Chapter Eighteen

Emory watched Mary as she slept, entranced by the peacefulness of her face. Gone was the fear and anxiety, replaced by the world of dreams. He wanted to remain beside her but he had other things to worry about—other people to worry about.

Trey was back but his brother was confused and disoriented. Ever since he’d come to complete awareness he’d been snappy and on edge. Oddly enough, so was Nathan. The Beta refused to tell the pack much about his brother’s reappearance, aside from the fact an anonymous female had brought Trey home and then promptly took off. Neither of the males wanted to impart what they knew, dodging questions with vague responses, which meant they both had something to hide. Since Diskant had called a meeting and everyone had arrived to listen to the Alpha and Omega, asking important questions would have to wait. Emory could hear the pack talking quietly upstairs, waiting for the hammer to drop. He turned his hand and skimmed his knuckles over Mary’s cheek. She didn’t stir, breathing slow and even.

He rose from his chair and walked to the door. In case she woke, he left it cracked. With the second stage of the bloodbond, he’d feel her distress if she jolted awake or if she became alarmed. Hopefully she’d realize she was safe and know his promise to make things right wasn’t offered as a simple way to ease her fears. If not, he’d have to find some way to convince her that what had occurred hours before would never happen again.

Diskant had better have figured this shit out.

As he walked upstairs he saw the members of the pack in front of him. Many of the males had brought their mates, and a few of the females held small children in their arms. Emory shouldered his way through until he could see Diskant and Ava standing at the entranceway to the kitchen. Shifters surrounded them. Trey stood at the couple’s side and appeared a hell of a lot calmer. Kinsley stood at Diskant’s back, his emerald gaze combing over the room.

The moment Diskant noticed Emory he started talking. “Let’s get started. I’d like to thank you all for coming. I know a lot has happened in the last few months and I appreciate the support you’ve shown. I’ve done my best for the good of the pack, even if what transpired recently indicates otherwise.”

Diskant lowered his head and took a deep breath before he lifted his chin and met the stares of the shifters around him. “Unfortunately, after thinking the matter over, I realize that being your Alpha could potentially cause more harm than good. It’s too dangerous to have an Alpha and Omega leader when Shepherds have changed the game. If something happens to me, males would fight for pecking order while our enemies destroyed us one by one. For that reason, I’ve decided to step down.”

Alarmed whispers echoed down the hall and blended together. Ava peered up at Diskant, touched his arm and offered him a weak smile. He caught her hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss. When he let her go, she moved closer, pressing against his side. He moved his arm to give her room but his focus was on the crowd and not his mate.

“Let it be known that I hereby reinstate the status of pack Alpha to Trey Veznor,” Diskant said. “Effective immediately.”

“What?” Trey snapped and lowered the arms he had crossed over his chest.

“This is your pack,” Diskant explained. “It always has been. When I took your position, I never intended for it to be permanent. I knew you’d eventually get your head on straight. My position was only temporary.”

Emory knew Trey wanted to say something—to argue about the reversal of authority, perhaps—but his brother held back. Diskant had just honored him in an enormous way. By handing over his authority, Diskant had effectively shown all the shifters in the room that he trusted Trey with his and Ava’s lives. Throwing it back into Diskant’s face would cause dissension among the pack, and there would probably be more bloodshed when Alpha males started lining up to fight for the position.

“Traipsing around for Shepherd heads isn’t an option anymore,” Diskant added quietly. “The pack needs you here. We need you here. Once I explain everything you’ll understand. But first I need to know if you accept. Will you take on the pack? Will you guide them and make them your first priority above everything else?”

Trey opened his mouth, his eyes flashing amber. For a moment Emory felt a flash of anger—as well as an emotion he couldn’t place—coming from the man. It was as though his brother was stunned and locked in the grips of some sort of grief. The shifters around him started to growl, agitated by the Alpha’s response. Then Emory saw Nathan. The Beta walked from the kitchen and took his place by Trey’s side, placing his hand on Trey’s shoulder.

“Deal with your personal shit later,” Nathan whispered. “Don’t fuck this up.”

