Chapter Two

Well, that had gone well. Not.

T.S. tried his best to ignore his raging hard-on as he watched Missy walk away from him. No, not walk. Saunter. The woman could move like water, flowing around a room, her hips working from side to side as she went. He swore under his breath as she leaned down to talk to Candy.

He hadn’t misread her signals. He knew he hadn’t.

She was as attracted to him as he was to her. Her nipples were poking out from the silky fabric of her dress like soldiers at attention. He’d felt her sway toward him, heard the catch in her breath when her stomach had brushed against his erection.

She hadn’t pulled away then. No, she’d only done that when he’d suggested they leave. He should have kept his mouth shut. If he’d played his cards right they might have left together a little later. But like a callow youth, he’d rushed things.

“Shit,” he muttered under his breath as he stalked to the buffet table and grabbed a soda from the ice chest. He’d already had one beer. That was his limit when he was going to be driving.

He stood in a shadowy corner of the room and did his best to ignore the heavy throbbing of his cock, willing it back into submission. He took a long pull of the fizzy soft drink, wishing like hell it was a double scotch. All the more reason not to drink, he decided. He didn’t like to be out of control. Ever. He’d allowed hormones to control him once in his life and that had led to disaster.

The situation was laughable. He, who did his best to avoid women when he was forced to attend a wedding, wanted to go home with one. But not just any one would do. It had to be Missy.

T.S. raked his fingers through his hair and sighed. Damn, he was acting pathetic. So a woman didn’t want him. No, that wasn’t quite true. She sure as hell wanted him. She just wasn’t willing to act on it. That was okay. He was a big boy and could handle a no. Wasn’t the first time he’d gotten one and probably wouldn’t be the last.

Tomorrow, he’d probably laugh his ass off at his predicament. Tonight, however, he was finding little humor in his hard-on that just wouldn’t go away.

Missy and Candy were still talking. Whatever they were discussing, Candy was becoming more animated by the second, waving her hand in the air. She grabbed Missy’s hand and dragged her toward the master bedroom. Probably some secret wedding stuff that was so important to women.

He watched until Missy disappeared from sight. Then he took a deep breath. Immediately, he felt more in control of his body. The muscles in his arms and legs relaxed and his erection slowly dissipated.

Back in control, he worked his way around the room, chatting and laughing with the other guests. T.S. hated crowds, but no one in the room would ever know that. They’d see a man who was comfortable in his own skin, someone with an easy smile and a ready laugh. He’d worked hard to cultivate that image. He’d learned early on that such a persona made life easier and kept folks from asking too many questions.

Very few people knew the real him.

And he liked it that way.

He glanced at his watch. It was just after ten. By his estimation, he’d put in enough time so as not to be considered rude if he split. He found Lucas chatting to Justin. T.S. nodded at Justin and spoke to Lucas. “I’m heading out now.”

“I’m surprised you lasted this long.” Lucas didn’t sound the least bit offended by the fact he was leaving.

“Me too.” He grinned and slapped his buddy on the back before turning to Justin. “Day after tomorrow we start work on your place.”

“I’ll be there,” Justin promised.

T.S. made his way to the front door with Lucas by his side. “I’ll catch you then, too.”

Lucas just smiled. “Maybe.”

“Be happy, my friend.” Things would be different now. T.S. wasn’t stupid enough to think otherwise. Their nights of drinking together when the memories got too bad were over. Football Sundays were probably a thing of the past. Lucas was a married man now. Candy’s presence changed their friendship. But he was glad for Lucas even as he mourned the passing of an era.

“You too.”

T.S.’ smile faded as he walked down the stairs. Alone. He felt more alone now than he had that first night in prison when the large metal doors had clanged shut for the first time.

“Stop being an idiot.” He wished Missy had agreed to go home with him. She certainly would have taken his mind off other matters. Thoughts of her filled his head, driving out all other thoughts. That was good. That was exactly what he needed.

* * *

“What do you think?” Candy held up the slinky white nightgown she’d purchased for tonight.

They were in the master bedroom, which had been transformed for the occasion. Silver candlesticks sat atop the nightstands with thick white pillar candles waiting to be lit. A crystal vase, filled with the pink roses from her bouquet perfumed the air. The linens on the bed were new. Missy knew that for sure because she’d helped Candy pick them out. A bucket of champagne and two glasses rested on top of a trunk beneath the window. All was ready for the happy couple.

Missy studied the frothy lingerie Candy held in her hands. “Girl, I don’t think you’re going to be wearing it very long. Your new husband is going to have that off you before you can blink.”

Candy laughed. “You think so?”

“I know so.” Missy touched the silky fabric, letting it slide through her fingers. It was soft and sexy. “I’ve seen how he looks at you.” It wouldn’t matter to Lucas what Candy was wearing as long as he could get it off her, and fast.

