Chapter One

Women were trouble.

But a beautiful woman was serious trouble. And Missy Sinclair was a beautiful woman by anyone’s definition of the word.

T.S. MacNamara lifted the cold bottle of beer and took a swallow of the mellow brew, his eyes never leaving Missy. Now that was a woman to inspire a man’s fantasies. And he’d had more than his share since he’d met her.

She stood about six feet tall. And that was before she slipped on those four-inch killer heels she was wearing. She was lean with subtle curves that tempted a man to put his hands on them. With her smooth ebony skin and piercing brown eyes she resembled an ancient African goddess. It was all too easy to imagine men falling to their knees and worshipping at her feet.

Intimidating was one word he’d heard to describe her. Cold was another. From what he’d observed the past few months, Missy kept men at arm’s length. Her daunting demeanor put off some men. But not T.S. If anything her confidence and innate intelligence made him want her even more.

“Thanks for coming.”

T.S. raised his bottle to his best friend, Lucas Squires, as he came to stand beside him. They’d met in prison when they were still practically kids, two eighteen-year-olds scared out of their minds. And they’d been tight ever since.

The saint and the sinner. The angel and the devil. That’s what the other inmates had nicknamed them. Lucas with his blond hair and blue eyes was the angel. He with his olive-toned complexion and black hair was the devil. If you messed with one you messed with them both. Their shared experience had forged one hell of a bond. One that had stood the test of time.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” And he meant it too. He was honored to have been asked to be the best man. As emotion welled up inside him, he let his gaze flow over the small crowd of family and friends who’d gathered back at the couple’s home for food and drink.

“Still, I appreciate it. I know you don’t like weddings.” Lucas slapped him on the back.

Now that was an understatement. He usually avoided weddings like the plague. Women, especially unmarried ones, got ideas at weddings. They didn’t seem to understand that some folks didn’t want to get married. And at forty-two, T.S. liked his bachelorhood just fine, thank you very much.

“Not much to worry about here.” T.S. was thankful for the fact that he knew almost everyone here, on sight at least, if not better. No single ladies to blindside him. Unless you counted Missy, which he didn’t. She was single, but he’d never made a move on her. She had commitment stamped all over her. Plus, she was Candy’s best friend. That could make things sticky if he and Missy had a fling. And that’s all it would be. All it could be. He didn’t do permanent.

Lucas laughed, took a sip from his bottle and inclined his head. That was the thing about having such a good friend. They understood you without you having to explain.

There was a selection of very good wines and cocktails available but the two of them drank beer. From the bottle. That said it all. They were both blue-collar boys who’d managed to survive and do okay for themselves.

T.S. caught sight of Missy again as she sauntered across the floor to talk to Candy. The woman certainly knew how to move, all fluid and sensual. It gave a man ideas.

Just watching that long, lean body in motion was a sight to be appreciated. She was wearing a dark blue dress that clung to her curves and ended just south of her thighs leaving some mighty fine real estate between the end of her dress and her ankles to be admired. The neckline, while perfectly respectable, allowed him a brief glimpse of her cleavage.

He realized he was staring and that Lucas was watching him. To head off any questions, he motioned to Candy. “Remind me again how you got a classy lady like that to marry the likes of you.”

A slow smile crossed Lucas’ face. T.S. had never seen his friend as happy as he’d been these past few months. “I got lucky. She does look good, doesn’t she?” The way Lucas was watching his wife, T.S. knew he was already anticipating his wedding night.

T.S. studied Candy with a dispassionate eye. Yeah, she was good-looking if you liked curvy women with spicy brown hair. Her unruly hair was currently bundled up on top of her head in some updo that seemed to defy gravity. The off-white, calf-length dress emphasized her curves, yet managed to look demure at the same time. Quite an accomplishment.

But it was the woman standing next to Candy with her head thrown back, and a husky laugh coming from her parted lips that made his cock come to attention. Made him imagine those lips around that part of his anatomy. “Yeah, she does.” And he wasn’t talking about the bride.

He was happy for his friend. Truly he was. Lucas had been scarred by his past and Candy had been able to heal him, to make him smile again. For that reason alone, he’d always be grateful to her. That also put her on the short list of friends he’d do anything for. The list was now expanded from one person to two.

Not wanting to get too deep on such a day, he changed the subject. “Ready to start the new project tomorrow?”

Lucas laughed. “Maybe the day after. I think I’ll be busy tomorrow.” The hot glance he sent his new wife left no doubt in T.S.’ mind what his friend planned to be doing tomorrow.

