Chapter Two

Harper sat in his truck, wondering if the sexy doctor would stand him up. He didn’t think he’d ever forget that look Dylan had first shot him. That same speculative glance Harper had once wasted on Derrick, before he’d understood the man to be unavailable. Unfortunate, because everything about Derrick appealed to Harper.

The guy liked sports, had a great sense of humor and the greenest eyes that Harper had ever seen. Harper didn’t go for muscle-bound jocks, though he liked manly men. Derrick had looks, personality and a good head on his shoulders. The guy was a gifted architect.

And he liked women.

Harper did too, on occasion. But he had a feeling Derrick would never swing his way. Dylan, on the other hand… He’d known Derrick had two brothers. Harper had met Gage a while ago. Gage and Derrick owned WCC—Warren Construction Company. They’d all worked on a few of the same projects before coming together to design the new city buildings under Natalie’s supervision. But Dylan had remained a stranger, a name on paper. The other brother who wore Derrick’s face. Who would have guessed the Warren twins could look so alike but be so different?

Dylan had a calm confidence about him that attracted attention. Handsome and refined, he made Harper want to tie him up, to plumb his depths and see what really made a man that fine tick.

To see Dylan regarding him with mutual attraction had floored him. So hell yeah he’d blackmailed the guy into dinner.

A glance at the large plantation house on the outskirts of town made him smile. Harper couldn’t wait to introduce Dylan to the club, a fine dining experience that promised so much more than good food and drink.

A familiar green SUV pulled up alongside him, and then the real Dylan Warren exited the truck and shut the door. Dylan wore tan pants, a white button-down shirt and a navy blue sports coat. For this Dr. Warren, Harper would gladly lie down on a couch and confess his deepest secrets. Truth be told, he didn’t have a lot of drama. No skeletons, and he’d happily come out of the closet years ago to supportive parents.

He wondered if Dylan could say the same.

Leaving the truck, Harper approached Dylan and held out his hand. “Harper Reynolds.”

“Dylan Warren.”

They shook, and that spark of attraction grew into a blaze of need. One, Harper was happy to say, that seemed to affect the doc as well. Nodding to the back double doors of the covered porch, Harper silently led Dylan up the stairs and through them. They stopped at a small podium, where a tall, handsome man attired much like Dylan waited.

Dylan seemed absorbed by the regal furnishings all around them. Antique ceiling tiles, original wainscoting and hardwood floors polished to a fine sheen lent the place an air of nobility. The perfect setting for the doc, apparently, who seemed to let go of the starch holding his shoulders so stiff.

“Hey, Tony. I have a guest tonight.” Harper stepped closer to Dylan and put a hand on his shoulder, and Dylan tensed again. Harper deliberately leaned in and let his breath brush Dylan’s ear. “We’ll start at the bar, I think.”

Tony smiled. “Good choice. Freddy’s on tonight. You know she makes a mean mojito.”

Freddy Thompson—a hot little blond bartender with big blue eyes who worked most nights. He’d been dying to get his hands on her for months, pretty much like everyone else in the place. He’d had a thing for her since he’d become a club member, but he’d been so busy with work that he hadn’t had the time to make a play for anyone. The opportunity to see Dylan again had been too great to ignore. But to see Freddy working on the exact night he’d come in? Maybe Fate had smiled on him twice in one day.

Harper grinned. “Sign the form and follow me, Doc.”


Tony handed Dylan a clipboard and pen, and explained about the nondisclosure agreement. Part of what had drawn Harper to the place was that what happened at the club, stayed at the club.

Dylan frowned at him, then read the form and signed it. After handing it back to Tony, he followed Harper into a dimly lit room crowded with diners. Tables littered the floor, while a long bar took up the far wall. Patrons Harper recognized, and a few he didn’t, gave them a second look. Used to it, and not sure why people found his rough looks attractive, he ignored it.

He had an urge to put his hand on Dylan though, signifying to one and all that the hot doc belonged with him. But he didn’t want to press his luck. Not yet.

“I didn’t know this place existed. That paperwork was weird, but this is nice. I like it.” Dylan paused. “I take it you come here a lot.” He sat with Harper at one end of the long, polished bar.

“Yep.” Harper watched the play of shadows over Dylan’s face, the way the candlelight flickered and caressed his features. Dylan had incredible appeal, and he had to know it. Yet he didn’t seem arrogant or conceited, just sure of himself.


“Just trying to figure out what makes you tick. I figure you have a leg up on me. You’re the shrink, right?”

