Chapter Nine

Akane sat back on her bed with a smile. “They’re fine. I have a report to file with Robin, though.” She pushed her hair out of her eyes. “I think I’m going to request to be assigned to this case. It’s right up my alley.” She rubbed her hands together with glee. “Nailing bastards working with the Black is always a joy.”

Sean Dunne handed her a cup of tea. “It must be difficult for you, being what you are.”

How he’d figured out her most closely guarded secret she’d never know, but he’d followed her into her bedroom and asked her to “keep an eye” on his daughter with a wink and a roguish smile. She glared at him, daring him to say more.

And, like the cheeky Irishman he was, he did. “A hybrid, like my son, and the daughter of the Seer herself. That’s quite a burden to live with.” He placed his hand on her shoulder, his expression more fatherly than any she’d seen on his face yet. “We know what a burden it is to be a hybrid, Akane. We know what a blessing it can be. If you need to talk, my family is here. We’re in your debt.”

She blinked back sudden tears. Sean Dunne had just offered something she’d gotten from very few people in her long life: complete acceptance. There was no pity or awe in his face when he gave her that gift, just the look of a father who understood what it was like to raise a special child. “Shane is a lucky man.”

Sean smiled. “Luckier than you know.” He patted her absently before walking toward the bedroom door. “Get some rest. If you’re going to be calling the Hob here I’d best warn Aileen. That man can eat quite a bit for all his small size.”

She blinked. Robin Goodfellow had eaten here? When? The way Sean spoke of him, partly resigned, partly amused, the Hob must make regular visits.

The Hob never made regular visits to anyone but Oberon.

“Huh.” She shook her head and decided to take Sean’s advice. She was exhausted after the battle and in need of some sleep. She’d contact Robin tomorrow, after a good night’s rest.

“Go boy! Go!”

She was on her feet in a trice, heading for the window to look down into the yard. She hid a surprised smile behind her hand. A glowing red figure dropped what looked like a metallic ball at the feet of the eldest Dunne child, its tail wagging a mile a minute. Shane picked it up and threw it, encouraging the creature to run after it.

Shane Dunne was playing fetch with her salamander.

“That man is so strange.”

When those sapphire eyes focused on her window for one blinding second, the mischievous smile in them took her breath away. Akane backed away from the window, startled, terrified, and more turned on than she could ever remember being.

Oh hell to the no. She was not going to allow herself to be attracted to Jethro. The man was a menace in more ways than one.

She crawled into bed, determined to drive all thoughts of Shane Dunne from her mind.

It turned out to be a lot harder than she thought it would be.

Moira woke up sandwiched between her loves, her face buried in Jaden’s hair. Duncan’s hand cupped her breast, his half hard cock nestled between the cheeks of her ass. Her hand rested on Jaden’s chest, feeling the even rise and fall as he slept in her arms.

All was right with her world. She couldn’t stop the smile that crossed her face, or the happy wiggle she gave. Her men were here and safe and nothing could take that from them.

Jaden’s chest rose under her hand, his leg twitching against hers. “Mmm. Morning, sweetheart.” He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing the back.

Moira snuggled close. “Morning, a ghra.

She heard the sound of a phone ringing. “Hell.” Duncan rolled over onto his back and slipped out of bed. She watched that amazing ass of his as he bent over to grab his phone. “Hello?”

She watched him begin to pace. “Yes. I understand.” His hand clenched. “No. It will be on my terms.” Her passionate Sidhe lord had to be speaking to a Malmayne for him to sound so cold and hard. From the disgust twisting Jaden’s features she bet it was Henri.

She flinched when another ringtone filled the air. This time it was music, the Tatu cover of “How Soon is Now”. Jaden rolled out of bed and grabbed his cell phone. “’Lo?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Duncan’s voice dragged her attention back to him. His jaw was clenched, his hands fisted at his sides. “You do not dictate to me.

“You want me to what?” Moira looked back at Jaden. His brows had practically disappeared into his hairline. “Hell, no!”

“If that is what you wish. I’ll expect you within the hour.” Duncan hung his phone up. He was so angry silver sparks danced around him. “Expect a deluge of clan members in one hour.”

“Crap.” Moira got out of bed. “Let me guess what they’re objecting to.”

He gave a frustrated sigh. “My bond with Jaden.”

