For a moment, he wasn’t sure she would cooperate. Stubborn was too light a word to describe what he’d already discovered about Vicki.
“You don’t have a helmet,” she pointed out, the one he’d returned dangling from her fingertips as she clutched the straps.
“I’ll be real careful, and we’re not leaving Six Pack land. Come on, trust me.”
She slipped the helmet over her shining hair, and Joel twisted in the seat to let her hop on without him staring.
He wanted to stare. Oh my God, he wanted to strip her down and look his fill. He’d never thought before if he had a type. He’d loved the girls, and they loved him, and there hadn’t been much thinking beyond the physical pleasure they shared.
But if he had a type? Vicki was it. Typical male he might be, but those tits of hers caught his eye. It was the whole package he really liked, though. How small the rest of her was, the way her eyes lit up when she got pissed.
This unexpected turn of events was becoming more interesting as the day progressed.
She nudged his foot. “I can’t climb on without a boost.”
He shifted his leg out of the way so she could use the footstep. She caught hold of his shoulders and swung her right leg over the bike, settling in behind. Her thighs wrapped around him, her crotch to his ass.
When she slid her arms off his shoulders and curled in tight to his back, something hot and wild raced through him.
It was only the start of physical contact between them, and already his cock had grown uncomfortable, confined by his jeans and the tight position on the bike. He shifted his hips slightly to ease the pressure, and her breasts rubbed his T-shirt.
Another jolt of fire hit hard.
Distraction needed, now. He revved the bike, speaking over his shoulder. “You ready?”
She gripped him tighter in response, fingernails digging into his chest. The tiny bit of pain shot straight to his dick like a bolt of lightning.
Sweet mercy, he was going to die.
Joel took off carefully to not lose his passenger, heading the bike down the dirt road for about a mile before swinging onto a horse trail. This section of land rose and fell in uneven waves, so the family had turned it into grazing land to avoid driving equipment over the hilly terrain. But for the animals, it was a beautiful retreat, with small, shallow coulees and oases of trees clustered in groups.
They crested a hill, and he slowed to allow Vicki to spot the herd. He didn’t say a word, just pointed.
Her grip on him had loosened as they’d ridden, less of a death clasp, more staying safe and in control. Now she squeezed, a deliberate message she’d seen them. Joel headed for the trio of pines standing sentinel over the fields and turned the engine off, balancing the bike so she didn’t have to move.
“Nice bunch of horses.” Vicki leaned forward to look around. “How many are there?”
Joel ignored the pressure on his back from her breasts nudging him and focused on the question. “This is the specialized breeding herd. There are about twenty mares Jesse and my daddy are using to build up the stock. The rest of the herd is split onto other sections of the ranch.”
Vicki crawled right off, her warmth vanishing and making him sad. “Breeding?”
“Means they’re pregnant.”
She glared. “I’m not a farm girl, but I’m not stupid. I know what breeding means. I meant when will they have the babies?”
“No insult intended. This herd should foal by next April. Well, except for Sable. The stud covered her late last fall, so Jesse figures she’s gonna drop sometime in the next couple months, probably before Christmas.”
Joel propped up the bike and followed Vicki to where she’d moved to get a better view of the animals. The herd wandered, grazing a little, but mostly relaxing.
“I’m such a wimp.” Vicki wrinkled her nose. “They don’t look so scary from this far away, but I’m still not keen on getting any closer.”
“Hey, don’t push it. It’s only October, and you’ve…well you’ve got nearly as long to work this through as they have to wait to foal.”
Vicki plopped to the ground and pulled off her helmet, her hair pouring over her shoulders. “Oh goody, it’s a race. Me against the horse. May the least smelliest win.”
Sarcasm dripped from every word, and Joel chuckled. He lowered himself beside her, careful to maintain a bit of distance and not crowd her the way he’d like. “It’s a target. You’ll take shots and get closer to the bull’s-eye all the time.”
She flashed him a smile, that one she’d surprised him with back in the café the other day. “So hitting the target at all is a win in the beginning?”
Vicki nodded. “Okay. I can do that. When should the I love horsies lessons start?”
Joel moved with deliberate slowness, casually placing his hand next to hers. She was leaning back on her arms, hands planted in the grass. Their fingers weren’t touching, not yet, but damn close. “You free tomorrow? Around the ranch we try to take things a little slower on the weekend. Just the daily chores for the animals and not a ton more. So if you come to the barns, I’ll show you around.”
She shivered as she observed the herd. “Go slow with me, okay?”
Hell, yeah. Slow in more ways than one, although it might kill him.
Joel adjusted position. Again, a tiny move.
He was back in junior high, trying to convince Suzie James to join him under the bleachers for a few stolen kisses. He was in the back-row seats of the darkened science classroom during a movie, him and Tara Koloskis tossing furtive glances at each other as they stumbled around making the next move.
