One Little Bite by C.C. Wood

Even the big bad wolf can fall in love

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

Copyright Crystal W. Wilson 2014

Chapter One- Ricki

You’re not wearing that.”

I glanced in the full-length mirror in front of me, my eyes locking onto my friend Donna’s intense stare. “What?”

As though I were a slightly addled nitwit, she stared at me, unblinking, and repeated slowly. “You. Are. Not. Wearing. That.”

I smoothed my hands down the snug bustier that caged my torso in leather and boning. It lifted my already impressive assets to new heights and made me question how corsets ever fell out of fashion to begin with. Then I tried to take a deep breath and understood. No wonder women suffered vapors back in the day, they probably passed out due to oxygen deprivation.

“I’m not sure who exactly you think you are, Donna, but, newsflash, you’re not my mother and I can wear whatever in the hell I want,” I murmured.


I turned my head and glared at her over my shoulder. “You heard me.”

She threw her hands up and fell back on the bed. “Fine. Fine! Just don’t come whining to me when one of the werewolves actually does hump your leg like a dog. Those guys can’t control themselves, especially around boobs. I swear their brains must be more canine than human.”

I rolled my eyes. I’d met several werewolves since the day that they helped rescue my friends and me from the clutches of evil vampires. I know, it sounds like a bad movie script, but those fuckers planned to chop us up and send us back to Donna and Conner piece by piece. It didn’t seem much like a B movie at the time.

Anyway, all the werewolves I’d met were great. Sure, they were usually a little more aggressive than the average guy, but, if I was being completely honest, it gave me a tingle in all my naughty places.

“Donna, just shut up and tell me if I look wenchy enough,” I said, turning around with my arms held out.

Under my leather bustier, I wore a sheer white shirt with billowing sleeves, tight breeches, and knee high boots. My hair was styled in a wild tangle of curls. All I needed now was my low-riding leather belt that held a scabbard for my cutlass. I was supposed to be a pirate wench, a la Cutthroat Island. I loved Geena Davis’ character in that movie. I also liked the saucy feeling the outfit gave me.

Donna looked me over, sighed, and rolled to her feet. “If you looked any more wenchy, I’d have to lock you up to keep you out of trouble.” Face serious, she walked over to me and rested her hands on my shoulders. “Look, I want you to have fun tonight, but you need to be careful who you flirt with. Everyone that was invited tonight is a friend and will be nice to you, but the dynamic among the species is different here. Flirtation can be misconstrued.” She paused. “Also, I’m serious, watch out for the wolves. They will literally screw anything that moves. I’ve seen them hook up with two, three, even four women at these parties.”

I nodded. I wasn’t here to flirt. Okay, maybe a little. I honestly wasn’t interested in dating a werewolf because their attitude toward monogamy sounded a little too much like my dad’s and my ex’s, but I wasn’t averse to a mild, casual flirtation with a vampire. Maybe even a kiss or two that would make me weak in the knees. Even though I was twenty-eight, I wasn’t exactly ready to settle down, especially with someone who’s dick was like a divining rod for easy pussy.

“I understand,” I said. “Don’t hook up with werewolves. I’ll write that on my hand so I don’t forget, Mama Donna. Hey, that rhymes!”

Donna ignored the comment and studied me closely, the expression on her face skeptical.

“I understand!” I repeated.

She shook her head and replied, “Just call my name when things go wrong and I’ll ride to the rescue.”

I glared at her, not appreciating her lack of faith in me, even if she did have a point. “Whatever.”

I was saved from further conversation by the peal of the doorbell. Donna released me and headed out of the bedroom. Before she walked out the door, she turned and pointed a finger at me. “Best behavior, got it?”

Without waiting for my response, she whirled and headed down the hall. Unable to resist, I made a face at the open door.

Donna’s voice floated into the room from the hallway. “I know what you just did!”

Groaning, I grabbed my belt and scabbard from the bed and cinched it around my hips. After one last quick check in the mirror, I hurried out of the room. I’d come over early to help Donna with the set up. Conner had a party planner he preferred to use, but I knew that Donna wasn’t overly fond of the woman’s flirty and aggressive attitude. As a result, the party had been planned by my friend. I helped her as much as possible, but Donna was a bit of a control freak and it was difficult for her to loosen her grip.

Satisfied that I looked okay, I picked up the cutlass from the bed and slid it into the sheath hanging from my belt. Then I walked downstairs to help Donna finish setting up for the party.

* * *

Two hours later, the party was heading into full swing. Donna had released me from hostess duties and Conner had dragged her out onto the dance floor of the ballroom. I snaked my way through the crowd to the bar and ordered a vodka tonic. Donna insisted that all her friends either stay the night or use a car service to get home. I’d opted for a car service. I drove my ancient compact over this afternoon and Donna promised she would have one of Conner’s lackeys bring it by the next day so I could drink and enjoy myself.

Though I loved spending time with my girlfriends, I could not handle all the loud sex that seemed to occur on a regular basis at Donna’s. There was some things I didn’t need to know about my bestie and the fact that she was a screamer was one of them. I really didn’t want to know that, much less experience it.

I saw Shannon standing at the bar, deep in conversation with a tall, handsome vampire with jet black hair and Native American features. He was dressed in black and had an earbud in one ear. I realized he was one of the vamps on security duty. Since Shannon worked in administration for a personal security company, I figured they were talking business.

She glanced at me as I slid by and I winked at her. Shannon didn’t even pause, merely gave me a finger wave, and continued to talk to the vampire who seemed to be completely enthralled with her. It seemed even vampires weren’t immune to her good looks and general badassery.

Shaking my head, I sipped my drink and watched a group of handsome men diversely dressed in everything from sharp suits to ragged jeans and I decided that I should introduce myself. Ignoring the echo of Donna’s overprotective spiel in my mind, I squared my shoulders and moved toward them. As I strolled across the room, I felt as though I were being watched. Surreptitiously, I glanced around.

At first, I didn’t see anyone openly staring, but, on my second sweep of the crowd, my eyes were caught by two brilliant green gems shimmering in the shadows. I blinked several times, wondering how I hadn’t noticed a jeweled statue in the ballroom before. The crowd between us shifted, parting slightly, and I realized I wasn’t staring at a statue, but at a flesh and blood man with the most incredible eyes I had ever seen. That was saying something, considering Conner had a pair of blue eyes that seemed to see straight into your soul and his friend Finn’s eyes were such a deep purple you could barely stand to meet his gaze. Was it vampire law that they could only change gorgeous men with unearthly eyes? If so, I definitely approved.

I sucked in a shaky breath as my eyes ran down the man’s taut, athletic frame. He wasn’t as tall as most of the men in the party, but his very presence seemed to expand, making him seem larger than he truly was. He wore a pair of dark, ragged jeans and a black oxford shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. While he didn’t seem bulky, I could see the definition in his forearms from twenty feet away.

I swallowed hard and realized my throat was dry as dust. I managed to tear my eyes away from the beautiful man and lift my drink with a shaky hand. After a quick sip, I forced myself not to look back to that corner and continued on my way to the group of gorgeous vampires that were now watching me with blatant appreciation.

I was here for some fun and maybe a little flirting. One look into those intense green eyes and I knew that anything I might have with that beautiful man wouldn’t be fun or light. It would be intense, overwhelming, and likely rough. Those things sounded very appealing, except for the fact that he was almost certainly not human and I knew I wasn’t ready for a ride that wild.

Unable to stop myself, I quickly glanced back toward where I’d seen the man. When I saw the corner was empty, I forced my body to relax and told myself I wasn’t disappointed in the least that he was gone. I figured I’d believe it by midnight if I kept repeating it to myself.

Chapter Two- Calder

I inhaled deeply as I watched her continue across the room. Even from twenty feet away, I could smell her. When our eyes met moments ago, I knew she didn’t know who I was. Seeing as we’d never actually met, it was unrealistic for me to expect her recognition. After the pack helped Conner and Lex rescue Ricki and her friends from the Faction months ago, I would remember her scent until the day I died.

A low growl emerged from my throat and I quickly swallowed it as the wolves around me began to step away. Shit. Even in human form, the wolf within me saw her and he staked his claim. When the animal inside wanted something, he was difficult to control.

I clenched my fist and shifted further back into the shadows, struggling to control the urge to charge across the ballroom and drag Ricki back to my room.


I breathed slowly as the wolf snarled inside me. Usually, we got along fine. I rarely denied the animal half of myself, but, in this instance, I had to. Conner and Lex had both warned me to stay away from Donna’s friends. At first, I thought that promise would be easy to keep, until I saw her, smelled her, and realized what she was to me.


I backed into the wall, pressing the base of my skull hard into the unforgiving surface. Over all the chatter, I heard the rich, sensual sound of her laughter and the internal war I waged ended abruptly. Warnings and promises be damned. That was my woman. I inhaled again, relishing her scent, knowing I would be able to pick her out of a crowd of thousands of people.

The people around me shifted out of the way as I surged forward. I strode toward the group of vampires Ricki had been speaking to, only one thought in my mind.


I paused when I realized she was no longer there. From the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of wild brown waves and I turned just as she vanished. Closing my eyes, I let my nose tell me which way to go. As the beta for my pack, I was one of the best trackers.

I moved slowly through the crowd, using both my vision and sense of smell to tell me which way Ricki had gone. Now that I was following his wishes, the wolf inside me was once again calm and patient. We would find her together and make her ours.