She blinked. “Wait. Why are they objecting to that?”

“They’re claiming that he’s the one who set up all this stuff about the Seer and got Charles to believe it through his Vampiric mind powers.”

“You’re fucking kidding me.”

“Nope. They’re going to demand blood debt.”

“Shit.” She ran her hands through her hair. “What do we do?”

“I’ll be here.” Jaden hung up his phone. “Akane’s on her way over. She knows what’s going on and she’s going to confirm that the hit on Charles was sanctioned.”

“This is just so fucked up,” Moira complained.

“Tell me about it.” Duncan took hold of them and began steering them toward the bathroom. “Showers all around. My darlings, we need to look our best.”

“We need to let Ian and Mrs. Pagett know. How many are coming, Duncan?”

“All of the clan currently in Nebraska.”

She stopped. “How many would that be?”

“About twenty.”


Jaden began to drag her forward. “That’s maybe a tenth. The Malmayne clan is world-wide.”

Duncan grabbed their toothbrushes and handed them around. “The rest of the family will attend via satellite feed.”

She squealed when Jaden’s hand slapped her ass. “So let’s get moving. Nobody gets to see my mates in the buff except me.”

Moira rolled her eyes and brushed her teeth. This week just keeps getting better and better.

Duncan settled in behind his desk and stared at the twenty relatives lining the room. Of course Henri was there, fawning over the weeping daughters of Charles. Both Cecelia and Constance bore the Malmayne stamp of blonde hair and willowy figures, reminding him of his sister.

Duncan shuddered. One Kaitlynn had been bad enough.

Moira had made sure she was seated with Akane, off to one side and out of the line of fire. The dragoness seemed completely out of place with her Asian features, but her highly fashionable clothes declared her a force to be reckoned with, at least as far as the rest of the clan would be concerned. They still seemed confused as to the role she was going to play in this meeting. Duncan had every intention of enlightening them.

He rapped his knuckles on the desk. Even though the sound had been quiet the clan immediately quieted down except for the sniffling of the two women.

It was obvious Henri hoped to control this meeting. The man stepped forward, ready to confront him. There was a gleam in his eye that told Duncan he was enjoying what he thought he was about to do.

Duncan smiled. Henri was in for the shock of his pampered, pompous life. “We’re called here today to deal with the fact that The Hob called an inquiry into the doings of Clan Malmayne.” There was a hiss of indrawn breath, but far less shock than Duncan was comfortable with. “His Blades, after careful investigation, determined that Charles Malmayne was working with one or more agents of the Black to force the Dunne family into an unwanted alliance.”

“Unwanted by whom?” Constance asked. As the eldest daughter she stood the best chance of being chosen for an alliance marriage now that Kaitlynn was dead.

“Unwanted by the Dunne Charles hoped to force. Leo Dunne is in a truebond and unwilling to contemplate a second marriage. His bonded wife is also adamant that no other marriage will take place, thus insuring that it would be impossible and unwanted.” Duncan steepled his fingers and watched his clan members carefully. Some still seemed shocked, but the majority of them stared at him with blank faces. “The Malmayne-Dunne marriage contract has been fulfilled by myself.” He held up his hand when Henri tried to complain. “I will hear no more on Moira’s unsuitability. She is a Dunne child.” He said that deliberately, watching the reactions of his relatives. Jaden was listening in the security room, watching the reactions of those who were not on American soil. They planned on keeping each other informed through their bond. “The subject of my mating with Moira is hereby closed.”

“The bond is incomplete,” Cecelia piped up. “Therefore the contract has not been fulfilled.”

Duncan smiled. “Moira requested that the Vows be said with her family standing as witness. That has been arranged.” Something he’d seen to just after Jaden assassinated Charles for his crimes. Sean hadn’t been surprised in the least, and Aileen had been ecstatic. All that was left to do was be there, on the Dunne farm, ready to speak and seal their bond for eternity. “I assure you, our bond is complete. And that is the last time I will talk about my mating with Moira.”

“Then what about the rumors that you also mated with the vampire?”

Duncan kept his expression coolly amused, but he could tell that this was where things got tricky. The disdain most Seelie Sidhe held vampires in would work against him here. Moira was marginally acceptable to them; Jaden would not be. Not that he gave a flying fuck. “That would be correct.” The gasps of outrage were louder this time; never had a White Court Sidhe mated a vampire. “I have the great good pleasure of having been blessed with a tribond.”

