WE RETURNED TO WEEKS of feverish preparations. My mother had a few qualms of uneasiness. She thought it was too soon and they should have waited a little longer.
“Why?” demanded Dorabella. “Why should we wait? What’s the point? And being so far apart it isn’t easy to see each other.”
My mother said: “The spring would have been a good time. Or, say, May…or June…”
“Why? Why?” demanded Dorabella.
My mother looked at her and smiled. “Well, as you both seem so sure…”
“Of course we are sure.”
My mother left it at that, but when we were alone she talked to me, as she often did. She had always discussed a problem with me rather than with Dorabella.
She began: “I wish they had agreed to wait awhile.”
“Dorabella never wants to wait for anything.”
“I know. She is so impulsive. She doesn’t always see things clearly, she doesn’t look at all the possibilities.”
“But you liked the family in Cornwall. You got on very well with Matilda Lewyth.”
“Yes. And, of course, she is in charge. I can’t see any conflict between her and Dorabella over that.”
“Dorabella certainly wouldn’t want to take on the management of the household.”
“No, indeed not. But…”
“They were charming to us,” I went on. “And they seemed to like Dorabella. There was no objection, as there sometimes is in such cases.”
“I don’t know. It is just that it all seems too quick. I should have liked a little time to get…to get to know more…”
“Well, we were there for a week. It wasn’t exactly a conventional household. But perhaps most households are not.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, on the surface they seem conventional sometimes and then you discover all sorts of things are going on under the veneer, if you know what I mean. There is the housekeeper who isn’t really a housekeeper; there’s her son who runs the place; and there is Dermot who doesn’t seem to take much interest in it. And the father just sits there. He reminds me of a puppet master holding the strings.”
“Did he really seem like that to you?”
“It was just a thought that occurred to me. And then there was the feud.”
My mother laughed. “It was amusing that you met one of the enemy. I wonder what they thought of that? They didn’t give much sign…”
“No. That’s what I mean. I had a feeling that something was going on underneath.”
“That’s your imagination.”
“Well, there is something about that part of the world. Superstitions and such like. All those things you mustn’t do, like meeting parsons on the way to the boats, and dropping gloves which have to be picked up by someone else.”
“Your stranger turned out to be a blessing. If you ask me, it’s time they dropped their silly old quarrels about something which happened a hundred years ago. And Dorabella is going into all that. I wonder how she will fit in?”
“Well, she is in love with Dermot.”
My mother nodded, but she was frowning.
“Don’t worry,” I said. “She always falls on her feet.”
“She’s going to miss you.”
“And I her.”
“That’s the disadvantage of being twins. That closeness is wonderful at times, and then comes the inevitable separation.”
“But she is not going to the other end of the world,” I cried. “And I shall go and stay there and she will come here often, I am sure.”
“I suppose Dermot will be able to.”
“Of course. He’s got Gordon Lewyth to look after the estate.”
She frowned again. I was surprised, for I had thought she had been pleased by what she found in Cornwall; but, like myself, she had a faint stirring of disquiet that all might not be as it seemed.
Christmas was close—a very special Christmas, dominated by the wedding which was to take place. The church had been beautifully decorated; Dermot was to arrive a few days before, and there would be rehearsals in the church. I was to be the Maid of Honor, and Uncle Charles’s small daughter was a bridesmaid, his little boy a page—our brother being too old for the role and overcome with horror at the thought of it.
Dorabella’s dress was hanging up in the wardrobe; she looked at it a hundred times a day and wondered whether it was too long, too short, and whether the skirt needed an extra flounce of lace. There was another question: Should she wear the wreath of orange blossom round her head? My mother was anxious that she should because she had worn it at her wedding.
“Is it a little old-fashioned?” Dorabella asked again and again.
“What if it is?” I asked. “What does it matter?”
“What does it matter! This is my wedding!”
“It looks beautiful and Mummy wants you to. It will bring back memories of her wedding.”
“But this is my wedding.”
“Nobody is going to forget that. You wouldn’t let them.”
“You’ll have to wear that orange blossom at your wedding.”
“Mine? If there ever is one.”
“Of course there’ll be one. Once I’m out of the way, you’ll have a chance.”