No. This was no flashback to his early days of sexual exploration. He was right freaking there, right fucking now. On the side of a hill, too old to play these kid games, but there you had it. Vicki leaned forward and her fingers slipped over his. She would have jerked away, but he didn’t let her. Instead, he trapped her hand and held her in place with his palm resting over hers.
It was barely holding hands. Barely touching, and she could have been naked and riding him for how hard he’d gotten at the simple touch.
He glanced at her profile as she maintained a fixed lock on the horses, steadfastly refusing to look his way. She wasn’t trying to pull herself free though, that was good.
Blood pounded through him harder than had any right. Joel stared over the herd as well and once again considered the day a bit of a turning point.
Whatever else the next months brought, life wasn’t going to be boring.
He was holding her hand.
Vicki didn’t move. Scarcely breathed.
She would have liked to blame the not breathing part on the fact he’d suggested she drop in at the barns the next day, but oh. My. God.
How was it possible that holding hands could cause more violent reactions than her most recent self-induced orgasm?
“There are a couple of mares I’m keeping a special eye on.” Joel sat straighter as he lifted his left hand and pointed. “I’ve got favourites, I guess. Buttercup over there is a first-time mom, and Sable is the daughter of my first horse.”
“Makes—makes sense.” God. She’d had to stop and clear her throat to get past the block in her way.
She tugged their linked hands experimentally, and Joel eased off enough to adjust his grip. Now his fingers were completely enveloping hers.
Giant knuckles, thick fingers. The rougher skin of his finger pads caressing her softly. It felt too damn amazing to want him to stop. Add in the naughty images of him stroking her entire body, and she didn’t want to stop that train of thought either.
But…shit. “We really gonna do this, Joel?”
Another rub, this time with his thumb over the back of her hand. His fingers moving oh-so-slowly, but still more than enough of an impact considering the pounding in her throat. She honestly felt her heartbeat there. Another first, it seemed.
“Are we gonna hold hands? Hell, yeah. Seems like a good place to start.”
She dropped the idea of crawling into his lap and rubbing all over him like a lovesick cat. “It’s nice.”
Joel chuckled. Such a dark, rich sound for something that should show his amusement, but when she glanced at his eyes, there was far more there than merely fun. Full dark pupils pinned her in place. “It’s a start, Vicki. You sure you want me to teach you everything? Because, goddamn, I’m eager. But every bit of it is worth doing right.”
“I’m sure.” Holy hell, she was sure. If a little thumb rubbing got her aching between her legs and longing for more, she’d done this perfectly in terms of asking for help. “Only don’t go too slow, okay? I’m not gonna break.”
She didn’t see him move. Somehow, though, she hit the ground and he was over her. His elbows were braced on either side of her head, and his knees must have been on the ground, because otherwise she would have been crushed beneath him.
Instead, she was caught between the solid ground and his rock-solid body. Just the lightest of contact between them, mostly heat.
Oh God, though, the heat, especially at her core where a thick ridge pressed…
His cock, Vicki. Think the damn word. You’re going to get a close-up view at some point, so use the big-girl words.
She forced herself to acknowledge the truth. Where his cock made contact, need and excitement roared though her. Her mouth went dry as she stared into his face, wondering what he would do next. All thoughts of stopping him had vanished.
If he stripped her right then and there, she’d willingly get grass stains on her ass.
He wasn’t breathing too smoothly himself. The hot stroke of his jagged gasps rushed past her cheek, and she braced herself for the next first. He was going to kiss her. She was sure of it. Crushing her lips beneath his, taking her by storm. That had to come next.
She debated closing her eyes, but he held her trapped with his gaze.
A long, low rumble issued out, his chest moving slightly as he spoke. “You might not be breakable, but I already said it. This is worthwhile doing right.”
He lowered his head, his cheek brushing past her hair. She swore he took a deep breath before he rose. All the muscular length of him towering over her.
Vicki lay in the grass, the cool blue of the October sky framing the big cowboy. She took her time looking him over as the rush of whatever he’d triggered buzzed through her system. “How long is it gonna take before my heart rate goes back to normal?”
“Hell if I know. That’s good, though. Tells me I’m not the only one turned on like crazy right now.”
She tried not to stare at his hard-on. “You aren’t the only one. Fuck, no.”
He grinned and held out his hand. “Tomorrow, come to the small barn around ten and we’ll get started.”
The sexual tension between them deflated, at least on her part. The first thing she thought of was the terror of the horses, but she hid it under the other fear. “Jesse?”
Joel pulled her to vertical. “He won’t be home until late afternoon. We’ll be done morning chores, so Blake and Matt won’t be around. Trust me.”
She wanted to, but saying and doing were two different things. She’d already opened up a can of worms starting this entire thing. “That’s gonna take more time.”
He snorted. And didn’t let go of her fingers. “Come on. Walk with me for a minute.”
