Chapter Eight

Caleb brought the car to a shuddering halt in front of her small cabin. He wasn’t sure how much Holly had paid for the tiny vehicle, but if she’d laid out even a dollar, he was pretty sure she’d spent too much.

He managed to get the car in park. The sun was beginning to go down, and soon the night would be blanketed with stars. The cabins that dotted the valley were lit with warm yellow light, giving each house an inviting glow. He was going to Holly’s cabin. He was about to spend the night in Holly’s cabin, and not on her couch this time.

His heart thudded in his chest. He was really going to do this. He was going to make love to Holly with another guy present. How did it work? Did they take turns? They had to take turns. Right? Maybe he should call someone. Wolf was a freak. He would know. The rumor was James Glen liked to share, and he and Wolf had spent the summer playing freaky-deaky games with some of the women in the area. Yes, Wolf could Cyrano de Bergerac him through this.

A soft hand squeezed his arm. “Caleb, it’s all right. You can just drop me off. You can even have the car. I’ll get Cam to give me a ride into town tomorrow. I think our schedules coincide this week.”

“No.” He turned to her, a little panic threatening to overtake him. “Why? Have you changed your mind?”

His dick wouldn’t accept it. Oh, he would force himself to walk away if she didn’t want him, but he was pretty sure his dick would just shrivel up and fall off his body. He was so fucking hard.

She smiled slightly. “No, but I was worried you had. You’re just sitting here.”

Crap. Sometimes he lost track of time. His brain flitted about, and he didn’t realize how long he’d been thinking.

A harsh groan came from the backseat. “Please to get out of car. I think my back is seizing. I turn into the pretzel.”

Alexei. Alexei was trapped in the backseat of Holly’s rolling hell on wheels. Caleb thought he was uncomfortable in the front. Even with the seat back as far as it would go, his knees were still up to his chest. Alexei had to force himself into the back. Holly had tried to convince him to sit in the front, but Alexei had insisted.

Maybe he wasn’t the world’s worst asshole. Alexei had been incredibly courteous to Holly.

Holly was out in a shot, pushing her seat forward. Alexei looked like a hulking beast in her backseat. He took up every square inch of space and then some. Caleb couldn’t help but laugh. He got out of the seat as Alexei was stretching.

“Next time you be one in back.” Alexei’s brows had come together, the first sign of impatience Caleb had seen in the man. Thank god. He was beginning to think Alexei was perfect. He seemed to always be patient, and he was willing to share his toys. It was intimidating. “I have very rough day. First the examination that we will never speak of again, then the humiliating job interview, and then deputy hate me. I am not in mood for more ping-ponging. Are you in or out?”

That was as plain as he could put it. “I’m in. I wasn’t changing my mind. I was just wondering how this was going to work.”

“Oh, god,” Holly said, her eyes widening in horror. And her breasts were still hanging out, though now that they were alone, Caleb sort of liked the dress. “Are we back to the negotiation thing? Couldn’t you two just attack me and let it all sort itself out?”

Alexei ignored her, turning his serious eyes on Caleb. “It is simple. We make love to her. We show her how beautiful she is.”

“Yes, what he said.” Holly took her keys and went to open the door. Her heels made a snapping sound against the wooden steps.

Caleb still had some questions. It was better to get them all out of the way. “Look, despite the town I live in, I’ve never had a three-way. I mean, how do the logistics work? Are we going at her at the same time? Do we draw straws to see who goes first?”

Alexei leaned in, his voice going low. “One in pussy and one in ass. I have brought condoms and lube. This is how it works.”

“I’m not stupid, Alexei. I know that’s how it works in the end, but there’s a huge problem with your scenario,” Caleb pointed out. “She hasn’t had sex in…how long has it been since you had sex, babe?”

Even in the fading light of the evening, he could see her cheeks flare. She leaned over the railing of her porch, her voice a low hiss. “Like seven years or so. Do you have to yell it? Callie’s cabin is right across the street, and her hearing is really good.”

“Sorry.” Caleb lowered his voice. “I was just pointing out to Alexei that anal sex is not possible tonight.”

“Oh my god.” Holly opened the door and put a hand to her cheeks before pocketing the key.

