The Key Players In The Demonica World

Eidolon (EYE-duh-lawn)—Head of Underworld General Hospital, a medical center he built with brothers Shade and Wraith. Born to the Judicia, demons who serve as judge, jury, and executioner for all demon races. He was bestowed with judicial powers and served with the Judicia as a Justice Dealer for decades, until he made a choice that changed his life forever: he attended human medical school and became a doctor in order to make the most of his healing gift.

Hair: Short, dark brown/black

Eyes: Dark brown

Height: 6 4"

Profession: Physician

Species: Incubus

Breed: Seminus demon

Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder

Personal Seminus symbol: Set of scales on throat

Gemella Endri—Raised by Sensor demon parents, Gemella was expected to follow in their footsteps and destroy infants born to human-demon unions. Instead, she followed her own path and became a doctor, working in a human hospital in order to root out medical issues with supernatural/demon origins.

Hair: Length and color changes frequently. Usually shoulder-length and black with streaks of blue, red, or pink.

Eyes: Green

Profession: Physician

Species: Half human, half Soulshredder

Identifying marks: Pierced tongue, eyebrow, ears, navel. Long-stemmed rose tattoo running the length of her left leg. Dragon tattoo on her abdomen. Tattooed Celtic bands around ankles, wrists, and neck.

Kynan Morgan—Former Aegis leader of the New York City cell. Joined The Aegis after being injured by a demon while on a mission as a United States Army medic in Afghanistan.

Hair: Short, spiky, dark brown

Eyes: Navy blue

Height: 6 2"

Profession: Aegis Guardian

Species: Human

Identifying features: Gravelly voice from vocal-cord damage. Scarred throat.

Lore—Born in 1880 to a human mother who believed he was the son of Satan and raised by his maternal grandparents, Lore never seemed to fit in. Fitting in became more of a problem when, at the age of twenty, he went through a strange transformation. By the time it was over, he’d gained a tattoo on his right arm and had killed several people with nothing more than a touch. Unable to control his cursed ability to kill, he hid away in the mountains of North Carolina, where he existed as a hermit until the day he was forced into the life of an enslaved assassin.

Hair: Short, black

Eyes: Dark brown

Height: 6 6"

Species: Half human, half Seminus demon

Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder

Personal Seminus symbol: None

Luc (Lewk)—Born in 1896, American-born son of French immigrants, he joined the army when his father left his mother and fled to France with a mistress. Luc requested assignment in Europe and was granted the assignment to fight in France during World War I. Before he could locate his father, he was bitten by a werewolf. He has spent the time since trying to hold onto his humanity.

Hair: Shaggy, black

Eyes: Hazel

Height: 6 6"

Profession: Paramedic

Species: Werewolf

Reaver—A fallen angel who has never entered Sheoul to complete the fall, Reaver is stuck between two worlds, caught between a rock and a hard place. Without the power of Heaven or Sheoul to draw on, he’s weakened, physically and mentally, and he’s in a constant battle with his baser desires.

Hair: Long, to the middle of his back, pale blond

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6 6"

Profession: Physician

Species: Fallen angel

Roag (Rogue)—Roag, the oldest surviving brother of Eidolon, Shade, and Wraith, grew up in true hell—in the Neethul slave pits. Born to a Neethul mother who kept him with the intention of selling him later as a slave, he learned early to fight dirty. He made his first kill at the age of four, when he slit the throat of a sleeping slave in order to steal his food. Roag’s mother, proud of the son she’d intended to sell off, decided to keep him close, and it wasn’t long before he was running his own slave pit. After his first maturation cycle at the age of twenty, he escaped Sheoul to live in the human world, where fragile humans were easier to trick, brutalize, and kill. He never expected to like any other being, but against all odds, he developed a fondness for Eidolon, who was the only person who has ever been able to influence Roag at all.

Hair: Shaved, dark brown/black

Eyes: Dark brown

Height: 6 3"

Species: Incubus

Breed: Seminus demon

Identifying features: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder. Irish accent.

Personal Seminus symbol: Snake swallowing its tail

Runa Wagner (RUE-nuh)—Grew up with her older brother, Arik, in a volatile household with an abusive, alcoholic father. When Runa was a teenager, her father left and her mother committed suicide, leaving Arik to raise Runa. She dated Shade during a hard time in her life. His betrayal led to even harder times.

Hair: Shoulder-length, caramel brown

Eyes: Pale champagne

Species: Werewolf

Serena Kelley—Serena loves life, adventure, and danger. She possesses an uncanny ability to locate anything she’s looking for, and someday she’d really like to take a stab at finding the Holy Grail.

Hair: Long, blond

Eyes: Brown

Profession: Treasure hunter

Species: Human

Identifying feature: Necklace she never removes

Shade—Born to an Umber demon mother, and raised in a cave in Central America. Thanks to a curse placed on him at the age of twenty, he avoided attachments, especially with females, for years. Has a fondness for leather, Harleys, and, until he met Runa, one-night stands.

Hair: Shoulder-length, dark brown/black

Eyes: Dark brown/black

Height: 6 3½"

Profession: Paramedic

Species: Incubus

Breed: Seminus demon

Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder. Pierced left ear.

Personal Seminus symbol: Unseeing eye on throat

Tayla Mancuso—Tayla spent her entire childhood and most of her teenage years in foster care thanks to a drug-addicted mother who was unable to care for Tayla. Eventually, Tayla’s mother gained custody of her, but the happy reunion was cut short when Tayla witnessed her mother’s torture and death at the hands of a demon. After that, Tayla dedicated every waking moment to killing demons, and until she met Eidolon, she believed that the only good demon is a demon with a stang buried in its brain.

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Profession: Aegis Guardian

Species: Half human, half Soulshredder

Wraith—As a demon born to a vampire, Wraith is an anomaly. A childhood of torture at the hands of vampires gave him an intense hatred of the entire race, and he spent his entire adult life killing them for sport. His horrific younger years left him with a strange quirk: he won’t feed from or have sex with human women. All other females, however, are fair game—a game he plays several times a day. Unlike most Seminus demons, Wraith was born with the red-eyed glare other Sems gain around the time of s’genesis.

Hair: Kept between chin- and shoulder-length, bleached blond

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6 5"

Profession: In charge of acquisitions for UG

Species: Incubus

Breed:: Seminus demon

Identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tip of right fingers to shoulder

Personal Seminus symbol: Hourglass on throat
