DARCY SCOTT FINGERED the delicately stitched hem of the French cotton sheet. The fabric felt like silk and she closed her eyes and imagined those same sheets on her naked skin, the impossibly high thread count turning an ordinary night in bed into a positively sensual experience.

A handsome man suddenly appeared in the vision, a familiar face that had haunted her dreams over the years. His nude body was curled up against hers, his long leg thrown over her hips. He watched her with sleepy blue eyes, his sun-streaked hair mussed and a satisfied grin curling the corners of his mouth. And when he drew her nearer, his lips parted, ready to cover hers.

Darcy sucked in a sharp breath, then cursed silently, snapping herself out of the daydream. Once it had been real, but not for a very long time. She glanced over the restaurant table to find her assistant, Amanda Taylor, staring at her with a bemused smile.

“They’re just sheets,” Amanda said.

Darcy cleared her throat, trying to banish the image from her head. “According to you, they’re the finest sheets in the world. How much?”

“Ah, Madame,” Amanda teased in a heavy French accent. “But who can put a price on zee comfort of your guests? Imagine yourself between zeez sheets. Would you have anything else touch your naked body?” Amanda sighed as she tucked the neatly-folded sheet back into her tote. “I mean, besides a man with sensitive hands and deep blue eyes and gorgeous hair and a really big-”

“How much?” Darcy repeated, her voice cracking slightly. From now on, no more daytime fantasies! They were beginning to interfere with business and Darcy had already decided to put her profession ahead of anything else in her life. It made things so much simpler.

She hadn’t always been prone to thoughts of a sexual nature. But since she’d broken her engagement over a year ago, Darcy hadn’t enjoyed the pleasures of a man’s body. In truth, she hadn’t been touched by a man in exactly 435 days. She’d never meant to keep a precise count except that last week, she’d become curious and decided to figure it out. Now, with every day that passed, she felt compelled to add to the tally, unable to get the ever-growing figure out of her head.

“Your father has given you carte blanche,” Amanda said, drawing Darcy back to their conversation. “My French is a bit rusty, but loosely translated, I believe that means big wallet…or blank check or…well, it means spend a lot of money.”

“I just don’t want to make any mistakes. Daddy can take this job away from me just as easily as he gave it to me, especially if I don’t control the budget.”

Darcy had been manager of The Delaford for over two years, the youngest person to hold a manager’s position in Sam Scott’s string of hotels-and the only woman. The job had been temporary at first, a way for Darcy to gain more experience while her father searched for the right person to take over. But Darcy had been good at the job and her father had delayed finding a replacement.

The Delaford Spa and Resort was small and very exclusive. Set on a stunning piece of property just ninety miles from downtown San Francisco, it was a popular destination for West Coast celebrities. It boasted a luxurious hotel, a championship golf course, tennis courts, stables and a full-service spa and health club. Located on the shores of Crystal Lake, the hotel had 180 guestrooms that averaged 95% occupancy year-round. For the past three years, the gourmet restaurant had earned a five-star rating and regularly drew evening dinner guests from the city.

“I can get the sheets for five hundred a bed as long as we sell them in our gift shop,” Amanda said. “That’s well below wholesale. And they’ll hold up much better than the sheets we use now. The more you wash them, the better they feel.” Amanda reached for her water and took a sip. “I’ve had housekeeping put a set on your bed. Sleep with them for a few nights and you’ll think they’re a bargain at twice the price.”

Oh, that was just what she needed, Darcy mused. Another reminder that the only thing she’d been sleeping with for exactly 435 days was her bed linen. “Thanks,” she murmured. “I’ll give them a try.”

Amanda motioned for the waitress, then asked for the dessert tray. “Since we aren’t eating lunch at The Delaford, I want to see what kinds of goodies they serve here. Would you like to join me?”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Darcy said. “We’re doing a Valentine’s Day promo with the new chocolate shop in town. We’re giving away a dinner at The Winery to the winners. In exchange, they’re doing a new monogram chocolate for our pillows.”

