This book is dedicated with my deepest gratitude to the men and women serving in the armed forces, most especially those whose brave service to our country will prevent them from spending this Valentine’s Day with the people they love. Thank you for all you do and for the sacrifices you make.

And to Brenda Chin, for providing the inspiration for P.B. and J. And no, I don’t want to “baby” sit.

And, as always, to my wonderful husband, Joe, who is more sinfully sweet than chocolate, and our terrific son, Chris, who’d better remain sweet and not even consider sinful xox.

– Jacquie D’Alessandro


REBECCA MOORE FOLLOWED her younger sister, Celeste, through the spacious lobby of The Delaford Resort and Spa, feeling much like a plain sparrow in an elegant, gilded cage-out of her element and surrounded by an opulence that was completely foreign to her. Certain she’d never set foot in such an exclusive hotel again in her lifetime, she took it all in, from the lush, green plants and tastefully neutral decor, to the large, elaborate fountain dominating the middle of the lobby.

While Celeste was marrying into money and had become accustomed to spending it, Rebecca had learned at a very young age to be frugal and economical when it came to parting with cash. Years of scrimping and saving, and being practical with her purchases, had become a way of life for her. Now, even at the age of thirty-two, she just couldn’t imagine splurging hundreds of dollars at a luxury resort when a room at the Holiday Inn would do just as well.

But the next three days weren’t about what she would have preferred. This weekend was all about her sister, Celeste, and her much anticipated marriage to Greg Markham the Third. And both the wedding and reception would be taking place at The Delaford, thanks to the Markhams’ unending generosity and bottomless financial resources.

Since Greg was their only child, they’d insisted on a large, luxurious wedding, not to mention paying for everything, including what the bride’s family should have been responsible for. With both of their parents gone, and no close relatives to speak of, the bride’s family-specifically, Rebecca-just didn’t have the kind of money to pay for such a grand and lavish ceremony and reception, and she was grateful that Celeste was getting the kind of no-expense-spared fairy-tale wedding every girl dreamed about.

“Would you stop thinking about the cost of everything and just enjoy yourself this weekend?” Celeste said as she pushed the button for the elevator.

Her sister’s tone was laced with amusement, but the knowing look in Celeste’s gaze dared Rebecca to refute her claim. Of course, Rebecca couldn’t argue where her thoughts had strayed. The habit of being penny-wise was just too damned ingrained for her to deny.

“Don’t worry, I have every intention of having a great time while we’re here,” Rebecca assured her sister with an indulgent grin. “I have a bunch of wedding-related festivities to go to, not to mention a swanky ceremony to attend.”

Celeste laughed, her pretty cornflower-blue eyes sparkling happily. “Yes, you do. And if you play your cards right, you might even get lucky this weekend.”

Rebecca didn’t care for the sly note she detected in her sister’s voice, but before she could ask what Celeste meant the elevator doors slid open and they stepped inside. The interior was just as elegant as the rest of the hotel, with flooring gleaming in marble and the walls mirrored and edged in gold trim.

Catching sight of their reflection together, Rebecca was once again reminded of all the extreme differences between herself and her sister that went beyond the six years that separated them. While they both possessed blonde hair and blue eyes, Celeste’s hair was long and flowing with no definitive style, and Rebecca’s cut was sleek, smooth, and a manageable chin-length. Her sister wore cute, trendy outfits that matched her bubbly attitude, and Rebecca preferred a more tailored, practical look that was a direct reflection of her own sensible personality.

Then again, with Rebecca taking on a parental role to Celeste at the young age of sixteen while their father was working, she’d done her best to make sure that her ten-year-old sister was spared the kind of adult pressures, responsibilities and worries that Rebecca had taken on after their mother had passed away. In a lot of ways, Rebecca had treated Celeste more as a daughter than a sister, in an attempt to make sure that her younger sibling enjoyed a carefree childhood as much as their unconventional lifestyle had allowed. Judging by the radiant, vivacious woman Celeste had become, Rebecca knew she’d done her job well.

As the elevator started its upward climb, Rebecca turned to Celeste, unwilling to let her sister’s earlier comment slide without finding out what was behind the cryptic remark. “So, what do you mean by ‘get lucky’?”

An oh-so-innocent smile curved the corners of Celeste’s pink, glossy lips. “Well, it’s Valentine’s weekend, and a certain someone is going to be here,” she replied meaningfully. “And since you’re my maid of honor and he’s Greg’s best man, you’ll be spending an awful lot of time together. It’s a perfect scenario for Cupid to strike two people who need love and passion in their lives.” Celeste sighed dreamily, obviously thinking of her own passionate love-life with her soon-to-be husband.

Rebecca knew exactly who her sister was referring to and she highly doubted that Connor Bassett, one of San Francisco’s most eligible and wealthy bachelors, had any problems finding love or passion. Most likely, with his sexy bad-boy looks and the allure of his fat bank account, both were thrown at his feet on a regular basis by very willing women.

Rebecca shook her head at her sister’s whimsical hopes. “You’re way too much of a romantic, Celeste.” And Rebecca was much too practical to believe in a mythical character such as Cupid.

“One of us has to be,” Celeste said with a wave of her hand. The huge, three-karat diamond on her left hand ring finger caught the light in the elevator, nearly blinding Rebecca with its brilliant sparkle. “You’ve spent all these years raising me and giving up your own personal life in the process. I managed to find my Prince Charming. Is it so bad of me to want you to find yours?”

Her sister had a heart of gold, but if Celeste believed that Connor Bassett was Rebecca’s white knight, her sister was sorely mistaken. The man might have the ability to send her hormones into a frenzy whenever he was near, but he just wasn’t her image of an ideal mate. The man was six years younger than she was and spent his days playing video games. Sure, he’d made millions as a gaming expert, but he squandered his money on the most frivolous, self-indulgent things. His devil-may-care way of life went against her much more modest, pragmatic outlook. Other than her intense physical attraction to Connor, the two of them just didn’t mesh. The last thing she wanted was for Celeste to hold out any hope that the two of them would hook up in any way.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Cece,” Rebecca said, using the nickname she’d given her sister as a baby. “But my Prince Charming is definitely not Connor.”

The elevator came to a smooth stop. When the doors glided open quietly, they stepped out together, making a left toward the north wing of the hotel where Celeste’s room was located. “You have to admit that he’s a dream to look at,” Celeste said of her own fiancé’s best friend, apparently not done trying to sway Rebecca. “And he certainly couldn’t be more obvious about his interest in you.”

Rebecca laughed at that, because over the three years that her sister had dated Greg, she’d quickly learned that Connor had flirting down to an art form. There was no denying that he tempted and teased her with sexy innuendos whenever their paths crossed, but she was smart enough to know that his interest in her wasn’t exclusive. If anything, he enjoyed the thrill of the chase and she undoubtedly proved to be a challenge for him. The man was a consummate playboy, and his short-lived track record with other women proved he was more interested in a good time than establishing a substantial or lasting relationship.

“Connor is fascinated by anything wearing a skirt and high heels,” Rebecca said lightly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with the same woman twice.”

That observation didn’t seem to concern Celeste as they continued down the corridor. “Well, he’s coming solo this weekend.”

So, he was experiencing a slump at the moment. The man was entitled, but Rebecca wasn’t looking to be his weekend replacement. “The only arm candy I’ll be for Connor is during your wedding,” she told her sister. “That’s it.”

“You’re getting too stuffy in your old age,” Celeste said, the concern in her tone overriding the insult behind her words, which Rebecca knew her sister hadn’t intended. “You need to live a little, Becca. Break out of that parental mode you’ve been living in since Mom died.”

Becoming a maternal figure to her then ten-year-old sister had been a necessary transition for Rebecca, then eventually a habit she couldn’t break. Their father, Curtis, had worked for a plumbing parts company that required him to travel often, which had left Rebecca in charge of things at home-not only raising Celeste, but cooking and cleaning, and even handling the finances. And it hadn’t taken Rebecca long to discover that her father spent more money than he earned and charged thousands of dollars on his credit cards on big ticket items and never paid off the revolving balance. Mainly because he couldn’t.

“I’m getting married and moving out of our apartment as soon as I get back from my honeymoon with Greg,” Celeste went on with her sisterly lecture. “You’re going to be all alone for the first time ever, and you don’t even have a boyfriend to keep you company. Heck, for that matter, you’ve barely dated in the past few years.”

“I haven’t found anyone worth dating,” she said with a nonchalant shrug. “There is a guy in the accounting department at the hospital who’s asked me out a couple of times. Maybe after this weekend I’ll go to dinner with him and see how it goes from there.”

“Ooooh, that sounds so exciting and adventurous,” her sister said with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “The two of you can discuss hospital billing codes while eating your meal.”

“Stuart is a nice guy,” Rebecca said in automatic defense.

They came to a stop at a set of double doors and Celeste retrieved a plastic key card from her purse. “I’m sure he’s very nice, but if he’s a pencil pusher, my guess is that he’s boooorrrring-just like every other guy you’ve dated,” she added beneath her breath.

Stuart was stable, responsible and dependable. Not that she expected her sister to understand Rebecca’s need to find a man with the kind of qualities and traits their own father had lacked. Rebecca had done her best to protect Celeste from the harsh realities of their lives after their mother’s death so she’d never been truly aware of their father’s erratic spending sprees, which had eventually put their house into foreclosure and had forced him to file for bankruptcy.

Celeste had lived a carefree life, never needing to worry about money as a child because Rebecca made sure her sister always had whatever she needed. But for Rebecca, the loss of the only home she’d ever known had been absolutely devastating. Even though her father had died of a heart attack over ten years ago, that event in her life had cemented a deep determination to make sure she never found herself in that kind of dire financial situation again. And that meant finding a man who knew how to manage money much better than her own father had.

Celeste opened the door to her room, and Rebecca followed her inside, once again stunned by what awaited them. She stared in silent wonder at the extravagance of the suite-from the elegant furniture, to the richly textured draperies, to the opulent-looking decor. Everywhere there were fresh flowers arranged in expensive crystal vases, their intoxicating scent filling the air around her.

“Wow,” Rebecca breathed, admiring the elaborate crown molding framing the ceiling of the living room, which gave way to cream-and-gold patterned wallpaper. “Greg’s family certainly didn’t spare any expense on the bridal suite, did they?”

“Will you stop already?” Celeste said in exasperation as she set her designer straw handbag on a glass-topped table.

Rebecca grinned. “Hey, you’ve had three years to get used to living this kind of life. I’m just getting my first glimpse of ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.’”

Winking at her sister, Rebecca looped her arm through Celeste’s and guided them toward the open French doors that led to a terrace. Once they reached the wrought-iron railing, they had a perfect view of the landscaped courtyard below, as well as the rolling fairways of the resort’s golf course. Beyond that they could see the faint outline of the shops and boutiques that lined one of the main streets in town.

“So, what’s on your agenda for the afternoon?” Rebecca asked, hoping that they’d have some alone time to spend together before everything turned crazy for the wedding.

“I’m meeting with Greg’s mom to go over some of the last-minute wedding and reception details with the planner,” Celeste said, her expression apologetic. “I have no idea how long everything is going to take.”

Rebecca experienced a familiar stab of regret, along with a small pang of jealousy she valiantly tried to shake off. The past few months had been difficult for her, especially having to watch her sister bond with Greg’s mother, Carole, over the wedding preparations, when Rebecca wished it were her instead.

When Celeste had first announced her engagement, Rebecca had wanted to be a part of the planning, but with her work schedule and the Markhams footing the bill, it had been easier for Carole to accompany Celeste during those outings. Not that Carole ever made Rebecca feel unwelcome when she had gotten the chance to join them, but it was always a painful reminder that she was losing her sister to another family, and soon Celeste would no longer be a part of Rebecca’s life on a daily basis.

“That’s fine,” Rebecca said, and swallowed the tight knot of emotion gathering in her throat. “I understand.”

“Thank you.” Celeste appeared relieved. “While I’m gone, I need you to do me a favor, if you can.”

Rebecca squeezed her sister’s hand. “Anything, you know that.” And she meant every word. There wasn’t a thing she wouldn’t do for her sister.

“There’s a brand new candy shop a few blocks from here on Larchmont Street that makes the most incredible chocolates and confections,” Celeste said, her expression turning to one of heavenly bliss, since chocolate was one of her greatest weaknesses. “When I was here last week I placed a special order for some petits fours for tonight’s cocktail get-together with the bridal party and family. I was hoping you could pick them up for me so that would be one less thing I have to worry about today.”

Rebecca figured running the errand for her sister was better than sitting alone in her hotel room for the next few hours thumbing through a magazine. “Consider it done.”

“You’re the best!” Celeste wrapped her arms around Rebecca in a warm, exuberant hug. “The shop is right down the street and close enough to walk to, or you can take a cab instead, if you like.”

