Brian glared at his sister, and Harper knew all was right with the world. Only a few days after their make-up, and it was as if he, Freddy and Dylan had never parted. They alternated their nights at each other’s houses, but he couldn’t wait until they were finally living together, in their own place.
They continued to work out the kinks in their relationship, though the mundane day-to-day chores had pretty much evened themselves out. Dylan and Freddy took turns cooking. Harper had dish duty, though Dylan’s attention to detail when cooking bordered on OCD. Freddy made a mess, plain and simple. But, man, could she cook.
He smiled at her, watching her talk with animated gestures to her brother. Together they looked enough alike to be twins themselves.
“She’s just…ours.” Dylan sighed.
“Yeah. Such a pain the ass, but lovable.”
“I thought that was your description.” Dylan leaned closer to whisper, “You know, for Christmas I thought we could give Freddy a show. Maybe I fuck your ass really slow, and we let her watch. She’s dying to film us.”
“No way in hell.” Harper pulled back to glare at him. “The filming part, I mean.”
Dylan’s smile widened. “Sure thing, handsome. No cameras.” He leaned closer and added, “Or condoms.”
Harper groaned. “Cut it out, Doc. We’re in public and I’m sporting wood. Oh shit, is that Derrick coming over here?”
Dylan chuckled and moved to stand in front of Harper. The dick.
“You know I’m gonna make you pay for that.”
“I can’t wait.” Dylan waved at his brother. Brothers. Gage appeared behind Derrick and stared with narrowed eyes at Harper.
Derrick stopped and shook his head. “Harper. I expected better than this from you.”
Gage snorted with laughter and stuck out a hand. “Hey, Harper. What’s shakin’?”
“Your brother,” Harper answered. “He’s afraid of me. And he should be.”
To his delight, Dylan flushed. “Shut up.”
Derrick laughed. “Did you see that, Gage? Dr. Dork just blushed.”
“Dr. Dork? Really?” Dylan asked, annoyed. Then his expression cleared. “I’m sorry, Derrick. I would introduce you, but I remember you already know my partner. I believe you called him, and I quote, ‘My Harper’. Did you tell Sydney about that?”
Derrick turned as red as Dylan had been. So cute, these twins. “I did not.”
Dylan shook his head. “So possessive. Harper, I think he has a crush.”
“Fuck you.” Derrick glared.
Gage rolled his eyes. “Stellar comeback, bro. Man. And you call me the moron. So, Harper, what did you think of Malley’s proposal for the Riverwalk?”
Harper chatted with Gage for a few moments while keeping his eye on Dylan and Freddy. Dylan and Derrick stood together and talked, and more than one person ran an admiring gaze over the pair.
So fucking hot, his doc. He noticed Freddy’s mirth and her brother’s dismay and nodded at Dylan, grabbing his attention.
An older, distinguished man approached Brian Goode, and Harper and Dylan left the Warrens to support their woman.
“Hey, Dad.” Freddy gave her father an overbright smile, not in the least chastised by his stern countenance.
Brian sighed. “Judge. I didn’t think you’d show.”
“Of course I would, son. I’m here to tender my support.”
Was her brother running for office? Harper shot a glance at Freddy, who was now standing behind her father. She pretended to be hanging herself, and both he and Dylan coughed to hide laughter. Her father turned and she stopped herself in time, looking like an angel.
Even Brian had a grin on his face when his father turned back around.
Then Judge Goode seemed to realize Dylan and Harper were standing close by. He frowned at Harper, but recognized Dylan. “Dr. Warren. You know my son?”
Harper waited for it. Dylan might have said he didn’t want to hide, but he had a touch of reserve about him. And Judge Goode was obviously someone with ties in the community.
But Dylan didn’t skip a beat. He pulled Freddy into his arms and kissed her on the mouth. “Actually, Judge, I’m in love with your daughter.”
The judge seemed to straighten, a gleam of approval on his face. “What a pleasant surprise—”
Then Dylan turned and kissed Harper flush on the mouth. “And this is Harper, the man we love.”
The Judge just stared at them in horror. Brian merely looked on, waiting for the drama to end. The room had gone suspiciously quiet. The judge turned on his heel and left the party.
“What?” Dylan turned to Brian. “Was it something I said?”
Freddy and Brian shared a glance, then laughed. Dylan’s brothers neared with their prospective wives, and more introductions were made. The party got into full swing, and Harper received congratulations and pats on the back from more than just the Warrens, but from Freddy’s and his friends as well. For all that Augusta had a large population, it was a small town at heart. Rumors would swirl, and soon everyone would know just how tight Harper, Dylan and Freddy were.
Things wouldn’t always be easy. The bigots were sure to show their faces, sooner or later. But with Dylan and Freddy by his side, Harper had everything he needed. And then he heard those famous last words…
“Hey, Freddy,” Brian said softly, “I’m calling in that favor.”
Dylan waited until Harper and Freddy were immersed in conversation with Brian before he slipped into the crowd to find James. He’d spotted his mother just seconds ago, and James wouldn’t be far behind. He and Barbara had promised to put in an appearance before disappearing. They planned to spend the night and Christmas Eve somewhere special, just the two of them. But Christmas would be spent at Derrick and Sydney’s house just a few doors down. It appeared that not only would Freddy and Harper join them, but Brian too.
“Love me, love my family,” he muttered, repeating what Freddy had said to him before they’d arrived. Truth be told, he liked Brian. Her father…he’d never respected the judge, but the man paid on time. And, God, he had issues to resolve. Did he.