“Nice trade,” Amanda said.

Darcy nodded. “Ellie Fairbanks should have some samples ready for us.” She dropped cash on top of the bill, then pushed back from the table. “While we’re there, I’ll buy us both a half-pound of truffles and we’ll indulge together.”

They walked out of the restaurant into bright afternoon sunshine. The day was warm for early February with just a slight chill in the brisk breeze. Darcy and Amanda strolled down the charming main street of Austell, lingering at the window of a floral shop before heading down Larchmont Street to Sinfully Sweet. Freshly painted gilt letters adorned the front window of the shop and a bell rang as they went through the door.

The interior of the shop was quiet and softly lit. Gleaming glass cases displayed a seductive array of chocolates, from buttery toffees to rich pecan turtles to decadent flavored truffles. Ellie was waiting on a gentleman customer but she waved at Darcy, promising that she’d be with her momentarily.

Amanda perused the chocolates while Darcy passed the time studying the broad shoulders and narrow waist of the customer ahead of her. She couldn’t tell his age, but he was dressed fashionably in dark trousers and a fitted sweater, clothes that enhanced his tall, lean form and long limbs.

Her gaze rose to his neck where sun-streaked hair curled around his collar in a tantalizing way. Darcy’s fingers twitched as she imagined them slipping through the thick strands. She bit back a soft moan. Now she was lusting after a total stranger! What was wrong with her?

“And are you looking for love?” Ellie asked.

At first Darcy thought the question had been directed at her, but then she realized that Ellie was talking to the man. Darcy peered cautiously around his shoulder and saw Ellie place a huge basket of chocolates on the counter in front of him.

“The candy is for my sister,” he explained, his voice deep and rich. “She’s addicted to chocolate. She has twin boys and I think she self-medicates with the stuff.”

Ellie slipped the chocolates into a pretty shopping bag. “Well, here’s a special little treat for you.” She pointed to the basket of chocolate heart halves wrapped in blue foil. “There’s a message tucked inside. If you find its match before Valentine’s Day, then both you and the lady with the matching half will win a romantic prize.”

Darcy drew a deep breath, the citrusy scent of the man’s cologne teasing at her nose. The guy had to be single. Married men just didn’t smell this good. She fought the ridiculous urge to stand on her tiptoes and press her nose into the curve of his neck.

“Well, Ellie,” the man said, “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m not looking for romance.”

“Who knows? Romance might be looking for you,” Ellie replied. She sent Darcy a sly smile, then picked out a chocolate heart and tucked it into his bag.

He chuckled softly as he gathered his purchases. But Darcy hadn’t realized how close she’d been standing. When he turned, she stood squarely in his path. She quickly stepped to the left at the very same moment he stepped to his right. Their little dance continued for a few silent measures, back and forth, before Darcy risked a glance up at him.

The breath froze in her throat as their eyes met-eyes she’d seen in a fantasy no more than ten minutes ago. Not much had changed in ten minutes-or in five years. Kel Martin was still the kind of handsome that left a woman weak in the knees. His hair, usually cropped short for the baseball season, now fell carelessly across his forehead. And his blue eyes were even bluer, if that was possible.

“Now that we’ve mastered the two-step, would you like to try a tango?” he teased with a boyish grin. The smile sent a shiver skittering down her spine.

“Wh-what?” The word came out as a nervous croak. “Oh, right. Dance. No. I mean, I’m sorry.” Darcy quickly stepped aside, but for a long moment, he didn’t move. His gaze was still fixed on her face and a tiny frown wrinkled his suntanned brow. For an instant, she saw a flash of recognition in his eyes, but then it was gone.

Her cheeks warmed with embarrassment. Did he remember her? Was he even now scrolling back in his mind, through all the girls he’d slept with, winding back to that wild night they’d spent together in his hotel room?

