Chapter Thirty-two

Jac drifted in the zone between hyperacute awareness and total detachment. The murmur of the audience, the speaker standing a foot away from her extolling her father’s virtues, all receded into the background the way the sound of the ocean pounding outside a seaside cabin becomes white noise. The rapt faces of the men and women clustered at the tables and crowding the edges of the room blurred into pale, flat caricatures. Even as she separated herself from everything around her, she was exquisitely aware of the slightest change. Carly shifting impatiently in the chair beside her. The pop of a champagne cork. The rising tide of excitement as the time for her father’s speech drew closer. Her gaze was unfocused but missed nothing—the rotation of the security guards at the front doors, Fleming passing behind the stage giving orders into her Bluetooth headset, a waiter approaching the dais with a fresh pitcher of water.

A heat signature ignited at the back of the room, and her focus honed in on it. Her pulse skyrocketed at the flare of recognition, and her right hand clenched on her thigh. She drew in a sharp breath. Mallory.

From across the sea of faceless bodies, Mallory smiled at her, and the shield Jac had set between herself and a world in which she had no place shattered like crystal on stone. Sensation flooded her. Joy. Worry. Guilt. Need.

“I have to go,” Jac whispered as she pushed her chair back.

Carly stared at her. “Are you freaking kidding me? He’ll kill you.”

Jac shook her head and ran her knuckles along the edge of Carly’s jaw. “No, he won’t.”

Carly grabbed her hand. “Jac—don’t leave, okay?”

“I won’t.” The constricting band around Jac’s chest relaxed, and she breathed deeply, finally freed by the chance to stop running. “Behave for the rest of the night. I’ll see you soon. I promise.”

Jac slipped from her chair, jumped down from the back of the stage, and maneuvered through the electrical cords and sound equipment on the floor.

Fleming stepped into Jac’s path, her finger at her ear, probably clicking off her microphone. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I need to take a walk.”

“Not now.”

“I’ve done my duty for the evening. Everyone’s had a look at me. The only thing anyone cares about now is his speech.”

“You don’t leave until his speech is over and everyone has pledged their donations. Then you work the room, making nice. You know the drill, Jac.” Fleming half turned away and muttered something into her headset.

“Good night, Nora.” Jac stepped around her, and when Fleming tried to get in front of her again, she grasped Fleming’s elbows, lifted, and moved her aside. Anyone watching would’ve thought she was just steadying Fleming as she passed by. Fleming sucked in her breath, but she was no physical match for Jac, and Jac strode away.

Everyone in the room was focused on the stage, and Jac quickly made it to the back of the ballroom. When she reached the spot where she’d seen Mallory, Mallory was gone. Panic surged until Jac smelled honeysuckle and turned, captured by the scent. Mallory had moved into the shadows away from the tables. Jac hurried to her, still a little bit afraid she might disappear.

“Hi, Jac.” Mallory smiled softly.

Jac ran her hand down Mallory’s arm. Mallory was real. Mallory was here. “I thought I might’ve dreamed you.”

“Nice dream?”

“It is now.”

“Feel free to dream about me anytime,” Mallory whispered.

“I will.” Jac’s brain was fuzzy, her heart racing so fast she was dizzy. “You look incredible. I miss the work boots, but the heels aren’t a bad substitute.”

Mallory laughed and ran her fingers over Jac’s chest. “This is all pretty impressive. You look amazing yourself.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Don’t you know?” Mallory asked, her voice low and husky.

“Mallory,” Jac groaned, her chest an agony of need. “God, I want to touch you.”

“I was afraid you wouldn’t want to.” Mallory’s eyes never left Jac’s. “I was afraid I’d lost you. I don’t want to lose you, Jac.”

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never wanted you to feel that way. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want this”—Jac jerked her head toward the crowded room—“this monster dressed up to look civilized to suck you under.”

“You ought to know by now I don’t go down easy.” Mallory drew a deep breath and traced Jac’s name tag with her finger. “I love the uniform, but it scares me a little. You’re not going back, are you?”

