Chapter Seventeen

“Fucking Shepherds,” Nathan grumbled as he inspected his temple. The skin was crusted over, meaning healing was under way. His fingers prodded the length of the graze, not too thick but an eye-opener nonetheless. Just a few more inches and he’d have been a goner. Talk about second chances.

Backing away from the bathroom mirror, he turned off the light. The pack members who were not searching for Trey had spread through the house, a few of them taking a guard rotation outside. The pride that had arrived earlier remained in the kitchen, ready to back the pack up if necessary. The felines didn’t want to help but Kinsley wasn’t taking no for an answer. Typical cat behavior in Nathan’s experience. Unlike wolves who came together, feline shifters preferred to live in their own way.

Goddamn pussies.

He walked from the bathroom, being as quiet as possible, and watched Emory escape into the bedroom Mary was resting in. Nathan scrubbed a hand across his face. Emory’s mate had fallen asleep thanks to the sedative Doc insisted she needed. She might have hidden her face from view but everyone could scent her fear and pain. Coming from a loving pack, Nathan didn’t comprehend how a family member could betray her much less try to kill her. Then again, her family had no remorse and viewed his kind as demons.

Utter bullshit.

As he walked past the large entertainment room, he glanced at Diskant. Ava was in his arms, covered by a plush blanket. The pack had taken up the empty seats in the room, all of them silent, although they did acknowledge him with nods or by peering in his direction. After all the excitement, as well as sharing what she knew of her kidnapping, it appeared Ava had fallen asleep as well.

Everyone, it seemed, was running on fumes.

Time for some fresh air.

He exited the house through the garage and walked onto the paved area next to the fire station-turned-home. Finally alone, he closed his eyes and lifted his chin, taking a deep breath.

The packs sent to the Shepherd compounds would be checking in soon, spreading the news of their success or lack thereof. Shortly after they were informed of Ava’s kidnapping and the attack on Diskant’s home, the pack Alphas launched into an offensive across the United States. If they succeeded in their attempt, Shepherds would have to leave New York. The loss would be too devastating to stay. They’d have to regroup, move their remaining numbers and find a safe place to recover. That, in turn, would give Diskant more time to prepare for their return.

A cool breeze skittered across his face. The dawn would come in less than an hour, bringing the world to life. Shepherds could attempt to destroy shifters but they’d never succeed so long as each day came and went. The sunrise was a reminder that life didn’t stop at death, it continued using different players.

One step led to another. He wasn’t sure where he was going. He just continued along, nodding when he saw a guard in the distance, aimless as he strolled back and forth. The purr of an engine got his attention. As he lifted his head, he noticed a souped-up black Camaro driving down the street. It slowed as it approached, the tinted windows making it difficult to see inside. He stopped when the vehicle pulled up to the curb, protective instincts awakening, rousing his wolf.

The motor stayed running as the car stopped. The driver’s side door flew open and a fragile-looking female with long brown hair stepped out. Something jarred inside him, creating a stirring in his chest. She opened the passenger side door and vanished inside. When she reappeared, she was helping a man climb out.

Holy shit.


He rushed toward them before he realized he’d moved. Trey was off balance, his head falling to his chest. The woman managed to keep him upright, although she strained under his weight, swallowed by his much larger body. Before she could lower him to the ground, Nathan caught him.

“Sadie?” Trey slurred drunkenly.

The female had shut the door and started to bolt for the driver’s side of the vehicle when Nathan lashed out and grasped her forearm. One touch, one simple sample of her skin against his and the wolf inside him jumped to the forefront, very much alive and aware. His heart started to race, his blood pumping through his veins. He’d asked for this very thing earlier, wanting it beyond reason, and apparently someone saw fit to answer his request.

“What are you doing?” the brunette gasped, her gorgeous blue eyes frightened, as though she felt the connection between them as well. She pulled back, trying to wrench free. “Let go!”

She was insane if she thought she was getting away. No way in hell. Not when he’d finally found her. This was a second chance—an enormous change in his almost short-lived life—he wasn’t going to take for granted. First he had to know her name, to know the identity of the female destined to become his mate. And she was his mate. He’d heard the rumors, the way it was when a male found the one female destined for him. The recognition was unlike anything he’d felt before, something immediate and unshakable. The muscles in his body went taut, his cock hardening into a steel bat. Her scent was like no other, calling to him on a primal level, bringing his wolf to life.

“Who are you?”

She glared at his hand, trying to break loose. “That’s none of your business.”

“I’m not letting go until you tell me.” He kept Trey upright with his free arm, adjusting the man so he had a firmer grip on her wrist. Her skin was soft, her bones small and delicate.

“Hurry, Leigh,” a drained feminine voice called from the car. “I have to phase. I can’t wait.”

He leaned over the car and looked inside, stunned by what he saw. It was the vampire who’d saved Ava when Shepherds attacked Dougan’s Bar. She’d saved the Omega’s mate without question, putting her own life in danger. Only she didn’t look as intimidating or lethal as he remembered. Her skin was deathly pale and she was bleeding all over the place. The black leather seat was drenched with streaks of red.