He’d been a handsome stranger, nursing a beer in the bar of the Penrose, her father’s San Francisco hotel. She’d just flown in from San Diego for a board meeting, and after a tense day, was looking for a way to unwind. One glass of champagne had led to another and before she knew it, they were riding the elevator up to his room, unable to keep their hands off each other.

They hadn’t bothered with last names or even discussed why they were both alone in a hotel bar. It didn’t seem to matter at the time. All that mattered was getting out of their clothes and into each other’s arms as quickly as possible.

Once they’d accomplished that, the rest of the night had passed in a haze of desperate commands and electrifying sensations. He’d explored her body so thoroughly at first that she’d felt certain she’d go mad the moment he finally entered her. And when at last he did, Darcy had shattered with an intensity that she’d never felt before-or since.

Even now, after all this time, she could recall every single moment, the weight of his body against her hips, the warmth of his mouth, the sound of his voice, low and ragged as he exploded inside her.

She felt his fingers on her arm and Darcy blinked. “Are you all right?” he asked, bending closer to catch her gaze.

“Yes,” she murmured. “Of course.” She took another step to the side and a moment later, he was gone, just as he had been that morning when she’d found herself alone in his hotel room.

Darcy waited until she heard the bell on the shop door tinkle, then released a tightly-held breath, the lack of oxygen making her a bit dizzy. Amanda rushed to her side and grabbed her elbow. “Do you know who that was?”

“Yeah, I know,” Darcy said numbly. “Kel Martin.”

Amanda seemed taken aback. “I didn’t think you followed the Giants.”

“Everyone knows who Kel Martin is,” Darcy replied. He was always in the news, if not for his league-leading ERA, then for his colorful love life. According to the gossips, Kel favored leggy models, rising starlets and the occasional jet-setting heiress. Though Darcy was reluctant to admit it, whenever he appeared in a newspaper or magazine, she made sure to search the article for details and study the photo until she had catalogued every one of his handsome features all over again. He was a stranger to her and yet she felt as if they were still lovers, the memory of their night so vivid in her mind.

“He touched you,” Amanda said.

Darcy glanced down at her forearm, then rubbed her palm over the spot. The tingle seemed to have spread down to her fingers and toes. “Did he?”

“He’s very handsome,” Ellie Fairbanks commented. “Have you two met before?”

Darcy shook her head. “Why would you say that?”

The shopkeeper shrugged. “It seemed as though there was a…connection between you.” She smoothed her palms over her apron. “Well, I have your samples all ready. But you must try some of our other chocolates. Whatever tempts you will be my treat.”

“I’ll take some of that romance you were offering,” Amanda said. “What about you, Darcy? Are you in the mood for love?”

“I think I’ll stick with the truffles,” Darcy insisted.

Ellie wandered over to one of the display cases and Amanda trailed after her. As they discussed the merits of the various flavors, Darcy tried to calm her nerves. What was Kel Martin doing in Austell? Was he vacationing here or just passing through? Oh, God, could he be planning a stay at The Delaford?

Amanda hurried back to her side, a pair of truffles resting on her palm. She offered one to Darcy and, without thinking, Darcy popped it into her mouth. The creamy chocolate melted instantly, a hint of raspberry in the ganache center. A tiny groan slipped from her lips. If anything could make her forget her brush with the past, the truffles were definitely it. But it would take more than just one.

“Get me a half-pound of the raspberry and a half-pound of the mocha,” Darcy murmured. “And add five of those dark chocolate turtles and some of the coconut clusters. Then get whatever you want and we’ll start an account.”

Good chocolate was definitely better than bad sex. But how much chocolate would it take to forget her night with Kel Martin? Two or three tons?

Darcy had always known there was a chance she’d run into him again and she’d even fantasized about how it might go. But now that it had happened, Darcy cursed the decision to forgo dessert at the restaurant. Her life could have gone on normally had she never seen him again. But even as she thought it, Darcy knew it was a lie. No matter how much time passed, she’d never forget her night with Kel.