“I have had sex with many anuses. I know what I am doing.” Alexei’s face was scrunched up as though he was trying to figure out a problem. “I never had problem before. You lube it up and go. Women enjoy.”

Yeah, he bet Alexei had done many anuses. Damn, they needed to work on his English phrases. He was sure the hookers Alexei had paid hadn’t had the same problem Holly would have. “You’ve had sex with experienced women. Holly’s not experienced. She hasn’t had regular vaginal sex in years. I doubt she’s been giving dudes across the county some backdoor action. She’s probably a virgin there. That asshole of hers is going to be very tight. So fucking tight. You see the sphincter muscle is…”

Holly stamped her heeled foot on the porch. “Don’t you dare go into an anatomy lesson, Caleb Burke. Get in the house. We are not discussing my anus in my front yard.”

Alexei’s face lit up. “You are in trouble, friend. Take my advice and stop thinking. You are allowing your brain to control this when your heart should be in control.”

His heart? That was a scary prospect. He’d prefer for his cock to be in control. “All right, but we have to get her ready for the whole anal thing. We have to go slow.”

“I will bow to your expertise if you will listen to me about the heart. No more thinking. Just to feel.”

Caleb nodded his head. There was a big part of him that was screaming inside. What the hell was he doing? Did he really think for a second that he could just fuck her and then go home? Sleeping with Holly would change things.

And what about your life right now do you love?

Not a goddamn thing.

Alexei turned and walked into the cabin, and Caleb followed him. Maybe Holly had the right idea. If this were left up to him, they would all sit down and stare at each other awkwardly until they had sufficiently talked it all out and knew where everyone’s hands were supposed to go.

He thought about Caroline. She’d been a virgin when he’d first slept with her. That was exactly what they had done. They had discussed it, planned for it, set an appointment. It had been scheduled almost right down to how long she should take to have an orgasm.

He could barely remember what she looked like when he was awake. He’d taken her virginity, married her, neglected her, and gotten her killed, and the only time he could really see her face was in his nightmares.

“Don’t.” Holly walked straight up to him. She put her hands on his face, pulling him back in to the real world. “You’re here, so now you’re mine. I won’t take a silly no, Caleb.”

Fuck, he didn’t have to worry about not remembering Holly’s face. He saw it nearly every second of every day. Passion. He felt so much passion for her it scared him. He’d never felt that for Caroline, and it was one more pound of guilt to weigh him down. It was there, but he couldn’t give in to it. He needed Holly more than he needed to give in to his guilt.

He pulled her to him. God, he loved the way she felt. She was soft against him, so fucking feminine that everything male inside him responded. He’d married Caroline because it had been expected of him. She’d had the right breeding, the right social connections, the proper education. She’d fit into his world. But Holly was his world. His whole fucking world.

“I’m crazy about you.” He couldn’t say the “L” word. He might never be able to say the “L” word again. He’d said it before, and it had been utterly meaningless. But she should know he thought about her always.

She smiled, the sight lighting up the room. “I like you, too, Dr. Burke.”

Fuck. She didn’t even know his real name. How long could he hide that from her? Had he been out of society long enough that everyone had forgotten? His family connections were moot. He never intended to walk in that world again.

His cock throbbed in his jeans. She was so soft, so fuckable. He’d never wanted a woman the way he wanted Holly.

“Take your clothes off, dushka. Show him what he’s been wanting to see.” Alexei’s deep voice reminded him that he wasn’t alone.

And that didn’t freak him out the way it should. Knowing Alexei was here, that he would stay beside her all night, gave Caleb a sense of peace. Holly deserved it.

She took a step back, and her hands went to the shoulders of her dress. Her fingers were shaking a little. Her breath came out in a ragged little puff.

“You’re beautiful, dushka. So lovely. Let me see all of you. Show me how gorgeous you are. Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?”

“I think that’s why I’m worried. I’m not twenty anymore, Alexei.” She looked so vulnerable standing there. Did she really think she needed to hide from him?

It was time to shove all his shit down and be what Holly needed. She didn’t need an anxiety-ridden freak. And she didn’t need perfection. He’d been wrong about that. He’d stayed away because he had this vision of the perfect man for Holly. But what if all she needed was honest desire? He had that in spades.

