The Night

Fuck London. Fuck this time change. Fuck this incredibly comfortable bed. Fuck it all. No matter how hard I try, sleep won’t come. I look at the clock on the nightstand; it tells me something I already know: midnight. I should have been dead asleep by nine if it wasn’t for Levi’s question as I fled the dinner table.

He asked for a chance, but a chance at what? We could never have a relationship. I tried the whole relationship thing once. The whole love bullshit. We see how that worked out. As much as everything within me screams to give in to him and just give whatever he wants a try, the rational, stubborn, bitch inside me can’t let it happen. The heart Daniel abandoned and shattered will never be whole enough to open up to someone. It’s just something I accepted a long time ago. Not that I ever wanted that happily ever after anyway.

I roll over again, facing away from the suite door, and hug a plush down pillow, trying once again for sleep to take me. The bed dips from behind, scaring the shit out of me. My body leaps from under the covers, scrambling to turn and identify the midnight intruder.

I should have known Levi couldn’t stay away. Without a word, he climbs under the covers, intruding my bed. His strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling my naked body to his. He cradles my body close to him, snuggling his face into my neck, and inhales my scent.

I don’t know if I should break the silence. I want to know why he’s in my room once again, interrupting my much needed privacy. But I don’t want him to leave. I lie still while he curls up to me, closer than before, almost as if he is trying to climb into my body. I turn toward him and snuggle into the nook of his arm. My body starts to relax and I can feel sleep coming for me. My mind slows from its marathon pace, and I drift asleep in Levi’s arms. It’s something I haven’t done since my time with Daniel. I pray a nightmare doesn’t taunt me tonight.

Someone was inside the multicolored bus that doubled as a home our parents traveled across the country in. I could tell by the fogged up back windows. If I was really lucky, it would be my parents, along with Star’s, engaging in some kind of sick and perverted sexual escapade. Ugh.

I pried the doors open, and walked up the stairs. Someone moaned from behind the thin tie-dyed curtain. The voice was familiar. I could pick it out of a crowd anywhere. It was Star.

My body went into overdrive hearing her sexy moans and pants as she neared orgasm. “Mmmmm, oh yeah,” she moaned. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d walked in on her fingering herself.

I pulled the curtain back. That was when I saw the most disgustingly erotic scene of my life.

Star was perfection. Naked and glistening with a thin sheen of sweat across her body, as she was up on her hands and knees, taking it from behind. My eyes scanned up his body, and landed on his face. Blue. My fucking brother. My twenty-nine-year-old brother fucking my sixteen-year-old-best friend. The woman I fucked in my spare time. The only person in the entire world that I loved.

Blue looked over and caught me staring. He fucked her harder, proving to me that anything I ever had in my life, he would take away from me.

“You like that, Star?” he grunted as he fucked her harder. Her moans picked up, completely oblivious to my presence.

“Oh Blue, fuck me!” Star called, as she bucked her ass back to meet his thrusts.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I choked the words out. I was so stunned. I didn’t even know what else to say.

Star turned in my direction, her short blonde hair sticking to her face with sweat, and she gasped in shock when her eyes found my dazed face. “Oh my god, Seven!” she yelled, pulling away from Blue and scrambling for her clothes.

My brother leaned back on his haunches, stroking his dick while he watched Star flee, and I continued to stand there dazed.

“God, put it away. You are fucking disgusting,” I yelled at him, as I turned to walk off the bus.

My moment of excitement was completely gone. Hearing her moans had me aching for her touch, but the desire was long over. The one friend I had in the world, in the arms of my enemy, and I didn’t even know where to go from there. What do you do when your life crumbles?

My body tosses and turns in the spacious bed. I’m covered in sweat, and my yells echo through the expensive suite.

“Fuck you!” I scream in the throes of a nightmare. “My brother, you fucking cunt?” I throw my arm to the side, trying to slap the target in my mind, but come in contact with a strong arm restraining me against the bed. My body slowly starts to wake up, and I realize that I was not only dreaming, but also that there is someone in my bedroom trying desperately to wake me.