Ellie chatted with Darcy as she put their chocolates into a pretty red bag. Her husband, Marcus, appeared from the back room with another box filled with the pillow chocolates, embossed with the “D” of the Delaford logo.

“Before you leave, I have to give you one more thing.” Ellie smiled slyly then held out another basket, this one filled with pink hearts. “Choose one,” she said. Darcy plucked a heart out of the basket and Amanda took one for herself.

“There’s a message inside,” Ellie explained. “If either of you finds its match before Valentine’s Day, then you and the gentleman will win a romantic dinner at The Winery at The Delaford and one hundred chocolate hearts.” She laughed softly. “You have heard of The Delaford, haven’t you?”

Darcy turned the heart over in her hand. “What if no one finds their match? What are the chances of finding a complete stranger with the same message?”

“All lovers are strangers in the beginning, aren’t they?” Ellie replied.

Darcy tucked the heart into her purse. “I wish I had time for romance,” she murmured, turning for the door.

“Hey, I’ll give it a shot,” Amanda said. She caught up to Darcy and pulled open the door. “I really don’t want to spend another Valentine’s Day sitting at home in front of the television, trying to convince myself that I’m happier without a man. Here’s my Valentine fantasy: flowers and candy and maybe a pricey piece of jewelry. Spending the night in bed, making wild, sweaty love with a man who’ll at least pretend he’s a romantic for a day.”

“But the fantasy is always better than the reality,” Darcy murmured. “And sometimes it’s a lot easier on the heart.”

KEL MARTIN sat in his car across the street from Sinfully Sweet and watched through the windows of the Mercedes convertible as the two women left the store. His gaze fixed on the slender brunette and he pulled his sunglasses down so he could see her more clearly. Once she’d disappeared around the corner, he absently reached for the box of chocolates beside him and popped one in his mouth.

When he’d first looked into Darcy’s eyes, he’d been sure it was her. And then, a heartbeat later, he’d thought perhaps his imagination had been playing tricks on him. But once she’d spoken, all doubts had disappeared. That voice, so soft and captivating, was impossible to forget.

His thoughts drifted back to that night, to all the new and exciting experiences they’d shared. He’d had his share of one-night stands, but this had been different. It was as if their anonymity had broken down every wall between them, robbing them of their inhibitions.

They’d both felt completely free to test the limits of their desire. He recalled her words as he moved inside her, murmuring things that no woman had ever said to him before, making him feel as if he were the only man in the world who could pleasure her.

“Darcy,” he said softly. He’d never asked her last name, nor had he bothered with a phone number or an address before he’d walked away. At the time, he’d stupidly believed there would be others like her, women who could reach into his soul and take control of his body as she had. It was only later that Kel realized what they’d shared: pure pleasure, an almost mystical connection between their bodies and their minds.

He’d spent the past five years trying to find it again and Kel had come to the conclusion that it had been a moment lost in time. He raked his hand through his hair, groaning softly. They’d barely even spoken that night and yet every minute they’d spent together had been burned indelibly on his brain.

Kel had heard a lot of stories in the locker room, one wilder than the next. And he’d contributed his share of experiences to the discussion. But he’d never once talked about Darcy, never tried to put what they had shared into words. With her, it had been more than just a one-night stand.

All those years ago…At first glance, she’d seemed unapproachable. The bar had been nearly empty and she hadn’t noticed him at first. And when he had caught her eye, there hadn’t been any recognition.

At that moment, all Kel had wanted was a normal conversation with a woman-no baseball talk, no plastic smiles or casual caresses, no silly giggling over every wry comment he made. He had wanted something simple and easy. He’d never imagined the pleasures he’d been about to experience.