“It’s different now, though.” Candy sat on the end of the bed, her eyes soft and dreamy.

Missy sat beside her friend. “How so?”

“I know we’ve been living together for a few months now, but being married makes a difference.” She shrugged. “I’m not quite sure how to explain it. We’ve made a formal commitment in front of friends. It just feels different. More solid. Real.”

Missy put her arms around Candy and hugged her. “You did good.”

A slow smile split Candy’s face. “I did, didn’t I?” She returned the hug. “I was so afraid I’d mess this up and so glad I didn’t. Thanks for everything.”

“I didn’t do much.” She hadn’t minded helping with the preparations, had been honored to be asked.

Candy shook her head, making the curls in her upswept style bounce wildly. “You encouraged me to go out with Lucas.”

“I told you to get laid, not to get married,” she said wryly. “You didn’t pay attention.”

They looked at one another and burst out laughing. They laughed so hard tears filled their eyes. Candy dabbed at her face, trying not to smudge her makeup. Missy leaned over and plucked a tissue from the box on the nightstand. “Let me.” She wiped away all the mess and blended the remaining makeup until it was flawless. “There. Good as new.”

Candy grabbed her hand and held it. “Seriously, though, thank you for everything. You’ve been a huge help these past few months helping me get everything ready for today.”

“It was my pleasure.” And it was. Candy was the best friend she’d ever had. Planning the wedding together had been fun even though Missy knew it signaled a change in their relationship. Candy had Lucas to spend her nights with now. Sure they’d still spend time together. After all, they were best girlfriends. But all-night sessions of movie watching and drinking wine while they gossiped about anything and everything were behind them.

But that was how it should be and Missy didn’t begrudge her friend her newfound happiness. They still worked together, had lunch and went shopping together. They were still close. Nothing could change that.

“I wanted to give you something.” Candy got up from the bed and walked to the dresser. She lifted a small package from the top. It was wrapped in white tissue paper and tied with red ribbon. “Something to say thank you.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know. I wanted to.” Candy held out the package, forcing her to take it.

Missy was touched by the gesture and took her time peeling back the wrapping.

“Hurry up, will you.”

Missy refused to be rushed. Presents were far and few in her world and she wanted to enjoy this one. A white box revealed itself. She pried the cover off and found a slender bracelet made of delicate gold links nestled onto the thick cotton padding. There was a single charm on it. “Friends Forever,” it read. Missy blinked hard to keep back the tears. “It’s beautiful.”

“Here, let me help you put it on.” Candy plucked the bracelet from the box and waited expectantly. Missy stuck out her wrist and Candy fastened the bracelet around it. The gold gleamed against her dark skin, like a moon against the night sky.

“It’s beautiful, Candy.” Missy held up her arm, admiring her new jewelry.

“Don’t start crying,” Candy warned. “Or I’ll start again.”

“We can’t have that.” Love and happiness welled up inside Missy. She wasn’t losing her friend. Not really. They were just redefining their relationship.

“Now what’s going on with you and T.S.?”

Candy’s quick subject change caught Missy off guard. “What? There’s nothing going on with us.”

“Could have fooled me by the way you were dancing together.” Candy swayed back and forth. “So close. I saw the way he was looking at you. And I saw the way you were looking back at him.”

Missy sniffed and stood to her full height. “You’re mistaken. And why were you watching me? You’re supposed to be watching that man of yours.”

“I can multitask.” Candy had her arms crossed over her chest and was watching Missy intently. “And there was enough heat coming off the two of you to start a fire.”

Missy shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not dating right now. No time.”

“As a very wise woman once told me, girl, you need to get laid.”

Missy hated having her own words thrown back at her, especially when she thought Candy might be right. Maybe she did need to get laid. It had been months. Okay, it had been a year, since she’d last slept with a man. But that didn’t mean she had to run out and have sex with someone like T.S., who was obviously all wrong for her.

She ignored the way her body responded to the suggestion. Already her skin was heating, her breasts tingling at the idea. Traitors.

“If I decide to get laid it won’t be with him.”

“Why not? T.S. is a great guy. I thought you liked him.” Now Candy looked concerned and Missy felt like crap.

“I like him fine. Doesn’t mean I want to sleep with him.” Liar, her conscience accused. Not really, she countered. What she wanted to do with him had nothing to do with sleep. And it was getting awfully warm in here.

“Enough about my love life. It’s time to get back to your party.” Missy gave Candy a hug before steering her toward the door. “Thanks again for the bracelet. It’s beautiful.”

“You’re welcome.” Candy hesitated for a brief moment before plunging onward. “You’ll think about what I said?”

