Chapter 7

Jessica's stunning and tempting invitation to make love to her reverberated through Ryan's mind like a seductive litany. Heat rushed to his groin, making him even harder than he'd already been. There wasn't anything he'd love more than to take Jessica to his bed, cover her lithe body with his, and lose himself deep, deep inside her giving warmth. But, he wasn't ready to take that next logical step, for practical reasons-he had no condoms on hand. And that was probably for the best, because he didn't think Jessica was ready either, for emotional reasons.

He craved more than an afternoon of wild, satisfying sex with this woman whom he'd come to care about, wanted more than her surrender to their physical attraction. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he didn't want a casual one-night stand… and he wanted her to demand and expect more, too.

Satiating desires was easy and simple-in the past he'd indulged in mutually pleasurable sex enough times to have affirmed that fact. But there was nothing easy or simple about Jessica, and once the high of physical gratification wore off, there would be emotional repercussions to consider.

And because of that knowledge, he needed her unconditional trust before they made love.

Her face was tucked against his neck, her labored breathing warm across his flesh. He tried not to think about the perfect fit of their position, his throbbing arousal, and how easy it would be to give in to temptation and satisfy them both. Her body remained tense as she waited for his answer to her request.

Very gently, he eased her head back, so she was looking at him. Her skin was flushed from the steam rising off the heated water swirling around them, her expression soft and slumberous from her recent release, her blue eyes hazy. Remembering her initial reluctance to let him give her that form of carnal pleasure, and suspecting he'd been the first to do so, he had a brief urge to gloat, as she'd accused him of doing earlier.

Keeping his triumph to himself for now, he brushed silky strands of hair away from her cheek, and tenderly tucked them behind her ear. "Jessie… we can't make love. I don't have any condoms." It was the truth, as well as the gentlest way to turn down her request without wounding her feminine pride.

Surprise registered in her eyes, giving him the impression that she'd expected him to have a stash of prophylactics on hand.

He grinned, and leisurely stroked his palms up her spine to the nape of her neck, enjoying the silky, damp feel of her skin against his fingers. "Whether you believe it or not, it's been a while since I've been with a woman, and it's not as though I keep a supply in my nightstand."

A becoming blush stole across her cheeks, giving away her embarrassment. "Oh."

Finding the sponge floating on the surface of the churning water, he scooped it up and squeezed the excess liquid along her shoulders, warming her exposed skin and wiping away the smudges of chocolate that remained. She closed her eyes and sighed at the simple luxury.

"And besides, I don't think you're ready to make love."

Her lashes blinked open, and she stared at him with a combination of confusion, disbelief, and a frustration he understood too well. "How can you say that after we… after I…"

"Had such an explosive orgasm?" he supplied for her.

Obviously not used to talking about sex, she gave a jerky nod to confirm his statement.

"Yeah, your body is soft and wet and willing," he agreed, dragging the plush sponge over the swells of her breasts. "And I could slide real deep inside you right now, this very minute. But I'm not sure you're ready to make lovehere." With his index finger, he gently tapped her temple.

"In my head?" she asked incredulously. "I have to be ready for sex in myhead?"

"Mentally, yeah. And emotionally." For once in his adult life, those things mattered to him, and he wasn't about to try and scrutinize his feelings. "I'm taking a wild shot in the dark here, but I'm guessing that your sexual experience is very limited."

She averted her gaze self-consciously. "Gee, was Ithat obvious?"

"You're very passionate, and sensual, but there's also something incredibly guileless about you when it comes to sex." Tucking his finger beneath her chin, he brought her gaze back to his. "How many lovers have you had, Jessie?"

She hesitated, then reluctantly revealed, "One. Three years ago."

"And what happened?" he prompted.

"Lane and I had been dating for about a month. I thought there was something more to the relationship, but discovered too late that he was more interested in getting me in bed. And once that happened, he decided that things were getting too serious, too fast for him, and he bailed."

And judging by the tiny crease above her brow, that relationship, no matter how brief, had left insecure scars.

She took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. "That one sexual encounter was very unmemorable, and nothing like what you and I… well, what we just did." He slicked the sponge down her arms, and tried not to puff his chest out too far. "I'm glad."

