Chapter Four

Lonnie shot up in bed, covered in sweat. The dreams had come again. Blurred images of death, torment, and the ultimate prize out of reach. He ran his hands over his face and through his hair, glad he'd at least woken alone. The sound of a shower told him Melissa hadn't yet left his hotel room. Arriving hours earlier, the annoying bitch had whined and complained, but at least she'd agreed to suck him off so he could catch some sleep.

Melissa defined the ideal of a wet dream. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, full, pretty tits, and a tight cunt that could wring him dry with ease. Unfortunately, her constant clinginess was wearing thin.

When they'd first met, he'd seen her instant response and had been glad of it.

He considered himself an attractive man, but he knew what had really drawn her to him. Power. Lonnie could manipulate psychic energy as easily as he'd influenced his peers and superiors in his long trip up the political ladder. Now he had more than mental strength, but the position in Washington to do great and terrible things.

A chance meeting with Jack Keiser had convinced him Melissa would be the key to giving Lonnie the edge he needed. Jack had been perfect. A spotless record with the government, the instincts of a deadly hunter, and the psychic status as one of the Psychic Warfare Program's—the PWP's—best new recruits. A few blasts of Lonnie's psychic energy, and he'd convinced Jack that Jack and Melissa had married. Quite a coup, because not only had Lonnie been able to keep tabs on the Circs, but he'd had firsthand knowledge of how Jack worked in the field.

Lonnie rubbed his fingers together, pleased at the fiery tingle they produced.

When Melissa stepped out of the bathroom, her hair damp, clad in a towel, she stopped at the sight of him.

He spread his naked thighs, aroused at the thought of controlling her once more. Melissa had such strong shields. Taking them down, brick by painful brick, aroused him to no end. “Come here.”

She smiled, no doubt thinking herself in love. Selfish, vain, and needy, Melissa Ramirez was just his type of woman. He didn't bother hiding his physical response to her beauty as she drew close. “On your knees, my dear.” She knelt before him.

“I think next time we'll bring Grayson in to join our fun.” He knew how much she loathed anything related to the Circs.

She frowned at him, and he touched her right between the eyes. He concentrated a blast of manipulation, and her frown eased.

“Whatever you want, lover.”

“Yes, whatever I want,” he repeated. He looked to the nightstand. “Get me the lube.”

Melissa blanched. “But I thought—”

“Do it.”

He could tell she tried to fight the compulsion, but she couldn't. Her fear felt delightfully thick as it settled over him.

“That's it.” He watched her return with the tube in hand. “Now spread it over me. All over me.”

She did, and he swelled, so excited. Fucking Melissa's ass degraded her. She hated it, absolutely hated it because she loved it, thanks to some delightfully dysfunctional drama in her past. It had become his favorite way to take her, and a way to punish her for enjoying Jack Keiser so much. Though he'd ordered her to feign a life with Jack, he'd never intended her to enjoy the man's clumsy attentions.

As he took her hard, forgoing any foreplay, he enjoyed the snug feel of her ass around his cock and dissociated his emotion from the act. He thought about what he had planned for Dawn Endeavor, and in particular, Alicia Sharpe.

It had taken a lot of time and effort, but he now counted her among his arsenal of weapons. With every meeting and every slight touch, he drew her deeper and deeper into his web. Unfortunately, it had taken longer than he'd anticipated bringing her to heel.

The woman infuriated him, because he knew the truth about her. What he wouldn't give to have so much power. And none of it had been artificially manufactured. The woman had been born with magic. An anomaly even among psychics, Alicia Sharpe had lived far longer than anyone he'd ever met. A fact he'd only found out due to a freak coincidence. Imagine his father having a photograph of the woman from thirty years earlier looking exactly the same. For once, his father's devotion to South American causes had come in handy.

Not only had Sharpe helped his father take care of some illiterate villagers in the remote jungle, she'd introduced him to the notorious Elliot Pearl, founder of the Circe serum and all-around mad scientist. Another piece that fit the puzzle, since Lonnie had learned from Pearl that a woman matching Sharpe's description had given him the kernel of the idea to develop the serum. Through trial and error and a mysterious sample of mutated blood—Alicia's blood—Elliot had revolutionized genetic manipulation. And the Circs were born.