Some of the Malmaynes moved restlessly at that, most of them with disapproving expressions.

“Isn’t Jaden the one who killed Charles?” Henri shook his head and tsk’d. “How exactly does that work? I understand Charles was going to challenge you for leadership of the Malmayne clan. How convenient for you that he was executed after your pet vampire accused him of collusion with the Black.”

“Are you saying that I have a Blade in my pocket, Henri?”

Henri threw his arms wide. “What Blade? I don’t see your…I’m sorry, Robin’s Blade here.”

Akane stood up, straightening out her Donna Karan skirt. “Did you want to speak to a Blade, Henri Malmayne?” Those odd eyes of hers, one so dark, the other so light, pinned Henri like a bug to a mat. The coldness radiating off the dragoness was intimidating. “That can be arranged.”

Duncan bowed his head toward Akane. “Allow me to present Dame Akane Russo, Knight of The Gray Court and Oberon’s Blade.”

She’s a Blade?” one of the younger Malmaynes whispered. The respect and awe in the young woman’s voice had Duncan damn near smiling.

“Yes, Letitia, Akane is a Blade.” Duncan turned back to Henri, all amusement gone. “She was there when Charles’s powrie attacked the Dunne farm.”

“One of them was identified as having been in Charles’s house prior to the attack. Duncan confirmed that Charles was working with the Black through Charles’s own words. Files on Charles’s computer confirmed that he had, indeed, been in frequent contact with the lord of the redcaps and a known agent of the Dark Queen herself.” Akane spoke as if she’d been there and witnessed everything. Duncan was positive no one would question her. “Sentence was passed by Lord Malmayne and approved by Robin Goodfellow. The execution was carried out by my partner, Jaden Blackthorn.”

No one would dare question an order by the Hob. To do so invited his attention and not many people could handle that. Duncan thought about that for a second, and realized there was only one who could handle Robin’s undivided attention. Oberon held Robin’s loyalty in a way no one else could.

Akane tilted her head, the movement sinuous and somehow inhuman. “Any questions?”

“Who will pay for my father’s death?” Cecelia shouted despite her sister’s attempts to shush her. “That filthy, half-breed vampire dared lay his hands on a Malmayne! Glorianna will hear of this, and I guarantee you she will side with us.”

Oh, shit. There was the thorn in his side, the hidden pinch, that Charles’s children would seek blood debt through the Queen and Court. It was well known that Glorianna hated vampires with a passion. The only reason she hadn’t demanded that he turn Jaden over to her was the fact that Jaden had clearly aligned himself with the Gray Court, taking himself out of her jurisdiction. “Jaden is of the Gray and a Blade, Cecelia. He performed his duties as he was required to by both my decree and that of the Hob. Glorianna holds no sway over him.”

“How do you think the Queen will feel having the head of one of the major clans mated to that abomination?” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I am positive that a new Lord Malmayne will be declared forthwith once the clan proper makes their dissatisfaction known.”

It was possible. If Glorianna chose to take exception to his tribond he could be removed as Lord Malmayne, and that would open both Moira and Jaden to the machinations of whoever became the next Lord Malmayne. She was the only one who had the power to do so. He’d known all along it was a possibility. But someone like Henri as the next Lord Malmayne?

That was not something he could allow to happen. His clan would be destroyed if Henri was proclaimed Lord.

Duncan could feel his temper beginning to build, the anger swift and hot as flowing blood, as deeply rooted as the earth itself. He had a very bad feeling about this, and from the way Moira and Jaden were murmuring in his head he could tell they shared his concerns. “Who do you propose that next Lord be?”

“Henri.” His name was said with such speed and conviction that Duncan guessed his cousins had decided on him before showing up on Duncan’s doorstep. “He’s been more than supportive of the Malmayne clan and has our best interests at heart.” Cecelia practically cooed as she brushed her hand down Henri’s arm.

Well. That was a wrinkle dear old Dad didn’t know about. Had Cullen been aware of the machinations of his brother Charles? Had Cullen too been duped? How deep was Henri into everything that had happened? “I’m afraid that Henri’s life will also be forfeit once Robin finds out he was the go-between for Charles and the Unseelie Sidhe lord he was conspiring with.”