The tension in the air lifted as Trey’s eyes returned to their normal color. He glanced at Diskant and gave him a pained nod. “I accept,” he replied hoarsely, as though he’d walked through the desert and desperately needed a glass of water.

Slowly the shifters calmed. Then they moved forward, pushing Diskant and Ava aside as they welcomed Trey back to his official position with softly spoken words and relieved smiles. Emory frowned as he watched, noting the way Trey’s shoulders sank and his irises dimmed. Although Trey responded to each person who approached, Emory could tell his heart wasn’t in it. This should be a moment of celebration, of happiness. So why did Trey look like the world had just crumbled into ash around him?

Diskant relaxed and wrapped his arm around Ava’s waist. “If you don’t mind,” Diskant said to Trey, “I’d like to continue.”

“Since you asked so nicely, I’ll allow it. But when this is over you and me are going to have a little chat. Tell Ava not to wait up. We’ll be awhile.” Trey sounded as confident as he always had, as though he’d never relinquished his place in the pack.

Diskant grinned. “I kind of figured that.”

“Listen up,” Trey yelled. “The Omega isn’t finished.”

“Due to recent events, I’ve decided it’s no longer safe to remain inside the city,” Diskant said, eyes darting over the shifters who were studying him. “I’ve acquired a property that isn’t too far away and I’ll be moving in the next few days.”

“You’d leave us here to clean up your mess?” one pack member snarled.

“I’ll continue doing my job but I can’t risk my mate’s safety by remaining out in the open.” Emory could see Diskant was trying to remain calm, even though his eyes flashed gold in anger. “My first obligation is to see to her well-being and care. “

“So that’s why you stepped down,” someone muttered.

Diskant started to take a step forward, fists knotted, then a man with his wife and young child interrupted his progression. “What about us? What would you have us do?”

The fight left the Omega as he looked at the family. “I would suggest if you live away from the pack you consider relocating.”

“Is that all you can offer?” The man didn’t make eye contact, trying to be as respectful as possible.

“I’m still the Omega of the city. That hasn’t changed. I’m moving, not leaving. And I’ll also be taking a couple of people with me, if they’re willing to go.” Diskant looked at Emory. “Ava’s attached to your female. She wants you and Mary to come with us. The house is more than large enough and property is secure. Your mate will be safe.”

Emory was taken off guard by the offer. Two Alpha males under one roof? Would they kill each other? Maybe Diskant needed something he hadn’t mentioned yet. Emory found it hard to believe he’d make such an offer without thinking everything over. Or perhaps Ava really did want Mary around. Everyone knew the shifter females didn’t extend her offers of friendship. Despite being mated to Diskant, she was still human in many ways.

Emory glanced at Ava, who was so small next to her partner. When she saw him watching, she started fidgeting. The way she lowered her hand and placed her palm over her flat abdomen told him all he needed to know.

Oh hell.

“That’s right. My mate told me this morning.” Diskant tugged Ava closer. “That’s my final announcement. The pack will continue to grow and thrive with new life. In a few months, we’ll be adding to our family. Ava’s expecting.”

More whispers, this time excited. The men and women swarmed Diskant and Ava to extend their well wishes. A birth in the pack was always met with happiness. Ava blushed as the women fussed over her—something Emory was certain had never happened before. Since she was carrying a shifter child, the icy walls the pack bitches had erected would start to fall. But where would that leave Mary? She would still need support and understanding.

“If Mary agrees, I’ll gladly accept your offer,” Emory called over the crowd and met Diskant’s gaze.

Ava shoved aside the women and hurried to Emory, a soft pink glow in her face. “You will? Really?” She reached for his hands and took them. “I’d really like to have another woman around for this. There is so much to plan for and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be alone.”

Emory smiled and squeezed her hands. “I’m sure Mary will feel the same way.”

Suddenly the room went quiet. All the shifters stopped talking and all the attention in the room shifted from Diskant and Ava to the person standing at Emory’s back. He couldn’t believe he’d missed her waking and could only attribute it to all the news he’d just received. Releasing Ava, he spun around.

