Chapter Thirteen

Shelley was alone in bed when she woke. She’d slept long and deep during the night and, as a result, was feeling much better this morning. She rolled over and placed her hand on the mattress next to her. James was gone, but the indent of his body was still there. That, coupled with the memory of waking several times during the night with his arms around her, assured her he wasn’t long up.

She dragged herself out of bed and into the shower. The hot water helped revive her. She quickly dried off and pulled on some clean clothes, choosing a pair of her new jeans and a thick V-neck sweater the color of oatmeal.

She brushed her hair and pulled it back in a low ponytail. Satisfied she looked presentable, she went back to her room, tidying it before heading to the kitchen to find something to eat.

She slowed as she got closer. Although she’d been expecting to find them here, it was still difficult to face her family, these strangers who were her brothers. Already, she knew their individual voices and smells. They were all here.

But so was James. Taking a deep breath, Shelley made her way into the kitchen, shoulders back, head held high. “Good morning.”

Alex was at the stove cooking eggs and James was pouring coffee. He smiled and walked over to her, dropping a quick kiss on her forehead. “Morning. You want some coffee?”

Shelley knew that her brothers and Alex were staring at them. There was nothing she could do about that. They were naturally curious about her. “Sure.”

Trying to act nonchalant, she went to the stove and smiled at Alex. “What can I do to help?”

Alex seemed slightly surprised by the offer, but quickly returned Shelley’s smile. “The bacon and hash browns are done, but I haven’t started the toast yet.”

“I’ll handle that.” The bread was stacked next to the toaster, so she popped four slices down. Turning toward her brothers, she crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. They all ranged around the large kitchen table. The thing was huge and made to seat about twelve people, although her four brothers seemed to dominate it.

“How did you sleep?” Joshua studied her intently.

She told herself she wouldn’t blush. She was an adult and whatever she did was her business. These men were strangers. It didn’t matter what they thought.

In spite of her internal lecture, she felt the heat climbing up her face. She was glad when the toast popped and she had an excuse to turn her back on them. “I slept well.” She buttered the toast and piled it on a plate before putting down four more slices.

“I see.” Joshua said nothing else, but she could feel his gaze on her. The other three hadn’t said much, but she could sense them waiting.

Alex broke the growing tension by giving orders. “Micah, can you pour juice? Dad, I need the large bowl for the eggs. And Joshua, honey, could you pour me some more coffee?” All the men sprang into action, and by the time the rest of the food was on the table the next batch of toast was ready. Shelley was amazed at how easily Alex ordered the men about. Even more awe-inspiring was the fact that they did as she asked.

Shelley buttered the toast and carried the plate to the table. James stood next to an empty chair and motioned her into it. She was on his immediate right when he took his chair at the head of the table. Joshua sat at the other end with Alex on his right. Micah and Levi sat next to Alex, while Simon sat next to her.

She didn’t think she’d be able to eat much, but breakfast was a surprisingly relaxed affair. Food was offered and piled on her plate. The men ate and talked of community and family matters. Alex asked her father about his trip.

And Shelley sat there, soaking it all in. This was what a real family was like. She didn’t feel a part of it, but it was nice to sit and watch them all interact with one another. There was no denying the connection they all had, the love that bound them together.

“How are the hash browns?” James leaned over to ask her.

“They’re good.” She’d only managed to eat two, but they were delicious.

“Don’t worry so much. Everything will work itself out. Eat up. We all have to talk after breakfast. There’s a lot we need to know and there are things you have to learn about pack life.”

Nerves hit her, making her stomach churn, and she laid her fork down across her plate. No way could she eat now. James’s words sounded ominous. Although they were meant to reassure her, they’d had the opposite effect.

Shelley picked at her food while the rest of them ate, her pleasure in the meal and the moment gone. Part of her wanted to just run away. Her life had been much simpler before she’d met James.

But hiding from the truth wouldn’t help. She wanted all the cards on the table. Wanted to know exactly what she was dealing with. She wasn’t staying here. That wasn’t in her plans, not with hunters after her. But she needed to learn about werewolves and their culture in case she ever had to deal with them again.

She also needed to earn some more money. Plus, there was a part of her that wanted to get to know her brothers. A part of her that yearned for some kind of connection. She hadn’t realized she was so lonely until she’d watched all of them together.