From that, the PWP had sprung. What Lonnie had convinced himself would be a way to leap ahead several steps to success had actually turned into a problem.

The damned PWP had become viable, and he spent as much time shielding his activities as he did working the system.

Frustrated and annoyed that things weren't going the way he'd intended, he pushed himself harder inside the malleable woman beneath him. He came hard, but the climax left him wanting. Melissa enjoyed it too much.

“Lonnie.” She moaned his name again when he pulled out, conflicted by shame and enjoyment, that familiar look of chagrin on her pretty face.

Annoyed with her, he had no intention of letting her come. “I'm so sorry, my dear. I just realized I have something urgent awaiting me. We'll take this up again the next time you're in town.” A not so subtle way of making her leave.

“And I just took a shower. I guess I'll head in again—”

“No. I'm afraid you'll have to go now.” He raised a brow when she tried to argue.

“But I'm—”

He interrupted again. “You're what? A whore who enjoys a fat cock up her ass?

Yes, you are. So you should wear your shame home. Let it soak into your panties and remind you where you belong.”

At the word belong she subsided. “Yes, Lonnie.” So incredibly easy to maneuver. Melissa no longer provided a challenge. A pity, but she'd soon have to go.

He sighed. “I do look forward to our next meeting. Now out you go.” She quickly dressed and left without another word. The cow. He hurried into the bathroom and showered, eager to rid himself of her stench. Cleaning himself, he put into plan a new course of action, one that would certainly benefit him in the long run. And maybe he'd find out where the hell Jack Keiser was hiding. A loose end he definitely needed to tie up on the off chance the bastard knew more than Melissa had said.

Lonnie whistled under the hot spray, knowing he wouldn't dream anymore tonight. Melissa had been good for one thing at least.

* * *

Ava stared at her grandmother the next day, dreading this meeting. Alicia had called everyone into her office. The spacious conference room a few doors down would have better served everyone, but her grandmother preferred her cozy space.

A large desk area sat against the far wall, while five Circs, Morgan—a cousin so distant, she wasn't sure the blood tie even existed—Sheridan, her grandmother, and Ava occupied the seating area. She found it no great surprise that Gunnar took the chair farthest from her.

Apparently, the sexual play yesterday had made him more than wary. Too bad, mate. You’re going down. Right underneath me. She smiled at him and winked, and he scowled back. Ava hadn't realized it before, but running her mate to ground was actually turning out to be rather enjoyable.

Jesse and Olivia looked at Gunnar, then exchanged an amused glance.

“Fuck off,” Gunnar growled at Jesse. “I'm not in the mood.”

“You sure?” Ava asked sweetly.

Morgan coughed to hide his laughter. Kisho didn't grin, but his eyes sparkled with amusement.

Sheridan and Jules continued to talk in low voices with her grandmother.

Though anyone wanting to know what they conversed about could easily hear. Hell, just about everyone in the room was Circ through blood or relation. At the thought, she suddenly missed her brother very much.

Her grandmother raised her head and looked directly at Ava. “Explain.” Everyone turned to Ava.

She sighed inwardly and pulled her inner shields tight. “Grayson is in trouble.”

“The forecaster?” Kisho asked. “I'd wanted to talk to him last week, but he left before I could. I had an odd dream about him.”

Morgan frowned.

“Not that kind of dream,” Kisho continued, a flush on his handsome cheeks.

Ava thought him adorable. So strong yet almost shy when it came to dealing with his mate. The sensitive Circ. Her gaze immediately sought his opposite.

Gunnar—the antithesis of sensitive.

“Jesus, Kisho. Is that a blush?” Gunnar snickered.

Jules interrupted just as Morgan opened his mouth. “Ava, please. Before this turns into a brawl. What is it about the psychic we need to know?”

“How about, he's her brother?” Morgan replied and steepled his fingers over his chest.

Jules scowled. “Grayson is your brother? Then that means he's Circ, right?”

