Chapter Twenty-Three

I went into work that night to find a package with my name on it waiting in the office. “What’s this?” I asked Gwen.

“Beats me. A courier left it for you about half an hour ago. No message.” She went back to counting the money in the safe.

No way to know unless I opened it. Inside, I found a brand new Kindle. I’d never had an e-reader, but I’d used the Kindle app on my computer. I turned it on and found the device was filled with books. Flipping through them, I recognized the titles as the ones on my bookshelves in Hudson’s library. I picked up the wrapping, searching for a card, and finally found one—a simple note, handwritten:

In case you’re missing your books as much as I’m missing you. – H

I stared at the card for several minutes while I tried to quiet my pulse. He was really going to fight for me, then. The realization thrilled me. Gifts weren’t going to cut it though. I couldn’t give a shit about material items. The note—that I’d cherish.

Gwen swung the safe door shut and came to glance over my shoulder. “Ah, so lover boy’s trying to win you back.”

“Supposedly.” I tucked the note in my bra and waited for her traditional love sucks speech.

It didn’t come. “There could be worse things,” she said with more than a hint of melancholy.

It was possible she was right.

* * *

Sunday, a delivery service showed up at Liesl’s with a new futon mattress, much thicker and of higher quality than the old one. The card this time read: You should be sleeping well even though I’m not. – H

I glared at Liesl. “How does he know I’m sleeping on a futon?”

She shrugged. “Maybe I said something in one of our texts.”

“You’re texting him?” Wasn’t she supposed to be on my side?

“He had your phone charger delivered the other night to the club. Guess he figured that’s why you hadn’t been responding to him. So I plugged it in and holy Jesus, Laynie, that thing was filled with texts.” She pulled her long hair over one shoulder. “Some of them made me feel a little bad for the guy. I texted him back.”

I swatted her shoulder—or more like shoved. “What the fuck?”

“I told him it was me and not you.” As if that were the reason I was pissed.

“That’s private, Liesl.”

Again she shrugged. “Someone should be reading them. That’s all I’m saying.” She turned to the deliveryman, who just walked up with his clipboard looking for a signature. She signed then looked back at me. “It’s plugged in on top of the fridge if you’re interested.”

It was much later, when I couldn’t sleep despite the comfortable new mattress, that I pulled my phone down from its hiding place. There were more than a hundred unread texts, plus a handful that had been marked read that I hadn’t seen. Apparently Liesl had only viewed some of them.

I curled up on the new futon and began reading. Like the notes he’d been sending, most were sweet, but some were sexy, others desperate. I took my time absorbing each one, intermittently crying and smiling and sometimes even laughing.

Even though I’d responded to none of them so far, each was written as if I would. I rolled my eyes at one sent earlier that day.

I ordered a futon for me as well. Maybe sleeping on it will make me feel closer to you.

And then later, after eleven p.m., he sent several in a row:

God, this sucks shit. I wasn’t sleeping before but at least I was comfortable.

I’ll continue to endeavor, though. If this is how you’re sleeping, I shall as well.

You know, we could both be together in the bed at the penthouse. If I remember correctly, the lack of sleep we got had nothing to do with the comfort of the mattress. ;)

Before I could stop myself, I shot a text back:

Hudson Pierce using an emoticon…will wonders never cease?

It was two in the morning and he responded immediately. He really wasn’t sleeping.

I’m hoping they don’t cease. If I ever have you in my arms again, that will certainly be a wonder. Goodnight, precious.

That night I slept with the phone next to me. Though I didn’t often reply, I read the texts he sent from then on. Each and every one.

* * *

The gifts continued through the week with jewelry, tickets to the symphony, and a new laptop. On the days I worked at the club, the packages would be waiting there. Obviously Hudson was still monitoring my schedule, which was both irritating and sort of a turn-on.

Thursday, though, there was nothing on my desk when I arrived. I told myself it was silly to be disappointed. He didn’t have to give me something every day to prove he was thinking about me. And I didn’t want him thinking about me all the time anyway, did I?

