Chapter Seven

Moira blinked sleepily, smiling at the sight of Duncan’s tired face. He was standing by the side of the bed, stroking her hair to wake her. “Hey.”


“Is he back yet?”

“Nope. And the sun is coming up.”

She threw back the covers. “Do we need to go get him?”

Duncan nodded and handed her a pair of jeans. “He hasn’t contacted me in about half an hour.”

Shit. That couldn’t be good. “Where was he last?”

“Gloating over the fact that some gremlin named Big Red was rifling through Charles’s files like a sailor through a whore’s panty drawer.”

She stumbled, one leg in her jeans. “What?”

“His words, not mine.” Duncan sat down and began pulling on his boots. “We’ll need to be careful. If Charles has Jaden he can hurt him badly.”

Moira scrambled into the rest of her clothes. She ran to the closet and pulled out the cowgirl boots her father had bought for her. “Ready.” The polished iron toe on the outside wasn’t enough to bother her even with skin to skin contact, but a full-blood Sidhe she kicked in the nuts would feel it for days.

Duncan eyed those boots warily. “Um. I’d ask, but I’m not sure I want to know.”

“Have you tried contacting him?” She grabbed a pair of leather gloves and pulled them on. She planned on bringing a little back-up to the party.

“Yes. I’m pretty sure he’s unharmed, but he’s still not answering.”

She practically ran down the stairs, grabbing her coat once she hit the foyer. “Let me try. Maybe you haven’t been using the right tone of voice.”

He eyed her dubiously. “Whatever you say.”

She cocked her hip. She knew exactly what tone of voice to use. It had always worked on her brothers when her mother had used it. She figured it would work on one pain in the ass vampire. “Jaden Blackthorn! You answer me right this minute!”

“Yeowch. What? Daddy’s busy.”

“Are you fighting?”

“Some might call it that.”

“What do you call it?”


She dug the heels of her hands into her eyes. “Jaden.”

“Yes, dear. I’ll put down the nice redcap and be home before you know it.”

“It’s almost sunrise.”

“Yeah. I kinda noticed that, being a vampire and all.”

She took her hands away from her eyes and rolled them. “Duncan, how did you put up with him for a hundred years?”

“Patience. Lots of patience.”

“I heard that.” Jaden paused. “I heard that. Huh. Weird. Ow.”


“Lucky shot. All right, I’m done playing. I’m headed back for the car. See you in a bit.”

She tapped her foot. “Should we wait for him?”

Duncan shrugged. “He took the M6. Knowing him, he’ll be here in about ten minutes, the way he drives.”

She frowned. “I got the impression that Charles’s place was farther away than that.”

“Yup. He’s about half an hour away, but Jaden likes to drive fast.” Duncan turned on his heel and headed for the breakfast room. “Lord above, I need coffee.”

“Not for you, Mr. Malmayne. I think you need a little down time.” She grabbed hold of the back of his shirt and managed to swing him around, pointing him toward the stairs. “Beddy-bye!”

He pouted at her. “Aw, Mom!”

“Don’t sass me, young man. Up you go!”

Duncan grinned down at her, looking like the little boy she’d treated him as. “Good night, amoureaux.” He picked her up and kissed her. She loved the way Duncan kissed her. He made her feel that she was the only person in his whole world. He held her as if she barely weighed as much as a feather. “Mm. We have a ceremony to perform.”

Her lips twitched. “True. We’ll need to take care of that soon. Maybe when we see my family?”

One of his eyebrows rose. “Do you want your family there when we say our Vows?”

“Of course. They’ll want to watch us all marry each other.” She snuggled in, breathing him in. That warm, masculine scent wafted through her, made her feel safe. Made her feel like she was home. “When all this crap is over and done with I’m going to want a party. A big one.”

“A big one, huh?” He nuzzled her neck, his whiskers tickling her.

She giggled and pulled free. “Oh, yeah. Huge.”

“I think we can arrange that.” His jaw locked, and she could tell he was holding back a yawn.

