Chapter Six

Later, after Wulfric had dropped her off at Maggie’s parents’ place, Cydney sat in their guest room on the bed with a sketchpad and colored pencils in front of her.

She’d already roughly sketched out the dimensions of Wulfric’s bedroom. With a color palette in mind—nothing in pink as she’d threatened—she’d drawn where she wanted the furniture to go, coloring in the walls and each piece.

First thing tomorrow, she’d get rid of that god awful dresser, and rip up the disgusting shag carpeting shortly after. As for the furniture, she’d have to get Wulfric to take her shopping. She had a vague idea of what she wanted, but not familiar with the stores around there, she wasn’t sure she’d find anything.

A tap at her door pulled her out of her design plans. “Come in,” she called.

Maggie opened it and step inside. “Hey. Wulfric dropped you off early.”

“Yeah. He has to work tonight.”

“I see.” Maggie came closer and sat on the edge of the bed next to Cydney.

“What are you working on?”

She smiled as she turned the sketchpad for her friend to see. “I have my first design job. Wulfric wants me to totally redo his bedroom.”

“Are you serious? It could just be a ploy to get you into bed.”

Cydney rolled her eyes. “No such ploy is needed. I’ve already been in his bedroom and his bed.”

Maggie giggled. “I guess that was dumb of me. Of course you would have already slept with Wulfric. You’ve always been a fast worker.”

“Especially when it’s something I want. But really, he is getting me to redesign his room. You should see it now. It has green shag carpet and a puke-green dresser that I swear has to have come from the 70s. And what is worse is the man doesn’t think it’s all that bad. His family has told him otherwise, numerous times.”

Maggie’s brow furrowed. “Wulfric still lives at home with his parents?”

“No. He has roommates he calls his extended family. They all live together like a family would.”

“Oh. He must live in a big place, especially since the room you’ve sketched looks pretty large.”

“It’s one of those manor homes.” She told Maggie the name of the street Wulfric lived on.

Her friend’s eyes widened. “Crap, he must be loaded, Cyd. Those manors are exceedingly expensive.”

“Apparently, Wulfric and his family are all loaded. There are nine of them living together, married couples and all.”

“So you met his family then?”

“Not all. I didn’t get to meet one of them. They were all nice, though.”

Before Wulfric and she had left the manor, he’d introduced her to the others who had returned. The only one she hadn’t gotten to see was Brand. Apparently he liked to spend his days and early evenings in and out, but lately he was mostly out.

“I guess if you have your design project you’re going to be kept busy,” Maggie said.

“I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not. Wulfric is your first real client. Besides, it’s better you start off doing a job for someone you’re fairly close to. That way if you mess things up it won’t be so bad.”

“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m not going to mess things up. Believe me when I say even if I did, Wulfric wouldn’t notice. His taste is that atrocious.”

“You’ll still have your work cut out for you, if you’re doing all of it yourself.”

Cydney gave her a pleading smile. “Or you could find it in the goodness of your heart to help out a bit.”

Maggie held up her hands. “Stop right there. Don’t even bother asking. You’re my best friend, but that does not mean I’ll be willing to pick up a paintbrush anytime soon.”

“What if I were to tell you Wulfric has a single friend, one he lives with, whom I think would be a perfect match for you. Dolf is built like Wulfric and just about as tall.

I’m sure Dolf could be convinced to help out alongside you. Would that get you to change your mind?”

Maggie put her finger to her chin as if she thought about it, then dropped her hand. “Tempting, but no. Decorating is your thing, not mine. But feel free to introduce me to Dolf any other time.”

“I don’t know if I should now.”

Her friend stood. “Whatever,” Maggie said with a laugh. “I’ll leave you to your work. Oh, will Wulfric be working tomorrow night?”

“I think so. Why?”

“Ali, Carol and I are going back to the nightclub again and I thought maybe you’d like to tag along.”

“I’ll see. Since someone,” Cyndey gave Maggie a pointed look, “won’t lend a hand, I might stay longer at the manor to work, if Wulfric allows it. The three wives will be there, so it wouldn’t be as if I were alone there.”

“Well, suit yourself. The offer still stands.”

“Thanks. I’ll let you know one way or the other sometime tomorrow.”

After Maggie left, Cydney focused back on her sketchpad. It really would be ideal if she could work on Wulfric’s bedroom while he was out at his job. She didn’t want to spend the majority of her holiday working on it. And the faster she got it done the longer she’d have to focus on Wulfric. That decided, she made a mental note to talk to him about it after he picked her up the next day.

* * *

Stephen, the newest pack leader of the werewolves sired by Fenris the wolf, watched two members of his pack manhandling the mortal woman between them. Her screams of fear were music to his ears. They escalated in volume once the two males shifted to their werewolf forms. He didn’t worry about anyone overhearing her. They were underground inside their den.

He looked around the central cavern they were in. Others of the pack stood on the sidelines watching the show. This was new to them, the same with his leadership.

He’d taken it over by killing the former pack leader, Nathan. His bringing Nathan’s severed head back to the den had been all the proof the others had needed to follow him.

