WHEN DORABELLA HAD RECOVERED from her ordeal, James Tregarland insisted that the baby’s health be drunk in his vintage champagne. Tristan was by this time looking very different from the little old man of ninety whom he had resembled at birth. His skin was a healthy pink, his hair, though sparse, had a golden tinge, and his eyes, which he occasionally opened, were amazingly blue.
Nanny Crabtree held him and was watchful of any who came too near.
Dorabella sat in her chair, looking completely restored to normal. Dermot stood beside her, the proud father; Matilda, with Gordon, smiled happily on us all; and my mother and I sat close to Dorabella.
The old man lifted his glass.
“Welcome to Tristan,” he said. “Our grateful thanks to his parents for giving us this blessing.”
We all drank to that.
Dermot said how happy he and Dorabella were by this exciting event.
“Well,” said James Tregarland, his eyes glistening with that look which I had seen many times. “This is a great occasion. The succession is secure.” He was smiling at Matilda. “Don’t you agree, Matty?”
Matilda replied with something like faint embarrassment: “Yes, indeed it is.”
The old man’s chin wagged slightly, as I had seen it do before, and I think he implied some secret amusement. What was amusing him now seemed to concern Matilda. Was it some joke they shared?
Matilda, however, was smiling serenely.
“I am so glad,” she said, “that it is all over. It has necessarily been a worrying time.”
“And you and Gordon have been as anxious as the rest of us,” said the old man. “And now all is well. It’s a great weight off our minds. We have our little one.”
He was still smiling at Matilda.
“Yes,” she said. “Dear little Tristan. It will be wonderful to have a child in the house.”
The baby suddenly opened his mouth wide and yawned, which made everyone laugh.
“He seems a little bored with the proceedings,” said the old man with a grin.
“He wants his rest,” put in Nanny Crabtree. “I’ll be getting him down.”
She left us, taking Tristan with her.
When she had gone, the old man said: “She’ll make sure he’s all right, that one.”
“She can be a little officious at times,” said Matilda. “But I am sure she will be a wonderful nurse.”
“She certainly is,” said my mother. “That is why I was determined to get her. She looked after my girls and you couldn’t have a better watchdog.”
“Watchdog,” cried the old man. “You think there is going to be an attack on the youngster, do you?”
“I meant a watchdog against the hazards of childhood,” explained my mother. “She’ll see that he has the best care and is not allowed to take risks. She regards him as hers.”
“That’s what he needs,” said the old man, smiling to himself.
I thought he was very odd, and wondered whether he was slightly deranged. He seemed to be greatly amused by some secret joke.
A few days later my mother said she must go back. She had decided, after consultation with Nanny Crabtree, that the baby would be too young to travel at Christmas so we should spend the festive season at Tregarland’s.
Mary Grace was to visit us here shortly. Dorabella was very eager to sit for her portrait and grew really upset when I talked about returning when Mary Grace did; and finally I agreed that I might as well stay until after Christmas.
My mother left and Mary Grace arrived.
She and Dorabella liked each other immediately and Mary Grace started on the picture.
She was welcomed by the family. The old man came down to dinner and was clearly interested in her. She sat next to Gordon at dinner and she and he seemed to get on well together. They had all seen the miniature I had given Dorabella for her birthday and were impressed by Mary Grace’s work.
Surprisingly Gordon knew a little about art and they had something to talk about; Mary Grace blossomed and seemed to be a different person from the one I had first met.
I was contented. Life seemed to be running smoothly now. Dorabella’s fearful prognostications had proved to be without foundation; Mary Grace was much happier and I could not help feeling a mild self-congratulation on that score, since I had been the one to bring her talent to light. Doing good turns to others gives one such a glow of pleasure. Well, I was contented.
I had not seen Jowan Jermyn since I had come down. In the first days we had been too concerned about the birth to think of anything else; and afterwards there was so much to do with Mary Grace’s arrival. I had simply not had the opportunity of going off alone.
But now there were the sittings and that left me a certain amount of free time.
I did not feel I should go to the field in search of him, for it was hardly likely that he would be there. It was some little time since I had arrived in Cornwall and I had made no attempt to see him. I could not expect him to be there every day just on the chance that I might come.
What a ridiculous state of affairs this feud was! If he could have telephoned to Tregarland’s it would have been so different.
I would just take a ride. The country was always interesting; and at this time of the year there were no visitors, which gave it an added charm.
I rode inland, skirting the Jermyn estate, past woods and fields which were new to me. Every now and then I caught a glimpse of the coastline. It was beautiful on this day. There was a benign touch about the wind which came in from the sea. It was caressing.
I felt pleased with life. Dorabella was well. She had really frightened me with her talk of dreams and making me swear to look after the child who, she was sure, would be motherless.
That was Dorabella. Always looking for drama.
I loved Tristan already. When I went to the nursery Nanny Crabtree would allow me to hold him and he did not protest.
Nanny Crabtree said: “He likes his aunty Violetta, don’t you…little pet?”