Then there was James. Shelley knew that no matter where she went or how far away she traveled, he would always be a part of her. She felt his gaze on her and managed to nibble on a slice of toast.

She closed her eyes and inhaled, taking in the sounds and smells of the room. No, she would never forget any of them.

James felt like kicking his own ass. Shelley had been alert and eating until he’d mentioned they needed to talk after breakfast. Now she was tense. Worst of all, she wasn’t eating. She was too thin and needed to eat more.

He knew Joshua had questions. None of them had missed the kiss he’d given Shelley this morning, nor the fact that he’d seated her next to him in a place of honor.

Tough. They’d better get used to it. Shelley was important to him and he was staking his claim before representatives of the other families arrived this morning. They wouldn’t all make it here, but James expected at least four or five wolves at his door within the hour. If not sooner.

Conversation dwindled as they finished their breakfast. That is, everyone except Shelley. She kept pushing around her food with her fork. Finally, James could stand it no longer.

He shoved aside his plate. His cutlery rattled. Everyone else put down their forks and knives and waited for him to speak.

“As you all know, Shelley knew next to nothing about pack life or her werewolf heritage before I met her. I’ve filled her in on some of the basics.”

The younger Striker males grumbled, but Joshua sat rigid in his chair, his muscles coiled and ready for action. James knew how he felt. He’d like to have a crack at the hunter who captured her.

Alex sent her a commiserating look. “That’s a lot to take in at once. But at least you’re a pure werewolf. Not a half-breed like me. That will take away some of the pressure.”

Shelley raised one eyebrow and James answered her unasked question. “I met Alex’s mother in Chicago. After I found out she was pregnant, I settled there. Her mother left when she was a baby, so I raised her myself. I knew it was too dangerous to bring her back to the pack.”

“Then why are you here now?” Shelley directed her question at Alex.

Alex gave her a humorless grin. “I started to go into heat. At the time I had no idea what it was.” She shot her father a glare. “Joshua showed up at our garage in Chicago before Dad had a chance to tell me what was going on. By then there were several groups of werewolves after me—purists, who wanted to kill me, and single males who wanted to mate with me. Not to mention the bounty hunters.”

Shelley’s eyes widened in growing horror and fascination. “What happened?”

“Joshua.” Alex leaned in closer to her mate. “He came to protect me, to bring me back to the safety of the pack. While we were running from everyone, we fell in love.”

Joshua growled low in the back of his throat and his younger brothers laughed. “Alex didn’t know our ways, didn’t know I’d have to accept challenges from all the single males who would want to claim her as their own.” Joshua captured Alex’s hand in his and brought her fingers to his lips.

His wife snorted. “I didn’t much care for their challenge and told them so.”

“She threatened to castrate anyone other than Joshua who climbed into bed with her and then proceeded to take herself to bed.” This from Micah, who gazed at Alex with a look of deep admiration.

“Claiming? Challenge? Is this what I have to look forward to?” Shelley’s throat tightened as she spoke. This was getting more complicated by the second. She shoved back from the table and all the men jumped from their seats.

James held out a placating hand. “You don’t need to worry about that, Shelley. You’re under my protection.”

“Our protection,” Joshua interjected.

“They’ll want to meet you, but no male will be allowed to touch you. Not without your agreement.” James reached out to her but let his hand fall back to his side without touching her.

She felt bereft. Abandoned. After everything they’d done last night, he still wanted her to meet other males? Well, what had she expected? A declaration of undying love?

Shelley rubbed her fingers over her forehead. Her headache was coming back. “I should never have come here,” she muttered.

Several low grumbles and growls came from around the room. She looked up to see her brothers’ distressed faces. She’d hurt them. Again. “I’m sorry. It’s just that my life is a mess.”

“And it’s our job to help you sort everything out.” Joshua came around the table until he was standing right in front of her, blocking her view of James. Her brother raised his hand and gently stroked her face. “Let us help you, Shelley.”

Her throat got tight and she had to blink back tears. He was a good man. They were all good men. They didn’t deserve the baggage she brought with her. “I can’t.”

