Chapter Eight

"What the hell do you mean, she can't sign the papers today?" Jeff Buckley's face was beet red with his anger. "I warned you that the bitch would try something cute if you didn't make her sign last autumn. What are you going to do about this, Kramer? I've paid you a fortune so far, and I'm still married to Nora."

Raoul Kramer looked at his client with what he hoped was an emotionless face. He didn't like Jeff Buckley, and the more he knew him, the less he liked him. He had taken his case as a favor to Jeff's senior partner, with whom he had roomed at college. It should have been a quiet divorce. His voice was cool as he spoke. "Your wife is in the hospital, Buckley. She is unconscious. Her attorney found her this morning when he went to pick her up, so they could drive into the city together."

"Is she going to die?" If she died, everything would be his.

"They don't know yet. They don't even know what's the matter. You would have to speak with Rick Johnson, her attorney. You know him. You were neighbors," the lawyer said.

"So what happens now?" Jeff asked. "Can I get the divorce?"

"Not until she regains consciousness or dies," Raoul Kramer said. "The judge ordered that we had to have a settlement before she would hear the case in its entirety."

"Get another judge, then," Jeff said.

"Not possible. You haven't got the grounds for it. No judge will grant you a divorce from Mrs. Buckley without that settlement being signed. You're stuck for the time being, I'm afraid. Besides, how would it look if you divorced her now?"

"She isn't on my health insurance anymore. How long will the hospital keep her under those circumstances?" Jeff wanted to know.

"You took her off your health insurance?" Kramer was astounded. "That was part of the agreement. You have to pay her health insurance along with the alimony for five years. When the hell did you do that?"

"Months ago. I asked my assistant Carol to arrange it," Jeff said nervously. "Is this going to cost me?"

"Oh, yeah," Raoul Kramer said. "It's going to cost you big-time. You take the kids off too?" But he knew the answer to that even as he spoke.

"Yeah, but they never get sick. And I never knew Nora to get sick in all the years we were married. Isn't there some law or something that says I can refuse to pay for her care?" Jeff asked.

Raoul Kramer picked up his phone and punched in a number.

"Who are you calling?" Jeff wanted to know.

"Your assistant. Carol? Raoul Kramer. Did you remove Mrs. Buckley and the kids from Jeff's health insurance? I see. Yes. You're a smart lady. If you ever get tired of working for your boss, call me." He laughed. "Thanks." And put his phone down. "You owe Carol a big one, Buckley. When she read the draft of the settlement for you, she saw that Mrs. Buckley would get health insurance for five years. She arranged it, and in doing so has saved your ass. For God's sake, don't do anything else without checking with me first."

"So it isn't going to cost me?" Jeff wanted reassurance.

"You're home free," Raoul Kramer replied.

"But I can't get the divorce until Nora either wakes up or croaks, right?"

"Right," Kramer said. What a moron this guy was. He expected the ultrarich, whom he usually acted for, to be tight with a dollar, but this guy was just a dumb boomer who had made more money than his father and thought he was rich. "I would suggest you go out to Egret Pointe and get Nora's prognosis from her doctors. Let me know how she's doing, and we'll go from there." His tone was dismissive, and even Jeff got the point.

He stood up. "Yeah. I'll go see what's happening." While driving out to Egret Pointe, Jeff Buckley wondered if Nora would live or die. Kramer was right. The divorce had to be put on hold until they knew. How would it look to his conservative partners at the agency if he divorced his sick wife? More important, how would it look to their clients? There was so much to consider, not to mention Heidi. Heidi was not going to be happy about this delay. There had already been too many delays. He put himself out on a limb with that damned co-op in order to make her happy and to keep her from leaving him. He couldn't bear it if she left him. Heidi was the best damned sex he had ever had. She knew how to thrill a man and keep him coming back for more. He couldn't lose her.

Because Nora had not really been a part of his life in the city, he had been able to keep his divorce discreet, more or less. His partners, older men married for years, hadn't been happy, but he had brought them around, selling them a bill of goods that salved their consciences, making him the victim in the matter. But they wanted everything to be circumspect, controlled, and careful. It was to be quick with no, or at least minimal, gossip involved. There were their clients to consider. It was the youngest of the senior partners, Mr. Archibald Wickham, who had suggested Raoul Kramer. And he had spoken to Raoul himself before sending Jeff to see him.

And he'd done a good job, Jeff had to admit, even if he hated giving up a penny to Nora. Heidi was right. Nora had been living off of him for twenty-six years. In the beginning she had been just the wife he wanted. She was just like his mother: docile, quiet-spoken and frugal. She had made a beautiful home, and kept it nicely. She had produced two children, a daughter and a son. They were intelligent and well-mannered. But as the years had passed he realized that Nora wasn't at all what he wanted. She bored him. And in bed she had not been inspiring at all. How could a woman be so damned dull? he wondered. And now the old cow had thrown a monkey wrench in his plans by getting sick. If she didn't recover from whatever it was that she had, he was going to be stuck with her for the rest of his life. Would he lose Heidi? But maybe Nora would die.