“Go to bed, Duncan. I can handle Jaden for now.” Hell, she had a bit more than handling in mind, but Duncan needed his sleep. Besides, she’d been with Duncan and she’d been with both of them. It was time to see what her vampire would do when he had just her to think about. She could hardly wait to see what he’d come up with.

“Why do I have the feeling you’re plotting something?”

She grinned up at him. “Because you already know me very well.”

He snorted and finally let her go. “Do what you have to do to keep yourself safe.” He cupped her cheek, looking down at her with sleepy affection. “If anything happens to you I can’t guarantee I won’t go ballistic.”

She nuzzled his hand. “I’ll stay safe. I’ll make sure Jaden isn’t hurt, bang him on your desk and then patrol for a while.”

Duncan blinked. “Bang him, huh?”

She nodded. She dug her toe into the carpet and gave him her best doe eyes. “Uh-huh.”

He chuckled. “Have fun, then.” He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and yawned again. “Damn it. Think of me while you’re, um, banging.”

She snickered. “Pleasant dreams.”

He groaned and made his way up the stairs. “Evil witch.”

She watched him make his way up the stairs before turning toward the breakfast room. Coffee sounded really good right about now, but tea would be even better. She checked the pots, delighted when she found a pot of hot water. She was even more delighted to find her favorite spiced Chai tea bags ready to be steeped. She settled down and waited for both her tea and her other man.

“Hey, sweetness.” A soft kiss pressed against the side of her neck. “Is Duncan in bed?”

“Mm-hmm.” She leaned her head to the side to give Jaden better access. “How did it go?”

“Beautifully. Big Red found a few interesting things, but we have to talk to Aileen. We need to find out why the Malmayne-Joloun marriage contract is so important to the Malmaynes.” Jaden settled in next to her and watched her prepare her tea. “Your mother might have some information about the Joloun side that could clarify a few things.”

“After my parents were bonded the Jolouns pretty much wrote them off.” She took a sip of her sweetened, creamy tea and sighed in pure pleasure. “Mmm. That’s good.”

“Is it?” Jaden took the cup. “Let me have a taste.” He leaned in and kissed her, sipping at her lips like a connoisseur. He took his time, tasting every inch of her mouth. When he was done, her entire body tingled. “You’re right. It’s delicious.”

“Hmm?” She opened her eyes, unaware until that moment that she’d closed them. His had gone dark, the whites bleeding out to make room for his hunting eyes. Gods above, she couldn’t remember seeing anything sexier than that. He wanted her so badly he had no control over his eyes. “Jaden.” She leaned forward and returned his kiss, tasting him in turn. There was a lingering, earthy flavor to him she’d never encountered before. Normally she loved earthy tastes, but there was something rotten about this one. “What have you been eating?”

He smiled, his fangs showing. “Redcaps.”

She frowned absently and leaned back. “Have you considered Listerine?” The word redcaps suddenly hit her. “Wait. Multiple? As in more than one?”

Jaden pulled her off her chair and onto his lap, ignoring her surprised squawk. “Yes, multiple.”

“But…” Damn it, he was nibbling her neck, trying to distract her. The hell of it was, it worked. She was so distracted she couldn’t remember her own name. “That’s not s-safe.” Oh, right there. That is so good. Too much more of that and she’d be a puddle of goo at his feet.

He scraped his fangs down that sensitive section of her neck, sending a shiver of want through her. Good thing she’d already planned on having her way with him. “Mmm. I’ve fought them before, sweetheart. They’re not really a problem for me.”

“Are you hurt?”

Jaden licked her jugular. “No, sweetheart. I’m fine.”

“Who’s Big Red?”

“Robin’s pet gremlin. He found some interesting files on Charles’s computer.”

Moira lifted her head. “What things?”

He nipped her neck, the sharp pleasure making her hiss. “I’ll tell you at your parent’s house.

Her parents? Why was he talking about her parents now? “Desk?”


Her only thought was to get him naked somewhere near a desk. Preferably Duncan’s. “Need a desk.”