“Seven. It’s okay. Shhhhh.” His voice calms me. He strokes my hair and my cheek, as my breathing starts to even out. I open my eyes, worried about what I am going to find. My mind catches up with the current events in my life, bringing me back to London. The expensive suite, the business trip, the man in my bed? What the fuck?

“Seven? Are you okay?” Levi questions, not loosening his grip on me.

“What the fuck, Levi?” I wonder why he is in my bedroom. Why he is holding me. Why does he care so damn much?

“I came in last night when I couldn’t sleep. I thought you were awake?”

I was, but I only now remember his midnight visit. I look at the clock, and realize it has only been an hour since I drifted off to sleep in his arms. “I was, I think?” I start to pull from his arms, but he won’t release his grip. “I’m okay Levi. I just… I need to use the bathroom.”

He reluctantly releases me, and I drag my naked body across the suite to the attached bathroom. Once again, I find myself in a staring contest with the mirror. It has been so long since I had that particular nightmare grip me. Had it been triggered by Levi sharing the bed with me?

When I look in the mirror, I see a broken sixteen-year-old-girl. The girl who had her fucked up life shattered by an even more fucked up situation. Why would Star fuck Blue? Over a decade later, I wish I had the answer to that question, because it still haunts me.

“She doesn’t want you, Seven. Nobody does, and nobody ever will,” Blue taunted me, as I stalked out of the bus.

“Fuck you, Blue. Fuck you.”

I look up, and I can see the reflection of his eyes inside my own. One of the only features we share. They taunt me with all my memories of hate for him. Without thinking, my fist collides with the mirror as I scream, “I hate you!”

The glass crashes to the floor all around me, and I can hear Levi on the other side of the door trying the locked doorknob repeatedly. “Seven, open the door.” His voice is stern, but I ignore him as the tears start to flow down my cheek.

“Go away, Levi,” I yell in my rage. “Just go the fuck away!” My legs give out, and I sit in a pile of glass shards, naked and bleeding from my hand.

“I swear to fucking God, Seven! If you don’t open this fucking door, I am going to break it down!” he yells, pounding against the door, and all I can do is sit and cry like a broken child. Not the strong, independent, and demanding CEO I need to be on this trip. I hear a loud crash, then another, and Levi busts through the bathroom door. He stands with a concerned look on his face, taking in the pitiful scene before him.

“Oh God, Seven.” He leans down, and scoops me into his arms like a small hurt child, pulling me close to his bare chest, and squeezing tightly. He lifts me carefully, carrying me to the bed, laying me down and examining the cut across my knuckles.

I want to look up and read his face. I want to see the pity in his eyes, but I can’t bring myself to make eye contact. I don’t want him to see my broken soul. I don’t want him to see me like this at all, but I have lost all my fight. I want to yell and scream at him. I want him to leave and never come back. I want him out of my life for good. But I can’t.

“It doesn’t look that bad. Let me get a washcloth from the en suite. Are you going to be okay for a minute?” His tone drips with concern, as he takes care of me like a parent would a child. A parent who actually cares about their child, something I have never known.

“Yes.” It’s all I can say, and I barely choke it out. His weight lifts from the bed, and I can hear the water running before he returns. I lie on top of the covers, feeling vulnerable, something I haven’t felt for years before Levi walked into my life. Sleeping naked had always been second nature, but I think tonight it was the worst idea ever. However, our connection tonight isn’t sexual in any way. It is deeper, and it scares the shit out of me.

He returns with a small white washcloth soaked in warm water. His hands work gently, cleaning the blood from my damaged right hand. The cut looked far worse when the blood covered my fist. It’s just a little knick. The mirror totally lost that battle. I just regret Levi being in the vicinity of my meltdown. I want him gone. I want to be alone.