Now dating Freddy, Dylan had considered it a conflict of interest and requested the judge call him, so he could explain why the man should see another therapist. Judge Goode hadn’t called him back yet. But after tonight, Dylan didn’t think he’d call at all. It made him wonder if he’d have a problem keeping other patients in the future. Then he realized he didn’t give a fuck.
“Dylan?” James ran in to him by the buffet.
“Hi, James.” He barreled into his apology. “I know Mom spoke with you about our conversation last week.”
James nodded. “She did.”
“This isn’t exactly the place for this, but I want you to know I’m sorry if you felt slighted by anything I did or said. I really respect you, and I want you and Mom to be nothing but happy.”
“As happy as you are? I like your new partners.” James laughed and drew Dylan in for a hug.
One Dylan finally was able to return wholeheartedly.
“You’ve come a long way…son.” James laughed at the look on Dylan’s face. “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.”
“Ha ha.” Dylan grinned. “I had that coming, I admit.”
“Yes, you did.” James groaned. “Oh hell. Your mother has that look on her face. She warned me to play nice with you boys.”
“You know we hate when you call us that.”
“I know.”
He said it so smoothly that Dylan had to laugh. “You’re on fire tonight, aren’t you?”
“I am. It’s Christmas, and I’m going to spend it with the woman I love. What could be better?”
Dylan turned to see Harper and Freddy waving at him to come over. “What indeed?” Then his mother joined the pair, and he hurried over to save his lovers. God forbid Barbara started talking about sex and the dynamics of a threesome. He wouldn’t put it past her to ask them questions. Perhaps they could subject themselves to a study for a piece on family dynamics, the alternative lifestyle choice. That or she’d mention babies. The woman had grandkids on the brain lately.
Derrick stopped him before he could rescue his partners. “No, no. Harper and Freddy can handle it. Sydney and Hailey had to run the gauntlet too.”
They watched as Harper lifted his mother in a huge hug and twirled her around.
“Man. He’s already got her. And now your little woman. Ah, the big eyes, the cute blond bangs shaking, trembling in fear…” Derrick swore. “That was way too easy. Now she’s heading this way. Shit.”
Dylan latched on to his brother’s sweater and refused to let go. “Wait a minute. Is it just me, or does Hailey seem a little happier lately, like she’s going to bust?”
Dylan sighed. “You’re so slow. She’s not drinking, genius. Big breasts, a little bump in her belly, no booze?”
“Oh. Right. Is she?” Derrick gaped at Hailey and Gage standing together. Their baby brother had his hand on her belly, and he had the softest look on his face.
“We shouldn’t. This is a big deal.” Derrick paused. He and Dylan shared the same thought. Twin magic.
Dylan shrugged. “You do the honors. I have two hot lovers to handle.”
“Ew. TMI.” Derrick grabbed him in a hug. “But go for it. She’s hot, and he’s pretty okay for a dude.”
“Yeah, but he’s my Harper.”
“Ass.” Derrick grinned. Their mother reached them, but before she could give Dylan the third degree, Dylan heard the words Hailey and baby.
Like a slingshot, Barbara rolled around Derrick and zeroed in on Gage and Hailey.
He and Derrick shared a silent high-five, and then he found his lovers waiting for him. As they left the party, he stopped each of them under the mistletoe and kissed them with all the love he had in his heart.
“Yeah, back at ya, Doc,” Harper growled.
“I am so happy.” Freddy beamed. “This kiss, the party, that look on my father’s face when you showed the world you love us.” She had a mean streak, his Freddy. “Even this stupid favor for Brian can’t bring me down.”
He frowned. “Favor?”
Harper groaned. “Don’t ask. Just be thankful she doesn’t have a twin to switch places with.”
“Oh, come on, Harper. It’s a simple enough thing.” She gave Dylan a sly look. “I need Faith’s phone number.”
“For what?”
“Never you mind. I’m happy. You’re happy. Harper’s happy. It’s about time Brian had something to smile about.”
Dylan paused. “Brian and Faith?”
“Why not?” Freddy’s eyes narrowed. “You saving her for someone better?”
Behind her, Harper shook his head and put his fingers to his temple, to mimic shooting himself.
“I see you, Harper.”
“No way. Not unless you have eyes in the back of your head.”
“Fine.” Dylan hugged his little spitfire. “Brian can have her number. But I’m her therapist, and I can’t give out her personal information. You can get it from Sydney or Hailey.”
“Okay.” She relaxed, then nibbled her way up his neck. He leaned down and she whispered into his ear, “Now can we go home so I can watch you fuck Harper all night long?”
“And into tomorrow. Sure thing, Freddy.” He straightened, and they both stared at Harper.
He groaned. “Oh hell. My ass is on the line, isn’t it? Only for you, Doc.” He grabbed Freddy and threw her over his shoulder. She squealed with laughter and grabbed his ass. Then Harper kissed Dylan, a promise of the future. Of sexy tomorrows filled with love and laughter. And really hot sex. “Just remember, payback’s a bitch.”
“And her name is Freddy,” their little blonde added.
“She bit my ass,” Harper growled and tickled her into submission.
Dylan swore he heard sleigh bells in the air. For him, Christmas had come early. He’d taken the risk, raised the bar, and set himself higher on a path toward acceptance and love. He’d treasure every minute of it. Especially since he had a feeling Harper meant it when he said payback was a bitch.
Thirty-six hours later, tied to his bed and suffering Harper’s wrath while Freddy kissed him all over, he grinned and confessed, “But it was so worth it.”