“Okay, the day after then.”

Lucas owned the building he lived in. His store—Coffee Breaks—was housed on the bottom floor and his home was on the top one. The original plan had been to put offices in on the second, but that plan had changed once Candy had come onto the scene.

Part of the second floor had already been converted into a weight room and guest suite. The other half was going to be made into a small apartment for Candy’s long lost brother Justin Logan. Now there was a man with secrets. But as T.S. didn’t want anyone asking questions about his past, he kept his thoughts and questions to himself. Justin did the same and they got along rather well. Justin would be helping with the renovations.

T.S.’ contracting company had handled all the renovations on the building to date. But the apartment was a small, personal project. He was working on it himself with Justin, but he’d moved his crews to another major job. He’d supervise them in between working on the apartment. He preferred to be onsite with his crews but he was making an exception in this case. Plus he had his foreman Max handling the new job. And Max had been with him since the beginning. He trusted him to take care of business.

Candy hurried over to her husband’s side and Lucas’ arm went around her waist, pulling her closer to his side. It was a natural gesture, one he knew his friend didn’t even think about. For a brief moment, he was jealous. What would it be like to love someone that much? His momentary envy was quickly followed by shame. Lucas deserved to be happy.

And you don’t? a small voice questioned in his head. He ignored that voice, as he always did. He was happy just as he was, thank you very much. He didn’t need a woman. Not permanently. But he sure as hell wouldn’t mind a few hot nights messing up the sheets with Candy’s best friend.

Might not be the smartest move in the world, but he wouldn’t turn it down if the opportunity arose. Maybe then the dark-skinned, sloe-eyed beauty would stop haunting his waking and sleeping dreams.

He tracked Missy around the room as she stopped to chat with Katie and Cain Benjamin. Now there was an unlikely pair. Katie, an artist and former employee of Lucas, was friendly and approachable. Her husband was a huge guy, topping about six-eight. Scars on one side of his face gave him a menacing appearance. He was generally reclusive, not at all like his outgoing wife, but T.S. liked them both.

Missy laughed at something Katie said, the sultry sound snaking over his skin. Even Cain smiled at her. Missy was like a peacock surrounded by a bunch of doves, a flash of color in an otherwise bland landscape.

“T.S.?” He glanced down and found Candy’s hand on his arm and a frown on her face.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

She laughed. “I thanked you for coming, for standing up for Lucas.”

He patted her hand. “As I told him, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” He raised his bottle in salute. “May you always be as happy as you are at this moment.”

Candy beamed at him and her smile widened when she gazed up at her husband. That was one man who was going to get lucky tonight.

The collar of his dress shirt was suddenly choking T.S. He reached up and loosened his tie. Pulling the thin material away, he tucked it in his pocket and opened the top button of his shirt. He hated wearing the damn things and had only done so for Candy’s sake. For some unknown reason women seemed to prefer a man in a tie. The tuxedo pants, jacket and shoes were uncomfortable as all get out. Give him a good pair of faded jeans, a T-shirt and work boots any day of the week. He didn’t know how men worked day after day in these monkey suits.

“You should mingle,” Candy told him. “Have something to eat.”

His eyes automatically sought out the loaded buffet table. And what do you know? Missy was headed that way. “I think I will.” He leaned down and kissed the bride’s cheek. “Take care of him,” T.S. whispered in Candy’s ear.

“I will,” she promised.

And he believed her. Candy had gone through a lot to get Lucas. She’d done what few women would have been brave enough to do. She’d gotten past the thick barriers his friend had constructed around his heart. No mean feat.

Giving Lucas a mock salute, he wandered toward the buffet. He stopped and spoke with Denise, a very happily married woman who worked for Lucas at the coffee shop, and her husband Don. Denise had supplied him with many a cups of coffee while he’d been working on the upstairs sections of the building these past few months.

He nodded to Katie and Cain as they headed toward the bride and groom.

All the while he chatted, he kept one eye on Missy, moving ever closer to his target. He was hungry, but what he wanted wasn’t on the menu. T.S.’ mouth watered at the thought of finding out what was beneath that snug dress Missy was wearing. He wanted to lick her dark skin as he peeled away her clothing, piece by piece. Discover all her secrets.

Was she wearing thigh-high stockings or pantyhose? Did she favor bikini panties or thongs? She could be wearing granny panties but he didn’t think so. Not that it mattered. It was a fallacy that men really cared about such things. All that really mattered to a guy was that his woman would let him take the damn things off. Men were simple and basic when it came to things like sex. But there was something about Missy that screamed fancy lingerie.