“Look, Levi. I think you should go back to your room.” My words don’t faze him at all. He continues sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but a thin pair of black bed pants, which hang deliciously off his hips. I shouldn’t be ogling his muscular V, but I can’t help it. It is downright beautiful. “I am fine. I can promise you that. It was just a dream.” I try to let him off the hook, but he still doesn’t move. How the fuck am I going to get rid of him?

“I’m not going anywhere, Seven. You need to go back to bed. We have a long day tomorrow. We don’t need to talk about this.” Of course we need to talk about how fucked up I am. Maybe that will send him running for the hills.

“Levi, I am fucked up. You don’t want me. I promise you that. If I gave you that chance you asked for, you’d only regret it. It isn’t good for either of us.” I motion between the two of us. “This isn’t good for either of us.” I pull the covers over my exposed body again.

“We don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to. I’m not going anywhere, Seven. Whatever this is, I’m in it for the long haul, so you can stop pushing me away.”

I hate being pushed, and I hate being defied even more. “What if I just don’t want you, Levi?” I intend my words to hurt, but they don’t have an impact on him in the least.

“I would call you a liar.” His words hit me like a punch to the cunt. A liar? I have never been called a liar in my life. There are a lot of nasty words you can use to describe me, but a liar is not one of them. I pride myself in my integrity, if nothing else.

My words come out as a whisper. “No one has ever called me a liar before.”

His fingers run along my damp cheek, and he leans in to plant a sweet peck on my cheek. “Then don’t lie to me, Seven.”

He snugly tucks me in under the soft covers, before climbing back into the bed behind me. His arms wrap around my waist, spooning me from behind. His semi-hard dick presses against my ass, and he presses a single kiss against my neck before tucking his other arm under his pillow and drifting off to sleep. I quickly join him, hoping another nightmare doesn’t interrupt.


I reach over to the phone next to the bed, answering it in a groggy daze. “Hello?”

A perky young man with a thick British accent on the other end replies, “Good morning Miss James. This is your seven o’clock wake up call.” Seven already? I can’t remember the last time I’ve slept this late. My body is typically awake on cue at six without any wake up calls.

“Thank you,” I reply before tossing the phone back onto the receiver.

I stretch and let out a yawn. My body is achy and tired. I feel like I haven’t slept at all, but I know I’ve probably had the most peaceful rest I’ve had in a very long time, thanks to Levi.

“Good morning,” he mumbles in a sleepy voice, rolling over to face me in the bed.

“Morning,” I reply, as I get up from and head for the closet, packed with the hanging work clothes I brought for the trip. “I gotta get ready; we have an hour before our car leaves.” I pull out a red blouse and a pair of white slacks, laying them on the bed before I turn for the bathroom.

“Mind if I join you?”

I don’t even know how to reply to his question, but showering together after last night just seems far more intimate than I am up for. “Not now.”

I wish there was a door I could lock, but I can’t help but chuckle just a bit at the absolute disaster my bathroom has become overnight. I roll my eyes while thinking, I can’t wait to see the repair bill.

I stalk into the conference room inside the London headquarters of Alexander Mobile. “Who’s in charge here?” Everyone looks around, before all eyes settle on a man sitting at the end of black conference table, against a wall of windows that look over the Thames.

He nods, standing in greeting. His arm extends as he speaks. “Charles Remy, CFO of London operations.” I couldn’t have cared less about his title or name.

Placing my bag down on the table, I extend my arm in greeting as well. “Seven James, your former boss. Pack up your office. You’re fired, Mr. Remy. Security will show you out.”

I pull out my folders while everyone in the room stares at me in shock. Levi can’t help but choke back a laugh as I take over London like a bull in a china shop. “Now that that’s taken care of, good morning. My name is Seven James; I am the new head of Alexander Mobile, and I am here to deal with the gross incompetence of Mr. Remy and everyone here in London. I am not happy to be here. Let it be known I am not here to make friends; I am here to clean up this business and head back to New York City as quickly as I can.”

