LACEY’S BREATH CAUGHT at the fire that flared in Evan’s eyes at her words. There was no mistaking that heated glitter for anything other than what it was.


Pure lust swamped her, an unstoppable wave of the very sexual longing she’d been desperately trying to hold back since the moment he’d clasped her hand for their ill-fated dash across the lawn. No doubt about it, Evan Sawyer had everything female in her standing at attention and saluting.

And she’d been doing a damn good job of controlling her libido, if she said so herself, especially given the incredible way he’d felt lying on top of her. The delicious press of his body against hers when he’d carried her. The warm strength of his hands massaging her ankle and foot. Why, she deserved an Academy Award for managing to retain her air of aloofness.

But now, now that he was looking at her like this-as if she were a bowl of cream and he was a very large, very hungry cat-her resolve to stay indifferent was dissolving at an alarming rate.

“Take off our clothes?” he repeated in a husky rasp that instantly brought to mind naked entwined bodies and rumpled sheets. “But Lacey…we haven’t even kissed yet.”

The sound of her name whispered from those gorgeous lips shot heated tingles straight to her womb. Surely the reason she opened her mouth was to inform him that she’d merely meant they should put on something dry, but any words she might have spoken turned into a shocked gasp of pleasure when he raised her foot and pressed his lips to her inner ankle.

Fire sizzled through her. Holy cow. His mouth looked positively sinful pressed against her. And felt positively sinful, too. His teeth lightly grazed her skin, and before her mind could process all the jolts of pleasure shooting up her calf, he lowered her ankle and stepped between her legs. Tunneling his hands into her wet hair, he slowly lowered his head. Anticipation pumped through her, and she parted her lips.

His mouth settled on hers and Lacey felt as if everything inside her melted. Good God, the man knew how to kiss. He tasted warm and delicious and the sensation of his tongue exploring her mouth pulsed heat to her every nerve ending. She ran her hands up his chest, over his broad shoulders, then skimmed her fingers through the thick wet silk of his hair. All thoughts of time and place evaporated in a haze of lust. Her every heartbeat seemed to reverberate with the word more. Taste more. Touch more. Feel more.

Want more. Need more.

Too soon, much too soon, he raised his head. A groan of protest rose in her throat and she forced her eyes open. Evan was staring at her as if he’d never seen her before. His hair was rumpled from her impatient fingers and he was breathing hard.

She had to swallow to find her voice. “Wow.”

He blinked several times, as if coming out of a trance. She knew exactly how he felt. After clearing his throat, he said, “Yeah. Wow.”

“What the heck was that?”

“You mean besides amazing? I’m not sure.” He leaned forward and nuzzled the sensitive skin behind her ear with his warm lips. “I think we should do it again to find out.”

His tongue lightly flicked her earlobe and she actually felt her eyes glaze over. Okay, this guy’s effect on her just wasn’t right. One kiss and one tiny tongue flick shouldn’t make her feel as if she were a rocket about to explode into orbit. A fissure of common sense worked its way through the fog of desire surrounding her and she clapped her hands against his chest, then gently pushed him back.

“Not so fast, bucko.” She needed to think for a minute or two. Bracing her hands on the counter, she slid down until her feet touched the floor then eased from his grasp-and immediately missed the warmth of his strong hands on her skin. But because he was so very tempting, it was essential she put some space between them, at least until her head quit spinning. After an experimental shake of her ankle, which didn’t produce any pain, she took several steps away from him.

“I think we should concentrate on doing what we came here to do.” And she’d make sure they did-as soon as she remembered what the heck it was.

“You mean calling for roadside assistance?”

“Exactly.” Hey, she would have remembered. Eventually. As soon as her raging hormones had quit buzzing.

I wasn’t the one who suggested we take off our clothes.”

Annoyance threaded through her at his smug tone, thankfully dissipating a bit more of the sensual fog that had caught her so unawares. “I meant I wanted to get out of these wet clothes,” she informed him, proud of the cool disdain in her voice. “I’m cold and uncomfortable.” Or at least she’d been cold a few minutes ago. Now she was just uncomfortable. “Aren’t you?”

“Cold? No. Actually, I’m the exact opposite of cold-all your fault, by the way. And do you really think getting naked is going to make us more comfortable?”

“I didn’t mean for us to be naked.” Liar! her conscience shouted. Especially given the preview his wet clothing provided-muscular chest, toned abs, slim hips, long legs. Her gaze settled on his groin. His clinging pants proved he was as affected by that kiss as she. And he was clearly still affected-as was she. A rumble of admiring approval rose in her throat and she quickly swallowed it.