“I think I’ll walk.” Rebecca wasn’t about to miss the chance to enjoy such a gorgeous, sunny day by taking a cab ride. “What’s the place called?”

“Sinfully Sweet. And I can personally guarantee that the shop lives up to its name.”

Rebecca was definitely intrigued by her sister’s comment. While chocolate wasn’t one of her basic food groups as it was for Celeste, she did enjoy the occasional sweet treat.

Together, they took the elevator back down to the lobby, then Rebecca waved good-bye to her sister, heading out of the hotel and down the resort’s entry road that led to the main streets. In no particular hurry to reach the candy shop, she strolled along casually, taking in the sights while enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin and the slight breeze tousling her hair.

When she reached Larchmont Street she made a right as her sister had instructed, and sauntered past specialty boutiques, a quaint outdoor café, and other unique stores. She window shopped along the way, admiring clothes and jewelry and other one-of-a-kind novelties and antiques until a designer handbag boutique gave way to an adjoining shop displaying in their window the most delectable-looking candies and chocolates. The glossy black and gilt name on the window, Sinfully Sweet, confirmed that she’d reached her destination.

She entered the store and was instantly enveloped by the rich, sweet scent of expensive chocolate. All around her she was surrounded by an array of tempting, tantalizing candies, including different-sized heart-shaped boxes for Valentine’s Day and dozens of colorful foil-wrapped chocolates displayed on a table in the center of the shop.

Everything in the place definitely looked sinfully sweet and smelled just as wickedly delicious.

Other than a quick “I’ll be right there” from the back room, Rebecca was completely alone, and she took advantage of that fact. Closing her eyes, she breathed in slow and deep, inhaling the drugging scent of the chocolate. The fragrance alone was like an aphrodisiac to every one of her senses.


She inhaled again, mainly because she just couldn’t help it. There was something about this place that made her feel sensually charged, and she found herself wondering if it was possible for a woman to have an orgasm just from the rich, decadent smell of chocolate.

If so, she was a prime candidate.

“Welcome to Sinfully Sweet.”

A woman’s voice from behind Rebecca snapped her back to the present. She opened her eyes and turned around, her composure back in place-on the outside, at least. Inside, however, she was still feeling a little bit unbalanced by her reaction to all the chocolate around her.

“Thank you.” Smiling, Rebecca stepped up to the counter and peered into the glass case displaying more chocolate treats, from caramel squares, to macaroons, to almond clusters. “Your shop is lovely, and it smells absolutely wonderful in here.”

The pretty older woman beamed as she smoothed a hand down the white apron she was wearing. “Well, I can personally guarantee that the candies taste even more fabulous than they smell. We use the finest ingredients available, and it’s taken us years to perfect each type of candy that we offer.”

And there were dozens to choose from, Rebecca noted. “So, are these candies made from secret recipes?” she asked curiously.


“Yes, they are,” an older man replied before the woman could finish her sentence. He appeared from a door leading to the back room, carrying a tray of freshly dipped, chocolate-covered strawberries, which he placed on the counter in front of Rebecca. “All our recipes are top secret. Classified and for our eyes only. Isn’t that right, Ellie?”

The woman named Ellie smiled at the other man. “That’s right, Marcus.”

Marcus kissed her affectionately on the cheek, then glanced at Rebecca. “My wife loves to brag about our exclusive chocolates, but once you try them I’m sure you’ll agree that they are the best you’ve ever tasted. The hard part is deciding which ones to try.”

Rebecca was beginning to think that those dipped strawberries were looking pretty good at the moment. They were all plump and juicy looking, with a thick layer of chocolate coating each piece of fruit. The thought of eating one made her stomach flutter with anticipation.

“So, are you here to find something for your special Valentine this weekend?” Ellie asked.

“No,” Rebecca said, shaking her head. “There’s no one special.”

“Ahhh, too bad,” the other woman replied before Rebecca could state her reasons for being in the candy shop. “But being single and unattached does make you eligible for the Valentine’s Day contest we’re having. See that table over there with all those foil-wrapped chocolates?”

Remembering the display she’d seen when first entering the store, Rebecca nodded. “Yes.”

“Well, each foil-wrapped candy is one half of a chocolate heart, and each one has a message inside,” Ellie explained, her face reflecting excitement over such a clever contest. “The pink half is given to a single woman, such as yourself, and the blue half is for some lucky man. If the two of you manage to find the other person with the matching message before Valentine’s Day, you’ll receive a romantic prize package from Sinfully Sweet, which includes dinner for two at The Winery and one hundred chocolate hearts.”

The concept of meeting someone new via a “match game” was definitely intriguing, but the timing was all wrong. And, it wasn’t as though she lived in the area, but rather ninety miles away in San Francisco. If she met someone here, the distance between them wouldn’t be conducive to building a lasting relationship. Why start something she couldn’t finish?

“That sounds like fun, but I’m only in town for a few days for a wedding at The Delaford. I’d really hate to disappoint someone who might be diligently searching for their matching heart, when I don’t have the time to do the same.”

“Don’t you believe in fate, my dear?” Marcus asked. “If it’s meant to be, you’ll find the man who has the matching half to your heart.”

In the past, fate hadn’t always been so kind to Rebecca and she just couldn’t imagine that such a bold tactic as searching for her so-called “match” would work in her favor. But she didn’t want to be rude, either.

“I’ll think about it,” she said, knowing that she’d most likely walk out of the store without ever touching one of those foil-wrapped chocolates. “In the meantime, I’m here to pick up an order for my sister, Celeste Moore.”

“Ahh, the petits fours,” Ellie said with a nod. “They’re ready, but need to be boxed up, which will take about ten minutes.”

“That’s fine.”

Ellie disappeared into the back room, but Marcus remained behind. “Can I get you anything while we’re packaging your order?” He motioned to the glass display of assorted candies and confections.

Biting her lower lip, Rebecca eyed those lovely chocolate-covered strawberries again. They were practically calling her name, and she found she couldn’t resist their allure. Maybe she did have a weakness for chocolate after all. “I’ll take one of those strawberries.”

“Excellent choice.” With a flourish, Marcus picked out the biggest piece of fruit on the tray, then handed it to her in a paper doilie cup before ringing up the purchase. “Feel free to browse around the shop while you’re waiting for your order.”

“I will.” But first, she was going to enjoy the heck out of her strawberry.

She waited until Marcus had joined Ellie in the back room and she was alone before she focused her full attention on the treat she’d just purchased.

Lifting the decadent strawberry to her mouth, she nibbled on the tip. Rich, smooth chocolate immediately melted on her tongue, and a shimmering warmth suffused her body. The taste was intoxicating. Arousing. Drugging. She felt light-headed and sensual, as if the chocolate had started a hunger in her that had little to do with the confection she was eating and everything to do with unquenched desire.

The sensation rushing through her was extremely pleasant, prompting her to take a big bite of the strawberry. She closed her eyes and moaned as the most luscious flavors filled her mouth. Craving more of that exquisite taste, she let her lips slide further over the chocolate coating and sucked the sweet juices from the fruit.

“Man, you make me wish I was that strawberry,” a male voice said, shattering her euphoric moment.

Rebecca nearly choked on the nectar that was trickling down her throat and managed, just barely, to swallow it down. The hairs on the back of her neck tingled in acute awareness. Oh, God, she recognized that low, sexy voice and knew exactly who was standing behind her.

It was none other than Connor Basset.

She’d been so enthralled with her treat that she hadn’t heard him enter the shop. And as mortified as she was to be caught intimately enjoying her chocolate-covered strawberry, she knew there was no avoiding the man behind her.

Despite the flush on her face, and the way her nipples had drawn tight at the sound of his seductive voice, she turned around and faced Connor, who looked drop-dead gorgeous in a T-shirt, faded jeans, and a black leather jacket. His dark blond hair was tousled haphazardly around his head in a way that told her it had been wind-blown during his ride to the shop. He must have driven one of his convertible sports cars to the resort for the weekend. His eyes, which were the exact color of the rich, decadent chocolate she’d just eaten, were dark and hot and filled with lust-as if he’d truly envisioned being her strawberry, and her lips had been wrapped around him.

Another burst of heat settled low in her belly as she wondered just how long he’d been watching her lick and suck at the plump, luscious fruit while imagining such a provocative scenario.

He shifted closer as his gaze slowly lowered to her mouth. “Mmm. Looks juicy. And very sweet.”

Was he referring to the strawberry, or her lips? The man was a master at innuendo, and she self-consciously licked her sticky bottom lip. “It’s very juicy and sweet.” When had her voice turned so husky?

A rakish smile tipped up the corner of his mouth, causing a charming dimple to appear in his left cheek. “Maybe I ought to try it for myself.”

Her pulse quickened, and between the chocolate she’d just consumed and Connor’s flirtatious comments, she struggled to maintain her poise. “Help yourself,” she said, and waved toward the tray Marcus had left on the counter. “There’s plenty to choose from.”

He lifted his hand, surprising her with the warm, bold caress of his thumb along her lower lip. “I wasn’t talking about the strawberries, sweetheart.”

Her stomach tightened with desire and need. He wanted to taste-no, devour-her lips, which felt electrified from his touch. She was oh-so-tempted to finally give in to the attraction simmering between them and let him kiss her as she’d secretly fantasized about for the past few years. So much so that she let her lips part and leaned toward him ever-so-slightly.

“Welcome to Sinfully Sweet,” Ellie greeted Connor cheerfully. “Can I help you find something?”

Shocked by her brazen behavior, Rebecca immediately jumped back from Connor to put a respectable amount of distance between them. She was grateful that the shop’s owner had appeared when she had, or else Rebecca was certain she would have let Connor have his way with her right then and there.

Good Lord, what in the world was wrong with her? It had to be the shop and the chocolate wreaking havoc on her libido because she never acted this recklessly.

Connor’s gaze shifted from hers to Ellie, and he graced the older woman with a boyish grin that was the complete opposite of the smoldering look he’d just given Rebecca. “I’m just looking around right now to see what you have.”

Ellie tipped her head curiously as she studied them with too much speculation. “Do the two of you know one another?”

Connor nodded. “My best friend is marrying her sister.”

“Ahh, the wedding,” the older woman said in understanding. “And the two of you are…?”

“We’re just friends,” Rebecca replied quickly, wanting to set the record straight on that right up front.

Ellie looked to Connor for confirmation, as if she didn’t quite believe Rebecca’s hasty response. The woman seemed beyond intuitive.

Connor shrugged those broad shoulders of his, that adorable dimple deepening along with his smile. “Whatever she says.”

Ellie didn’t look convinced, but let the subject go. “Well, you two keep browsing. We’re just about done with your order, so I’ll be back out in a few minutes.”

“Great.” The sooner, the better, Rebecca thought.

Much to Rebecca’s relief, Connor strolled over to the table that held the foil-wrapped candies, putting much needed distance between them. He read the sign announcing the Valentine’s Day contest, then moved on to another section of the store displaying boxes of candies.

Refusing to eat any more of her chocolate-covered strawberry in front of Connor, she put the half-eaten piece of fruit into the doilie cup for later. “So, what brings you in here?” she asked casually, trying not to stare at the way his soft denim jeans molded to his perfectly toned butt. “You don’t strike me as a chocolate kind of guy.”

He glanced over his shoulder at her, his expression much too direct for her peace of mind. “Chocolate definitely has its time and its place. The moment I saw you eating that strawberry I developed a hankering for something sweet and delicious.”

He was referring to more than just chocolate, and they both knew it, too. Even from across the room, Rebecca could see the shameless glint in his eyes that held both humor and heat.

“But, seeing as I was denied that particular treat, I’ll have to stick to my original reason for coming in here.”

“And that was?”

He reached for one of the red velvet heart-shaped boxes on the shelf in front of him and read the content label. “I’m here to pick up a few Valentine’s gifts.”

Not one, but a few. It figured. Even though he’d arrived for the weekend solo, he’d obviously left his female companions behind and wanted to make sure he took care of them for Valentine’s Day. “So, do each of these girlfriends know about the other?”

He turned back around with three of the heart-shaped boxes in his hands. “Girlfriends?” he asked, momentarily puzzled by her comment. Then, as understanding dawned, amusement danced in his eyes. “Oh, these aren’t for girlfriends. They’re for my mother, sister and grandmother. I always send them chocolates on Valentine’s Day.”

The gesture seemed incredibly sweet, and she didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

He set his purchases on the counter. “It’s true,” he said, somehow reading her mind-or maybe her skepticism showed on her face. “And for the record, I don’t have a girlfriend, so, if you’re interested-”

“I can apply for the position?” she asked, brow raised.

“No application necessary. The attraction between us is undeniable, and I already know you’d make the perfect girlfriend. In every way.” Reaching out, he brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen over her cheek and gently tucked it behind her ear, before letting his fingers trail lightly down the side of her neck. “So, what do you say, Becca? Wanna be my girlfriend?”