I open a file folder of papers, and thumb through a couple, pulling out everything I need and slamming them in a stack on the table.

“If you want to keep your jobs at Alexander Mobile, you will help me while I am here. This is Mr. Levi Parker; he is a board member and shareholder of this company. He will also be assisting me in the cleanup of this office.”

That’s when I see her, a mousy blonde in the corner. Her eyes focus on Levi, completely ignoring every word coming out of my mouth. He scans the room, and his eyes fall on her in passing. Her lips pucker, pressing the pink lipstick together in a pout, as she adjusts in her seat just enough to hike her skirt up. His eyes immediately seek others in the room. My gaze burns through the whore.

“What’s your name?” I ask her across the table, as her attention shifts back to me.

“Emma Malloy,” she replies.

“Go set up a conference room and makeshift office for Levi and me; we will be interviewing all day.”

Shock spreads across her face as she opens her mouth to reply. “I’m not a damn office assistant. I’m the head solicitor here.”

“You’re fired, too. Pack your shit and get out.”

I eye the rest of the shocked staff. “Anyone else want walking papers today? I seem to be on a bit of a roll.”

She stands and struts out of the office without looking back. Good, because I am not in the mood for loose women and their inappropriate office antics. “One thing I want everyone to get straight, since clearly you haven’t heard much about me. I don’t take any shit. Not from your head solicitor, or your CFO. I don’t give a rat’s ass. I demand respect, and I will get it, or you will get out of my office. It may not be my name on this company, but I am in charge now. I am already pissed enough that I’m halfway around the world cleaning up your mess.”

This entire trip is turning into a nightmare, and I think I just fired someone simply for flirting with Levi. That was not cool at all. I’m not sure what has gotten into me, but I am sure it is Levi Parker, and I don’t like what it’s done to me. Well, I’m lying. Maybe I like it, just a little bit.

The next person in line is tasked with setting up a space for the interview process. He doesn’t do half bad either. Sure, the room is about as big as a broom closet, but we have everything we need. Levi and I settle in as the steady stream of potential new CFOs flows into the waiting room. Before the first candidate enters the room, Levi turns to me. Rubbing his finger along my fabric-covered arm, he leans in to whisper in my ear.

“You fired her because she was flirting with me.” He pauses as I turn to take in every inch of his face. His lips graze my bottom lip., “I can’t even tell you how hot that made me.”

As the door opens, he pulls away casually; the first candidate enters our broom closet. An older gentleman with a thick British accent and clearly dyed thick black hair takes a seat.

Completely off my game, I leave the bulk of the interview to Levi while I sit back taking notes, and letting my mind fuck itself for a while. All because this goddamn man is so under my skin I can’t even think straight. It wouldn’t be such a problem if it wasn’t having such an impact on my work. This is so fucking bad.

“I called my PI this afternoon,” I mention in passing as the limo weaves through London rush hour traffic.

Levi turns to me, looking up from whatever he was reading on his phone. “Yeah?”

“He should have something back within twenty-four hours or so.” I shrug and pull my own phone out to send Star a text. Since the nightmare last night, I’ve wanted to avoid her, but she didn’t do anything wrong. It isn’t her fault that a decade old memory crept back up.

Levi shifts in his seat, setting his phone down on the leather bench seat, and leaning in to my personal space. “Thank you, Seven. I owe you.”

I wave him off; it’s nonsense really. “I enjoy seeing a desperate trophy wife take a fall now and again.” I would be lying if I said otherwise. Maybe it’s the fact that someone like her took so much away from me, but looking at the situation in a different light these days, I’m glad Daniel walked out when he did. That miserable housewife, perpetually knocked up, could have been me. Fuck that shit.

“I had some plans for tonight, if you’re up for it.” Plans? Do I even feel like going out? I know I don’t want to, but honestly, I can’t stay locked up in the hotel room for the duration of this trip. It will do me good to get out and see some sights. Although it’s not my first time to London, every other time has been on some else’s schedule, not my own.