He cast on her that inscrutable look which gave him the appearance of a sage. Then he turned his blue stare on me.
“I believe he’s smiling at me,” I said.
“Could be a touch of the wind,” said Nanny Crabtree, taking him from me.
He opened his mouth in protest and she handed him back. He settled in my arms and stared at me. That gesture endeared him more than ever to me. He was mine after that.
I was thinking of this as I rode along.
I was not far from the Jermyn estate when I met Jowan. He was riding a big black horse and saw me from a distance and came riding up.
“Hello!” he cried. “Why haven’t we met till now?”
“Because our paths have not crossed until this moment.”
He gave me a reproachful look.
“I was at the rendezvous.”
“Oh, I am sorry. We’ve had a busy time.”
“I know, of course. The news has come through. A boy. Tristan. A good old Cornish name.”
“That’s what my sister said, and she is keeping in the opera tradition at the same time.”
“Splendid. What about a drink at one of our inns?”
“I’d like to, but I haven’t time now. My sister will be expecting me back.”
He looked disappointed, which gave me a great deal of pleasure.
“I think,” he said, “that you and I should break this foolish habit!”
“You mean…?”
“If I cannot call on you, you must come to my place. Then we won’t have to meet as if by chance or a sort of haphazard arrangement. I am going to invite you to my home. Will you come?”
I hesitated.
“Oh, please. We are not going to allow ourselves to be governed by this silly story which has been going on all this time. We’ll break through it. We’ll scandalize the neighborhood. Come to my home. When shall it be?”
I said: “It would be something which we should undertake with some caution, perhaps.”
“Why? If we are going to kick through restrictions, shouldn’t we do it boldly?”
“I am only a guest here, you know. It is hardly for me to blaze a trail.”
“Do you mean you won’t come?”
“Suppose I came for tea? I could do that without having to make an announcement to the household. I do not understand Mr. Tregarland Senior. I think he might be amused. I am not sure of my sister’s husband, nor Mrs. Lewyth…who, I believe, takes a great pride in the family.”
“And your sister?”
“She would be in full agreement with you. She would think such a visit would be interesting and amusing.”
“Well then. Tomorrow afternoon. Three o’clock? Half past two?”
“Half past two,” I said. “My sister rests at that time. I shall tell her. Then she will not be worried if I don’t get back promptly. She does worry about things like that.”
“For instance at the time of the cliff rescue?”
“Yes, that was certainly one time.”
“How is she?”
“Very well, but she still gets a little tired.”
“And the baby?”
“He’s delightful.”
“And you’ve got your old nanny.”
“So you have already heard of her.”
“She seems to be a person of some standing. But she is not Cornish and that is a black mark against her.”
“I can assure you Nanny Crabtree is a match for any.”
“That is what I gathered.”
“You are so well informed.”
“The subject is of particular interest to me.”
I felt light-hearted, as always, with him.
His last words were: “Tomorrow. Two thirty. I shall wait your coming with pleasure.”
When I arrived back I went straight to Dorabella. She was lying on her bed and when she saw me she cried: “Where have you been? What’s happened? You look different.”
“What do you mean…different?”
“Something exciting has happened. I know what it is. You’ve seen that Jermyn man.”
She laughed. “You have…then?”
“I always know. He must be fascinating. You ought to bring him here.”
“Well, as a matter of fact, I am going to visit him tomorrow.”
She was overcome with amusement.
“I can’t wait to hear the outcome.”
“Oh, it’s nothing much.”
“Nothing much! Right into the enemy’s camp. We won’t say anything about it here. You never know how they’d take it.”
I wondered if they would care. I had seen very little animosity to the Jermyns here and I knew Jowan felt none toward them. The feud was something which was kept going because the families were too indifferent to change it; it was the people around who liked to create a drama where it did not exist.
The next afternoon when I was setting out for the appointment, I encountered Seth in the stables.
“You be wanting Starlight, Miss?” he asked.
I told him I did. He looked at me strangely. I wondered if he had heard where I was going. He could not have done so yet. So far it was between Jowan and myself. It would be after I had visited his home that the gossip would start.
Seth was trying to say something. He stammered: “Don’t ’ee go there, Miss. Don’t ’ee go.”
I was amazed. I thought, Can he really know where I am going?
“ ’Ee don’t want to see ’er again, Miss. It might not be…”
“Go where, Seth?” I asked.
He pointed toward the sea.
“You mean the beach? No, no, I shan’t be going there. I wouldn’t dream of taking Starlight down to the beach.”
“There’s some of them take the horses there. They go along the beach at a gallop.”
“I don’t plan to do that.”
He gave me a sly smile. “Don’t want to tempt ’un, Miss.”
I really wasn’t sure who was to be tempted. I guessed it was the Jermyn ghost who he believed had lured the first Mrs. Tregarland into the sea.
Poor Seth. I was sorry for him. And it was kind of him to be concerned for me.