One of the first things he’d changed within the pack was the lack of females. No longer were only males allowed in the den. Nathan’s rule about not changing any of the opposite sex into werewolves, Stephen kept in place, but he had nothing against his pack having some fun with them. Just so long as they did it here where no one could see them. All he needed was for the Anglo-Saxon god’s warriors to catch wind of it and the games would come to an end.

Not that Stephen really gave a fuck about the warriors. Nathan had been too obsessed with them for his own good. As far as Stephen was concerned, the less interaction the better. From his days of being a mortal criminal on the streets, he’d learned not to draw attention to himself so long as he wanted to continue doing what others thought was wrong.

After Nathan’s last failed attempt at capturing one of the warriors a month before, Stephen realized there was no way he could completely rid himself of them.

They were too strong and their god protected them too well. Just so long as they didn’t come after him directly, he couldn’t give a fuck what they did. So what if they killed off some of his pack members during their nightly hunts. It wasn’t as if more mortals couldn’t be turned.

And he had bigger fish to fry. Now that he was a werewolf, and immortal to boot, Stephen intended to continue the lawless activities he’d enjoyed as a mortal. Only this time, he wanted to be the man on top running the show. With his whole pack at his disposal, it wouldn’t be hard to set himself up as head of a crime ring.

Turning away from the entertainment, Stephen went to the smaller cavern that was now his. The sight of the woman, and her screams, made him hungry for some playtime of his own, but he didn’t want anyone’s leavings. Tomorrow night he’d go out and look for a mortal woman to enjoy.

* * *

The next day, Cydney dressed in her oldest pair of jeans and t-shirt she’d brought with her from Canada. She was prepared just in case Wulfric wanted her to get started on his room right away. Though she hoped they’d be able to indulge in each other for a little bit first. She found she now craved his touch. After she’d gone to bed, she’d played through her time spent with Wulfric in her head. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day. Actually, there was a lot about him she thought was perfect.

Having already prearranged the time for Wulfric to pick her up that morning, Cydney went downstairs to search for some breakfast. Maggie was in the kitchen with her parents. They sat at the table and looked her way when she stepped into the room.

Maggie’s mom motioned to the counter. “There are some fresh baked blueberry muffins, or I can whip up some eggs for you.”

“The muffin is fine,” she quickly assured her. Cydney took one off the cooling rack and put it on a plate she’d taken out of the cupboard. She sat in the empty chair next to Maggie.

“So,” Maggie’s dad said, “I hear you have your first designing job, Cydney.”

She nodded and swallowed the bite she’d taken of the muffin. “Yes. I’m actually pretty excited about it.”

“And she’s excited about who hired her too,” Maggie added with a giggle.

Maggie’s mother sighed. “Well, could you blame her? I’ve met Wulfric and he’s definitely something to get excited about.”

“What does that make me?” Maggie’s dad asked. “Chop liver?”

“Oh no, dear,” his wife said. “You know you’re all I’ll ever want. But I can still appreciate a man as good-looking as Wulfric.”

Cydney wasn’t used to this type of banter between husband and wife. Even while her mother had been alive, her parents hadn’t acted this way. She didn’t think her father could ever loosen up enough to have allowed it.

“Anyway,” she said, “Wulfric will be picking me up soon. Since I have a lot of work to do mostly by myself, I might not come back until very, very late tonight.”

Maggie’s mother stood. “In that case, I should give you the spare key. That way you don’t have to wake any of us to let you in.”

As Maggie’s mom went to get the key, Maggie turned to Cydney. “What about the nightclub tonight?”

“I don’t know, Mags. I got to thinking after you asked me. If I don’t want to spend most of the holiday working, I should get as much work done in a day as I can.”

“All right. I understand. Just don’t work yourself into the ground trying to get it all done.”

“I promise, Mom,” Cydney said with a laugh.

After taking the spare key from Maggie’s mother when she returned, Cydney finished her muffin, then went upstairs to get her sketchpad. As she came down the stairs, the doorbell rang. The closest one to the door, she answered it to find Wulfric standing on the other side.

He pulled her into his arms and gave her a thorough kiss until her toes curled inside her shoes. Her heart thundered in her ears and her legs went like jelly. Wulfric lifted his head and gave her a smile that said he knew exactly what he did to her.

“Hello,” he said in his deep, accented voice.

“Hi, yourself.”

“Are you all set?”

“Yes. I just need to let them know I’m leaving.”

“No need,” Maggie said behind her.

Cydney turned to her friend. “Then I’m off.”

“Have fun.”

“I will.”

That said, Cydney walked through the door and followed Wulfric to his car.

Once they were inside and on the road, she turned her head to watch him. God, he was gorgeous. She didn’t think she’d ever get sick of looking at him. And seeing him again made her realize how much she’d missed him.

“Are you going to keep staring at me like that the entire ride to my place?”

Wulfric asked with a grin.


He shook his head, then jerked it toward the sketchpad on her lap. “Is that the plans you have for my room?”

“Yes. And don’t worry, there isn’t any pink. I’m not that cruel.”

“I thought I told you to design it as if it were your bedroom.”

