A Note from the Author

FOR SOME, THIS story touches on a very sensitive subject, and for others, I’m sure it’s something that could be frustrating to read. But I wrote this story because I’ve witnessed it firsthand, and I knew others needed to hear the beauty of Brody and Kamryn’s relationship. (I’ve changed their names here.) I won’t lie to any of you. When I first found out about them—but before I had met them—I distinctly told my husband I didn’t want to meet them. I couldn’t believe people in their situation would even tell anyone, let alone would other people be okay with it.

And then I met them, and I got it.

Everything I’d thought about them changed in an instant. I said it that same night after meeting them, and I said it when I watched them finally get married almost two years later: I’ve never seen two people more perfect for each other than them.

I’ve heard their story countless times, I’ve cried with “Kamryn” over it, and I’ve watched them struggle just to be together and be happy. Do I support cheating? No. But I’ll stand behind them and their relationship any day. I can honestly say, I’ve never been more genuinely happy to see two people finally start their forever together, and I hope you all can understand exactly why I wanted so badly to share their story.