I was still mulling around the question, still thinking about him, when the club opened for the evening. Since one of the bartenders had called in sick, I stepped in to help at the upstairs bar. We were hopping before the clock even hit eleven, so I was somewhat distracted when Liesl bent near me. “Did you see the suit at the end of the bar?”

“No,” I said with a scowl. If she thought I would be interested in ogling man candy, she was wrong.

She winked. “Well, check him out then.”

I finished topping the beer mug in my hand and, against my better judgment, shot a glance to the end of the counter.

He was sitting in the same seat that he’d been in the first time I saw him, wearing the same suit, if I wasn’t mistaken.

And the way he stared at me? His eyes held the same heat as they had that night before my graduation. That burn that was more than lust, more than desire, it was possession.

Was it wrong that I smiled?

When I could finally tear myself away from Hudson’s magnetic stare, I made a Scotch, neat, and delivered it to him.

“The service here is excellent,” he said when I handed him his glass. As he took it from me, he brushed his fingers against mine.

Or had that been me that had done that?

Either way, the contact sent goose bumps running down my arms and warmth spreading through my chest. It had been so long since I’d touched him in any form. My body yearned for more while my head sent warning bells to run, run, run.

And my heart played some sort of Switzerland in the whole transaction, deciding not to make its desires clear.

With the war going on inside, I didn’t know what to do or say. I stood frozen, my gaze locked on his. It felt so good—so right—to do nothing but get lost in his grays. Couldn’t I find a way to do this every day of my life?

“Order!” a waitress called from down the counter.

I blinked, recovering from the trance Hudson had me in. “I have to go.” Silly to explain. I didn’t owe him anything. “Um, will you be wanting another when you’ve finished?”

“No, just the one. But I might sit here for a while, if you don’t mind.” His eyes moved down my body. “The view is stunning.”

I turned before he could see my blush.

When he left, over an hour later, he settled his bill with Liesl. I only noticed he was leaving when she handed me an envelope. “This is from the suit.”

I opened it and found a hundred dollar bill and a certificate to his spa in Poughkeepsie—the same gifts he’d given me that night in May.

“Liesl, I’ll, um, I’ll be right back.” Maybe it was because I was disappointed to see him go, but I came up with an excuse to run after him.

“Hudson!” I yelled when I found him outside headed toward the parking garage.

He stopped and waited for me to catch up.

I held the envelope out toward him. “I can’t accept this. I’m in charge here. I can’t leave for a week to go to a spa.”

It suddenly occurred to me that we hadn’t talked about my job since our break-up. “Unless you’d rather I wasn’t working here.”

“Don’t ever think that.” His tone was harsh, final. “If you think you can’t work with me as your owner, I’ll give you the club.” He would too, knowing him.

And that was definitely not a gift I could accept. “I just want to keep my job, thank you.”

He softened. “It’s yours as long as you want it.” He pushed my hand that still held the envelope back toward me. “And the certificate—keep it. You can use it anytime you want. There’s no expiration.” His fingers lingered on mine.

Was this what we’d been reduced to? Stealing touches at any opportunity possible? Making up reasons to talk?

I pulled my hand—and the envelope—away from his. “Fine. Whatever.”

A chill ran through me, though the night was warm. Frantically, I searched for something else to say. “There’s another thing.” I took a deep breath. There really was something I’d been avoiding. “I need to get my stuff from the penthouse.”

His mouth tightened. “I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

I ignored him. It was the easiest way to deal with statements like that. Especially when I so liked the way they sounded on his lips. “I want to come get the rest of my things Monday.”

“I can have it packed and moved for you, if you’d like.”

“I’d rather pack it myself.” If he packed, I’d end up with all sorts of things that didn’t belong to me—things he wanted me to have. As sweet as it might be, I didn’t want his gifts. I also didn’t have any room for them in the apartment with Liesl. Even if we got a two-bedroom place together as we’d been talking about doing, we couldn’t afford anything that big.

“At least let me arrange a truck.” His tone was insistent, but his eyes were pleading. It was hard to resist.

So I didn’t. “Okay. You can do that.” Only because it was going to be a pain to do it myself. And he did owe me.