A look of disgust creased her features "What, that I've only one lover and I'm totally inexperienced?"

"No, that I was the first to give you that kind of pleasure." His hands found her hips beneath the water, and massaged the rounded curves, dipped lower and cupped her bottom. "And being inexperienced is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I find it refreshing, and I don't want to take advantage of the fact that you're speaking from the glow of a great orgasm when you ask me to make love to you. I don't want us being together to be a purely physical thing."

Her brows raised dubiously. "Ryan… we both know that a real relationship is impossible, that anything long-term isn't going to happen between us. So, maybe weshould just enjoy what we know we can have, which is purely physical."

And that would make him no better than Lane. Even if she didn't realize that, he did. Her words were flippant, a pragmatic shield to protect her heart and emotions, he suspected. And for all her talk of having a brief affair, he didn't believe that she could make love with him while keeping all her vulnerabilities intact

And he wanted her to have no regrets when it happened.

"How can you expect me to make love to you when we haven't even had a first date yet?" He injected an appropriate amount of offense into his voice, but his grin was filled with humor. "Just what kind of guy do you think I am?"

She caressed her hands over his chest, and squeezed her knees provocatively against his hips. "A very sexy, virile kind of guy."

And that virile part of him couldn't help but rise to the occasion. He groaned, in both pain and pleasure. "So, you want to use me for the sake of fantastic sex?"

She tipped her head, her gaze clear and earnest. "Would that be so bad?"

"Yes, if your mind and body aren't in sync." A year ago, he definitely would have taken her up on her proposition. Now, he felt as though there was so much more at stake between them than just sexual gratification. It was all so new to him, this protective, possessive feeling, but he didn't want to blow this chance with her. "And until that happens, you aren't ready."

She frowned at him and flicked a stream of water onto his chest. "You are, by far, the most infuriating, dictatorial man I know."

"Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment."

She wrinkled her nose and stuck her tongue out at him.

He chuckled. "Watch yourself, Jessie, 'cause I can put that tongue of yours to real good use. You might not be ready to make love, but there's something to be said for enjoying foreplay." He touched her bottom lip and dipped his finger into the moisture within. "And I wouldn't mind feeling your mouth on me…"

As his very erotic meaning sank in, shock colored her guileless blue eyes and she jerked back, dislodging his touch.

"Now don't go and get modest on me again," he drawled in amusement. "I need you completely uninhibited when we do make love."

She heaved an impatient sigh, looking completely inconvenienced by his decision. "So, counselor, in your estimation, when doyou think I'll be ready to make love?"

He resisted the urge to kiss that sassy mouth of hers, to strip off his swim trunks and her panties and take her right there and then in the bathtub.

Tucking that particular fantasy away for another time, he reined in his desires. "Oh, you'll know, honey," he said, deliberately using the endearment that definitely applied to her now, since ten minutes earlier she'd been as sweet and warm on his tongue as the name implied. "And when you're ready, you won't have toask me to make love to you. It'll feel right and it'll just happen."

* * *

From across his kitchen table, Ryan watched Jessica reach for her second slice of the pepperoni-and-mushroom pizza he'd ordered for their dinner, take a big bite, and savor the Italian delicacy. He finished off his first piece, liking that she wasn't shy about her appetite, and had to admit that since their episode in the tub an hour earlier, a few notches in her reserve had evaporated, as well. There was a newfound confidence about her he found incredibly sexy, and it made him feel very optimistic about his decision to take time and care with Jessica before they elevated their relationship to a more sexual one.

They'd each taken separate showers after playing in the tub, to wash away the sticky chocolate from their bodies and hair. While he'd changed into gray sweatpants and shirt, she was wrapped in the warm chenille robe while her panties and bra tumbled in the dryer-which left her completely naked beneath the soft, voluminous folds of the robe.

At that tantalizing thought, a familiar heat rumbled through his veins, and he shifted in his chair to find a more comfortable position.

Jessica lifted her gaze to his, her eyes dancing with a carefree radiance that made his heart feel just as light. "Well, counselor, you're one tough attorney, I'll give you that. I think you can fairly claim victory over your most recent case."