We laughed together and I was reminded of how lonely I was going to be without her.
Dermot arrived at the beginning of the week. He was exuberant and Dorabella was wildly happy at the sight of him.
My mother and I watched his arrival from one of the windows. We looked down on him and Dorabella clinging together.
We smiled at each other.
“It will be all right,” said my mother. “He’s a good boy.”
Then we went down to greet him.
There was much laughter at dinner that night. Dermot was clearly very happy—and so was Dorabella.
All would be well.
The next days sped by. Guests arrived. The house was full and the bustle of preparation at its height. The day after Boxing Day the bridal pair would leave for their honeymoon. Dorabella could talk of little else. They were together most of the time. I went riding with them once or twice, but I felt a little redundant and when I declined to accompany them they made no protest, but if they were relieved they hid the fact carefully.
On Christmas Eve I happened to go into the kitchen. Mrs. Mills, the cook, was at the table stirring something. She was talking to one of the maids when I came in and I heard her remark:
“Well, say what you will, I don’t reckon it’s right. They should have made some other arrangement. It never was right and never will be. I mean to say…”
“What isn’t right, Mrs. Mills?” I asked.
She looked embarrassed and shrugged her shoulders.
“Oh, nothing really, Miss Violetta. I’ve had so much work to do these last days that I don’t know whether I’m standing on my head or my heels.”
“Perhaps we could get Amy Terrett in from the village to give you a hand.”
“Amy Terrett! No thank you. I’d be telling her what to do half the time instead of getting on with it. Quicker to do it myself.”
“Well, I am sure my mother would be happy to get her if it would help.”
“Don’t you say nothing of this to her ladyship. I’m not complaining about the work. This is a wedding, and weddings only come now and then, and if I’m not capable of handling them I don’t know who is.”
“But there is something. You said it wasn’t right.”
“You was always like that, Miss Violetta, wasn’t you? Right from a baby. Wouldn’t let nothing go. Why this, why that, and on and on till you got an answer. Now, Miss Dorabella, she’s different. Unless it was something about her, of course.”
“Is this something about Dorabella?” I asked.
“It’s all one of them mountains out of molehills, you might say.” She looked at the kitchen maid and lifted her shoulders.
“You won’t rest till you get it out of me, will you? All I was saying was that Mr. Dermot Tregarland ought not to be here.”
“Why not?”
“Because he’s the bridegroom, that’s why.”
“Well, he has to be here. We can’t have a wedding without him.”
“That’s true enough. But he should have stayed somewhere else…at a hotel or something.”
“There’s plenty of room here.”
“It ain’t right for bride and groom to sleep under the same roof on the day before their wedding. It’s unlucky.”
“Oh, Mrs. Mills, I never heard such nonsense. He’s been here before and we’ve visited his family. We were all under the same roof then. Nobody thought anything about it.”
“This is the night before the wedding.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Well, it’s only yesterday you were a little ’un, Miss Violetta. There you were, sitting at my table and popping raisins in your mouth when you thought I wasn’t looking. And there was Dorabella with you. There’s things you have to learn. I can only tell you it’s unlucky for bride and groom to spend the night before the wedding under the same roof.”
I laughed. “Well, they’ll be married soon and it won’t matter about their being under the same roof.”
“I didn’t say it would. I’m only telling you what I’ve always heard. But I wouldn’t like Miss Dorabella to know.”
“Don’t worry. She wouldn’t care if she did.”
“That’s a fact. She never saw anything she didn’t want to.”
There was a glass jar of raisins on the table. I leaned forward, took one, and, smiling at Mrs. Mills, I put it into my mouth.
“You’re cheeky, you are,” said Mrs. Mills.
And I went out of the kitchen and remembered later that I had not told her there was an extra person for dinner.
It was Christmas Eve. The Yule log had been brought in. In the kitchen they were baking mince pies and preparing the mulled wine for the carol singers when, they came. Hampers were being sent to the people in the cottages. Caddington always kept up the traditions and customs of the past.
My uncle Charles with his family were with us, accompanied by Grandmother Lucie. The house was full.
Grandmothers Lucie and Belinda were closeted together, talking about old times. Their lives had been very much entwined—often dramatically—and there was a certain relationship between them, rather like that which had existed with my mother and my aunt Annabelinda who had died violently and mysteriously many years before. We did not talk about that. Grandmother Belinda did not like us to, and my mother was always reticent about her, too.
