Chapter Five

Tersch grimaced. For two whole days he'd avoided Ava. He felt like a grade-A pussy, but the sexy little witch was driving him fucking crazy. He smelled her everywhere. His masochistic beast refused to let him change his sheets, where she'd made herself come. And damn if that image would leave his mind anytime soon.

He made sure Fallon kept her well away from him. Though he'd been dying to see her change, he didn't think he'd be able to help himself if he did. So when Jules and the others met with her to see just what she could do, he'd insisted on staying by Olivia's side. The sweetheart had known exactly what he'd needed and let him stay with her as she and Sheridan readied for their trip to Quantico.

He sat in Sheridan's lab at the moment, watching as she gathered her notebooks and downloaded files onto a portable hard drive.

“For Doc,” she explained. “I want him to see just what I've been doing. It's not much, but I think I might be able to help him with any new rogues his people find.

I'm developing an antibody with my research that needs a lot more testing, but it might actually provide some relief to the mating heats. The shots you guys were getting actually suppressed your instinctive senses, though Jules told me he never felt a difference. That's why Mrs. Sharpe took you off the meds, you know.”

“A decent tradeoff, I'm thinking.” He wondered how he'd handle his next heat.

Because after that incident with Ava in his bedroom, he didn't think anyone but Ava could relieve his sexual needs. And that worried the hell out of him.

Sheridan worked in silence for a few more minutes.

“Gunnar, when I'm gone, promise me you'll take care of Jules.”

“Of course I will.”

She patted him on the arm. “No matter what he says, do what you have to do to make sure he's all right.”

Tersch grinned. “Can I quote you on that? Because he's pretty sensitive about anyone actually trying to help him out. Has a stick up his ass about it the size of Texas.”

She sighed. “I know. But ignore it like you always do. He's as fit as ever, but I think he worries about me and the baby when he should be focusing on work, and he can't afford the distraction right now.” She leaned closer. “But don't tell him I told you that.”

Tersch liked Sheridan more every day. When he'd first met her, he'd thought her a troublemaker out to hurt Jules. Then he'd thought her a seductress bent on taking advantage of their team. It had taken some tough love, but she'd made him see the light. Oh boy, had she. The feral little redhead had sucked him off but good.

A twinge of guilt hit him at the thought. Did Ava know? Would she understand? And why did he feel a sense of shame for what they'd shared, the communion of his alpha's mate with him? A natural thing for the team to share loving, mates and all. Yet he suddenly sensed he'd done something wrong, and he couldn't have said why.

Hell, lately even the soft, flowery scent of Sheridan smelled stale to him.

“Gunnar, are you okay? You don't look so good. A little wild around the eyes.”

“I'm fine.” To his embarrassment, his voice sounded hoarse. He cleared his throat and took a subtle step back. His beast approved the small distance, but his stupid berserker wouldn't be satisfied until he sought Ava again. “Ah, make sure you take care of yourself and Olivia while you're gone. Don't stray from Morgan or Kisho. At all, Sheridan,” he warned with bite. “I'm not kidding. You can't chance that kid.” He nodded to her stomach. Jules's young, the continuation of their species. His beast nodded as well, pleased that their leader's strength would be passed on to future generations. The very reason for the mating heat to begin with.

Perpetuation of their kind.

“I'll be careful, Gunnar.” Sheridan smiled at him and moved closer for a kiss when his beast jerked him back.

What the fuck? He could bend over for the guys but not kiss the girls? To cover his uncontrolled reaction, he backed away and lied. “Uh, Fallon's calling me. I gotta go.” “Fallon, get your ass down here and sit with Sheridan. I need a breather. She’s getting all weepy and shit, but don’t tell her I said so.”


To his relief, Fallon didn't complain. A decent buddy, one who hadn't changed or softened because of Olivia. Then again, Tersch couldn't have picked a better mate for his friend than the dark-haired beauty. Olivia gave as good as she got, and she kept Fallon on his toes. Plus, she had a kink streak a mile wide.

A streak he no longer had any interest in riding.

Fuck. What the hell is my problem?

Tersch practically ran out of the room and hurried down the long hallway of the basement to the stairs. He passed Fallon on the way.

“Where's Ava?” Tersch didn't even try to hide his need to know the woman's whereabouts so he could avoid her. The guys found it hilarious, especially since Ava seemed to be enjoying her time trying to find him. She friggin' tied him in knots. He thought she'd be angry he wanted nothing to do with her. Instead, she treated it like another game.

“Your woman is currently sparring with Price and Foreman. I think they're in the gym—”

Tersch saw red. He bounded up the stairs and pushed past Jules, knocking him into the wall.

“What the fuck, Tersch?” Jules swore.

Tersch couldn't stop. He kept hearing Ava's teasing comments in his head.