He was so deep in thought that he almost missed the parkway turnoff to Egret Pointe, but he managed it, his brakes squealing just slightly as he cornered the turn. The hospital was nearby. He hadn't been to Egret Pointe General since J. J. was born. He swung into the lot and parked his sports car. He found a Pink Lady manning the desk.

"I am Jeff Buckley. My wife, Nora, was brought in this morning."

"Buckley. Buckley," the Pink Lady repeated, going down the list. "Ah, here it is. Buckley. She's in the ICU, but no visitors, Mr. Buckley. Still, if you're her hubby, I suppose no one would mind. Three West is the ICU. Take this card." She handed him an index card with the words ICU VISITOR stamped on it in black. The edges of the card were frayed.

"Thank you," he said, giving her his best smile.

The elevator opened on the third floor. Immediately in front of him was a sign with arrows pointing in various directions. THREE WEST was the heading. CCU was to the left, and ICU was to the right. Jeff turned right, and hurried through a pair of swinging doors.

"Jeff!" He turned to see a small lounge. Rick and Carla were in it. He turned again, and went in to greet them. Carla just glared, but said nothing. "What happened to her?" Jeff asked.

"They don't know," Rick said quietly. "I was to pick her up this morning to drive into town to Kramer's office. When she didn't show up, I called first but didn't get any answer, so I went over. I rang the bell. I knocked. I called her. Nothing. So I went back home and got a spare key. We all have keys for the other houses on the court," Rick explained, knowing Jeff wouldn't have known that. "I let myself into the house. Both cats shot by me. We'll have to get them in later. I called her name, but the place was as silent as a tomb. So I started searching the house. I went upstairs first, and when I couldn't find her, I came back down to look around there. I found her in the den.

"She was in her chair, in front of the television. It was still on, but no picture. She must have ordered a movie, and whatever happened to her happened while she was watching it. Her teacup was tipped over. There was no sign of forced entry, or violence. I called emergency, and they brought her to the hospital," Rick concluded.

"Did she try to commit suicide?" Jeff asked. "Did you see any pills?"

"You know Nora doesn't take anything stronger than aspirin," Carla finally spoke up, "or maybe you don't. You've never been around much. Besides, Nora wouldn't kill herself over you." The last word was said in a scornful tone.

"What do the doctors say?" Jeff wanted to know.

"We're waiting for Dr. Rhone now," Rick answered. "He's the ER guy."

"I'll wait with you," Jeff said.

Carla made a rather rude noise but said nothing more for the time being.

The doctor arrived. He looked to Rick and spoke, but Rick quickly introduced Jeff to the physician, who said, "I didn't realize Mrs. Buckley's husband was still alive."

Carla laughed aloud.

"We're in the process of a divorce," Jeff said. "Rick is my wife's attorney, and should be told anything that concerns her health. I'll be driving back into town shortly. I just came out when I heard the news."

"Oh," Dr. Rhone said. "Well, the preliminary tox reports are in. There is nothing in her system that would indicate she took any harmful substance. Not even an aspirin. She doesn't appear to have had a stroke, although those are difficult to pinpoint actually, so it might be she stroked out, but the MRI shows nothing. Other than that, I have no answers. Her vitals are good. But Dr. Sam will know more. He's her regular guy."

"She isn't dying?" Jeff asked.

"Not at all," Dr. Rhone replied. "She's simply unconscious, and we can find no cause yet. But I'm sure we will. And she could wake up at any time. Tell me, Mr. Buckley, has this divorce proceeding been particularly stressful for Mrs. Buckley? Stress is something we're learning more about every day. It seems to be able to do just about anything to a body and mind's well-being."

"You bet, she's been upset," Carla burst forth. "Wouldn't you be if after twenty-six years of devotion and love, you were told you were being replaced by a Heidi, who is young enough to be your daughter?"

"Carla!" Rick pleaded.

Dr. Rhone looked uncomfortable. "About your wife's care, Mr. Buckley," he began. "Since you aren't here, would you like to sign a document delegating your wife's attorney to make any decisions that need to be made?"

"Sure," Jeff said. He turned to Rick. "That's okay with you?"

"Yeah," Rick told him. "I'm here. You're not. What about her health insurance? Has the divorce policy kicked in yet?"

"Call my assistant, Carol. She's got all the particulars, but yes, Nora is covered," Jeff said. He turned back to the doctor. "Can I see her?"

"Certainly, come with me," Dr. Rhone replied.

Jeff followed the physician into the ICU, where Nora lay quietly in a neatly made hospital bed. He looked down at her. She looked younger than she had last spring. And she had colored her hair. He figured she'd be going fishing for another husband once they were parted. And she was a heck of a lot thinner. There was even a slight smile on her face. She was very still. She actually looked as if she were sleeping, and having a very nice dream while she did. He turned away. Wake up, or die, damnit! the voice in his head said. "Let me sign that paper now so Rick can have the responsibility of her care," Jeff said, and returned to the waiting room.

"I'll have a nurse bring you the papers," Dr. Rhone told him. Then he was gone.

"You're certain you don't mind doing this?" Jeff asked Rick one more time.

"He doesn't mind!" Carla snapped. "Nora and I are best friends. Who else is here who can look after her?" You schmuck, she thought silently.