The look in Cecelia’s eyes would have killed a lesser man. “Prove it.”

He barely stopped himself from growling. He didn’t have proof, not yet. Charles was dead and hardly likely to throw Henri under the bus even if he were still alive. The bastard had a sick sort of honor that would have prevented him from handing over someone he considered inferior to save himself.

So instead Duncan stood. He leaned forward, hands flat on the desk, and met her stare for stare, allowing her to feel the iron determination to root the Black out of his clan. “I will.”

“That went well. What’s next? Red hot spikes up the ass?” Jaden flopped into the chair across from Duncan’s desk and rubbed his forehead. Moira could really shout when she wanted to, and she’d been pissed as hell at the Malmaynes for calling him an “abomination”. Well, they’d called him worse in the past. He’d live. He was more concerned over how livid Duncan was with the results of the meeting.

“We investigate the rest of the clan.” Duncan stalked around the room. He’d moved beyond pissed and into homicidal rage. “I want Henri’s head on a pike.”

Jaden watched his cool Sidhe lord loose his self control, pacing like a caged tiger in front of his desk. “Duncan.”

“Cecelia and Constance are up to their necks in whatever’s going on, too. I want them taken care of.” Silver lights danced around him.

Jaden was starting to get worried. Duncan rarely lost his temper in the hundred years since they’d first met, and in the span of a few days he was losing it on a regular basis. “Duncan!”

Duncan stopped and stared at him. “What?”

“Deep breaths. You’re starting to freak me out.” Duncan actually bared his teeth at him. He had to hold back a laugh. “I’m terrified, oh fangless one.” He rolled his eyes. “You’re going to need anger management therapy if you keep this up.”

Duncan blinked. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“The last time I remember you losing your temper this much was—” Jaden tilted his head, “—never.” He glanced over at Moira and noticed her sudden concern. “Has he been like this since I left?”

That earned him another snarl as Duncan began prowling around the room again. “I am not out of control.”

“He was beyond depressed before you came back, and he’s been, well, upset off and on since you came back.”

He nodded. Then he stood, walked over to Duncan and grabbed his shoulder. He forced the Sidhe to face him again and pointed to his chin. “Go ahead. You know you’ve been dying to.”

Duncan rolled his eyes. “I already laid you out flat, remember?”

“But you’re still pissed at me, and it’s leaking over into everything else.” Jaden threw his arms wide. “I’m not going anywhere ever again, unless it’s on assignment.”

Duncan’s jaw clenched. Ah-hah. There we go.

“You’re ticked because I didn’t tell you I was a Blade?” He tried not to laugh. “That growl would be a lot more terrifying if I didn’t know you’d never really hurt me.”

“Why did you keep that from me?”

Jaden could hear the anguish under the anger, and sighed. “Because everyone knew who I lived with and worked for.”

“It was the perfect cover? Show up somewhere, party down, someone dies, you come home with none the wiser?”

Jaden lowered his arms. “No. Not every assignment has led to someone’s death. Just because I was built to be a fucking soldier doesn’t make me an automatic killer.”

Moira got between them, her hand over his heart. “Stop it. You know Duncan doesn’t feel that way. And you!” She turned on Duncan. “Stop taking it out on him. If Robin Goodfellow told you to keep a secret, what would you do?”

Duncan rubbed his eyes. “I’d probably superglue my lips shut.”

“See? Would you have told Duncan what you were if you could have?”

Jaden saw no point in telling the truth. “Yes.”


Jaden smiled. “You get why, don’t you?”

“Fucker. You were keeping me safe, weren’t you?”

Jaden nodded.

“Don’t do it again. What if one of your ‘assignments’ had figured out who you were and come after me? I would have had no way of protecting myself.”

And there Duncan was wrong. Robin himself had promised to keep Duncan safe when Jaden gave his oath as a Blade. “Are you done being pissed at me?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

Moira patted their cheeks. “There now. Feel all better?”

“Not yet, but I will soon.” Jaden leered down at her, patting her on the ass. “What say we take this to the bedroom?”

Moira smacked him in the stomach. Hard. Her surprised expression rapidly turned pained.

Huh. Was that supposed to hurt?

“Ow.” She shook her hand out. “We need to figure out what to do about Henri. What if they really go to the Queen? Can she do something to remove Duncan as head of the clan?”