His tone was teasing, but his eyes were very serious as they stared into hers. She felt mesmerized, the urge to say yes a powerful, overwhelming temptation. What a rush it would be to experience the full effect of all that dazzling, masculine sex appeal of his. Even if it was just a temporary fling.

“Here are your petits fours,” Ellie said as she breezed back into the room. She came to an abrupt stop when she caught sight of the intimate way that Connor was still touching her. “Oh, excuse me! I didn’t mean to interrupt you two.”

Rebecca stepped away from Connor and tried to shake off the sensual spell he’d so effortlessly spun around her. “You weren’t interrupting anything,” she reassured Ellie. In fact, you just saved me from making a colossal mistake.

Rebecca had no doubt that Connor’s interest was a transitory thing. And once she succumbed to his charms he’d most likely quickly grow tired of her, as he seemed to do with every other woman he’d ever dated. The man wasn’t known for longevity in his relationships.

Succumbing to a twenty-six-year-old millionaire playboy wasn’t an option, not for practical, responsible thirty-two-year-old Rebecca Moore. The situation had heartache written all over it.

Since her sister had prepaid her order, there was no reason for Rebecca to hang around any longer. Her job here was done.

“Thank you, Ellie.” Rebecca took the handled bag from the other woman. “I’m sure the petits fours will be a huge hit at the cocktail party tonight.”

And then she headed for the door.

“Wait!” Ellie exclaimed before she could make her clean escape. “You forgot your pink chocolate heart half!”

Despite the urge to run, Rebecca stopped, turned back around, and forced a smile as Ellie selected one and then pressed it into her hand. She really didn’t want to have anything to do with the Sinfully Sweet contest, but took the candy from Ellie out of sheer politeness.

Then she high-tailed it out of the shop-away from Connor and away from the influence of all the heady chocolate affecting her better judgment.


CONNOR STARED AFTER Rebecca, wondering why in the world he continued to pursue such a stubborn woman when she managed to cut down every advance he made toward her.

The answer came easily, as it always did when he asked himself this question. Which was much too often.

An intense attraction and sexual tension swirled between them, though he couldn’t blame his lasting interest in her on those things. She was classically pretty, with nothing flashy or artificial about her, which he liked. What you saw with Rebecca was exactly what you got. Yet that wasn’t what reeled him in and kept him hooked either.

It was other traits and qualities he’d seen throughout the years-her honesty, inner strength, and loyalty-that made him a glutton for punishment, in hopes that one day she’d give him a chance.

Today was not going to be that day, he thought with a resigned sigh.

“You’re smitten with her, aren’t you?”

Connor returned his attention to the woman behind the counter and grinned wryly. “Am I that obvious?” Or was he just incredibly pathetic?

“To someone who knows what to look for, yes,” Ellie said, as if she had knowledge of such things. “She’s attracted to you, too, but she’s not willing to admit it, is she?”

“She’s definitely been a tough one to crack.” But that, too, made Rebecca very appealing to him, despite her reasons for keeping him at arm’s length. She wasn’t like the other women who took one look at his millionaire status, along with his title as San Francisco’s most eligible bachelor, and decided that they were going to become a permanent fixture in his life. Instead, she was the first female who wasn’t influenced by his money. Her lack of interest was a refreshing change and only added to his reasons for being so attracted to her.

“And why is that, do you think?” Ellie asked as she rang up his boxes of Valentine candies.

“Well, I’m fortunate enough, or unfortunate enough depending on how you look at things, to get first-hand information through my best friend from Rebecca’s sister. It seems that she thinks I’m irresponsible and have a spending problem.” Not to mention the issue she had with the six-year age difference between them, and the fact that he played computer games for a living, which didn’t fit into her image of a professional occupation.

Ellie took his credit card for his purchases, but hesitated before running it through the register. “Do you have a spending problem?”

Connor laughed at the woman’s straight-forward question, feeling as though he was talking to his level-headed grandmother instead of a stranger he’d just met. “No. I have a lot of nice things because I can afford them.” However, he’d come to realize over the past year that he tended to buy expensive items and toys to make up for what was really lacking in his life: a strong, solid relationship with a woman. And no fancy imported sports car or pricey electronic gadget could make up for that kind of companionship.

It also didn’t help that he was holding out for the one woman who didn’t want to have anything to do with him. Yeah, he really was pathetic.

“It sounds as though she needs to get to know the real you.”

He signed the sales receipt and slipped the credit card back into his wallet. “Great advice, but I’m afraid that’s easier said than done.” Getting Rebecca to go out on a date with him had proved fruitless and frustrating.

“Well, I’m a firm believer that one way to a woman’s soul is through chocolate, and she did seem to favor the chocolate-dipped strawberries.”

Ellie’s eyes twinkled conspiratorially, giving Connor the distinct impression that he had an ally in the older woman. “You’re absolutely right.” It was, after all, Valentine’s weekend, so why not take advantage of that fact? “I’ll take half a dozen, wrapped up with a nice ribbon and a note card to go with it.”

Obviously pleased with her match-making attempts, Ellie set about selecting the best and biggest chocolate-covered strawberries on the tray. While she arranged them in a white box and tied it off with a big elaborate red bow, Connor filled out mailing labels so Ellie could deliver the Valentine candies.

“Here you go.” Ellie presented him with the beautifully decorated box. “I’m certain she won’t be able to resist them.”

Of course Connor wanted Rebecca to enjoy the strawberries, but most importantly would she be able to resist the note he attached to the sweets? Only time would tell and he’d have his answer tonight.

Ellie rounded the counter and walked to the display of pink and blue foil-wrapped chocolates, the ones he’d noticed were part of some kind of Valentine contest. Carefully, she selected one of the blue-wrapped candies, then came back to where he was still standing by the register.

“And if those strawberries don’t do the trick for you, then maybe this will.” Grabbing his hand, she pressed the half chocolate heart into his palm, then winked at him. “I picked this one especially for you.”

The woman was as sweet as she was cunning. Connor felt as though he’d stepped into the Willy Wonka chocolate factory and he’d just been given a golden ticket. One that might just help him finally get the girl.

REBECCA EXITED the elevator and headed toward her hotel room, glad that the cocktail party was over and she was able to slip out relatively unnoticed. She’d had a nice time mingling with the bridal party and Greg’s family and had managed to avoid running into Connor. However, her attempts at putting distance between them hadn’t stopped the rogue from watching her from afar.

Every time she’d happened to casually glance his way their eyes would meet, and with a lazy sweep of his gaze he’d make her feel as though she was wearing provocative, revealing lingerie, instead of the button-up silk blouse, straight A-line skirt, and no-nonsense pumps. Then, as if that hadn’t been enough to make her melt, he’d followed up that smoldering glance with a private, breath-stealing smile that had kept her body in a constant state of awareness.

Even now, a pleasant buzz of desire seemed to hum through her veins, and she knew it had nothing to do with the one glass of champagne she’d consumed. No, this intimate longing had been her constant companion since Connor had caught her eating that chocolate-covered strawberry in a very seductive manner. What had begun as a slow burn at the candy shop had gradually increased over the course of the evening into a full-blown craving. For Connor.

Digging her key card from her purse, she shook that notion from her head, only to be replaced by the image of how well he’d cleaned up from his T-shirt and jeans. For the evening’s festivities, he’d changed into a pair of brown slacks and a tan knit shirt that did incredible things for his bedroom eyes. His disheveled hair had been combed away from his face, making his gorgeous, chiseled features even more pronounced. And she wasn’t the only one who’d noticed how hot he’d looked, either, considering the way a few of Celeste’s bridesmaids had tried to capture Connor’s attention. She’d expected him to flirt with those other younger women as he did with her, but much to her surprise he remained polite and sociable, expressing no interest in any of the females other than to make cordial conversation-much to the girls’ disappointment.

So why did Connor’s lack of interest in other women give her such a perverse sense of satisfaction? The question, she decided, didn’t bear close scrutiny.

She entered her room and turned on the light in the sitting area, all too aware of how quiet the place was since her sister was staying the night in the bridal suite. Setting her purse and key card down on a small table, she kicked off her pumps and curled her toes into the plush carpeting.

Pink foil in the shape of half a heart caught the overhead light and winked at her. When she’d arrived back from Sinfully Sweet earlier that afternoon she’d left the candy that Ellie had given her on the table, unopened, just to prove to herself that she had the willpower to resist its seductive pull. But now, it seemed to tempt and tease her with its presence, beckoning her to eat the luscious, creamy bit of ambrosia.

“Oh, what the hell,” she murmured to herself. She had no desire to take part in the Valentine contest Sinfully Sweet was sponsoring, but there was absolutely no reason why she should waste such a generous piece of the richest, most amazing chocolate she’d ever tasted.

She unwrapped the candy and ate it leisurely, and with as much enjoyment as she had her strawberry that afternoon. Her moans of pleasure were for her ears only as her taste buds savored each bite of pure ecstasy.

Much to her disappointment, her moment of heavenly bliss was over much too soon, leaving her feeling unfulfilled, restless, and aching for a whole lot more. Thank goodness she hadn’t purchased a whole box of chocolates for herself or she would have lain in bed tonight with a good book and eaten each and every one.

She scooped up the wrappings to throw them away in the trash, but the strip of paper with a typed message on it caught her attention. No way was she going to gallivant all over town trying to match up her note with someone else’s, but she was more than a tad curious to see what her hidden message might reveal.

Unfolding the piece of paper, she read the contents:

Opposites do attract.

Be bold. Be spontaneous.

Go for it!

A burst of amused laughter escaped her. Oh, now that was funny, she mused as she made her way back to the bedroom to change, because she was so not daring or adventurous.

A white box topped with an elaborate red bow sat on her pillow, stopping Rebecca in her tracks. Once her initial surprise faded, she moved closer. Obviously, The Delaford didn’t do little mint chocolates at night. They gave their guests something more memorable. She couldn’t argue with that.

Making herself comfortable on the bed, she lifted the pretty box onto her lap. Dying to know what was inside, she slipped off the ribbon and opened the lid to reveal six of the most perfect chocolate-dipped strawberries, all individually wrapped in clear cellophane and sealed with a gold Sinfully Sweet sticker. There was a small envelope with her name on the front, and she pulled out the note card tucked inside. Written in a bold masculine print were the words “Be Mine,” followed by Connor’s name. Beneath that was his room number.

Her stomach fluttered with a strange inner excitement and delight, and she couldn’t stop the grin that tipped up the corners of her lips. The man was definitely creative, she had to give him that. And he certainly wasn’t a quitter, even in the face of another possible rejection from her.

Opposites do attract.

The words she’d found inside her chocolate heart half whispered in her mind as she fingered one of the treats. That much was true about herself and Connor. The two of them were as opposite as a couple could get, what with his carefree, laid-back attitude, and her more structured lifestyle. He was impetuous and she was cautious-especially when it came to men.

Unable to resist the strawberries, she tore open the cellophane sealing one of them and took a big bite, certain that she was going to return to work on Monday ten pounds heavier from all the desserts she’d consumed this weekend. At the moment, with the sweetest piece of fruit and chocolate melting in her mouth, she didn’t care.

Be bold. Be spontaneous, a little voice repeated, taking advantage of her deepest yearnings and fantasies when she was weak and susceptible from both the arousing chocolate and the loneliness of losing her sister this weekend. But the more those words chanted in her head, the more empowered and daring they made her feel. She took another bite of her strawberry, the sweet juice she swallowed like a liquid boost of courage.

Go for it.

Three little words that were incredibly effective and persuasive, especially when she was under the influence of such seductive chocolate.

All the reasons why she’d resisted Connor for so long fell to the wayside when she thought about their attraction in basic, elemental, physical terms. He wanted her, and Lord knew she wanted him. He was virile, and hotter than any guy she’d ever dated. And sex with him would no doubt be amazing. She shivered as she imagined that strong body of his moving over her, and inside her, in slow, deep strokes…

The sinful thought caused her to press her knees together, the surge of warmth between her thighs a direct reminder of just how long it had been since she’d been with a man. At the moment, it seemed like forever.

Maybe, just maybe, if she accepted the invitation to be his, they could both fulfill this craving they had and finally get one another out of their respective systems. Then she could move on and continue her quest for the kind of man she could settle down with. Someone driven, steadfast, and who had the same goals that she did.

Just once in her life she wanted to do something wild and impulsive and wicked. Let her hair down, so to speak, embrace her hidden sensuality, and allow her fantasies to run free. What better guy to do that with than Connor Bassett, a man who’d made it perfectly clear that he was more than willing?

She was going to go for it.

The thought made her grin.

Before she could change her mind or talk herself out of such a rash and reckless decision, she headed for the armoire where her clothes were hanging, hoping to find something more enticing to wear to Connor’s room than the too conservative outfit she’d worn to the cocktail party.

