WALKING ACROSS the Plaza de Armas, her fingers entwined with Brett’s, Kayla drew several deep breaths and waited for her sanity to return. For her common sense to override her screaming libido. For her better judgment to cough to life and tell her that going to the hotel room of a man she barely knew wasn’t a good idea.

But instead of any of that, her heart simply whispered, I know enough for now. And I want to know more.

Never had she experienced such a wild, instant attraction. Or felt so carried away, so unable to think beyond the desperate need to get naked with a man. It was a fiery, heady, impossible-to-ignore sensation she couldn’t deny herself the pleasure of seeing through to the end.

Still, she felt compelled to say, “Brett, I want you to know…I don’t normally do this.”

He slowed his pace and turned to look at her. “This?”

“One-night stands. With someone I just met.”

He halted, set down the bag containing their boxed pizza, then framed her face between his hands. Serious golden-brown eyes studied hers for several long seconds. She wanted him to voice the words swimming through her mind-that somehow this didn’t feel like a one-night stand. That it felt intense, and unsettling because of that intensity. Instead he asked softly, “Did we just meet?”

Her throat went dry and for a panicked instant she wondered if he’d seen her at La Fleur. Before she could even think of a plausible reply, he continued, “Because it doesn’t feel like it, Kayla. As crazy as it sounds, I feel as if I know you. As if I have known you. For a long time.” A humorless sound escaped him and what looked like confusion passed over his features. “It’s illogical and unscientific, but…”


He nodded, still regarding her as if she were a puzzle he was trying to solve. “I know chemistry when I see it. Hell, I know it when I feel it. But at the risk of sounding like I’m tossing out a line from some love song, I’ve never felt it like this before.”

“Thank God it’s not just me.” She settled her hands on his chest. “Maybe it’s the altitude.”

“Maybe. But I think it’s my molecules just really, really liking your molecules.”

She smiled. “How lucky for my molecules.”

“And mine. And if it makes you feel any better, one-night stands aren’t my usual thing either. Besides, since we’re on the same tour, this might turn into a two- or three- or even four-night stand.” He brushed his thumbs over her cheeks. “Any more second thoughts?”

Kayla looked into his eyes and a tremor of pure want shook her. She’d come to Cusco because of Dr. Thornton, but she was here, wrapped in these strong arms because of Brett. Being with him, like this, had nothing to do with La Fleur and everything to do with her. And him. And how much they wanted each other. Making love with him would be the first thing she’d done just for herself in a long time. Indeed, it didn’t matter where she might have met this man-here, New York, Timbuktu-she would have made love with him. The chemistry between them was just too strong to ignore.

“If I had any other second thoughts,” she said, “the fact that you’re making my knees shake by just looking at me kinda shoves them to the background.”

He brushed his lips over hers, stopping her breath. “To repeat your phrase, thank God it’s not just me.”

Her fingers curled, clutching his shirt. “Do you have condoms?” she asked, praying he did.

“Yeah,” he whispered against her lips. “Anything else you want to know?”

“Yeah. How fast can we get to your room?”

After a brief, pulse-quickening kiss, he snatched up the pizza then grabbed her hand. “Let’s find out.”

They started off at a brisk walk which turned into a jog. By the time they neared the small hotel, Kayla was breathless with a combination of anticipation, laughter and exertion from the high altitude.

“I think I’ve exhausted myself,” she gasped, climbing the last two steps to the second floor. When she reached the top, he handed her the pizza, swung her up in his arms and strode swiftly down the hallway.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I have enough energy for both of us.”

Kayla wrapped an arm around his neck then leaned forward to nibble his earlobe. “I didn’t know scientists were so strong.”

“Obviously you’ve been hanging out with biologists. Or physicists. Bunch of weaklings those guys are. Now chemists-we know how to build muscles.”

“Obviously,” she murmured, running an appreciative hand over his wide, solid chest. “Probably I’ll get a second wind.”

“If not, I’ll do my best to revive you.”

“You know CPR?”

He shot her a wink. “Sweetheart, I know all sorts of ways to jump-start your heart.”

Her pulse quivered at the mere thought. “Lucky me.”

He stopped in front of the last door. “Hang on,” he said, letting go with the hand that was wrapped around her waist. “Gotta find the key.”

“You could put me down,” she suggested, her lips continuing their exploration of his jaw.

“Not a chance. I’m not letting go. Do you know why men carry women over thresholds?”

“No clue. But I bet a genius boy like you does.”