He put his hands on her shoulders and let his fingertips play just under the edges of her dress, skimming softly along her skin. Her scent filled him. He wanted to inhale her. He pushed the dress off her shoulders, her bra straps coming into view. They were thick and wide.

“Sorry,” she said, her face flushing. “It’s not exactly sexy. It’s what I wear to work. I don’t have a lot of lingerie.”

“Stop.” Alexei came to her side. His face was set in harsh lines. “No more apologies. Be still and let Caleb undress you.”

“Hush, Holly.” He pulled at the strap, pushing at the dress along the way. He exposed her shoulders. Her skin was silky smooth under his fingertips. “Look at that.”

He let his fingers trace the line of her throat and the graceful curve of her shoulders.

“She is beautiful.” Alexei took a place at Holly’s back. He took her hair in his hands and brought it up before bringing his head down to kiss the nape of her neck. He ran his face along the back of her shoulders. Holly’s eyes closed, and she leaned back.

She didn’t look like a woman who was worried about her bra anymore.

Her arms relaxed, and the dress slid down. Alexei’s hands disappeared, going behind her back. Her bra loosened, and Caleb pulled it off. Her breasts bounced free.

Fuck. He hadn’t thought it possible to get harder. She was so beautiful. Her breasts were round and real. They were porcelain, tipped with good-size pink-and-brown nipples. Her skin was so pale, with a sweet dusting of freckles here and there. He stared at her for a moment. He could see the faint lines of veins and blood vessels, each one tracing a path to her heart. He touched a very faint blue line that ran under the skin close to her nipple. Anastomotic veins. They fed the nipple and ran into the veins under the superficial fascia of the breast. He knew every function of the breast, could recall every piece of anatomy he’d learned—but he wouldn’t be able to put into words why he was so fascinated with this breast. Caleb reached out and took one in hand. He chuckled with satisfaction as the nipple puckered, just begging for him to play with it.

Alexei growled from behind Holly, his head peeking over her shoulder. His eyes were on her breasts. “Pluck at the nipples.”

Alexei was going to be bossy. Caleb decided he could deal with that. Alexei was the reason he was here in the first place. And, damn, but he wanted to play with those nipples.

He let his thumb flick across one and then the other. Holly shivered at his touch, her eyes coming open. Her eyes met his, the desire in the green orbs almost overwhelming. Her breasts swelled in his hands, and he couldn’t wait to taste her. He fell to his knees, and her breasts were just about where he needed them to be. He nuzzled her, letting his nose find the valley between her breasts, burying his face until he came into contact with her sternum. He breathed her in.

Her dress had caught around her hips, leaving the curve of her belly on full display. He kissed his way down to her navel, his hands worshipping every curve. He could smell her arousal, knew she was getting soft and wet, but he wanted to wait. He wanted to lavish her with all the affection she’d missed.

He licked his way back from her navel up to one plump breast. Alexei’s hands came around and cupped her breasts, holding them up. It put them in the perfect position. Caleb leaned forward and pulled the nipple in his mouth. He sucked on her breasts, licking and biting gently before tonguing them. He switched back and forth, withholding nothing. Alexei’s hands held her in place, giving Caleb the opportunity to explore.

He cupped her ass, his fingers sinking into soft flesh and giving her a squeeze. Her ass was round and heart shaped. He stared at it as often as he could. He dreamed of spreading her gorgeous ass and fucking her asshole. He wanted every part of her. He wanted to sink his dick into her every hole. The soft wet heat of her mouth. The tight hole of her ass. The perfection of her pussy. He would leave no part of her untouched.

“Oh, Caleb. That feels so good.” Holly was getting restless under his hands. Her skin was heating, flushing with arousal. Blood would be rushing to her vagina, making it plump and soft as it prepared to receive a cock and cum.

His cock twitched at the thought. He knew all the functions of the various systems, knew why his balls were tight against his body, why his cockhead was most likely weeping with pre-cum. But it was different, so different than the other sexual experiences he’d had. He wanted to taste her. To really taste her. He wanted the juice of her arousal to coat his tongue.