He patted Starlight’s flank lovingly, and I rode out of the stables.
It was another warmish day, ideal for riding. There was scarcely any wind and inland I could see a faint blue mist settling over the trees.
I turned my horse and rode toward the Jermyn estate. This time I should go straight to the house.
I rode along for about half a mile and there was the house. It was not as ancient as Tregarland’s but impressive. It was built in that silver gray stone which they call Elvan and with which I had become familiar since my arrival in Cornwall.
I went through a gate into a turfed forecourt and facing me was a heavy iron-studded door. I was wondering whether to dismount when the door opened and Jowan stood there.
“I was waiting for you,” he said. “Punctual as usual.”
He patted Starlight as he smiled at me. Then he held me to dismount.
“Charlie,” he shouted, and a man hurried out.
“Yes, sir.”
“Take the lady’s horse.”
He turned to me and took my arm.
“So this is your home,” I said.
“Yes. Do you like it?”
“From what I have seen, it is magnificent.”
“I like it,” he said. “I’m looking forward to showing it to you.”
I stood in the hall and looked around. It was not unlike all such halls. It had a plaster ceiling, the main ribs of which were set on corbels decorated with oak leaves. On one of the walls were the entwined initials J and S.
My eyes rested on it and he said: “Jowan and Sarah. They built the house three hundred years ago, and it was the custom to have such entwined initials. It could become embarrassing if the marriage didn’t work out and there was a second wife, and she had to spend her married life with the constant reminder of her predecessor. I can tell you that is not the only spot where you will find those initials.”
He pointed out the minstrels’ gallery.
“I plan to use that one day for its original purpose, out of respect for old customs. Some of them are worth preserving. Now let me show you the rest of the house and you can tell me what you think of it.”
“It is beautiful,” I said. “You must be proud of it.”
“It has not been long in my possession and I am still a trifle bemused by the fact. But come along. Here are the screens—they lead to the kitchen. That is a part I will leave to your imagination. The servants are there.” He grimaced. “It would make their deductions too easy if I introduced you to them. Let us leave them to their own speculations.”
“They are going to talk about my being here.”
“Let them. But you are not a Tregarland, so perhaps that will modify the betrayal of the past. Now, there are several rooms leading from the hall. This staircase goes to the library and beyond that is the drawing room. That is the old solar. It is the best room in the house. We shall have tea there. It is very light, with semicircular bay windows—of a much later period than the rest of the house. They were put in over a hundred years ago.”
I followed him through the house. The west wing was in a dilapidated state.
“It has been much neglected,” he told me. “My plan is to restore the place completely.”
I could hear the pride in his voice as he pointed out the special features, showed me the restoration work he had already completed, and told me what he planned to do.
He said: “I can’t show you everything on one visit. This is just a cursory look round. We can go into it with more detail at some other time if you are interested.”
“I am,” I said.
“I’m glad because it is something of a passion with me. I want to make this house what it should be and what it was before it was allowed to deteriorate.”
He seemed different from the young man who had sat with me in those inn parlors drinking cider or mulled wine. It occurred to me that people could be very different against their own backgrounds. I felt that I was seeing him as he really was. He was really earnest about the restoration of his own house; previously I thought he could not be serious about anything and that life seemed to him little else but a joke.
In due course we returned to the solar which was filled with pale December sunshine. Tea was brought by a maid who could not hide her curiosity. I guessed that she knew I came from Tregarland’s.
I learned more about Jowan Jermyn.
He had owned the house for two years, although he had spent his childhood here. His father was the younger son of that Charles Jermyn on whose death the house had gone to Jowan’s father’s elder brother, Joseph.
“The house had been neglected for years,” he said. “I always had a special feeling for it. We had a place on the north coast, for, when my father married, he went to live in north Cornwall, where I was born. My mother never recovered from my birth and died three years after it. My grandfather had been artistic and was not interested in the material things of life. I came here and was brought up by my grandmother. Uncle Joseph was of a somewhat profligate nature. He was a great gambler and spent a great deal of time in London. He had little feeling for the country. His lack of interest grieved my grandmother. Uncle Joseph was an unsatisfactory Jermyn. He did not marry, although he had several children. He did not want family ties, and so on. He inherited the house in due course. My father, who loved this place, could not bear to be near and it not be his. He knew the way it would go because old houses need constant attention, and when some little deterioration shows it should be dealt with immediately. So I was deposited with my grandmother while he went to New Zealand. I was to join him when he was ready to have me. I did not want to go. I wanted to stay with my grandmother in this house.”
“But you came back to it eventually?”
“It worked out unexpectedly. I was eighteen when my father died. He had left his place in New Zealand to me. I did not want to go abroad; my grandmother did not want me to leave. She was very sad about the house, which was in a dire state by this time. Uncle Joseph was only interested in the revenues which came from the place.”
“And you went to New Zealand?”
