JENSEN strode into Dash’s office with a sense of purpose. Though the two men had conversed the evening before, Jensen hadn’t shown his hand. Not yet. He’d only said he needed to discuss important business matters with his partner the following morning.

This would perhaps be the first real test of their partnership. Jensen was prepared to dig in his heels solidly when it came to Kylie and it had nothing to do with his personal feelings for her. He’d told her it was business and he hadn’t lied. Kylie was smart, a go-getter, and she deserved to be a major component of the consulting business. Her talents were wasted in the capacity of an office manager only. Not that she didn’t do a damn fine job, but she was destined for bigger and better things. If they didn’t act to secure her, someone else eventually would. One day Kylie would reach the same conclusion that Jensen already had. That she was worth far more than an office manager. And in no way did he plan to lose Kylie. Professionally or personally.

“Morning,” Dash greeted when Jensen came through his door.

“How was the honeymoon?” Jensen asked, obligated to inquire about the obvious before they moved on to business.

“It was great. Wish we were still there,” Dash said wistfully. “How were things here? Any problems?”

Jensen shook his head. “None at all. We secured the S&G contract. Thanks in large part to Kylie.”

Dash’s eyebrows rose as Jensen took a seat in front of Dash’s desk.

“She’s good,” Jensen said bluntly. “I gave her the lead on this project. Gave her all the info I had and told her to come up with a plan. We met the night before to discuss and I agreed with every single one of her recommendations.”

Dash sat in silence, absorbing his partner’s words.

“Is there something I’m missing here?” Dash asked. “Because I feel like I’m missing a huge piece of a puzzle. When I left, Kylie could hardly stand to be in the same room as you. And while I’m gone you two partner and she takes the lead on a very important contract to this firm? And you let her?”

“Kylie is mine,” Jensen said. “I don’t care who knows it. But our relationship has nothing to do with her career prospects. I’m perfectly capable of separating business and pleasure, and Kylie has a bright mind. She rose to the challenge beautifully and I intend to see that rewarded. I think we should consider giving her more responsibility and hiring a different office manager to take over Kylie’s duties. Eventually she could make a partner. I’m certain of it.”

Dash shot him an inscrutable look. He made a V with his fingertips and rested his chin against them in a thoughtful manner.

“And what does Kylie think about all of this? You?” Dash amended.

“Are we talking personally or professionally here?” Jensen asked coolly.

“Personally. We’re all very protective of Kylie. I don’t want to see her get hurt. You are precisely the kind of man she doesn’t need.”

“I disagree. She’s mine,” Jensen repeated. “That’s all you need to know. She’s currently staying with me after working herself into the ground last week while I was gone. She collapsed in the office and I took her home so I could take care of her. God knows someone needed to. But if you think I in any way forced her, you’re wrong. She’s there willingly. I have every intention of keeping her out of work the remainder of this week as well. She’s exhausted and she needs the break. And when she comes back, I want it to be in the capacity of more than our office manager. So that gives you a week to be looking for a new one.”

“You’re a demanding bastard,” Dash mused.

“It’s the right decision for our company,” Jensen said. “She landed us the S&G contract. I have no doubt she’ll be an asset if we turn her loose. I have every confidence in her abilities. She just has to find the same confidence in herself.”

“I’ll go along with you on this,” Dash conceded. “If Kylie proves her mettle then we can certainly make her a partner. But you need to figure out if you can handle that if things don’t work out for you . . . personally.”

Jensen returned Dash’s look unblinkingly. “They will work out. However, I’d leave before ever making Kylie feel uncomfortable in her work environment. I will never do anything that hurts her. Period.”

Dash let out a long breath. “I hope to hell you know what you’re getting into, man. Kylie . . . she’s going to be a tough nut to crack. With reason. And she’s not going to react well to your . . . dominance.”

“For her I’m willing to make special concessions,” Jensen said.

It was all he would say on the matter. He owed Dash at least some reassurance because Kylie was important to him and Joss. But this was all he’d give him. What was between him and Kylie was private. Not to be shared. He was as possessive of their relationship as he was of her.

“Then I wish you the best,” Dash said sincerely. “Kylie deserves to be happy. I never thought I’d say this but she may well have met her match in you. She needs someone as stubborn as she is. Someone who won’t buckle or run at the first sign of adversity. She deserves someone who will stick it out and see her for the treasure she is.”

“In that we agree,” Jensen said. “Now, what about a new office manager? I vote we start taking applications immediately.”