Her wardrobe was woefully lacking in the seduction department. She was not a femme fatale, or the kind of fashionably dressed, label-conscious woman Connor was no doubt used to dating. The best she could find at a moment’s notice was a coral-colored, flowing tiered skirt, and a satin-and-lace cream camisole under a button-up blouse.

Once she’d changed, a quick glance in the dresser mirror told Rebecca that the blouse made her look much too uptight and maidenly. Many times she’d seen her sister wear just a camisole with a skirt, and while Celeste could carry off such a fresh, youthful look with flair, Rebecca wasn’t as confident.

Despite her own personal insecurities, she forced herself to shuck the prim blouse and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Okay, she didn’t look like a hussy, and that was her main concern. The lace-edged camisole, worn by itself, was actually kind of sexy, in a subtle and pretty way. Her breasts were full and firm, and the camisole’s built-in bra gave her a nice bit of cleavage while keeping excess flaunting to a minimum.

Satisfied with the look she’d achieved, she slipped on the only pair of strappy sandals she’d brought with her, and with a deep breath for fortitude she grabbed the box of chocolate-covered strawberries and headed for Connor’s room.

CONNOR WAS BEGINNING to think he’d bit the dust once again with Rebecca when a tentative knock sounded at his hotel room door. Shocked, he jumped up from the couch where he was watching a movie on TV and made it to the entryway in a few brisk strides. A quick check out the peephole confirmed that it was Rebecca standing in the corridor, and she was holding the box of chocolate-covered strawberries he’d asked the hotel staff to deliver to her room while they were at the cocktail party.

A knot of nerves clenched in his stomach, taking him by surprise, and he quickly rubbed his damp palms down the front of his jeans. Jeezus, he was as anxiety-ridden as a teenager going out on his first date!

His reaction was comical and ridiculous, but after three years of pursuing Rebecca and finally getting a positive response from her, he didn’t want to blow any chance he might have right off the bat. Didn’t want to scare her off before he could show her that there was so much more between them than just a physical attraction.

However, if he had to exploit that sexual tension to get to the emotional depth, then so be it. It was a small sacrifice for a bigger cause.

Inhaling a deep breath, and feeling more in control of his reactions, he opened the door, took one look at what she was wearing, and experienced a rush of pure male appreciation that left him reeling. He had the sudden urge to put his hands all over her, but instead shoved the tips of his fingers into the front pocket of his jeans.

“Wow, you look amazing.”

“Thanks.” A blush suffused her cheeks, and she shifted on her feet, seemingly a nervous bundle of energy herself. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.” He stepped back so she could enter his room, then closed the door and followed her into the sitting area.

Abruptly, she turned around to face him, clutching the small box to her chest in a way that emphasized the provocative curves of her breasts in that oh-so-fascinating top she was wearing. “I’ve never done this kind of thing before,” she blurted out.

Her show of insecurity endeared her even more to him, because it was a side he’d never seen to Rebecca until tonight. “You’ve never done what kind of thing before?” he asked with a lop-sided grin. “Visit a guy in his hotel room?”

“Well, yes, that too,” she said, her eyes a bright shade of blue. “Along with what we’re about to do.”

She made it all sound so clinical, and while he was pretty certain where this conversation was headed, he wanted to hear what was on her mind. “And what are we about to do?” he asked curiously.

She shrugged her smooth, bare shoulders, making his fingers itch all over again to touch that soft, creamy-looking skin. “Have a…I don’t know…a fling.”

“A fling,” he repeated dully, hating how sordid that sounded.

She waved a hand in the air between them. “A tryst, an affair, whatever you want to call it.”

He wanted to call it the start of a relationship, but kept his remark to himself for the time being.

So much for his worry of scaring her off tonight, he thought wryly. She was forging full steam ahead, but not without taking obvious protective measures so that her emotions stayed out of the equation.

He realized she had deep-rooted fears. He just didn’t know the cause of them, and he was determined to discover those reasons over the course of the next few days.

She set the box of strawberries on the coffee table, but didn’t sit down. “Before we go any further, I think it would be smart of us to lay out some ground rules.”

He nearly laughed at the fact that she felt it necessary to issue stipulations, but caught himself just in time. “I don’t have any rules.”

Her stubborn chin lifted a fraction. “Well, you’re used to this kind of thing, and I’m not.”

A grin quirked the corner of his mouth. He didn’t bother to correct her belief that he indulged in affairs on a whim, because hewasn’t certain she’d trust him at this point. But her assumption was far from the truth. Sure, he’d dated a lot of women over the years, but that didn’t mean he slept with every single one of them.

She obviously needed these boundaries between them, and he supposed if he knew what they were right up front, he’d at least have the advantage of knowing what he was dealing with. Besides, if the restrictions made her feel better and more comfortable with him, then he wasn’t going to argue.

He settled himself in the middle of the sofa and rested his arms across the top cushions. “Okay, let’s hear what you have to say.”

She paced the carpeted floor in front of the coffee table, as if moving helped to ease her anxiety. “I’m sure this first request isn’t going to be a difficult one for you, but I need to say it anyway. This affair goes no further than this weekend here at The Delaford. Whatever happens here, stays here. Once Celeste and Greg’s wedding is over, then so are we.”

Hell, no, he wanted to say, but instead clenched his jaw tight and continued to listen to her idiotic guidelines. He was too afraid that if he refuted her first rule she’d back out of the deal completely, and that wasn’t an option for him. He didn’t want a relationship with Rebecca to end before it even had a chance to begin.

“Secondly, I want to be sure that after this weekend is over and we go our separate ways, that we’ll still be friends,” she went on, meeting his gaze. “My sister is going to be married to your best friend, and I’m sure we’ll run into one another socially quite a bit.”

God, she was killing the mood, and they hadn’t even had a chance to enjoy an evening together. “Being friends isn’t a problem for me.” Because if he had his way, they’d be friends and much more than that before the weekend was finished.

“Good,” she said, nodding succinctly. “And finally, I need to be assured that no one is going to find out about us. I don’t want Celeste to know about our affair, and I want you to promise me that you won’t say anything to Greg, who would then tell my sister. Oh, and when we’re in public together, there will be no open displays of affection, or anything else that will draw attention to the fact that we’re…lovers.”

She was making his head spin with all her too rational rules. If he did anything this weekend, he was going to make sure he ruffled that sensible, pragmatic personality of hers, but good. Show her how to loosen up and have fun.

He also wanted to show that “opposites do attract,” as the message in his chocolate heart half had said. He’d opened it when he’d returned to his room and been pleased at how perfectly suited the words were to the situation.

Starting right now.

“Rebecca?” he said in a soft, low tone that was meant to calm and soothe.

She stopped her brisk pacing, her expression still reflecting a bit of uncertainty he was determined to chase away. “Yes?”

“Come here and sit down.” He sat up and patted the spot right next to him. “You’re way over-thinking this.”

She hesitated a moment, then rounded the table and perched herself on the farthest edge of the sofa cushion. She folded her hands in her lap, her spine way too stiff and proper. “I just don’t want either one of us to have any false expectations of what this is about.”

Connor assumed she was talking more about herself than him, considering she’d already pegged him as the playboy type.

God, he so wanted to tumble her back on the couch and mess up her too perfect hair with his fingers, and kiss her glossy lips until every inch of her softened and she moaned just for him. Instead, he settled for reaching over to brush the back of his knuckles along her cheek.

“Sweetheart, I know what this is about,” he said, watching the way her breathing slowed and deepened as he continued to caress the side of her neck with his fingers. “It’s about you, and me, and acting on an attraction that’s been simmering a long time. And now, here’s my rule.”

A slow, sweet smile curved the corner of her mouth as she cast him a side-long glance. “I thought you said you didn’t have any rules.”

“This one is absolutely necessary.” Because without it, she’d remain too aloof and uptight. “I want you to relax and enjoy yourself this weekend with me. Do whatever feels good without rationalizing every little thing. Do you think you can do that?”

She eyed the Sinfully Sweet box she’d brought with her, and her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she returned her sheepish gaze back to his. “Feed me one of those chocolate-covered strawberries, and I think I can do just about anything.”

If that wasn’t an invitation, he didn’t know what was. And there was no way he was going to refuse such a prime opportunity to turn this all too serious conversation into something far more fun and seductive. “Now that would be my absolute pleasure.”

He unwrapped one of the treats, but instead of giving it to her as she was anticipating, he took a bite off the tip for himself.

“Hey,” she said with a throaty laugh that lit up her eyes. “That’s the best part.”

“Ummm. Not quite, but it’s definitely very good.” He lifted the strawberry to her lips and fed her a piece.

She sighed and moaned her enjoyment as she nibbled and ate the fruit slowly and thoroughly, seemingly more and more aroused with each bite she took. Her eyes glazed over and her expression took on a dreamy, rapturous look that made him hard. Juice from the strawberry trickled down his hand, and to his shock and pleasure, she closed her eyes and licked away the sticky sweetness with long, silky laps of her tongue, then closed her mouth over the tip of his finger and sucked.

He nearly came undone right then and there. Somewhere along the way she’d gone from demure and cautious to an outright temptress. Not that he was complaining about the thrilling transformation. Hell, this was how he’d always dreamed she’d be with him.

There was nothing left to the strawberry but the stem, and he pulled away just long enough to set it aside and turn down the lamp next to the couch, which left the light in the far bedroom as their only source of illumination. Then he framed Rebecca’s beautifully flushed face in his hands, reveling in the fact that she didn’t appear the least bit resistant to what he was obviously about to do.

“Now this is the best part,” he said huskily, and brought his mouth to hers.

He kissed her softly, tentatively, at first, despite the instinctive male urge to take and possess and claim. He nibbled on her bottom lip, then stroked the fullness with his tongue, gently feasting on her as though she were a rare delicacy and he couldn’t get enough of her-which he suddenly couldn’t. After years of wanting Rebecca Moore, he was ravenous for her, and keeping a tight rein on his control took every ounce of willpower in him.

She sighed, returning his heated kisses with a slow building urgency that finally gave way to hunger and need. Amazingly, she was the one who took things to the next level. Her lips parted, opening against his, and her tongue dipped into his mouth, dragging him deeper into the kiss.

Desire and lust coiled low in his belly, making his blood run hot in his veins. Sliding his hand around to cup the nape of her neck, he sifted his fingers into her silky hair, slanted her head to the side, and gave her exactly what she wanted: a hot, tongue-tangling kiss she returned with equal fervor.

She tasted like strawberries and chocolate and feminine temptation, and he lost himself in the sweetness of her mouth, her uninhibited response, and the eagerness now apparent beneath that formal, practical facade of hers.

With a soft mewling sound rumbling up from the back of her throat, she fisted her hands in his T-shirt and pulled him down onto the couch with her. He followed her lead, willing to go anywhere she took him. The couch was nice and wide, and he settled himself to the side of her, so that half his body covered hers and one of his legs was nestled between her parted thighs.

Their greedy, insatiable kisses continued. Rebecca’s hands impatiently tugged the T-shirt from his jeans, and he groaned when she flattened her palms against his stomach and began pushing the hem upward in a hasty attempt to remove the article of clothing. The material caught beneath his arms, and when she made a sound of frustration he moved away slightly, giving himself enough room to tug the shirt over his head, then toss it aside.

She gazed at his bare chest in awe and feminine delight. “Oh, wow,” she breathed as she reverently skimmed her hands up over his pecs and across his shoulders. “You’re absolutely gorgeous.”

Her hands were cool against his fevered skin, and the need to touch her was driving him crazy. He glanced down, saw the press of her tightened nipples against the silky fabric of her top, and wanted to see her naked, too.

“Your turn,” he murmured, and she didn’t say a word to stop him as he slid one of the thin straps of her camisole down her arm, then the other, until both of her lovely breasts were bared to his gaze. She was perfectly shaped and filled his hand as if she’d been created specifically for him.

He grazed his thumb across the velvety tip, and she sucked in a quick breath, her back arching in a silent plea for more. Her hands slid upward and into his hair, and her fingers twisted around the strands as she guided his lips to her breast. He took her in his mouth, grazed her taut nipple with his teeth, and soothed the sting with the soft swirl of his tongue before giving her other breast its fair share of attention.

She shifted restlessly beneath him, and he placed a hand on her knee, gently spreading her legs wider apart. They fell open effortlessly, and he slipped his hand beneath the hem of her skirt and trailed his fingertips up the inside of her smooth thigh. She shivered and moaned, offering no resistance as he continued his slow, lazy quest until he reached the damp fabric of her panties. He pressed his fingers against her, and her entire body jolted.

Abandoning her breast, he crushed his mouth to hers in a kiss that was hard and deep and explicitly carnal at the same time that he slid his fingers beneath the satin material covering her mound. She was so soft and warm and deliciously wet, and as he began to caress and tease her in the same rhythm that matched the stroke of his tongue along hers, she went wild.