“Um, yes.” She tried to ignore the grumbling and irritation clearly visible on the team's faces. “I think he's in trouble. He sent me a jumble of thoughts and images I'm having trouble processing.”

Jesse blinked. “Your brother is telepathic too? I thought Grayson was like Hayashi and saw the future.”

Ava shook her head. “Not really. He's a powerful telepath, but I'm not.” She ignored Gunnar's muttered Thank God. “It hurts when he forces the contact, so by sending to me the way he did, I know he's in trouble.”

“Your brother.” Jules's low voice rumbled through her. The true alpha of the team, regardless of her and her grandmother's power, Jules commanded without even trying. “We've avoided this because Mrs. Sharpe told me to. And we've had enough to worry about with Jack and Melissa's defections. But I really think the time has come for you to explain some things.” He looked to her grandmother as if giving her the opportunity.

“Oh no.” Alicia fingered the pearl at her ear. “Let the girl tell it. You'll have less questions that way. Ava likes to talk.”

“Does she ever,” Gunnar had to add.

“Shut it, Frederik.” Pleased with his scowl, Ava did her best to answer the questions that had been building for days. “Well, you obviously know I'm Circ, or at least, an earlier version of what you are now. So is Grayson.” Sheridan nodded. She'd treated Grayson months earlier, when he'd had been undercover, working alongside Raul LaGarda, of all people.

Ava knew Grayson hadn't told her everything before when she'd asked. She had a feeling her idiot brother had answered the rest of her questions with that migraine of information he'd sent her. Now she just had to reach through the mind-blowing pain for answers.

“My parents are like me, as is Grandma.”

Everyone stared at Mrs. Sharpe with speculation.

“But we're different than you. We were born this way, for one.” Sheridan's blue eyes widened. “Amazing. Again a case of science catching up with what nature had intended. I never saw you change, Ava. Do you look like the others?”

Ava didn't need to see Gunnar to feel the sexual energy directed her way. She knew the arrogant Circ had liked the look of her in her beast's form that brief time he'd seen her. But not half as much as she liked him, any way at all. She cleared her throat. “Um, yes. Kind of. I don't get as large as you do. Actually, I only grow a few inches in height. And my muscles aren't huge. My bones change, and I'm really, really fast. I have the ability to influence my body's density. That's the most scientific way to explain it, though I don't even think that's technically the right of it.”

Kisho leaned forward on the couch, where he sat next to his mate. “So…what?

You can change, but you don't look all that different from the way you look now?”

“You need to show us.” Jules didn't so much ask as order.

“Yeah.” Gunnar nodded. “I didn't catch that much of you when we fought Montaña. I was too busy trying to kill the bastards threatening your 'frail human shell.'”

“Let it go already.” Ava glared at him. “So I lied. At least I'm honest about other things.” Like how much I want you.

He glanced at her finger tapping on the chair arm, the same finger she'd used to plunge inside herself yesterday, and took a deep breath he slowly let out. Though Ava couldn't read his thoughts, she could read his body language. And the flare of his nostrils, the tension in his frame, and the darkening of his blue eyes signified Gunnar's arousal.

“But how are you Circ?” Jesse wanted to know. “We were all given the Circe serum, like the Circs up north. It basically changed our DNA, allowing us to shift.

But all of us had some kind of psychic ability before we were dosed. The other Circs we've met aren't psychic, though.” He glanced at Alicia. “We've all known from the get go that Mrs. Sharpe is more than she seems. You were a surprise. But not a surprise to all of us.” He narrowed his gaze on Morgan.

Kisho sighed. “Tell them,” he said to Morgan.

Finally, the attention leaped to someone else. Ava eased into her seat, ignoring Gunnar, who had yet to look away from her.

“Hell. Throw me into the fire, why don't you?” Morgan muttered. “Fine. I've known Ava since she was five. My family is a lot like hers. There's a rumor we're somehow related.”

“You are. Distantly, but it's there,” Mrs. Sharpe added.

“Yeah, well. The point is, the Belle and Reynolds families are different.

Psychic, more in tune with nature and our animal ancestors. But Aunt Alicia is way different. And I mean that in a nice way.”

