Chapter Twenty-Five

Twenty-one candles crowded the surface of the cake. Vicki stared, not so much in shock at the number of them, but at the entire celebration raging around her.

The Colemans had insisted on hosting her a birthday party.

“You need help?” Robbie leaned harder against her leg. He’d basically jumped her the moment she and Joel had walked into the big ranch house. Joel raised a brow, but said nothing when Robbie determinedly separated their linked fingers so he could take control and tug Vicki off.

And now, after the meal was over, she still had a cling-on by her side.

“I can help, if you’d like. I’m a good candle blower-outer.”

Beth laid a hand on her son’s shoulder. “Let Vicki have some of the fun, okay?”

“I don’t mind.” Vicki smiled at the little guy. She stopped herself before sharing she’d never blown out candles before, deciding last second her lack of experience wasn’t worth bringing up. She was getting the chance now, no matter that the occasion was bittersweet.

She’d done it, Joel and her. She still didn’t love the beasties, but she was comfortable enough around horses to survive the summer.

She left in just over two weeks.

Little fingers poked her arm. “You making a wish or somethin’?”

Vicki nodded. “I am. You ready to help me?”

Beth caught Robbie as he shoved himself too far forward. “Whoa there, mister, you don’t need to be kissing the cake to do your job.”

Laughter curled around the clan, and in spite of not having made a wish, Vicki leaned forward and blew.

Besides, there was only one wish in her heart these days.

The enthusiastic helper at her side probably took out most of the skinny candles, but she did see a couple flames waver and extinguish after she aimed their direction. All except one, which flickered then roared back to full potency.

She drew a breath to try again then paused, surprised by the chorus of whistles and catcalls that broke out. Lots of grinning faces greeted her, Joel being jabbed in the ribs good-naturedly by Blake.

What the heck?

One quick tug and she had Robbie’s full attention. “Why are they laughing?”

He pointed his finger at the still-burning candle. “You missed one. That means you got a boyfriend.”

Her gaze shot to meet Joel’s, and he smiled, sweet and sexy at the same time. Her heart broke a tiny bit further even as she soaked in the experience.

“Well,” she said to the group at large. “I guess I do.”

Cake and ice cream consumed, the crowd sauntered outside to take in the fresh spring air.

“Thankfully the winter was short.” Hope leaned her elbows on the railing and watched the nephews kick a soccer ball around the yard. Nearby, Blake and Jaxi’s nearly two-year-old twins were pretending to be horses, whinnying and pawing the ground with their feet. “Damn, those kids are cute. There should be a law against it.”

“Makes you want some of your own?” Vicki wasn’t ready for kids, no matter how cute they were.

Hope shrugged. “I think I’m immune for a few years. There’s still a lot of things Matt and I want to do before we start a family, especially with the shop finally making some money instead of sucking my savings dry.”

“Kids are fun, but yeah, not something to rush into.” Jaxi stroked the soft curls of the baby held against her chest in a cotton hammock contraption.

Vicki glanced over her shoulder at the truck pulling into the yard. “More company?”


Once again guilt hit. Joel knew her time was limited, but they hadn’t shared that with the rest of the family yet. He had told her to wait. He’d obviously been in on the plans for the birthday party and probably didn’t want to blow the surprise with announcements she would shortly disappear.

A group split apart to greet Karen. The woman expertly backed the horse trailer into position at the gate one paddock over from where the kids played. She jumped from the truck cab and waved, pulling on a pair of gloves as she walked to the trailer door.

Hope wandered off toward the guys while Jaxi shifted position as well, moving closer to where her girls continued to laugh and play, ignoring the grown-up action.

Vicki caught herself smiling at their antics as she turned back to focus on Joel. “New horses?”

Joel lingered at her side, his hand resting on her lower back as he propped himself against the railing. “One. Dad bought a stud at auction last week, and Karen offered to pick him up when she grabbed the couple the Whiskey Creek clan purchased.”

Vicki leaned into his touch, watching as the trailer was opened. Movement showed through the open windows as the horse shuffled position. The sound of his discontent in being enclosed escaped, stomping hooves and other more vocal complaints.

It was incredible to think she could be here, experiencing this. Because of the things Joel had done, the things he’d taught her. The way all of the family had taken her in.

Except one.

She looked around the yard, not wanting to bring up the sore spot, but curious if Jesse had cut and run for the day or if he would show up at some point to make his obvious displeasure clear.

“He’s gone.”

Vicki glanced up.

Joel’s arm was around Vicki but his focus remained on the action by the horse trailer. “If you’re looking for my sad-assed twin, he left a message he had something really important to do this weekend, and he’ll be back when he gets back.”