Twenty minutes later, I was no longer as calm or patient as my wolf. My skin felt hot and tight as I continued to track Ricki through the large house. I decided I would kick Conner’s ass the next time I saw him. If he didn’t have such a monstrosity of a home, I would have cornered my prey by now.

I’d weaved my way throughout the entire ballroom, into the kitchen, upstairs to a bathroom, and back down to the hallway that led to the library. In each room, I smelled her, but had yet to lay eyes on Ricki.

I kept my footsteps silent as I walked down the hall toward the library. A small sound caught my ear and I paused, listening. I heard the click of heels and smelled both woman and leather. It was her. After another quick sniff to determine whether or not she was alone, I smiled wickedly. My prey was within reach and she was by herself.

Keeping my feet light and quiet, I entered the library and paused in the doorway, appreciating the view. I leaned my shoulder against the door jam and watched as Ricki bent over, reaching into the back of the small liquor cabinet.

“Freaking picky ass vampires. Scotch aged 12 years isn’t good enough, huh? Well maybe these fucking knee high boots jammed up your ass will change your mind.”

I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at the low diatribe flowing from within the cabinet.

“Gotcha, you little bastard!” she said, backing out of the cabinet and straightening, a bottle of very old and very expensive Scotch in her hand. She turned and shrieked when she saw me, hugging the bottle to her chest. “Sweet Jesus!”

I wanted to laugh, but all the blood drained from my skull straight into the crotch of my jeans. In the ballroom, I’d been too distracted by her scent and the sound of her voice to realize exactly how sexy she looked in the tight brown leather corset and pants. Now I couldn’t take my eyes off her incredible tits.

I blinked when a small hand appeared in my face, fingers snapping rapidly.

“Hey, they’re attached to a person, douche canoe, and the rest of me is right here.”

I lifted my gaze to hers, which was worse, because her gorgeous brown eyes were snapping with fire and indignation and it was sexy as hell. Anger was like foreplay for wolves. We liked to rile up the female, then persuade her to channel that rage into something a whole lot more enjoyable for us both. I shifted slightly, hoping to alleviate the pressure behind my zipper.

“Sorry,” I answered.

She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. “No, you’re not.”

It took every ounce of control I could muster not to let my eyes wander down to the cleavage she flaunted with the change in her stance. Staring into her eyes without blinking, I answered, “Okay, I’m not. You put it on display, darlin’, and I’m just admiring the view.”

She snorted. “Just what every girl dreams of hearing.” She tilted her head to the side, her dark eyes skeptical and searching. “Who are you?”

I smiled slowly. “I’m Calder. And I already know you’re Ricki.”

She scowled at me then paused. “Okay, what are you?”

Admiring her guts, I rested a hip on the table next to me, my smile growing wider. I felt my fangs lengthen slightly. “I’m the Big Bad Wolf, baby, and I’m hungry.”

I had a moment’s satisfaction when her eyes widened in shock. Then she wrapped her arms around her middle and began laughing uncontrollably. Not exactly the reaction I’d expected.

Chapter Three- Ricki

I gasped for breath as I giggled. Holy shit, this guy was too much. His golden good looks seemed to house the same douchey attitude I’d seen time and again from handsome men. I bent over, trying to stifle the laughter that poured out of me. It was a lost cause. With shaking hands, I set the very expensive bottle of scotch on the cabinet next to me. At this rate, I would drop it and owe Donna more money than I had in my bank account.

Finally, I was able to control myself long enough to catch my breath. This damn corset was going to kill me. Between the laughing and snorting, the lack of oxygen was making me light-headed so I focused on getting air into my lungs. After a few minutes, I straightened and wiped tears from my cheeks.

“Oh, you’re funny,” I managed to choke out, fanning my face. Donna had been correct, the werewolves were a horny bunch.

His expression incredulous, he muttered, “I can’t believe this.”

Amusement fled at his tone and I cocked my hip, resting my hand on it. It was the classic you’re-about-to-get-an-earful stance. “Look, I’m sure that super sexy smoldering look and Big Bad Wolf line work on all the other ladies, but I don’t keep my brain cells in my breasts. I know a line when I hear one.”

He eyed me cautiously. “You’re not afraid of me?”

“Should I be?” I fired back.

Suddenly, he was no longer several feet away, but practically on top of me. Literally, in the blink of an eye, he moved across the room. I squeaked and tripped on my stilettos as I tried to back up. The one day I needed to be light on my feet, I would decide to wear hooker shoes. Shit.

Calder grasped my elbows and tugged me into his body. Heat poured off him in waves and I found myself leaning toward him like a flower toward the sun. When I realized what I was doing, I brought my hands up and shoved at his chest. I tried to disguise my shudder when he didn’t budge even an inch.

He lowered his face, pressing his nose against the delicate skin beneath my ear. I shook my head, trying to pull away.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I demanded.

I heard him inhale deeply before he released a hot stream of air against my throat. I squirmed slightly as my nipples hardened. I blinked and tried to focus, but my body was suddenly very aware of exactly how wonderful Calder smelled and how even better his hard, muscular frame felt against mine.

Hello? Arrogant werewolf sniffing you? Where’s your indignance?

Those thoughts broke the spell. I arched my back in an effort to put space between us. “Get off me!” When I heard him inhale yet again, I asked, “Are you freaking sniffing me like a dog?”

That got his attention. Calder froze, his face still pressed into the crook of my neck. I jumped when sharp teeth nipped my skin.

“Hey!” The slight sting jarred me out of my hormone haze, well, sort of. Maybe I was crazy, but the bite made my thighs tingle.

“You’re not afraid,” he murmured into my ear, “you’re turned on.”

When his teeth sank lightly into my earlobe, my eyes nearly rolled back into my head. I’d definitely lost the upper hand in this encounter. At the realization, my lids popped open and I reached up, shoving my hand into the back of Calder’s thick golden brown hair and giving it a hard yank.

“Ouch!” he yelped.

I swallowed a smile at the distinctly canine sound. Calder lifted his head and glared down at me, lifting a hand to rub the back of his head.

“What was that for?” he growled.

I blinked up at him, batting my eyelashes. “I told you to let me go. Since you weren’t listening to my words, I decided to get your attention another way.”

Smiling ruefully, he released me and stepped away. “Sorry. Your mouth may have said no, but all I could smell was-“

I poked him in the chest with my finger hard enough to make him flinch. “That’s enough of that,” I stated firmly.

He shrugged, no longer the sensual, dangerous man from a few moments before. Instead he looked like a mischievous little boy. Okay, so maybe more like a horny teenager.

My heart was still pounding and, even though I knew I should be angry and storm away, I didn’t want to. I wanted to stay and talk to him. This particular impulsive behavior might have been why Donna had told me to stay out of trouble. Ignoring the little voice that told me I was playing with fire, I moved away and hopped up on top of a nearby desk, letting my feet swing. “So, how did you know my name?”

He prowled over to the table and propped a hip against it. We were so close our shoulders touched. Reaching out a long arm, Calder snagged the Scotch from the top of the liquor cabinet and opened it. I watched incredulously as he took a swig straight from the bottle. I knew for a fact that the bottle he was drinking from cost over $1,000 and it was a struggle not to snatch it out of his hands.

He offered me the bottle and I shook my head. With a sigh, he said, “I’ll answer your question if you take a drink.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “So it’s like that, is it?”

His waggling the bottle was my only answer.

Glaring at him, I grabbed the bottle and took a small sip. Calder merely shook his head and gestured for me to take another. Grunting, I took a deeper drink, feeling the trail of warmth from the excellent Scotch as it slid down my throat. I handed the bottle back to him.

“I was there the day Donna and Conner rescued you and your friends.”

I blinked at him. “I don’t remember you.”

He took another pull from the bottle before handing it back to me. It wasn’t until I drank that he replied, “We didn’t meet that day.”

Perplexed, I passed the bottle and asked, “Then how do you know me?” He paused, as though weighing his answer. “Just tell me the truth, Calder.”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure you’ll understand my answer.” He sipped the Scotch.

I didn’t hesitate to drink when he handed the liquid back to me. “Try me.”

After another pause, he finally continued, “You understand that wolves have a highly developed sense of smell, right?”

Rolling my eyes, I nodded.

“Hey, just checking,” he said defensively. “Anyway, the day we tracked you down and rescued you, I could smell you. It wasn’t the same as it usually is when I’m tracking. Your scent seemed to….call out to me. I could smell your anger, your fear, and it enraged me. I’ve never felt that way during a hunt before.” He turned his green eyes to me once again. “It was as if your very essence was imprinted in my soul.”

I wasn’t sure if the trembling that ran through my limbs came from his confession or the liquor I’d so rapidly consumed. Either way, I couldn’t control it.

When he continued, the warmth created by the Scotch transformed into a different sort of heat. “I think I would recognize your scent fifty years from now, even if I never saw you again. It’s as if a part of you lives inside me now.”

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Calder’s as he set the bottle aside and reached for me. Slowly, as though he didn’t want to frighten me, he rose from the table and moved to stand in front of me. I stopped breathing as his hand lifted and he slid his fingers along my cheekbone, below my ear, and to the back of my neck. His touch was light, but confident, and it left tiny sparks dancing along my skin.

Completely entranced, I watched as his face came closer. I knew he was going to kiss me, but what surprised me the most was how badly I wanted it. He was a walking sensual promise and I wanted a taste. In fact, I wanted the whole fucking banquet.