He lifted his head and studied his face. His expression was sinful. “I think that can be arranged.” He stood up. She was still cradled in his arms. “You can have your breakfast after I have mine.”

Oh, boy. “Sure.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. She trusted him to get them safely where she wanted to go.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Oh, Moira. That sweet trust of yours will be my undoing.”

Right. Moira. I remember now. “You know what I want to do with you?”

He carried her from the breakfast room and strode across the hall. His sneakers made no sound on the marble floor. “No, but I’m pretty sure you’re going to tell me.” He paused. “Does it involve midgets, paper cuts and Icy Hot?”

She lifted her head and stared at him. “No?”

“You don’t sound very sure.” He was frowning, but if he wasn’t joking then they needed to have a serious talk about therapy.

She shook her head at him. “Has anyone told you how strange you are?”

He shrugged and started walking again. “Your point?”

Her shoulders started to shake. “I don’t even know anymore.” She let her head drop back down onto his shoulder. “What were we doing again?”

“Heading into Duncan’s office so you can bang me on his desk.”

She blushed at the naughty, knowing look he sent her. “Eavesdropper.”

“Look on the bright side. You just confirmed my faith in eavesdropping. I heard something wonderful.” He stepped into Duncan’s office and slammed the door shut with his foot. “Have I mentioned I love the idea?” He stalked over to the desk and set her on the edge. He yanked off her boots before he reached for the snap of her jeans, tugging at the zipper with eager hands.

“Not yet, but I kind of got the idea when you started taking my clothes off.” She lifted her T-shirt over her head, more than willing to get this going.

“Are you going to object?”

She tossed the shirt over her shoulder and unclasped her bra. “Not on your life.” She drew the cups from her breasts, letting the bra fall to the floor.

“Fuck me,” Jaden breathed. His hands left her jeans to cup her breasts. “You are so beautiful. My pretty little leprechaun.”

She moved eagerly in his hands, dying to feel more. Her nipples were so sensitive, even the lightest brush sent a jolt of pure need straight down to her clit.

“You like that, huh?” He leaned down and lapped at her nipple like he was licking chocolate from a dripping strawberry. He swirled his tongue as if to catch every drop. Meanwhile his other hand plucked her other nipple, sending conflicting messages. Did she arch into his teasing tongue, or moan over the pleasure-pain he was dealing with his hand?

She did both, moaning and arching her back. She damn near sobbed when he sucked her nipple into his mouth, his teeth worrying the hard nub until she was clutching his head and grinding her hips into his. She could feel his fangs scraping along the sides, the sensation driving her insane. “Bite me.”

His mouth froze, his hand clenching her almost convulsively.

“Do it. Bite me.”

He moaned around her breast and bit, letting his fangs sink into the soft flesh.

Moira almost screamed at the sensation. Every part of her body was more alive than ever before. She couldn’t imagine him doing this to anyone other than Duncan ever again. “Oh, Gods above, yes.” She ground herself against his covered erection, the urge to come gripping her tight. “Please please please.” She looked down and found him watching her, red flames dancing in his pupils as he fed. She whimpered, the sight almost her undoing. “Jaden.”

His hand slipped into the open edge of her jeans and stroked over her clit. He suckled her, watched her slide over the edge into an orgasm so intense she couldn’t breathe through it.

Jaden licked the puncture marks, closing them. “Beautiful.” He took her mouth, the tang of blood overriding the musty taste of redcap. His hands were urgent on her jeans, pushing them and her panties down her legs. She kicked them off, eager to get his hands back on her.

She let her hands roam over his shoulders, the strength in them amazing her. His build was more slender than Duncan’s, but the sheer power in him was almost overwhelming. The feel of him under her hands was drugging. She couldn’t get enough.

He pulled away from her. “Let me help you with that.” His expression was full of smug male satisfaction. He pulled his shirt up over his head, exposing a chest that would make a nun weep and thank the gods for the beauty of the male form. That clean, hairless chest led to washboard abs she wanted to lick. The saddle of his hips were made for her hands.

