The Aftermath of Daniel Alexander (Two Weeks Later)

I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t feel some sort of pity for Daniel Alexander. The boy was born and bred into the world of business, only to flop like a fish out of water. With his mother’s history of slipping mental health, I’m not surprised the apple fell so close to the tree.

It turns out Daniel had a half dozen kids, with a half dozen women. Three with his actual wife, one with Levi’s ex-wife and another on the way with her, and one with a teenage prostitute, whom he was supporting with company money. How he thought the company would never find out about his shady dealings is beyond me. The attempted assault was just the icing on his felony cake. Between money laundering, theft, insider trading, and the nice attempted rape charge, Alexander Mobile’s golden boy will be sharing a scummy prison cell with some guy named Bubba for the next thirty or so years. Karma genuinely is a bitch.

I do feel bad for the women he’s duped. Well, except for Levi’s ex-wife; she knew exactly what she was getting into when she got involved with him so many years ago.

I lucked out. Had Levi not gotten home from the office when he did, I cannot imagine what would have happened. I hate to admit it, but even during the years that I dated Daniel, I never saw him mad. The crazy look in his eyes told me something was, in fact, very wrong.

I shake my head, trying to forget it all. I just want to forget altogether. Looking down, I smile at the newly framed photo on my desk. She is a beautiful little girl, with bright blue eyes that could light up the entire city of Manhattan on a gloomy night. Her long blond hair hangs in braided pigtails down to her waist, and her beautiful mother, my best friend, Star holds her, with a matching smile.

It may not be the ideal situation, but Star was able to meet and spend time with her daughter, who is turning eleven in a few short weeks. She begged Chrome, Willow’s adoptive father, to bring her to the city for Christmas, and for her birthday, but the jury was still out. Who comes up with these fucking names anyway? Chrome? Is his brother named Spoke? What about a sister named Sissy Bar? Fucking bikers.

And today… Well, today is my second doctor’s appointment. Today, Levi and I will be able to listen to our baby’s heartbeat.

Levi is already the epitome of a good dad. He cleaned Barnes & Noble out of their entire pregnancy section. I could probably buy Dr. Sears himself and Levi wouldn’t be content. I won’t tell him, but it is fucking adorable, even if it annoys the living shit out of me.I totally feel human again, too. The medication my doctor prescribed has worked wonders. Absolute fucking wonders. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I still barf daily, but it is way less than before, and I can actually keep a meal down.

“You ready?” I hear Levi open my office door; he peeks in. I wave him off and continue typing. I’m wrapping up the last email on my agenda before we take off to Vegas for a long weekend.

“One more minute, then I am yours until Tuesday. Well, after the appointment.” I send off the email, and close my laptop, sliding it into my bag.

“Let me take that.” He’’s concerned, not wanting me to carry more than my tits.

“A laptop isn’t going to kill me, Levi.” I roll my eyes, and he shrugs. The battle has been lost. “I was thinking we can add a couple things to the before baby list once we get in the air.”

I laugh. Yes, there you have it, folks; we have become that cheesy couple. We have a list of shit to do before the baby comes. But unlike your typical suckers, paint the nursery and buy a sedan aren’t anywhere to be found.

“I can’t start thinking about the before baby list right now, Seven. We will never make it to the appointment, and I don’t want to miss this one.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a lingering kiss. I can feel his erection pressing against my stomach, and I know he is as worked up about the list as I am.

“But what if I want to be late?” My hand inches down his body, stroking his bulge.

His lips nip at my earlobe, driving me absolutely wild. “Mile high club?”

The three word promise is enough to hold me over, until we are in the air in a few hours. But God, I still want him right this damn second… Fuck!

“Miss James, come on back.” The same nurse as my last visit escorts me to the bathroom, asking for more pee, then insists I step on a scale.

“You. Turn the other way.” I point at Levi, and he laughs and turns to face away from the display on the scale.

“You didn’t lose any weight; that is great!” The nurse is over the moon. I guess she really takes her job seriously. She leaves us alone in the room, waiting for the doctor. Levi thumbs over some brochures on the counter, and I tap my finger nervously against the metal side of the exam table. “You should have seen it last time. I was half naked and the doctor came at me with that wand thing. I can’t even laugh about where he shoved it.” I point at the wand on the ultrasound machine sitting across from me. That shit is totally taunting me too, laughing at my fear.