He pulled at her dress, tugging at the underwear under it. The dress fell to the floor, and he dragged her white cotton underwear with it. He stared at the flesh he’d uncovered. Holly was a natural redhead, and she was just as aroused as he’d suspected. The neat hair covering her pussy glistened with her natural lubrication. He reached out a hand to touch her.

“Caleb, stop.”

Caleb looked up, and Alexei’s face was hard with arousal. Holly hissed slightly as Alexei pinched at her nipples.

“We still have not to discuss problems of earlier.”

Bastard. Son of a bitch. Motherfucker. He wanted to go into that now? Caleb was ready to just forget the whole damn thing. “Can we talk about this later?”

He wanted to fuck. He wanted to spread her legs and eat her pussy and then shove his cock deep, but Alexei wanted to give Holly a lecture. No. Not a lecture. A spanking.

Yeah, that was kind of hot, too.

“I don’t want to talk.” Holly reached out to Caleb. “If you have something to say, say it later.”

Alexei’s face went positively arctic. He looked down at Caleb, and for the first time, Caleb could really, deeply believe that this was a man who had survived in the Russian mob for years, seeking revenge. This was a man who had killed in defense and revenge. He’d read his file, but everything he’d seen of Alexei had been a smiling man who laughed and joked, or a deeply repentant man, asking for forgiveness. But this was a part of Alexei, too.

“No. We need to be discussing now. Caleb, when would you prefer to talk to her? After the fucking? When she is perfectly satisfied and tired? She will not listen then. She will just say yes and turn over and go to sleep, and more than likely will do same thing next time.”

“What are we talking about? What did I do?” Holly tried to squirm, attempting to cover herself, but Alexei held her fast.

Shit. The big bastard was right.

Caleb got to his feet. “You didn’t stop and get help. You didn’t call either one of us.”

“Today? When I wrecked the car?”

Caleb sighed. Why did she go there? Maybe they were better matched than he thought. She seemed to be a worst-case-scenario girl, not unlike himself. “You didn’t wreck the car. You saved your life by properly driving it. I’m not pissed off about the truck. I’m pissed off that you thought you had to walk down the mountain when you could have stopped at a friend’s house and called someone to come get you.”

She shook her head. “I didn’t want to bother anyone. Besides, Nell doesn’t have a phone and Laura’s busy.”

Alexei’s hand wound into her hair. His dark eyes found Caleb’s. “You understand why I do what I do?”

Did Caleb understand why Alexei was about to spank her? Sure he did. “She didn’t even mention calling one of us. That road is dangerous. You could have been killed just walking down it. You had another mile to go. You could have mitigated the risk by calling one of us from the Harper’s place or Mel’s. Even if you couldn’t reach one of us on the phone, you could have called Stella’s or The Trading Post and someone would have found us. Everyone knows everyone else’s business in this town. Would you really rather get hit by a car on that mountain than risk bugging one of us with a call?”

He did understand Alexei’s anger now that he thought about it. What good were they to her if she didn’t bother to rely on them?

“I need to have place with you, Holly. I am not smart man like Caleb. I am not sweet like you. I do not have place in this community. I need place in relationship. I will treat you like princess. I will treat you like queen. In normal life, I will be your lapping dog, but here, in the lovemaking section of life, I will be king and you will obey.” He pulled her head back gently so she was forced to look in his eyes. “If this scares you or you are not interested in this part of me, then I will leave you to Caleb. I can’t ignore these needs I have. I can only promise to be careful with you, to take care of you. Caleb, if you are bothered by it, I will leave, too.”

It was obvious to Caleb that Alexei wouldn’t compromise. Oh, he would share and he would give on many things, but he understood who he was at heart and couldn’t compromise.

Caleb respected that. Caleb wanted that for himself.

“Over his knee, Holly. Discipline is important.”

Alexei smiled.

Crap. They had really just become partners. And maybe they could actually be friends.

* * *

Alexei sighed as he realized he’d tackled one mountain. Caleb was in. Holly stood so still in his arms, her backside brushing his rock hard cock. She was soft everywhere. He wanted to crush her against him and show her just how different they were. He could have her on a bed, legs spread and penetrated faster than she could take her next breath, but that wouldn’t start the relationship off on the proper footing.

He’d meant what he’d said. He would trail after her, playing her ever-doting suitor. He wouldn’t care what anyone thought. But in private and when she was in trouble, he needed to be in charge. He needed this.