Mary had managed to find a pair of oversized sweatpants to go with the T-shirt Emory had given her. Her enormous blue eyes were shadowed by pain, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. A small spot of blood had seeped through the shirt, over the area that was bandaged on her shoulder. She seemed so fucking calm—too fucking calm. Something was wrong, he just wasn’t sure what it was. Her emotions were there but there was a sadness that made them hazy, so he was unable to locate the source of her despair.

Finally, she spoke. “My name is Mary Shepherd.”

Growls greeted the proclamation, the happy members of the pack becoming hostile. Several of the female shifters moved toward her when she took a step forward, baring their teeth, growls turning to snarls.

Damn it. Mary’s innocent movement was a display of aggression even though she wasn’t aware of the danger behind the action. The pack males wouldn’t attack, but the women would.

“If you want to kill me,” Mary announced, keeping her head high, “now’s your chance.”

Foolish and brave fucking female.

Emory growled and started for Mary but Ava pushed him aside. He regained his balance but before he could reach his female the petite blonde had stormed to Mary’s side. Ava took Mary’s hand and faced the furious crowd.

“Don’t you dare threaten the godmother of my child,” Ava snarled at the advancing females, her irises changing color.

Your what?” Mary gasped and tried to pull away.

“Not now,” Ava grumbled, beneath her breath. “We’ll discuss the details later. I’m just getting started. Someone has to put them in their place.” When Mary stopped talking, Ava lashed out again. “Mary’s mated to Emory, a member of our pack. Her loyalty to us has been proven on many occasions. In fact, she’s saved our kind and put her own life at risk.”

Ava gave Mary a small smile and said, “Someone traveled a long way to see you.” Peering past Mary’s shoulder, Ava looked at Diskant. “Would you let them in?”

Diskant nodded and waved at Kinsley, who opened the door to the garage and stepped back. Emory watched a pride walk in—tigers. They were obviously shifters who thrived outside the city, as they weren’t garbed in outrageous or expensive clothing, choosing blue jeans and T-shirts instead of leather and silk. A large male—the Alpha—stepped forward and moved aside. He was almost as large as Diskant, his reddish-colored hair cut short. Then Emory saw the girl behind him.

She was a tiny thing, almost coltish, and the same age as Mary. Her bronze-colored hair was long with locks of black buried within the strands. When she lifted her head her golden gaze glided across the distance to Mary. The two stared at each other for several seconds, as though they were communicating silently.

Then the girl moved closer, her steps cautious. “Mary,” she said softly.

If it wasn’t for Ava, Mary would have collapsed. Emory rushed for his mate, placed his arm around her waist and prepared to take her downstairs when Mary stopped him. She reached out, her arm shaking.

“Dara,” she murmured. “You made it home.”

Dara started crying and grasped Mary’s hand. Emory let Mary go and the women wrapped their arms around each other, crying in heart-wrenching sobs. It was then that Emory realized the identity of the girl.

The shifter Mary saved when she’d left hell behind. The woman Mary refused to kill as a sacrifice to prove herself to her family.

The females had been through hell and survived it, forming a connection only the two of them could fully understand. And apparently the women had made strong impressions on each other. A few of the pack grumbled disapprovingly, continuing to glare hatefully at Mary, and the tiger Alpha stepped forward.

“Heed me,” the man said, his voice menacing, the word vibrating as his vocal cords started to change. “My name is Harrison Garner, and Mary Shepherd is under the protection of my pride. She bound herself to us when she saved my daughter’s life. If you don’t want her here, make your intentions clear. She is welcome in our home. We’ll gladly take her and leave.”

More chaos came from the pack, as well as the members of the pride who started to surround Mary protectively. Dara and Mary separated, the male with Dara pulled her behind him and sent her to the group at his back and Emory rushed to his female’s side. To Emory’s shock, Kinsley had vanished into thin air. Kinsley never left when he was needed. Why did he ditch the pack when they needed his guidance most?

“Silence!” Trey thundered, his voice deep as he turned on his pack. “Mary Shepherd is mated to my brother. That makes her my sister-in-law. Your Alpha’s sister-in-law.” Trey didn’t have to yell any longer, his presence and newfound connection with the pack shut them all up. “If any of you have a problem with that, pack your shit and leave my city. A person doesn’t choose their blood but they do choose their family. Mary has chosen her family—our family.” Trey spun around and looked at Mary, glowing eyes intense. “Isn’t that right?”