“It’s done.” His lip curled up at the edge. “This doesn’t mean I’m done trying to win you back.”

“I didn’t think for a second that it did.” Though I bit back a smile, my pleasure at his declaration showed in my voice.

Hudson tilted his head to study me. “You say that as if you almost enjoy my groveling.”

I rolled my eyes and turned toward the club with a wave. But I couldn’t resist calling back over my shoulder, “I couldn’t say, H. I haven’t really seen you grovel yet.”

* * *

Friday and Saturday saw more gifts delivered—a coffee table book of pictures from the Poconos and concert tickets to Phillip Phillips.

“He’s, like, recalling your entire relationship with this stuff, isn’t he?” Liesl said on Sunday as I opened the box that had arrived that morning. “I hate to say it, but he’s kinda good.”

I wadded up the brown packaging paper from the box and tossed it at her. “Shut up.”

“What’s this one?”

“I don’t know yet.” I pulled out the John Legend CD I found inside and read the song list on back. I knew of the artist but had never listened to any of his music. The case wasn’t sealed so I opened it easily and found Hudson’s note.

This is the song that makes me think of you. Track 6. - H

R&B. Huh. Hudson rarely listened to music around me. When he did, he deferred to me to choose. I didn’t even know what style he liked. Was this it?

I looked back at the song list and found track six. “All of Me,” I read out loud. “I don’t know it. Do you?”

“Never heard of it. Let’s stick it in.” She grinned and added her own, “That’s what she said.”

Shaking my head at her, I pulled out my new laptop, put in the disc and pushed play on the track Hudson had indicated. I leaned my head back against the futon and listened.

The song started with a haunting piano line. Then a tenor voice crooned about a beautiful woman with a smart mouth who had the singer distracted and spinning. He was a mess, but it was all good, because no matter how crazy she made him, she was still everything to him.

It was the chorus that had me in tears, when he sang about “all of me” loving “all of you” and offered to give all of himself to her in exchange for the same.

Sure, it was just a song, but if it really held the message that Hudson meant for me to hear, well, I couldn’t help but hear it loud and clear. If he could really give all of himself to me—no more walls, no more secrets—then what was left holding us back? The past?

But my own history was imperfect. I’d even shown him my flaws on more than one occasion. He’d forgiven me and stuck around. Fixed me and found me and made me whole.

And now…

Not saying a word when I set the song to repeat, Liesl sat next to me and pulled me to her shoulder.

“Liesl, I don’t care anymore,” I sobbed into her shirt. “Even if I shouldn’t be with him, I can’t live without him. He makes me feel better about me. I don’t care anymore about what he did in the past. I only care that he’s around in my future.”

She rocked me back and forth. “No one’s telling you what you should or shouldn’t do here. Either way, you got my support.”

“Good, because I think I’m going to give him another chance.” I wasn’t quite sure what that chance would be yet—dinner? A date? Lots of dates?

That was a decision for tomorrow.

* * *

Though I didn’t have a lot to pack up from the penthouse, I wanted to get started on it early enough in the day that we’d be long gone before Hudson arrived home from work. Getting Liesl anywhere before noon, however, proved difficult.

“Maybe I could join you later,” she said, burying her head in her pillow at my first attempt to drag her out of bed.

“But I need you the whole time,” I whined. “Please?”

The pleading worked, but she tried again to get out of going as we were getting in the cab. Then at The Bowery, she suggested that she make a coffee run and join me later.

“There’s a beautiful Keurig inside. Best coffee ever. I’ll make you as many mugs as you want.” Maybe Liesl wasn’t really big on packing.


It was much easier to go inside the building with Liesl along. As we went up in the elevator, I wrapped my arm around hers, grateful for the support. Though I hadn’t been living there for two weeks, moving out was big. It reeked of finality. And with my recent decision to let Hudson back in my life in some way, I wasn’t quite looking for finality. I needed Liesl to talk me out of anything stupid.

Like deciding to leave my stuff there and not move out.

When the door opened to the apartment, I waited for Liesl to step out first. She didn’t move so I went ahead of her. I turned around and put my hand on the side to keep the elevator open. “Aren’t you coming?”

