Huge thank you to Tiffany King for talking me through my all-nighters and for saving me from rabid coyote attacks. I don’t know what I’d do without your support and love. I’d probably be texting random people who would never understand my neediness like you.

Thank you to all the members of Kicking It. I love you all, and I hope someday soon we can all be in the same place at the same time.

Tara’s Tramps—you guys are insane, inappropriate, and the best supporters in the world. Thank you for the “hot guy with glasses” inspiration for this book and all the improper photos you post daily to brighten my life.

Lola Stark—I’m so glad I met you! Thank you for the random inappropriate pictures when I hit my word count and for listening to me bitch and moan on a daily basis.

Thank you to Donna and Chas for organizing my chaos and making me feel less crazy. You deserve a medal just for looking at my Gmail accounts.

Janet Burns—you are a lifesaver. I would be swimming in an endless pile of receipts and banging my head against a messy office wall if it weren’t for you. Thank you for making that promise to me when I left that I should call you if I needed anything. I hope you aren’t regretting it now!