Jeff signed the papers and handed them back to the waiting nurse. "Look, Carla," he said, but she stopped him with a wave of her hand.

"It isn't the divorce that bothers me, Jeff," she said. "It's what a son of a bitch you have been about it. All she wanted was the house. She deserved it. She wanted nothing else from you. No alimony. Nothing. Just the house."

"I don't want to start with another mortgage at my age," he said.

"Hey, you're starting with another wife. And don't think she won't want at least one kid, Jeff. She will. If you play, honey, you gotta pay. But Nora shouldn't have had to pay for your libido, and your big whopping midlife crisis. Whatever has happened to her is your fault. She's lying there right now because of you. I hope you're satisfied! Now run home to Bambi, or whatever the hell her name is. Just don't let me ever see your face again!" And Carla began to cry.

Jeff Buckley looked distinctly uncomfortable. He had never understood his wife's friendship with Carla, a smart-mouthed city kid- an Italian Catholic, for God's sake. And the others. Rina Seligmann, a Jewish social worker. Joanne, who was the wife of a hardware store owner. Tiffany Pietro d'Angelo, that hot little blonde who had kneed him once when he had come on to her. Good riddance to them all. Rick was comforting his wife. Jeff caught his eye. "Thanks," he said, and then he left. He could hardly wait to get back to town, but telling Heidi wasn't going to be easy.

"Is he gone?" Carla asked, sniffling into her husband's shoulder.

"Yeah. You sure gave it to him," Rick chuckled.

"He's a bastard!" Carla muttered.

"Agreed," Rick said. "I think he was hoping she would die. I really do."

"Nora's not going to die!" Carla said. No, she wasn't. Right now she was having a very good time in The Channel. Carla almost smiled. When Nora got back, she'd tell her how she had told off Jeff. Yet seeing her best friend lying in the ICU bed so still and fragile-looking was not easy. She did look as if she were sick, and it scared Carla just a little bit. Was Nora really alright?

"Let's go home, honey," Rick said. "There isn't anything we can do right now." He put his arm about his wife. They stopped at the nurse's station, and Rick gave the charge nurse his card. It had all his numbers. His office. The house. His cell. His e-mail. "Call me if there's any change," he told her, and she nodded.

Carla called Jill and J. J. that night. Both of them wanted to come home immediately, but Carla told them there was nothing they could do, and warned them that Nora would have a fit if she woke up and her kids weren't in school, where they belonged. "I'll keep you up to speed," she told them both, and they agreed to remain where they were for the interim. Next she called Margo.

"I just talked to her yesterday," Margo said, suddenly sounding very frail. "She didn't try…"

"No!" Carla said quickly.

"What about the divorce?" Margo asked.

"Everything is on hold for now."

"I'll come up," Margo said.

"If you want to, and you can stay with us," Carla replied, "but honestly, there's nothing you can do right now, and she could wake up any minute." Carla hated lying to Nora's mother, but she couldn't possibly explain what Nora had done.

"Well," Margo responded slowly, "I'll wait, then. Who's in charge? Not Jeff!"

"No. He signed everything over to Rick. I think he was relieved to do it," Carla explained. "I think he's afraid of the responsibility under the circumstances."

"Thank God!" Margo replied.

That had been the difficult call, but she had gotten through it, Carla thought, relieved. Margo wasn't the kids. Now all we have to do is wait for Jeff to cave like Nora said he would, Carla considered. But it was all very nerve-racking.

Nora lay in her unconscious state for ten days. There was no change. The hospital kept her hydrated, but they did nothing more. Finally Dr. Sam suggested that his patient would have to be moved to a nursing facility.

"Shorecrest is lovely," he told Rick, "and when she awakens she'll need physical therapy certainly. They have several excellent therapists."

Rick agreed. He had checked with Jeff's assistant, Carol, and learned that she had chosen the best health care policy possible. It even included nursing-home care for several months. "That was very thoughtful of you, Carol," Rick had noted.

Carol laughed. "He'll never know. He doesn't bother with stuff like this, and fair is fair. Mrs. B. was always nice to me. And I know where those lovely Christmas gifts with Jeff's card came from every year. I put J. J. on the policy, but I didn't dare add Jill."

"I'll tell her so she can get something for herself if she can afford it," he replied. "Thanks, Carol. If this causes any trouble, let me know."

Carol laughed again. "I already have a job offer from Raoul Kramer," she said.

Rick laughed too, and hung up.

Nora was moved from the hospital into a sunny private room at Shorecrest. The nurses at both the hospital and the nursing facility remarked upon how Nora's mouth was always smiling. Some smiles were broader than others. It was encouraging, but it was eerie too. Carla had noticed it as well, and one day she bent to whisper in Nora's ear, "Don't wear them out, sweetie!"

She couldn't know, but Nora actually heard her. She was sitting atop Kyle's chest while he amused himself with her breasts. His thick cock was buried deep in her wet pussy, and she was burning with her lust. She laughed softly to herself at Carla's words. She needed Rolfie too today. "Rolf!" she called, and he came eagerly into the bedroom. "I need two today, darling," she said. She leaned forward, offering Kyle a nipple, which he quickly took and began to suck on hard.