Christmas was a time for stirring memories, and I suspected that when Lucie and Belinda were together there was a great deal of talk of those early days.
Edward arrived with Gretchen. They were now engaged to be married.
I often thought what a significant time that had been in Germany. There would not have been these preparations for this wedding now but for that. Edward and Gretchen? Well, he had met her before, but I could not help feeling that the incidents we had seen in the Böhmerwald had precipitated them into a binding relationship. It had certainly made Edward see that he could not leave her in Germany.
There was much merriment at the dinner table that night. We pulled crackers and produced our paper hats and read our mottoes while we laughed at the useless little articles we found in them—hearts of mock-gold and silver, keyrings, tin whistles, and so on.
My father sat at the head of the table. He was very happy. He loved to have the family around him and he, at least, I was sure, had no qualms about the coming marriage, except perhaps to hope that Dermot would become more interested in the estate which would be his…as dedicated as Gordon Lewyth was to ensure its prosperity.
But that might be my imagination again. His daughter was marrying into a family in Cornwall whose position was similar to his own. And I supposed that was something most fathers would want for their daughters. It was really all very satisfactory.
When we rose from the table the carol singers arrived. I heard them in the courtyard. We all went out to greet them as we had every Christmas I remembered. We sang with them, “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing,” “Once in Royal David’s City,” all the carols which we knew so well. The singers came into the hall where Mrs. Mills was waiting with the mince pies and mulled wine.
“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas…” The words echoed round the hall.
“Long life and happiness to Miss Dorabella.”
Dorabella, flushed, excited, beamed on them all. Dermot was beside her and everyone said what a beautiful bride she would make to stand beside such a handsome bridegroom.
At last the singers had departed and my mother said: “Now it is time for bed, I should say. We have a big day tomorrow.”
We retired to our rooms. I undressed and got into bed. I felt a certain sadness. This was the end of an era. Tomorrow she would be not so much my twin sister as Dermot’s wife.
I was not entirely surprised when she came to me. She stood by the bed. In her blue nightdress with dressing gown to match, her hair about her shoulders, she looked very young and in some ways vulnerable.
“Hello, Vee,” she said.
“Hello,” I replied.
“It’s cold out here.” She took off her dressing gown and let it fall to the floor, then she leaped in beside me.
We laughed.
“You all right?” I asked.
Her arms were tight about me. “H’m,” she murmured.
“You don’t sound sure. You’re not going to call the whole thing off, are you?”
She laughed. “You’re joking!”
“Nothing would surprise me with you.”
“No. I’m wildly, ecstatically happy.”
“Are you?”
“A little scared?”
“They say marriage is a big undertaking.”
“Dermot will be all right. I can look after him.”
“You usually can, as you say, look after people.”
“As I have looked after you all these years?”
“Now it is you who are joking. As I remember, I did most of the looking after.”
“Yes, you have, dear sister. That’s true. And what I want is for you to go on doing it.”
“What! From miles away?”
“That’s what I don’t like about this…being miles away. It won’t be the same, will it?”
“Of course not! Talk sense. How could it be? You won’t be Miss Dorabella Denver any more. You’ll be Mrs. Dermot Tregarland.”
“I know.”
“Dorabella? Seriously, you are not having second thoughts, are you? It is rather late.”
“Oh, no. It’s just that I wish you were coming with me.”
“What! To Venice? A honeymoon à trois! I wonder what Dermot would think about that?”
“I didn’t mean that. I meant afterwards. I wish you were coming to Cornwall.”
“I shall come for a visit.”
“You will, won’t you? Often…”
“And you will come here.”
“Yes, there is that. But…I’d like you to be there all the time.”
“No, you wouldn’t. You’re a big girl now. You don’t need your alter ego there beside you all the time.”
“That’s just it. I do. I have been feeling this for some time. We are like one person. When you think of all that time before we were born…when most children are alone…we were there…growing together. We’re part of each other. There is something between us, something other people can’t understand.”
“I understand perfectly.”