Jaden shrugged. “Never really cared much about White Court politics.”

“She can, if enough of the clan objects to my mating.” Duncan sagged against his desk. “Enough of them have felt the rough edge of Jaden’s tongue that they might relish the idea of hurting him through me.”

“There are options, but they might not be ones you like.” Akane rose from her seat. She’d been so quiet he’d almost forgotten his sometime-partner was still there. “Option one, remain White Court, even knowing you’ll more than likely lose your position as head of the clan. If that happens, Jaden should still be safe because of his, um, connections.” She looked non-plussed for a moment before her features smoothed back out into their usual calm façade. “Option two, remain White Court and fight not only your clan but your Queen to remain its lord. It will be an uphill battle I’m not sure you’ll win, especially since I can sense that most of your clan is leaning toward the Black now even if they don’t realize it.”

“Option three?” Jaden had the feeling he knew where this was heading.

“Give oaths to Oberon and join the Gray.”

“That would save us but leave the rest of the clan to Henri’s mercies.” Duncan’s fingers drummed on the edge of the desk. “I’m not sure that’s an option we can take.”

“We need to find out how much of the clan is still loyal to the White and Duncan, and how many are in this for what the Seer told Charles it will gain them.”

Akane’s head tilted, her expression one that sent dread through Jaden’s whole body. “The Seer?”

“She told Charles that the child of Dunne will one day perform an act that will change our world.”

Akane’s eyes closed. “That stupid fucker. Idiot male.” Her eyes snapped open. “When did she tell him that?”

Duncan opened his mouth to answer, but his brow furrowed. “I’m not sure. I do know that the reason they didn’t just give up on the marriage contract when Aileen mated Sean was because of that prophecy.” Duncan jerked. “Oh, fuck.

Moira’s eyes met his, a hint of panic in them. “It’s not a child of Leo’s, is it? It’s a child of my father’s.” She looked around the room, her eyes wide and wild. “What the hell?”

“Don’t panic, sweetheart.” Jaden pulled her into the cradle of her arms, frowning when he noticed her shivers. “The thing about prophecy? It’s going to happen no matter what you do. If you’re the one who makes the decision, then so be it. If it’s Leo or Shane, then so be it. Fighting it will only make it happen in such a way that you’ll live to regret it.”

“He’s right.” Akane sat back down, her demeanor once more serene. “Don’t fight it. Make the decisions you feel are right. It’s possible it will be your child or another one of Sean’s grandchildren who make the crucial decision. Who knows? It’s the child of Dunne.”

“Then it won’t be Moira’s child.” Duncan smiled. “She’s a Malmayne now.”

Akane shook her head. “No, she’s not. She’s a Blackthorn.”

Jaden blinked. What the hell?

“You completed your blood bond with them first, right? That makes them both Blackthorns. The first bond is the one first recognized when it comes to a tribond.” Akane frowned. “Didn’t you know that?”

All three of them blushed. “No. Besides, we were busy.”

“I know.” Akane smirked. “I was keeping an eye on you, remember?”

Moira stepped in front of both of them. “Do I really want to know how much you saw?”

Akane huffed out a laugh. “Probably not.”

Something was itching at the back of Jaden’s brain. Something that might mean something, something a Dunne had said to Duncan. “Crap. What was it that Shane called you about the other night?”

“You mean that weird rhyme? ‘Darkness stalks the Malmayne clan. Salvation lies within one man. Accept the bond and pay the price. Shadow wraps around you thrice.’”

The three of them stared at each other.

“Oh, crap,” Akane whispered. “Where did he hear that?”

“He said he had his sources, but wouldn’t say.”

“Darkness stalks the Malmayne clan. The Black, obviously.” Duncan was off, once more prowling the room, but the difference was obvious. This time he was thinking, not stewing. “Salvation lies within one man.”

Jaden sprawled in the chair in front of Duncan’s desk, his preferred thinking spot. “One man. You?”

Duncan snorted. “Obviously not. You, perhaps?”

“Not sure. Accept the bond and pay the price?”

“The tribond,” Moira whispered, settling against the edge of Duncan’s desk. It was a good spot to watch them both, something she seemed to enjoy doing. “But what’s the price? The loss of the clan?”