“That’s what usually happens when you take off your clothes.”

His voice jerked her back and she yanked her gaze upward. “Huh?”

“You get naked when you take off your clothes.”

“Okay. Sounds good to me.” She mentally thumped herself on the forehead. “I mean we should change into dry clothes.”

“That would be nice, but I’m afraid I don’t carry around a spare outfit.”

“Neither do I. But it just so happens that I have a spare set of clothes for each of us at my disposal.” She nodded toward the front window. “Courtesy of my mannequins.”

He turned his head toward the window, then slowly turned back to her. “You can’t be serious.”

“Why not? You have another suggestion? Other than staying in these sopping clothes and catching pneumonia?”

“Personally, I preferred the ‘get naked’ suggestion.”

“There was no ‘get naked’ suggestion.”

“No? Well, I’d be happy to make one.” He erased the distance between them in one step. The fire in his eyes made her feel as if someone had poured a vat of warm honey over her body. Her breath caught when he reached out and lightly clasped her hands, entwining their fingers. “Wanna get naked?”

“I do-” The truth shot from her mouth like a speeding bullet, appalling her. Good grief, she sounded like a desperate, horny, Valentine’s Day-dateless nympho. And hey, maybe she was one, but she needed to recall that this was Mr. Thorn-in-her-side, and that he didn’t need to know. Hadn’t she embarrassed herself enough already?

“-not,” she added, coughing twice for good measure. “I do not want to get naked. What I do want is to call roadside assistance. Then I want to change into dry clothing. Then I want a cup of coffee. And a cookie. Then I want to drive home. And forget this evening ever happened.” Good luck with that last bit, her inner voice sneered, to which she issued her inner voice a stern mental shut up.

He studied her for several long seconds, and she found herself holding her breath, a part of her desperately wanting him to just yank her against him and stun her with another hypnotic kiss. Instead, he gave a tight nod, then released her hands and stepped back.

“Good idea,” he said. “Is your roadside assistance American Car Association?”

“Yes. Isn’t everyone’s?”

“Probably. That’s who I use. How about I make the call while you, um, change your clothes.”

“Deal. Then I’ll put on the coffee.”


After nodding toward the counter where he’d sat her, she said, “The phone’s on the back wall.” She watched him turn and walk toward the counter, then forced herself to head to the front window so as not to stand there and gawk at his very fine butt.

Now that she wasn’t plastered against Evan, the chill of her wet clothes penetrated through to her skin. With quick efficiency she stripped the female mannequin of her dress, making a mental note to arrive at the store extra early in the morning so she could re-dress her props. If Mr. Thorn-in-her-side freaked over a display featuring fully dressed mannequins, he’d throw an absolute conniption over naked ones.

Although…for a guy she’d thought to be completely uptight, he’d clearly been more than willing to get naked with her-

Stop it, Lacey, she commanded herself. Do not think of him naked. In fact, don’t think of him at all. Sadly that proved difficult, especially while she stripped her male mannequin. Holding the two sets of clothes, she stepped from the window. Her gaze instantly found Evan and saw him hanging up the phone.

“The Car Association said they’d have someone here in about an hour, hour and a half. I told them to come here, to the store, so we don’t have to wait outside.”

“Great.” She held out the robe and matching boxers. “Here you go. Dry clothes.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “I am not putting on that ridiculous robe.”

She took immediate umbrage. “It’s not ridiculous. It’s romantic-something you obviously know nothing about.”

“I know plenty about romantic, and let me tell you straight up, that robe ain’t it. No self-respecting guy would wear that. It’s got pink hearts on it, for cryin’ out loud.”

“Uh-huh. And what do you know about fashion? You who I’ve never seen wear anything other than an uptight suit and tie?”

“I know enough not to wear that.” He jabbed his index finger toward the bundle she held. “And you had your chance to see me wearing a hell of a lot less than my uptight suit and tie, so don’t blame me.”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re very arrogant?”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re extremely annoying?”

“I’m suddenly remembering all the reasons I don’t like you.” She stomped over to the counter and slapped down the robe and boxers. “If you want to stay in your wet clothes and catch a chill while your skin grows pruney, be my guest. I’m going into the back room to change.”

With that, she marched toward the rear of the store, head held high. Just before she slammed the door behind her, she heard him call out, “I am not going to wear that goofy robe!”