“Of course you do. You are part of it. You were always there. Do you remember that frightful Miss Dobbs at school? She was always trying to separate us. ‘You must stand on your own feet, Dorabella.’ Do you remember?”
“Of course I remember.”
“I hated her because she wouldn’t let us sit together.”
“And you could not do your sums.”
“Which you were clever at, of course.”
“You would have been all right if you had tried. Miss Dobbs was right. You should have stood on your own feet.”
“Why should I, when I had yours to stand on? And you know, you liked me to. You were always pleased when I couldn’t do those ghastly old lessons without you. You would click your tongue…just like Miss Dobbs. ‘You are really hopeless, Dorabella.’ I can hear your voice now and see the smile of satisfaction on your face while I copied your sums. You were an old swot. You liked to score over me, you liked it when I couldn’t do without you.”
We were laughing together. It was true. I had always wanted her to lean on me. She might charm them, but I could win admiration with my superior scholarship. At least I had that!
Then we began: “Do you remember…?” And we rocked with laughter. There was so much to remember.
I heard the clock in the tower chime midnight.
I said: “Listen. This is your wedding day.”
“Yes,” she said and held me tightly.
“Fancy you, a married woman!”
“It will be wonderful, won’t it?” She spoke lightly but I fancied she was asking for reassurance.
“I know what’s the matter with you,” I said. “It’s something they call prewedding nerves.”
“Is that what it is?”
“I’m sure of it.”
“I…I’m not frightened of Dermot. It’s just that it’s the end of the way it used to be…with us.”
“I shall still be here and you’re not miles away, just in a different part of England. There are trains. I only have to get on one, or you will, and we are together.”
“That’s what I keep telling myself. Vee?”
She waited for a while and I said: “What?”
“Promise me this…if I wanted you…suddenly…you’d come. You won’t think that, just because I’m married, there’s any difference between us. You’ll always be with me, won’t you, ‘till death do us part’…?”
I was going to give some flippant answer, saying that that was what she should say tomorrow and she had muddled the occasions, but I sensed the urgency in her, so I repeated, “I’ll be there…whenever you want me…‘until death do us part.’ ”
She kissed me and I released her. She got out of bed, put on her dressing gown, and stood smiling at me.
“And so to bed,” she said. “Busy day tomorrow.”
I lay for some time after she had gone, thinking about her, and I could not dispel the faint feeling of uneasiness.
Everything went according to plan. Dorabella and Dermot were married; the beautifully decorated church was filled not only with friends and relations but the servants from the house and the people from the village.
Dorabella came up the aisle on my father’s arm and went down it on Dermot’s. Everyone was saying how beautiful and radiantly happy she looked, and that it was a wonderful wedding.
There was merrymaking throughout the day; messages of congratulation; people calling; and the reception in the great hall which was scarcely big enough to accommodate them all.
None of Dermot’s family was present. His father had a bad cold and Matilda Lewyth could not leave him; Gordon knew that we would understand that he could not leave the estate at such a time when most of the staff would be thinking of Christmas and being with their families.
This was commented on by Mrs. Mills in the kitchen and no doubt she thought it was not a good omen, especially as the bridegroom had slept under the same roof as the bride the night before the wedding.
However, no one else seemed to have any qualms. The bride and groom were so obviously in love, and I could detect none of that apprehension I had sensed in Dorabella when she had come into my bed on the previous night.
All would be well, I told myself. I should visit them often. It would be fun. I might meet that interesting man Jowan Jermyn again. That would be amusing.
All would be well.
We drank the champagne. My father made a speech. Dermot responded and it was all according to tradition.
The day after Boxing Day the married pair left for Venice.
Then I realized how lonely I felt without her. She had been right about the bond between us. It was as strong as ever. I had liked her to lean on me. I had truly reveled in her copying my sums.
I knew my life was going to be different without her close by. I felt an emptiness…a deep loneliness.
Dorabella and Dermot had returned from their three weeks in Italy. She had written to say she had had a wonderful time. She wrote often and her letters indicated that she was happy at Tregarland’s.
The weather had been rather severe. We had had snow and my mother caught a cold. She was rarely ill and when she was I had always taken on the task of looking after her. But for this I might have gone to Cornwall for a visit.