He grinned, pleased that there weren't any kind of negative implications in her words against his profession, as there had been in past conversations. No matter how small the hurdle, her tentative acceptance was a promising start.

He tipped his head and regarded her curiously. "And which case is that?"

"Mypractical versusyour sensual." She licked sauce from the tips of her fingers in long, languorous laps he felt all the way to his groin. "You win.Again."

He narrowed his gaze, realizing she was testing her feminine wiles and deliberately enticing him with her slow, thorough attention to her fingers. He resisted the urge to demonstrate lesson number three-that if she teased a hungry tiger, he was certain to pounce and devour.

Exhaling a deep breath that did little to ease the coiling in his belly, he lifted another slice of pizza and set it on the plate in front of him. "That's because Ialways present my cases with irrefutable facts." He could see her absorbing the double meaning of his words, possibly realizing that he didn't purposely try to play the villain in any of his cases. "Utilizing indisputable evidence to the best of my ability is a sure way to win."

"So is knowing the other person's weaknesses, and using that evidence to take advantage of them."

Not an accusation, just a statement based on her own personal experience in the past. And there was just enough of a hint of vulnerability in her gaze to indicate that's exactly where her thoughts had wandered, to a childhood torn apart by the greed of her father and his attorney's quest to benefit his client.

Ryan thought carefully about his answer before replying. "Yes, some lawyers operate that way," he said, not wanting to lie to her, but neither did he want to incriminate himself. "But you can't judge all of us based on that one bad experience, not without giving me a fair chance and taking the time to gather some evidence of your own." Positive, enlightening evidence of him as just an ordinary, hardworking person, without the stigma of being an attorney.

It was a reasonable request, as well as a subtle challenge, and he was relieved and elated when she finally agreed with a quiet, "Okay."

He had no idea how they'd gotten so far off track, and he attempted to steer the subject back to a more pleasant one. "So, getting back to more important matters, ismy gift idea for Brooke and Marc worthy of your approval?"

"Oh, most definitely." She took a drink of her soda, and dazzled him with a provocative smile. "I'll never be able to take a bath again without thinking about you sharing it with me."

Oh, yeah, he liked the sound of that. He might not be there physically every time, but he'd settle for being a part of her fantasies.

Done with her third slice of pizza, she put her napkin on her plate and pushed it aside. "You know, between the cakes, and the bath, I don't think I can take much more of you proving me wrong."

He chuckled at the wry note to her voice, but he was beginning to think that he had something else to prove, to her, and himself-that they could find some kind of common ground which they could build from, beyond their sexual attraction.

Having learned that Jessica responded more favorably to demonstrative measures, he considered his next plan of attack. Reclining in his chair, and stretching his long legs in front of him, he allowed an easygoing smile to curve his lips. "Considering how intimate we got in my bathtub, what do I have to do to change your mind about attending my firm's Christmas party next weekend?"

"Oh, you've done quite enough," she said, her voice husky with satisfaction.

He laughed at her brazen comment and the innuendo behind it.

As if suddenly realizing what she'd revealed, she ducked her head, hiding the adorable blush coloring her cheeks. "I can't believe I just said that," she muttered.

His heart squeezed with affection, along with something deeper and more intrinsic that took him off guard. He didn't try and block the sensation as he would have in the past, but instead allowed whatever emotion it was to settle in for a longer stay. "Well, I was hoping since you're still feeling content and satiated, that maybe I could get lucky, too."

A honey-blond brow rose over an eye. "Oh?"

"Yeah," he said, ignoring the faint skepticism in her tone. "Go with me to my firm's party, Jessie."

Jessica's heart pounded so hard in her chest it hurt. What Ryan was asking was not conducive to her emotions and went against everything she believed in. But then again, what she'd allowed to happen upstairs in his bathtub, what she'd asked of him afterward, and what she was beginning to feel for him now, felt soright, no matter howwrong it was.

She should have flat-out refused as she had the other night, but a deeper longing held her back, made her wish that things could be different between them.

Needing something to keep her hands busy, she stood and stacked their plates, then carried them to the sink. "Why is it so important that I go with you at all?" She told herself she was merely curious, but knew she was searching for a reason to accept his invitation, no matter how hazardous to her heart that kind of involvement could prove to be. No more dangerous than her sleeping with him, she supposed.