Over the years, Kel had tried to convince himself that Darcy wasn’t any different from other women. He’d told himself if he got to know her, she’d turn desperate, grasping, anxious to claim him like some trophy she could show off to her girlfriends. But deep down, he suspected he’d made a mistake in walking way.

“The hell if I’ll make the same mistake twice,” Kel muttered. If he harbored any hope of putting that night out of his head, then he’d have to prove to himself that Darcy was just an ordinary woman and not the ultimate sex goddess.

Kel stepped out of the car and jogged across the street. Austell was a small town. It shouldn’t be too difficult to find her. Hell, she was probably married and raising two or three children. That would put a quick end to his fantasies.

He opened the door of the shop and stepped back inside. Ellie Fairbanks smiled at him as he approached, her hands braced on the counter. “I know why you came back,” she said.

“You do?”

“You dipped into those chocolates you bought for your sister and now you need a new box.”

“Yes, I do. But this time I’d like to have them delivered.”

“Where does your sister live?”

“I want to send them to that pretty brunette who was in here a few minutes ago. You have her name and address, don’t you?”

“I do,” Ellie said.

Kel nodded. “And what would that address be?”

She hitched her hands on her hips and regarded him suspiciously. “I got the distinct impression you knew her, but now I’m not so sure.”

“Darcy and I are old friends. Let’s just say, I’d like to renew our acquaintance,” Kel replied. “Give me a small box of your most decadent chocolates.”

Ellie gathered a selection of chocolates and then returned to the counter. She handed him a gift card, but he pushed it back at her, shaking his head. “On second thought, I should deliver these personally.” He cleared his throat. “And where would I do that?”

“Try The Delaford,” Ellie said with a soft chuckle. “It’s a resort and spa out on Route 18. Just follow the signs.”

He pulled his wallet from his pocket and paid for the chocolates, then sent Ellie a grateful smile.

As he exited the store, he let his gaze wander over the quaint street. He’d come to Austell to take a look for a lake home, a quiet place outside the craziness of San Francisco, a place where he could exist in relative anonymity, where he could walk down the street without people staring. He’d intended a quick stop in Austell to look at a few properties before he continued on up the coast to his sister’s place. But a chance meeting in a candy store had derailed his plans.

Kel’s step was a bit quicker as he walked back to his car. He would see Darcy again; he’d make certain of that. But when he did, he wasn’t sure what to say. What was the protocol? Were they supposed to pretend they didn’t know each other? How exactly should a gentleman bring up the subject of their previous one-night stand?

Kel got behind the wheel of the Benz and started it. But he left it idling at the curb as a trail of possibilities drifted through his mind. What if she didn’t remember him at all? He’d managed to turn that one night into the pinnacle of his sex life. What if she’d forgotten about him years ago?

He thought he’d seen recognition in her eyes, but was it real or was he just fooling himself? Right now, Darcy could be trying to place him, wondering just where she’d met him before. Kel tipped his head back and closed his eyes. Or maybe she had recognized him from the papers. Maybe to her, he wasn’t the man she’d spent one incredible night with, he was Kel Martin, pitcher for the San Francisco Giants.

“If I see her again, I’ll just pretend I don’t remember her,” he murmured. “Unless she remembers me, then I’ll remember her.” It was a plan, though Kel wasn’t sure it was the best he could devise. He just needed some time alone with her, just a few minutes to figure out where he stood.

He pulled the car out into traffic and headed west. Just as Ellie Fairbanks had said, the signs directed him to The Delaford. He’d been invited to play a celebrity golf tournament there a few years back. Had he accepted, he might have renewed their acquaintance sooner.

A long brick drive wound through beautifully landscaped grounds. The three-story hotel, a mix of new California and old Spanish architecture, was nestled in the center of the golf course, huge pillars flanking the entrance. Kel drove beneath the columned portico and a parking attendant jogged up to the car. As soon as Kel stepped out, the attendant grinned. “Hello, Mr. Martin. Welcome to The Delaford.”