“Aunt Alicia?” Gunnar snorted.

Alicia smiled at Morgan. “I know, dear.”

Morgan continued, “Shape-shifting isn't all that weird, not where I come from.

Deep in the heart of the Amazon, you see things. Medicine men, shamans. Witches and priestesses are a lot more common than you'd think.” Sheridan spoke up. “Medically speaking, the Amazon jungle has untapped potential. If we could get the developers and poachers to leave well enough alone, we'd have a real bevy of discoveries to tap into. My Sheridan Rose, that special flower I was researching before I got involved with you all? It has healing properties. You wouldn't believe what I found when I cut into the stem and separated—”

“That's right. I said shaman,” Morgan said loudly as if Sheridan hadn't spoken.

When she glared at him, he shrugged an apology. “Sorry, honey, but you're losing Tersch already. Too many big words, I'm afraid.” Gunnar grunted. “Kiss my ass, Morgan.”

“My point is, what many people regard as myths or improbabilities are actually real. We were born this way, and the next generation of Circs will be as well.”

Alicia nodded. “What he said is true. I've seen a lot in my lifetime. Some good, some bad. I have a touch of Kisho's ability to see into the future. Not as clearly, and some things are meant to be, no matter how much you struggle to change them.” She deliberately glanced from Gunnar to Ava.

Thanks, Grandma. Make the guy hate me, why don’t you.

“You're all here for a reason. There's so much good you've already done and so much more you have to do. But you can't do it alone.”

“We're not exactly alone.” Jules gestured to everyone around him.

“No, you're not, are you? And yet some of you are.” The cryptic response did little more than aggravate the Circs. Just as Alicia no doubt intended. “Suffice it to say we need everyone present in this room if we're going to nip our current problem in the bud.” The strain on her face worried Ava. “It's come to my attention that though Melissa and Jack Keiser were the informants giving our information to the enemy, we actually have a threat much closer to home.” Jules groaned. “Mrs. Sharpe, not now.”

Ava had spoken briefly with her grandmother earlier and absolutely refused to believe Lonnie might have been in on anything that would hurt them. Grandma wasn't supposed to say anything yet, not until they'd talked to Lonnie first, face-to-face. But the woman had been acting weird. “Grandma, I don't think—”

“It's Admiral London. He's been against us from the beginning. Honestly, I'm not sure how I didn't see it. Perhaps because Lonnie's always had a special place in my heart. But regardless, he's been the one pulling Melissa's strings, giving Montaña insider information as well as details about us we wouldn't want him to know.” The stare she aimed at Olivia's and then Sheridan's flat stomachs unnerved everyone.

Rogues getting their hands on Circ babies would not be good. At all.

The heavy silence in the room felt oppressive.

“No way.” Morgan shook his head. “Admiral London's a good guy. He'd never stoop to something so low.”

Jesse looked unsure. “We've been down this road before with Elliot Pearl and William Delancey. I'd hate to think it, but what if Admiral London really isn't on our side?”

“You can't believe that.” Kisho frowned.

“I told you, Mrs. Sharpe—” Jules began before she cut him off.

“Lonnie is the special name I call him in private. You know that, Jules; you've heard me say it. When Gunnar told me what Raul had said about Melissa's contact, I didn't want to believe it either, but it explains a lot. How our enemy was able to work around me and the team. The things he knew, timing events to always miss being picked up by the navy and his own psychics. It makes sense, unfortunately.”

“Maybe.” Ava wasn't convinced. One thing Admiral Geoffrey “Lonnie” London wasn't was stupid. No way he'd slip up so easily by using the exact same nickname with Melissa that her grandmother and she used. The man was smart enough to cover every base. It made no sense. Yet her grandmother seemed certain, wounded, and angry. A terrible combination all around.

Alicia continued. “The admiral is due to visit in a few days for an informal briefing on the status of a drug shipment gone missing. His men are guarding us around the clock. We'll have to remove them without being too obvious. I'll order the lot back to Quantico as a protection detail for Olivia and Sheridan. Doc's there anyway, and I'd like our expecting Circs to see him.”