Her hands dragged down the slope of his back, until she reached the waistband of his jeans. Her fingers gripped the belt loops and she tugged at his hips, trying desperately to shift their bodies into a more intimate position. Without words, he knew she wanted him inside her. Hell, he wanted to be inside her, but he didn’t have a condom with him. Never would have anticipated that things would go so far so quickly tonight.

So, he improvised. Without breaking their kiss, he moved over her and settled the hard, pulsing length of his erection, still confined beneath the zipper of his jeans, right up against the barrier of her panties. He pulled her leg up high over his waist and rolled his hips against hers, deepening the contact. The hard ridge of his cock pressed and rubbed against her sensitive flesh with each successive thrust, taking over where his fingers had left off.

She shuddered and whimpered against his lips, the needy sound and the arching of her body into his telling him that she was so, so close. And then she was there, at the peak and tumbling over the edge, and it was a beautiful sight to see. She tossed her head back, clenched her thighs tight against his, and unraveled.

He’d meant for the pleasure to be all hers, but between her cresting orgasm and her unabashed desire for him, he was too far gone to hold back. So, he didn’t even try. He surged against her, hard and deep, one final time, and a ragged growl tore from his chest as the friction launched him into a climax right along with her.

In time, beneath him, Rebecca’s muscles relaxed and her breathing slowed. He moved back to the side so the bulk of his weight wasn’t on her, then smoothed her skirt back down and adjusted the straps of her camisole.

Her lashes gradually drifted back open, and she stared up at him with a shocked and dazed look on her face.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She nodded jerkily, slid her quivering legs back down to the couch, and covered her face with her hands with a groan. “I can’t believe that you, that I, that we…”

He chuckled in amusement, because she was so damn cute when she was flustered. “Believe it, sweetheart. It’s called making out.” Gently, he pulled her hands away and traced her chin with his thumb, not wanting her to hide anything from him. “And the last thing you should be is embarrassed.”

“I can’t say that I’ve had a whole lot of experience with your kind of making out,” she admitted, a slight frown etching her brows, even as her gaze roved over his naked chest. “And I’ve never had an orgasm with my clothes still on.”

“If it makes you feel any better, neither have I,” he said wryly. She just had the ability to make him lose control. He could only imagine what it was going to be like when he was inside her for real. Mind-blowing, no doubt.

Her head turned to the side, and she eyed the open box with the strawberries inside. “I swear, there’s something about the chocolate…”

He wasn’t about to let her blame her enthusiasm and passion for him on the chocolate, no matter how good it had been. “Becca, that chocolate had nothing to do with what just happened between us.”

She sighed. “You’re probably right.”

Connor thought about the next three days he had with Rebecca, and between the wedding activities and ceremony that were planned, he wanted to make sure he got as much quality time with her as possible. And not just for the sex that she assumed this affair was all about. He wanted the chance to get to really know her, and vice-versa.

He smiled as he came up with the perfect idea and hoped she didn’t balk when she discovered what he was planning, because it was certain to test just how adventurous she was willing to be with him. “Tomorrow night, after the wedding rehearsal and dinner, how about you and I sneak away from this place and do something fun?”

That perked up her interest and made her forget all about the chocolate. “What did you have in mind?

He wanted her to be surprised, but he was beginning to realize that she was a woman who liked to be prepared. So, he only gave her as much information as she needed to be ready for their adventure. “All you need to know is to wear pants and bring a jacket. I’ll take care of the rest.”


“SO, HOW WAS your girls’ day at the spa?” Greg asked Celeste and the bridesmaids sitting at the dinner table around him.

The Friday evening wedding rehearsal for the outdoor ceremony tomorrow had gone smoothly, and now the wedding party and Greg’s family were enjoying dinner at The Delaford’s five-star restaurant, The Winery. Rebecca had deliberately taken the seat next to her sister and across from Connor to give herself distance. But now she realized her mistake. It put him in her direct line of vision and she found her gaze straying to him much too often. Not a good thing when he met her surreptitious stares with a slow, sexy, bad-boy smile that made her toes curl and reminded her of the wicked things he’d done to her the night before.

Rebecca started in on the salad a waiter put down in front of her and listened as her sister told her fiancé about their day getting manicures, pedicures, facials and massages, while the guys had been out enjoying a game of golf. Celeste was animated and bubbly and filled with excitement, and who could blame her? In less than twenty-four hours she was going to marry the man she loved and become Mrs. Greg Markham the Third.

Rebecca was feeling a tad excited herself, but her anticipation was centered around the man who’d rocked her world the night before-and they hadn’t even had sex. He’d been on her mind all day, and she couldn’t wait to find out what he had up his sleeve for the two of them tonight. She felt as giddy as a young girl anxiously awaiting her first date, and it had been forever since she’d had that kind of reaction to a man. It was a heady, thrilling sensation she embraced whole-heartedly.

“Those spa treatments must have done wonders,” Connor said as he set his fork on his empty salad plate, then shifted his gaze across the table. “Rebecca is positively glowing and she looks more relaxed than I’ve ever seen her.”

Rebecca nearly choked on the drink of water she was swallowing. Oh, his comment sounded innocent enough, but she knew darn well that his “glowing,” and “relaxed” remarks had nothing to do with the spa and everything to do with the orgasm he’d given her last night. Heck, he was practically gloating.

Celeste smiled from Rebecca to Connor. “Yeah, she is glowing, isn’t she?”

She set her glass back on the table, refusing to let Connor shake her composure out in public. “There’s something to be said for a nice, long, pleasurable massage. It has a way of releasing all kinds of tension.”

“Ummm, I might have to try one of those massages,” Connor said with an incorrigible grin.

Rebecca bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Only she knew what kind of massage he was really referring to. And, undoubtedly, he’d want it to come from her.

Dinner passed at a leisurely pace, amidst amusing conversation between bridesmaids and groomsmen, a lot of boisterous laughter, and too many flirtatious looks and comments between herself and Connor. If anyone at the table noticed those playfully seductive gestures, specifically her sister, no one called them on it. Or maybe they were all used to the attraction and didn’t give it a second thought.

It was after ten by the time the rehearsal dinner ended and everyone went their separate ways. As Rebecca casually made her way out of the restaurant with the rest of the group, Connor came up beside her, lightly touched the base of her spine with his fingers to get her attention, and leaned in close.

“Go and change and meet me downstairs at the side entrance to the hotel,” he whispered, and then he was gone.

It took her an extra five minutes to separate from her sister and the other bridesmaids, and ten minutes after that she was walking out the double glass doors to the hotel’s side carport area dressed in the only pair of jeans she’d brought with her, a long-sleeved blouse, and a fleece jacket.

Connor wasn’t there, but seconds later a big black-and-silver Harley Davidson pulled up in front of her, the rumbling sound of the engine as dramatic as the man sitting on the bike’s leather seat.

Connor grinned, those boyish dimples of his beckoning to her. “Hop on,” he said, and handed her an extra black helmet that matched the one on his head. “We’re going for a ride.”

As far as surprises went, this was something she never would have imagined. “You’re kidding.” She’d never ridden a motorcycle in her life, and the whole idea of doing so intimidated the heck out of her. “Why couldn’t you have driven one of your fancy sports cars?”

“Because this is much more fun. You’ll see.”

She shook her head, not completely swayed. “I think I’m too old for this.”

He rolled his eyes at her poor excuse. “You’re as young as you feel. Come on, Becca,” he cajoled sweetly. “Be a little spontaneous and try something new.”

Be spontaneous.

She was certain that his choice of words, which reflected the message she’d found in her chocolate heart half, was nothing more than a coincidence. Still, they were enough of an impetus to give her the courage to be more adventurous than she’d ever been in her life.

Before she came to her practical, rational senses, she took the helmet, slipped it on her head, and let him secure the strap beneath her chin. Then, with Connor’s help, she straddled the seat behind him, so that her thighs bracketed his in an incredibly intimate position.

“You need to hold on tight.” He grabbed her wrists, pulled her closer against his back, then pushed her hands beneath his leather jacket. “Your fingers might get a little cold on the drive. This will keep them warm.”

Warm was an understatement. She splayed her palms over the soft cotton T-shirt covering his taut stomach, the heat emanating from him like a furnace.

He revved the engine, and Rebecca’s entire body vibrated right along with the bike. Though they hadn’t even started on their way, she could already feel the latent power in the motorcycle, and she felt her heart skip a beat.

“Since this is my first time, go slow and easy on me.” She didn’t want her first experience to be a wild, fast ride. “I’d rather not be in a body cast for my sister’s wedding tomorrow.”

He chuckled, the muscles in his belly rippling beneath her palms. “I’ll be gentle with you, sweetheart. I promise.”

CONNOR WAS A MAN of his word. He’d never been a reckless driver or felt the need for speed, and tonight he was extra careful to keep things low key. He wanted Rebecca’s trust. Wanted her to see that he wasn’t the kind of guy who was rebellious and wild, or took unnecessary risks, as he knew she believed.

He veered the motorcycle onto the road just outside of where The Delaford Resort was located. It was a gorgeous night, cool but clear, and he took Rebecca on a smooth, leisurely, scenic ride around the perimeter of Crystal Lake.

Initially when they’d started off, she’d been nervous and stiff sitting behind him, but as he navigated the stretch of road ahead she eventually relaxed against his back, and the hands he’d tucked around his waist loosened their death grip.

After a while he found an alcove off the side of the road that had a perfect view of the lake, and he pulled over onto the gravelly area.

“So, what did you think?” he asked once they’d dismounted and removed their helmets, watching as she shook her silky hair, then combed through the strands with her fingers.

Energized after the ride, she turned toward him, a dazzling, exuberant smile on her face. “That was amazing!”

Her vivacious response was exactly what Connor had been hoping for. “Good, I’m glad.” He extended his hand to her. “Come on, let’s go sit down by the lake.”

Without hesitating, she slipped her fingers into his, their cool fingers intertwining intimately. It was a simple, uncomplicated gesture, but it was one of those small things that Connor appreciated and savored, because it felt like an expression of Rebecca’s faith in him. Or so he’d like to think.

With only the shimmering moonlight guiding them, Connor led the way down a grassy knoll to a cluster of large boulders near the edge of the lake. He sat down on top of one of the bigger rocks and helped Rebecca up beside him. They were no longer holding hands, and he missed that warmth and connection.

“So, why do I get the impression that you haven’t had a whole lot of fun and adventure in your life?” Connor asked.

She tipped her head at him, amusement glimmering in her eyes. “Not all of us can afford the kind of fun you can.”

“I’m not necessarily talking about material things,” he said, and unzipped his leather jacket so he could enjoy the cool evening temperature. “I’ve known you for three years now, and you’ve always come across as so reserved, so completely opposite to your sister’s lively, outgoing personality.”

She lifted a brow. “So, are you saying I’m a snob?”

Beneath her teasing tone Connor detected a sensitive, guarded emotion he didn’t fully understand. “No, you’ve never come across as a snob,” he said, trying to find the right words to get his point across. “You’re just so much more serious than your sister.”

“Celeste is also six years younger than I am,” she replied, as if that alone explained their contrasting dispositions.

Six years also separated him and Rebecca, Connor knew, and refused to let her use that as a defense with her sister, or as a way to distance herself from him. “I don’t think the differences in your personalities have anything to do with age.”

Her chin jutted out in opposition. “It has everything to do with me being older than Celeste.”

“Why, because it makes you so much more mature?” he asked, rolling out the last word in a humorous attempt to lighten the mood between them.

The corner of her mouth twitched with a smile, giving him what he’d been after, but it didn’t completely erase the unease in her gaze. “Let’s just say that I had to grow up fast.”

Now they were getting somewhere. Beyond the superficial to the emotional, which was exactly what he wanted. “Why?” he asked, low and soft.

She looked out at the silver cast of moonlight spilling across the lake, and he prayed that she wouldn’t shut him out now that he’d finally managed to scale one of those walls of hers. His gut told him that her reasons were key to Rebecca and who she was, and why she was so guarded. And he needed to know exactly what he was up against.

After a silent minute passed, she spoke. “My mother passed away when I was sixteen and Celeste was ten. It was hard enough trying to deal with the adjustment of my mother’s death, who was a stay-at-home mom, but my father’s job required him to travel often and he was gone more than he was home, even after she passed away.”

“That couldn’t have been easy for you and your sister.”

“No, it wasn’t.” She drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs, her gaze still focused on the gently rippling water. “Our neighbor at the time, Mrs. Sedgewick, stayed with us while my father was out of town, but I automatically took over the responsibilities at home that my mother used to take care of: cooking, cleaning, shopping, that sort of stuff.”

“And taking care of Celeste,” he added, already getting a clear view of Rebecca’s abnormal childhood. So much responsibility for someone so young.