She growled. “Now the pants.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Yes, ma’am.”

She dropped her Seeming, letting him see her true self, pointed ears and all. “I want you inside me.”

He took a deep breath and toed off his shoes. He reached for his pants, drawing down the zipper with a slow smile that heated her from the inside out. For just a moment that red flame in the center of his eyes burned bright green. “As you wish.”

She frowned. Something about that green looked familiar, but then his pants were falling and oh, he was beautiful. Between Jaden and Duncan she had every fantasy she’d ever had covered. Where Duncan was built more like a body builder, Jaden resembled a runner, all lean, sinewy muscle. She licked her lips at the sight of his cock bobbing free of his underwear. She wanted a taste of that.

“I know what you’re thinking.” He kicked out of his jeans and stalked toward her. “And I like it.” He reached for her. “C’mere, you.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist and let him carry her to Duncan’s leather sofa. “Will Duncan mind us messing with his leather sofa?”

“Nah. I think that’s why he has the leather in here. It’s easy to clean.” He slid her down his body until her ass rested on the sofa. “I think we’re just going to have to make sure he has some very pleasant dreams.”

She scowled. “I’m not sure I like this particular piece of furniture anymore.” Just the thought that either man had made love to someone else here had her seeing red.

He threw back his head and laughed. “Tell you what. Let’s make sure we christen this thoroughly.” He leaned over her, one hand on the back of the sofa, the other cupping her cheek. He tried to brush away the frown with his thumb. “Let’s claim it, make it ours.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Or we could go furniture shopping. Your choice.”

She grabbed hold of his cock and tugged him closer. “It can wait.” She licked the head, turning his laughter into a gasp. “The internet is a wonderful thing.” She licked again, liking the way his eyes were beginning to glaze over. “All the major furniture stores have online shopping.” She lapped at the drop that suddenly appeared at the tip of his cock. The salty sweet flavor exploded on her tongue. The hint of copper was something she’d never tasted before. “I’m pretty sure I could find something that would suit us all.”


“Hmm?” She was having fun torturing him.

“For the love of the gods, I will buy you an entire house full of brand new furniture if you suck me.”

He could probably sense her laughter, though she did her best to hide it. “Like this?” She took him in her mouth as far as she could go and sucked with all her might.

“Fuck. Me.” His head fell back with a groan. “Oh, hell.”

“No more talk about other people you’ve fucked on the furniture.”

“What other people?” He gripped the back of her head and pulled her forward. “Moira.”

She couldn’t stop her lips from curling into a satisfied smile. She’d made her bad-ass vampire breathless. “Only us from now on.” She sucked him down again.

“Only us.”

“You, me and Duncan.”


“You’ll let us bond you, no arguments.”


She was pretty sure his IQ had dropped by at least thirty points. Either that, or he’d gone deaf to anything but the need flowing through him. “And I want a Porsche 911.”

“No problem. We’ll get it in green to bring out your eyes.” He tapped the head of his cock against her lips. “Stop teasing. You already know you own us both.”

She grinned. Yeah, deep down she did. She just wanted to make sure he did, too. “Want you.” She sucked him down this time with no intention of letting him go.

“God, yes.” Jaden began to fuck her mouth, his movements careful, precise. He was hanging on to his control. Was he afraid of hurting her?

She decided to up the stakes. She wasn’t some little nymph or Sidhe female, delicate and fragile. She was leprechaun, of the earth, and strong as an oak. She reached up and forced his hands to tighten on her head, establishing a rhythm herself. She moved fast, running her tongue along the underside of his cock, desperate to get him to lose control and take her the way she wanted to be. She didn’t want a gentleman; she wanted her warrior, the one who took on multiple redcaps without getting a scratch.

She got him.

He growled, the sound low and hungry, sending a shiver of lust down her spine. He gripped the sides of her head and began to fuck her mouth in earnest. In self defense she wrapped one hand around the base of his cock to keep him from choking her.