Rolf was behind her now. "I want to put it in your ass," he whispered hotly in her ear. "You haven't let me do that yet, Nora, and I want to do it so bad." His big hands massaged the cheeks of her bottom. "You have the cutest tush," he said, stroking her.

"I'm not sure," she teased him. Her clit was tingling at the thought of Kyle throbbing in her cunt, and Rolf throbbing in her ass.

"Let him," Kyle murmured. "Together we can give you the climax of your life, Nora. And then send him away, please."

"I'm in charge here," she reminded him, smiling into his handsome face. "I need you both tonight." She could feel Rolf's finger rubbing her anus with sweet-smelling oil. She wiggled provocatively against his finger. His cock began foraging between the twin half spheres of her bottom. "Ohh, do it!" she told him. "Do it now!"

His hands closed about her hips to steady them both. He pushed the head of his penis against the tight little opening. She moaned, and arched her back for him. The sphincter suddenly relaxed, and he was plunging forward. Now Rolf groaned as the tight walls of her flesh tightly encased him. He moved carefully. "Can you find the spot, Kyle?" he asked his male companion.

"I'm close," Kyle replied. "I think it's time to blow madam's mind, Rolfie. Agreed?" He moved within her vagina, and when he heard Nora gasp, surprised, he said, "Got it!" She gasped again. It was a sharp sound that seemed to pull all the breath from her. "Hey, you found it too!"

Nora screamed softly, but it was a sound of ultimate pleasure as the two men encased within her body gently rubbed against her G-spot. She began to climax, and the waves of the most incredible pleasure she had ever experienced rolled over her again and again and again. She could barely breathe. She was afire, and every inch of her felt more alive than she had ever felt before in her life. Nora had never known so intense a sensation. She didn't know if she could stand it another minute. "Stop!" she cried to them, but they didn't.

"Not yet, baby," Rolf husked in her ear.

"Kyle!" Her voice was pleading.

"Just a moment more, Nora," he half sobbed.

"You're killing me!" she gasped.

"Now!" Kyle said fiercely.

And as another wave slammed into her she felt both men coming in hard spurts inside her body. "Ohhh, God!" she moaned as they both carefully withdrew from her, rolling onto either side of her. "That was…" She found herself at a loss for words.

Both men laughed weakly.

"Yes, it was," Kyle agreed.

They dozed for some time, regaining their strength, and then when they could stand they adjourned to the bathroom, washing each other in the glass shower that was more than big enough for them all. They climbed into the bathing pool and played like kids, splashing water, and reigniting their passions once again. They lay together on the marble floor by the pool. Rolf thrust his thick dick into Nora over and over again as Kyle knelt over her chest while Nora sucked his big cock until they all came again. They reentered the pool to wash off.

Coming out, Nora said to her lovers, "We'll do something a little different now. I've always wanted to see a guy sucking another guy's dick. And the one getting sucked gets to lick my pussy until we all come again."

"You are full of it tonight," Kyle noted. "I'm not bi, however."

"I am," Rolf said.

"Then that settles it," Nora responded. "On your back, Kyle, my darling. You're going to lick me while Rolfie sucks that big beautiful cock of yours, and I watch to see if he enjoys you or me more." And before Kyle could protest, she was pulling him down, and plunking her cunt over his face. His tongue immediately began to rummage between her labia. "Ohh!" Nora exclaimed, feeling a quick burst of excitement, but her eyes were now on Rolf, sucking Kyle's penis eagerly. Perhaps a bit too eagerly, she thought. "If you make him come, Rolfie, I will take a big strap to your round tight ass, darling. I want all of Kyle's jism for myself."

Rolf looked up, and nodded faintly. His blue eyes were glazed, and his lips were working furiously on the peg of flesh in his mouth.

Kyle's lips and tongue were making her juices begin to boil. Nora couldn't wait to have him inside her again. She was going to send Rolf away when they were done. She didn't like how eager he was for Kyle's cock. Kyle belonged to her. She could see that Kyle's dick was very hard now. "Stop, Rolf!" she commanded her blond lover, and he obeyed. Nora switched positions, and encased Kyle within her hot body.

"Suck me off, Nora, please," Rolf begged, and she could see he was hard too.

She nodded, and he was standing over Kyle, his penis pushing into her mouth. She sucked on him a few times, and he let his load loose. She swallowed the salty, oily substance eagerly. She had developed a strong taste for cum. And when his dick was flaccid again she said, "Go away now, Rolfie. I won't need you again, this evening."

Obediently he walked out.

Still encased within her, Kyle rolled her over onto her back, and began to fuck her hard. "You can be such a bitch!" he groaned, thrusting, withdrawing, thrusting, withdrawing, thrusting, until they both climaxed.

"I know," Nora admitted. She was happy. Happier than she had ever been in all her life. She almost hoped her plan against her husband didn't work, and she could stay here forever experiencing mindless sexual ecstasy. And just how long had she been here? The view outside of her apartment terrace was always night. She had woken up once after several hours, and nothing had changed at all. It made her just the slightest bit uneasy. Well, Carla would tell her when they met in her fantasy. She wondered, however, exactly how she could appear in her friend's world, but she supposed they would tell her.