Chapter Four- Calder

My body tightened to the point of breaking when Ricki sighed against my lips. Jesus, this woman managed to push every single button I had. First, she was feisty and now acquiescent. It was as if she knew exactly what to do and when to do it in order to make me crazy with lust.

I wanted to wrap her long, wild hair around my fist, yank her head back, and devour her mouth the way I wanted to devour her pussy. Somehow, I held back. Ricki was a human woman, not some bitch in heat. It had been a long time since I’d fucked a human, probably not since college. Vaguely, I remembered that the last human girl I’d been with liked slow, soft kisses and gentle touches. She complained if I was too rough or demanding, saying it frightened her.

As I took Ricki’s mouth for the first time, I focused on keeping the kiss light, almost chaste, rather than ravenous the way my body demanded. However, the urge to take remained, bubbling relentlessly beneath my skin.

When her tongue darted out to swipe my bottom lip, I couldn’t hold back the low growl that crawled up my throat before I opened my mouth over hers and plunged my tongue inside. Her whimper brought me back to myself and I pulled back slightly.

We were both panting as we stared into each other’s eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Ricki asked breathlessly.

I shook my head and lowered my mouth to her neck, kissing the soft skin beneath her ear and down her throat. Once again, she grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled hard. My head snapped up and I bit back a snarl, not of anger, but of enjoyment. I loved it when my partners played rough.


Ricki studied me with narrowed eyes. “Why are you holding back?” she demanded.

“What?” I asked. I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Earlier, you bit me hard enough to leave a mark, but now it’s almost as though you’re afraid you’ll break me. What’s going on here?”

“I thought human women liked their partners to be gentle,” I answered defensively. Why in the hell were we having this conversation? I lowered my face to her collarbone and licked. When she shivered in my arms, it took everything I had not to yank her hips against mine and grind my aching cock over her pussy.

The damned woman yanked my hair again, this time even harder. Before I realized what I was doing, I growled and pinned her flat on her back on top of the table. When I saw her wide eyes, I felt disgust with myself.

To my complete shock, she smiled smugly and stated, “That’s more like it.”

Certain I was hearing things, I asked, “What?”

My spine arched as her hand moved from my hair to beneath the hem of my t-shirt and she dragged her nails down the skin of my back. I knew there would be marks, but she didn’t press quite hard enough to break the skin. I was going to go out of my fucking mind if she didn’t stop touching me like that.

“You’re not going to break me, Calder.”

I shook my head, trying to focus so I could explain that I could, in fact, break her. I could seriously injure her if I lost all control. “You don’t understand-”

She made a frustrated sound as she interrupted, “No, you don’t understand. I like a little pain with my pleasure, Calder. In fact, sometimes I like a lot of pain.”

I lifted my head and said the first thing that came to mind. “Like BDSM?”

Ricki shook her head. “Not exactly. I mean, I don’t get off on the idea of someone whipping me and I’d probably swat your nose with a newspaper if you tried to boss me around. But I like it when my partner is rough or gives me love bites. I like looking in the mirror the next day and seeing finger imprints bruised on my wrists or thighs. It turns me on.”

What she described was how wolves fucked. Wild, rough, and intense. I wanted to do each and every one of those things to her and a hell of a lot more. I had to close my eyes when her nails dug into my lower back again. If she kept it up, I would lose what little control I had left.

I blew out a breath. “I understand what you’re saying.” I opened my eyes to find Ricki staring up at me, an uncertain expression on her face. “What’s wrong?”

“You think I’m a freak, don’t you?”

I shook my head. “Hell no.”

“Then why are you staring at me like that instead of kissing me?”

“Because, if I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop until I’ve fucked you raw.”

Chapter Five- Ricki

At Calder’s bold statement, I felt as though the blood in my veins had turned molten. My entire body was burning. My hips moved restlessly beneath his and I moaned as he ground his erection against my clit. I couldn’t believe I’d said all those things to him. I had confessed my deepest desires to someone I’d only met minutes ago.

This was insane. I didn’t even know this man but my body was begging for him to do exactly what he threatened to do; fuck me raw. I wanted it and, if I closed my eyes, I could see it. His naked body stretched over mine, sweat gleaming on his golden skin, as he drove into my body hard and deep.

Green eyes intent on my mouth, Calder began to lower his head. My heart was beating so hard and fast, I felt as though I were seconds away from passing out.

Just before his lips touched mine, I whispered, “Wait.” I could swear I heard him whine, but he stopped, our mouths less than an inch apart. Calder tilted his head so our foreheads touched. I sucked in a shaky breath. “This is happening too fast. I don’t know what in the hell I’m doing.”

As though it hurt to move, he moved off the table, his hands grasping mine and pulling me up into a sitting position. I managed to get to my feet and stagger to the bottle of Scotch Calder had set aside earlier. Even though my head was spinning from a combination of liquor and lust already, I took a huge drink, coughing as the amber liquid seared my throat and stomach.

My knees gave out and I grabbed onto the table to catch myself. Putting the bottle on the table before I dropped it, I waved Calder away when he moved toward me. “No, please. Don’t touch me right now. I can’t think straight when you’re touching me.” I rolled my eyes at his satisfied smile. I needed to think before I opened my mouth. That wolf already had a healthy ego, it would be a bad idea to continue feeding it.

I moved to the wall, leaning back against it, still taking quick, shallow breaths because my lungs were so constricted by the corset. I really wanted to loosen the laces, but it would have to wait. I was fairly certain that the leather bustier would end up on the floor if I untied the knot in the front right now. Calder’s eyes were still hot with lust and his face was flushed.

Talking mostly to myself, I asked, “What just happened?”

Though I hadn’t expected him to, Calder answered, “I think it’s called lust.”

I shot him a narrow-eyed look to let him know that his flippant remark wasn’t appreciated. “I know that. I never, and I mean never, behave like that. I’ve known you, what? Five minutes? The most contact I have with people I’ve known for minutes is a handshake.”

Calder laughed softly. “Took you by surprise, huh?”

I nodded.

He crossed the room and stood in front of me, his eyes studying my face intently. He lifted a hand and wrapped a curl of my hair around his finger. “We can go back to the party. You can drive me crazy by rubbing that incredible body all over me on the dance floor and we’ll get to know each other.”

Shocked, I stared up at him. “Huh?”

It was his turn to look off balance. “Yeah. Why do you seem surprised?”

“Well, uh, most men would be a little upset if I put on the brakes just as things were getting intense.”

Calder’s mouth quirked slightly in a small smile. “I’m not most men, darlin’.” He tugged the curl he’d wrapped around his finger and released it. “So, you wanna go back to the party?”

I decided to take a risk. “Not really.” When his brows rose, I continued. “It was nice sitting in here and talking to you. If we go back to the party, it will be loud and crowded.”

I watched as Calder went to the table and grabbed the bottle we’d been drinking from, then he went to the liquor cabinet and picked up two glasses.

Gesturing to a small sofa, he said, “Then why don’t we sit here, drink, and talk?”

Smiling, I straightened from the wall. “Sounds good, but I’d rather have vodka than Scotch.”

“Then I’ll drink the whiskey and you get the vodka.”

I went to the liquor cabinet and poured a good amount of vodka into a glass. I would have preferred some sort of mixer or at least some ice, but I could tolerate it if I took slow sips.

As though he read my mind, Calder pointed to the end of the cabinet. “Conner had a small ice machine installed a few months ago. Thought it was a stupid idea until now.”

I smiled gratefully and opened the door he’d pointed out. After I added a couple of ice cubes to my glass, I joined him on the sofa. When I realized that he’d chosen the smallest couch in the library, I shook my head.

“What?” he asked innocently.

I settled into the cushions, my body brushing his with each movement. “I’m onto you,” I muttered.

I choked on my drink when he quipped, “I’d rather you be on me.” He patted my back, laughing as I coughed. “Are you okay?”

“Are you trying to kill me?” I wheezed.

His shoulders shook as he tried to hold back his laughter. “No, of course not.”

I found myself smiling at him, despite the fact that my eyes were watering and my throat was raw. “Then maybe tone it down on the suggestive comments before I choke to death.” Finally, I felt as though I could breathe. Glancing over at Calder, I asked him a question I’d been wanting to ask one of Donna’s friends since I found out that supernatural beings existed, “So, what’s it like to be a werewolf?”


I nudged him with my elbow. “I’m curious. What’s it like to be a werewolf? Do you change whenever the light of the full moon hits you? Do you run through the forest, howling? Are you an actual wolf when you change or do you become a sort of wolfman hybrid?”

Calder lifted a hand. “Whoa, slow down, woman. You just asked me four questions without pausing for an answer.”

I shrugged, my nice buzz preventing embarrassment from rising. “I’ve been dying to ask these questions for months. This is the first time I’ve had a chance without the risk of offending someone.”

“How do you know you aren’t offending me?” he asked teasingly.

“Well, you want to have sex with me, right?”

I stopped when he shook his head, but laughed when he said, “Having sex is not how I would describe what I want to do to you. Making you come so hard you scream would be a good start.”

I shifted in my seat as those words caused heat to streak through my body. Damn, this man was going to bring me to orgasm with sweet talk alone.

I sipped my vodka to wet my suddenly dry throat. “I just thought that you’d be more open to answering my questions since you’re interested in spending naked time with me.” I giggled at the expression on his face.

“Naked time? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”

“Kids? Just how old are you, Grandpa?” I asked, heavy on the sarcasm.

“I’m forty-seven.”

I felt my eyes widen. “What? You’re joking, right?”