He didn’t say a word, just kept sawing in and out of her mouth, his cock throbbing along her tongue. He watched her out of black eyes, the red flame in his pupil burning brighter and hotter. His fangs dropped far enough to be seen over his bottom lip. She could feel the sharp pinch of his claws as his fingers flexed.

He’d dropped his human Seeming and lay what he really was before her. She hummed her approval, closing her eyes and letting him have her. She needed this just as much as he did. He needed to know that no matter what she would take everything he was and cherish it.

The smooth thrust of his hips stuttered then resumed. “Shit. Don’t think things like that.”

“Why not? It’s the truth.”

His fingers clenched, but still he was careful with his claws. “Oh, shit. Moira.” He grunted, coming in her mouth with a hiss of indrawn breath. She swallowed every drop.

He dropped to his knees in front of her, his arms going around her waist, his head nestling into her neck. “You always manage to destroy me.”

She hugged him back, fiercely pleased that she’d reduced him to a quivering mess. “Tired, a ghra?

“Not too tired to make you come again.” He sat back on his heels, his human eyes full of sleepy satisfaction.

“You were up most of the night, went out and fought bad guys, and now I blew your brains out.” She leered up at him, earning a tired chuckle. “Sweetheart, if you need to go to bed I understand. Trust me, I’ll wake you up later.” She waggled her brows at him.

Jaden sighed. “I might have to take you up on that.” He tweaked her breast, earning himself a low moan. “Still, if you give me a few minutes I bet I could wake up a bit.”

She grinned. “Tell you what. As tired as you are, let’s take this to bed, hmm? That way you can do the man thing.”

He snorted and gathered up her clothes, tossing them to her. “Man thing?”

“You know, the three g’s.”

His eyebrows rose into his hair.

“Get in, get off, get to the z’s.”

She wasn’t all that surprised when her bra hit her in the face. “You are going to be a pita, aren’t you?”

Now it was her turn to raise her eyebrows as she shimmied back into her jeans.

“Pain in the ass.”

She rolled her eyes. “I thought that was Duncan’s job.”

“Ha ha.” He stretched with a grunt. “Ready?”

She eyed his naked chest, the hunger already building again. “You bet.” Moira tugged her shirt on with eager hands, dying to get him upstairs and naked again.

He put his hand around her waist and kissed her. “Let’s go.”

She allowed him to guide her out of the room and to the stairs.

“Good morning, Master Jaden, Lady Moira. Will you be having breakfast?”

Moira turned to face Ian, surprised to find herself blushing under the butler’s knowing gaze. “Um. In a little bit. Duncan and Jaden will be sleeping in.”

One of the butler’s eyebrows rose. “Very good, Lady Moira.” His lips quirked. “Sleep well, Lord Jaden.” He turned and headed back for the servant’s quarters, his shoulders suspiciously rigid.

“Good grief.” Jaden sagged against the banister. “Now he’s going to Lord me to death, isn’t he?”

Moira shrugged. “That’s what you get when you truebond a lord, Jaden.”

He sighed. “We aren’t truebonded yet.”

She stiffened, narrowing her eyes at him. “Meaning?” If he thought he was getting out of the bond, he had another thing coming.

“Down, tiger. I just meant we haven’t completed the Sidhe ceremony.” He took her hand and pulled her up the steps. “The Vampiric one is already done. You and Duncan belong to me, and no one can change that.”

She blinked. The Vampiric bond was a great deal more simplistic than the Sidhe bond. “You do know the Vows, right?”

“Yup.” He continued forward, his stride easy, his voice low and full of promise. “I vow that from this day forward you shall not walk alone. My strength is your protection, my heart is your shelter, and my arms are your home. I shall serve you in all those ways that you require. I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. Yours is the name I whisper at the close of each day and the eyes into which I smile each morning. I give you all that is mine to give. My heart and my soul I pledge to you. You are my Chosen One, you are my mate, and you are bound to me for eternity.”