Kel was so used to people recognizing him that it barely registered. He smiled at the attendant and tossed him the keys. “My bags are in the trunk,” he said.

The lobby was cool and serene, awash in soft colors and green plants, soothing music drifting through the air. The desk clerk greeted him with a warm smile. “Mr. Martin! We weren’t expecting you today. How nice that you chose to visit The Delaford.”

“I don’t have a reservation. I was just in the area and thought I’d see if you had a room. Anything will do.”

The desk clerk glanced over at her computer. “We have two suites and several deluxe rooms available. Which would you prefer?”

“I’ll take the suite. For a week if that’s possible.” Kel pulled out his credit card and handed it to her. “I’m hoping you can help me. I’m looking for…Darcy. Do you know her?”

“Miss Scott?”

“Tall, brunette, very pretty. Really great legs.”

The clerk nodded. “That sounds like her.”

“Yes, Miss Scott,” Kel said. “Darcy Scott.” He noticed the name of the hotel behind the desk. The Delaford Resort and Spa. A Scott Hotel Property.

“Of course I know her. Would you like me to get her for you?”

“No,” Kel said, deciding to bide his time before their next meeting. “But I would like to know how to get hold of her if I need her.”

“Just call the front desk and ask for the manager.”

“The manager,” Kel repeated. Beautiful, sexy, intriguing Darcy Scott was the manager of The Delaford. He hadn’t expected that. Kel pointed to the sign. “And does her husband own the hotel?” It was a clumsy way to gather information, but he had to know the score.

“Oh, no,” the clerk said. “Sam Scott is Darcy’s father. Darcy isn’t married.” A few moments later, she handed him the key. “I’ve put you in the Bennington Suite. It has a lovely terrace that overlooks the lake. Just take the elevator to the third floor and follow the signs. The bellman will bring your luggage, and if you don’t mind, I’ll send up our manager of guest services and she can arrange for any services you’d like scheduled.”

Though a massage would go far to relieving the constant ache in his shoulder and a long soak in the whirlpool sounded like pure heaven, Kel had other priorities. He wasn’t here for his health; he had come for peace of mind. And the only person that could provide him with that was Darcy Scott.

“I look forward to my stay,” Kel murmured with a smile.


DARCY CLICKED ON the Lake Country Real Estate website and navigated to the photos of the four-bedroom, three-bath house on Crystal Lake. She re-read the description as she had so many times over the past few weeks. Wide, wrap-around porch, Victorian gazebo overlooking the water, original boathouse. But even the thoughts of buying her dream home couldn’t take her mind off Kel Martin.

She glanced down at her arm, at the spot where he had touched her. In that single, ordinary moment, at that brief contact, she realized that she’d never really gotten over him. He was nothing more than a stranger to her, yet if he took her hand and led her into his bedroom, she’d be hard pressed to refuse him anything.

How could a man have such an incredible hold over her? Was it Kel? Or was it just loneliness? While she’d been engaged, she’d barely thought of him.

She ran a hand through her hair. That wasn’t entirely true, she admitted to herself. There had been more than a few times that she’d caught herself reliving that night in her mind.

With a frustrated sigh, Darcy turned her attention back to the website. Kel Martin was part of her past. This house was her future.

The house, a sprawling shingle-style cottage, sat on a lovely piece of lake frontage, almost directly across the water from The Delaford. “West Blueberry Lane,” she murmured. In a few months, that address could be hers-if she gathered the courage to make an offer on the place.

Darcy had lived in a suite at the resort since she’d arrived two years before, never quite sure how long she’d be staying. But it was finally time to force her father’s hand. Either the job at The Delaford was hers to keep or it wasn’t-and if it was, she was going to make some major changes in her life. She was going to buy a house and put down some roots.

No more waiting around for Mr. Right. No more putting her life on hold in the hopes that Prince Charming was waiting just around the corner. Darcy closed her eyes, another image of Kel Martin invading her thoughts.

