Enhance Your Book Club

Partake in Tudor-era sports like archery and tennis while dressed in your finest imitation of livery!

If you haven’t already, read the first two books in Kate Emerson’s Secrets of the Tudor Court series, The Pleasure Palace and Between Two Queens. How do they compare? Who is your favorite protagonist (Bess Brooke, Jane Popyncourt, or Nan Bassett)?

Emerson goes to great lengths to paint a very distinct picture of the era. Discuss the facets of the court that come to life the most. For those with artistic inclination, try to paint or draw one of your favorite scenes!

If you get the opportunity, visit the Tower of London and imagine what it must have been like for poor Will Parr!

Research and watch any number of movies depicting the Tudor era. How do they compare to each other in terms of bringing the time period to life? Does the visual rendering match the image that Emerson creates in words?