“As long as it includes food, and wine, I’m in. What a fucking nightmare of a day. Who would think someone could make such a mess of a company?”

He smiles and turns his attention back to his phone. I do the same.

How are things back home? Bad dream returned last night. You think a decade would be enough to keep it away. God, I hate him.

Him as in my brother. It’s been twelve years since I walked in on him fucking Star. It’s been twelve years since I’ve spoken to him, despite our parents’ best attempts at singing “Kumbaya” and holding hands to kiss and make up. It’s something I am not interested in, still to this day. I also drove my parents away, which doesn’t bother me in the least. If I could only get them off my purse strings, I’d really be golden.

My phone chirps in reply.

Sorry hun. We can talk about it if you want? You Okay?

I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I don’t even want to think about it. If it wasn’t for my mind transporting me back to it, I would have forgotten a long time ago.

I’m good. No need to rehash the past. Enjoying the penthouse?

Change the subject. Quickly. The limo pulls up in front of the hotel, and Levi and I exit quickly, heading for the elevators. I toss my phone into my bag as we stand waiting. The lobby is surprisingly quiet for six in the evening. The doors open, and we step inside. Levi presses the button for the suite before swiping his keycard to access the floor. I drop my bag and lean back against the glass.

My gaze falls on him. His top button is undone and his tie is loosened, just a little. His dark hair is pushed back, and he looks as gorgeous as ever. I want to run my fingers through his hair and taste the bottom lip he is cautiously chewing on. His eyes run from the climbing floors back to my hungry eyes, and we lock our stares.

I take three steps and he’s pressed against the wall of the elevator, my mouth on his. His lips part and I plunge my tongue in, massaging his in passing as I explore the mouth I’ve desperately wanted to be in for days. The elevator slows, coming to a stop. I reluctantly pull away and cross the elevator, heading back into the safety of the corner I claimed upon entering. The doors open and an older couple joins us on our ride up.

A minute later, the elevator comes to a stop on our floor. We exit into the suite like nothing happened, heading to our respective rooms. Yup, we are fucking bi-polar as all hell.

My phone chirps from the bag. My PI’s number appears on the screen.

Miss James, my search turned up quite a bit of information. Please call me at your earliest convenience.


I look out of the suite. “Levi. Come here when you get a minute.”

“What’s up?” He peers in my door, wearing nothing but the black slacks he had on all day. I want to lick him. I’m not even sure where the thought came from; maybe it’s my lack of orgasms lately, but damn, he looks delicious.

“Do you have a couple minutes? I got a message from my PI and it seems as though his search turned something up. I didn’t feel comfortable calling without you here.” It’s the truth; this is between Levi and his ex-wife, not me.

“Yeah, cue him up on speaker.” He runs his fingers run through his hair, and he kicks off his shoes, sprawling out across my bed. Our bed. The bed we shared last night.

“Davis Napoli,” my PI answers the phone.

“Seven James here, Davis. I have Levi Parker on the line with me as well, as this is his matter.”

Levi nods and exchanges greetings with Davis over the phone. I sit down on the edge of the bed, placing the iPhone down on the bed between us.

“Well, at your request, Miss James, I did some digging into Mrs. Parker’s dealings. It seems as though there is a long-standing affair in her life, as well as some massive debt.” I quietly watch Levi, but he shows no emotion.

“Long-standing affair? As in months? Years? Is there any kind of timetable on this?” His words are to the point with no emotion. In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen Levi this void before. His eyes are dark, lacking any sense of emotion, pissed, which for him is a first. At least with me.

“It appears this is something that has been standing for roughly three years. The gentleman,” the phone line fills with the sound of scattering papers, “oh, here we go. A man by the name of Daniel Alexander. Married, father, lives in Greenwich, Connecticut.”

At the mention of his name, I stand and head for the door. This is more than I should be listening to; this isn’t my business. Levi’s hand reaches out and stops me; when I turn to look at him, he shakes his head.