His hand fell away and he took a step back. His face was as hard as stone. Shelley wanted to sink to the floor and cry. Her heart was breaking. She’d finally found a family that wanted her and she couldn’t stay. Couldn’t allow them and all they’d built to be threatened by Steve Macmillan and the bounty hunters who were searching for her.

Plus, this was all a bit too much for her. Too much had happened too fast. She couldn’t assimilate it all. Everyone had expectations of her. Ones she wasn’t sure she could, or even wanted to meet.

She looked to James for his support, but his expression told her nothing. He looked remote and cold, every inch the alpha he was. Alex had slipped her arm around her mate, offering silent comfort. Shelley kept her head down, not wanting to see what her other brothers thought of her proclamation.

They’d offered her everything and she’d thrown it back in their faces.

Swallowing hard, she gathered her courage. “I’ll get my things and leave.”

“No.” James shook his head. “You’ll stay the week as planned. There’s no need to make any hasty decisions.”

The longer she stayed the more dangerous it was for all of them. But a part of her was selfish, wanting this time with her brothers and Alex. With James.

Her stomach cramped and her heart throbbed at the mere thought of walking away and leaving James. She knew she’d have to do it eventually. Had to be strong.

“Shelley?” Simon, her youngest brother, called her name.

She raised her head and stared at his familiar face. All her brothers shared similar coloring and appearance. And so did she. For the first time in her memory, she belonged somewhere. With someone.

“A week.” She couldn’t promise any more than that.

The tension swirling in the room abated somewhat. Then the knock came on the front door. It was more of a pounding really. Shelley’s head jerked toward the sound. She could smell them. Males. Four of them.

She turned to James. He stared at her, his gaze unreadable. He walked to her side and took her arm. “It’s time to meet some of the pack.” He nodded toward Joshua. “Show them into the living room.”

His hand at the small of her back, James guided her to the living room and motioned her to a chair. “Why don’t you sit and try to relax.”

“I’ll stand.” No way was she going to let her guard down with all these males sniffing around. And that’s why they were here. She was a single female and, from what James had told her, single females weren’t plentiful. That made her an object of interest. Not because they cared for her, but because they wanted to mate with her.

Shelley’s blood ran cold. There was no way she’d allow that to happen. She’d been held against her will her entire life. She’d finally found freedom and wasn’t about to give it up for anyone. Especially some male she didn’t even know.

Her first experience with a male werewolf had been under less than optimum conditions. And that was an understatement if there ever was one. The sex had been okay, but only because she’d been in heat. She had no desire to repeat the experience. She wanted more than a physical coupling now. Much more. Her glance drifted to James who was standing beside her, arms crossed over his chair, legs slightly spread. He looked intimidating. And sexy.

She glanced away. Okay, maybe there was one male she’d be willing to have sex with. But he wanted her to meet other males.

Shelley couldn’t rid herself of the sense of hurt, of abandonment that flooded her. She was being foolish. James had never promised her anything other than a job and a chance to learn about her past and her culture, and that was exactly what he was doing.

Male voices grew louder. Footsteps echoed on the hardwood floors. Four large males walked into the room, followed by Joshua, Alexandra, Micah, Levi and Simon.

The guests all nodded in greeting to James, but their gazes kept flicking toward her.

“I see the rumor is true, James. You have a female staying with you.” The male who spoke had pale blue eyes and dark hair.

“This is Shelley.” James turned to her. “This is Donovan Brody.” He indicated the man who had spoken.

Another man stepped forward. “I’m Grady Tallant. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Shelley.” He was a tall, hugely built man.

“I’m Gavin Wallace,” said another with dark blond hair.

“Etienne LeVeau. A distant cousin of James’s.” A lean, dark man gave her a roughish smile.

Testosterone clogged the air until Shelley thought she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t return their smile. It was taking all her courage to simply face them. In her experience, a gathering of males was a dangerous thing that never ended well for her.

Memories threatened to overwhelm her. Years of rape, torture and beatings. She swayed and swallowed back the bitter bile in her throat.

A strong arm wrapped around her waist and she was pulled into the curve of a familiar male body. James. She took comfort and drew strength from him.

She’d survived much worse. She could do this.

Shelley met each man’s gaze and inclined her head.

“Shelley is our sister.” Joshua stepped up to stand by her right side. Micah and Levi flanked their brother while Simon took up a station on James left side.