He stood, too, and helped her clear the table. "After our discussion the other day about your parents, and what I do for a living, I'd really like to show you a different side to the profession, that most of us are just hardworking people trying to make a decent living, trying to help our clients. There's no pressure or expectations involved here, but I'm hoping you'd come away from the party with a whole new outlook on the profession."

His reasoning was straightforward, his motivations basic, catering to her insecurities and doubts. The man definitely had a way of hitting her softest spots, and she realized she wasn't immune to his attempts.

He tossed the cardboard pizza container into the trash and parked his hip on the counter beside the sink where she was washing their dishes. "This is the first time I've ever been invited to Haywood and Irwin's Christmas party. It's a black-tie affair, quite a privilege and a boost to my career, and quite honestly, there's no one else I want to share the evening with but you."

He wanted to share theevening with her. How could she have forgotten that his career was his main focus, not developing a lasting relationship? Not that she was asking him for a commitment, but the reminder did help to put things back into perspective-that her time with Ryan was only temporary.

That fact gave her the perfect excuse to accept his invitation and spend that much more time with him before they parted ways. She gave her head a rueful shake-she was crazy for considering his overture, crazier still for wanting to be with him, despite every reason she had to stay away. Yet just like the situation with the cakes, just like the seduction in his bathtub, she was helpless to resist him.

She struggled between following her desires, and listening to her conscience. Done with the dishes, she turned toward him and accepted the terry towel he gave her to dry her hands, and tried to do the smartthing. "You know, I'm really not a party type of person, Ryan, and I definitely don't have anything fancy to wear to a black-tie affair-"

He pressed two fingers over her lips as a lopsided grin creased his features. "If that's the best excuse you can come up with, then it's pretty lame."

She circled his wrist, pulled his hand away from her mouth, and immediately missed the warmth he generated. "It's the truth."

"Then leave the details to me and I'll make sure you have something appropriate to wear." Before she could argue, he slipped his hands into the front opening of her robe, just below the tie, and grasped her naked hips.

She inhaled a sharp breath, shocked at his bold, unexpected move, and at the fact that she was completely exposed from the waist down. She latched on to his forearms, uncertain what he intended. "What are you doing?" she asked breathlessly.

His dark brown eyes held hers, never looking lower, while his palms and fingers measured the indentation of her waist, the curve of her hip, and the slope of her bare bottom. The earlier warmth he'd created became a raging inferno, curling low in her belly and spreading outward with every languorous stroke of his hands. Yet though she wore not a stitch of clothing, he refrained from caressing her intimately, which seemed to make the experience more sensual, more arousing, more erotic.

His fingers grazed up the sides of her thighs, causing a shiver to skip along her spine. "Size six?" he guessed, his voice a low, rich murmur.

It took her a moment to realize he was referring to her dress size. "Size eight," she clarified, and smiled. "But thanks for the boost to my self-esteem."

"You're perfectly proportioned." He blinked lazily, and dipped his finger into her navel in a very provocative way, making her stomach muscles clench in response. "And your shoe size?"

"Eight again."

"That's easy enough to remember." Withdrawing his touch, he let the folds of the robe fall together again without taking a peek at what had been so openly revealed. "Expect a package by the middle of the week."

Without his hands supporting her hips, Jessica's legs suddenly felt wobbly, and she had to lean against the counter or risk falling in a puddle at his feet.

He padded across the kitchen in his bare feet, opened a drawer, and rummaged through the contents. Finding whatever it was he was searching for, he returned and held a key out to her. "By the way, I wanted to give you this."

She stared at his offering, and knew without asking what it was-a key to his house. She kept her fingers curled around the ledge of the counter and raised her questioning gaze to his. "What do I need that for?"

"So you'll have access to the house, since you'll probably start decorating for the party next week."

She shook her head. "I'll just let you know when I plan to be here, or work it out so you're home."

"Take it, Jessie." He grabbed her wrist, and pressed the key into her palm, the metal warm from his own touch. "You never know when you might need it. And you're welcome here,anytime, without asking or calling beforehand."