Yes, he was handsome and, yes, they’d spent an incredible, unforgettable night together. But Darcy was five years older now and much wiser. One night of passion could never guarantee a lifetime of happiness, no matter how alluring that fantasy might be. If she was meant to spend the rest of her life with a man, then he’d have to find her. She was tired of looking for him.

The door to Darcy’s office crashed open and Darcy spun around in her chair. Amanda stood in the doorway, breathless. She grabbed the door and slammed it behind her, collapsing back against it. Fanning her face with her hand, she drew a deep breath. “Guess who’s at the reception desk?”

Darcy’s stomach twisted nervously. “My father?” She wasn’t ready for him yet. She hadn’t worked out exactly how she would word her demands. Talking to Sam Scott was like playing chess. She had to plan her attacks and anticipate his responses.

“No!” Amanda cried. “Guess again!”

A flood of relief raced through her. “I don’t know. Arnold? J.Lo? Madonna? We cater to a celebrity clientele here. Famous people don’t impress me much anymore-you know that.”

“Kel Martin. You know, the guy we saw today in the chocolate shop. He’s here and he’s planning to stay for a week.”

Darcy gasped and jumped up from her chair. “You didn’t give him a room.”

“Of course I didn’t. Olivia did. She’s working the front desk.”

“No, no, no,” Darcy cried, wringing her hands. “He can’t stay here. You have to go back out there and tell him Olivia made a mistake. There are no vacancies; we have a huge group coming in. He’ll just have to find another place to stay.”

“Why would I do that? We have two very nice suites sitting empty this week. His money is as good as anyone else’s. Plus, we have the pleasure of looking at that gorgeous face for seven days and nights. It’s a win-win situation, wouldn’t you say?”

“It’s a disaster waiting to happen,” Darcy insisted.


Darcy shifted nervously. Amanda was not going to give up on this without a good reason. But did Darcy really want to tell her the whole story? “I once stuck my tongue on the playground jungle gym in the middle of a Chicago winter,” she finally said.

Amanda frowned. “What?”

“And I home permed my hair the night before my senior prom. I majored in paleontology in college. I bought my very first Gucci bag with rent money. I’ve made some really stupid mistakes in my life.” Darcy paused. “And, about five years ago, I had a one-night stand with Kel Martin.”

Amanda’s eyes went wide. “You slept with Kel Martin?”

“We didn’t sleep. We spent the whole night…getting busy. The next morning, he left and I never saw him again. Until about a week later, when I saw his photo in the newspaper and found out who he really was.”

Amanda’s jaw dropped. “Wait, you didn’t know who he was when you slept with him?”

“He said he was new in town and I don’t follow baseball. I picked him up at the bar at the Penrose. We went to his room, had fantastic sex and that was it. End of story.”

A gleeful smile spread across Amanda’s face. “End of Chapter One. Beginning of Chapter Two Kel Martin takes a room at The Delaford.”

“Now you know why I can’t have him staying here. I’ve never been able to get that night out of my mind.”

“Maybe you could rekindle your romance or have a nice tidy little affair. You haven’t had a man in your bed for a long time. If you don’t get a little practice once in awhile, you’re going to forget how to do it.”

“We never had a romance. It was just lust, two people scratching an itch.”

Amanda crossed the room and put her arm around Darcy’s shoulders. “Better stock up on calamine, Darcy, because that itch just booked a room for a week.”

“I’ll just inform him that we can’t possibly accommodate him for that long. Besides, I don’t have time for sex right now. Daddy is coming at the end of the week and everything has to be perfect. We’re going have a heart-to-heart discussion about my future at The Delaford and my plans to run his company after he retires.”

“But you’ve always been great at multi-tasking.”

“You’re no help at all,” Darcy muttered as she walked through the office door.

