his mouth and sucked her nipple inside. She buried her fingers in his hair to hold him to her as each pull of his mouth caused her pussy to clench with need. After paying equal attention to her other breast, Wulfric lifted his head. She saw his eyes were heavy with arousal, open to mere slits.

“I thought we could enjoy the shower first, but I can’t wait,” he said huskily.

“Then don’t. I need you to touch me, Wulfric. I want you to make me come.” She took a step back as her hands fell to the top of her jeans. She toed off her shoes, then shimmied out of her pants before shoving them aside. Leaving on her panties, Cydney reached for the button on Wulfric’s jeans. “But before you do that, I get to do some exploring.”

She undid the button and pulled down the zipper. Reaching inside, she found Wulfric had gone commando. She wrapped her hand around his hard, thick cock, her pussy growing wetter as she thought of how good it would be to have it buried deep inside her.

After a quick pump, Cydney pushed his jeans down past his hips. They fell to the floor, and Wulfric kicked them aside along with his shoes. She ran her gaze over every inch of him before she placed her palms on his defined pecs and skimmed them down his washboard abs.

Becoming more aroused, she made a trail of wet kisses down the center of his chest, following where her hands had gone. Lower she went until she was on her knees in front of him. His cock bobbed in front of her face. The sound of Wulfric’s harsh breathing filled the room. He let out a loud groan as she took hold of his shaft and circled the head with the tip of her tongue. The bead of pre-cum that leaked out, she quickly lapped up, loving the taste of him on her tongue.

Encouraged by the deep, sexy noises Wulfric made, Cydney opened her mouth and sucked the tip of his cock between her lips. After a couple of shallow passes, she took more of him deeper until she reached the limit of what she could handle. Using her hand to stroke the very base of him, she moved her head up and down, paying extra attention with her tongue to the sensitive spot just under the flared head of his cock.

Wulfric made another one of those animalistic growls and buried a hand in her hair as he rocked his hips into her. Cydney felt something sharp graze her skull, but with his cock hardening even more, she paid it no heed. Her pussy throbbed and clenched the more aroused she became.

“Enough,” Wulfirc panted and pulled away. “Not this way.”

Cydney stood and gloried in the sight of him. His whole body was clenched, his hands fisted, as he fought for breath. His eyes were still mere slits. Giving him a sexy grin, she hooked the top of her panties with her fingers and slowly pushed them down past her hips. Once she’d taken them all the way off, she dragged her hand across Wulfric’s chest as she walked past him and climbed up on the bed. In the center, she laid back, lifted one leg and placed her foot flat on the mattress, giving him a good view of her wet pussy.

“Then come and show me how you want it,” she said.