Calder smirked and shook his head. “No. I’ll be forty-eight in a couple of months.”

“Okay, now I’m not sure if I’m okay with lusting after a man that’s almost twenty years older than me or grossed out.”

Calder stared at me as though a third eyeball had popped out of my forehead. I managed to hide my giggle behind my glass as I sipped my vodka.

“Wolves age more slowly than humans.” His voice was a tad defensive and he actually looked a little miffed.

Deciding I’d teased him enough for the time being, I asked, “What’s the typical lifespan of a werewolf?”

Eyeing me warily, Calder sat back on the couch and propped his feet on the ottoman in front of us. “Usually five or six hundred years. So, by wolf standards, I’m practically still a pup.”

Unable to resist, I asked, “So, in werewolf years, you’re, what, 16?” He growled at me, but I only laughed. This was too much fun.

“No,” he answered, his voice gravelly. “I would be considered to be in my prime. Would you like a demonstration?”

Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I shook my head.

He finally relaxed into the cushions, his arm coming around me and pulling me tight against his side. “Tease,” he grumbled.

Letting my weight rest against him, I wondered how I could be more comfortable around Calder, a person I’d met less than an hour ago, than I was around people I’d known for years.

Chapter Six- Calder

I couldn’t believe that this little human woman was so blunt and unafraid. The fact that I could kill her without breaking a sweat didn’t seem to faze her in the least. Most humans, male or female, would give me a wide berth, never mind tease me about acting like a horny teenager.

She nudged me with her elbow again. “Well?”

“Well, what?”

Her tone was annoyed when she responded. “What’s it like?”

“Well, I wake up in the morning and go find a fire hydrant to piss on, then I eat and scratch myself before I take a nap. Unfortunately, I can’t lick my own balls unless I’m in wolf form.” Ricki smirked, but I could tell that she was disappointed with my cavalier answer to her question.

“What about fleas?” she asked. Though her words were flippant, her tone was flat, devoid of humor or even curiosity.

Unable to deal with her crestfallen expression and the loss of her exuberant attitude, I poured more Scotch into my glass and took a healthy swallow. “Do you want the honest answer?”

Ricki rolled her eyes, tossing her tangled curls over her shoulder. “No, I want you to make it all up. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want the truth.”

I placed my glass on the table next to the sofa and leaned back into the soft cushions. Since humans were rarely invited into the shifter world, I’d never had this conversation before. I wanted to laugh at the fact that I was nearly fifty years old and I hadn’t given much thought to what being a wolf truly meant or what it felt like. I simply existed.

“Being a shifter is like….” I paused, weighing my words carefully, “it’s like having another being inside your body and mind. When I’m in human form, I’m mainly in control. Though, I’ve learned the hard way not to ignore the other part of myself. One moment of inattention or slip in my willpower, and he can take over when he wants something badly enough.”

She opened her mouth as though she wanted to say something, then shut it quickly.

“Did you want to ask me something?”

“What do you mean take over?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Well, if I ignore the needs of my animal side or fight my instincts too hard, I’ll shift and I won’t be able to stop it or control it.”

“Who’s in control when you’re in your, uh, wolf form?” The question was hesitant, as though she was concerned that she was offending me.

“I still have control, just not as much. When a shifter changes, their animal instincts become almost undeniable, especially predators. The urge to hunt becomes especially strong. That’s why you never, ever run from a supernatural being, whether vampire or shifter. Especially a shifter in animal form. We’re predators. Anything that flees immediately becomes prey.”

Ricki nodded. “So, what kind of things do you and your wolf disagree upon?”

Tracking her thought processes was a little like hunting jack rabbits. All over the place and hard to follow. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

She gestured with her free hand. “Well, you said that you might change if your wolf wanted something badly and you denied that part of yourself. Are we talking about craving a Big Mac or chewing on body parts?”

Where in the hell did she get these macabre ideas? Probably TV and movies and other lore fueled by misinformation.

“No, it’s not like that,” I hedged.

Beginning to sound exasperated, she asked “Then what is it like? Give me a specific example.”

As she spoke, my eyes wandered down to her mouth, then her breasts. The wolf stretched inside me, growling, because he liked what he saw and he liked it a lot. Normally, he didn’t give a damn about humans unless he was hungry, but, for some reason, that part of me lusted after this woman. She smelled different. She was different.

She. Is. Mine.

“Right now?” I questioned. When she nodded, I shifted forward, sitting so close to her that I could feel the heat rising off her skin. Her pupils expanded at the whisper of contact. “Right now, my wolf wants to see if you taste as good as you smell.” I let my gaze travel down the rest of her body. “Especially the flavor between your thighs.”

The scent of female arousal spiked around me and I had to close my eyes. Once again, I was dangerously close to losing control. Our bodies brushed as her muscles coiled. Shit, I pushed too far and she was going to run.

When she sprang to her feet, I stood with her, unable to stop myself. My hand grasped the nape of her neck firmly, holding her in place. She gasped, wide brown eyes staring up at me in surprise.

“Don’t move. Please, don’t move.” My voice sounded guttural and harsh and her scent changed. Instead of desire, I smelled something almost as tempting and sweet; fear. Even as the predatory part of my nature demanded that I take down my prey, I despised my reaction. I hated that I was scaring her. I took an unsteady breath. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m not trying to scare you. Just remember what I said; don’t run from a shifter or a vamp. If you run from me, I will chase you. I won’t be able to stop myself.”

Her eyes remained huge as she nodded. “I understand,” she murmured.

Chapter Seven- Ricki

Shit just got real.

As I stared into Calder’s eyes, my heart pounded into my sternum in a ragged rhythm. For the first time since we began our conversation, he looked like the Big Bad Wolf. I wondered if that made me Red Riding Hood.

The crazy thing was that, while I was a little scared, I was also turned on. He was staring at me as though he wanted to gobble me up.

A couple of years ago, I’d had a boyfriend who was into bedroom mind games. Actually, he was into a lot more than that. Being young and curious, I was willing to try something new, but soon realized that I wasn’t suited for the life of a submissive. I didn’t respond well to my boyfriend’s attempts to keep me on that edge between fear and desire or having to call him Sir with a straight face. Apparently, I was being mindfucked by the wrong man.

A wicked thought flitted through my brain and I took a slow step back. I knew this wasn’t a game, but I liked this adrenaline rush. No, I freaking loved it. I just hoped it didn’t backfire.

Calder’s face hardened when he asked, “What are you doing, Ricki?”

I took another step back. This time, he moved with me, following me as though I had the lead in this strange sexual dance we’d been enacting the last hour. I backed up once again, pausing at the low growl that emerged from Calder’s throat.

“I’m trying to put a little space between us, that’s all,” I answered breathlessly. This was a complete lie. Donna had definitely been correct in assuming I wouldn’t be able to resist trouble.

As I retreated across the room, he stalked me, brilliant green eyes glittering like gems. I felt a shiver run down my spine as something ruthless and wild swirled in their depths.

“I told you not to run.” His voice was deep and gravelly as he continued to stalk after me.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m not. I’m walking.”

This time the low, rumbling growl that emerged from his throat shot straight to my groin. The less-than-human sounds he made weren’t as frightening now that I’d spent a little time talking to him.

Without looking behind me, I knew I was getting close to the wall. By the time my back hit the silk wallpaper, my legs were so weak I needed the wall to support my weight. I gasped when Calder crowded into me, his hands gripping my hips. My body jerked as his thumbs massaged the muscles around my hipbones. I had no idea how sensitive I could be there.

“What game are you playing here, Ricki?” he asked, his hands squeezing my pelvis.

I shook my head. “Games are for children.”

“You realize there’s no turning back now, don’t you?”

Oh God. I felt as though an electrical shock surged through my body. What had I gotten myself into? What began as a casual flirtation was now rapidly morphing into something so overwhelming that it almost frightened me. I didn’t have a chance to fully comprehend what he meant because he used his grip on my hips to lift me so that we were eye-to-eye. I gasped and clutched his shoulders at the unexpected movement.

Within seconds, my upper back was pressed against the wall, my legs were wrapped around his waist, and I had a long, hard werewolf erection exactly where I needed it. Well, it would have been exactly where I needed it if we were both naked.

Calder tangled his left hand in my hair, tugging my head back. I expected him to kiss me, but he didn’t. Instead, he lowered his face to my neck, nibbling and sucking at the skin a few inches below my ear. My earlier words echoed in my ears. I loved it when my partners marked me and it seemed he was the type of man who listened. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea after all.

I felt a slight tug at the front of my corset and looked down to see Calder’s fingers slowly pulling the laces free of the loopy bow I’d tied earlier. Since the bustier could be worn either way, I’d chosen to put the fastening in the front so I could tie it myself. Nothing more annoying than having to ask for help dressing myself, as though I were four years old.

My breath hitched as he slid a finger behind the criss-cross pattern of the leather cord that held the garment together. Considering how demanding his mouth had been earlier, it shocked me that he took his sweet time tugging each lace free. The sensation of his finger brushing my sternum and the inner swells of my breasts made my nipples tighten further. By the time he reached the halfway point, I was ready to demand he tear the fucking thing off me.

As though he read my mind, he finished pulling the strips free with a few sharp jerks. No longer tied together, the leather fell from my torso to the floor with a thud and I took my first deep breath since I’d put it on hours ago. The shirt I was wearing beneath it was so sheer it was practically transparent.

“Fuck me,” Calder muttered, his eyes glued to my breasts. “Your tits are incredible.”