What color would her nipples be? Rosy beige or light brown? Would they be small or large?

The pants he was wearing went to a whole other level of uncomfortable as his cock stood at attention. He was glad the damn jacket helped cover the telltale bulge.

“Hell of a party.” He picked up an empty plate and began to fill it from the various offerings.

“It was a wonderful ceremony.” The low, sultry sound of Missy’s voice wrapped around him, making him fantasize about long summer nights and hot sex. Heck, he’d take a cool fall night, a cold winter one or a wet spring evening. He wasn’t picky.

This close, they were at eye-level. Missy might have been a smidge taller than he was in those killer shoes of hers. He didn’t mind at all. She’d be a perfect fit for him in the bedroom. Their bodies would align perfectly when they hit the mattress.

He’d always felt awkward and clumsy around smaller women, afraid he’d hurt them with his passion. That wouldn’t be a problem with Missy. She’d be able to handle him. Easily.

And it was time to change his train of thought before he really embarrassed himself.

“They look good together.” He motioned with his head toward Lucas and Candy who were currently dancing to the soulful music seeping from the stereo speakers.

“They really do,” she agreed. She broke off a piece of brownie and popped it into her mouth. “I knew he was something special the first time he brought Candy brownies at work. These things are incredible.”

T.S. watched, totally enthralled as Missy chewed slowly, her eyes taking on a dreamy appearance before she finally swallowed. A low moan came from deep in her throat. “Oh yeah, these are deadly.”

His muscles tightened and he had the urge to punch his best friend for making the damn brownies. He wanted to draw such a sound from Missy’s lips. Not that he wanted anything permanent. But he sure as hell wouldn’t mind getting Missy out of his system. She’d haunted his nights and fantasies long enough.

He frowned, not liking where his thoughts were heading. No one had control over him. Ever. Not since he was eighteen. It had been a woman then who’d helped orchestrate his downfall.

No, he reminded himself. He’d done it by being stupid enough to believe she wanted him. Lorna was the sister of his brother’s girlfriend and he’d lusted for her as only a teenage boy could. That was the reason he’d been in the car that fateful night. He’d been thrilled that his brother had let him drive the beat-up, shit box of a car he’d owned. Stupid.

He shoved aside the memories. God, they were so long ago but they still haunted him. He put down the plate, his hunger suddenly gone.

“You okay?”

Missy’s concern was like acid in an already festering wound. “Fine.” He could want a woman and still be in complete control. Hadn’t he been proving that fact his entire life? It didn’t have to mean anything. It wouldn’t mean anything.

“Let’s dance.” He took the plate from her hands and set it on the table. Before she could object to his highhandedness, he added, “It would make Candy happy.”

Missy frowned but allowed him to escort her to the area of the floor that had been cleared for dancing. Candy and Lucas were swaying to another slow tune. Sure enough, Candy smiled and waved her fingers at them. “Isn’t this a great song?”

“Wonderful,” he answered.

“I’m glad you asked Missy to dance.” He couldn’t help but smile at Candy’s enthusiasm. She wasn’t fooling anyone. He knew she’d love to have him and Missy become a couple. Wasn’t going to happen. Not in the permanent way that she wanted. But that didn’t mean he and Missy couldn’t have another kind of relationship. A very adult and sexual one.

“Maybe I asked him,” Missy countered, her tone tart.

Candy laughed as Lucas spun her away. “Either way. I’m just glad you’re having fun.”

T.S. decided he wouldn’t mind having some fun, especially if it involved him and Missy and no clothing. Maybe she’d be agreeable to the idea. A man could only hope. He took Missy into his arms and began to move. One of her hands sat on his shoulder, while the other was held in his hand. Her chest brushed against his as he twirled her in a circle before settling down to sway to the music.

Missy didn’t know whether to stamp her foot in frustration or walk away from T.S. She did neither. No way did she want to cause a scene at her best friend’s wedding reception, not when Candy looked so darn happy.

When she’d told Candy she should have an affair with Lucas she’d never dreamed they end up married. But they looked so right together. Lucas held Candy as if she was the most precious thing in his world. Missy ignored the twinge of envy that coursed through her.

There was plenty of time for her to find a man when she was ready. She had a ten-step plan and she was on about step five. She’d gotten her education, left home for good, gotten a job, her own apartment and a car. Her next step was to work up the corporate ladder a bit farther, get her salary where she wanted it to be. That might take a while longer than she’d anticipated. With the economy being what it was she’d been lucky not to lose her job as so many others had. Publishing wasn’t exactly a stable business and, with the cutbacks, editing jobs were in short supply.