Moira shuddered. To hear the Vows spoken in his rich, deep voice while she and Duncan held him was one of her deepest wishes. It wouldn’t mean shit in the cosmic scheme of things, but damn if she didn’t need that from him. “Yeah. Those are the Vows.” She longed to say them to both her men, but the time wasn’t quite right. She wanted her family there when they exchanged Vows, Binding them together through shared Sidhe magic, entwining their life forces for all eternity.

She blinked. “How long do vampires live?” Vampires were long lived and difficult to kill, but she had no idea if they aged at all.

“Forever, unless we’re killed. Luckily we’re very difficult to kill.”

Forever? “Do I want to know?”

He opened the bedroom door and pulled her through. “Every vampire, upon creation, is both blessed and cursed.” He kept his voice quiet so as not to wake Duncan. “Blessed with long life, but cursed with a weakness that will kill us instantly. That weakness is whispered over our bodies as we change, a magic so devastating not even the gods can remove it. The so-called gift of the Dark Queen to her chosen warriors.” The acidic contempt in his voice was mirrored in his face. “For each of us it’s something different. It could be as simple as a wooden stake through the heart, or as complex as a rowan branch, blessed in a sacred grove by a druid under a blue moon, thrust through your liver. The reasons that the folklore on how to kill a vampire varies wildly are because of that.” He dropped her hand and removed his jeans. “If I ever created another vampire I would be forced to name the way he dies. The magic would make me.”

She began removing her own clothes, eager to finish what they’d started. Where was her bra? She must have dropped it on the sofa. Ian would probably have a heart attack when he found it. “Have you thought about it?”

“Some. When the loneliness was bad.”

She wasn’t sure she wanted to know, and his expression didn’t exactly invite her to ask. “Oh.” She got up on her toes and kissed him. “You know you’ll never be alone again, right?”

“It’s okay, Moira.” He pointed toward the bed, where Duncan slept soundly. “Get in. I want to see if I can fuck you without waking the old… hmm.” He chuckled softly. “I have to remember not to call him that anymore.”

She slid into the bed, careful not to jar Duncan. “Why not?”

“He told me he doesn’t like it when his lover calls him that.” From the way he stood she could tell he still didn’t quite believe what was happening. True, he’d made them his bondmates, but she bet part of him still expected to be repudiated. His cheeks held an intriguing blush, though, so maybe Duncan had finally begun to get through to him. How could such a strong man be so vulnerable at the same time? It melted her heart to see that vulnerability, to know that she was one of the few people graced with the honor of seeing it. That made the gift of it all the more precious.

Well, she’d just have to prove to him that she wasn’t going anywhere. She crooked her finger at him. “C’mere, you. Let’s see what we can do without waking Duncan.” Jaden shot her one hell of a sexy grin before crawling over her. He stopped once they were nose to nose. Moira spread her legs, cradling him between her thighs. “You’re mine. You know that, right?” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m never going to let you go.”

He frowned. “We haven’t completed the Vows yet.”

She almost laughed. “Duncan and I discussed this. I want to say the Vows in front of my family and claim you both with them as witnesses.”

He paled. “You’re kidding, right?”

She shook her head. “No, love.”

“Your father will kill me.”

She tightened her arms. “No, he won’t.” Moira wouldn’t let him.

“Oh, yes he will. If he doesn’t, Leo will.”

Moira scoffed. “You forget something.”

“That would be?”

She smiled. “I’m half-Sidhe.” She pulled him down to her, letting her sparkling green lights envelope him. He jumped, startled at the soft caress of her light. “I protect what’s mine, even from my family.” She kissed him but wouldn’t allow him to deepen it. “But I don’t think it will be the issue you seem to think it will be.”

He looked skeptical. “We’ll see.” He leaned down and licked the side of her neck. “Are we going to make love or not?”

He was changing the subject, but that was all right. He’d see, and in the end they’d both get what they wanted. All three of them in one happy family knot.

Speaking of… “Can vampires have children?”

He stiffened. “No.”