His dirty mouth only amplified the heat that gathered between my thighs. I usually hated crude words but, coming from his lips and in that rich, Southern-accented voice, I wanted him to keep talking.

Instead of yanking the shirt from my body as I expected him to do, Calder lifted his hands and pulled the material taut across my breasts, revealing exactly how tight my nipples had become. His thumbs stroked over the areolas through the material, which only intensified the sensation. I began to pant as Calder lowered his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

“Oh my God.” The words left my throat on a moan. Whatever he was doing with his mouth felt fan-fucking-tastic.

I squirmed restlessly as he switched his attentions to my other breast. When he lifted his head, my shirt clung to my skin, the damp fabric revealing every detail.

Dropping to his knees, Calder slowly unzipped my boots and tugged them off. His hands traveled over my snug suede pants from ankle to hip. When he reached the tops of my thighs, his thumbs met directly over my center.

“I can feel how hot you are through the fabric,” he growled. “Are you wet?”

I stared down my body at his fierce expression and did something I never do; I let all those naughty words I usually held back spill from my lips. I spread my legs, planting my feet shoulder-width apart. “Feel for yourself.”

His reaction was immediate and aggressive. Calder snarled and yanked so forcefully on the buttons of my pants that more than one popped off and rolled across the room. I almost lost my balance as he roughly peeled the tight material down my legs, leaving me in only my long shirt and black g-string panties. My body jerked when he tore the tiny panties from my body.

His hard, callused hands shoved my thighs apart, sliding behind me to cup my ass, both lifting me from my feet and holding me open for his perusal. He moved forward so that my legs hooked over his shoulders. I couldn’t believe how strong he was and it ramped up my arousal.

“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re bare.” He sounded surprised. Apparently, she-wolves didn’t like to go Brazilian.

Before I could formulate any sort of verbal response, he set about devouring me. That was the only way to describe the single-minded way he licked, sucked, and kissed my pussy. I knew I was moaning loudly, but couldn’t bring myself to stop. Instead, I buried my hands in his thick, golden brown hair and held on for dear life as the climax swelled within me, threatening to overtake me.

His talented tongue found exactly the right spot and my back arched away from the wall, pressing me closer to his face. He growled and continued to attack that sensitive area with his tongue. In less than a minute, one of the most intense, toe-curling orgasms of my life detonated inside me.

My entire body bucked and shuddered as wave after wave of pleasure washed through me. Calder’s mouth gentled, slowly bringing me down from a release so sharp it hurt. Somehow, despite my wild movements, he’d managed to keep his grip on me.

Calder nuzzled my inner thigh, nipping the skin hard enough to leave a mark. Still hyper-sensitive from my orgasm, I whimpered and tried to pull away. He moved his arms, letting my legs slide off his shoulders. Gradually, he lowered me until my feet touched the floor, then he stood.

His eyes shimmered with heat as he stared down at me, licking his lips. “You taste like sugar.”

With those four words, the desire that had just been sated roared back to life. Judging by his wicked smile, Calder knew it too.

It seemed my night had just gotten started.

Chapter Eight- Calder

I looked down at Ricki, trying to decide what I wanted to do first; pin her back against the wall and fuck her or drag her over to the sofa, bend her over, and ride her until she screamed.

While I was trying to decide, she reached out, grabbed two handfuls of my shirt, and literally tore it open, scattering buttons across the floor. Fuck it, the couch was too far away and the wall was right here. I shrugged out of the material as her hands smoothed down my chest and abdomen to my belt buckle. When she struggled to unbutton my pants, I brushed her hands away and took over the task. Vaguely, I heard the denim rip, but I didn’t give a shit. All that mattered was that I get inside all that sweet, wet heat between her thighs as soon as possible.

She shoved the jeans down my legs, kneeling as she did, then she laughed. Not exactly the reaction a man hoped for when a woman saw his dick for the first time.

Brown eyes sparkling, Ricki looked up at me. “You’re not wearing any underwear.”

I shrugged. I had no fucking clue how to respond to that. Most shifters didn’t bother with underwear, even the females. One less thing to remove before we changed.

Her expression grew sultry. “It’s sexy.” Her voice had deepened and her mouth was so close to my hard cock that I could feel the heat of her breath and the vibration of her words on the tip.

Unable to control it, my dick twitched at her words. I was no longer thinking straight because I said something I never would have said to a she-wolf. “Use your mouth on me,” I commanded, grasping my erection and pointing straight at her.

When she only stared at me, one eyebrow cocked, I had a moment of panic. Oh shit. I hoped human women were a little less….bloodthirsty than she-wolves. Demanding oral sex from a female shifter was like asking to be neutered. Without anesthesia.

Before I could stammer an excuse or an apology or something, Ricki leaned forward. My heart stopped as her hot mouth closed around the tip of my dick. When she took me all the way to the back of her throat, I slapped a hand against the wall in front of me to keep from falling over.

“Oh shit.” I nearly choked on the words.

Taking her time, Ricki tightened her lips around me, increasing the suction. She wrapped her hand around the base, gripping me firmly, exactly how I liked it. As her hand stroked my cock in time with her mouth, she added a slight twist of her wrist with each motion and hummed in the back of her throat. My body went rigid as I found myself on the verge of coming in her mouth like a randy teenage boy.

Oh shit.”

As much as I liked what she was doing, we would, without a doubt, have to revisit that later. Right now, I wanted my cock balls deep in another part of her body so I could play with her fucking gorgeous breasts and use my mouth and teeth to leave marks that would take days to fade. I wanted her to look in the mirror and remember who fucked her, who she belonged to.


The possessive whisper from the wolf inside me echoed in my brain. Somehow I managed to be gentle as I cupped the back of her head and guided her mouth away from me. What happened next wasn’t gentle.

I pulled her up, lifting her off her feet, and shoved her back against the wall. The new position put her heavy breasts even with my face, a temptation I couldn’t resist. I sucked one hard nipple into my mouth, laving it with my tongue. Ricki released a throat moan and thrashed in my arms. I angled a hand between us, sliding my fingers across her clit and straight into her pussy. Her legs tightened around my hips. When I moved my mouth to the inner curve of her breast and bit her hard enough to leave a mark, her muscles gripped my finger tightly and, though I hadn’t thought it possible, she grew wetter.


Goddamn but I loved the way she said my name. Pressing my mouth to her sternum and licking a line between her breasts, I demanded, “Say my name again.” When she didn’t, I crooked my fingers inside her and rubbed firmly. I didn’t have to tell her again.


Her entire body tensed and her muscles clamped down hard on my fingers. I knew she was close, but I wanted to be deep inside her when she came again. I wanted to feel her squeeze my cock like she squeezed my fingers just now.

I removed my hand and she shook her head. “Don’t stop,” she moaned. Her eyes widened when I lined up our bodies and began to slide inside her. “Stop!”

What the hell? I paused. Did she seriously expect me to put her down without fucking her blind?

“Condom,” she panted.

Oh thank Christ. I nipped at her nipples, relishing in the tremors that shook her entire body. “No need, darlin’. Shifters can’t get diseases.”

Her expression turned fierce. “Yeah, but I’m sure they can knock people up.”

“Only if those people are ovulating,” I retorted, “which you are not.” I couldn’t believe she was able to speak, much less think rationally.

She scowled at me and shook her head again. Shit, why the fuck was I arguing about this when I could be inside her? I managed not to drop her as I shifted her weight to one hand and reached down for my fucking pants with the other. I was pretty sure I had a single rubber in my wallet. I never needed them except when the she-wolf I was fucking was in heat.

Growling under my breath, I snagged the condom and let the leather wallet drop to the floor. Tearing the foil packet open with my teeth, I rolled it on with one hand. I hated the feeling. I wanted to be inside Ricki, nothing between us. She was mine. I shouldn’t have to wear a goddamn rubber.

Still, I couldn’t deal with the alternative, so I would wear it and take everything I could get from her.

Her hands gripped my shoulders, nails digging into my skin hard. I fucking loved it. I shifted her weight again and pressed my cock against her pussy. This time, her lids lowered and she sank her teeth into her bottom lip. As I lowered her slowly, only giving her an inch at a time, her head lolled back against the wall, a long, low moan escaping from her mouth. I knew she didn’t realize what she’d done, but by presenting her neck to me, she was showing me submission. In fact, she-wolves never exposed their throat to a male unless they wanted to be marked and mated.

Despite knowing that Ricki had no idea what she was offering me, instinct took over. I felt my teeth lengthen in my mouth, preparing to sink into that smooth flesh, to mark her as mine. Wedging her body against the wall, I fucked her slow and hard, angling my hips to slide my cock over her clit with each thrust.

I knew she was close when her body tightened around me almost to the point of pain and her nails drew blood as she raked them down my shoulders and arms. I slammed my hips into hers, grinding, then repeating.

“Oh God,” she groaned.

“Go ahead, darlin’. Come on my cock. I want it.” I reached up with one hand and tugged on one of her nipples firmly, twisting slightly.

That’s all it took. It seemed she hadn’t been exaggerating when she said she liked a little pain with her pleasure. Throwing her head back, Ricki arched and thrashed in my arms, crying out.

As her body clenched around my dick, I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold off. I was going to come hard. The pulse in Ricki’s neck seemed to be pounding inside my own body. I could feel her in my blood.

Mine,” I snarled.