Guilt. Strong and powerful. “I’m so sorry—”

“Stop it.” She had all his attention now. Joel cupped her cheeks and kissed her hard before capturing her gaze, the blue in his eyes reflecting the spring sky. “Remember? We’ve had this conversation. His actions are his responsibility. You’ve done nothing wrong, so ignore him. His loss, anyway, he missed some awesome cake and ice cream.”

She forced a smile because he was right. This was—

A terrible metallic screech sounded, jerking their attention to the trailer. Karen’s truck rolled forward, shuddering to a stop a few feet from where it had begun. The ramp Karen was guiding the horse down bounced unsteadily, and she threw out her hands to catch her balance.

The horse spooked, lurching upright on the lead rope she held and lifting her feet off the ground.

“Shit.” Joel took off at a dead run, little puffs of dust rising from under his boots.

Blake and Mike moved into position to help when a loud gun-like blast rang out, and the horse freaked further. He lowered his head and stormed forward, pivoting as soon as he’d cleared the roof of the trailer. Karen clung to the rope, but she was holding a wild beast.

With a space open between the ramp and the gate, the animal was set on escape. He spun, and this time Karen flew free, arms spread, legs wide. She landed with a sickening crash half-on, half-off the ramp, her cry of pain sharp and bitter.

The horse made a break for the main road, which put him on a direct path past where Vicki stood against the railing. The lead rope hung loose from the horse’s halter. His tail was up, nostrils flaring. He tossed his head and snorted out his fears.

Robbie darted from under the fence in hot pursuit of his rolling ball, and Vicki’s stomach fell.

The world flipped into slow motion, it really did. There was no time to think, only do. She was the closest person by far, with the men gathered by the trailer and Jaxi burdened with the baby. Out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the guys sprinting toward them, but she knew he’d never make it in time. Instinct kicked in, born of all those lessons Joel had made her repeat again and again.

There was a sickening taste of fear at the back of her throat, her limbs gone numb. In spite of her rising nausea, she rushed forward. There was nothing else she could do.

The fact a far more experienced horsewoman had just been thrown didn’t change the urgency. All she saw were dangerous front hooves slamming into the ground, and Robbie in the way.

He finally heard the shouting. He lifted his head as he twisted, face gone white as the horse bore down on him.

Vicki dashed between the horse and the boy, waved her arms and shouted. With macabre fascination she watched the beast rush toward her, waiting for the pain of impact to arrive, fully expecting to be trampled.

Only he jerked to a stop and sniffed hard. Her heart might have stopped as well. She had gone stone cold, and everything around them faded away until it was just her and the horse in a tiny corner of the world.

Terror of a different sort rocked her, images of the beast lifting his forequarters then slamming down on Robbie. To stop him from rearing she clutched the lead rope, snatching at his mane with the other. “Easy now. Whoa.”

Her feet were firmly on the ground, anchoring the horse in position. Her ploy seemed to have worked, at least until he lifted his head. With her hands gripping the lead rope and his mane, she rose into the air. Dangling from his head she might have been a fly for all the attention he paid her.

He took off without lunging, though. Moving down the lane at a slower speed, Robbie left behind.

The demon-possessed horse had calmed, but still seemed intent on fleeing from the ranch with Vicki stuck like a burr to his neck. She hung on for dear life while being jolted as he trotted out the main gate. She couldn’t get her fingers to release.

“Come on, it’s okay. Easy. Easy.”

Like she’d learned to imitate the Coleman cowboy stroll, she did her best to copy how Joel always talked around the animals. Smooth and calm. A total lie from what she felt inside, but she got the words out. Somehow? They sounded as if she was taking a stroll in the park.

“Easy, boy.”

Then a miracle happened. The hell horse slowed to a walk.

Hope rose. Her heart still pounded enough to make the blood roar in her ears, but the beast was settling. His head dropped low enough her feet touched the ground.

“That’s it. Good boy.”

She glanced back toward the ranch. She thought she’d heard another horse, and sure enough, there was Joel, riding bareback, a coil of rope in his hand. He approached slowly, but the wild beastie in front of her twitched.

“He’s scared of you,” she warned.

“Easy, boy. Easy.” Joel glanced at Vicki. “Hold him steady. You’re doing great.”

He slipped off Trigger and paced forward cautiously. He shhed the horse a few times as he got closer, wrapping his hand over hers on the rope. “You can let go now.”

No. No, she didn’t think she could. Her fingers were locked in that position for the rest of her life. Vicki nodded, though, and slowly stepped away, the smooth fibers pulling from her crooked fingers as she increased the distance between them.

Joel’s attention remained fixed on the runaway as he spoke soft and slow. “Lead Trigger back to the barn,” he ordered.

