To my mama, who looked at me after finishing Sempre, a serious glint in her eyes, and said, “Corrado Moretti better not be dead.” This book (especially the opening line) is dedicated to you. I only wish you were still here with us so you could read it. I miss you.
How do you adequately thank the people who have so greatly impacted your life? I’d buy you all a round of shots if I could (Grey Goose, of course. Carmine would insist on it.). This wouldn’t be possible without YOU, the readers. Out of all the books in the world, I’m extremely grateful that you took a chance picking up mine.
My family is extraordinary, every single one of them. To my spawn for being so well behaved and understanding; to my father for his constant support and enthusiasm; to my brother and his family for always being there for me; to my aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents, who I like to pretend don’t read the sex scenes. I love you all.
So many people have been here from the beginning of this journey, notably Traci Blackwood, who tirelessly went through my words again and again, enduring characters wearing invisible watches and standing still as statues. I’ll never be able to thank you enough. To Sarah Anderson, who spends countless hours in writing sessions with me and somehow manages to make sense of my ‘wonky finger syndrome’ when I wish her “Good Loki” instead of “Good Luck” (eh, it works . . . #TeamLoki).
To all of my Twitter and fandom friends, both old and new, who tolerate my incessant rambling and error-ridden postings. It would take me forever to name you all, but you know who you are. You guys see me at my rawest and still stick around. You should be sainted (or maybe committed, I’m not entirely sure). Never let anyone belittle what you love. Read books, write fan fiction, camp out at premieres, and attend cons. Do what makes YOU happy, no matter what others may say. Your passion should never be a source of embarrassment. Fly your fangirl flag with pride. Life is too short for all the negativity.
To my rock star agent, Frank Weimann, and everyone else at Literary Group International, for taking a chance on Sempre (and me). To Lion Shirdan, for believing in my words. And to the amazing folks at Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books (especially my lovely editor, Kiele Raymond) . . . publishing with you is a dream come true. Forever humbled to be a part of the S&S family.
Special thanks to Nicki Bullard, the most kick ass “assistant” to ever grace a book signing. You looked at me freshman year and thought, “I’m not sure about this bitch.” Forever grateful you saw past the itty-bitty turquoise dress and over a decade later remain my best friend. How has it been that long?
To the book blogs out there, notably Bookish Temptations, Maryse’s Book Blog, Aestas Book Blog, THESUBCLUB Books, Forever 17 Books, and everyone else who has been supportive of my work along the way (I know I’m forgetting some of you). You bloggers are vital and absolutely appreciated. Books may be the heart of it all, but you are arguably the blood that keeps it pumping. Never stop reading.
Lastly, I have to acknowledge the approximately 27 million people in the world today, trapped in modern-day slavery. Human trafficking is a real problem—a problem we as a society should not tolerate. Everyone should be free to live their own life and make their own choices. If my rambling and writing has even opened up one person’s eyes to the issue, then I consider myself a success.