“Uh…” her eyes grew wide. Then she pushed my arm out of the door and pressed a button on the call panel. “Don’t hate me!” she called as the doors shut.

What the fuck? I heaved a frustrated air of breath out of my lungs and closed my eyes. Either Liesl had somewhere else she wanted to be or she had something up her sleeve. And if it was the latter, there was no doubt Hudson was involved.

Might as well find out what was up.

I opened my eyes and peered around the corner of the foyer toward the living area. It was empty. Not just empty as in no Hudson, but empty as in no furniture. None. I wandered into the room to be sure I wasn’t going crazy.

Well, if I were going crazy, the delusion I was having was of an apartment with no furniture. I glanced at the dining room. Also empty. Strangely, the place didn’t feel any more cold and lonely than it had when I’d been there the last time. But the emptiness put me off. I couldn’t understand what it meant. Was my stuff gone as well?

I backtracked and pushed the door open to the library. This room was only mostly empty. The sofa and desk and all the rest of the furniture were gone, but the shelves still contained all my books and movies. The books I’d pulled that Celia had marked were gone from the floor, but several boxes were stacked against the wall.

I walked toward the stack, intending to peek in and see if the books were there, but it was sealed.

“Those are new books.”

Ah, there he is.

I turned slightly to find Hudson leaning in the doorframe. Again he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Dammit, he hadn’t even planned on going to work if he was dressed like that. And he looked extra yummy. Somehow he had arranged that as well, I was sure of it.

He nodded again at the box I was still touching. “They’re for you. To replace the ones that had been damaged.”

“Oh,” I said. Then I frowned.

“What is it?”

“I have nowhere to put all these.” I hadn’t intended to take them. They were beautiful and I loved them, but in New York City, that many books were a luxury.

He sighed softly and I could tell the rejection of his gift hurt, no matter what the reason. But all he said was, “I’ll keep them for as long as you want me to.”

“Thank you.” I caught myself scanning his body. It was impossible not to. He was so good-looking, and I missed him so much. Though I’d planned my move on a day that he wouldn’t be around, I was happy to see him. Elated, actually.

I wondered if he could see that in my smile. “I didn’t expect you to be here.” I’m so glad you are.

“You didn’t say I couldn’t be.”

“It was implied,” I teased.

He caught my eyes with his. “You don’t seem that horribly pissed to see me.”

God, the butterflies were stirring in my belly. Not the tug of fixation that used to make me act crazy, but the twitters I felt only with Hudson. It had confused me when I first felt it those months ago, but now I recognized it for what it was—a combination of nerves and excitement and attraction and anticipation. It was such a gloriously delicious feeling.

Surprisingly, it eclipsed the still fresh wounds from his betrayal.

Still, I was scared. And I didn’t know what he was up to. His stuff was gone from the apartment. I didn’t like what that had to mean. What did it mean? “Where is everything?”

His lips drew tight. “Your stuff is still all here.”

“But where’s your stuff?”

With another deep breath, he threw his eyes to the window then brought them back to me. “I can’t live here without you, Alayna.”

“So you’re moving out?” I didn’t know how I felt about that.

Strike that, I did know. I didn’t like it. At all. The penthouse was where our real relationship had taken place. I hated the idea of someone else being in our space.

And Hudson moving out because I wasn’t there—that meant he didn’t really believe I’d ever be back.

I was too late. He was giving up on me.

But his next words tossed everything up in the air again. “Actually, I hope I’m moving in.”

The twists and turns of this interaction had me flustered and on edge. I had to call an emotional timeout before I broke down. “H, you confuse me enough without you trying to be confusing. Could you say something I can understand?”

“I confuse you?” His eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

“Is this a surprise?”

He shrugged.

“So you’re moving in?” I prompted. Dammit, why did he have to be so difficult?

Seeming to sense I was on my last nerve, he answered. “One day. I hope.” He rubbed his lips together—ah, I missed those sweet lips. “But for now, I want you to live here.”