“Yeah, I’ll just go find Keegan or James and let a real man take the edge off.” Like hell she would!

He barged into the gym ready to rip Price's head off and fuck Foreman up in a bad way. He stopped at the sight of Ava sparring with Kisho while Morgan downed a bottle of water, watching. No sight of Price or Foreman to be seen.

“Oh, did I say Price and Foreman? I meant Hayashi and Morgan. My bad.” The laughter layering Fallon's thoughts annoyed the shit out of him.

“I’ll get you back, you bastard.” Tersch sent him.

“Bring it on, you lovesick ass. Dude, just surrender gracefully. It’s embarrassing to watch her hunt you down.”

Tersch ignored the last part, knowing how it must look. A pint-sized sexpot stalking a man twice her size who could rip her in half. Then again, the way she threw her weight around lately, he didn't think tearing her in half would be easy. A good thing. Because he knew what a man with his strength could do to a woman.

How love could damage when it should have strengthened.

That in mind, he stared at the trio before him with a straight face. In control and calm. Mostly.

Morgan frowned at him but didn't move away from the match. The gymnasium was lined with thick blue mats. On the west corner free weights, benches, and a Nautilus system kept them in decent shape. But Tersch was partial to open fights and hand-to-hand combat.

Watching Hayashi battle Ava didn't bother him at all. He trusted Hayashi like no other—and not because his buddy was gay, but because the Asian understood him best. Hayashi had grown up on the streets, unloved by his family, unwanted by his relatives. Much like Tersch, also unloved and unwanted, who'd been raised by an abusive asshole who'd killed his sister and his girlfriend. And all because of him.

Ever reminded of the past, he shoved the brutal remembrance down and forced a wry grin. “Hayashi, you're getting your ass kicked by a girl,” he said with a sneer, hoping to break Ava's concentration as she met Hayashi kick for kick and punch for punch.

Sure enough, she glared at him. Hayashi took advantage and swept her off her feet. Except Ava didn't hit the mat when she should have. Instead, she somehow managed to move ten feet away in the blink of an eye. Now behind him, she knocked Tersch on his ass before he could block her. He drew in a deep breath and felt a long, sharp claw at his throat.

His cock hardened instantly.

Morgan laughed, the asshole. “Damn, that was incredible. Let him up and do it again, Ava.”

Hayashi joined him. “Nicely done. I thought for sure I'd break you down, but now I have a feeling you were just toying with me. Your speed is a huge advantage, Ava. You're even faster than Morgan.”

“Hey. I'm plenty fast.”

“In the bedroom,” Tersch managed.

Hayashi chuckled at his lover. “Don't mind him, baby. We can work on that later.”

Morgan scowled. “Shut it, kitsu. You're not that cute.” Tersch shifted under Ava's hand, allowing her claw to dig into his skin and getting off on the tiny prick of pain. He watched Morgan dive for Hayashi, and the two began fighting, then wrestling. Despite Morgan's larger frame, Hayashi held his own.

“I guess I should let you up, though I still haven't heard you say mercy.” Ava's snarky laugh annoyed the shit out of him.

Before he thought better of it, Tersch latched on to her hand at his throat, mindless of the blood she shed when she dug her finger deeper. He yanked hard and rolled, pulling her under him. Leaning his weight onto her, he stared down into hazel eyes gone so dark brown, they looked black.

“Oh,” she said on a breath when he pressed closer. “I guess you are happy to see me.” She wriggled under him, making him harder. The press of her full breasts under his chest didn't go unnoticed. “Wanna wrestle?” Imagining all sorts of positions he wanted to share with his mate— this woman—he quickly moved back and up onto his feet. “Sorry, habit.”

“What? Getting hard for your sparring partners?” she asked.

“Frederik has such a thing for my ass, Ava. Sorry to have to tell you that,” Morgan taunted before Hayashi grabbed him in a bear hug, wrapped a foot around Morgan's calf, and took him down hard. They landed with a grunt and a laugh and continued to battle.

Tersch kept his gaze on Ava. “Smart-ass. No, taking advantage of helpless little girls. Like you and Morgan.”

“Did you just…call me a…girl?” Morgan said between breaths.

“Shoe fits.” Tersch shrugged, but he couldn't break his stare from Ava. She looked better every time he saw her. Doubt crept in where she was concerned. Why the hell would a woman who looked like her ever want someone like him—a great big lumbering oaf with little grace?

“Come on. You're upsetting my cousin.” Ava pulled him with her out of the gym. She wore a thin tank top that didn't much conceal her sports bra underneath, as well as shorts too short to be called anything but a tease.

“He's not your cousin. And you need to put some damn clothes on.” Instead of letting her drag him, he dragged her. He marched her down the hall, past a grinning Keegan—whom Tersch flipped off without a thought—and right to her bedroom.