My mother said: “Dorabella will probably be better settling in on her own. It is all new to her and she may be hankering after her old home for a while. Let her get used to it and we’ll go down in the spring.”
Hearing that my mother was not well, Edward came to see us, and it was then we heard about his coming wedding, which was to be in March.
“It will make things easier,” he said. “We always intended to, but Gretchen feels she should visit her family and, quite frankly, I don’t like her going over. If we were married, she would be English…and that will make a difference.”
“They haven’t had any more of…that sort of thing?” I asked.
He shook his head. “But that man is still around, and I don’t like it.”
“I understand that,” said my mother.
When he had gone my mother expressed a certain fear to me.
“There is no doubt that he cares deeply for Gretchen, and she is a nice girl, but I wonder if he is marrying her out of pity.”
“Well, what is wrong with that?” I asked.
“It just is not enough.”
“He was very interested in her because of that business in the schloss.”
“Oh, I expect it is all right. I always looked upon Edward as my baby.”
“I know. I hope you’ll feel well enough to go to his wedding.”
“I’ve made up my mind that I’m going.”
She did, though the cold was still hanging around. The Greenham grandparents arranged this one. I wondered what Mrs. Mills would have said about its taking place from the bridegroom’s home, which I imagined was stepping aside from convention. But, of course, in this case the bride’s home was in Germany, so perhaps the fates would have made a concession on that account. It was not like Dermot…who could have stayed in a hotel.
I told my mother what I was thinking and we laughed together over it.
It was a charming wedding. Gretchen looked delightful and happy, although she suffered some anxiety over her family, but at least no trouble at the schloss had been reported.
During the honeymoon she and Edward would see her family, and later she did tell me that they were very happy about the marriage.
My parents and I with Grandmother Belinda traveled back to Caddington; I saw immediately how fatigued my mother was and that her cold had worsened, so I said she must go to bed and I would have supper with her there.
She declared she was much better and over our food we talked of Edward.
She said: “It was so moving to see him there, a grown man, actually getting married. When first I saw him he was a baby in a perambulator in the Plantains’ cottage garden.”
“Who were the Plantains?”
“They were his foster parents,” she told me. “He was to be brought up by them because Madame Plantain had just lost her own baby. It had been stillborn. She had been heartbroken…until Edward was brought to her.”
“What happened to Edward’s parents?”
She said: “I suppose you will have to know one day. I remember his great-grandfather’s saying, ‘There is a time for silence,’ and it was then. But now…it is a long time ago.”
“Do you mean Jean Pascal Bourdon, Grandmother Belinda’s father? The one who left Edward that house in France?”
She was silent for a moment. Then she said: “This is for you only. Don’t tell anyone, not Dorabella particularly. She could never keep a secret. Jean Pascal Bourdon was Edward’s great-grandfather. He arranged it all. He was a very sophisticated aristocrat. He knew how to manage things. You see, it all came about when Annabelinda, Grandmother Belinda’s daughter, your father’s sister…”
“Aunt Annabelinda …the one who died in that old house?”
“It’s a complicated story. But Annabelinda, when she was at school with me, fell in love with a young man. He was German. Edward was the result. Annabelinda was only a schoolgirl. We were in Belgium. Jean Pascal arranged it all and for Madame Plantain to take the child in place of her own. She lived near the school. I met her and saw the baby, though I did not know at first that he was Annabelinda’s. I found out by chance and they had to let me into the secret. Then the war came; the cottage was bombed, the Plantains were killed, and I came along and found the baby in his perambulator in the garden. I brought him home. But the fact of his birth was hushed up.”
“Does Edward know?”
“Yes, he does. I told him only recently. I talked it over with your father and Grandmother Belinda. For some time I could not decide what to do for the best. Jean Pascal had been so certain that he should not be told. Edward does not know everything, not exactly who his father was. But he knows he was German and that his mother was Annabelinda. So he knows that he is one of us, and I think that pleases him very much. He belongs to the family, and we thought he should not be kept in the dark any longer. People have a right to know who their parents are.”
“I expect he will tell Gretchen.”
“I daresay. I am glad that he married her.”
“But you thought it might have been out of pity.”
“I believe it will be all right, though. It is like a pattern, you see. He is half German and he is attracted by a German girl. Don’t you think it is significant that they should be attracted by each other?”