Without speaking, Ricki’s head tilted to the side, an invitation I couldn’t refuse. As my own orgasm hit me like a runaway train, I clamped my teeth on the curve where her neck and shoulder met. When a few drops of blood hit my tongue, I realized I’d broken the skin.

I felt her go rigid against me, a wail tearing from her throat, and regret tore through me. Goddammit, I hadn’t meant to hurt her. I swiped the wound with my tongue, knowing my saliva would ease the sting. It wasn’t until Ricki sank her teeth into my pectoral that I realized she hadn’t cried out in pain, but from another climax.

Finally, she went limp against me, both of us wrung dry. My legs gave out under me and we collapsed to the floor.

Her eyes were heavy lidded and her cheeks flushed as she rolled off me onto her side. “Holy shit,” she muttered. “I can’t feel my legs. Do I still have legs?”

Smirking, I licked my lips, tasting the faint tang of her blood, and felt my dick twitch. I closed my eyes, too exhausted to even deal with the condom. “I’d tell you if I wasn’t blind.”

When she giggled, I gathered her against my chest, tucking her forehead against my neck. Now that I’d had her, tasted her, and marked her, I didn’t think I could let her go.

I was so fucked.

Chapter Nine- Ricki

I couldn’t move. It seemed Calder had done exactly as he threatened. I was definitely going to feel him in the morning. I let my body mould to his side, my leg curling around his. I studied his torso as I traced a finger across his chest. Now that I wasn’t blinded by lust, I could see little white scars etched in random patterns all over his body. It appeared as though someone had clawed and bitten him everywhere.

What truly caught my attention was the bright red bite mark on the firm curve of his pectoral. Propping myself up on an elbow, I leaned forward to get a closer look.

“Did I do that?” I asked.

He smiled, his eyes still closed. “Oh yeah.” Still, he flinched slightly when I ran my finger over the perfect imprint of my teeth.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured. I’d never done anything like that before during sex.

His lids opened slowly and he watched me with languid green eyes as an expression of satisfaction settled on his face. “I’m not. It was hot as fuck.” He lifted a hand and put a finger on the side of my neck. When I sucked in a sharp breath at the sting of his touch, he winced. “I marked you.”

He rolled so we were chest-to-chest, tucking his face against my neck. At the first hot, wet swipe of his tongue on my throat, I jumped. Calder continued to lick my skin with slow, long strokes of his tongue. It felt weird.

“What are you doing?”

He paused and I felt his lips form a smile against my throat. “Licking you. I broke the skin in a couple of places and my saliva will help it heal faster and dull the soreness.”

“Uh, ok. Apparently, there’s a lot I didn’t know about werewolves.”

He chuckled against my throat, causing me to jump for a different reason. How could I be feeling the first stirrings of desire after two mind-altering orgasms? Calder cupped my ass and pulled me closer. My eyes widened when I realized that he was already getting hard again.

Noticing my reaction, he rolled his hips against mine. “There’s one other thing you should know about shifters, darlin’, we can go all night without a break.”

My body stiffened when I heard the muffled sounds of people passing outside the library door. Shit, it wasn’t locked. I didn’t take another breath until the voices and footsteps faded.

“Maybe we should get out of here,” Calder suggested.

I felt my heart drop. An echo of Donna’s warning about the nature of werewolves and their tendency to screw anything that had a vagina.

“Conner gave me one of the guest rooms for the night.”

The rush of relief I felt at his words alarmed me. I’d only wanted to flirt a little and somehow I’d ended up having the best sex of my life with a man I barely knew.

He said you’re imprinted on his soul.

I flipped off the little voice whispering in the back of my mind and told her to shut the fuck up. Thoughts like that would only result in one possible outcome; me, broken-hearted.

Calder was watching me intently with serious eyes when I emerged from my frantic thoughts. He rolled to his feet, using a tissue to wrap up the condom and dump it in the trash basket. Without speaking, he bent down and picked up his shirt. I felt my heart sink again as he pulled up his jeans, which we hadn’t bothered to remove. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, without a clue as to what that might be. When I realized there was nothing I could say, I sat up and started gathering my scattered clothing.

He scooped me up from the floor and I squeaked, clutching my clothes to my chest. I stared at his jaw, watching as it tightened as though he were gritting his teeth. Carrying me as though I weighed nothing, Calder headed toward the door to the library.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice shrill.

“Taking you to my room,” he answered abruptly.

I started struggling then. “You can’t just carry me through the house NAKED!”

With a low growl, he set me on my feet and wrapped his shirt around me, tucking my arms through the too-long sleeves as though I were a child. Since most of the buttons were now scattered all over the library floor, I clutched the material together over my breasts with one hand and cradled my clothes with the other.

“Look, I think I should just go-“ I murmured.


“Excuse me?” Surely I heard him incorrectly.

“No. You’re not leaving.”

I scowled up at him. “Listen, I can do whatever I want and right now I want to leave.”

He stared down at me, something working behind those beautiful green eyes. Then, without another word, he leaned down, planted his shoulder in my belly, and straightened. The world tilted as he settled me over his shoulders like he was carrying a sack of flour.

“Put me down!” I hissed.


I tried to kick him, but he just tightened his grip on the back of my legs. Balling up my fists, I aimed for his kidneys and hammered him on the back as hard as I could. All he did was grunt and continue out of the library.

“Put me down,” I demanded, “or I’ll scream for help.”

His answer to my threat was to smack my bare ass sharply. “Hush.”

I’ll be damned if his high-handed behavior didn’t make me wet. It didn’t matter. He had no right to treat me like this.

“Calder,” I said, warning heavy in my voice.

I hadn’t been paying attention to where we were going. I heard a door open, he stepped into a guest room, and shut and locked the door behind him. I began to squirm, trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation, when his hand connected with the other cheek of my ass with a sharp crack.

That was it. I sucked in a huge breath to scream, but it left me in a quiet whoosh when he threw me down on a massive bed. My clothes went flying and his shirt fell open so that I lay on the bed, completely exposed.

“I want to leave,” I stated firmly.


I pounded on the bed with my closed fists. “Stop giving me one word responses.” I sat up and tried to scoot to the opposite side of the bed. When he grabbed my ankle and dragged me back, I lost it.

I tried to kick him in the balls, which made him smile. The bastard smiled. Then I tried to punch him, which he dodged easily before lunging at me. With very little effort, he pinned my wrists down to the bed and forced my legs apart with his knees. As angry and frustrated as I was, I was also incredibly turned on. How many times had I wanted my partners to take control, to be a little bossy? Maybe I was more submissive than I’d realized, because, as much as I wanted to hate this, I fucking loved it.

Calder stared down at me, our bare chests pressed together. I was panting but he didn’t seem to be exerted in the least. “Do you really want to leave?” he asked me quietly. “Tell me the truth.”

Abruptly, all the fight went out of my body and I melted beneath him. “No. I want to stay.”

He nodded and lowered his head, running his lips across my collarbone. “Good, because I wasn’t planning to let you go anytime soon.”

I lost my ability to think or respond when his mouth closed over my nipple and he began to do wicked things to my body with his hands. If this was my only night with this man, I would make it count.

Chapter Ten- Calder

For the first time since I’d lost my virginity at fifteen, I couldn’t get hard. I literally had nothing left in my body. In the last three hours, I’d fucked Ricki in as many positions, and as many times as possible.

She lay on her stomach next to me, her hair tangled around her head and her face turned away. The sheets were rumpled low around her hips, barely covering her ass. I could see small bruises on her flesh and realized they were from my fingers. The mark I’d left on her shoulder was obvious. I examined it after we finished the second round and realized that she would probably have a scar. The thought filled me with triumph. If she carried scars from my bite, others males would know that she belonged to someone else. To me.

If it hadn’t been for my enhanced hearing, I wouldn’t have heard her mumbled, “Am I dead?”

I didn’t even have the energy to laugh. “I think we killed each other.” My voice came out a dry croak. I needed water, but the nearest source was the fridge discreetly built into the enormous dresser. Conner didn’t do things by half measures, or at least his decorator didn’t. All the guest rooms were richly appointed with the best linens money could buy and a myriad of amenities, such as small refrigerators, single cup coffee makers, and toiletries from the most exclusive spas and stores.

Every time I spent the night here, I felt as though I were staying in a five-star hotel. I’d been threatening to move in since the first night I slept here. I quickly changed my mind. Conner was a control freak of the highest order. Everything in its place and a place for everything. I couldn’t stand how clean and perfect every room in the house seemed. It reminded me too much of things better left forgotten.

Now, I only stayed for a night or two when absolutely necessary. Tonight was a necessity. The Pack and The Council were discussing mutual enemies. For the first time in decades, weres and vamps were getting along. Still, it was a fragile truce, poised to go either way. Years of bad blood stood between the species. Personally, I had no problem with vamps, witches, or humans, but there were many members of our pack who didn’t share my tolerance.

At the moment I was feeling more than tolerant toward one particular human. Especially when she rolled to face me. I catalogued the marks on her body. When I realized how hot it made her, I didn’t hold back. Small red patches decorated her upper chest and breasts where my stubble had rubbed her skin. I’d also left a hickey on the inside of one breast and another on the flare of her hip. In addition to the mark I’d left at the base of her neck, there were several other love bites on her torso.

I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. She said she enjoyed looking in the mirror and seeing the marks her lover left on her body, remembering the pleasure. Well, I made damn sure that she wouldn’t forget me any time soon.

“God, I’m thirsty.” Her voice was husky.