“Yes.” She met his gaze and smiled, and there wasn’t the slightest glimmer of regret in her expression for what she’d sacrificed during her teenage years. “In a lot of ways I became a mother figure for her. Our situation was difficult enough with my mother being gone and our father always out of town, and the last thing I wanted was for Celeste to feel insecure, to feel like she didn’t have someone in her life she could count on. And because my sister was all I really had, it was easy to focus all my attention on her.”

He had a sister, as well, and knew just how strong those sibling bonds could be. “She’s very lucky to have you.”

“We’re lucky to have one another,” she corrected emphatically. “Especially since my father didn’t provide much in the way of emotional support or even financial security.”

He frowned, surprised by that comment. He knew their father had passed away of a heart attack years ago, but Rebecca’s remark seemed to apply to their lives right before he passed away. “How do you mean?” he asked curiously.

Again, she hesitated, as if realizing that she’d said too much. Again, he waited calmly and quietly for her to confide in him.

“I always thought that my father had a decent paying job,” she finally said. “I never knew how much he actually made, but we lived in a nice house in a good neighborhood, and my father drove a BMW Coupe. We had the big-screen TV, a pool and spa in the backyard, and a computer with all the bells and whistles on it, which cost a fortune at the time. Any new electronic gadget that came out, he had to have, too, and he didn’t think twice about his spending sprees.”

A gentle gust of breeze threaded through her hair, and she absently brushed a stray strand off her smooth cheek before continuing. “Anyway, after my mother passed away, whenever my father had to go out of town he gave me some cash to buy groceries and whatever Celeste and I needed for school, such as supplies, clothes and shoes. I learned to be frugal and thrifty with what he gave me, which was often barely enough, because I hated asking for more, and I always wanted to make sure that I took care of Celeste’s needs.” She shrugged, her shoulders shifting beneath her fleece jacket. “I never needed much myself.”

Or she’d just learned to do without, he thought, seeing just how incredibly selfless she’d been. It was just another reason for him to fall hard for this woman.

“What I didn’t realize until much later was that my father had a spending problem, and he charged everything on credit cards but never paid off the balance. So, over time he’d accumulated a huge debt that was nearly impossible to pay off. And, eventually, that led to him having to file for bankruptcy. We even lost the house we were living in.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, feeling the old flare of resentment and pain swell within her, and she struggled to keep that anger toward her father’s irresponsible actions from rising to the surface. “Celeste didn’t take the news as hard as I did, but I was absolutely devastated by the loss. It was the only home that Celeste and I had ever known, and suddenly it was gone, along with most everything inside. And it never should have happened.”

Compassion etched Connor’s masculine features. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Rebecca.”

She was touched by his sincerity, yet a part of her was too aware that he had the potential of being every bit as frivolous with his spending as her own father had been. “It was a very valuable lesson to learn, even at such a young age. Losing everything like that taught me the value of saving money and being financially secure. I don’t ever want to be in that kind of situation again.”

He nodded in understanding. “You gave up so much to raise your sister, even after your father’s death.”

She dropped her head back and stared up at the clear sky, and its scattering of a thousand brilliant stars. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

“I don’t doubt that for one second.” The gentle caress of his fingers along her cheek made her turn to look at him again, and then he asked, “But what about you, Rebecca?”

Uncertain about what he meant, she blinked at him in confusion. “What about me?”

“You’ve done a phenomenal job taking care of your sister, but now that she’s getting married and starting a life of her own with Greg, what about your life?”

How could the man be so perceptive? It was as if he knew what a difficult time she was having letting her sister go, not that she was going to admit it out loud to him. “My life is good.”

“As good as you want it to be?”

His dark brown stare was direct and unwavering, making her feel as though he could see all the way to her soul. It was an unnerving sensation, especially since he was the first man that she’d so openly and honestly shared her past with. “Nobody’s life is perfect.”

“True,” he agreed. “But maybe it’s time for you to think about what you want for a change, and go for it.”

Go for it. There was that phrase again, tempting her to give into her deepest desires, which seemed intrinsically linked to this man. Heart, body, and soul.

That frightening thought shook her up inside, but she refused to let her fears override what she longed for the most. “For this moment, and this weekend, I want you,” she said, then gave into the impulse to lean toward Connor, place her hand on the soft cotton T-shirt covering his chest, and kiss him.

His mouth was incredibly warm and soft against hers, and when his lips gradually parted she was the one who initiated the kind of deeper, hotter kiss she craved. Tongues touched and mated, and as each slow kiss melded into another, a knot of pure, sensual need tightened in her belly, and lower.

His clean, male scent filled her senses, and beneath her hand she could feel the rapid beat of his heart, which matched her own. Her breasts swelled, her nipples tightened, and before long her entire body hungered for so much more. Like throwing caution and modesty to the wind and making love to Connor right out here in the open.

It was Connor who eventually ended the kiss, then pressed his forehead against hers. “It’s getting late,” he said, his voice gruff with arousal. “We should head back to the hotel.”

She managed a nod, grateful that at least Connor was able to think straight. A soft bed would be so much more comfortable than the hard ground or maneuvering around on a rock. “Okay.”

The ride back to the resort seemed to take twice as long. Once they arrived at the hotel, Connor dropped her off at the side entrance where he’d originally picked her up, then went to park his motorcycle.

She entered the hotel alone, wondering if this was the end of their night together since Connor hadn’t mentioned anything about seeing her in a few minutes, or even later. Obviously, he was respecting her request that they keep their relationship discreet and not be seen together in public. Or maybe she’d scared him off by giving him a glimpse of her dysfunctional past.

Uncertain what to do, Rebecca let herself into her room and headed toward the bedroom as she unzipped and shrugged off her fleece jacket. A smile curved her mouth when she caught sight of an unwrapped gift that had been left on her pillow. Last night she’d found chocolate-covered strawberries, and upon closer inspection she realized that this present was equally tempting, and made her come to the quick conclusion that her evening with Connor wasn’t over after all. Not if she didn’t want it to be.

She picked up the jar of Sinfully Sweet chocolate body paint, her mind already tumbling with wicked, erotic scenarios. Tied around the lid was a big red bow and two small paint brushes, along with a note card that read Do you dare? in Connor’s handwriting.

For once in her life she didn’t think twice, or analyze her answer-just went with feminine instincts and desires.

Yes, she dared.


AS SOON AS Connor opened the door to his room, a surge of anticipation rippled through Rebecca, and her fingers tightened around the jar of chocolate sauce in her hand. She’d never been one of those women that had seduction down to an art form, but there was something about this man that made her feel wanton and decidedly naughty.

She fingered the tip of the paint brushes and shivered as she imagined the feathery sensation of those soft bristles gliding across her bare skin. “I’m not much of an artist, but if you don’t mind me being an amateur, then I’m more than willing to give it a try.”

The grin that pulled up the corners of his mouth was blatantly sexual, and all male. “I don’t think that chocolate body paint requires you to be a perfectionist. In fact, in my opinion, the messier the better, because the best part is licking everything clean.”

She wasn’t about to argue with that. “Sounds like fun to me.”

“I was hoping you’d feel that way.” Taking her hand, he pulled her inside his room, closed and locked the door, then led the way toward the bedroom.

It appeared that after their conversation earlier at the lake, idle chit-chat wasn’t necessary. They both knew what they wanted-one another-and neither of them cared to waste time with small talk. Not when there was a perfectly good jar of Sinfully Sweet chocolate sauce waiting to be used.

Once they were in his bedroom, Connor turned on the light next to the bed, then stripped off his T-shirt and tossed it aside. Even though he’d been half-naked last night while they’d made out on the couch, Rebecca’s mouth went dry once again as she took in his sculpted body and thought about all the different ways she wanted to paint on him. His chest alone made one heck of an inspiring canvas.

“I get to paint first,” she said, breathlessly.

“You can go first, but I want both our clothes off because they’re just going to get in the way.”

He took the jar and brushes from her hand and set them on the nightstand next to a few foil packets he must have put there in preparation for tonight’s tryst. Then, he started unbuttoning her blouse.

It took the two of them less than a minute to undress down to their underwear, and for the moment Rebecca was grateful for that teeny bit of coverage-on both of them. Without it, she had a feeling that this first time together would be over before they even had the chance to enjoy the paint. She was already shaking from the heated caresses of Connor’s hands skimming along her curves as he’d stripped off her top, bra, and jeans.

Much to her own delight, there was no mistaking how aroused Connor was, either. His solid erection pressed against his snug briefs, long and thick. She licked her lips as she envisioned that part of him covered in delicious chocolate, and heard him groan.

She raised her gaze to his face, stunned by the intensity of his expression. It was a powerful, exhilarating sensation knowing that just one glance and a lick of the lips could inflame him so much. But she understood exactly what he was feeling, because one seductive look from him had the ability to make her melt inside, too.

Anxious to indulge in the shameless fantasies dancing in her head, she pressed her fingertips to his chest and gave him a light push backwards. “Lie down on the bed for me,” she said huskily.

He did as she asked, stretching his long, lean body in the middle of the mattress, and she didn’t hesitate to crawl up onto the bed after him and straddle his hips. She’d never been so bold and presumptuous with a man before, but the heat and desire darkening Connor’s eyes, along with the hard shaft pressing against her bottom, urged her to be as uninhibited as she wanted.

Reaching for the jar of body paint, she opened the lid, and the heady chocolate aroma unfurled a deeper hunger within her. With a provocative smile on her lips she dipped one of the brushes into the sauce and playfully swiped it across his chest, painting squiggly lines here and there before swirling the soft bristled tip around his nipples.

Connor sucked in a deep breath, and his hands clenched her thighs as she continued on, painting along the concave of his belly, and the cute indentation of his navel. When he was sufficiently covered in chocolate sauce, she leaned down and tasted him, using her lips, teeth and long, slow laps of her tongue to savor the sweet, delectable flavor of Connor dipped in rich, smooth chocolate.

“Ummm,” she murmured against his hard stomach. “You taste a hundred times better than those strawberries.”

The only response he could manage was a deep, throaty grunt.

Smiling, she swirled her tongue into his belly button, and nibbled along his lower abdomen until she reached the waistband of his briefs. Wanting them gone, she easily pulled his underwear down his legs and off, then directed her full attention to his jutting erection.

Mesmerized by the sight of that breathtakingly masculine part of him, she dabbed a finger in the chocolate sauce and circled the head of his penis with a light caress that made his sex jerk in surprise. Enjoying his reaction, she scooped up more of the body paint, took him in her chocolate-coated hand, and stroked the entire length of his shaft-once, twice, before lowering her head and taking him in her mouth to finish the job.

Chocolate had never tasted so good, so erotic and tempting. And she couldn’t get enough.

She drew him in deep, reveling in his low, rumbling groan of pleasure and the way he tangled his fingers in her hair. She licked at him leisurely, nibbled gently, and teased him with long, suctioning swirls of her tongue that had his hips rising off the bed and his entire body tensing with the onslaught of a pulsing orgasm.

“Not yet,” he rasped before she could send him over the edge. In an amazingly coordinated movement he reared up, pushed her back onto the mattress, and swung a leg over her hips so that he was now straddling her.

She stared up at him, surprise rendering her speechless.

“It’s my turn to play,” he said with a grin, and picked up the jar of chocolate sauce.

Instead of using one of the brushes, he drenched his fingers with the gooey substance and finger-painted her body. He covered her breasts with his coated hands and rubbed his thumbs over her aching nipples. Continuing downward, he playfully drew a heart on her stomach and added the initials “C” and “R”, and when he reached her panties, he quickly and efficiently removed them so she was as naked as he was.

He knelt between her parted legs and looked his fill of her, his expression a combination of adoration and lust. “I can’t wait to eat you up,” he murmured, and gave her a wolfish smile that made her feel like Little Red Riding Hood.

But first, he painted his wet, sticky fingers up the insides of her thighs, and found a sensitive, ticklish spot along the way that he exploited mercilessly, until she was laughing and writhing and begging him to stop the sensual torment.

Eventually, he did, but then replaced one kind of seduction with another equally provocative pleasure. Starting at her knees, he slowly licked away the chocolate he’d smeared on her skin. He took his own sweet time, making sure that he lapped up every last drop. He grazed her flesh with his teeth and used his warm, soft tongue to clean up the chocolate mess he’d made on the inside of her thighs, until he finally reached that ultra-feminine place he’d yet to taste.

He did so now. Settling more comfortably between her thighs, he draped her legs over his shoulders, lowered his head, and made good on his promise to eat her up. He took his time, building her need to excruciating heights, and she gripped the covers in her hands, her hips arching, her body silently pleading for the release he kept just beyond her reach.

Finally, with a deep, intimate stroke of his tongue, and a deep thrust of his fingers, he gave her the orgasm she was desperate for. She tumbled over the edge, her entire body shuddering from the incredible force of her climax.