“I have to go.” Leigh was no longer demanding, she was pleading, rotating her wrist in his hand.

“Where are you taking her?” He had to know. If he let the delectable female walk away—if he could find the strength to do so—he had to know where to find her. His wolf roared in betrayal, fighting for control. Left with no alternative, he called on his Beta nature, combating the anger with calm. He knew his irises were shifting color, becoming amber.

Leigh’s face paled even more as she looked at him, the blood draining from her face. It was then that he knew she wasn’t familiar with his kind, of their tendencies, of the way they changed physically when their beasts took over.

“I can’t tell you that.”

“If you want to leave,” he said quietly, “you will.”

“You don’t understand. There’s no time for this. Sadie wanted me to help find him.” She looked at his other arm—at Trey—showing an amazing amount of bravado. “We got him out but she was harmed during the escape. It’s a mortal wound if left untreated. I have to go. She won’t seek healing until she knows I’m safe.” Turning to Nathan, her eyes begged him to listen, to let her leave before something horrible happened. “We brought him back. We’ve done you a favor. Don’t repay the gesture like this.”

“Leigh,” he murmured, surrounding himself in her scent.

She was so sweet, so damn beautiful he couldn’t tear his eyes from her. He wanted to ask questions, to learn who and what she was. Sadie was a vampire, so in all likelihood Leigh was too. Although a majority of shifters loathed them and their blood-drinking ways, he felt his cock pound at the thought, imagining her teeth sinking into his skin. He’d welcome her bite—over and over again.

She seemed frantic when she glanced over her shoulder at the car. “Now that you know my name, will you please let go?”

“Only if you promise to return. I want your word.”

Her blue eyes bulged and her plush little mouth dropped open. “You want what?”

“I want you to promise you’ll come back. That we’ll finish this conversation.” He couldn’t believe he was going to let her go. Something told him not to, that it was a mistake. But the stronger voice—the influence of the man—knew she would hate him if he let her friend die. “Give me your word, Leigh.”

“I can’t do that!” She didn’t try to pull away now, she yanked her arm forcefully. He frowned at how weak she appeared. If she was a vampire, she would have at the very least weakened his grip or torn free.

“You can and will.” He didn’t bend on what he wanted, and he wouldn’t. There was no guarantee she’d return but judging by her actions her word meant a great deal to her. Likely she wouldn’t break a promise. At least, he hoped she wouldn’t.

She stopped fighting and seemed to be doing a mental calculation. “Okay, fine,” she said after a moment, nodding. “I promise to return within…three months. How’s that? You have my word.”

Three months? Is she crazy?

“That’s not going to work, imp.” He shook his head, feeling a smile tugging at his lips. Yep, he was definitely mated. When grown males started using cheesy endearments without giving a shit, it sealed the deal.

“You didn’t give a timeframe. You asked me to come back at a later date.” She stood tall, facing him, challenging him to say differently. “I’ve done that. I’ve given my word. Let go. Right now.”

He was going to argue when Trey slumped, forcing him to let go of the female. The agony of being shot paled in comparison to the misery he felt when he released her, losing the skin-to-skin contact. He wrapped his arm around Trey’s waist, forcing the wobbling man upright.

“Thank you,” she murmured and rushed around the front of the car.

“Three months,” he called out, his heart racing, the wolf within demanding he stop her while he could. “If you make me wait, I’ll find you and tan your little ass.”

“Three months,” she repeated, yelling the words back. She glared at him as she climbed into the vehicle. “And you wouldn’t dare.”

After she closed her door, she engaged the locks. Turning in the seat, Leigh faced the woman in the back and motioned with her hands. In a flash, the vampire Leigh was speaking with vanished. There one moment, gone the next.

Holy shit.

He watched as Leigh put the car in gear. With her hands on the wheel, she turned her head. Their gazes met and held for several seconds. He imagined all the things he planned to say and do to her. All the ways he’d show her pleasure. If her skin was pale all over, they’d be a contrast of colors. The images were cut short when Leigh severed eye contact, pulled away from the curb and the car sped away.

Pack members appeared from around the corner, lifting their gazes as their nostrils flared. One look and the shifters came at them in a run. Zach was the first to reach them and wrapped one of Trey’s arms around his neck. After Trey was steady, Zach rushed him toward the garage. It was apparent Trey had been hurt and that something was wrong with him but Nathan couldn’t move, anchored to the spot.

It had finally happened. He’d found his mate. Her image was scorched in his brain: features so delicate, her body so frail. Why was she so thin? Was she ill? Was there something wrong with her? He didn’t know but he planned to find out.

Three fucking months.

Three months was too long to wait. He knew her scent, had memorized it. When the pack didn’t need him, he’d start searching in the city. A foolish mission, he knew. She could very well reside outside of the limits, in another area. If anything it would help pass the time until they were reunited.

“Leigh,” he whispered, rolling her name off his tongue, immediately wanting to do so again. It had been one hell of a night, so it was only fair things took an upward swing. Ask and you shall receive. A mate—his mate—had appeared in his life when the world had gone to shit. Who would have thought it possible?

Certainly not him.