Dylan frowned. “I’m not all that fond of shrink. You sound like my brothers.”

“Well now. I don’t want you thinking of me like a brother. Not at all.”

Dylan’s gaze swept to Harper’s mouth. A subtle flush lit Dylan’s cheeks and seemed to brighten the green of his eyes. “Trust me, I don’t think of you like a brother. I can barely handle my annoying siblings as it is. Adding you to the mix would be like throwing gasoline on a fire.”

Harper put a hand over his heart. “Harsh, Doc.”

“Call me ‘Dylan’.”

“Dylan.” Harper smiled, met and held Dylan’s gaze, then let it go. The heady rush of connection filled him, centering in his groin with a pleasurable thickness. He hadn’t felt this way in a long time—well, not since first laying eyes on Freddy.

“I need a drink,” Dylan muttered.

Dylan looked around, and Harper wasn’t surprised to see him narrow his gaze on Freddy instead of her fellow bartender. The woman looked good enough to eat. She had a slender build, short spiky blond hair, and bright blue eyes that looked almost too blue to be real. He knew for a fact she didn’t wear contacts—he’d asked.

Tonight she wore a silver cropped tank that glittered when she moved and showed off her toned shoulders and arms. When she reached high above her for a glass, he glimpsed a peek of her flat belly. A pair of black pants, boots and a silver belt completed her outfit. Freddy had her brow pierced and several tattoos on her lower back, which she’d jokingly referred to as her tramp stamps the last time they’d talked.

He liked her. She liked him. But with their work schedules, somehow they’d never quite come together.

She saw them looking at her, so she sauntered toward them and flipped a towel over her shoulder. The woman’s walk always made him wonder what she’d be like between the sheets. She had a sensual way to her that begged exploration.

“Hey, Freddy.”

“Harper.” She winked. “Who’s your friend? Don’t think I’ve seen him in here before.”

“Freddy Thompson, meet Dylan Warren.”

Dylan held out a hand and Freddy took it. To Harper, it seemed as if the world had shut down to enclose just the three of them. Freddy and Dylan locked on to one another, and he could almost feel the fireworks going off. He’d always felt chemistry with the blonde, and now she felt it with Dylan as well, a man Harper intended to get to know better. He started doing the math and fantasized about possibilities.

“So, Freddy,” Harper said in a deep voice, unable to hide his arousal. “Dylan and I are going to hang out and have a few drinks. Then I thought I’d show him around.”


Harper’s celibate lifestyle the past few months was coming back to haunt him, because he found himself near two people that stirred his desire to no end. He suddenly wanted nothing more than to go upstairs and fuck them both like crazy. Where the hell had his infamous control gone?

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah. Dylan’s never been here before.”

“So what is this place?” Dylan asked. “I had to sign a form just to get in. A private club, Harper mentioned.”

Freddy grinned. “It’s a place where people can hang out and do…whatever. I’m sure Harper will tell you all about it.” She glanced between the two of them, her interest obvious, yet she did nothing about it. Or maybe Harper was imagining things. “So what can I get you boys?”

They ordered beers, and she gave them two long necks and one glass and left with a wave and a smile.

She’d remembered Harper never used a glass. A good sign. Harper took a large drink, suddenly thirsty.

Dylan poured his beer into a glass, not surprising. Though Harper would have given a lot to see the man put his mouth over that bottle, he liked the sophisticated sensibility Dylan wore like a second skin. Yet another reason Dylan couldn’t pass as his twin.

Harper enjoyed the cold brew. “I don’t know about you, but I had a helluva day. Natalie was happy enough to sign off on your deal, but then I had to go mediate a bunch of other projects stalling in the city.” He sighed. “Not that I necessarily mind confrontation, but I feel like a peacemaker half the time, when I’d much rather be working with my hands.”

Dylan snorted. “You think your day had problems? I nearly got busted pretending to be my delinquent twin. I had to wear his crappy clothes, deal with your boss from hell, and then I had to meet my mother for lunch. That wouldn’t have been so bad. But I ended up dealing with her new boyfriend.” He downed the entire beer in one sitting. “I need another.”

Freddy returned to grab his empty before he could ask. “Another beer, or something else?”

“Scotch, straight. Hell, bring me two of them.”

Freddy nodded and left.

Harper studied his new friend. “Not liking your mother’s new man, eh?”

“No.” Dylan frowned. “I don’t know why the hell I’m telling you this.”