“Thank you for this information, Davis. Can I ask you to send all of this information to my attorney?” Levi is cool and collected, as I would be in the face of a business deal. While I continue to listen in, the two men end their conversation, and Levi’s face turns to relief.

“Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about that anymore.” He laughs as he unbuttons his pants and walks for the door. “Thanks for the help, Seven.” He slides his pants down his legs and hangs them over his arm. His ass is perfection in the tight, grey boxer briefs, and I can’t help but think God Bless Diesel as he walks to his suite. “Be ready by seven fifteen,” he yells as he rounds the corner, and he is gone. I won’t dare follow him into his suite.

I stand alone in the foyer, waiting for Levi. I chose to wear a three-forth sleeve pale pink dress that falls right above my knees. My legs are covered in sheer black stockings, connected to a sexy matching garter belt. Pink and black polka dot heels cover my feet, and I have black wrap over my shoulders and wrapping around my arms. I grip onto the small pink clutch, only big enough to hold my cell phone and credit cards. Oh, and a tube of my bold pink lipstick, a shade I rarely wear.

Levi appears out of his suite, wearing a sleek black custom-tailored suit, with a pink tie that perfectly matches the dress I wear. Someone is sneaky.

“Well, aren’t we just a matching pair this evening?” I laugh at the sheer stupidity of it all. This is shit couples do, something we clearly are not.

“I guess I picked the perfect tie for the evening, huh?” he teases, as he holds his hand out, waiting for me to step forward and take it. Should I?

Against my better judgment, I do exactly what he wants. The last brick in my wall comes crumbling down, and my defenses against him are virtually gone. I am sure it won’t be long until we are talking happily ever afters and babies. Fucking ick! Crotch nuggets!

We make our way to the elevator, and he leans in closely and whispers into my ear. “My dear, you look wonderful tonight.”

I smile, as I think of the Eric Clapton song my father occasionally played for me as a little girl. Only when no one was around to witness our rare bonding. The thought sends a ping to my heart, jump-starting emotions I haven’t felt run through my body in an eternity. I try to push them into the back of my mind and focus on just enjoying the evening ahead of us.

We step into the elevator. “So where are we off to for the evening, Mr. Parker?”

A sly smile presses to his lips and a dimple appears, one I haven’t noticed before. Or maybe I just never got a big enough smile out of him to bring the adorable feature to life. “I have big plans, but if I told you, I would have to kill you.” I can’t help but laugh at him. I certainly have met my match for sure.

“Kill me, huh? Well, that wouldn’t be much fun.”

We continue our trip in silence, wearing big smiles. It isn’t until the limo pulls up at the classically beautiful Thames River that I’m confused. “Right this way, Seven.” He takes my hand once again and we start walking for The London Eye. The massive, modern Ferris wheel puts any amusement park to shame. The luxurious, glass enclosed pods are rumored to have the best views of London.

“You have got to be kidding me; I am not getting in that!” There is no way my anxiety over heights is going to allow me to set one foot inside one of those death traps. Of course, they are safe, and hell, you can even have a party in one, but I’m not buying it. At all.

“Relax, Seven. It’s okay.” He takes my hand, leading me up to the entrance, and he gives the employee his name. A young man with thick accent greets him.

“Right this way. Your private flight should be ready in just a moment. The capsules keep moving, some off-loading families or couples exiting in loving embraces. It’s a tourist hot spot, for sure. It’s also something I never thought I would want to do. However, the more I watch the carefree expressions of those exiting the experience, even on the children, the more I find myself relaxing and the anxiety fleeing.

“Mr. Parker. Your room is ready.” Levi takes my hand, and we walk toward the entrance of the impressive room. As we enter, I notice a full dinner for two set up, along with champagne, and the soulful voice of Billie Holiday singing. This couldn’t be any more perfect. As much as I will never admit it to another living soul, the moment I step foot inside, I give a piece of my heart to Levi Parker.