Mallory trembled, and knowing she was the cause about broke Jac’s heart. She clasped Mallory’s shoulders and pulled her close. “No. No, I’m not. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Baby.” Mallory pressed her hands to Jac’s chest and pushed back from her. “I don’t think this is a good place for public displays of affection.”

“I don’t care.” Jac reached for her.

Mallory smiled crookedly. “I believe you, but we’re about to have compa—”

Fleming appeared next to Jac, her face an icy mask of fury. She glared at Mallory and gestured to one of the security guards, who immediately strode toward them. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Jac put herself between Mallory and the guard. “You’re gonna want to tell him to back off, Nora, or we’re going to have a scene.”

“You wouldn’t,” Fleming said dismissively.

“Oh, I would.”

Fleming narrowed her eyes at Jac, then abruptly waved off the guard. “All right, we’ll do this quietly. But I need you back up on that stage, Jac.” She pointed at Mallory. “And I need you gone. I thought you understood that the other day.”

“No,” Mallory said conversationally, taking Jac’s hand. “I don’t believe I ever agreed to that. And if I’d had a chance to talk to Jac, she wouldn’t be here alone.”

Fleming made a very uncultured sound. “You don’t really think we’re going to let Jac’s squeeze-of-the-moment be part of this, do you?”

“Well, actually, no, I don’t.” Mallory smiled. “Jac and I will be very busy this summer on the line. And as to where Jac travels or who she travels with, that’s up to her.” Mallory leaned against Jac’s shoulder. “But if she wants me to come with her, I will.”

“You’re willing to risk your career for a fling?” Fleming canted a brow. “You should know I can’t be bluffed.”

“You should ask Hooker about me.” Mallory stepped closer and Fleming stumbled back, her lips parting in surprise. “He’ll tell you I never bluff. And I never lose.”

Fleming stared, her expression stony. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I?” Mallory grinned. “You know, I’m not afraid of a little publicity. How about you, Nora? Think you can weather the public fallout of having your little scheme to railroad Jac into line come to light? Are you that essential to the senator’s campaign he’d let his image be tarnished? Because I think he’d throw you under the bus.”

Fleming turned her back to Mallory and jerked Jac’s arm. “Don’t be ridiculous. You know better than this.”

Jac glanced at the enraptured crowd as her father walked to center stage. His messianic aura overshadowed everything around him, including her sister and mother. His family was the pale accessory to his brilliant star. “He doesn’t need me here. He never has.”

“That’s not the point.”

“That’s exactly the point.” Jac put her arm around Mallory’s waist. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Are you sure?” Mallory asked softly. “Because I’ll wait.”

Jac drew Mallory out into the hall, and Fleming didn’t try to stop them. “I don’t want to wait. I need you now.” She stopped, suddenly aware of her surroundings. “Damn it. I came in the limo with my family. I don’t have a car here.”

“You don’t need one,” Mallory said. “I have a room.”

Jac kissed her. “I knew there was a reason I loved you.”

Mallory pulled Jac to the elevators. They had to get out of public view before she didn’t care who saw them. The hungry, needy way Jac looked at her—as if she wanted to devour her—was driving her crazy. Mallory, her legs suddenly trembling, leaned into Jac. “Stop before I can’t.”

“No,” Jac muttered, her teeth grazing Mallory’s throat.

Laughing, about to burst into flames, Mallory punched the button to the elevator, praying for rescue. She was so out of control she was light-headed. Miraculously, the elevator slid to a stop almost instantly, its doors opening soundlessly on an empty car. They tumbled inside and she pushed twenty-seven. Mallory didn’t recognize herself, and for once she didn’t care. She’d had no plan when she’d walked into that ballroom, and she never did anything without a plan. She always knew where the safe zones were. She never engaged without an exit strategy in play. But tonight she’d only had a goal, and that goal was Jac. And now Jac was beside her, and nothing had ever felt so right. She pressed Jac against the back wall as the doors closed. Lacing her arms around Jac’s neck, she kissed Jac until Jac was everywhere—until she was filled with Jac’s crisp, bright smell, her strong firm body, her sweet fiery mouth. “I love you.”