“What?” One day a proposal, another live in my million dollar penthouse without me. The man certainly knew how to keep me on my toes.

He also had no idea what I really wanted or needed from him.

Hudson’s expression grew serious again. “I can’t live here without you, precious.” His words were soft and low, but I could hear him clearly. “But I don’t want to sell it, because I love being here with you. Someday, you and I will be here again. While I’m waiting for you—scratch that—while I’m groveling for your forgiveness, it’s a shame to let it sit empty. You and Liesl should move in.”

“I can’t accept that, H.” My eyes felt watery. But at least he’d said he wasn’t giving up on me.

“I had a feeling you’d say that.” He sighed, giving up much more easily than was characteristic. “Then it will have to sit.”

I bit back the urge to say we could live here together and offered instead, “You could rent it out.”

His brows rose. “I could rent it out to you.”

I laughed.

“Best rent in town—only cost you a weekly dinner with the landlord.”

“Stop it.” I was still smiling.

“Biweekly then. I’m not above bargaining.”

“Hudson.” He had no idea that he already had me sold. Not on moving in, but on the dates.

“Fine, monthly. I’ll take whatever scraps you’re willing to give me.” He studied me. “You’re considering giving me scraps now, aren’t you?”

“Maybe.” How did he read me so easily? And why was it so easy to be with him when he’d hurt me so deeply?

The question scared me, so I skirted the issue. “Seriously, though, where’s all your stuff? Did you get another place?” All his furniture wouldn’t fit in the loft.

He shook his head. “I gave it all to a charity fundraiser.”

“Lifestyles of the rich and famous.” Though I couldn’t say I’d miss any of it. It was beautiful furniture, but Celia had chosen it all. I was quite happy with the thought of the less fortunate benefitting from it.

It seemed Hudson felt the same. “I wasn’t attached to any of it.” He straightened and walked into the room, gesturing to the empty space. “This entire apartment was perfectly designed to my tastes and style, but it never felt like a home.” He stopped a couple feet from me. “Not until you, Alayna. You made it come alive. The things that were here—they were chosen for me by someone I want completely removed from my life. Right now, the things here are the only things that made this house a place I’d want to live. Your things. You.”

“I…” My throat was too tight to speak.

“And when I move back in, we can refurnish this place from scratch. Together. You and I.”

I took in a shuddering breath. “You’re so sure that one day I’ll take you back.” The outlook was getting better and better.

“I’m hopeful.” He smiled mischievously. “Would you like to see how hopeful I am?”

“Sure.” Really, all I wanted was for him to pull me into his arms. I was almost certain that was where we’d end up. But the game we were playing to get there was intriguing.

Hudson dug in his pocket and pulled out something small and silver. “I bought this.”

He held the object by the jewel so I couldn’t really see all of it at first, but when I realized what it was, my breath caught. Because it was a ring. The ring.

He dropped it in my palm for me to examine. It wasn’t silver after all—it was platinum, if I guessed right. And the jewel was surrounded by two tapered baguette stones that led the eye to a round, brilliantly cut diamond in the center. It was at least two and half carats, maybe three. Maybe even four, for all I knew.

Tears gathered in my eyes and bewilderment muddled my brain. He’d handed it to me—it wasn’t a proposal. What was this then? A way to mess with me?

“There’s an inscription,” Hudson said softly, as though he could read my confusion.

I blinked to clear my vision enough to read: I give you all of me.

Then he bent down on one knee.

It was a proposal.

I couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, couldn’t even breathe.

“I realized something about the last time I asked this,” he said from his place on the floor in front of me. “I did it wrong. First, I didn’t have a ring, and second, I should have gotten on one knee. But more importantly, I didn’t give you the right thing. I offered you everything I had, thinking that was the way to win your heart. That wasn’t what you wanted at all. The only thing you ever asked for, the only thing I would never give you, was me.”

A sob escaped my throat, but for the first time in days, it wasn’t a sorrowful sob.

“But now I do.” Hudson threw his arms out to the side. “Here I am, precious. I give myself freely. All of me, Alayna. No more walls or secrets or games or lies. I give you all of me, honestly. For forever, if you’ll take it.”