“Sure you do. You need to vent, and who am I going to tell?” Harper drank some more and studied Dylan, noting the way his brows drew close when he frowned, creating a small line between them. The way his lips pursed and looked fuller, sexier. The pulse ticked at the base of his neck, where his collared shirt parted.

“You want me to take my clothes off right here?” Dylan asked dryly.

“I wouldn’t mind. Neither would anyone else.” Harper grinned. “This private club is a place where sexual fantasy and all things taboo are accepted. Men and women play with guaranteed discretion. It’s also why the fees for membership are so high.”

Freddy returned at that moment, overhearing, and laughed at Dylan’s stunned expression. “Oh, he’s really new, isn’t he?”

“Yeah.” Harper licked his lips and took another drag on his beer.

“Like a bright, shiny new penny.” Freddy wiggled her brows at Dylan. “Enjoy your Scotch, sexy.” Freddy placed two glasses before him, grabbed another beer for Harper, then left them again to get back to customers waiting at the bar.

“A sex club in Augusta. Go figure.” Dylan took a sip of his drink. He tilted his head as he regarded Harper. “From the way you looked at me, then Freddy, I’m guessing you’re not particular about gender.” Fancy words, yet blunt enough to be understood.

“Nope. I’m just like you.” Harper waited to see if Dylan would admit it. To his satisfaction, Dylan nodded. Good. Not repressed about his sexuality, then.

“I’m bisexual.” Dylan shrugged. “Never made any bones about it if asked, though I don’t go around shouting that I’m bi from the rooftops.”

“Yeah, I get that.” Harper watched him drink, wanting to see those lips on him. Soon. He shifted on his stool to relieve the pressure on his dick. “Does Derrick give you shit for it?”

“All the time. But it’s a brother thing. He teases Gage about anything and everything too.” Dylan frowned at Harper. “You seem pretty tuned in to my brother.”

“If that’s your way of asking if I have a thing for him, the answer is no. I mean, yeah, he’s hot. Sexy, with those deep-green eyes and that fuckable mouth,” Harper answered in a gravelly voice, completely turned on by Dylan’s proximity. “But that’s just the outside package. Derrick’s more a friend. No sexual vibes there.” Harper liked that Dylan couldn’t seem to look away from his mouth.

The doc took another large swallow of alcohol before putting the glass down.

“That’s how I knew you weren’t him.” Harper scooted closer. “So how about you tell me what this morning was all about.”

Dylan groaned. “In a nutshell, I lost a bet. We wagered on a favor, which was my mistake. Derrick never loses. It’s weird, but the guy has all the luck.”

“Maybe he cheats.”

“No maybe about it.” Dylan scowled. “But he’s hard to catch. And, unfortunately, he had nothing to do with the Bears’ bad luck last weekend. Then your boss called her meeting last minute, and Derrick had already scheduled some fun time with his almost-fiancée.”


Dylan smiled, and Harper’s heart raced. “He’s still working up the courage to ask her to marry him. Sydney doesn’t take any of his shit, and it’s a wonderful thing to see him dance to her tune.” They shared a laugh. “So my brother begged me to be him today. I said no, then he broke out that stupid favor I owed him. At least I’m done with it now.”

“I couldn’t figure out why you bothered me, at first. I mean, I’ve dealt with Derrick enough. I like the guy. But you weren’t right from the beginning. Being late is nothing new.” When Dylan cursed his brother, Harper grinned before continuing, “But you just gave off a different vibe. Made me sit up and take notice.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re the only one. Thanks for not telling Natalie.”

“Sure.” Harper leaned over the bar and pulled two menus free. He handed one to Dylan. “Didn’t we agree on dinner to keep my silence?”

Dylan laughed.

They ordered food and talked, both of them keeping a lazy eye on Freddy, Harper realized. “So, Dylan, can I ask you something?”

“About my practice, my brother or my sex life?”

“I don’t need psychiatric counseling, contrary to popular opinion.” Dylan chuckled at that. “Your brother, I get. Don’t be jealous, but I think his looks are sexy as hell.”

It took Dylan a moment before he flushed. “I guess I should say thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And for the record, I can appreciate his beauty and not want to do him. You, on the other hand…” Again with the pink cheeks.

Dylan swallowed audibly. “So you want to know something about my sex life. Go ahead.”

“Well, you’ve been with guys and you’ve been with women. Do you prefer one over the other? I don’t. It’s apples and oranges to me. But I’m a sucker for fruit, so go figure.”