Mary’s eyes widened and she looked around the room. Her fear returned, the stench of it stinking up the entire area around them. “I… I…”

“Welcome her,” Trey commanded softly. “Show her the respect she’s due. She saved a shifter girl she didn’t know and could have died for it. She ran from her family because she isn’t like them. Don’t judge her for what she hasn’t done. If you do you’re no better than those she left behind.”

The threat of violence lingered in the air, a combination of the anger of the feline shifters and the animosity of the wolves in the room. Emory prepared to attack anyone who came at Mary, his muscles tense, the beat of his heart drumming in his ears. The females of the pack came first, their shoulders stiff, revealing they weren’t entirely happy about the situation but they weren’t going to challenge their Alpha over it. One by one they greeted Mary, welcomed her to the pack and stepped aside.

Diskant took the lead when it came to the men, only he didn’t nod at Mary and welcome her. The Omega brought her into his arms and hugged her. Bending low, he whispered something in her ear. Whatever it was made Mary’s lips curve into a small smile. Then Diskant moved away and allowed the other members of the pack to greet her properly. The men weren’t as harsh, giving her warm smiles. By the time they were finished, the pride Alpha—Harrison—seemed appeased and Mary had stopped trembling.

“With that out of the way, I’m asking if any of you want to challenge my position in the pack,” Trey announced, bringing everyone’s full attention to him. “Changes have to take place, so I need to know if you’re going to listen to me or give me shit. If you want a shot at the crown, say so now. I won’t tolerate any bitchiness later.”

Emory glanced around. No one moved, watching Trey closely. Then they inched their heads to the side, revealing their necks, a sign of submission and respect. Trey didn’t smile or nod, waiting until everyone had the opportunity to speak their piece.

“I’m backing Diskant’s original request,” Trey said. “Those of you who live away from the pack inside the city need to start house hunting. Those of you who live in the Five Boroughs need to tighten security. The Shepherds we’ve encountered aren’t going to stop. We are safe when we are united. We’re going to have to organize a security detail as soon as possible.”

He glanced at Diskant and waited for the Omega’s nod before he continued, “We received word early this morning that the attacks on the Shepherd compounds we located were moderately successful. Over a dozen locations were destroyed. Many managed to flee but our enemies have been dealt a devastating blow. They’ll need time to recover their losses and plan. During that time I want us to start doing the same. I expect all of you to work together to coordinate a guard rotation in your area. For those of you who feel the danger is too high, I’ll make calls to packs that interest you and see if they have room.”

Trey stood taller, looking at everyone around him. “I’m not going to lie. Staying here will put you and those you love in danger. It’s not a safe time to be a shifter. No one will judge you if you decide to leave. All we can do is brace ourselves.” Trey glanced at Diskant. “This isn’t a job for one man, it’s a pack effort. All in or all out. It’s your choice.”

“I’m in,” Diskant replied with a trace of humor.

“So am I,” Nathan said and stepped in beside Trey.

Each of the pack called out their support, although Emory noticed a few slip out the door to the garage, including the man with a mate and child who’d questioned Diskant earlier. Most of them were males who’d brought their mates and children along. He didn’t blame them for wanting to go, for needing to protect their families. And Trey was right, no one would hold it against them.

Emory leaned over and whispered in Mary’s ear, “What’s it going to be, sweetheart?”

She lifted he head, frowning as their eyes met. “You’re letting me make the decision?”

“Ava wants you to be the godmother of her child. Diskant wants you to be there to support his mate. And I want you in whatever way I can have you.” He ran his fingers down her arm until he came to her hand. Twining their fingers together, he murmured, “You’ve had people telling you what to do all your life. I won’t do the same. If you want me—if you want this—then it has to be your decision.”

She brought her bottom lip between her teeth and bowed her head. He knew she was thinking things over, trying to decide. It couldn’t be easy, not with everything she’d been through. But if they wanted a real chance together, they had to start with a clean slate.

No hate. No remorse. No fear.