“Yes. I was there for four years. Then I heard that Uncle Joseph had died prematurely, which was not altogether surprising. He had been drinking too heavily for years. My father was heir to the estate and, since he had died, it fell to me. I sold up everything in New Zealand and came home. I have been here ever since.”
“Your grandmother…?”
“You’ll meet her. She is in her room most of the time nowadays.”
“You mean she is here?”
He nodded. “Where else would she be? She loves me place. It is an interest we share.”
“And…what about the feud?”
He laughed. “She feels about that as I do…as you do. A lot of nonsense.”
“That’s the sensible view, of course.”
“Yes, but in spite of that, it has been going on for a long time.”
“It is due to the superstitious people around us. They have kept it going all this time.”
“I suppose it supplies a little excitement, something to talk about.”
“That’s so, and, of course, since the first Mrs. Tregarland died it brought it up again.”
“But the families were never friendly. We needed a visitor from ‘foreign parts’ to set it right.”
I laughed. “Do you think the fact that you have invited me here is going to change all that?”
“I think it is the first step.”
We talked for a long time and I glanced at my watch.
“I shall have to go,” I said, “Dorabella will be anxious to hear about this visit.”
He stood up and, taking my hand, helped me to rise. He held it for some time while he smiled at me. I felt deep pleasure.
“Before you go,” he said, “you must say hello to my grandmother.”
“I should very much like that.”
“Come on, then.”
He led me up a staircase, through a gallery to a corridor, and then up more stairs.
He opened the door of a room which was clearly a sitting room and, through an open door, I saw a four-poster bed. Mrs. Charlotte Jermyn was sitting in a chair, a piece of crochet work in her hands. She looked over the top of her spectacles as I came in.
“Grandmother,” said Jowan. “I have brought her to show you and to show you to her.”
She smiled. “Well, this is nice.” She had dropped the crochet into her lap and held out her hand.
“I’m a bit stiff today,” she said. “It’s my rheumatism. It is worse some days than others. They say this damp climate is not good for it. Well, Miss Denver, it is nice to see you here. Jowan has told me about you.”
“I am so pleased to be here and to meet you.”
She laughed. “It’s time someone put their feet through that nonsense. I guessed Jowan would be the one to do it. And now your sister is up there and you are a frequent visitor.”
“I came for the birth of the baby and shall be staying until after Christmas.”
“That is good. We always have a real Cornish Christmas here. We call it keeping up the old customs. Tell me about your sister and the new baby.”
I told her and we talked awhile.
Jowan watched us in an amused way, pleased, I could see, that we were getting on well together.
I was sorry that I had to leave, but I could imagine Dorabella’s impatience, so I said I must go.
“You’ll come again,” said Mrs. Jermyn. “I shall look forward to seeing you.”
It was with reluctance that at last I left.
Dorabella was very impatient to hear what had happened. She was eager to meet Jowan and suggested that he be invited to the house. To dinner? To lunch, perhaps, would be best for a start.
“He sounds fun,” she said, looking at me searchingly.
I knew what was in her mind, just as I knew what had been in my mother’s concerning Richard Dorrington.
I said: “You should make sure that the family approve. Don’t forget, this feud has been going on for a hundred years or more. You come into the family and want to break it up.”
“I want to break it up! Who fell off her horse and started it up by meeting him secretly, going to his house, meeting his grandmother…” She giggled. “All right. I’ll suggest it to Dermot.”
“I think Dermot’s father should be the one to make the decision. After all, he is the head of the household.”
“Very well. But I think he’d love it.”
“And what about Matilda?”
“Well, I suppose, now I am the mistress of the house. Matilda, after all, is only a glorified housekeeper.”
“Don’t let her hear you say that.”
“It is for your ears alone.”
The result of this was that Jowan and his grandmother were invited to lunch.
As we had guessed, old Mr. Tregarland had no objection and enjoyed the meeting tremendously, as I am sure Jowan’s grandmother did. I think they relished the behavior of the servants and I imagined the news would travel fast. The Jermyns were making friends with the Tregarlands, and it was all due to the second Mrs. Tregarland and her sister!
It was a very pleasant lunch.
The days were passing quickly. Mary Grace had returned to London, taking with her the finished picture of Dorabella which was to be fitted into the frame. My mother would bring it with her when she came for Christmas.
Then Christmas came. My parents joined us and we were all very merry.
There was the ceremony of bringing in the log and what they called the “wassailing,” when the head of the family stood by a bowl of spiced wine from which he drank before passing it round so that everyone might have a sip. It seemed a rather unhealthy procedure, but we were told that it had been done since Saxon days and it was considered unlucky not to cling to the old ways.
Carol singers came; they were invited into the hall to partake of wine and cakes. Then there were the guise dances, when the young dressed up in any costumes they could find—the girls mostly as boys and the boys as girls; those who had no costumes just blacked their faces and danced through the lanes and into the courtyard.
Jowan knew a great many more old customs and said some of them went back to pre-Christian days and most people nowadays had forgotten them.