"Will you come with me to Carla's fantasy when she calls?" she asked Kyle after their last bout of pleasure.

"Do you want me to, Nora?" He was surprised, but pleased.

"She plays in a pirate's world. Yes, I think I should like a little strong male backup, darling."

"Then I'll come," he agreed.

"How will I know when she wants me, and how will I get there?" Nora wondered aloud, her brow concentrated in thought.

"I haven't the faintest idea," he said. "My purpose is to serve you, Nora. The only problem is that I seem to want more than that."

"What do you want?" she asked, her fingers playing with the nape of his neck.

"Is the sex enough for you, Red Rover? Is that all you really want?" he said softly, and his eyes suddenly met hers.

"What else is there, darling?" Nora replied.

"Don't you want to be loved?"

"You love me very nicely," she laughed lightly.

"No, damnit!" He was suddenly pinioning her, his hands imprisoning her wrists on either side of her head. "Not make love, and you know I didn't mean make love. Love! As in emotionally attached. Nora, you're all alone. Don't you want to be loved? Do you even know what love is?"

"I thought I did once, but obviously I didn't," she told him.

"I love you!" he said almost desperately.

"You do?" She sounded surprised. "Why?"

"There is no real rhyme or reason to love, Red. It happens. From the moment I first saw you, I wanted more from you than just sex," Kyle said. His green eyes were warm as he looked into her face.

"As I recall," Nora reminded him, "when we first met you couldn't keep your hands off of my tits. Did you love them first?"

"You don't trust men, do you?" he sighed.

"Why should I?" she countered.

"After Jeff, I guess you shouldn't, but what about all your friends on Ansley Court? Don't they love their husbands?" Kyle demanded.

"Yes, I think they do," Nora admitted. "I ask myself, what was wrong with me that Jeff could not love me till death do us part? And you know what? There's nothing wrong with me, Kyle. What was wrong was Jeff. I may be good at a lot of things, but I'm obviously not a very good judge of men. He's hurt me, Kyle. I did everything I was supposed to do, and frankly more, but he still didn't love me. But I was too dumb to understand it. I know now that he picked me as his wife because I was the right kind of girl. The kind of a girl a man like him was supposed to marry. I did everything I should, but it still wasn't enough. And our sex life? Only on my back. Eyes shut tight because he didn't want me to look at him. No foreplay. Just hump, hump, hump until he was done. Then he would roll off of me. We would shower and go to bed. The second I got pregnant he wouldn't touch me. And when I had my children it was several months after their births before he could bring himself to have sex with me again. Finally our sex life ceased entirely. When I asked why, Jeff just glared at me and made some remark about inappropriate questions."

"What a fool," Kyle told her, kissing her mouth softly. "He had no idea, did he, about the passion boiling inside of you?"

"He would have been shocked if he did," Nora laughed bitterly.

"I love you," Kyle repeated, kissing her again.

"You want me," Nora responded.

"I have had you. Many times. In many ways. And in an astounding variety of positions, my darling Red. I could almost wish it wasn't so, but I do love you. But you will break my heart to revenge yourself for being hurt, I'm afraid." He rolled onto his back again.

"Will you leave me?" She struggled to keep her voice strong.

"No," he replied bleakly.

"Why not?" His response had reassured her.

"Because I love you," he said simply.

"You're a figment of my imagination brought to life by whatever it is that created The Channel and keeps it going," Nora said cruelly. "I could discard you. I could change you into a brute whose only pleasure is in pain!" she threatened him.

"Yes, you could, but then I wouldn't be the kind of man you really want, or need, Nora. You don't want that kind of man. You want a strong, sensitive man who will love you, my darling."

"I don't need to be taken care of," Nora snapped. "Been there. Did that!"

"No, you don't need a keeper," he agreed. "You need someone to love you as well as make love to you. That's the man I am."

"I have a husband who has screwed practically everything with a pulse, Kyle. Now it's my turn! I only wish he knew," Nora responded angrily.

"Yeah, like that's really going to make you feel better," Kyle said tightly. "And any time you want to, baby, we can invade his dreams and show him how I can fuck you until you are screaming with pleasure. But I wouldn't advise it. He might want you back. Do you want him back?"

"Never! The bastard betrayed me! Made a fool of me! If I could revenge myself in some way on him, I would, Kyle. I swear I would! I hate him for what he's done to me! To our children!" And suddenly Nora began to cry. She wept bitterly in great gulping sobs for several long minutes, unable to stop.

Kyle wrapped his arms about her tightly, holding her against his broad chest, his eyes closed as he experienced her pain for himself. He was the man she really desired for herself even if she hadn't yet reached the realization of that truth yet. She would. His big hand soothed her, stroking her red hair as her sobs began to ease and then fade away. Finally he tipped her face up to him, and started to lick away the tears staining her visage.

"Don't look at me," she hiccuped. "I look awful when I cry."

"You look beautiful, Red. You always look beautiful to me," he told her.

"Shut up! You're going to make me cry again," Nora muttered.

"I would never make you cry, Red," he promised her. "I just want to love you."