Donovan Brody’s eyes widened. “Oh my God. I thought there was something familiar about her. Rachel Striker.”

“Shelley,” she snapped, her voice brisk. “My name is Shelley. I don’t know who Rachel Striker was.” And that admission brought with it great pain, because Rachel Striker had had everything she’d ever wanted—a family that loved her, a sense of security, a sense of place. Shelley had none of those things.

“But you’re a single female,” Etienne began, only to be stopped by James.

“Shelley is under my protection and that of the Striker brothers. She is not inclined to mate with any male at the moment. You will all respect that.” Shelley shivered at the pure menace in James’s voice.

The men respectfully inclined their heads, deferring to James as alpha. “Of course.”

A twinkle entered Gavin’s eyes. “That doesn’t mean we can’t try to change her mind.”

Shelley felt more bemused then threatened by Gavin’s statement. On the other hand, Donovan Brody and Grady Tallant were somber, almost brooding. She didn’t know what to think of Etienne.

“The others will want to meet her.” Grady crossed his arms over his chest, his tone almost challenging.

“They can meet her, but no one pressures her in any way.” There was no mistaking the steel in Joshua’s voice.

“I’m not staying for long.” She thought to ease the situation. Instead, she made it worse. The tension in the room rose to epic proportions. She felt so threatened she tried to take a step away. But she wasn’t going anywhere, not with James’s arm banded around her.

The threat of violence pulsed, a living, breathing monster just waiting to attack.

“What does she mean she’s not staying?”

Shelley’s backbone snapped back into place when Donovan addressed James instead of her. “She means that she’s only agreed to stay a week.” Honestly, did these men think they could control her? She’d been tested in the fires of hell and come out the other side. No way was anyone other than herself in the driver’s seat.

At least Donovan had the grace to look slightly sheepish. “I apologize. But I’m hoping you’ll stay longer. Consider making this your home.”

“Enough. Shelley will make up her mind when she’s damn well good and ready.” James released her and stepped in front of her. “This meeting is over.”

The four men all nodded to James and to her. “We’ll be back later,” Grady added. “Maybe you’ll feel more like talking then.”

“Maybe.” Shelley didn’t want to commit herself to anything, but she did want them gone. A compromise seemed the quickest way to accomplish that.

They left and she breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed behind them.

“Well, that went well.”

Shelley stared in disbelief at Alex. The other woman nodded. “The first time I met them they challenged Joshua to a fight for the right to claim me. You got away with just talking.”

Shelley burst into laughter, releasing the tension bottled up inside her. Joshua appeared slightly disgruntled, which made her laugh harder. Alex linked her arm with Shelley. “Come on. Let’s get another cup of coffee and have a talk.”

She glanced over her shoulder as she left the room with Alex. James was watching her, a gleam in his eye that sent a shiver down her spine and left her feeling slightly breathless.

Macmillan stared at the five other men assembled around him. They’d camped out overnight, not willing to attack during the night when the werewolves would have the advantage with their preternatural senses. “Okay, according to what Jessup saw, there are five males and two females, all werewolves. There’s six of us, but we have the element of surprise.” He rubbed the stock of his rifle. “And these babies.”

Red laughed. “Got me plenty of silver bullets.”

“I want a new rug. I’m hoping some of those bastards shift.”

“You’ll get your chance, Mitch. Now listen up.” Macmillan narrowed his eyes. “No fuck-ups this time. We go in quiet, take our positions and attack when I give the signal.”

“Anyone else know about this place, boss?” Quinn asked.

Macmillan pinned him with a black gaze. “No, and we’re going to keep it that way.” He turned back to the group. “No one shoots the woman in the picture but me. We clear on that?” Only Red knew he had tranquilizer darts in his rifle and planned on capturing and not killing her. “The rest are fair game.”

All the men nodded.

“Okay. We go to silent. Hand gestures only. Never forget that these bastards have incredible hearing.”

They stood in a semi-circle, a group of tough men, all handpicked by him for this mission. They couldn’t fail. Not this time. Shelley would soon be in his grasp and he’d make her pay for what she’d done.

“Let’s go.” Macmillan headed into the woods with Jessup at his side. Red and Quinn were behind them with Mitch and his buddy, Amos, bringing up the rear.