He let go of her though his every instinct screamed at him to keep her close. It had to be her decision. He would die if she said no, but he wouldn’t force her. He’d never forced a woman in his life. He wouldn’t start with the only one he’d ever really cared about.

“Come.” He sat down on her overstuffed couch and patted his knee.

She looked so vulnerable standing there, her arms covering her breasts. He would break her of that habit, too. She was beautiful. She should be proud of her body. He knew he was proud to have a woman as lovely as she was.

“Holly, satisfy the big guy so we can move on to the fun part.” Caleb’s hands cupped her shoulders. It was obvious that his partner was no longer thinking about the mechanics of the situation.

“Okay,” she said, her voice shaking slightly.

Caleb pulled her close, his hand sinking into her hair. He caught her mouth with his.

Alexei watched, his cock threatening to bust out of his slacks. They were beautiful together. How had he managed to become involved with not one, but two redheads? He could almost hear his father’s voice. He’d constantly teased Alexei’s mother about her hair. Redheads were more volatile, more passionate, more trouble. Then his father would disappear behind closed doors with his “trouble” for hours. Yes, these two were trouble, and he was looking forward to it. Caleb’s red and gold hair contrasted nicely with Holly’s richer hue. Caleb’s skin was tan against Holly’s exquisite porcelain.

Where did Alexei fit? Caleb had everything. Brains, money, a powerful family. He’d simply had a terribly traumatic experience. Alexei had decided after he’d learned of Caleb’s past that the way to repay the doctor was to help bring him back to himself. When Caleb was healed, would he even need Alexei anymore? When Caleb was whole again, would Holly even look at Alexei? What would she need with a former criminal who couldn’t find a job?

Caleb’s hands cupped her breasts. Holly’s moans and little cries were going to make Alexei crazy. He let go of his worry. There would be time enough to worry about the future later. For tonight, he wanted to revel in the fact that he’d won. He’d gotten the three of them in a room together. He’d brought them together.

Holly had practically melted in Caleb’s arms. Their tongues mated. Their hands explored each other’s bodies. Caleb’s hands bit into the flesh of Holly’s ass, bringing his cock in hard contact with her. Alexei watched. He would deeply enjoy watching them make love. He was surprised to discover he didn’t feel any jealousy. He’d worried about it, but Holly needed this. And Caleb, whether he ever recognized it or not, needed Alexei. It was good, so good, to be needed.

Caleb let her go and turned her in Alexei’s direction. He gave her ass a little pat. “No more stalling, baby.”

She walked toward Alexei, her breasts bouncing slightly. Her lips were swollen from Caleb’s kisses, and her skin flushed a pretty pink. He was going to make her skin even pinker. “You’re going to spank me because I didn’t call you?”

He shook his head. She should understand. He was not an unreasonable man. “No. I don’t have phone yet, dushka. I’m spanking you because you didn’t call Caleb. He would have been easy to reach. He would have taken care of you. He would have made sure you were safe.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t know how I feel about this, Alexei, but I’m willing to give it a try.”

“If you want me to stop, then I will stop, and we will come up with other punishment.” He didn’t want that. Any other punishment would make mutually satisfying sex impossible for a while. Any other punishment would involve withholding her orgasm. He really didn’t want that. His hands were itching to touch that gloriously round ass.

“I think I can handle it. Well, I hope I can. Jen seems to like it well enough, and I’ve heard Rachel and Callie mention something about it. I think I can handle it if they can.” She took his outstretched hand and let him place her over his lap. She was awkward at first, but she sighed finally and relaxed.

And he was left staring at the prettiest backside he’d ever seen. The globes of Holly’s ass were round and perfectly formed. He touched the dimples in the small of her back. They dipped gracefully and curved into her cheeks. She shivered under his hands.

Caleb came to stand in front of them. He pulled the T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside before getting down on one knee. He had the tube of lubricant Alexei had purchased earlier in the day at The Trading Post along with the condoms. Alexei had been surprised at the wide variety the small store carried.

Caleb was staring at her ass. “We’re going to have to prepare her if you want to share her properly.”