She heard the question, and the pain, behind that word. “It’s all right. Any children Duncan and I have will be yours as well.” She petted his hair. “Yours to protect.”

His arms tightened around her to the point where she could barely breathe. “Mine.” His fangs sank deep, a white-hot pain that quickly became a blinding pleasure. He drew her into him, his mouth working against her flesh. Goosebumps ran up and down her body. Her arms tightened around him convulsively, holding him to her. His fangs lifted away from her neck, his tongue darting out. He licked the wounds, sealing them closed. “You’re so beautiful. My leprechaun. I thought I’d lost you.”

The thick voice told her just how much her acceptance meant to him. “You will never lose me, Jaden. We’re bondmates. You’ve held half my heart since the day we met.”

“I’d better be the one holding the other half,” Duncan muttered, rolling over to face them.

“Damn. Busted.” Jaden lifted his head, laughing down at her. There was a suspicious dampness to his lashes that she chose to ignore.

Duncan kissed Jaden’s shoulder. “I want to watch you fuck her, Jaden. I want you to know we’re both yours.”

“Will you let me take you later?” Jaden’s voice was rough, his body trembling in her embrace.

Duncan put his arm around Jaden’s waist. “You’ll be my first.”

Jaden closed his eyes and shivered. “Fuck me.”

“No, fuck Moira.” She tugged on his hair. “C’mon, Jaden. I’m waiting.”

“You shouldn’t leave a lady waiting.” Duncan slapped Jaden’s ass, making the vampire jump. “So get to it.” Duncan yawned.

Jaden leaned down and whispered in her ear. “He’ll be asleep before you come the second time.”

“I heard that, oh ye of little faith.”

She hid her giggle in Jaden’s shoulder. Duncan’s indignant statement would have worked if he hadn’t yawned in the middle of it.

“You know, I have two naked people in bed with me, one with a fit of the giggles and the other one yawning in my face. If I’m not careful I could develop a complex.” Jaden slid his hand down to her breast and began plucking her nipple. “Luckily I have an ego the size of Nebraska.”

She couldn’t stop laughing. “Only Nebraska?” She screeched as he began tickling her. “Stop, stop! Uncle!” Jaden stopped. Both men were looking at her with wicked amusement. “Oh, no. I swear. I will get even.” She squirmed, trying to buck Jaden off her, but the vampire wasn’t moving.

Duncan flexed his fingers. “Worth it?”

Jaden grabbed her hands and held her down. “Yup.”

“I will cut both of you off! I mean it.” She tried to clamp her legs shut but Jaden’s body was in the way.

“Now why would you do that?” Duncan’s hand landed on her breast. He plucked at her nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure/pain straight to her clit.

“You’d think we were planning on torturing her or something.” Jaden licked her other nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

“Oh boy.”

Jaden continued to suckle her while Duncan plucked her nipple. “You want Jaden inside you, sweetheart? Hmm? You want him to fuck you?”

“Yes.” She arched her back, her body confused. Should she move closer to Duncan and his wicked fingers or Jaden and his hot mouth?

The decision was taken out of her hands when Duncan’s hand moved down to her wet pussy. He began to circle her clit in a teasing glide. Her hips moved restlessly under his fingers, the combination of his strokes and Jaden’s mouth almost too much.

“You ready for me?”

She had a sudden vision of what she would like to do to both of them. “Wait.”

Duncan’s fingers stopped. Jaden stared down at her, his eyes bled all the way to black.

“I need to move.”

Jaden was frowning, but Duncan began to smile. “I like the way you think.”

She grinned and shoved at Jaden, who reluctantly moved from between her legs. “Okay. What’s going on?”

Duncan rolled over onto his back, his arms going behind his head. He spread his legs with an inviting smile. Moira got on her hands and knees between them and took hold of his cock.

“Getting the picture?”

Jaden grunted and got behind her, his hands on her hips. “I think I got it.”