It took her a minute to come back to her senses, and when she did she found Connor kneeling between her thighs, sheathing himself with one of the condoms from the nightstand. She fully expected him to thrust into her and take his own release, but instead he lowered his head and began licking away the chocolate on her quivering belly. His tongue traced the outline of the heart he’d drawn, and lapped away the initials until there was nothing left except a smear of chocolate.

He moved upward, where he feasted on her breasts and sucked on her nipples as if she were a dessert for him to devour and enjoy. By the time he was done removing every last bit of chocolate that he could, she was trembling all over again, and more than ready for him to be inside her.

He stretched more fully over her, so that they were chest to breast, and his erection nestled in the vee of her thighs. His eyes blazed with need, and a deeper emotion that made her heart beat hard and fast in her chest.

He didn’t give her time to dwell on what she’d seen in his gaze. In the next instant he threaded his fingers through her hair and crushed his mouth to hers in a demanding, rapacious kiss. At the same time he drove deep, deep inside her, making her think of nothing but the way he filled her so completely. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs high around his waist as his hips pumped against hers in a hard, rocking rhythm that sent them both spiraling out of control.

Another stunning orgasm rippled through her, causing her inner muscles to clench around Connor’s shaft. Groaning against her lips, he thrust against her, harder, faster, and gave himself over to his own scorching release.

He buried his face in the curve of her neck, his breath hot and damp against her skin. It took him longer than her to recover, and in time he lifted up onto his forearms and stared down at her, his slumberous gaze filled with a warmth and tenderness that made her ache for this kind of intimacy on a regular basis.

A slow, lazy smile curved his lips. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

She’d never had such great, mind-numbing sex before, so she knew she couldn’t take the credit he was offering. “I appreciate the compliment, but I think that honor is all yours.”

He nuzzled his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear, “How about we’re both amazing together?”

She liked the way that sounded. Too much. Not only was Connor an outstanding lover, but he definitely brought out the best in her, in ways she’d never thought possible. He was a great listener, as he’d proved earlier that night by the lake, and he made her laugh more than any man ever had before. And yes, they were amazing together.

She could easily fall for Connor Bassett, if a part of her hadn’t already, and that realization terrified her.

Unable to come up with a snappy reply, she shifted beneath him and winced when she realized that the chocolate sauce had nearly glued their skin together. “We sure did make a mess, didn’t we?”

“Ummm, that we did.” He lifted his head, a satisfied smile on his lips. “What do you say we take a nice, long, hot shower together? I’ll scrub your back if you scrub mine.” He waggled his brows lasciviously at her.

She laughed, unable to resist his flirtatious charm, or those boyish dimples. So, for now, she didn’t even try. “I’d love to take a shower with you.”

THE SOUND OF soft footsteps prompted Connor to glance up from his laptop computer to find Rebecca walking out of the bedroom, looking sleep tousled, well loved, and incredibly sexy in the cotton T-shirt he’d worn earlier. There was something so intimate and seductive about seeing her in his clothes, particularly how the soft material emphasized her full breasts and the way the hem ended mid-thigh. He couldn’t tell if she was wearing panties or not, and the thought of her being completely naked beneath his shirt caused a surge of heat to spiral straight to his groin.

He couldn’t remember ever wanting a woman as much as he wanted Rebecca-in his bed and in his life. They’d finally succumbed to the physical attraction between them, proving without a doubt just how compatible they were sexually. Emotionally, however, he knew he still had his work cut out for him, and he only had today and tomorrow to make her realize that what was between them was more than just a passing fling.

Stifling a yawn, she approached where he was sitting on the couch. “It’s after three in the morning,” she said, her voice still husky with sleep. “What are you doing up at this ungodly hour?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” For the most part, he tended to be a night owl, and that’s when he came up with some of his best computer game ideas. Tonight, he’d been working on a glitch in one of the newest games he’d created. “What are you doing up at this ungodly hour?”

“I woke up and you were gone.” She sat down next to him, tucked her legs beneath her on the couch, then smoothed the T-shirt over her knees. “Since this is your hotel room, I figured you couldn’t have gone far.”

He leaned toward her, nuzzled his lips against her throat, and felt her shiver from his light, playful kisses. Despite the shower they’d taken together, she still smelled like chocolate and great sex, a delicious combination that made him ravenous for her all over again.

“Miss me?” he murmured against her ear.

A soft sigh escaped her, and she tipped her head to the side to give his mouth better access to her neck. “Yeah, I did miss you.”

He pulled back, unable to stop the satisfied grin from making an appearance. “Good.” He figured her admission was a small start, and could only hope that when Sunday rolled around she wouldn’t want their affair to end.

Her brows furrowed as she stared at him, the slumber gradually clearing from her gaze. Then, an amused smile curved her lips. “I didn’t realize you wore glasses.”

He raised his hand to touch the wire rims. He’d forgotten that he had them on until she’d mentioned it. “I only wear them when I’m working on the computer. With all the hours I spend looking at a computer screen, it keeps my eyes from straining too much.”

She studied him intently for a few seconds. “You look…”

Whatever word Rebecca was searching for seemed to allude her, so he helped her out. “Like a computer geek?”

She laughed. “An exceptionally sexy computer geek.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re taking me back to my high school days, when I was the epitome of a nerd.”

“Really?” Her expression was genuinely incredulous. “That’s hard to imagine.”

“It’s true.” Seeing an ideal opportunity to share something personal with her-a part of himself he’d never shared with another woman before because no other woman had ever mattered as much to him as Rebecca did-he set his open laptop on the coffee table, along with his glasses, then turned toward her on the couch.

“Growing up, I wasn’t one of those guys who was into sports, much to my father’s disappointment,” he said, having come to terms long ago with the fact that he’d never meet his dad’s expectations of what a son should be. “When I was eight, and my sister was five, my mother caught my father having an affair with a woman he worked with, and my mother immediately filed for a divorce. Being so young, it was a really tough time in my life, and the computer became my escape so I didn’t have to cope with the fact that my family was being torn apart by my father’s infidelity.”

“So, we both had to deal with a loss in the family at a young age,” she said quietly, her gaze brimming with understanding. “You turned to computers, and I focused on raising my sister.”

“Exactly.” He stretched his arm out along the top of the couch and grazed his fingers along her shoulder. “I spent most of my free time in front of the computer. If I wasn’t playing some kind of video game, I was pulling the hard drive apart to figure out how it all worked. Eventually, I started creating computer games just to amuse myself, but my friends wanted copies and started playing them, too.”

Her pretty blue eyes widened in fascination. “How did you end up selling those games?”

“Actually, it was Greg who encouraged me to send one of my games to a software company that produces all types of computer games, and within a few weeks of receiving the program, they made a very lucrative offer for exclusive rights to the program that is now called Edge of Reason.”

He threaded his fingers through her hair, loving the feel of those silky strands sliding over his hand. “I was eighteen at the time, and when I realized that I could make a helluva lot of money creating and selling action-adventure computer games, I went for it.”

“Sounds like any teenager’s dream job,” she said with a slight smile. “But now that you’re older, don’t you ever think about getting a real job?”

“I have a real job.” he said, “I love what I do, and I get paid extremely well to do it.”

“To play computer games,” she said, obviously not able to think of what he did for a living as a career.

So, he tried to set her straight. “I create and program the computer games first, which is a lot of hard work and long hours. And, I like the perks that come with my job. I set my own hours, and I can work any time of the day or night. And the best part is that I’m my own boss. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

She meet his gaze, while her fingers absently pleated the hem of the shirt she was wearing. “Well, there is that other perk of you being voted one of San Francisco’s wealthiest and most eligible bachelors.”

He winced, hating the superficial title that had been bestowed upon him. “That’s more like a curse.”

Surprise lit up her eyes. “Dating your choice of women is a curse?”

He shook his head. “No, but discovering that a woman is dating you because she finds your bank account more attractive than your personality is a curse.”

“Oh,” she said quietly. “I suppose that would be frustrating, but not all women are that way.”

“I agree.” And she was proof. He wanted to point that out to Rebecca, but knew she wasn’t ready for that kind of serious conversation about the two of them just yet.

Done talking about his money, and his job, Connor leaned closer to Rebecca and gave her something more pleasant to think about. He slipped his hand beneath her shirt, and he wasn’t the only one who shuddered when he discovered that she was completely naked underneath.

“We should get some sleep,” she said, though not very convincingly, especially considering how she was letting him ease her back on the couch so he could settle between her soft, silky thighs. “We need to be up in a few hours.”

“I’m already up.” Grinning wickedly, he grabbed her hand, pushed it into his cotton shorts, and wrapped her fingers tight around his erection. “In more ways than one.”

She laughed, then moaned when he slid his own fingers through her soft, slick flesh and stroked her oh-so-slowly.

After that, sleep was a long time in coming.

FROM ACROSS the elegantly decorated ballroom at The Delaford Resort, Rebecca watched as the bride and groom said their goodbyes to family and friends. The beautiful outdoor wedding ceremony had gone off without a hitch that afternoon, complete with tears during the emotional service, and whoops of joy and congratulations once Celeste and Greg had been pronounced husband and wife. As for the reception, it had been a fun, lavish celebration Rebecca would never forget.

Now, it was early evening, and the bride and groom were leaving to enjoy their honeymoon suite for the night.

Rebecca had already hugged Celeste and Greg and wished them the best, but as she watched her radiant sister gaze up at her new husband with pure, unadulterated love, a huge lump formed in Rebecca’s throat, and an odd mix of happiness and sadness clashed inside of her.

She was so grateful that her sister had found such a wonderful, devoted man to marry. A man who adored her and would undoubtedly take good care of her in every way that mattered. Yet, Rebecca couldn’t stop the flow of loneliness that was already settling like a cold, hard knot in her stomach. The apartment that she’d shared with Celeste for the past ten years wasn’t going to be the same without her bubbly, vibrant sister, and she dreaded heading back to the quiet, empty place.

“The band is playing their last song,” a deep, masculine voice said from behind her. A familiar voice that had the uncanny ability to soothe and arouse her at the same time. “Since we’ve already said our goodbyes to the bride and groom, what do you say we enjoy one last dance before the evening comes to an end?”

Grateful for the distraction, she turned and smiled at Connor, who looked dashing and gorgeous in a black tux with a red bow-tie and cummerbund that matched her formal gown. They’d been dance partners most of the night-mainly because of their best man and maid-of-honor roles, but at the moment none of that mattered. The band was playing a slow ballad, a love song to send the bride and groom on their way, and there were other couples on the dance floor enjoying the final song of the night.

Since she wasn’t looking forward to going up to her hotel room by herself, she accepted Connor’s invitation. “Sure, I’d love to dance.”

With a hand pressed lightly to the base of her spine, he led the way to the dance floor. Once they were there, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his embrace, aligning their bodies intimately from chest to thighs. They swayed in time to the slow tune, and as Connor stroked his thumb along her waist, she let herself relax and unwind. At the moment, she wanted, needed, the closeness he was offering to offset the deep, desolate feeling crowding her chest.

“Are you okay?” he asked, those dark brown eyes of his searching her gaze, as if he was trying to see straight to her soul.

She flashed him a quick smile that felt forced on her lips. “I’m fine.”

“Liar.” Gentle amusement etched his expression. “I saw the way you were watching your sister when she and Greg were saying goodbye to everyone. You’re having a hard time letting her go, aren’t you?”

Her first instinct was to deny his too perceptive claim, to be strong and not show the slightest bit of vulnerability. It had been her M.O. for longer than she cared to remember, but she was tired of keeping her emotions bottled up inside her. Tired of pretending to always be strong when she harbored worries and fears just like everyone else.

“Okay, I’ll admit I’m suffering from a bit of separation anxiety,” she said, and glanced over his shoulder because she couldn’t bear to look him straight in the eyes while she confessed such a pathetic weakness. “She’s been such a huge part of my life for so long, and it’s hard to imagine what it’s going to be like not seeing and talking to her on a daily basis.”

“It’s not as though she’s stepped completely out of your life,” he said gently.

“No, but she has another family now, and she’s like a daughter to Greg’s mother and father.” Considering that Celeste had spent more than half her life without one parent or the other, Rebecca was certain her sister would readily embrace the normalcy of a real family.

Connor swept the back of his fingers along her cheek as they continued to dance to the slow music. “Rebecca, you’ll always be her family.”

She bit her lower lip, feeling another swell of emotion come over her. “It’s just…hard,” she said, unable to explain.

“I don’t doubt that it is.” His voice was infused with more understanding and patience than she knew she deserved. “But you’re Celeste’s sister by blood, and that’s a bond that will never break or falter.”

God, I hope so, she thought as the band finished playing. She waited for Connor to loosen his hold on her, but instead he put his mouth near her ear and spoke so only she could hear him. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

Funny, but she could have sworn she heard the slightest bit of uncertainty in his voice, and realized that Connor wasn’t taking anything for granted. He was openly stating his desire for her, as well as issuing an invitation to share his bed, and other pleasures, with him tonight, without knowing if she wanted the same.