It always meant that when the dancers and the carol singers arrived at the big houses they must be invited in and given food and drink. It was all part of the Christmas spirit.
On Boxing Day we were invited to the Jermyns. It was a buffet supper and there would be dancing. Dermot, Dorabella, and I went. It was amusing and there were people there whom we had never seen before.
There were two whom Jowan had met when he was traveling on the Continent: Hans Fleisch, a young German, and a Frenchman, Jacques Dubois. They were painters who had found inspiration in the wild Cornish coast and were staying at an inn nearby.
They were lively and amusing, and they clearly thought Dorabella charming and paid considerable attention to her, which delighted her.
It was a pleasant evening and confirmed once again that all the nonsense about feuds was at an end.
I was sorry that I should be going home soon, but I had been away for a long time.
My mother said I really must come home. Dorabella was her old self now. She was contented, and she had her own life to lead.
I felt uncertain. I had become more friendly with Jowan Jermyn and was seeing him in a new light; but I could not escape from the feelings of uneasiness which overcame me at Tregarland’s.
I remembered our trip to London; the fun we had had and how gratified I had been to discover Mary Grace’s talent. It seemed like a different world; and if I enjoyed being with Jowan, I had had a very good time with the Dorringtons.
Perhaps it would be pleasant to return to Caddington for a while. I would leave with my parents.
In the town people seemed to take a special interest in me. They would know, of course, about the changed relationship between the Jermyns and the Tregarlands. I wanted to escape from the gossip. It would be pleasant to go to London where one was a private person and no one had the faintest idea what was happening in one’s life.
Seth was very broody at this time. He seemed to be more concerned about the friendship between Jermyns and Tregarlands than anyone—but perhaps he showed it more.
One day I spoke to him about it. When I had gone to the stables he regarded me with melancholy eyes.
“Seth,” I said. “Why do you look like that?”
“It won’t do no good, Miss. It won’t…”
“What, Seth?” I asked.
“Meeting with ’em.”
“Meeting with whom?”
He waved his hand upwards. “They’m angry. That’s what they be. They won’t let ’ee forget. ’Twas you, Miss, after all, as started it.”
I laughed. “Don’t worry about it, Seth. It’s of no account.”
“It’ll be of account to ’ee, that it will. You mark my words.”
“Never mind, Seth,” I said. “Now…I want to take Starlight for a farewell ride.”
As the time for our departure grew near, Dorabella became really sad.
She said: “You’ve been here so long now, it seems as though you are part of the place. It’s going to be very lonely when you have gone.”
“But you have Dermot and Tristan.”
“I’ll miss you. It is different with us. We are like one person. We’ve always been together until now. Why can’t you stay?”
“When Dermot married you, he didn’t want your family around all the time.”
“But I want you.” Her face was petulantly puckered and I was touched because she looked as she had so many times during our childhood.
She went on: “Isn’t it exciting enough here? You want to go to London, don’t you? It’s more interesting there.”
“We have promised to go and stay with Edward and Gretchen. There’ll be the baby that is coming and the new house. You know how Mummy feels about that. Edward is like a son to her.”
“I don’t want you to go.”
My mother came in at that moment.
“Have you packed yet?” she asked me. “Why, Dorabella, what’s the matter?”
“I don’t want you to go.”
“Why! We’ll be back in the spring. Perhaps you can come to us. I am sure Nanny Crabtree will allow Tristan to travel soon.”
Dorabella said nothing more about our traveling, but when we left she clung to me rather desperately.
While we were traveling home in the carriage my mother, who was staring thoughtfully out of the window, said suddenly: “I hope Dorabella hasn’t made a mistake.”
“What?” said my father, coming sharply out of a half doze.
“She seemed so upset about our going, particularly at losing Violetta.”
“Well,” said my father, “they have always been together so much. She’s all right.”
“I wouldn’t like to think…” mused my mother.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing. She’s all right. She wants Dermot, the baby, and you as well. That’s just like Dorabella.”
I felt a certain relief to be home. Everything seemed normal.
There was quite a different atmosphere from that of Cornwall.
Memories of Mrs. Pardell came back to me—her resentments, her suspicions; then old Mr. Tregarland, whom I could not understand; Gordon Lewyth, who had seemed like a different person when we were on the cliffs together, though he had gradually reverted to the aloof man I had first known; then there was Seth with his vague and inarticulate warnings. He was half crazy, I told myself, but I was vaguely disturbed by him.
One night I dreamed I had been walking along the beach when a figure had risen from the waves and beckoned. I awoke in a fright and was relieved to find that I was in my bedroom in dear, normal, old Caddington, the home of my childhood, where everything was prosaically reasonable.
In February my mother and I went to stay with Edward and Gretchen. The house was looking more lived in now. The new baby was expected in April and my mother said we should be there for the great event. Gretchen could become quite excited discussing the baby, but I knew she was still very anxious about her family.