After the hundreds of times she’d crawled on his back, after dealing with the panicked new beast, it didn’t seem nearly as scary anymore to grasp hold of the sedate Trigger’s mane and tug him toward the barn. “Come on, big guy.”

Her stomach tightened as they moved, but now it had nothing to do with the horse at her side. Whatever had caused her phobia in the first place had been replaced with confidence she knew what to do.

No, the agony twisting her had less to do with the stinky beast and everything to do with having to say goodbye in a few days. Goodbye to Robbie, who she spotted ahead, wrapped in his dad’s arms. Dirt streaked his face from his little hands rubbing his teary eyes.

She’d be leaving the Colemans, most of whom had opened their homes and their hearts.

And leaving…

God, she couldn’t even think it without choking up.

Mike Coleman met her near the corral. He surrounded her with an arm and pressed his lips to her forehead. “You done good. You done real good.”

Blake gave her a hug of his own before taking Trigger and guiding him back inside the railings.

Vicki swallowed hard and set her resolve. It had been the most incredible experience of her life, being with the Colemans. They’d shown her how family was supposed to act. Well, Jesse’s actions proved even in the best of families, nothing was perfect. But she’d only been invited in for a short while, and as much as she wanted this to be real—it wasn’t.

Somewhere down the road, in a better location, after a fresh start, she hoped she’d find this again, and when she did? She’d do everything in her power to make it last forever.

She took in the slowly settling chaos. Karen was laid out on the ramp, her face tight with pain, one leg bent at an awkward angle. Hope, Matt and Travis were all there, supporting her. Marion, Beth and Jaxi had most of the children rounded up and were guiding them inside. Robbie remained in Daniel’s arms, the two of them talking seriously as Daniel carried him toward the barn.

Joel soothed the wary beast back into the yard even as an ambulance siren drew nearer.

It was like trying to memorize a sunset, every moment precious yet vanishing quickly. Watching him made all kinds of memories pop to mind, bringing both joy and tears of frustration.

He led the horse past her, and Mike took over, Blake at his side to ensure the animal went where he belonged this time.

Joel folded her against his body and kissed the top of her head. “Darling, that was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. I’m so proud of you.”

“I’ll start shaking once I go home. Oh my God, Joel, what did I do?”

“What had to be done.” He kissed her again then walked her toward the barn, his arm still draped around her shoulders. “What you were trained to do.”

She didn’t believe it when he brought her into the corral, to Trigger’s side and offered a leg up. “You want me to ride him bareback? Now?”

She glanced around at the turmoil-filled yard.

Joel nodded. “Trust me. Mount up.”

Heart and mind still a whirl, she followed his orders and found herself on Trigger’s broad back, fingers twisted in the stiff hair of his mane. A moment later Joel joined her, settling his hand around her waist and snuggling their torsos tight as he nudged Trigger forward. “First rule of horses. Get right back in the saddle.”

Swaying together as Trigger circled the yard, Vicki found it hard to argue with Joel, if only for the fact she got to be nestled in his arms once more.

And when Daniel appeared, leading Robbie on another horse, Vicki had to smile.

Joel rested his chin over her shoulder, their cheeks touching. “Be proud of yourself. This proves nothing’s going to stop you from doing your job this summer. You did it. Your dreams are coming true.”

If that was so, why did she feel as if her hopes and dreams were slipping from her fingers?

The ache between his shoulders wasn’t caused by any chores he remembered doing. Joel rubbed his neck with one hand briefly then gave up and poured his glass full to the brim.

“You drowning your sorrows or getting ready to fight?” His cousin Gabe spun the chair opposite him and sat in it backward.

“Both. Neither.” Joel gestured to the pitcher. “Help yourself. I asked Jesse to join me, but hell if I know if he’s going to show.”

“Your brother still playing that game?” Gabe shook his head. “Asshole.”

Joel laughed, the sound tainted with bitterness. “Yeah, have to agree with you there.”

Gabe glanced around the pub. “Slow night. Not a lot of the clan out.”

“Busy or broken. Calves are still dropping at our place and the Moonshine spread. I’m off until tomorrow noon, and Blake swore I get to pull for the next twenty-four hours straight. Whiskey Creek clan is going crazy trying to deal with Karen being laid up with that busted leg.”

Gabe eyed him far too knowingly. “And Vicki?”

“She and Hope are packing. Nothing but clothes left, and they said they didn’t want any guys around.”

His cousin sipped his beer then stared up at the ceiling. “I heard she’s leaving.”

Fuck. Joel couldn’t speak for a moment. It wasn’t that he didn’t know this was coming, but every time the reality hit, it hurt a hell of a lot more. “Yeah. She’s cooking for Karen’s crew for the summer.”