Mary let him go and took a hesitant step forward. The pack went quiet, watching her, waiting to hear what she had to say. Even though he’d whispered in Mary’s ear, Emory knew everyone had listened in, wanting to know what he’d said to his mate. Now they were eager for her reaction. Would she run? Would she stay? Or would she shock the shit out of the entire room by giving them the middle finger they deserved for their earlier treatment?

He watched Mary square her shoulders as her head lifted. Although he couldn’t see her face, the way Diskant grinned told him she wasn’t backing down from the pack.

“We’re staying too. If you don’t like me, that’s your problem. I’ve dealt with worse.”

She turned and extended her hand, waiting for him to take her offering, to accept that she had made her choice. Emory grasped her fingers and moved in close to yank her to his chest. He knew he was smiling like an idiot, the exuberance he experienced completely overwhelming. With a laugh, he met the shocked gazes of his pack mates.

“You heard her.” He hugged Mary tighter, wishing he could keep her that close forever. Lifting his head, he looked at Trey.

Once they’d been at each other’s throats, the need to dominate and control running through their veins. Emory had never believed he could reside under his brother’s authority. It was too difficult to restrain his nature, to keep his wolf under control. But not now. His anger had been tempered by love, his beast was finally content with the hand it had been dealt. From this moment forward he could live the life he wanted. He could get to know Trey in the same way he had as a child. He was strong enough not to show his emotion but he knew Mary felt it since she pressed against him.

“We’re not going anywhere,” he finally said, cementing her decision before the pack. “This is our home. We’re not leaving.”

Mary could hear the pride in Emory’s voice. The arms he’d wrapped around her loosened, allowing her to breathe without gasping for air. She remained in a state of shock. When she’d woken alone and gone in search of Emory, she’d been taken aback by all the shifters in the residence. Since she’d told her relatives about the map before the pack could put it to good use, she hadn’t been sure if they were there for her blood or Emory’s. Speaking out before they could harm the man she’d fallen in love with had seemed like a good idea at the time.

She’d never thought her actions would lead to this.

“Mary,” Emory breathed against her ear.

He felt so warm and smelled so wonderful. “Hmm?”

“You need to go back to our room and let me get Doc. Your shoulder’s bleeding.”

It was then that she felt stickiness against her shirt. She pulled away and looked down. Sure enough, the T-shirt had a small, bright red stain. Strangely, her shoulder didn’t hurt as much as she imagined it should. When she shifted, there was a dull ache. No sharp bite, no agonizing burn.

“What about Dara?” She’d been so excited to see the young woman and know she’d played a part in saving her life. Surely they’d have a chance to talk. “She’s come all this way to see me.”

“The pride will need to rest before they leave, and I’m sure they’ll want to visit any relatives who live nearby,” Emory said. “I’ll make sure you see her before she goes.”

Ava appeared and held out her hand. “I’ll go with you. We need to talk.”

While she didn’t want to leave Emory, she didn’t want to stand in front of everyone and bleed all over the place. Reluctantly, she placed her hand in Ava’s. The tiny woman pulled her through the crowd and back to the basement. A conversation resumed upstairs. Mary frowned as voices drifted to her ears. She could make out some of what was said when she focused, able to hear more clearly than she should. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t noticed before.

When they were inside the bedroom downstairs, Ava released Mary’s hand and closed the door.

“You don’t need Doc to heal that, you know,” Ava said, looking Mary in the eye. “If you finalize the bloodbond with Emory, you’ll be as good as new in a few hours.”

“Is that what you wanted to talk about? My bloodbond with Emory?”

“Partially,” Ava confessed. “But mostly I wanted to tell you that what happened isn’t your fault.”

Mary sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. “You’ve been reading my mind again, haven’t you?”

“No, but I’ve been in your head. I have a good idea of what you’re thinking. The truth is Diskant fucked up, not you. If anyone should take the blame, it’s him.” When Mary lifted her head, surprised at the declaration, Ava laughed. “He’s not perfect. His pride gets the best of him sometimes. But when he makes a mistake he owns up to it.”

Ava walked to the bed and took up the space beside Mary. “Your family got to you because Diskant honestly believed he could keep his home safe. Kinsley’s been warning him that it’s too dangerous to live inside the city but Diskant wouldn’t listen. Now the hard-ass is all ears. He knows we can’t stay here anymore. He’s accepted it. I just hope you can forgive him for putting you in danger. That wasn’t his intention.”