Properly? There was nothing proper about what he wanted to do with Holly. He wanted to fill all of her holes. He wanted to possess her in every way possible. But Caleb was right. She needed to be prepared. And he needed to find out if Holly would like his particular kink.

He brought his hand up and down in a short quick arc. The sound snapped through the room.

Holly’s whole body tensed and a little shriek came out of her mouth. “Damn it, Alexei! You have to warn a girl.”

The little dushka didn’t understand who was in control. Alexei was more than happy to teach her. Five quick slaps, alternating cheeks. Her lovely ass was curvy but firm. On the final slap, he rubbed her cheeks, reveling in the heat of her skin. She tried to come up, but he gently pressed her back down. “You do not make rules here. I make rules here and rule one is to call one of your men when danger is around you.”

Another five. Her ass was pinkening up beautifully. Her legs kicked a little, but she didn’t really fight him. If she had, he would have stopped immediately. He loved to play the game, but he never wanted to hurt her. Only little bites of pain to make the pleasure more overwhelming.

“Look at that.” Caleb’s hand came out and touched the now hot-pink cheek. He didn’t look disgusted with the process. He looked like he might start to drool at any minute. Alexei was certain Caleb could give a million and one medical reasons for why an erotic spanking was stimulating, but his mouth was silent for once.

“She owes me five more. You wish to give?” Alexei had made his mind up to share with Caleb a long time before. He wouldn’t back down now. If Caleb wanted to play these games, Alexei would cede a bit of control to him.

Caleb swallowed. “I don’t know. I don’t mind watching, but I think I’ll sit this part out. You can be the one who spanks her. I’ll just be the one who shoves a couple of fingers up her ass afterward.”

“Gee, thanks, Caleb,” Holly said.

Two more. The flesh of her ass quivered, and she moaned. Each strike of his hand against her flesh caused Alexei’s cock to tighten. “No sarcasm when punishment is happening.”

“I don’t think he should shove fingers up my ass, Alexei.” Holly’s voice was strained, her breath rasping in and out of her mouth.

Alexei frowned. He stroked her bottom, letting his fingers trace the crack of her ass. One day he would part those cheeks and force his dick in. She would take him. She would welcome him into the most intimate parts of her body. “I wish I could tell you he will be gentle, but I think he did not do well in this part of his school. He obviously miss the day they trained in gentleness.”

Caleb’s face split in a wide grin and he laughed, his head falling back a little. It was a full-throated laugh, unselfconscious. He’d never heard that sound come out of Caleb’s mouth. It was good to hear the man laugh, even if it had been a humiliating experience. “I promise to treat Holly’s sweet little rectum with far more gentleness than I treated yours.”

“What?” Holly practically came off his lap.

Two more slaps and she calmed down. Holly obviously needed a firm hand. “Our friend was very thorough in his examination. He says I must to do every year, but I think I find different doctor.”

“You checked his prostate so he could have sex with me?” Holly asked, trying to turn her face up.

Caleb’s hand stroked her hair. “No, I checked his prostate because that’s what doctors do when they’re pissed off. It’s a perk of the job. I’m going to very gently work my fingers in your ass because eventually I want to shove my cock up there without too much discomfort to you. I have to stretch you out. I’d prefer a plug, but fingers will work for tonight. But Alexei probably does need a check done every now and then. Do you have any history of colon cancer in your family?”

Caleb was such a frustrating man. Alexei had to get him back to the job at hand.

“No to the doctoring now, Caleb. Please to prepare fingers for ass.” Alexei slapped her one last time and rubbed the spot he’d hit. So hot and pink. He let his fingers travel lower. He could already smell the musk of her arousal, but he wanted to feel it, taste it. She’d liked the spanking. He could play with her. He could gradually introduce her to more exotic forms of play. He could see her bound and waiting for his pleasure. “You are not angry with me for spanking?”

She groaned as he lightly touched her pussy, teasing little strokes. “No. Please, Alexei. The spanking was nice, but I need more.”

She was wet. So wet. His fingers slid easily through her juices. He let his middle finger slip just inside her cunt. Her little pussy muscles clenched around his finger. He fucked that single finger in and out of her pussy. He could practically feel her vibrating with frustration.

“You will get more,” Alexei said, feeling a smile cross his face. “But not until you work for it.”