"I'm so afraid," she whispered at him.

"Of what?" he gently probed.

"I'm not sure I know how to love, and if I did love you, and you found someone else, I don't think I could bear it, Kyle." Her eyelashes were all spiky from her tears.

"Remember, darling, that I'm your fantasy," he reminded her.

"But it all seems so real to me, Kyle. I don't know how Mr. Nicholas does it, but The Channel has become reality for me," Nora admitted. "If I admit to loving you, you'll get bored with me, and do what Jeff did. You'll look for other women, and leave me."

"I will never leave you as long as you want me, Nora. I swear it!" he said. "I belong to you, Red. I'm yours!"

Before they could pursue the subject further, the telephone rang. Nora picked up the handset. "Hello?"

"This is the concierge, Mrs. Buckley. You have been invited to join another fantasy this evening. You will find the appropriate costumes in your closet. When you're ready just step into the elevator, and push the red button. You can return to your own fantasy by the same means when you wish to return," the faceless voice said.

"I'd like to take Kyle with me," Nora said.

"Of course, Mrs. Buckley. There is a costume for him as well. Enjoy your evening," the concierge said, and hung up.

"Carla's invited me into her fantasy tonight," Nora told him. "You can come too. According to the concierge, appropriate costumes are in the closet." She grinned. The sadness was now gone from her face. "Shall we look?" She got off of the bed and, walking across the room, opened the closet door.

The two costumes had been set on the rod, directly in the center of the closet. For Nora there was a short, ragged-edged black skirt, a red sash, and a low-cut, short-sleeved white blouse. A drawstring bag hung from the hanger with the blouse. Nora pulled the costume out, laid it on the bed, and undoing the bag, dumped its contents in the center of the bed. There were several bangle bracelets, and a pair of large gold hoop earrings. She smiled. Right out of an old Errol Flynn swashbuckler movie. She drew the other costume out, and almost laughed. It consisted of a loincloth, a beautiful gold dog collar studded with pearls and colored gemstones and lined with lamb's wool, and finally a red leather leash.

"Oh, my," Nora said, and she giggled.

"Your friend lacks subtlety," Kyle said, but he was grinning.

"Quick shower," Nora said, "and then off to Pirate World, Mr. Gorgeous."

"You go first," he said.

She cocked her head to one side questioningly.

"If I get in that shower with you, Nora, you know what's going to happen," Kyle said. "I can never get enough of you, Red."

She nodded. "Haven't you had enough this evening?"

"Nope," he told her with a grin.

Nora didn't question him any further. She pinned her long red hair up, and showered alone. When she had finished she came back into the bedroom to dress while he saw to his ablutions. No bra, she thought. Pirate wenches didn't have bras. She pulled the white peasant-style blouse on over her head. The scooped neck was very low-cut, and her tits were practically spilling out of the garment. She took the ragged black skirt and drew it on. It was barely thigh high, but it did cover the places it should cover. Just. A thong was the only kind of underpants she could wear, and she hated thongs. So, no underpants. She picked up the red silk sash and wrapped it about her waist several times, leaving enough of the cloth hanging to give her a dashing look. She slipped the bangles on both of her arms, and affixed the gold hoops into her ears. She was surprised there were no shoes, but The Channel did everything right, so she wasn't concerned.

"Well, that's certainly a come-and-fuck-me-outfit," Kyle growled, coming from the bathroom. Then he grinned. "I like it." He slid his hand beneath her skirt, chuckling.

"Keep away," she warned him, slapping at his big warm hand. Then she sat down at her dressing table and brushed out her hair.

"Put it in a single braid," he said. "It's apt to get rough in your friend's world. You don't need hair in your face obscuring your vision."

"You do it," Nora said. "It'll be easier." She sat quietly as he plaited her hair into a long thick braid, slipping a small elastic band on the end of the hair. "You better hurry and dress, Mr. Gorgeous."

He slipped the loincloth on. It was made of soft, almost leatherlike fabric. The front and back pieces were held together by a thin, delicate chain that lay against his narrow hips. He held out the gold collar to her. "You do this," he said low.

Nora stood up and, standing in front of him, put the collar about his neck. It clicked shut. "Are you comfortable? It isn't too tight, is it?" She snapped the dog chain to the loop on the collar.

"It fits perfectly," he told her, and pulled her against him. His mouth seared hers in a hot kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth to tease her tongue. When he let her go he said softly, "Remember that I love you, Red, whatever you may think about it."

They walked to the elevator, and when the doors opened up, they stepped in together. The chain from his collar hung loosely in her hand. They pressed the button, and the elevator doors closed. When they opened a few seconds later and they stepped out, they found themselves in a large cave. But the cave's opening was directly ahead of them, and beyond it were a beach and the blue sea. They stepped out into a moonlit night. A long boat was just being pulled up onto the sand, and there were figures climbing out of it.

"Nora!" Carla's voice was calling to her, and a figure broke away from the group and ran toward her. She was dressed in tight black shorts, a white peasant's blouse, and a bright gold sash encircling a very tiny un-Carla-like waist. There was a red bandanna on her head, beneath which a tangle of black curls poured forth. There was a dagger at her waist, and gold hoops danced from her ears. She enveloped Nora in a bear hug. "I've been scared you were lost forever," she said, hugging her best friend. "I mean, you look so fragile and frail in the nursing home, Nora."