“You want me to forgive him? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” Mary couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I’m the one who brought my uncle here. This is my fault. Elijah came after me.”

“Don’t forget he came after me and Trey,” Ava quipped. “Your uncle would have come after any of us if given a chance. You can’t take the blame for what other people do. You are not your family.”

Mary’s eyes drifted to Ava’s belly. There was no sign of her condition, but that probably wouldn’t last long. Soon her stomach would swell as the life inside of her grew by leaps and bounds. A lump formed in Mary’s throat. Ava’s pregnancy wouldn’t matter to Shepherds. They’d probably force her to deliver and do all sorts of horrible things to her child if they got a chance.

“Maybe I was wrong,” Mary murmured. “Maybe I shouldn’t stay. It’s not safe for you.” She lifted her head and looked at Ava. “It’s not safe for your baby.”

Another shock—Ava smiled. “Now that is a load of crap.”

Ava rose from the bed, walked to the dresser on the wall and removed something. It wasn’t until she turned that Mary saw the small jewelry box in her hand. It was sturdy, made of a metal of some kind. Ava sat down again and held it out.

“Here, take a look.”

Mary took the box and studied it. The bottom identified the metal as stainless steel. Opening the rounded top with a filigree design, she looked inside. The box was empty, the inside covered with a satiny red material.

“Give it a squeeze,” Ava said. “Feel how solid it is.”

Mary did, unable to do more than compress her fingers around the cool metal. “It’s heavy duty,” she agreed, unsure of what Ava was trying to accomplish.

Ava reached out to take the box and Mary handed it over. As soon as Ava had it in her hand, she flexed her fingers. The metal started shrinking, breaking under the strain of Ava’s tightening fist. Mary’s eyes bulged and her lips parted. She wouldn’t have believed what Ava was doing if she wasn’t seeing it with her own eyes. Ava was demolishing the steel as though it were a marshmallow, taking it from beautiful and shiny to a handful of garbage. When she finished, she tossed the crushed object to the bed.

“I’m not as weak as I look and neither are you. If you bloodbond with Emory, you’d be shocked at what you’re capable of, and it goes beyond strength and longevity.” Ava exhaled softly and said, “But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m a part of the pack but I’m not one of them. I never will be. There is only one other I know of who’s bloodbonded, but as soon as the pack was attacked she moved away with her mate for safety.”

Ava’s eyes were full of hope when she peered up at Mary. “I know it’s not fair of me to ask but I’m going to because I want the best for the child I’m carrying. I need to know that no matter what happens she’ll be taken care of. That’s why I declared you as her godmother in front of the pack. If you bloodbond with Emory and agree to move with us outside of the city, we’ll have a safe place to call home. We can watch out for her together. She can understand both of the worlds she comes from.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Mary’s mouth. “She?”

“Just a hunch.” Ava touched her abdomen. “I’d like to have a little girl.”

“Have you told Diskant?” God, Mary hoped not. Diskant was possessive and protective enough. The enormous man wouldn’t let a daughter out of his sight.

“Of course not,” Ava huffed in indignation. “I’m saving that bit of information for the right time. Besides, I’d hate to guess early on and change my mind down the road. So keep that between us.”

“Okay,” Mary said softly, studying Ava, seeing her in an entirely different way. While they were different, many aspects of their lives were the same. If she moved forward with Emory and accepted the bloodbond, she could be the next one starting a family.

A home. A husband. Children.

Emory wanted children. The hurt in his eyes when Mary had said she wanted to wait was something she’d never forget. She was the only woman who could give him that. And more importantly, with Ava’s help, she wouldn’t have to do anything alone. For the first time in her life, she could have an actual friend. She’d never been close to anyone at her uncle’s farm.

“You really want me to be her godmother?” Why did it hurt so much to ask? And why did Mary feel close to tears?

“Yes, I do.” Ava placed her hand on top of Mary’s.

“Are you sure?” She swallowed back the burn in her throat, forcing her watery eyes not to spill over.

“I am,” Ava confirmed with a smile. “I know you’re a good person. I knew it the first time we met.”