“Go get dressed,” Tersch growled.

“I need a shower first.” She walked through the door into a spartan bedroom.

No frills, no flowers, just function.

Tersch had been in here before, but he still didn't like it. Where the hell were her pictures of friends and family? Her books, knickknacks, her interests? Just a bed, a dresser, a small TV, and a closet, though the room could hold much more.

He shut the door behind him, annoyed for no reason. “This looks unlived in.” Ava shrugged, then moaned and dropped onto her stomach on her king-size bed.

“What's wrong?” He didn't scent any blood on her. “You need to see Sheridan?

She's leaving in another hour or so. We have time to get you—”

“I'm just sore, you idiot. Rub my back, would you? Kisho took me to the mat because of you.”

“I didn't see you hit.”

“That's because I'm fast, and I recovered before you could blink. It still hurt.”

“Suck it up, princess. Don't blame me for your lack of concentration. The enemy won't go easy on you.” But he sat next to her anyway, even knowing how incredibly stupid this was. He put his hands on her shoulders—her strong, shapely shoulders—and rubbed.

“Oh, God. That's good.”

He continued to rub, wishing she'd stop making those grateful, mewling little moans. The same way she'd sounded right before she'd come. His cock ached to sink inside her. He'd jerked himself off the past two nights to no avail. Tersch woke each morning hard and wanting Ava.

“I remember doing this before.” Just two days ago in his own room. Talk about a sexual déjà vu. He needed to leave and pronto, before he did something really stupid, like fuck her. His berserker was stirring again. The need for blood and sex and pain built. How sick was he that pain turned him on? After everything he'd been through?

“Shut up and straddle my back. You're not giving me the right pressure, and I hurt,” Ava whined.

She sounded so feminine, so soft when she said it. He couldn't explain how she did it, because he didn't think she actively meant to manipulate him. But her scent hit him smack between the eyes. He obeyed her without thinking twice. Keeping his weight on his knees on either side of her curved ass, he applied a slight pressure to her neck and shoulders.

She moaned her appreciation at the small pop that sounded.

He froze.

She rolled her shoulders. “That's perfect,” she purred. Literally. The woman vibrated beneath him, and before he knew it, he answered in kind, more than satisfied because she was. Their combined rumble of contentment touched him in a way he was hard pressed to deny.

“You smell good.” In a move that would have done Hayashi proud, Ava slid out from under him, turned around, and pushed him on his ass. Stupefied, he watched as she unfastened his jeans and tugged them free of his body with little effort. She settled between his wide-spread thighs before his conscience caught up with his libido.

“Ava, what the hell?” He tried to move, but the woman planted her hands on his thighs and held him down.

Incredible. His beast surged to the forefront, and he partially changed. His pupils elongated, his nails lengthened, and his chest swelled. As did that other part of him already hot and bothered. “You're such a pretty little beast.” She winked up at him and inched closer, on her belly. “I know.” He chuckled, or rather his beast chuckled, the dark rumble sounding like thunder.

The sexy woman licked her full lips, making them shiny and ripe. “Now I recall you saying something about giving me a treat.”

Tersch wanted to protest. He wanted to keep Ava far away from him and his growing desire, to keep her safe. Pussy that he apparently was, he did nothing but obey her.

“Mmm, nice. Cup yourself for me,” she ordered.

He held his aching balls and waited. This is so not smart. Where has your discipline gone, man?

“Thick, aren't you? Your slit is wet. For me?” She laughed, and the low purr of her beast captivated him. “Good. Now don't move.” She grazed his inner thighs with her claws, drawing streaks of blood.

He throbbed with desire and couldn't contain a groan.

When her lips surrounded his cockhead and she began taking him in, he endured, sweat beading on his brow. When she took him all the way to the back of her throat, he did his best to keep still. But when she palmed his balls and squeezed just hard enough to set him off, he couldn't stop himself.

His beast rose and refused to back down. “Yes, baby. That's it. Suck it all down. Gag on it, Ava. Yes.” He thrust hard into her throat, growing longer and thicker, daring his mate to keep up.

And keep up she did. She scored his shaft with her sharp little teeth. He barked a pained laugh and slid into her mouth, thrusting harder. The berserker inside him took notice and smiled when she made choking sounds. So fucking good.

So right.

Her grip on his balls tightened. He twisted, needing more. He fisted his hand in her hair, loving the feel of her. Gripping her head, he tried to pull her harder over him, but she growled and nipped harder.

And the pain increased his desire.

He swam in her scent mingling with his. Her pussy creamed and grew wetter when his nails bit into her scalp. “Fuck, Ava. So pretty, so mine. Open that mouth wider around my cock. Your little treat, mate. Eat me. So fucking good.”