“I've already done some workups, Mrs. Sharpe,” Sheridan said. “Olivia and I are healthy.” With a touch, she could verify sickness and heal it. If Sheridan thought they were okay, they most likely were.

“I understand, but it gives us an excuse to get you two out of here, and for you to meet Doc, finally.”

Dr. Evan Dennis had been with the Circ project from the beginning. A steadfast and loyal man, he worked with the Circs up north and had thus far delivered two Circ babies into the world. It made sense for Alicia to send them.

“Okay.” Sheridan grudgingly accepted.

Olivia nodded.

Gunnar had to add his two cents. “Keegan Price and James Foreman will be a problem. They're supposed to stick to you like glue, and they have authority issues.”

“Pot calling kettle, hel-lo,” Morgan said. He returned the finger Gunnar shot him. “Leave Price and Foreman to us.” He nodded to Kisho.

“Fine,” Jules agreed. “But I don't want Olivia and Sheridan to leave our small sanctuary alone, and right now I need to be here for a few things. We need a handle on Grayson.”

Kisho shared a sad glance with her grandmother. Now what was that all about?

He turned back to Jules, his eyes narrowed in thought. “Why don't Morgan and I convince Price and Foreman to follow the ladies to Quantico, per Mrs.

Sharpe's special orders? I'll make up something about a classified liaison with Admiral London and draw them away from here on one pretext or another.” Morgan offered, “Hell, tell them you already saw them accompanying us.

Pretend it was a vision.”

“Good idea. That should work.” Jules nodded. “But I want you two focused on Olivia and Sheridan twenty-four seven.”

“Can do, hoss.” Morgan smirked.

Ava rolled her eyes. Jules hated being called hoss, and her cousin knew it.

Trust the team to be on each other's cases during a crisis. Not surprisingly, their easy banter calmed her. Gunnar too, she noted, pleased to see him grin at the rumblings Jules threw Morgan's way.

Her grandmother straightened in her seat, sitting primly. Always a lady…concealing the predator within. Ava could only imagine the conflict brewing in her grandmother's heart. Her great love for Lonnie fighting against his supposed betrayal. Ava didn't believe it, but her grandmother did. Why? After so many years spent loving each other, how could her grandmother doubt Lonnie? There had to be more to this that Alicia wasn't telling her.

Ava not only needed to find out what the hell Grayson had gotten himself into, but how Lonnie was tied into it. And all while sticking close to her elusive mate. A headache of monumental proportions.

Alicia cleared her throat. “While the rest of you prepare for what's coming, I need Ava, Jules, and Gunnar to stay behind.”

Everyone else filed out. Sheridan stopped to kiss Jules before waving at Ava and Gunnar, then left as well. Ava watched her grandmother with the others, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“I'd like to know what you all think.”

Ava opened her mouth to reply, but Jules beat her to it. “Mrs. Sharpe, this is wrong. Admiral London has done more for us than I can say. I know we should be leery. Hell, what with our own captain and then Melissa and Jack turning on us, I get it. But I'm no fool. Geoffrey London is not what we're being led to believe he is.” Gunnar stirred. “Let Fallon question him. He'll get the truth.”

“You know, the Viking actually makes sense.” Ava winked at Gunnar. “I thought you'd recommend a little bit of bloodletting, at least.” He smiled, showing sharp fangs. “Oh, we'll get to that if it turns out our good friend is lying. If his answers aren't what we want to hear, I'll make him dance.” He flexed his fingers, and five sharp talons grew in seconds.

Ava quickly tamped down the arousal flaring at his show of strength. He never used to flash his abilities around her, but now that he knew she was Circ, Gunnar apparently didn't feel the need to hide himself. And God, he was so sexy when he turned mean.

She must have let something show, because Gunnar's eyes darkened. Jules coughed, and her grandmother sighed.

Ava purposely looked away from him, trying to gather her wits. “Grandma, I agree with Jules. Something feels off about this.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Gunnar asked. “Just how psychic are you, Ava?”

“I'm not a mind reader or an empath. I don't see glimpses of the future. I just know things sometimes.”