Of course, we were invited to the Dorringtons. Mary Grace and Mrs. Dorrington were delighted to see us. It was afternoon when we called and Richard was not at home.
“He will be so pleased to hear you have arrived,” we were told. “Edward did tell him you were coming. You must come and dine. What about tomorrow night?”
My mother promptly accepted the invitation.
In my room I took out the miniature of Dorabella which I had brought with me. I set it on the table by my bed and remembered my mother’s words when she had spoken of her misgivings. I had begun to wonder, too. We must remember that Dorabella often acted and spoke on impulse. She often gave more stress to her utterances than they deserved. She was lonely, she had said. That was because she liked to have us all around; my adventures with Jowan Jermyn provided a certain interest and amusement.
I studied the miniature. Mary Grace had caught Dorabella’s personality quite uncannily. Dear Dorabella. I hoped she was going to be happy. I remembered the joy in her face when she had seen my picture. She kept it in her bedroom, she said, but when I was not there she put it away because she did not want to look at it and miss me more. Though, she said, she did take it out at times to talk to it. I would understand her feelings because we always had understood each other.
I wondered whether I should have insisted on staying. But my mother was right, of course. She was sure it would be better for Dorabella to stand on her own feet now that she was married. As for myself, I should be seeing friends and enjoying visits to London. I must not be shut away in a remote part of the country.
“There in Cornwall,” she said, “you are not aware of what is happening in the world. They seem so shut away. They are more concerned with ghosts and shadows, superstitions and such things…remote from what is really going on in the world.”
“You mean the speculation about what is going on in Germany?”
“Well, yes.”
“I think Gretchen and Edward think about that a great deal.”
“Well, they would. Poor girl. She must suffer great anxiety about her parents. It’s not good for the baby. Thank God Edward was able to bring her out, at least.”
“She is safe now.”
“She has a husband to protect her, but that won’t stop her worrying about her family. Kurt is such a nice young man. I think he came over to see them just before Christmas.”
“It was a pity they could not go there.”
“I don’t think Edward would want Gretchen to go to Germany just yet.”
“Perhaps it will all blow over.”
“These things often do.”
There was no mistaking Richard Dorrington’s pleasure in seeing us. He took my hands and held them firmly.
“I’ve been wondering when you would come,” he said.
“We have been away, of course.”
“Yes, in Cornwall. I hope your sister is well. Mary Grace told us a good deal about the place when she came home after that lovely holiday you gave her.”
“It was lovely to have her, and Dorabella was very pleased with her picture.”
“Dear Mary Grace! You have brought her out, I can tell you. We are all so grateful to you, my mother and I as much as Mary Grace.”
“She could really be a great artist.”
“She is very diffident. She says miniatures are not much in fashion now.”
“She must make them a fashion. She can, with a talent like hers, I am sure.”
“You see how good it is for us all to have you back.”
Over the dinner table at the Dorringtons it was impossible to keep the subject of Germany out of the conversation.
There were four other guests—a lawyer and his wife and a doctor and his.
As we had come through the streets to the house, we could not help but see the placards, and the newsboys were shouting: “Standard, News…Read all about it.” “Hitler meets Austrian Chancellor.” “Schuschnigg at Berchtesgaden.”
“What does it mean?” asked my mother as our taxi took us to the Dorringtons.
Edward said: “I don’t know. But I don’t like the sound of it.”
He took Gretchen’s hand and held it for a moment. I wished we had not seen those placards.
As we sat at dinner the doctor said: “It looks as though Hitler is planning to take over Austria.”
“He couldn’t do that,” said Edward.
“We shall see,” replied the doctor.
I wished they would stop talking of the situation, but naturally it was a subject which was uppermost in people’s minds at this time. The papers were full of it, and many were waiting with great interest to hear the result of the meeting between Hitler and Kurt von Schuschnigg.
The lawyer said: “We should have been firm long ago. Hitler and Mussolini are hand in glove. Dictators, both of them. No one can stop them, not among their own people anyway. It’s impossible to curb dictators except by deposing them, and it would be a brave man who tried to shake those two. In my opinion, Hitler is bent on conquest. He wants an empire and he is going to do everything he can to get it. He has got rid of Schacht who has tried to call a halt to the excessive storing up of armaments because it is crippling the economy. Blomberg and Fritsch and others have gone because they were professional soldiers who advised caution.”
“And where is it all leading?” asked Richard.
“I think a great deal depends on the outcome of this meeting. Schuschnigg is no weakling. He won’t allow Hitler to walk over him.”
“We shall know in due course,” said Richard.
I managed to catch his eyes and looked toward Gretchen. He understood. As for her, she had turned rather pale and was staring down at her plate.
“Now tell me,” went on Richard immediately, “what are you planning to do while you are in London?”
“So much,” I replied, “that I am sure we shall not succeed in doing it all.”
“There is a remedy,” he said. “Stay longer.”
While the men lingered over the port, I had a chance to talk to Gretchen in the drawing room.
“You must be very excited about the baby,” I said.