“My rulership of the clan.” Duncan shook his head. “I would gladly give that up for my bond with you both. It’s not that hard a price to pay. I know I don’t want to live without either of you.”

Jaden was warmed straight through. Duncan had hoped to lead the Malmaynes into the future once Cullen had passed on. He’d spoken of it at length on the nights when his father’s autocratic decrees had weighed on him heavily. But now wasn’t the time to get sentimental. “Shadows wrap around you thrice.”

“The Gray Court?” Moira blew her hair out of her eyes. “We’ll leave the White for the Gray?”

“All of the Malmaynes who don’t wish to fall into the Black, or just the three of us?”

“Shadows wrap around you thrice. Was he speaking only of you, Duncan, or the three of you?” Akane watched them all, her eyes sparkling. She loved a good riddle. All dragons did.

“Either way, it seems to dictate our course, doesn’t it?” Jaden stood. “What say we all?”

Duncan took hold of Jaden’s hand. “If I have to give up my status at least I know you’ll be kept safe. Just because I give oaths to the Gray that doesn’t mean I don’t have every intention of continuing to investigate the clan. They’re still my family and not all of them are leaning toward the Black. I’m in.”

Moira took his other hand. “I’m in. I’ll have to let my family know, but I get the feeling it won’t bother them much. They’d rather see us safe and Gray than White and in constant danger.”

Jaden grinned. “Agreed.” He tugged them both closer. “Now can we go to bed and fuck like bunnies?” Two elbows hit him in the stomach. “Ow.”

“In the meantime, Duncan can always tell Glorianna what’s going on himself so that she knows to watch the rest of the Malmaynes.” Akane stood. “I’m going to make myself scarce for that conversation. You have fun!” She walked out of the room, headed for the gods knew where. It wasn’t like she had a car and Duncan hadn’t given her permission to borrow any of his.

“Hell. She’s right. I’d better call Glorianna. You two want to be here for this?”

Jaden already had hold of Moira and was dragging her out of the room. “We’ll be naked and waiting. Don’t take too long or we might start without you.” He looked down at Moira, who was desperately trying not to laugh while scowling up at him. “Please stop hitting me. You might hurt yourself.”

Moira lay naked on the bed, Jaden’s big hands roaming her body, when Duncan rejoined them. “How did it go?”

From the grimace crossing his face it didn’t look good. What looked better was how rapidly Duncan got naked. “She knows everything. When the others petition to remove me she’s going to grant it. She can’t allow a vampire mate in one of the Sidhe main houses.”

“What about the fact that the Sidhe house in question has had dealings with the Black?” Moira was outraged. How could the Queen do this to Duncan? He’d been nothing but loyal through all his years in her service.

“She plans on investigating the allegations herself.”

Jaden stilled. “Excuse me? She doesn’t have the trained investigators Robin has. Why isn’t she letting the Blades handle this?”

Duncan growled, his body quivering. He looked two seconds away from pacing again. “She says that the Blades are compromised on this and she can’t trust them.”

Moira began to laugh. “Oh, lord. Let Robin hear about that. Please let Robin hear that she actually said his Blades are ‘compromised’.”

The windows blew open with a fierce gust of wind.

“Oh, hell. I didn’t mean now.” Moira sat up and pulled the sheet over her. “Hello, Robin.”

Robin Goodfellow stood next to the bed, his blue eyes twinkling merrily. His long red hair was pulled back in a tail that reached the top of his ass. He wore a bright blue silk shirt that almost matched his eyes, and dark brown leather pants. The boots he wore had a slight heel to them, making him seem taller. His nails were painted jet black. “And hello to you too, Moira. Congratulations on your mating.” He bowed to her, full of mischief.

“Thank you.” She pushed her hair out of her eyes. “Glorianna thinks the Blades are compromised.”

“I heard.” Robin waved and one of the chairs glided forward, coming to rest just behind him. He sat, resting a booted foot over his knee, looking like the prince Moira secretly thought he was. “Why would Glorianna think that?”

Duncan bowed gracefully to the Hob, holding one edge of the comforter over his nakedness. “My lord.”

Robin smiled and bowed back from his “seat”. “Duncan. Always a pleasure. I understand my Blade has taken you as his bondmate. Congratulations to you as well.”

“Thank you.” Duncan swallowed hard. “Jaden means the world to both Moira and myself.”