“Hang on.” Somehow, I managed to roll off the bed and stand up without falling. I went to the dresser and opened the mini fridge door, pulling out two bottles of cold water.

When I handed one to her, she smiled and said, “My hero.”

She sat up in bed, not bothering to pull the sheet up. I liked how comfortable she seemed with her nudity. The few humans I’d been around were modest, especially the women. Ricki wore her skin the same way a female shifter would, confidently and casually.

I cracked open my bottle and settled next to her on the bed, leaning against the padded headboard. We drank our water in silence.

This was a new experience for me. Usually, after fucking, female and male wolves would dress and go their separate ways. Females going into heat would sometimes have multiple partners in one night. It was the only way to keep them from going feral. While in heat they craved sex, needed it. Without it, their hunger would shift from a sexual one to the need to feed. Females denied sex would shift and hunt any and all prey that crossed their path, including the human kind.

Finally, I broke the silence. “I want to see you again, Ricki.”

She fidgeted with her half-empty bottle. “See me, as in have sex, or see me as in a date?”

I may not have had a lot of experience with human women, but I recognized when I should watch my words carefully. “Both. Either. I don’t care as long as I can see you again.”

Shit, I was fucking this up. Running a hand through my hair, I turned toward her, trying to figure out what I should say. Instead of looking pissed off or upset, she was smiling at me.

“Really?” she asked. “You just want to see me again? I could tell you I wanted to go to a yoga class, no sex, and you’d go?”

While yoga wasn’t how I liked to get my exercise, only a dumbass would refuse to go. Women in tight or skimpy clothing, bending over and twisting themselves into elaborate poses? It sounded fucking hot.

I nodded. “Absolutely. Though I’d probably drag you out of there after the first downward facing dog and fuck you in the closest bathroom.”

She snorted with laughter. “Okay, so yoga’s out.” Eyeing me speculatively, she asked, “But you would still want to see me, even if we weren’t going to have sex?”

I met her gaze levelly. “Yes.”

Her smile widened. She opened her mouth as though she were going to say something, but someone with a death wish chose that exact moment to pound on the door. I saw the knob jiggle and jumped up, shoving my legs into my jeans, and leaving them unbuttoned.

“If you open that door, I will rip your throat out!” I yelled.

There was a moment of silence, then, “We have trouble.”

Shit. Fuck. Shit. I should have known this would happen. The first time in years that weres and vamps were together, something was bound to go wrong.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Ricki shrugging into my shirt. It covered her from neck to mid-thigh and I knew her skin would smell like me for the rest of the night. I liked that idea.

Whoever was outside chose that moment to knock again.

“Ricki, do you mind going into the bathroom for a few minutes?” A hurt look crossed her face and made me feel like a complete ass. “Do you want to stay in here with a strange man, wearing only my shirt?”

Her eyes grew big and she shook her head. “I, uh, I’ll just…” she trailed off and scurried into the bathroom.

Goddammit. I would have to talk to her later, make her understand that I didn’t want her gone, I just didn’t want my packmates leering at her.

Jerking open the door, I snarled, “This better be fucking important.”

Brian, one of the younger pack members, stared at me with wide, frightened eyes. There was a bruise on his cheek and blood rimming one of his nostrils.

“Kyle got into it with a wolf from the Austin pack,” he said quickly. “I can’t find Lachlan or Conner and things are getting nasty.”

Jesus fucking Christ. Kyle was hot-tempered and slow-witted, not a good combination. I’d noticed him throwing back the booze earlier, but had gotten too distracted by Ricki to tell him to lay off or head home.

I looked at Brian. “Call Lachlan. Text him. Leave a fucking message, I don’t care. Just be sure you do everything in your power to get in touch with him. I have a good idea where Conner is, so I’ll grab him and meet you downstairs. Do the best you can to keep the pack members calm. Tell them to stand down or they’ll deal with me.”

Orders shot out of my mouth as I went to my duffel bag and yanked out a t-shirt. I pulled it over my head and noticed Brian was still standing in the doorway.

“Go. I’m right behind you.”

He nodded once and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

I went to the bathroom door and knocked lightly. It opened immediately, a sign Ricki had been listening to whatever was being said.

“I have to go. There’s trouble and our alpha has disappeared, which means I’m in charge.”

Her expression gave away nothing of her thoughts. “I understand.”

I needed to hurry, so I decided to go the blunt route. Stepping into her space, I used her hair to tug her head back so that she looked into my eyes. “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but I want you here when I come back.”

Something flashed in her eyes, a mixture of defiance and an emotion I didn’t recognize. “You can’t-”

I kissed her hard then, nipping her bottom lip sharply. When I lifted my head, she didn’t try to speak. “Please.”

Her only response was a nod.

Releasing her, I moved to the edge of the bed and pulled socks and boots onto my feet. Her eyes stayed on me the entire time. I went to the door, opened it, and paused. Facing her, I said, “Try to sleep, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

I didn’t wait for her response. I stepped out, shutting the door behind me, and took off down the hall toward the staircase. If I had known what I would find when I returned later, I wouldn’t have left that fucking room, even if the house was burning down around me.

Chapter Eleven- Ricki

After Calder left, I took a long, hot bath in the huge tub. As I dried off, I glanced in the mirror and froze, my mouth falling open. I knew Calder had been rough with me, in fact, I’d gloried in it, climaxed because of it. However, I wasn’t prepared for the marks that covered my body. I had beard burn, love bites, a few small bruises, and TWO hickeys. I turned slightly to see if there were many more and giggled when I saw ten little bruises where his fingertips had dug into my ass.

A thrill ran through me. He was the first man I’d been so open with about what I wanted and needed. It surprised me how comfortable I was with Calder though I barely knew him. Somehow, we just seemed to be in sync.

My lips twitched when my thoughts about syncing led to me hearing Bye Bye Bye on a loop in my head. Feeling silly, I wrapped the huge bath sheet around my body, dried my hair, and went back into the bedroom. I felt tired and deliciously sore. I decided to take Calder at his word and sleep in his bed.

I hesitated at the dresser, not wanting to invade his privacy, but also not wanting to sleep naked in case someone came looking for him in the middle of the night. The house was full of vamps, weres, and witches and I really didn’t want to be in my birthday suit if someone showed up.

Deciding that I’d rather be clothed and risk annoying Calder than flashing an unsuspecting stranger, I yanked open a couple of drawers until I found a neatly folded stack of t-shirts. I shook one out and pulled it over my head.

A wave of fatigue hit me hard enough to have me swaying on my feet. A glance at the clock told me it was nearly two a.m., well past my usual bedtime. I flicked on the bedside lamp and switched off the overhead lights. I drank a little water and tried to keep my eyes open while waited for Calder, but it was a lost cause. Within minutes, I drifted off.

Something jarred me from sleep. I lay still for a few minutes, trying to figure out what woke me. Down the hall a door slammed, followed by another. That was probably it. Blinking to clear my vision, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost six a.m.

Rolling over, I reached out, thinking maybe Calder had returned without waking me. The other side of the bed was cold and empty. He’d never come back. Crazy thoughts assaulted my mind, worries that he was hurt or in trouble. Heart pounding, I climbed out of bed and yanked on my snug leather pants. Without the aid of the baby powder I’d used earlier, it was tricky, but I managed it.

Slowly, I opened the door to the hall and peeked out. I wasn’t sure why I was trying to be so quiet. I was an invited guest, a friend of Donna’s. Then again, all that partying the night before might have made some of those vampires hungry. Rolling my eyes at my own wild thoughts, I walked down the hall, my bare feet silent on the carpet. I reached the staircase and took a couple of steps down when I heard the quiet murmur of voices.

Instinctually, I crouched down on the steps, partially hidden by the railing on the stairs. God, I was being silly, acting as though someone was going to chase me down and throw me out if I was seen. I recognized the low rumble of Calder’s voice.

Happy he was back, I smiled and was about to push to my feet when I heard a woman’s low, flirtatious laugh. I froze. What in the hell? Craning my neck, I watched as Calder walked into view, shirtless and barefoot, his back covered in scratches that looked like….were those fingernail marks? The woman appeared a moment later, wearing only a miniscule pair of lace panties and sheer matching bra.

Oh, shit, shit, SHIT. My stomach twisted painfully as she rose on her toes and pressed a light kiss to Calder’s cheek. The ache faded into numbness as I watched his hands curve around her waist to the small of her back.

I couldn’t hear what they were saying over the roaring in my ears, but their body language said it all. Their attire, the way he was touching her, only a blind fool wouldn’t know what had happened. Considering I’d become adept at reading signals much more subtle than those during my teenage years and, later, when I dated a series of compulsive cheaters, this was like a slap in the face.

When the roaring finally subsided, I heard Calder say, “I need to get upstairs, I have someone waiting for me.”

The woman chuckled. “Lucky girl. Before you go, I do need to give you one more thing.”

Calder didn’t reply verbally, but that wide, wicked grin I’d seen so often last night spread across his face as he followed her out of sight.

Feeling as though I was going to vomit, I crept back up the stairs on my hands and feet. When I reached the top, I stood and swiftly walked back to Calder’s room. Though I just wanted to leave, to get the hell away, I didn’t want him coming after me. I went to the desk in the corner, grabbed a pen and paper and scratched out a quick note. I wanted him to understand that I was gone and I wasn’t coming back.