"I heard you earlier," Nora said. "When you told me not to wear my boys out."

"You heard me?" Carla squealed.

"In my head. Softly," Nora explained. "Now tell me what's going on."

"I will, but let's go to the Mermaid for a drink." She turned. "All of you go back to the ship. Except Caleb Snow. I've got business, and Morgan's vessel is in the harbor. The last time you met up with his crew, it cost me a fortune to get the governor to let you out after the fight between you. Good thing the governor is open to a bribe."

"Aww, Captain," one of the men began to whine.

Carla's hand went to her waist, and she pulled a small coiled whip off of her sash. Flicking it out, she smiled. "Are you looking for a taste of my whip, Hawkins?"

"No, Captain," the man said, moving back. "We're going!"

"Swim for it," Carla commanded her men. "Caleb and I will need the boat to get back." And she laughed as her men, grumbling, waded back into the sea. "You can never be soft with them," Carla said, turning back to Nora. "Now, to the Mermaid!"

The inn was directly on the beach. They walked past the palm trees, reaching the Mermaid quickly. As they entered, Carla was greeted by many there. She grinned and waved, calling out to those men she knew. The landlord hurried up to her.

"Captain Raven, 'tis good to see you again! Let me show you to a table!" He began to push a path for them through the crowd. "Here's a nice one by the hearth," he said, glaring at the people who were already sitting there. Seeing Carla, they quickly vacated the space. "What will it be, Captain? Grog? Rum?"

"Rum, four of 'em," Carla said, and the landlord scurried away. Carla turned and looked at Kyle. "My, my, Nora, isn't he nice?" She stood in front of him, and slowly slid her hands up his oiled chest.

"This is Kyle," Nora said dryly.

"I want him," Carla said. "Just for a few minutes." She drew her dagger from her sash, and slipping the point carefully into one of the delicate gold links, she snapped the chain on one side of his loincloth. The loincloth dropped away. "I didn't cut you, did I?" she asked sweetly as she began to fondle his penis, cupping his balls in her palm.

"No," he replied. His eyes never left hers. "Your companion doesn't look too pleased, however, Captain."

Carla turned away for a moment. "This is Caleb Snow, my first mate, Nora. You can play with him if you like while I play with your Kyle." She turned back again to Kyle. "I like it from behind," she said wickedly. "In my cunny, not my arse." She pressed herself against him, murmuring as he opened her shorts and pulled them down.

"Do you?" he drawled, his hand sliding between her legs, and grinned at the heat she was already generating there.

Caleb Snow sat down at the table, pulling Nora into his lap. His hand plunged down into her blouse. He fondled her roughly. "You've got nice tits, lass," he said. He was a huge man. He had dwarfed them all, including Kyle, who she knew stood two inches over six feet. His bare chest was like a barrel, and his arms were muscled and brawny. He had auburn hair and a short auburn beard. His eyes were very blue. Pushing her back, he pulled her blouse open, and began to suck on her breasts as he held her firmly. His other hand moved beneath her skirt to finger her clit.

"You're a bold man," Nora said. The mouth on her nipple was tugging hard. The finger beneath her skirt was beginning to send ripples of excited lust through her body. Carla certainly had a fine fantasy lover. She could feel herself getting creamy.

"Faint heart never won fair maiden," he growled at her, dumping her suddenly from his lap. "On your knees, lass. You know what I'll be wanting, and when I tells you to stop, you stop and we'll go for a little ride."

Nora slipped on her knees beneath his spread legs. She took his cock from his britches, and began to lick at it. When it began to show signs of life she took him into her mouth and sucked as hard on him as he had on her nipples. She heard him sigh, and after a few minutes, during which time he burgeoned to the point that her lips were spread so wide her cheeks began to hurt, he groaned at her to cease, pulling her up. She stared down at his penis. It was huge. She had never seen one so big.

"Come on now, lass, and ride a cock horse," he said with a wicked leer.

"You'll split me open with that dick of yours," Nora said, backing away.

"Nah, I won't," he promised, reaching out to quickly grab her. He lifted the startled woman up over the long, thick hard flesh, and lowered her onto his peg. "Open wide now, lass. Legs about me waist."

She was amazed that he didn't kill her, but the monstrous cock slipped easily into her cunt. She felt him stretching the walls of her vagina, but it didn't hurt at all. And then the head of his penis touched that most sensitive spot, and Nora screamed with her rising pleasure. His hands fit themselves neatly around her waist, and he began to jog her up and down on his length all the while singing the children's nursery rhyme:

Ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross, to see a fine lady upon her fine horse.

With rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes,

She will make music wherever she goes.

And he laughed a thunderous rumbling laughter as he plunged his cock up and down within her. "You're making grand music, lass!" he told her. "Lean back, and I'll go deeper."

Half conscious with her pleasure, Nora leaned back, his big hands bracing her. She felt him slide deeper and deeper within her. "Oh, my God!" she moaned, and after a few moments she climaxed as a hot wave of delight swept over her.