“About getting laid? Sure. I’ll think about it.” Missy was afraid she’d do nothing but think about it. That’s exactly what she’d been doing for months now. T.S. MacNamara had gotten under her skin, like a rash, and didn’t show signs of leaving any time soon. Too bad she couldn’t buy a cream or something to evict him from her dreams and sexual fantasies once and for all.

“I’ll probably have chocolate instead.” It was a long-standing joke between the two women that sometimes chocolate was as good or better than a man.

“You’ll be needing Godiva tonight,” Candy teased. “T.S. is one fine-looking specimen.”

Didn’t she know it. Missy tried to remember if she had a supply of dark chocolate at home. It might not be Godiva, but she’d make do. A glass of cabernet would help.

Lucas was waiting at the end of hallway for Candy. “I wondered where you’d gone.”

“Sorry.” She leaned up to kiss his cheek. He moved his head at the last minute and captured her mouth instead in a torrid kiss.

Missy felt like a voyeur and quickly glanced around the room. She wasn’t looking for one person in particular, she assured herself. But her stomach dropped when she couldn’t find T.S. anywhere. He must have left while she’d been with Candy.

She felt deflated and hated her reaction. She’d been enjoying the sexual banter and byplay more than she’d wanted to admit. For the first time in months she’d felt alive with anticipation.

Screw it. She didn’t need T.S. or any man for that matter. She was a happy, healthy, successful, independent woman.

Pasting a smile on her face, she turned to the happy couple. “I should get going.” Amid protests and hugs, she gathered her coat and purse and left. The party was still in full swing, but Missy figured it wouldn’t be too much longer before Lucas moved the other guests along.

She laughed as he pictured Candy’s new husband all but tossing his friends out so he could be alone with her. Her high heels tapped against the hardwood stairs that led down to a private side entrance. She stopped at the bottom and tugged her coat on. Fall had a grip on the city, leaving the air with a slight nip, and the dress she was wearing was thin.

But she looked mighty fine in it.

Still smiling, she pushed open the door and stepped out into the night. It closed behind her, the lock clicking into place. The sounds of the city surrounded her. Car horns blew, streetlights hummed and buses rumbled down the road.

Missy strode to the end of the well-lit alleyway and headed down the sidewalk. She was parked on the road a few blocks down. She avoided the parking garage, knowing it would be late when she left the party. It was safer on the road where there were more people and traffic around.

Except tonight it was quiet. Almost eerily so.

“Don’t be silly. You’ve lived in Chicago for years. This is a busy street and your car is only a few minutes away. You’ll be fine.” The pep talk helped. But she pulled herself up to her full height and yanked her keys from her coat pocket, holding them tight in her right hand with one of the keys poking out from between her fingers. A precaution only. No need to be stupid.

She started to relax when her reliable Honda Civic finally came into sight. Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.

“Hey, pretty lady. What’s your hurry?” The male voice came from the alleyway on her left.

“Look at those legs,” another one said.

A quick glance told her there were two of them. They were both a little shorter than her but not by much. Probably in their early twenties. She turned away and picked up her pace. If she could get to her car she’d be okay.

“Hey, don’t hurry off. We want to party with you.” A heavy hand came down on her shoulder. She spun around and automatically struck out with her right hand. The man jerked back just in time to keep the key clenched in her fist from raking down his face.

“You bitch. You tried to cut me.” Anger filled his dark eyes. Oh shit. She was in big trouble now.

His friend circled around to her other side, cutting off the path to her car. She frantically searched for somewhere to run. But all the businesses were closed for the day. A car went down the road, but when Missy waved at the driver he sped away.

“Ain’t no one going to help you, bitch.” The bigger of the two spat. His skin was dark, his teeth white. Two gold hoops hung from his ear.

His silent friend was lighter-skinned with close-cropped brown hair and blue eyes. He appeared almost friendly, until you looked closely at his eyes. They were dead.

Missy’s heart was pounding so hard her chest hurt. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she watched both men as best she could. Her senses were heightened. She could feel the cool air on her face, the sweat rolling down her spine. The keys in her hands cut into her skin she held them so tight. It was her only weapon.

Go for the eyes. That’s what her self-defense instructor had told her. Scream for help was one of the other things he’d taught them.

Easier to say and hard to do when she could barely get a breath. “Leave me alone.” She’d try to reason with them first.

“Why?” This from the quieter of the two. The one with the dead eyes. “You’re alone. We’re alone. We should have some fun.”

It was as simple as that to him, she realized. Like a rabid dog, he’d seen what he wanted and could find no reason why he shouldn’t have it.

Perspiration dotted her skin in spite of the cool evening air. She licked her dry lips and took a deep breath. As the larger man leapt toward her, one hand catching her hand with the key and his other one ripping at her dress, groping her breast, Missy opened her mouth and screamed.