Emotion dogged her throat as she stared into his sincere gaze. His words held a wealth of meaning, implying an exclusivity to just her, and seeking her trust. For as much as she knew she should balk and adamantly refuse the intimate gesture, she couldn't bring herself to do so, because in that moment she felt wanted and secure, and no other man had ever made her feel that way.

And even though she knew her emotions were most likely a figment of her overactive imagination, she curled her fingers around the key and held it tight.

* * *

With a big, fluffy towel wrapped around her body after her relaxing shower, Jessica took inventory of the items laid out on her bed, which had been delivered to her apartment earlier that week with a note from Ryan in bold, masculine script stating:I can't wait to see how gorgeous you look. I'll pick you up at5 PMon Saturday.

The man had impeccable taste, and an eye for what appealed to a woman's feminine side. Not only had he bought her a complete head-to-toe ensemble to wear to his firm's Christmas party, but he'd included more sensual indulgences, too. Jasmine-scented body wash had accompanied her long, hot shower, and was followed up with fragrant lotion and powder that lingered in the air around her and made her skin silky-soft to the touch.

She felt pampered and spoiled, and admitted that it was a very nice feeling having a man take care of her-a luxury she'd best not get used to, she reminded herself.

With a half hour left until Ryan arrived, she knew she had to make haste or she'd make them late for the party. Not a great impression to make on the occasion of Ryan's first invitation to his firm's elite holiday get-together. He'd obviously worked hard to earn the recognition, and the last thing she wanted to do was mar his first appearance to such an important event. The man took his professional goals seriously, and this was, undoubtedly, a major milestone in his career.

And she'd be on his arm when they walked in the door together.

Her stomach dipped at the thought. Releasing the end of the towel tucked between her breasts, she let it fall to the floor, wishing she wasn't so nervous about the evening still to come. While a part of her was anxious about rubbing elbows with all those attorneys and trying to make polite talk when she had absolutely nothing in common with any of them, she couldn't deny that she wanted to enjoy the evening with Ryan.

Determined to have a good time tonight regardless of the circumstances, she shoved those thoughts from her mind and reached for the small pile of intimate apparel Ryan had purchased for her. She selected the pair of black cotton panties cut high on the thigh and trimmed in lace, and smiled when she realized he'd taken into consideration her practical nature. As she pulled on the pretty underwear, she discovered that the combination was sexy, yet surprisingly comfortable. The translucent, stretch-lace black bra went on next, and the garment was such a perfect fit she knew he must have peeked at the label in her bra last weekend when he'd retrieved it from his dryer.

Instead of panty hose, he'd chosen sheer, shimmering black stockings with an elasticized band of lace that hugged her thighs, and when she turned to look in her mirror to see the full effect of the lingerie, she almost didn't recognize herself. A smile curved her mouth, and her pulse picked up its beat.

She'd become a sex kitten. And she liked the transformation, as well as the incredibly arousing feel of the sexy lingerie against her skin.

Finally, she slipped on the knee-length dress Ryan had bought for her, concealing the provocative undergarments. But knowing what she wore beneath the sheath of black velvet made her feel utterly feminine and decidedly risqué. The dress shaped to her curves, the sleeves were long and warm, and the neckline scalloped low enough to show a tasteful hint of cleavage.

As a whole package, with her freshly washed hair falling softly around her face, her diamond studs sparkling in her ears, and makeup lightly applied to enhance her blue eyes and features, she appeared sophisticated and elegant. All a temporary fantasy, she knew, because beneath the trappings she was just plain and sensible Jessica Newman. A woman with simple dreams of stability and security with a man, and emotional needs that didn't coincide with Ryan's future plans and his dedication to his career.

The doorbell rang, interrupting her thoughts. Quickly, she slipped her stockinged feet into the matching black velvet heels, grabbed the beaded handbag with the silk corded strap, and headed into the living room.

Giddy with the anticipation of seeing Ryan, she opened the door, saw how striking and gorgeous he looked in black-tie attire and greeted him with a breathless, "Hi."