“I know, else I might have put a stop to it.”

Jaden winced, but Moira shivered. If anyone could stop a mating, Robin would be the one. “Thank you for having faith in us.”

For a moment the Hob looked startled, but then he laughed. “Faith. True, one must have faith.” He leaned his chin on one fist, watching them. “So, tell me exactly what is going on.”

Moira decided she should begin. After all, Duncan was paler than she’d ever seen him, and Jaden looked like he’d swallowed a frog. She was getting used to dealing with the Hob since he visited her family. She got the feeling he did that because it was one of the few places where people treated him like just another fae. “It started when Henri began to visit Duncan. He kept telling him that he needed to make my brother Leo mate with either Constance or Cecelia. Turns out the Seer had told Charles Malmayne that the child of Dunne would do something that would change our world, and the Malmaynes wanted that child to be theirs to control. Charles firmly believed that Leo would be the father of that child, but I’m starting to think it will be my Dad who turns out to be the father.”

“Interesting.” Robin hadn’t moved or changed expression. How much of this did the Hob already know?

“We managed to uncover evidence that Charles was working with an Unseelie Sidhe, using redcaps to guard himself. He actually sent them against the farm, but we managed to win.”

Robin perked up at that. “He attacked the Dunne farm? How many of you were hurt?”

Moira shrugged. “None of us.” She wiggled. “Dad did that nifty thing where he sucks someone through a pinhole without leaving a trace, Akane fought the salamander—” Robin choked, “—and I pelted one with rocks.”

Robin frowned, green glittering in his blue eyes. Something about that green light looked alarmingly familiar. “How did you come to be unharmed?”

“I have two brothers. I know how to throw.” She shared an evil grin with the Hob. Moira heard both her men gulp. “We went to confront Charles, Duncan did his Vulcan mind-meld thing and pretty much got everything Charles knew out of him. He declared his life forfeit and Jaden…” She glanced over at her vampire. “He carried out Duncan’s death sentence.” She took hold of Jaden’s hand with the one that wasn’t clutching the sheet to her breast and squeezed.

“And now?” Robin rested his head back down on his fist, but Moira wasn’t fooled for a moment. Robin was more like a hawk, watching every nuance of their expressions, waiting for something.

Duncan picked up the tale. “Glorianna knows everything, but she’s going to grant the petition to remove me as head of the clan thanks to my mating with Jaden. I got the impression that I was no longer Lord Malmayne the moment I became Jaden’s bondmate.” Now he looked as furious as Moira knew he was. “But I still plan on investigating the clan. I’ll just have to do it from the outside.”

“How about the tribond? Are the three of you happy? Does Glorianna’s decree change anything for you?”

“Hell no.” Duncan rested his hand on Moira’s thigh. “Glorianna can’t dictate who I love.”

Jaden still seemed struck dumb, so she answered. “Other than the fact we have yet to speak the Vows and finish the Binding, yes, I’m happy.”

His head lifted from his fist, his expression arrested. “Meaning that all three of you are now Blackthorns?”

“Um. Yes?” Moira had no clue where he was going with this, but she bet it would be an interesting ride to get there.

“Well, then.” The Hob simply purred with satisfaction. “Come to the Gray Palace as soon as you can.” He rubbed his hands together, looking strangely satisfied. “We have plans to make.”


“Uh-uh, Mrs. Blackthorn. That wasn’t a request, you see.” He stood and stretched before leaning down to pat her cheek. The warmth that spread through her at his touch was startling. “I expect you sooner rather than later.” The delight in his eyes was frightening. “And so will Oberon when he hears.”

“Yes, sir.” She nodded, knowing no other answer would satisfy him. She might be used to him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t frighten the ever-loving crap out of her sometimes.

“Good. I’ll see you there soon, hmm?” The wind blew the Hob back out the window, slamming it shut behind him.

“Well.” Jaden cleared his throat. “When’s the next flight to Colorado?”

Duncan, pale and wide-eyed, turned to leave the bedroom. “I’ll go find out.”

A ghra?” Moira bit her lip to keep from laughing.


“You forgot something.”

“I have?”


Duncan looked around the room. “What did I forget? My cell phone.”

Jaden had his face buried in his pillow, his shoulders shaking.

“Your pants.”