“Oh, yes.”
I laid my hand on her arm and said gently: “Don’t worry, Gretchen.”
“I think of them,” she said quietly. “Hitler is getting more powerful every day. I don’t know what he will do next to our people.”
“Have your family been…?”
She shook her head. “Not yet…but they must expect…”
“They should get out, Gretchen.”
“They won’t leave. I have written to them. So has Edward. Edward says, ‘Come over here. We’ll manage somehow.’ But they won’t. They are so stubborn…so proud. It is their home, they say, and they are not going to be driven out of it.”
“What are they going to do?”
“They will stay as long as they can.”
“How glad I am that you are here!”
“Edward did that. It is wonderful for me, but I think much of my home and family.”
“Dear Gretchen, let us hope that some day it will be different. I am so pleased that Edward brought you out, and now there is the baby. My mother is delighted. She wants to be here for the birth. Did you know that?”
She nodded and I was glad to see her smile.
“When the baby comes…you will feel better.”
She looked at me and smiled rather sadly and I wished there was something I could do to comfort her.
My mother and I spoke of the evening over breakfast next morning.
“I wish that people would not talk all the time about what is happening in Germany,” I said.
“It is certainly the topic of the moment and it is, of course, very important.”
“I know, but the papers are full of it and it does so much upset Gretchen.”
“She can’t help wondering what is happening in her old home. I do hope everything is going to be all right.”
“She’ll be better, perhaps, when she gets the baby. She won’t have much time then to think of much else.”
She was certainly cheered when we went shopping together. There was a great deal of discussion about prams and cradles.
Edward was delighted that we were there, and when I saw him with Gretchen it occurred to me that there did not appear to be the same unwavering devotion between Dermot and Dorabella. But then Edward and Gretchen were earnest people. Both Dorabella and Dermot were light-hearted and perhaps did not betray the depth of their emotions as Edward and Gretchen did.
Mary Grace and I went to see an exhibition of paintings which was interesting. The lawyer and his wife came and had a drink with us and I showed them Mary Grace’s portrait of Dorabella, which I had brought with me. When the lawyer’s wife admired it enthusiastically, I suggested she herself would make a good subject.
I was delighted to have secured a commission for Mary Grace.
I had an idea that the lawyer’s wife lived a fairly busy social life and I was sure that when the miniature was completed, if she were satisfied with it, she would show it to her friends. I should be surprised if at least one other commission did not come out of it.
Knowing my mother’s fondness for the opera, Richard took us all to see Rigoletto, which was an evening of sheer enchantment. We had supper afterwards and talked animatedly about the setting and costumes as well as the wonderful music. I laughingly said I might have been Gilda instead of Violetta.
“Violetta is much more charming,” said Richard, “and it is better to have a namesake dying gracefully in her bed taking her top notes with ease rather than lying in a sack.”
There was a great deal of laughter, but the evening was marred slightly by the news which greeted us when we were on the way back to the house.
Hitler had forced Schuschnigg to sign an agreement before he left Berchtesgaden giving the Austrian Nazis a free hand.
A few days later Richard invited me to dinner. There were to be just the two of us.
It was strange because usually we went in a party. There was a reason, of course, and my mother knew what it meant.
Richard took me to a quiet little restaurant near Leicester Square. We had a table which was fairly secluded and after we had ordered and the food had arrived he said: “It has been wonderful to have you here.”
“We have thoroughly enjoyed it.”
“My mother was saying that Mary Grace has changed a good deal and it is all due to you.”
“Someone would have discovered her talent sooner or later.”
“Well, you did it. We are grateful to you, Violetta…all of my family are indebted to you.”
“I am flattered. But it all came about so naturally. She showed me her work and I saw immediately that it was good. Dorabella was absolutely enchanted with the picture of me.”
“We are all so fond of you. It is not only I…”
“And we of you all, of course.”
He paused for a moment, then he said simply: “As for myself…I love you.”
“Oh,” I stammered. “I…er…”
“You’re not going to say you are surprised and it is all so sudden, are you?”
“Well, we haven’t known each other very long.”
“Time doesn’t count. I know I love you. I want to marry you. How do you feel about that?”
“Well, I know it is supposed to be some sort of joke to say it is so sudden, but it does seem a little so. You see, we really don’t know each other very well.”
“One can get to know people very well in a short time.”
I felt uneasy. A picture of Dorabella and Dermot flashed into my mind. I had let that remark of my mother’s upset me. Everything must be all right with them. And what about Richard? I liked him. I found his company pleasant, stimulating. But I was not like Dorabella to rush into commitments with great haste.
“Marriage is such a serious matter,” I said. “It is a lifetime together.”
“Does that appeal?”
“I just feel bewildered.”
“You must know how fond I am of you.”
“I knew that you liked me. But this is more than that. We are talking about marriage.”
“There is no one else…?”
“Oh, no…no.”
“You don’t seem oversure.”