Her answer came much too easily. Connor was quickly becoming another weakness, like the Sinfully Sweet chocolate they’d indulged in the past two nights. But there was no chocolate clouding her judgment or thoughts now.

She didn’t want to be alone tonight. Didn’t want to think about the empty, unexciting life waiting for her back at home. What she wanted more than anything was to feel, and Connor did that for her in a way no man ever had before.

She met his gaze and smiled. “Yes, I’ll stay with you tonight.”


EVEN THOUGH SHE was completely and utterly sated, Rebecca couldn’t sleep. Why was it that tonight Connor didn’t seem to have any problem drifting off after the second time they’d made love, yet here she was, wide-eyed and awake?

Closing her eyes, she released a soft sigh, enjoying the way Connor had cuddled up behind her, wrapped a strong arm around her waist, and pulled her close to the heat and strength of his body. His hold on her was possessive yet caring, secure yet loose enough for her to move away if she wanted.

At the moment, she was perfectly content.

She immediately blinked her eyes back open, startled by her thoughts-as well as the frightening realization that she’d fallen hard and fast for Connor Bassett in such a short amount of time. Suddenly, she felt caged in and restless. She needed space, along with air to breathe that didn’t include his scent.

Gingerly, she eased away from him and off the bed. Finding one of his T-shirts on the floor, she slipped it over her head and quietly made her way into the living room. Leaving the lights off, she stood by the large plate-glass window that gave her a beautiful view of Crystal Lake. She watched the way the moonlight dappled the rippling water with an ethereal glow, which reminded her of last night when Connor had taken her for a ride on his motorcycle and they’d ended up at the secluded spot by the lake.

A smile curved the corner of her mouth as she remembered just how exhilarating it had been to ride on his bike, and the way he’d listened so intently when she’d talked about her past. While the sensible, practical side to her personality told her that their time together was nothing more than a brief affair to slake their attraction to one another, a newer, whimsical part of her wondered about the possibility of more.

Shaking her head at that foolish thought, she headed across the room to the small refrigerator to get herself a drink of water. Except when she opened the door and peered inside, it wasn’t the chilled bottles of Evian that caught her attention, but a blue-foil wrapped half-heart she recognized from Sinfully Sweet.

It was obvious by the crinkled foil that Connor had unwrapped the candy to read his secret message inside, then covered it back again without eating the chocolate. More than a little curious to see what his note had said, she picked up the piece of candy, retrieved the small strip of paper tucked inside, and read the typed message.

Opposites do attract.

Be bold. Be spontaneous.

Go for it!

Her stomach twisted and turned as she read, then re-read, the familiar words that had given her the courage to jump into an affair with Connor, unable to believe that he’d received the same message that she had. Out of all the hundreds of chocolate hearts Sinfully Sweet had been giving away, what were the chances that she and Connor would end up with identical messages and matching hearts?

Very slim, her mind whispered, quickly dousing her flare of excitement with doubts and suspicions.

She thought back to all the times Connor had subtly used those same words with her. Like when he’d coaxed her to be a little spontaneous and try something new so she’d take a ride with him on his motorcycle. Or how he’d told her that maybe it was time for her to think about what she wanted for a change and go for it.

It could have all been coincidence, but every feminine instinct within her told her that there was more at work than just fate. No, she was beginning to suspect that Connor had taken advantage of an opportunity that had presented itself to him. Not that she could blame him for what had happened between them, considering how quick she’d been to jump into an affair with him.

But discovering the truth of how he’d manipulated her certainly put everything back into its proper perspective. Like the fact that their fling was a temporary thing, that every one of his other relationships had been short lived, and that he’d made her no promises of anything more. He was still six years younger than she was, he still played computer games for a living and he was far too frivolous with how he spent his money.

So, in essence, not much had changed in the past three days, not unless she wanted to count her too involved heart and emotions-which she did not.

“Hey, are you okay?”

The sound of Connor’s sleep-husky voice startled Rebecca out of her stupor. She turned around to face him, with the chocolate heart half in one hand and the thin strip of paper with the message on it in the other hand. Her traitorous heart picked up its beat as she took in his half-naked appearance. All he was wearing was a pair of cotton shorts, and that gorgeous body of his threatened her good sense and determination to handle this situation with as much poise as possible.

“I came out here to get a bottle of water, but found this instead,” she said, and calmly held up the evidence she’d discovered. “You have the matching message to my chocolate heart half. But you already knew that, didn’t you?”

He glanced from her hands, then back to her face, resignation passing across his features. “I suspected it, yes.”

While most men would have scrambled for some kind of excuse, Connor was honest and straight with her. And she respected him for that, even if her heart hurt more than she could ever remember.

She put on a brave face and attempted to treat the situation with a kind of casual sophistication that was completely foreign to her. “Well, our weekend affair was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it?”

Connor placed his hands on his hips, clearly aware of the fact that Rebecca was withdrawing from him and putting up those walls of hers. And he did whatever he could to keep her from shutting him out completely. “Rebecca…it doesn’t have to end.”

“Of course it does,” she said with a little laugh that sounded way too brittle to his ears. “We’re two different people who live two vastly different lives. Sex is one thing, but a real relationship takes time and work with two people who have the same goals.”

Ahhh, now he knew where this conversation was headed. Her insecurities were clawing their way to the surface and her self-protective instincts were kicking in. “Our goals are very similar, Rebecca, if you’d just let yourself get past what your father put you through.”

She visibly stiffened, but surprisingly she didn’t issue any kind of defense, proving she was well aware that her past had scarred her when it came to her own personal relationships. Trusting in a man to take care of her, to provide the kind of security and stability she needed in her life, wasn’t easy for her to do.

He sighed, knowing he was up against tremendous odds, but willing to fight them to be with her. “Look, I know this all happened so fast, but I’ve wanted you for a very long time, Rebecca. For me, this weekend was real, and I want it to last. And there’s no reason why it can’t. Your sister is grown and married and has a life of her own,” he said, deliberately touching on one of her most vulnerable spots, because she needed to face what was in store for her in the future. “You’ve done a great job with Celeste, but it’s time to let her go and have a life of your own. Let someone take care of you for a change.”

Let me be that person for you, he transmitted with his gaze.

Her chin lifted, and her fingers curled around the strip of paper in her hand. The note that had brought them together…and was now about to tear them apart. “I can manage on my own just fine,” she said defensively.

He had no doubt that she could. “But being on your own doesn’t keep you warm at night, does it?”

She didn’t respond, and he guessed that was because the answer was obvious and because it was something she wasn’t ready to come to terms with yet.

God, what had happened to the vibrant woman he’d been with for the past three days? The woman who’d been bold and had taken risks and enjoyed herself? She was gone, having reverted back to someone who believed she had to be in control of her emotions and actions.

Keeping his frustration tamped was incredibly difficult at the moment, but somehow he managed to remain calm. “We’ll leave here as friends, just as you requested, but there’s something I want you to know.” Figuring he had nothing left to lose, he put everything out in the open. “I’m falling in love with you, Rebecca. And it has nothing to do with sex and lust, and everything to do with who you are. You’re genuine and loyal and caring, and those are the qualities that make me want you as much as I do. But none of that matters if you aren’t willing to meet me halfway.”

She was staring at him in shock, and since she didn’t seem inclined to reply to anything he’d just said, he knew this was the end. To them and what could have been.

With a heavy heart, he turned and walked back into the bedroom, leaving her in the living room, alone. Just as she preferred.

AS THE BEDROOM door closed behind Connor, Rebecca drew in a deep shuddering breath, reeling over his admission. When her mind finally cleared, her first instinct was to deny what he’d said and the way he felt about her. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it-because if she’d learned anything these past three days, it was that Connor was a man of his word. Most importantly, he had more integrity than her own father had ever possessed.

In that distinctive moment, she realized she had two choices. One, was to walk out of his hotel room with her dignity, heart and emotions intact, or two, finally confront the fears that had ruled so many years of her life.

She uncurled her fist and glanced down at the crumpled piece of paper in her hand. The words bold, spontaneous and go for it stared up at her, making her realize that maybe, possibly, she’d been given the pink heart with the same message for a reason. Not so much because of fate, but because her life, and her courage, needed that boost. That push. That shove.

Bold and spontaneous felt so good with Connor. And she knew that if she took the coward’s way out and left now, that she risked the possibility of losing Connor forever.

Was she willing to take that chance?

Surprisingly, the answer was crystal clear, and it reverberated inside her with a firm and resounding no.

Squaring her shoulders, and preparing herself to be bolder and more spontaneous than she’d ever been before, she headed toward Connor’s bedroom, opened the door, and stepped inside. To her surprise, she found him packing his belongings into his duffel bag.

While there was no reason for him to stay since their wedding duties were done, it was nearly four o’clock in the morning, way too early for him to be on the road.

“You’re leaving?” she asked, and heard the panic in her own voice.

He spared her a brief glance before shoving a small stack of T-shirts into his bag. “There’s nothing left for me to stay here for.”

She winced, stung by his words, because she knew exactly what he was referring to. Her. Them.

She swallowed hard, trying to gulp down her fears at the same time. “What if I told you that you should stay? For us?”

He walked into the bathroom and returned seconds later with his toiletry bag. “I got the impression out there that there is no us.”

He was moving so fast that he was making her dizzy. “Stop, Connor. Please.”

There must have been something in her voice that reached him, because he finally halted by the bed. His gaze was direct, and his body language all but screamed stay back. Which she did. For now.

“When I agreed to our affair this weekend, I never thought that it would be anything more than a physical thing.” When he continued to stare at her, she shifted anxiously on her bare feet and pushed herself to go on. “But instead, I came to realize what was missing from my life.”

He crossed his arms over his broad chest and lifted a brow. “And what’s that?”

“Fun. Laughter. Spontaneity.” A smile wavered on her lips. “All because of you.”

He shrugged. “Hey, that’s what friends are for.” His tone was laced with sarcasm.

He had every right to be frustrated with her, and she struggled to continue in the face of such opposition. “What I’m about to say isn’t easy for me, but I hope you’ll hear me out.”

He remained quiet, but didn’t move from where he was standing, and she took that as a positive sign.

“You already know what my childhood was like, and some fears die a lot harder than others. It’s like I’ve been programmed to be responsible and practical, because my father was never those things. And once he was gone, I had to be even more sensible and dependable to give Celeste the stability and security that he left us without.”

“That’s understandable,” he said, softening a bit.

She dampened her bottom lip with her tongue. “And then there’s the fact that you’re six years younger than I am.”

He uncrossed the arms he’d folded over his chest, and let his arms hang loosely at his sides. “It’s just a number, Rebecca.”

“You’re right,” she said, nodding. Never once had she thought of him as immature. If anything, he was much wiser than his years because of what he’d faced as a child. “Then there’s the issue of you spending money in ways that I can’t understand because of who I am and how I grew up.”

“I’m not like your father, Rebecca,” he replied adamantly. “I invest my money and have plenty of it. I want more than I have in life, but by that I don’t mean material goods. Those tangible things aren’t important to me.” He walked over to her and rubbed his hands up and down her arms, warming her from the outside in. “I want a relationship, one that isn’t based on a woman wanting me for my money or what I can give her. I want you, because you’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman, and more.”

Could she truly be that lucky? It appeared that she was, and she would no longer question Fate, or even Cupid. “Okay,” she whispered.

He frowned, looking uncertain. “Okay?”

“You can have me, any way you want me.” She liked the sound of that. “But be patient with me, because I’ve got a lot of hangups and insecurities to deal with.”

“I know.” He grinned, showing off his boyish dimple. “But it’s okay because I love you, Rebecca Moore. Just as you are.”

Her heart seemed to beat double-time in her chest, and she let herself go with the warm, incredible feeling surging inside her. “I’m falling in love with you, too.”

He kissed her, long and hard and deep, pouring emotion into the embrace, as well as a sense of security that eased her fears. By the time he ended the kiss, she was breathless and aroused.

“Do you realize it’s Valentine’s Day?” she asked, smiling up at him.

“Ummm,” he said as he eased her backwards, until she was tumbling onto the bed and he was sprawled on top of her. “I guess that means I’ll need to buy you a couple of pounds of chocolate from Sinfully Sweet, huh?”

She didn’t know that it was possible to feel so happy. So content. “I have all the chocolate I need.” She lifted her hand, showing him the half-heart wrapped in blue foil that she was still holding. “And I have your heart.”

“That you do,” he agreed.

As she gazed at the candy, Rebecca realized that they weren’t so opposite after all. Just like the chocolate heart that had started it all, Connor was her other half. Her soul mate. The man she was meant to spend her life with.

And she planned to do exactly that.