Mary laughed. It was easy to guess how Ava had come to that conclusion. “Because you read my mind?”



“Someone who has been through as much as you have but continues to care about others has a generous heart.”

The observation made her uncomfortable. Was she that easy to read? “I’m not so sure about that.”

“Well I am,” Ava countered. For such a tiny woman, she certainly was opinionated and determined. “So will you?”

“Will I?”

“Be the godmother of my child.”

What Ava was asking for was an enormous undertaking—caring for a child, protecting an innocent. But this wouldn’t be a normal child. Ava’s baby would be the son or daughter of one of the most powerful shifters Mary had ever encountered, a man who scared the hell out of her even when he tried to put her at ease. Regardless of that fact, a yearning to accept Ava’s offer swept through her. If she was going to be a part of Emory’s life—a part of his world—she had to start thinking of those who were most important to him.

She tried to think of the right words to show Ava how touched she was by the gesture of faith. “I’d be honored.”

“Then I have one small favor to ask.”

Mary used her free hand to swipe at her face. Was that normally how it worked? Did a godmother have to earn her status? “What’s that?”

“When Emory and Doc get here, I want you to kick Doc out of the room and take care of your shoulder yourself.”

“That’s your condition?” Mary was amazed to discover the prospect of the final stage of the bloodbond didn’t frighten her. “You want me to finish the bloodbond with Emory to prove myself or something?”

Ava smiled and tilted her head to the side. “Or something.”

Mary couldn’t prevent the blush that stained her cheeks. “What about the pack? Everyone is upstairs. They’ll hear us. They’ll know what we’re doing.”

“Do you really care?” Ava asked, staring at her pointedly. “At the end of the day does it matter if people know that you’re affectionate with the man you’re meant to be with?”

Did she care? Did it matter if everyone knew that Emory had made her his in every way? She’d said she was staying. She’d made her intentions clear to the pack. They had to know she and Emory were involved in a sexual relationship. Based on what Ava had said, shifters didn’t have inhibitions or a whole lot of modesty. Emory was a hot-blooded man with a sex appeal women couldn’t deny.

Jealousy struck, hitting her hard and fast. The pack consisted of women too. Any of them would be thrilled to be in her position. None of them would care if Emory fucked them in a bathroom against the door while a line to use the restroom formed. The entire scenario made her angry, the ugly green monster making its presence known. She definitely wanted unattached shifters to realize her man was off the market.

Emory was hers. Her place was at his side. She wasn’t letting him go.

The pack can kiss my ass.

“No,” she said firmly. “I don’t.”

“I’m glad to hear it, because it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.”

As soon as Ava stood, Mary heard Emory and Doc approaching, their low whispers easy to identify. Mary rose from the bed as Ava strode to the door, opened it wide and waited for Emory and Doc. Then she saw the men with their heads bent, talking softly to each other as they approached.

Just looking at Emory created tightness in her chest. He was so strong and dangerous. If he wanted to, he could kill someone with his bare hands. Yet when it came to her he was incredibly gentle, so careful. From the first time they’d met, she’d instinctually known he would keep her safe. There was something about him that got under her skin, making him a part of her before she’d even realized it.

She knew without a doubt that he’d do anything in his power to make her happy. Their children, if they had them, would be surrounded by love and affection. Yes there would be danger. But wasn’t that how things worked? Nothing was promised. People held on tight to the things they loved and cherished, enjoying the ride for as long as it lasted. There were no guarantees in life, only possibilities.

“Doc?” Mary said, her pulse racing, her mouth going dry. She could do this. To hell with what Doc and the pack thought. If she was going to reclaim her life, now was the time to start.

“Yes?” Doc stopped in the doorway, a puzzled expression on his face.

Mary walked to Emory and grasped his shirt. He frowned but followed, stepping into the room. Once he was safely inside she let Emory go and shooed Ava and Doc away with a firm wave of her hand, until they were outside the room. Ava was grinning like the Cheshire Cat while the doctor looked utterly confused.

“Thanks for coming,” she said with a smile, “but we don’t need you.”

Before anyone could question her, she took a deep breath for courage and closed the door.