I was seeing Jowan Jermyn in the field when I had fallen, then smiling at me over a tankard of cider, showing me his house.
“Oh, no,” I said. “There is no one.”
I looked at him. He was so earnest, a man of honor and integrity, who was devoted to his family, who lived an interesting life. Here in London I felt alive. I liked to be among people, people who were hurrying around on their own business, not watching you all the time, knowing where you came from, what you were doing. I liked Mrs. Dorrington…I was fond of Mary Grace…and Richard, too.
He was looking a little crestfallen.
“It is too soon, I see,” he said. “I just seized on the moment.”
“Yes, it is too soon,” I agreed. “I was never one to make hasty decisions. I should want to be absolutely sure.”
“So you do like me?”
“Very much.”
“You like my family?”
“Of course.”
“Mary Grace would be so pleased and so would my mother.”
“Mine would be, my father, too.”
“Then,” he said, smiling warmly, “the matter is in abeyance for the time being. Would that be all right?”
“I think it is an excellent idea,” I said.
“You are going to get to know me very well while you are in London.”
“And you will have to get to know me.”
“I know all I want to know already.”
“Am I so easy to read?”
“No, but I’m besotted.”
I laughed and he went on: “It is not No. It is just, ‘I am not sure.’ That’s it, isn’t it?”
“That is it,” I said.
“Well, I shall have to be content with that.” He held up his glass. “Let’s drink to it.”
It was a happy evening. I could not help feeling a certain gratification. I suppose it is comforting to be loved, and I had so often been overlooked because Dorabella attracted so much attention.
I liked Richard very much, and I was already beginning to believe that we could have a good life together. There was something real about Richard. I must be comparing him with Jowan Jermyn and in a way with Gordon Lewyth.
Richard was different. I supposed because he belonged to the town. I liked him. I felt I understood him. I thought I could be very fond of him.
But it was too soon. I should get to know him and his family.
When I returned that night my mother came to my room. She could not hide her excitement, and I knew that she was hoping I should announce my engagement.
“Was it a pleasant evening?” she asked.
“Oh, yes.”
There was a brief silence.
“Well,” she went on.
“Well what?” I asked.
“Did he…er…? Did everything go all right? Did he…er…ask you to marry him?”
“How did you know?”
She laughed. “My dear, it was obvious what was afoot. He is in love with you and has been ever since he saw you. He is such a dear. I am so glad.”
“You are going too fast,” I said.
“What do you mean? Didn’t he ask you?”
“You didn’t accept?” She stared at me in horror.
I said: “Are you so anxious to be rid of me?”
She looked deflated and came to me and put her arms around me.
“You know how important your happiness is to me and your father. Richard is such a good man…well, so right for you in every way.”
“I have not said no,” I told her. “But it is too soon yet.”
The relief in her face was obvious. She smiled indulgently.
“You were always the cautious one,” she said, and I knew she was thinking of Dorabella because of the faint uneasiness which came back into her eyes.
She said: “What is going to happen, then?”
“I’ve told Richard I like him very much but it is too soon for me to know whether or not I want to marry him.”
“Oh, I see,” she said. “He’ll understand that.”
“Yes, he does.”
“He’s a very understanding person…with good, sound common sense. Well, he is a lawyer.”
She leaned toward me and kissed me.
She stayed awhile and talked and then said goodnight and went to her room, not entirely dissatisfied.
The news was disquieting. The papers were full of it, and everywhere one went it was discussed so that there was no escaping from it.
Schuschnigg had returned to Austria where he had repudiated the agreement which Hitler had forced him to sign, and had announced that there should be a plebiscite as to whether there should be a political and economic union—an Anschluss—with Germany. Hitler’s response was to invade Austria.
He had the support of his Italian allies, while Britain and France, amazed by what was taking place, stood by and did nothing to prevent it.
Hitler was cheered by the people when he marched into Austria; there was no opposition to his mighty army, which could have been because Austria had no power to do otherwise.
However, it did show people clearly which way the German dictator was going.
Richard said: “There is no end to his ambitions. I rather think this is the beginning.”
He was right. Hitler was turning his eyes to Czechoslovakia.
Then something happened which drove the troubles on the Continent completely from our minds.
My mother and I had been out shopping with Gretchen. We had had a busy morning and returned to the house for lunch.
We were about to sit down at the table when my father arrived.
We could not understand what had happened, and when we saw him we were immediately apprehensive, for he looked quite different from his normal, happy self. He was strained, bewildered, and clearly desperately unhappy.
My mother ran to him and put an arm round him.
“Robert, darling, what is it?” she said.
He opened his mouth to speak, but did not seem to be able to find the words. He was choked with emotion.
“Sit down,” said my mother gently. “Now…tell us what has happened.”
“I had to come…I couldn’t tell over the telephone…I came immediately. She went down to swim…her clothes were on the beach…and she had gone…gone…”
We were staring at him in horror. He turned from my mother to me and his eyes were full of misery.
He said: “Dorabella…she is dead.”