“It’s to protect them from being possessed by the evil spirits that hang around in doorways.”

“And here I thought it was just an amazingly romantic gesture.”

“That, too.” She gently bit his neck and he groaned. “You know, you’re not making the key search any easier.”

“Good. I want it hard.”

“Sweetheart, if it gets any harder-” His words ended on a strangled sound and she heard the metallic jangle of a key. The door swung open and he stepped inside, pushing it firmly closed with his foot. Then he set her down.

The instant her feet touched the floor, Kayla dropped her canvas tote and the pizza box. His eyes glittered with so much sensual heat, even the soles of her feet felt hot.

“If it gets any harder…what?” she asked, leaning against the wall, her gaze flicking pointedly down at the impressive bulge in his shorts.

He reached out and locked the door. “It can’t. Get any harder. Impossible.” With each choppy sentence, he moved closer, until he stood directly in front of her, then braced his hands on the wall, caging her in. Mere inches separated them and she could feel the heat emanating from him. Smell his skin, warm, clean and musky, mixed with the subtle fresh scent of his soap. His eyes, intense and darkened with arousal, met hers, and fiery tingles shivered to her every nerve ending.

“Oh, I bet it can get harder.” Reaching out, she pressed her palm against his erection. He sucked in a breath, then released it in a long groan as she gently squeezed him.

“I won’t last long if you keep doing that,” he said, lightly grasping her wrist.

“That’s fine by me,” she said, pushing the words past her dry throat. God help her, she couldn’t ever recall feeling this desperate. She was practically panting and could barely speak. “I’m not going to last long myself.”

“Yeah? Let’s see.” In one swift move, he clasped her waist and turned them so that he now leaned against the wall. Before she could draw a deep breath, his mouth covered hers, and the magic he’d wrought in the restaurant began all over again.

Only this was…more. Deeper. Fiercer. Hotter. More passionate. And now there was nothing to stop them. Impatience raced through her, her entire body humming with anticipation. Desperate to touch him, she yanked his T-shirt from his waistband and plunged her hands beneath the soft material.

Warm…his skin was so warm. And smooth. Her palms coasted over rippled abs, tracing the fine ribbon of hair that bisected his rock-hard torso. Her hands skimmed higher, her splayed fingers sifting through soft, crisp curls. She pushed his shirt upward, but her efforts were distracted as his hands were suddenly…everywhere. Pulling down her stretchy tank top to expose her breasts. The clever fingers of one hand arousing her already hard nipples, while the other glided under her skirt. Hooking beneath her knee and raising her leg to his waist, opening her to his touch.

His fingers slipped beneath her wisp of lacy panties and she groaned at his first exquisite touch of her sex. He broke off their kiss and trailed his tongue down her neck as he caressed her swollen folds with a skill that made her knees go weak.

“You’re so wet,” he murmured against her skin. “So silky and hot.”

“All your fault…ahhh…” Her words trailed off in a long sigh when he slipped two fingers inside her. Unable to stop herself she undulated against his hand, greedily absorbing the quickening, deep strokes. His palm pressed against her with just the right pressure and her climax roared through her, a series of deep, shuddering spasms that dragged a cry from her throat. She clung to his shoulders, absorbing the aftershocks, her ragged breaths burning her lungs.

When Kayla could manage it, she dragged open her eyes. And found him watching her with an expression that would have melted her if he hadn’t already managed to do so.

She licked her lips to moisten them, then whispered, “Told you I wouldn’t last long. Thank you-for putting out that damn fire you started.”

His lips twitched. “My pleasure.”

“Not as much as it was mine, believe me. But I’ll make sure I even the score.”

He leaned forward and brushed his mouth over hers. “Looking forward to that.”

“And I’ll get right on it. As soon as you give me back my knees. Seems I took one look at you and they fell off.”

He chuckled then dipped down and scooped her up in his arms. “So I guess you’d better lie down,” he said, striding toward the bed. “That’s a real shame-having a gorgeous woman sprawled in my bed. A damn hardship, but I’ll try to grin and bear it.” He plopped her down on the center of the multicolored bedspread where she landed with a gentle bounce. “Don’t go away,” he said, then turned toward the closet.

“As if you’d get rid of me.” She watched him dig through a dark blue backpack, presumably for condoms. Her body was already tingling at the prospect of another round-this time with their clothes off. In anticipation of his return, she kicked off her sandals, then shimmied out of her tank top, skirt and panties. Stretching out on the bed, a slow smile curved her lips.

Time to get this party started.