He took the ring from my grasp. With hands that were so steady compared to my shaky one, he slipped it on my finger.

I stared at it, shining brilliantly on my hand like a beacon in the darkness I’d been living in. Was he really asking me to marry him? Not elope, but marriage? Was this really something I could actually consider?

My plan to let him back into my life had been much simpler and less drastic—like a dinner and a movie type of thing. Not a proposal.

But that had always been Hudson. He moved fast and furiously, but when he truly wanted something, he committed with everything he had. If I said no, if I turned him away, I knew without a doubt he’d ask again and again. And again.

That wasn’t a reason to accept a marriage proposal.

The reason to accept was because I loved Hudson Pierce with every fiber of my being. Even his flaws and imperfections attracted me to him. They made him who he was. And I wanted all of him. I wanted to give him all of me.

And he had a lot of making up to do to me. Forever might just be the only way he’d get it covered.

“Alayna, I love you.” He drew my gaze from the ring to his eyes—his wildly intense, passionate eyes that shown brighter than the diamond on my hand. “Will you marry me? Not today, and not in Vegas, but in a church if you like, or at Mabel Shores in the Hamptons—”

Somehow I found my voice. “Or the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens during the cherry blossom season?”

“Yes, there.” His eyes widened. “Is that a—”

“Yes,” I nodded. “It’s a yes.”

Hudson pulled me onto his knee and into his arms faster than I could blink. “Say it again.”

“Yes,” I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

His lips found mine, and it was like a first kiss—soft and tentative. Then our mouths parted and our tongues met and the kiss gathered from a fragile breeze into a raging storm. One of his hands tangled in my hair, the other cupped my face, holding me as if he feared I wouldn’t stay, as if I might disappear.

And the way I held him was the same. I wrapped my arms around his neck, clutching onto him with all my strength. When our kiss began to metamorphosis into something bigger, something that required more of our body to be touching, and less of our clothing to be on, he grabbed his hand around my thigh, lifting it around his waist as he stood. I threw my other leg around him, hooking my ankles together at his backside and bucked my hips, rubbing against his crotch.

Damn, I’d missed this. Missed him—all of him. His touch was searing, his kiss burned me to my core. And the solidness of his body, his strong arms, his muscled chest—he was my foundation. Sturdy and fixed. Permanent.

Permanently mine.

We were halfway down the hall, our lips still locked when I realized I had no idea where he was taking me. If the house was empty, did it matter that we made it to the bedroom?

Asking, though, would require me to let go of his tongue, and the growl he made as I sucked on it made that not an option I wanted to consider.

I got my answer soon enough anyway. Hudson pushed into our bedroom and in my peripheral vision I saw on the floor, minus the bedframe, our mattress.

He toed his shoes off and then dropped with me onto the bed.

“You left the mattress?” I asked while he pulled my shirt over my head.

His shirt disappeared quickly after. “I picked it out myself. Besides, I couldn’t bear to part with it. It has too many memories.”

Yes, it does.

And more to be made. A lifetime of them, in fact. Oh my god, a lifetime with Hudson.

He bent down to nip my breast through my bra, bringing me sharply back to the present.

I moaned breathily. “Are you sure you weren’t simply—” I moaned again as he nipped my other breast. “—being prepared for me to say yes?”

His mouth returned to mine. “There may have been a little bit of that,” he said against my lips, his hands reaching behind me to undo the clasp of my bra.

“You know me so well, don’t you?”

He grinned and lowered his gaze to my breasts newly released from captivity. “I want to know you better.” He licked around one taut nipple. “I want to know you better right now. God, I’ve missed your gorgeous body.”

And god, how I’d missed the things he did to it. Was there a manual somewhere entitled How to Please Alayna? If so, Hudson had surely memorized the thing. More likely, he’d written it. He knew how to please me better than I knew how to please myself.

As he teased and taunted my breasts, making me dizzy with desire, I reached down to cup his erection through his jeans. The warmth of it, the hardness, even through the thick denim material, had a geyser going off in my panties.

I stroked along the length of his imprisoned cock. “I remember this.”