“It seems so. And by Kurt, too, when they met at college. They were drawn together, I suppose, and they became great friends. It could well be something to do with their being of the same nationality, even though they did not know it. And then, of course…Gretchen.”
“I am sure they will be very happy. I am glad that he has married her and taken her away from that…unpleasantness.”
Dorabella married. Edward married. There is change all about us. For so long everything went on as it always had…and now…change.
I had heard from Dorabella now and then. She had a rather unexpected trait; she liked writing letters, and, of course, most of what she wrote would come my way. So far they had been short—an indication that everything was going well. I believed she was not missing me as much as I was her. I had replied and told her about our mother’s health and what was happening at Caddington. I explained that the reason I had not been to see her was because of our mother’s persistent cold and, as she would want to accompany me to Cornwall, I did not feel it would be wise to come.
They were ordinary letters. Then one came which was different. Because it was a long letter, I took it to my bedroom so that I might enjoy it without interruptions.
“Dear Vee,” she had written.
“How are you? I wish you were here. It would be lovely to talk, and there is no one to whom I can talk as I can to you.”
I felt a quiver of alarm at that. It must mean that all was not going well. Why could she not talk to her husband?
This is a strange place. It is not like home. It makes you feel there is something in the air. The sea makes strange noises at night. I don’t think I shall ever get used to it. Matilda is very good. She manages everything. I never interfere with that. I am not interested and I would not want to face that old dragon of a cook every morning to discuss the meals. These servants are not cosy like ours. I suppose that’s because ours have known us for years.
Vee, I don’t know how to describe this to you. But…this house …I can’t get used to it. It was all right when you were all here. It felt different then, like home, with you and the parents…and all that. You made it feel…normal. It’s different now. I feel people are watching me. They aren’t really. It’s just a feeling I have. The eyes in the people in the portrait gallery…they follow me, stare at me, and it seems as if they change when I’m looking at them. They are laughing at me, sneering…some of them look as if they are warning me.
This is silly, of course. I think it is because I don’t fit.
Dermot is wonderful. He is very kind and gentle, all that I thought he was in the beginning. It’s the others I don’t understand…I mean the old man and Gordon. The old man seems amused by something…by me, I think. Gordon, well, he’s alert in a way. The old man is always telling me how pretty I am and how he likes to see me there. He likes me to sit close to him and keeps patting my hand. It’s welcoming in a way and yet somehow it seems as though he is laughing at me. But not only me, at the others as well. As for Gordon, he’s working most of the time. He doesn’t say very much, but I get the impression that he would rather I wasn’t here.
Matilda is kind. I believe she knows how I am feeling. She said to me the other day: “You are finding it hard to fit in, aren’t you, Dorabella?” I hesitated. It seemed rather rude to agree, but it’s the truth.
She said: “It’s strange no doubt. It must be so different from your home.”
I told her the house was not so different. We lived in an old house and there is a similarity about old houses. No, it wasn’t the house.
“It must be the people,” she said.
I assured her it was not. Everyone had been kind to me.
“Of course they have,” she said. “It is your family now, your home. I think you miss your sister. You were always together, I suppose.”
I told her yes, we had been, and she said she understood absolutely and it would all come right. I try to keep feeling that it will, but it isn’t the same, Vee.
I think I have been trying to work up to this. It shocked me very much when I heard. Don’t tell the parents yet, not until I say you may. I don’t know what they’ll think. I know it will be that we ought to have heard of it before. I don’t know whether it would have made any difference. I don’t think it would. I should still have wanted to marry Dermot.
The fact is, Vee, Dermot was married before!
I paused. Married before! That was what was upsetting her. Why hadn’t he said so? Now I understood all this about the portraits watching her. I guessed she was very shaken.