“I did. I’m not a big fan of pink bedrooms, anyway. It reminds me too much of the one I had when I was small. Everything was pink, right down to the carpeting. I’m into darker colors these days.”

“Will you be able to get started today?”

“If you like what I’ve come up with, then yes. You’ll have to take me out furniture shopping at some point. But I want to start with the painting, and getting a look under that shag carpet. If there’s a hardwood floor under it, depending on the condition of it, I’m throwing around the idea of refinishing it and not putting any new carpet down.”

“There’s hardwood under it. Most of the floors in the manor were originally just hardwood before carpet was put on top of it.”

“Perfect. In that case, I’ll want to rip up the carpet after I paint.”

“Sounds as if you have it all planned out.” Wulfric put his hand on her knee and squeezed. “But before you start any work, I get to say hello to you properly.”

“I thought you did just fine when you came to the door.”

“That was just a taste to tie me over until I could get you to the manor.”

Cydney swallowed. “Then I suggest you hurry up and get us there. I’m definitely in the mood for a proper greeting.”

The rest of the ride to Wulfric’s place seemed to not take very long at all.

Considering he drove over the speed limit, it wasn’t much of a surprise. By the time they made it upstairs to Wulfric’s bedroom, Cydney was well on her way to being aroused. Just the idea of making love to him again was a huge turn-on.

He took the sketchpad from her and put it on the dresser before he wrapped her in his embrace. Cydney leaned against him, pushing as close as she could get. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her stomach, showing her he was as turned-on as she.

While he kissed her hungrily, she put her arms around Wulfric’s waist, then dropped her hands to his muscled ass. He moaned against her mouth as she squeezed the firm flesh in her grasp and rubbed herself against him. An ache built deep inside her pussy and wetness pooled between her legs. God, how she wanted him. Her need for him heated her blood and caused her heart to thud against her ribs.

Wulfric tore his mouth from hers. “I have to be inside you, Cydney. All night I could do nothing but think of having you again. You make me ache.”

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you, either. I’m more than ready for you, Wulfric.”

With their gazes on each other, they both hurriedly stripped out of their clothes.

Once they stood naked, Wulfric pulled her to him again. His cock trapped between their bodies, he ground against her, making wetness leak from her pussy and onto her thighs. His hands lifted and covered her breasts, kneading them. Cydney felt the sharp brush of his fingernails against her skin when she arched her back.

In a sudden move, Wulfric lifted her off her feet and placed her on the edge of the bed. He gave her a gentle push, so she laid flat on her back with her legs hanging over the mattress. He then knelt between her spread thighs.

“I have to taste you,” he said, his voice rough with passion.

He didn’t wait for her to answer. Wulfric lifted her legs and hooked them over his broad shoulders. The first brush of his tongue along her pussy had Cydney moaning with pleasure. She spread her legs wider and lifted her hips as he licked her, stiffening his tongue to push it inside her. A finger stroked her clit while he fucked her with his tongue. She whimpered, wanting more.

“Wulfric,” she panted. “Enough. I want you inside me. Now.”

He gave her one last lick, then stood. “Get on your hands and knees and I’ll give you what you want.”

Cydney quickly complied. She rolled over, crawled to the center of the bed and lifted herself on her hands and knees. She let her head fall forward when Wulfric climbed up behind her and put his hands on her hips. The tip of his cock brushed against her wet opening as he bent over her. She felt his lips brush a spot high up on her back near her right shoulder. He did it a second time, the sensation almost reverent feeling, the way he did it.

Straightening, Wulfric sheathed himself balls-deep and held himself there. His grip on her hips didn’t allow her to move. “You’re mine, Cydney,” he said in a strained voice. “Mine.”

Before she could respond, he pulled back only to slam into her. She moaned.

With him taking her from behind, she seemed able to take more of his cock. His thrusts were so powerful he rocked the bed into the wall. In and out he moved. Her body coiled tighter as an orgasm built. She clamped her inner muscles around his shaft, loving the feel of his cock plunging into her pussy.

Wulfric increased his pace, his thrusts coming faster and harder. “Fuck,” he groaned. “I can’t hold back much longer. Come for me, Cydney.”

He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her, so she leaned back against his chest. Her head rested on his shoulder. He continued to piston inside her, his cock swelling. With his last thrust, Wulfric reached around her and used a finger to stimulate her clit. It was all she needed to follow him into release.

Their cries of passion filled the room. Wulfric kept his arm around her, easily supporting her. His cock had swelled to the point where they were locked together. He lowered them to their sides on the mattress and tucked her head under his chin.

Cydney felt his shaft pulse as another splash of cum filled her.

She relaxed against him, in no hurry to move away. It was then she remembered what Wulfric has said right after he’d entered her, that she was his. Not wanting to spoil the mood, Cydney decided not bring that particular subject up. Even though a thrill had gone through her at his declaration, the fun-loving-not-needing-a-man part of her wanted to turn tail and run very far away. But the rest of her wondered if Wulfric and she could work out. Then she thought about what her parents’ marriage had been like. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to trust a man that much to allow him permanently in her life.