“Uh-uh. First we’re focusing on you.” He already had a hand traveling beneath the band of my yoga pants, determined to prove his point.

“But I like this.” I petted him again. “There should definitely be some of this.”

“Oh, there will be a whole lot of this.” He bucked into my palm then turned his attention back to what his hand was doing. What his hand was doing so well. His thumb had settled on my clit, swirling across it with expert pressure.

I wiggled underneath him, wishing I was naked and that he was naked and that we were to the next part where he was inside me. I was desperate for that.

But Hudson made me wait. He dipped a finger inside me and I gasped.

“Jesus, Alayna. You’re so wet. Do you know how hard that makes me? You’re so wet and juicy that I’m tempted to lick you clean. But I’m anxious and missing you and I need my cock inside you as soon as possible. Tasting you will have to wait until the next round.”

“Next round?” I was a bit delirious with the awesomeness of this round.

He added a second finger, bending them so that they rubbed against that magic spot that only Hudson ever knew how to find. Quickly my belly tightened and my legs began to quiver.

“You’re so turned on—you’re going to come fast, aren’t you, precious?”

That was all it took to push me over. Pleasure washed over me in a tidal wave, and I let out a moan, digging my fingers into his back as he continued to rub me and finger me until the last spasm trembled through me.

Hudson sucked the lobe of my ear and then praised me. “Good girl. You’re so fucking sexy when you come. It makes me so hard my cock throbs.”

Fuck, his mouth alone was going to send me over again.

Hudson removed his hand from my pussy and pulled off my pants and underwear. “Remember our first night in the Hamptons? When I made love to you so many times that you were sore the next day?”

“How could I forget?” I watched in a haze as he stripped out of his jeans and briefs. His cock sprung free, harder and thicker than I’d ever remembered it being.

Hudson Pierce naked.

I had to swallow. Twice. There wasn’t any sight on Earth that compared to the mouth-watering deliciousness in front of me.

And it was all mine. Forever.

Hudson climbed on top of me, covering me with his body. “That night is going to pale in comparison to today, precious. Today, I’m going to make love to you sweetly and tenderly. Then I’m going to fuck you so long and hard, your beautiful pussy is going to be raw. You won’t be able to stand, let alone walk. After that, I’m going to go down on you until you’re shivering and coming all over my tongue. And then we’ll do it all again.”

My pussy clenched at the promises being made. “You’re such a big talker.”

“I sure hope that wasn’t a challenge,” he said, settling between my thighs. “Because if it was, game on.”

Now that was a game I didn’t mind that he played.

I wrapped my legs around Hudson, ready for him to enter me. But he paused, his tip grazing my opening.

“Hurry.” I tilted my hips up, prodding him. “I want you inside.”

He ran a hand through my hair and laid a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Patience, precious. We have time, and I need to feel you.”

He slid into me then, slowly and with great patience. I cried out at the agonizing sweetness as he filled me and stretched me and buried his cock inside of me. When I thought he couldn’t possibly go any further, he bent my thighs up toward my chest and pushed in more.

Ah, he was throbbing. I could feel him pulse against my walls as he sank deeper, deeper.

“You feel so good, precious.” He pulled out ever so slightly and thrust back in with a circle of his hips. “Rough, gentle—how do you want me?”

“You’re giving me a say?” I blinked up at him.

His lip curled up slightly at the edge. “This time.”

I loved him every way he gave himself to me. The only thing that mattered was that he did. “You decide. I trust you.”

And I did trust him. Maybe not at the level that I could or once did, but we were a work in progress. We had time.

He seemed to like that answer. His eyes melted and his face softened. As he moved inside me, he clasped my hands in his and leaned his forehead against mine. “I love you, Alayna. My precious. My love.”

We danced together, enjoying each other, loving each other as we took each other higher and higher. Pleasing each other in the ways we’d learned in the past and in new ways as well. It wasn’t exactly sweet and it wasn’t exactly rough and it wasn’t exactly frenzied or passionate or gentle even—but it was all of that, rolled together. It was everything. And it was exactly perfect.