Yes, he was married before. She died. It was two years before we met. He confessed it to me one night. I can tell you it was a shock. He said, why should it be? It didn’t make any difference to us. He was young and impetuous and had rushed into it. It was different from what had happened to us. There had never been anyone like me, he said. It was rather strange, really. There was that story about the feud…do you remember? That man Jermyn told you. I haven’t seen anything of him, by the way. I heard someone say in one of the shops that he was abroad somewhere. Well, Dermot’s wife was drowned. She went out to swim and there were crosscurrents or something…and she ought not to have gone. Her body was washed up some days later, on the beach right in front of the house. It was odd, after what happened to that girl in the feud. She drowned herself of her own accord. It revived it all. Dermot said it was all very distressing. He didn’t want to think about it. He just wanted to forget, which was why he couldn’t bear to bring it up. I suppose the sea being so near made it easy for the Jermyn girl. And then, of course, Dermot’s wife…her name was Annette. It’s rather pretty and feminine.
I was ever so shocked when I heard. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” I kept asking Dermot. He said he thought it might have made a difference. Well, it would have in a way. He always seemed so young and carefree. He didn’t seem like a man who had had a wife who had died like that.
He said it was a bad time. There was an inquest. The verdict was, of course, death by drowning. He said the sea was safe enough most of the time, but you have to watch for winds and cross-currents.
That really is what I wanted to tell you. It has made a difference. I wanted you to know first, but somehow I really didn’t want to think about it…so I kept putting off writing.
If you were here, I could talk to you. That would be easier. When one is writing it seems more serious, more important. If I could only talk to you, it would be so different.
So, don’t tell the parents… yet. I wonder what they’ll say? I’m just telling you at the moment. Everyone here knows about it, of course. There’s always gossip. The servants are watching all the time. As I said, they are suspicious of me. I am not one of them. I heard one of them refer to me as “Mr. Dermot’s foreign lady.” I did mention this to Matilda and she laughed and said, “Everyone’s a foreigner from the other side of the Tamar.” So you see how it is.
I had to let you know this. Oh, how I wish you were here!
Your twin sister,
The letter disturbed me. Had she been in a certain mood when she wrote it? How much did it portray her real feelings? I knew her well. She could change her mind from one moment to another.
But whatever her mood, the fact remained that Dermot had been married before—and it was certainly strange that he had not mentioned it.
I think we should have seen him rather differently if we had known. He had seemed so light-hearted, so young. Had he been afraid of losing Dorabella? Why otherwise should he want to keep his first marriage a secret?
I should have liked to talk it over with my mother, but Dorabella had expressly said: “Don’t tell the parents yet.” And I must respect this confidence.
So I did not tell her that I had received the letter; she would have expected to read it if I had, for we shared Dorabella’s letters.
I hated the subterfuge, but I decided that I must wait for Dorabella’s permission before I divulged this secret.
I thought a great deal about Dorabella after that time and wondered whether I ought to go down to see her. I was still anxious about my mother. She was not really ill, but I liked to make sure that she did not go out in cold winds or rain which she might do without me to restrain her. Her cold still hung on and I felt torn between them.
And then came the next letter.
This was change indeed. This was Dorabella exultant…and yet a little fearful.
My dear Vee,
What do you think? I am going to have a baby. I am so excited. Can you believe it? Me…a mother!
I have been to the doctor and it is confirmed. I would not have told you until it was. Dermot is thrilled. So is Matilda…and the old man, too. And as for Gordon, even he seems quite interested.
I’m a bit scared, just a little, of course. It is rather an ordeal, you know. It has happened rather soon, but there’s a long time to go yet.
Just fancy! You’ll be Auntie Vee. It sounds a bit fierce to me. I think Auntie Violetta sounds much softer. Names are important. I’ll have to get the right one for him/her.
Isn’t it marvelous? I’m writing to the parents. I wonder who’ll get their letter first, you or them. If you get yours first, tell them right away. Mummy will be Grandmamma and Daddy Grandpa. What nice ones they’ll make!
Lots of love from,
I had taken the letter to my room to read, wondering whether there would be more revelations about Dermot’s first marriage. Revelations there had certainly been, but on a different subject.
Almost before I had had time to read the letter my mother came into my room. She had obviously received hers by the same post.
She was flushed and excited.
“You have heard, too,” she cried.
I nodded. She was smiling.
“Dorabella a mother! I can’t believe it. I thought it might be some time, of course…but not quite yet. How will she manage a baby?”
“People you least expect do turn out to be good mothers. She’ll have a nanny, I suppose.”
“We’ll both go,” said my mother. “And now we must tell your father. He will be so thrilled!”