Dylan laughed. He’d been laughing a lot tonight. Who would have guessed that Harper Reynolds could be so entertaining? Not a stereotypical building contractor more interested in beer and tits and ass than a good conversation. Harper had a keen intelligence and an eye for detail that intrigued Dylan. Like peeling back the layers of an onion, Dylan kept learning more about the man the longer they talked.

“Like you, I have no preference,” he answered Harper’s question. “It boils down to how I feel about a particular person more than what gender they are. I love the female body. It’s different, filled with curves and softer flesh. Kissing a woman is sexy, warm.” He stared at Freddy, unable to resist looking at her. That woman he wouldn’t have minded getting to know better. Then he turned back to his dining partner. “But a man is harder. Firm, hot, and the sex, if done right, can go from zero to sixty in seconds.”

“Yeah. You have a nice way with words.” Harper seemed closer, and his dark brown eyes looked hungry. “You ever been with two people before? A ménage?”

“N-no.” Dylan cleared his throat, embarrassed to have a rock-hard erection while talking to Harper at the bar, for God’s sake. “Not that I haven’t fantasized about it, but reality and recriminations could be ugly the morning after.”

Harper pulled back and frowned. “Recriminations? For what?”

“I don’t know. Two people have a hard enough time handling emotions and issues in a relationship. Then you throw in a third? Someone’s bound to feel left out at some point.”

Harper’s frown cleared and he laughed. “Man, you are way overthinking it. Imagine shoving into a warm pussy while sucking a guy off. Two sets of hands touching you everywhere. Sex on top of sex. You lying between two people set on making you come, over and over again.” Harper took another drag of beer. “I am so fucking hard right now.”

“You like to share, don’t you?” Dylan was proud of himself for not sounding as if he were strangling on his own desire. Everything Harper had said seemed drawn out of his own psyche. And, right now, he had a difficult time not imagining himself between Harper and Freddy. As if the woman would consent to a threesome with a virtual stranger.

“And that’s another thing,” Dylan added, trying to keep the conversation on an even level. More intellectual, less prurient. “Finding normal people who want to engage in something outside the norm isn’t that easy. Especially since I have to be discreet. My profession kind of dictates I not be so outwardly crazy.”

“You think a threesome is crazy? Interesting. I’d pegged you as much more liberal in your views.”

Dylan frowned. “I am. I don’t judge, and I think anyone who wants to explore himself should, without fear of reprisal.”

“Oh man. You are so sexy when you talk like that.”

Dylan blinked. “Like what?” Every time Harper looked at his mouth, Dylan grew breathless.

Fear of reprisal? You’re better than my twelfth grade English teacher. You’re sexy and you use big words.”

Dylan shook his head. “You’re an idiot.”


Dylan lowered his voice. “Have you ever had a threesome?”

“In college. But I was too young to really appreciate it. As I grow older, though, I wonder a lot about all I missed. I’m not getting any younger, you know. A little over a year ago, I ended up joining this place. I thought I’d find like-minded people who might want to play around. And then I was hit with a ton of work.” Harper sighed. “As thankful as I am to sock the money away, work has played hell with my social life.”

“I can relate.”

“I know. That’s why I think this place could work for you.” Harper pushed his plate away and finished his beer. “Come on. Let me show you around.”

Dylan had already finished his food. He went for his wallet, but Harper stopped him by covering his hands.

“I put it on my tab. You can pay me later.”

“Okay.” Dylan looked to where Harper still had a hold on him. “You going to let me go?” It intrigued him to be smaller than someone else. Not that Dylan stood heads above all his peers, but he didn’t date larger men. He’d never wondered why, just took it as his type.

Yet with Harper, he couldn’t decide if he liked the man being larger than him or not. Because he had a feeling Harper was physically stronger as well. Harper showed every sign of being dominant, physically and mentally. What would that mean in the bedroom, where Dylan normally called the shots?

“For now, Doc.” I’ll let you go for now, he was saying. “Come on. There’s something you need to see.”

Curious, Dylan followed him from the bar, through the house—though mansion was a better description. They passed a billiards room, a closed-off smoking lounge that they thankfully avoided, an indoor pool and hot tub area, and then headed for a grand stairway guarded by a large man who nodded at Harper as they passed.

“Second floor is for members only. But don’t worry. You’re with me.” Harper continued up the stairs. They passed a number of rooms.

“How large is this place?”

Harper stopped before a door and withdrew a keycard from his back pocket. “It’s got a good forty rooms. Used to be a hotel back in the day, and they’ve since added to it. We have nearly a hundred members, but membership is by invitation only.”