A knock comes, and the doctor makes his way in. “Nice to see you again, Miss James, and Mr…” He trails off, extending his hand to Levi.

“Parker, Levi Parker,” he replies in greeting.

“They should have asked you to strip from the waist down, Miss James. We are going to do another ultrasound.” Dread runs across my face, and Levi looks like he wants to burst out laughing. Real fucking funny. Why don’t I probe YOU with that? Never mind, I am sure you would like it.

“I thought we were just going to hear the heartbeat today?” My question is genuine, and I am totally trying to get out of the vaginal probe again; wouldn’t you be?

“Seven, it is still too early to hear it from the outside of your stomach. We have to do an internal ultrasound again.”

I stop complaining when I see Levi’s entire face light up like a Christmas tree. He’s excited and, even though I am downright miserable, his gleeful expression makes me willing to walk to Hell and back with that stupid wand up my vag just to keep that smile plastered on his face. I am so losing my fucking edge.

The doctor leaves, only long enough for me to slide down the black pinstriped slacks I have on, and climb back onto the exam table. Levi scoots the chair closer to my side and takes a hold of my hand. He kisses the tip of each finger, and stops when his lips press to the back of my hand. “I can’t wait to see our baby,” he quietly says, as the door opens back up.

“We ready?”

The doctor starts typing on the ultrasound machine again, and I can’t do anything but let out a sigh. “Yes.” The probe does its thing. This time it isn’t all bad. I guess my nerves last time around made shit like a million times worse. I’m a regular old pro now.

“Is that…” Levi trails off, looking at the screen, still holding tightly onto my hand.

“Sure is. Your baby. Let me track down the heartbeat.” The doctor moves the wand, and we can both see it squirming around. It isn’t much, but you can see the distinct movements on the screen. To the right, then a little bit to the left. Then the most wonderful sound fills my ears.

Woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh.

“That is the heartbeat, nice and strong. I will print out a couple more pictures as well.” He continues doing whatever it is doctors do with these machines, and I look at Levi, completely stunned and trying not to cry. These damn hormones have me crying more than I have in my entire life. Literally.

Any reservations about having a baby are gone. The idea that I almost opted for an abortion runs through my mind on repeat, but I know in my heart, I could have never gone through with it. If it had been anyone else other than Levi by my side for this, I would have hightailed it over to the abortion clinic without a second thought, but he, this man, just makes my world so worth living once again. I have been on autopilot for so many years, just getting by day-to-day, and then he walked into my life. My kink club. I used him as a play thing. He used me as his Dom. The universe just couldn’t let it be, though, and I am glad. It was time for me to actually live. Be wanted. Stop living in the past. This is my future. Levi, and this baby. Fuck, it looks bright.

“You know we are only going for a three night vacation, right, Seven?” Levi laughs as he helps Clyde pull the bags out of the car. I wave him off and walk up the stairs to the private jet, sitting on the tarmac.

“I pay him to do that, you know that, right?”

He ignores me and continues helping my damn hired help, and I make myself comfortable.

I pop a Dramamine, and my nausea medication with the bottle of ginger ale, which I now carry in my purse everywhere I go. People who tell you it doesn’t work are liars. It helps immensely. Levi sits down next to me as I pick up my notebook and pull out the list. “I believe we have some work to do.”

The Before Baby List

Join the Mile High Club

One last threesome at the club

Reverse Dom roles

Sex in public (again)

Have a foursome

Make a sex tape

Erotic Photo Shoot

Have phone sex/Skype Sex

Sex in a pool

Watch Porn together


Play Strip Poker (in Vegas)

Sex in an Elevator

“I think we can knock most of those out while we are here in Vegas. Or at least on our way.” He leans in close to me, whispering in my ear.

“Well, as soon as we are in the air, you have a whole half hour to accomplish the mile high club, because I am medicated, and will pass out.” I can’t help but laugh, because it is the truth.