“But you haven't said that you know he's not guilty,” Alicia corrected her. “You just don't want him to be guilty.” To Ava's shock, her grandmother's eyes watered.

“I don't want him to be guilty either. But Kisho had a vision earlier. One with Lonnie and a gun. And I'd been shot.”

Crap. Ava rushed to her grandmother's side and leaned down to hug her tight.

“Shit, Alicia. Dry up the waterworks, would you?” Gunnar's soft growl sounded more worried than annoyed. “Come on, we'll fix this. I won't let the bastard hurt you. I swear.”

Her grandmother's sobs continued. A quiet suffering made worse because she tried to hide it and couldn't.

“I'll get Olivia,” Jules murmured and left.

Ava turned to Gunnar helplessly. She'd never seen her grandmother so upset before.

Alicia pushed out of Ava's arms and stood with her back to them.

He looked as if he'd rather hug a cactus, but Gunnar gently took her sobbing grandmother in his arms. Like a giant bear hugging a doll.

Ava gaped, not quite sure what to think. The same man who sneered at her grandmother's orders, who called her Alicia instead of Mrs. Sharpe, and didn't seem to respect her authority when he dragged his feet over her every order, offered physical comfort?

“It's not that bad, Alicia. Isn't that what you always tell me?” He patted her back with what Ava assumed he meant to be soft taps.

Her grandmother jerked under the blows.

The older woman stopped her tears and squirmed to free herself.

Torn between laughter at Gunnar's awkward assistance, surprised pleasure that he'd been so thoughtful, and concern that her grandmother might have shattered a rib, Ava pulled Gunnar aside.

“Better now?” she asked Alicia.

Her grandmother wiped her eyes, now filled with mirth.

Thank you, Gunnar.

“That was just what I needed, Gunnar. Thank you.” She gingerly made her way to her desk and sat, looking more amused than upset.

Not wanting Gunnar to feel embarrassed by his kindness, Ava tugged him with her. “I need to talk to him about Grayson. I have some ideas on how we might contact him.” She kept her shields up tight, just in case Grandma had a sudden urge to peek.

“That's fine.” Alicia chuckled and smoothed back her hair. Not a trace of sadness lingered on her face.

Ava could have kissed the stubborn Circ resisting her pull.

Alicia nodded at them. “Go on, Gunnar. I need to focus on a few other items right now. Ava, call Robert Anderson. Notwithstanding his participation in a congressional hearing that has bearing on our funding, he was the last one to talk to Grayson that I know of. And that was two days ago. I'll leave your brother in your hands…for the moment.”

“Good idea. Come on.” Ava released the hold on her strength and yanked Gunnar out of the office. She closed the door behind them.

He stumbled to a halt in the hallway and glared. “Jesus, you're a lot stronger than you look. Not to mention more irritating.”

No more Mr. Nice Guy. He'd probably spent his load of kindness back in the office. So much for their brief bonding moment consoling Alicia.

At the thought, she couldn't contain a grin. “So, Mr. Comfort, how come you never offer to hug my fears away?” She batted her eyes. “I'm so scared of the future.

However will I survive?” Actually, she did worry for her brother, but she'd rather laugh than cry about him.

“You really need a better use for that smart mouth.” He raised their twined fingers to rub them over her lips. Tingles suffused her entire body, and he leaned closer. “Next time you're hard up for a good fuck, I'll let you suck me off. A real treat for you. How's that?”

She swore under her breath. Ava truly was perverted, because his arrogance made her wet. And he knew it, by the look of that sly grin.

“Oh really?” Determined to have the last word, she stood on tiptoe and tugged him down to whisper in his ear. “I don't think so. But now that I think of it, the next time I'm 'hard up for a good fuck,' I'll look for someone to take my mind off it.” She deliberately nipped his earlobe, smugly satisfied when his breath caught. “Yeah, I'll just go find Keegan or James and let a real man take the edge off.” She pulled away from Gunnar and smiled. “Thanks for the idea.”

The laughter caught in her throat when he muttered a few swear words under his breath, hauled her over his shoulder—fireman-carry style—and strode down the hall. He dumped her in Jesse's hands and left without a backward glance.