He arched up and pumped into her, jolted into a monstrous orgasm when she licked him hard with a raspy tongue just under his crown. Right where he needed it.

Tersch roared out as he came down her throat. He held her so tight, it was a wonder she could breathe. Her nose smashed against his belly as she swallowed loads of cum that he couldn't stop. Yet the slight woman drank him down, licking and sucking him dry.

“Shit. Ava. Baby.” He panted, watching as she slowly eased up off his cock. So erotic, so beautiful as her lips left his flesh. Those ripe brown lips glistened with his seed.

“You taste good too.” She licked the soft petals of her mouth as she knelt before him.

Unable to help himself, he leaned down and took her face between his large palms. He kissed her, tasting himself, and he purred louder. The scent of her need beckoned.


She pulled back. “Man, I'm so sweaty and tired. Why don't you go back to helping Sheridan? I'll talk to you later after a short nap. Plus, I have a few ideas about Grayson. I talked to Anderson already. I'll meet you later, okay?” Funny, she didn't look tired. She looked aroused. He narrowed his eyes. “You planning on getting Price or Foreman in here to ease that pussy?” She blinked at him, and her mouth dropped open. “What?”

“You think I can't smell how wet you are?” He forced her back against the headboard and shoved his hand down the front of her shorts. Beneath her tiny underwear, a hot, aroused woman teased his finger. “I can get you off, baby. Let me.”

“No, I—”

“You don't want it?” he whispered, needing her to want him as much as he wanted her. No. I have to keep my distance. I’m too rough. Too brutal, too…

“That is so good. No fair.” She arched into his touch as he rubbed her hard clit with his thumb. When she tried to move away, he shoved her back against the headboard, too incensed to be gentle.

“Games again, Ava?” He shook his head. “Tsk, tsk. Honey, you're not going to play me. Uh-uh. But I have every intention of playing with you. Look at how hard your clit is. Bet I could bite it, and you'd come so hard.” She moaned and drenched his fingers just waiting at her swollen folds. Ava clutched his arm holding her back while he played with her.

Tersch teased her clit and shoved a finger inside her. Without warning, he added another and began pistoning them inside her.

Within seconds she came around him, clutching his arm for balance. The sweet cry of her release eased the berserker still riding too close to the surface. Hearing Ava's pleasure soothed him in a way he hadn't expected. Tersch slowly removed his hand from her sex and wiped it under his shirt, on his belly. He wanted her scent on him, bold and possessing.

Limp, Ava sank against him, her sweaty forehead pressed against his chest.

“Damn, girl. You need a shower. You smell like sweat and sex.” Add blood to the mix, and he'd be in heaven.

“Ass.” She yawned.

“Come on.” He sighed and carried her cute butt off the bed into… “You don't have a shower in here.” He'd forgotten.

“No shit, Sherlock.”

Grumbling under his breath, he dropped her back on the bed, put his pants back on, and carried her once more out of her room. Ignoring the snickers and comments from those he passed on his way upstairs, he took her to the guest wing and lifted his head. He smelled her soap, a citrusy scent that always made him think of her, and found the bathroom she used. He dumped her back onto her feet.

“Now clean up. You smell ripe.”

She frowned, shoved him into the hallway, and slammed the door in his face.

As soon as he heard the shower running, he sagged back against the wall and closed his eyes, reminding himself to leave well enough alone. She didn't want or need him in there, not if she knew what was good for her. He liked sex. Hell, he loved it. And he loved pain. He got what he needed from his teammates. The few times he'd needed tenderness, Olivia had sated him. A part of the pack, she fit his softer desires. He never lost his head with her, so he didn't fear hurting her.

Besides, he never came to her without Fallon present. And that bastard would never let him harm a hair on Olivia's pretty head.

His berserker had never bothered to come out when in the presence of the other females. Only when his teammates were in danger. And with Ava, he thought, uncomfortable all over again.

Thoughts of being with the others refused to leave him. Tersch literally cringed at the memories of his play with Olivia, which made no sense. She'd helped him, had drawn his pain while giving only pleasure, and at the bequest of her mate.

So why did he now feel guilty for having been with her?

The sounds of Ava's humming and the downpour of the shower reminded him that Ava stood naked behind a thin wooden door, one that wouldn't take any time to break down. Tersch considered wrecking it for a brief second before reason returned.

The berserker wanted Ava with a raging passion. But Tersch refused to give in to it. His beast had already had a taste of the stubborn woman, but that was as far as he'd let it go. He'd be damned if Ava and her stupid games would be the death of her. Hell, he'd protect her sorry ass from herself if he had to.

He stalked away from his nemesis, more confused than ever. And as he left the second floor, he wondered if he'd just been outplayed once again.