“She’ll be back in the fall?”

Joel swallowed hard. “Don’t know. Probably not.”

There was nothing to bring her back, and a lot to keep her away. Once she’d found a chance outside of Rocky, he couldn’t ever see her wanting to return.

“You okay with that?”

Joel glared at his cousin. “You interfering again? I thought your wife was curing you of your need to be everyone’s savior.”

Gabe grinned. “Once an Angel, always an Angel…”

Joel tossed a napkin in his face.

His cousin sobered. “I thought you two were good together. I’d hate to see you making some kind of mistake because you’re too afraid to go after what you want.”

A string of curses rose inside, but he held them back. He and Gabe were close in temperament. If he’d spent years saving Jesse, Gabe had done the same for most of the rest of the Coleman clan. Guardian angel was right.

He met Gabe’s eyes steadily and confessed the truth. “It’s not a case of being afraid, asshole. It was an act. Us being together. Couple reasons for it, but it was only meant to last until now. And if you ever share that with anyone I will call you a liar, and then I’ll bury you.”

“It was an act?” Gabe wiped his mouth for a moment, and Joel wasn’t sure if the man was trying to figure out what to say or hiding a smile. Definitely a smile. Gabe leaned forward. “Well, if you want to know a secret, me and Allison? Started out pretty much that way as well.”

Joel thought for a minute. Nope. Couldn’t see any connection between his cousin’s marriage, and his and Vicki’s little ploy. “Bullshit.”

“Not bull, but never mind that for a minute. You happy she’s going?” Gabe glanced at the nearly empty beer pitcher.

Joel sighed. “No. But it’s what she’s always wanted. Rocky is full of hurtful memories and stupid people who keep on tormenting her. How the hell can I ask her to give up on her dreams because I like having her around?”

“Oh, well, you can’t.” Gabe sat back and lifted his glass. “That would be totally stupid.”

The instinct to fight was rising. “Fuck off, Gabe, and tell me what you’re playing at.”

Gabe glanced down the length of the room at his wife who was perched on the arm of a chair chatting with her sister. Allison caught him looking and smiled back, the expression shining out like a rainbow. Gabe didn’t take his eyes off her as he spoke. “Liking someone is for when you’re in high school. Loving someone is what makes people change their lives for another person.”

Joel froze.

Gabe turned back. “Makes a huge difference, you know. You want to be like Jesse and sleep your way through all of southern Alberta for another couple years? Or are you grown up enough to know what you want is what you’ve already got? Worth fighting for.”

Joel ignored the question of Vicki for a minute, because what he wanted didn’t seem possible. “Jesse hates my guts right now.”


Shit. “Didn’t expect that response.”

His cousin shrugged. “You need his approval to live your life?”

“Hell, no. Just seems as if he could not want to follow me and still get along. Instead he’s cut himself off from the entire family. I’ve lost my brother.”

“You haven’t lost him, he’s chosen to run off and be an ass.” Gabe paused. “You can’t blame yourself for others’ actions. You can’t fix them unless they want to be fixed, and even then they have to do the changing, not you. It’s a tough lesson, Joel, but it’s real.”

Joel pondered that for a minute. He’d been trying his best to be forgiving. He hadn’t given up on connecting with his brother even while he was damn pissed for the way Jesse had treated Vicki. Some day he hoped they’d be able to mend that situation. But he wasn’t going to change to make Jesse happy, which kind of meant, right now, Jesse wasn’t going to be happy. As sad as that truth was, it seemed to be the only choice.

But Vicki?

“I don’t want her to go,” he confessed.

Gabe stared over the table. “Then don’t. I mean, don’t let her go without telling her.”

“Asking her to stay somewhere she hates is damn selfish. I don’t want her to give up her dream.”

“What if you’re part of her dream? Why would you deny her, and yourself, everything you could have?”

Joel played with his empty glass. “There’s no easy solution.”

Gabe cleared his throat. “Not when you try to find the answers all by yourself, idiot.”

His raised brow was the final punctuation mark Joel needed to light the fucking fire under his ass. Good grief, Gabe was right. And Joel was wrong, in so much of what he’d focused on over the past two months.

He threw money on the table as he shoved his chair back. “You mind if I run out on you?”

Gabe shook his head. “Nothing to mind. Go get her, tiger.”

Joel pushed through the doors of Traders, his brain whirling with possibilities.

He and Vicki had started this with three goals. The first had been met beyond their expectations. The second, well, he’d learned small-town gossip refused to let up completely, but it was time to finish up the third with a bit of flair. Maybe he wouldn’t have to lose the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Only if he wanted to do it right in the short time he had remaining, it was going to take a little planning…