It was a good thing he led her to the level section at the top of the hill, because hanging on to his hand was more distracting than she’d thought possible. He didn’t let her loose, as if there were a delicate iron band around her wrist, holding her to his side.
She didn’t want to let go.
“You still looking for a job?” he asked, deep voice smoothing over her like butter.
Vicki shook her head to clear the cobwebs. “What’s that? Oh, no, I got on at the shop. I start full-time on Monday, thanks to you.”
“None of my doing. You going to miss the café?”
She sighed. “Yeah, I love cooking. But the shop is a safer place to work. Less chance of breaking people’s heads, that kind of thing.”
Joel paced steadily, guiding her along. He was probably itching to ask her about Eric, or was her guilty conscience making everything all about her? No matter. Some secrets were not coming out today. Not ever, if she had her choice.
So she tried to return the distraction. “You enjoy ranching?”
Joel pulled her to a stop and looked over the land. She liked that he took a moment to think her question through before answering. Made it seem less some practiced comment, more from the heart.
“I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Even being the couple hours away for school while Jesse and I went to college was brutal. I wanted to wake up in the spring and hear frogs. Let the roosters be my alarm instead of some tinny music pounding through the walls of the dorm from my neighbour’s room.”
“I bet there’s an app for that.”
Joel chuckled. “I bet there is.”
She wasn’t sure why it was suddenly so important to have him…well, like her. Oh, she was sure he wanted her, but like her? As in actually like the Hansol bad girl?
He’d said he admired her spirit, but most of that was impulsive. Spur of the moment. She’d rarely set out and done things to get them done. And now? Having Joel Coleman actually like her became an important part of the plan.
Although with every new thing she added to it, the damn to-do list was getting as full as she’d ever had it in her entire life.
“Tell me about…?” She scrambled back through the sexual cloud for the details he’d shared. “Sable. What was her mom’s name? And how do you say that properly, because talking about a horse’s great granddaughters probably follows some secret rancher’s code, like breeding and mares and other stuff.”
Joel glanced down, adjusting his grip on her fingers to curl his entire hand around hers. “You want to know all the terms?”
“All about horses. Tell me everything.”
“I bet there’s an app for that,” Joel deadpanned.
“You’re better than an app. You can hold my hand while you teach me.” She gave him a smile, hoping this was the right thing to do, willing him to accept her offering.
Willing herself to be brave enough to take this adventure and stick it out to the end, because the potential for something wonderful was incredible.
Past, present and future. It all hinged on the here and now. If she could make it through the next months and learn to handle horses. If Joel was smart enough to help her.
If the town could just stay out of their business for a little while.
They stood there for a minute. She wasn’t sure what came next. “I guess we should get back.”
“I guess we should.” Joel didn’t let go of her fingers until they were at the bike, then he lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against her fingers briefly. “Give me a ride back to my truck?”
She wasn’t sure if she should go awww for him being a gentleman, or kick him for leaving her aching with anticipation. “You don’t want to drive?”
“Your bike. Let’s see how you handle it.” He handed her the helmet and waited until she’d mounted. Then he stepped over the back and curled an arm around her belly, and all the wild fantasies she’d shoved into a corner sprang up.
Hard-as-nails muscles pressed against her, bands of iron holding her steady.
The dry mouth she’d suffered from vanished, and she swallowed hard to stop from drooling. “I think it’s better if you drive. I don’t think I can balance her with your weight in the back.”
She escaped from the circle of his arms. Not because she didn’t want him holding her, but because she wanted it too badly.
Joel seemed to accept her excuse. “It’s a bigger bike than you should have, isn’t it?”
“I’ll trade down someday. It was cheap.”
He slipped into position and waited for her to mount. Wrapping her arms around him didn’t seem nearly as dangerous, but the control she clung to was an illusion. Because in spite of the drive back to the truck, the time it took for him to dismount, in spite of all that, she was still horny as all get out from having her inner thighs rubbing his fine ass.
She wanted him between her thighs for real, and while it seemed she’d get her wish eventually, going slow was the order of the day.
Not even a goodbye kiss.
Joel hauled open his truck door. “I need to get back. I’ll see you at ten outside the red door.”
He started his engine, rolling down the window so he could finish talking to her. Like he was putting a barrier between them. Vicki adjusted position and turned the bike for the road. “Ten then. I’ll call you if I can’t make it for some reason.”
Although what reason could she have other than avoiding the horses of hell?
He pointed sternly, a cross between a frown and mischief on his face. “You show up or I’ll track you down.”
There really wasn’t any answer for that, and if she stayed around any longer things would get more awkward. So she took off, her body still buzzing with need, her head filled with images of pregnant Six Pack mares, and Joel Coleman pinning her to the ground.
She was totally going to get off tonight on the memories of him covering her, and she wasn’t even a bit ashamed.