
James stood on the front porch and gazed up at the clear night sky. The stars twinkled and the moon was almost full. He heard her coming up behind him before her slender arms wrapped around him.

“How are you doing?”

That was the question, wasn’t it? He’d done something today that no alpha ever wanted to do. He’d banished some of his people from the pack. A wolf without a pack was fair game for hunters. They would find it difficult to live in the outside world without the protection the pack offered. Some of them had never had to deal with humans before, preferring to leave it up to him and others. And maybe that was part of the problem. Because they’d spent too many years insulated from reality, they hadn’t wanted to accept his leadership or his half-breed daughter.

“James?” she questioned softly.

He reached around and tugged her into his arms. Shelley eased the ache in his heart. “I’m okay.”

She traced her fingers over the buttons of his shirt. “I know this evening wasn’t easy for you.”

That was an understatement. After Isaiah, Meredith and Quinn had left for Chicago, James had called a meeting of the entire pack. They’d all shown up, many curious to know what was going on.

The first announcement had been the return of Shelley to the pack and the fact that they’d mated. That had been greeted with celebration. After all, Shelley’s bloodlines were impeccable.

But even then there was grumbling. Some folks thought she was tainted by all the years she’d spent with the hunters. The fucking Carlos clan was never happy and the Jenson clan had been quick to support them.

“I’m sorry you had to hear the insults tonight.” That had been the hardest part for him. Not being able to protect Shelley from the venom that had been tossed her way.

She shook her head. “It’s not your fault. We talked about this before everyone arrived. I knew it was a possibility.” She linked her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “I’m more shocked that it was only a handful of them. Most of the pack accepted me.”

She was right. James had to focus on the positive.

Shelley leaned back and he could see her clearly. Damn, he loved her more than life itself. She’d left her hair down and it flowed around her shoulders. The light from the house made it shimmer like a halo around her face, emphasizing its heart-shaped and fine features.

She looked as delicate as an angel but had a core of steel.

“Besides, after Donovan and Grady told you what they had ferreted out, you had to call them on it.”

Shelley was right, but that hadn’t made it any easier to pull six members of his pack in front of him and banish them for their betrayal. They’d been shocked. Then angry. Disbelief had been written across their faces. What had they expected? That he’d smack them on the wrists and send them home?

It had been within his rights to kill them. After all, they’d threatened the alpha and the stability of the pack.

The ones who’d tried to kill him during the hunters’ attack were already dead, killed during the fight. These males had known the traitors had talked about ways of getting rid of James and his daughter and had done nothing to stop them. They were guilty by association and apathy. For that reason, he’d banished them instead of killing them outright.

Several of the males had families who chose to go into exile with them. He hated to lose them. These past few months had depleted his pack.

“It’s time to rebuild. To start anew.” Tomorrow was the official mating ceremony for him and Shelley. During it, he intended to start bringing his pack into the new millennium. There were other half-breeds out there. Males and females who needed a pack, needed to understand who and what they were. Meredith’s pack and Quinn were proof of that.

“I’ll do whatever I can to help,” she promised.

James held her close to his heart, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky. “You help just by being here.”

He could tell she couldn’t quite believe him. He took her shoulders in his hands and held her away. “I’m not just saying that. Being alpha is lonely without a mate. You can never show doubt or indecision to the pack. My word is law. I can talk to you, mull over ideas. You offer suggestions and support. That’s priceless.”

She smiled at him then and he lost his train of thought. “You do the same for me.” She shook her head. “I’m so glad you stopped into my diner. You changed my life, my world.”

“You changed mine too.” He pulled her close and kissed her, needing to reestablish their bond.

Shelley kissed James, letting him feel all the love she had for him. She’d ached for him today, but she’d also been proud. He’d made hard decisions, but fair ones. The pack was lucky to have him as alpha. Under his guidance they would grow and prosper. And she planned to be right by his side, helping.

James, her brothers and the pack had already given her so much. She longed to share it with other lost souls.

He lifted her into his arms and carried her into the house. The door slammed shut behind her. She didn’t worry about anything but the feel of his arms around her and his lips on hers. She trusted him to take care of all the rest.

The mattress creaked as he sat and rolled, taking them both flat onto the bed. She really loved his king-sized bed.

He hadn’t released her mouth, his kiss almost desperate. She longed to ease his pain.

She broke away. “I love you.”

James smiled down at her. “I love you too. Now and always.”

She’d been lost and he’d found her. Or maybe they’d found each other. She liked the sound of that.

Then he started kissing her again and she forgot everything but the feel of his hard body against hers.