"Isn't he good?" Carla's voice was penetrating Nora's brain. "So is your Kyle. After I came, the naughty fellow ran right up my arse hole, and gave me quite another thrill. Caleb is too big to ass fuck me. I always have to get one of the other men to do it. How did your Kyle know that I wanted that?"

"He's very intuitive," Nora said, coming to herself again as Caleb lifted her off his lap. "You are a talented man," she said, and kissed his rough cheek. "Move over!" She sat down next to him and took a deep swig of the mug of rum in front of her. "We must have given the innkeeper quite a show, but I didn't notice. Did you?" She fixed her blouse, pulling it back up again and tying the strings.

"I was bent over the table," Carla said. "I never saw a thing," she laughed.

"Well," Nora replied, "now that we've all been properly introduced, let our lads recover, and you tell me what is happening in the other reality. How long have I been gone? How are the kids? Is Jeff beginning to cave?"

"The kids and your mom are fine, but I'm having a helluva time keeping them from a vigil at your bedside. You're at Shorecrest now. You've been gone two months. It's already the end of February."

"Time seems to have no meaning here," Nora remarked. "Jeff?"

"Hard as nails," Carla responded. "He and Heidi are coming to the house on the weekends. He had all your clothing packed up and put in the cellar because they're in the master bedroom."

"He's moved into my house with his girlfriend?" Nora was astounded.

"Just the weekends," Carla assured her. "He says he doesn't want to leave the house untenanted all winter. He's had Kramer go back into court to try and get the judge to let him sell the house come spring as he intended. Kramer told Rick that your forty percent will be put in the bank for you. Rick has spoken to the judge, and she isn't happy with the suggestion, but she also knows Jeff is on the hook for the co-op. Rick says she is sympathetic to you, but she also plays fair. Nora, if you stay here much longer, your health insurance is going to run out for the nursing home. They will have to draw on the moneys you get from the house. You've got to do something now! Oh, yeah, and Heidi isn't happy at all. I ran into her at the wine shop the other day."

Nora was silent for a long few moments, and then she said, "How unhappy is she?"

"I think she's really in love with Jeff, though why I can't imagine. But he's a lot older than she is, and this divorce is starting to stress him now too."

"Then why won't he give in?" Nora said.

"If the judge gives him the go-ahead, you've lost," Carla replied.

"Tell me about Heidi, Carla. What did she say to you? How did she act? And why did she even talk to you?" Nora wondered.

"I think she talked to me because I was a friendly face. I saw her wandering around the wine store, and she looked kinda beat. Our eyes met, and I couldn't help myself. I smiled at her. The next thing I knew she was yakking at me. I listened, and nodded a lot."

"What did she say?" Nora asked, and slapped Caleb Snow's hand off her thigh.

"Oh, how she hates to come out every weekend when everything is so exciting in the city in the winter. And Jeff goes to bed so early out here. She's stuck in the den watching television all night. She is sooooo bored. And he forgets his Viagra every weekend, and she is beginning to think it's deliberate." Carla giggled. "Jeff taking Viagra! It boggles the mind, doesn't it?"

"If she's bored, you should introduce her to The Channel, Carla," Nora said softly.

"Are you crazy?" Carla almost shouted.

"No, I'm not. Hear me out. It isn't Jeff who's beginning to crack over this divorce. It's Heidi. You know I don't care if he marries her or not. I just want my house. But now if the judge rules in his favor regarding the sale, I could lose the house. He's not caving, but Heidi is. That's why he's had Kramer go to the judge. Get Rick to ask the judge to wait another month for me to show signs of recovery. Have Rick say if I haven't woken up by then, he'll agree to the sale of the house as my caretaker.

"Heidi will have to wait another month. The young aren't good at waiting. They always want everything now. Tell Heidi that since she's so bored you'll let her in on a little secret, but Jeff can't know. Explain to her that The Channel is a place where all her fantasies can come true. Tell her you know she won't believe you, but to call Suburban Cable and order it when Jeff goes to bed. Warn her, though, that if Jeff is around, it won't work. And then tell her that if she tries it and doesn't like it, you'll work on Rick to agree to sell the house sooner. That's the bait that will hook our little fish."

"Why do you want her to know about The Channel?" Carla asked, curious.

"Because like the rest of us she'll have great sex here, and when she does, do you really believe she'll want to stay with Jeff? Why would she need him then?" Nora answered her best friend.

"You could be right, but what if you aren't?" Carla played devil's advocate.

"Then I lose," Nora said, "but I have to give it my best shot, Carla. I don't want my kids coming home to some dinky one-bedroom apartment, if I can even afford that. I don't want to leave Egret Pointe. It's my home."

"Okay, I'll do it," Carla said. "It just might work. Jeff hasn't looked too good of late. He's a little paunchy, and you know he never was paunchy. And he's got dark circles under his eyes too. You're getting to him, alright. He just won't give in. Yeah, on reflection I think Heidi is the weak link in this situation. It'll be a few days, though. It's just Wednesday night."

"I've waited this long," Nora said. "I can wait a little while longer."