She leaned down and sucked Duncan into her mouth, her tongue lapping at the vein running along the underside. Duncan moaned, his eyes drifting closed. Moira began to move, taking him as far down as she could. He tasted sweet and effervescent, like sparkling wine.

When Jaden’s cock nudged her opening she lifted her hips, inviting him inside. He slid against her. She was already wet and ready for him. “Please. Need you.”

He slid into her easily, setting a slow rhythm designed to drive her mad. She used the momentum of his thrusts to set the rhythm she used to suck Duncan’s cock, keeping them all on a slow, steady ride to orgasm. Jaden leaned over her, peppering her back with kisses. His hands went around her to press into the mattress, keeping his weight off of her but still enveloping her in his warmth. One of Duncan’s hands reached out and wrapped around Jaden’s forearm, connecting them all together. Silver lights began to dance as Duncan’s touch wove them together.

“Fuck, yes. Fuck her mouth, Duncan. Let her know how much you love it.”

Duncan’s eyes drifted open, landing first on Jaden and then on Moira.

Hell, she was all for picking up the pace. She tightened the muscles of her pussy, earning a groan from Jaden. She nodded, refusing to let Duncan slip from between her lips, her gaze locked on his face. She wanted him to know that she needed this as badly as he did.

Duncan thrust up into her mouth. She hummed in pleasure around him, loving the soft groan the vibration earned her. She used her tongue, licking the underside of his cock as he glided in and out of her mouth.

Behind her, Jaden was fucking her harder, faster, picking up Duncan’s rhythm, keeping them all connected. It wasn’t perfect, they weren’t living in each other’s minds this time, but it was damn close.

Jaden moved, the arm not held by Duncan lifting from the bed. His hand took hold of hers and brought it to her clit. “Stroke yourself, sweetheart. Make yourself come.”

She began to do as he said, but it wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. Stroking herself, sucking Duncan and fucking Jaden, she had to find her own balance between the three. Once she did, she teetered on the verge of orgasm.

Duncan’s free hand landed in her hair. He drew in a hissing breath. “Close, sweetheart. Ready?”

She nodded, glad he’d warned her first. She was ready when he came in her mouth, swallowing every drop he gave her. He fell back with a sigh and a smile, his eyes glittering behind half-closed lids.

Now she could concentrate solely on what Jaden was doing to her. She bucked back into him, no longer allowing him to be the one who controlled their lovemaking. She was ready to come, and she wanted him to come with her.

She tightened her muscles, milking him, trying to drag him closer to the edge. He shuddered, her actions threatening to push him over an edge he was fighting away from. “I’ll come after you do, sweetheart. I want to feel you go over first.”

She shared a look with Duncan. “Make him come.”

The corners of Duncan’s mouth lifted.

“Wait— Oh, hell.

She had no idea what Duncan was doing to Jaden, but from the sounds of it Jaden really liked it. Jaden’s smooth strokes became jerky, uneven. He began to pound into her, driving himself to orgasm. The hand holding her own let go and grabbed hold of her hip, holding so tightly she’d have a bruise there.

She loved it. Moira gave back everything her vampire gave her, and finally begged for one thing more. “Bite me.”

Sharp pain, then a pleasure so intense she thought she would black out. Her entire body seized as the orgasm consumed her, leaving her too breathless to cry out.

When she was finally able to open her eyes she found her head resting on Duncan’s stomach, his limp, sated cock still close to her lips. Jaden lay beside her, panting softly, one arm draped over both her and Duncan, keeping them connected.

Underneath her, Duncan snored lightly.

“I told you he’d be asleep before you came for the second time.”

She turned her head to glare at him. “That was only one.”

He yawned. “True. I owe you one.” He snuggled closer, pulling her up so that she was sandwiched between him and Duncan. Duncan, oblivious, slumbered on.

Moira kissed Jaden’s forehead, knowing he was fading fast. “Sleep, a ghra. You can pay me back later.”

She waited until both men were breathing evenly before slipping out of the bed. She watched them for a moment before slipping into her clothes and gliding out the door.

No one would harm her men while she stood watch.

No one.