They entered and Dylan asked, “So who invited you?”

But Harper didn’t answer. Just as the door closed, he slammed Dylan against the wall and kissed the breath out of him.

Dylan gasped, stunned and so turned on by Harper’s force he couldn’t breathe. He kissed Harper back, angling for dominance, and found to his shock he couldn’t manage it. Instead, Harper led. The bigger man threaded his hands through Dylan’s hair to hold him steady while he worked Dylan with his mouth.

“Fuck. You taste so good. I need you, right now. Gotta have you,” Harper muttered as he sucked at Dylan’s neck.

Dylan arched his head, baring more of his throat.

“That jacket is hot. Everything about you turns me on,” Harper admitted. He pulled back to stare into Dylan’s face. “You’re single, I’m single. I’m safe, and just talking to you tells me you’re not the type to take risks.”

“I’m with you, aren’t I?” Dylan breathed. It annoyed him to think he wasn’t a risk taker, and more, that Harper knew that much about him after such a short time together. The man seemed to have the ability to read him much too easily.

“Are you?” Harper ground his hips against Dylan’s, and Dylan moaned at the hardness rubbing against his own.


“Oh yeah. You have no idea what I want to do to you right now.”

“I think I might.” Dylan had to look up to meet Harper’s gaze. “So now what?”

“Now I call the shots. I make you come.”

Dylan’s pulse skyrocketed, from racing to nearly exploding. “How?”

“My mouth, my hands.” Harper slowly slid Dylan’s jacket off and tossed it to a nearby chair. He unbuttoned Dylan’s shirt, keeping his gaze locked on Dylan’s. “You take it or give it? Because I want inside that fine ass.”

Dylan blinked. “Um, I, well—” Then Harper kissed him again, and he lost his ability to concentrate. Before he knew it, he stood before a fully dressed Harper in nothing but his boxer briefs.

“Holy shit. You are cut.” Harper trailed his hands over Dylan’s chest and abs. He teased at the band of Dylan’s briefs, and Dylan could feel his underwear sticking to him where his slit was wet. Harper kept his gaze on Dylan’s face while he grazed the tip of Dylan’s cock.

Dylan hissed. “Why are you still dressed?”

“Uh-uh, Doc. This is my play.” Harper looked down and smiled. “You’re a big boy, aren’t you?”

Dylan groaned when Harper put his hand over him. With a gentle squeeze, he brought Dylan to his toes.

“Push ’em down. Let me see that pretty cock,” Harper whispered.

Dylan inched his briefs down and angled himself so that his underwear locked his thick shaft in place and showcased his pearling cockhead.

“I want a taste.”

“Oh fuck.” Dylan was panting, so turned on he couldn’t think. He grabbed Harper by the shirt and dragged him closer, mashing their mouths together as Harper’s fingers teased Dylan’s slit.

The angry fusing of mouths didn’t last. “Naughty boy.” Harper stood back. “Ever played with toys, Dylan?”

Dylan nodded.

“What do you like?”

Dylan would have argued that they could talk later, but Harper’s fingers went to his shirt buttons, finally. He started to take off his shirt, and bit by bit his magnificent chest was exposed. “A dildo. Clamps. A cock ring. Nothing too adventurous.”


Harper lost his shirt. Then he toed off his shoes and removed his socks. He unbuttoned his jeans but didn’t take them off, and Dylan stared at his incredible build with admiration.

“You’re pretty cut yourself.” He dragged Harper close, and instead of kissing the man, put his lips around Harper’s nipple.

“Oh shit, that’s good,” Harper groaned. Sensitive nipples. Dylan made note.

He continued to touch and stroke, learning what Harper liked as the big man let Dylan have his way. But each time Dylan drew closer to Harper’s fly, Harper stopped him.

“That’s off limits.”


“Yeah, oh.” Harper’s gaze turned mean, and Dylan was shocked to find himself playing the role Harper had seemingly given him with little fuss. “You need a lot of discipline. I can tell.”

“I’ve never played the submissive. Ever.”

“First time for everything, I’d think.” Harper licked his lips. “But I’m not into the lifestyle or anything. I just like to play.”

“You’re good at this game,” Dylan admitted on a groan when Harper tugged at Dylan’s briefs.

“I’m going to take a taste. I’m clean. You?”

“Yes. But I always use protection.”

“Even for blow jobs?”

Dylan opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out. Then Harper was on his knees, and Dylan’s briefs were tugged down another inch.