He stepped inside her apartment, and the subtle scent of his cologne wrapped around her. "Hi, yourself," he drawled, his voice as dark and rich as the appreciation glimmering in his deep brown eyes. "Youlook… stunning."

His warm, sincere compliment caused her heart to flutter in her chest and boosted her confidence another notch. "Thanks to you."

"Partly." Pushing back his well-cut jacket, he slid his hands into the front pockets of his trousers, and inclined his head. "I have to confess thatI took Natalie with me to the boutique to help me pick out the dress, but what's beneath it was all my choice. I take it everything fit okay?"

She nodded. "Perfectly, and very comfortably, I might add."

"I tried to keep in mind your sensible attire, but you deserve pretty, feminine things, and I liked buying them for you." A wolfish grin curved his lips, and he stepped closer, tracing the scalloped edges of her bodice with a long, tapered finger. Her breasts swelled at that tantalizing caress, her nipples hardened, and he watched her body's response to his touch. "And I'd be lying if I didn't say that just imagining you in that sheer bra, those lacy panties, and those thigh-high stockings is enough to make me want to strip away your dress and look my fill."

Desire curled in her stomach, prompting a brazenness to match his mental seduction. Dampening her bottom lip with her tongue, she smoothed her hand along his lapel. "Yeah, well, maybe we can turn that particular fantasy into reality."

A dark brow winged upward, accentuating the heat blazing in his eyes. "You know, if we didn't have a very important party to attend, I'd accept that challenge."

Wanting to tempt him as much as he did her, she leaned into him and whispered huskily in his ear. "The challenge stands, counselor, all… night… long."

He groaned, the sound both agonized and aroused. "You are avery wicked woman, Jessie."

She'd never been wicked before, not until Ryan. He made her feel inflamed and restless and daring, and for now, she'd luxuriate in the sensations because, too soon, she'd be alone again.

He drew a deep, steady breath, and cast a glance at the fancy black-and-gold watch strapped to his wrist. "As much as I'd like to stay and explore the endless possibilities of your intriguing invitation, we need to be on our way. Are you ready to go?"

Back to reality-his party, his world, which was so far removed from her own simple life. Reaching for her long, black wool coat, she flashed him a smile that belied the sudden apprehension infusing her veins. "Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

With nothing left to stall the inevitable, Jessica let Ryan escort her to his Lexus and budded in for the ride. The half-hour drive to Phillip Haywood's estate passed quickly with Ryan keeping up a steady stream of inconsequential conversation, which she suspected was designed to put her at ease. She appreciated the gesture and thought she was going to be just fine until they started wending their way up a long, winding driveway to a huge, stately mansion. She suddenly felt as though she was way out of her league and had no business being there.

Her stomach churned with uncertainties, but she had little time to dwell on them. A valet promptly appeared to park Ryan's car, and she was forced to exit the vehicle. Ryan met up with her on the sidewalk, tucked her hand into the crook of his arm, and led her toward the enormous double doors inlaid with etched glass.

With every step, her legs felt weighed down by lead. Tension tightened every molecule in her body, and with every breath she gulped her chest burned and seemed to compress.

Oh, Lord, what was she doing?

Stopping at the front door, Ryan rang the doorbell. He glanced her way with a sexy smile, and must have seen the panic in her eyes, because concern instantly touched his features. "Hey, are you okay?"

No, I don't belong here with you.As honest as that knowledge was, she couldn't bring herself to say the words, knowing that he'd take her back home rather than force her to stay. Unwilling to ruin this night for him just so she could wallow in her own insecurities, she settled for an understated version of the truth and prayed that she'd survive the evening. "I'm just a little nervous."

He brushed his knuckles softly over her jaw, his gaze both tender and understanding. Lowering his head, he placed a quick, but infinitely sweet kiss on her lips that lingered long after he pulled back.

"I'll be right beside you the entire time," he murmured reassuringly. "You're going to be just fine, Jessie."

And then the door opened and they were greeted by a warm, friendly man that Ryan introduced to her as his boss, Phillip Haywood. As Phillip's hand engulfed hers in a warm handshake and the older man chastised Ryan for keeping such a beauty all to himself, Jessica had no choice but to trust Ryan and believe his promise that she really was going to be just fine.