Jac groaned and pulled her closer. Their lips met, and Jac skimmed a hand up Mallory’s thigh and under her skirt. Flames scorched her senses and Mallory let the inferno rage. With Jac she could let go. She kissed Jac and kept kissing her, tasting her mouth, molding to her body, ablaze for her. “God, Jac, God. I’m dying for you.” The elevator pinged and she wondered where they were. She had to let go of her, but she didn’t think she could. “I want you.”

Jac’s eyes were hazy, her chest flaring with every breath. “We need to get to your room. I’m half-crazy out of my mind for you.”

Mallory pushed away and Jac grabbed her, yanking Mallory back against her chest. Mallory ground her ass into Jac’s crotch. “Not helping. Not helping.” The doors slid open. Twenty-seventh floor. “Oh thank God.”

Mallory dragged Jac into the deserted hall. Everyone in the entire hotel was probably downstairs on the mezzanine. Her room was only a few doors down from the elevator, and she had her key card out before they reached the door. She slid it into the lock, jabbed the handle down when the little green light came on, and shoved the door open. Then Jac was crowding her inside and slamming the door behind her.

“The lock,” Mallory gasped.

Jac engaged the deadbolt, flipped the security lock, and gripped her shoulders. “Fast or slow?”

“Slow.” Mallory stumbled backward toward the bed with Jac’s mouth roaming over her throat. “I want to undress you.”

“Anything you want, Mal.” Jac edged her hands inside Mallory’s jacket and traced her thumbs along the arch of Mallory’s hipbones through her silk camisole. “Anything you want. It’s yours. Take it.”

“You,” Mallory said urgently against Jac’s mouth, working the buttons loose on Jac’s uniform by feel. “I want you, Jac. You.”

“You have me. Always.” Jac caught Mallory’s hand and drew it to her heart. “Always.”

“You can’t change your mind now.”

“I won’t,” Jac whispered.

Mallory started on the buttons on the crisp white shirt, her breathing stuttering to a stop as the fabric parted over smooth golden skin. She edged her fingertips beneath the material and brushed Jac’s nipples. They hardened instantly and Jac moaned. “Off with the jacket.”

Jac shrugged the coat down her arms, and Mallory pushed Jac’s shirt open, bending her head to catch a nipple between her lips. Jac jerked and clasped the back of her neck, pressing Mallory’s mouth harder into her breast. Jac’s fingers were hot, burning on her skin.

“Mallory,” Jac moaned, her hips rocking into Mallory’s. “I’ll never stop loving you.”

“Mmm,” Mallory crooned, kissing her way to the other breast as she opened Jac’s pants. “I won’t let you.” She slid her hand inside Jac’s briefs and her stomach somersaulted. “You’re so wet, baby. So hot and ready.” She kissed her way down the center of Jac’s board-hard abdomen, pushing Jac’s pants down as she moved lower.

“Wait, wait,” Jac gasped, lifting Mallory up and twisting so they fell together onto the bed. “I’m too close. I want you naked first.”

“Clothes,” Mallory muttered, kicking off her heels, yanking her arms out of her jacket. She pushed onto her back, shimmied out of her skirt, and threw it toward the growing pile of Jac’s clothes by the side of the bed. She couldn’t stand not having her hands on Jac, craved skin on skin, ached to taste her, consume her. The second she was nude she grabbed for Jac, but Jac was faster and rolled on top of her. When Jac’s thigh wedged between hers, she clenched and pulsed. She couldn’t stop herself from rubbing on Jac’s leg, and her clitoris jumped. She clutched Jac’s shoulders. “Careful. Be careful, you’ll make me come.”

“Oh yeah.” Jac kissed her and slid her hand between their bodies, filling her in one smooth, deep plunge.

Mallory arched, her mind exploding with heat and color, her breath blasting out with a short, hard groan. She came hard, wave upon wave, riding Jac’s hand until she’d given all she could give.

“I love you,” Jac groaned, her face buried in the curve of Mallory’s neck. She trembled, her hips thrusting between Mallory’s legs.

“I love you,” Mallory whispered, and Jac came with a broken cry. Mallory cradled Jac in her arms, content to know she could always keep Jac safe there, in the shelter of her heart.