She’d thought about looking for a job elsewhere, of leaving Chicago permanently, but in the end, she hadn’t been able to do it. She loved her job and Candy was the best friend she’d ever had.

T.S. put a hand on the small of her back and clasped her fingers with his other one, pulling her back to the problem at hand. And he was a very big problem.

As their bodies slowly moved to the low, bluesy tune she felt herself wanting to snuggle closer to him and that just wouldn’t do. He wasn’t part of her plan.

Like everything else in her life, Missy knew exactly what she wanted in a man. He’d be in business, maybe a lawyer or a banker. He’d make a good salary, own his own home and be established in his career. He’d be cultured and like classical music, the arts and theatre. He’d drink fine wines and appreciate gourmet food. In short, he’d be the male version of her.

T.S. MacNamara did not fit that definition by any stretch of her imagination. The man worked in construction and drank domestic beer from the bottle. Not that she was a snob. Not really. She liked him fine. After all, he was Lucas’ friend.

He was also very easy on the eyes. One thing all that construction work had done for him was build one hell of a body. She let her hand slide down from his shoulder to rest on his biceps. It was huge. She’d seen them plenty while he was working on the downstairs addition to Lucas and Candy’s home. She’d intentionally dropped by to visit Candy several times when she’d known he’d be there.

And there was nothing wrong with looking. Admiring the way his butt filled out a tight pair of jeans or how the well-worn material lovingly cupped his male attributes. But long-term, she wanted a man she had more in common with. Better chance of having a marriage that lasted.

Right now she was doing her best to ignore the fact she was actually in his arms. It wasn’t working. The palm on the small of her back was practically burning a hole through her dress. The man gave off enough heat to send her temperature soaring.

Beneath her dress, her bra and panties felt tight and confining. Her nipples were currently pebbled against the fabric just like they’d been at the chapel. Missy was very afraid they would be visible if she took a step back.

“Everything okay?” His deep, sexy rumble set her skin to tingling. Her stomach fluttered and it wasn’t with hunger. Well, maybe it was hunger, but not the kind that could be sated with a brownie, no matter how divine it was.

He moved his hand, rubbing it in a slow sweep up and down the long length of her spine, sliding it over the nape of her neck, which was exposed by her short hairstyle. Missy swallowed hard and bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning aloud. She nodded. “Fine. Everything is just fine.”

She was proud of the way she held herself together. Then he tightened his fingers around hers and pulled her closer. When her stomach brushed against his, she felt a distinct bulge. A very substantial bulge.

She creamed her panties at the very tangible sign of his arousal and had to fight to keep from throwing herself at him. He might not be her dream man but he certainly pushed all her buttons. No doubt about it. She wanted him. Bad.

He was so close. She could smell his aftershave, something woodsy and earthy. She wanted to bury her nose against his neck and simply inhale him. His lips were inches from hers. His breathing was getting deeper and more ragged.

Usually men were shorter than her when she wore high heels. She did it on purpose, a defensive mechanism. She didn’t want a man in her life right now. It wasn’t part of the plan. She was the one to pick and choose if she wanted to date a man.

But T.S. overwhelmed her.

His breath was warm and moist against the curve of her neck, his lips soft as they grazed the skin beneath her ear. Her fingers tightened reflexively around his. He nuzzled her hair and whispered in her ear, “Let’s get out of here. Go somewhere quiet.”

His words were as effective as a bucket of cold water in the face. She snapped back to her senses, which wasn’t easy considering her wayward hormones desperately wanted to take him up on his offer. Oh yeah, her body was on board with the plan. But her brain was screaming for her to proceed with caution.

“I don’t think so.” She took a step back and was slightly disappointed when he immediately released her.

It wasn’t fair the way this man could overwhelm her senses without even trying. She was no easy one-night stand. She dated men first. They went to dinner. They went to the theatre and popular clubs. If a man lasted three months, she’d consider taking the relationship into the bedroom.

That attitude had given her a reputation. She knew some thought she was cold. She preferred to think of it as smart. Because she dated so much, many of her colleagues at work assumed she was very sexually active. Heck, even Candy thought so. But Missy had always been reserved when it came to her sexuality. Oh, she put up a very believable front. She could talk the talk, but she walked slowly and carefully.

“Thanks for the dance.” She turned away from him and made her way to Candy’s side. Once she’d said her goodbyes to the bride and groom, she’d gather her belongings and leave. It was time to go home.