When I finished, I left the note on the nightstand and grabbed my boots, shirt, and corset. I was back out the door and moving toward the staircase on the opposite end of the house at light speed. I only stopped long enough to snag my purse and keys out of the mudroom off the kitchen where I’d left them. Somehow, I managed not to run until I was out of the house and in the driveway.

My bare feet slapped on the cement as I dashed to my car, unlocking it with shaking hands. As quickly as possible, I shoved my key into the ignition. I didn’t even clasp my seatbelt until the car was rolling toward the front gate. The guards at Conner’s were well-acquainted with me and my sporty little Mustang, so they merely waved at me and opened the gate.

As I drove home, Donna’s words about staying away from the werewolves echoed in my mind. I had barely given them a thought last night while I’d been naked against the library wall or in his bed, but now, they were all I could focus on. She tried to warn me, but, as usual, I acted impulsively. I’d actually thought that Calder wanted more than a one-night stand. He seemed interested in me and not just for the sex. I enjoyed our verbal sparring and his smart-ass remarks. His request that I wait in his room for him, sleep in his bed, it seemed so sincere. Just like all the things my father said to my mother and my lying, cheating exes had said to me.

It seemed that, even after years of experience with men like Calder, I still hadn’t learned my goddamn lesson.

I held it together until I reached my townhouse. Incredibly grateful I lived in a unit with a single car garage, I pulled inside. I shut off the car and then closed the overhead door before I climbed out. Though it was fairly early on a Saturday, people were already out of their homes, jogging or doing yard work.

Still barefoot, I went inside my townhouse and straight upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as I passed the open doorway, I began shucking my clothes, leaving them in a haphazard trail behind me. Though I’d bathed a few hours before, I felt an uncontrollable urge to take a long, steaming hot shower. Since I’d spent the night in his shirt and his bed, I could still smell the warm tang of Calder’s scent on my skin and in my hair. I needed to eradicate all traces of him from my body and mind.

I turned on the shower, making the water as hot as I could stand, when my naked reflection in the mirror caught my eye. Suddenly, all the marks I’d been cataloging earlier seemed to mock me.

Stepping under the scalding water, I finally allowed myself to cry.

Chapter Twelve- Calder

I appreciate your help, Chloe.”

She glanced over her shoulder, smiling. “No problem. If I had known that Shane was going to bait your pack members like that, I would have kicked his ass and left him at home.”

Chloe MacArthur was the enforcer for the pack from Austin. They had come in for the weekend to meet with Conner and the Council, as well as my pack’s alpha, Lachlan. At first glance, I’d rolled my eyes at the idea of a female enforcer, because, well, she was a girl. I know, I know, completely sexist and narrow-minded. I guess I’d forgotten how vicious and bloodthirsty a she-wolf could be. Most of the females in our pack were fairly laidback.

By laidback, I mean they would only maim a male for misbehaving rather than outright killing him.

Chloe was not that sort. I’d seen her take on male wolves twice her size and make it look easy when she won. In order to reach beta in my pack, I’d had to fight my way through the ranks and I hoped to God Chloe never asked to join our pack because, as good as I was, she was better. I wasn’t too prideful to think that I wouldn’t get my ass kicked into next year if I ever went toe-to-toe with her.

In fact, after seeing the way she handled her wayward pack member, Shane, this morning, I knew I would get my ass kicked. The confrontation had begun between Shane and one of my pack members, Kyle, while they were at the party. As was often the case among wolves, the disagreement was taken outside and punches were thrown. Chloe and I had tried to break it up, but Shane shifted and almost ripped Kyle’s throat out.

In order to hunt the dumbass down, Chloe and I had shifted as well. I didn’t know what she had planned for him and I really didn’t care. We chased him to ground and she incapacitated him.

With all the fists and claws flying, my shirt had been ripped to shreds as well as parts of my back. The deep scratches burned and throbbed. I knew they would heal in a day or so, faster if I slept for a few hours.

Since she still had a few streaks of blood on her skin, Chloe hadn’t bothered to dress again. She’d muttered something about not wanting to ruin her designer dress with bloodstains. Then she’d kicked Shane in the ribs. Apparently, her fancy clothes meant a lot to her.

As shifters, we were accustomed to nudity. Modesty was an unfamiliar concept to most werewolves. Considering we often stripped, shifted, and hunted together, most wolves weren’t shy, so no one batted an eye when Chloe walked around in her underwear. Even if it had been a big deal, I doubt any of the wolves in either pack would have had the guts to risk pissing her off.

“Here,” she said as she handed me a card. “This is my number. As things progress with the packs and the Council, we’ll need to keep in touch.”

She leaned forward, highlighting all the gorgeous curves and firm muscle on her body. Just a few days ago, faced with that barely there lingerie, I would have been all over her. In fact, in the past, we had blown off steam together. Now, she was just a beautiful woman that inspired my admiration rather than lust.

When she noticed my lack of response, her brows raised. “That lucky girl waiting on you must be pretty special.”

Ricki was. She was mine and I was hers. My mind stuttered at the thought. Awareness snapped through my brain. Fuck me, she was my mate. How had I not recognized it? My attraction to her scent, my possessiveness bordering on obsession, and the driving, uncontrollable urge to mark her as mine. These were the classic signs of a male who’d found his mate.

I cleared my throat, which had all but closed up at my epiphany. “She’s my mate,” I choked out. Feeling weaker than a newborn pup, I staggered back and collapsed on the sofa in Conner’s office. “Holy shit, she’s my mate.” I rubbed my aching chest, realizing that it hurt because I was holding my breath. I sucked in air and released it so quickly, I thought I was going to pass out. I glared at Chloe as she giggled and clapped her hands.

“Oh my God!” she squealed. “I never thought I’d see the day. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!”

With her wide smile and high-pitched giggles, she looked nothing like the deadly she-bitch I knew her to be. Knowing it would wipe that smug look off her face, I replied, “You know, you’re acting like a girlie girl.”

Sure enough, she scowled at me. “Shut up.”

I shrugged. “Call’em like I see’em.”

Chloe studied me with narrowed eyes for a moment before she smirked. “You’re just pissy because you know your days of sniffing after any bitch in heat are over.”

Actually, I hadn’t given that a second thought. Sex with Ricki was better than anything I’d ever experienced. I didn’t want anyone else if I could have her. The only obstacle was her humanity. It would be almost impossible for her to gain respect within the pack unless I turned her. After our short conversations earlier, I doubted that would be an easy task. Ricki had a mind of her own and she was stubborn. Also, turning a human was difficult and painful and my heart constricted at the idea of causing Ricki any pain. There had to be another solution.

Groaning, I buried my head in my hands. “I can’t wait until you find your mate,” I grumbled. “I’m going to rub this moment in your face.”

“Oh hell no. I have yet to meet a wolf who could take me on and win.”

I lifted my head. “Maybe your mate isn’t a wolf.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Never gonna happen.”

I rose to my feet. “As fun as this has been, I need to get back to my….mate.” I rolled that word over my tongue and discovered I enjoyed not only the sound of it but also the thought.

She swayed over to me and kissed my cheek. “Seriously, Calder. Congratulations. You deserve to be happy.”

I only nodded in response and left Conner’s office. My body had suddenly realized that it was well past dawn and it hadn’t rested for over twenty-four hours. Knowing that Ricki had promised to wait for me gave me the energy to bound up the stairs.

My room was almost completely dark when I entered. Thinking Ricki was still sleeping, I didn’t bother with the light. I stripped off my jeans and boots, wincing as the motion pulled at the fresh scratches on my back.

It wasn’t until I pulled back the blankets that I realized the bed was empty. Frowning, I went into the bathroom, hoping to find her there. Empty. Fighting my rising panic, I sniffed the air and realized that Ricki’s scent was fading. Considering how strong it had been when I entered the room, she must have just left.

When I went back to the bed to pull my jeans on and go in search of her, I noticed a piece of paper on the nightstand. Snatching it up, I switched on the lamp and read the words scrawled on the page.

I can’t do this. Last night was a mistake.

— R-

I crumpled the note in my hand, anger, and what felt suspiciously like hurt, warring within me. She’d left me. I finally found my mate and she thought it was a mistake. The wolf within me howled in rage. I didn’t know what to do. She was human and didn’t understand how shifter society worked. Should I let her go? Try to explain? When a male marked a female the way I’d marked her, when he asked her to stay with him, it was the same as proposing marriage in the Pack.


The growl escaped my throat before I could swallow it. Letting her go was no longer an option. She belonged to me. I would let her run, for now. After all, I’d warned her last night, never run from a wolf unless you want to be chased. I intended to chase her until she no longer had the will to flee.

Ricki belonged to me. It was only a matter of time before she knew it too.

The End
About C.C.

A native Texan, C.C. grew up either reading or playing the piano. Years later, she’s still not grown up and doing the same things. Since the voices in her head never shut up, C.C. decided to try and profit from their crazy stories and started writing books.

Now that she has a baby girl at home, C.C.’s non-writing time is usually spent cleaning up poopy diapers or feeding the poop machine. Sometimes she teaches piano, cooks, or spends time bugging her hubby and two beagles.

Contact C.C.

C.C. loves to hear from her readers!


Twitter: @cc_wood


Titles by C.C. Wood


Girl Next Door Series:

Friends with Benefits


Drive Me Crazy

Girl Next Door-The Complete Series

Kiss Series:

A Kiss for Christmas

Kiss Me


Seasons of Sorrow

NSFW Series:

In Love With Lucy

Earning Yancy

Paranormal Romance:

Bitten Series

Bite Me

Once Bitten, Twice Shy