She had always wanted a career working for her father. Darcy had spent her childhood trying to please Sam Scott. She got the best grades, participated in all the proper activities in school. She’d even managed to get herself into an Ivy League college. Yet nothing she did could change the way Sam Scott looked at his daughter.

Since she was a child, he had stressed the importance of Darcy making a good marriage, not a good career. Instead, he’d steered his two sons into the family business. But Darcy’s two older brothers had been uninterested in working for their demanding father, instead founding successful business ventures of their own.

When Darcy had been invited to step into her father’s world, she’d been thrilled with the opportunity to prove her worth. But it was only after she’d taken this job that she’d realized her father had no plans to let her keep it. Sam Scott still insisted that Darcy’s primary focus ought to be finding a husband, preferably one interested in stepping into the family business.

Neil Lange had been the perfect choice. He had managed her father’s Beverly Hills hotel and, to Sam Scott’s delight, had shown an immediate interest upon meeting Darcy. Darcy had allowed herself to be swept her off her feet and, for a time, had thought she was in love. But she’d delayed setting a date for their wedding.

In the end, Darcy had realized that marrying Neil was just one more attempt at pleasing her father. And all Neil really had been interested in was an executive office at corporate headquarters. The engagement ring had been returned and, at that moment, Darcy had decided that she’d done enough. If Sam Scott couldn’t accept her for the talented, driven, creative person she was, then she was prepared to walk away for good.

When Darcy reached the lobby, Kel was nowhere to be seen. She cursed softly as her heart began to pound in her chest. Was she nervous about kicking him out, or was it seeing him again that made her pulse race? Maybe she ought to avoid a confrontation and stay out of his way for the entire week. She had more important things to occupy her energy than worrying about him.

“Scratch, scratch.”

Darcy jumped, then turned to find Amanda standing behind her. “So, did you send the man on his merry way?”

“No,” Darcy said. “I didn’t catch him in time.”

“Darcy, what’s the big deal? Are you even sure he remembers you?”

“If he doesn’t remember me, then why did he show up here?”

Amanda pressed her finger to her chin. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe he’s looking for a relaxing vacation. Maybe he wants to play a few rounds of golf or enjoy our spa. Who knows?”

“What if he does remember me?” Darcy challenged. “And what if he wants to start something up again? He probably thinks I’ll just dive right into his bed. Which I probably would. But that’s beside the point.” She shook her head. “If he doesn’t remember me that would be even more mortifying, because I certainly remember him. Every single inch of him.”

“And how many inches were there?” Amanda asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

“That’s not what I meant.” She turned and grabbed Amanda’s hands. “Will you please tell him he has to leave? I promise, I’ll owe you big time.”

“Nope. This is your problem. I’m the manager of guest services. I don’t tell guests to leave when we have available rooms.” She squeezed Darcy’s hand and pulled her along to the elevator, then punched the button. “He’s in the Bennington Suite.”

“It’s your job to arrange guest services.”

“But I’m not the one who needs an excuse to see him.” The elevator doors opened and Amanda gave Darcy a gentle shove. “I’ll be waiting in your office for a full report.”

The doors closed and Darcy leaned against the wall. She’d kicked her share of guests out of The Delaford and it had never been a pleasant experience. But Kel Martin wasn’t trashing his room or partying until dawn or abusing the staff. He had the dubious distinction of starring in her wildest sexual fantasies. Something that could hardly be considered a crime. She’d have to come up with a plausible excuse to get rid of him.

But then again, maybe she ought to stick with the truth. How difficult could it be just to tell him that she felt uncomfortable with his presence? “That would make it clear I still think about our night together,” she murmured. “And I’m not about to admit that.”

The doors opened onto the third floor lobby and Darcy stepped out. “Just do it, quickly and cleanly. Maintain your professional composure.” She walked down the hall to the Bennington Suite, then straightened her jacket and smoothed her hands over her skirt. But just as she was ready to knock, the door swung open.

Kel stood in the doorway, dressed in only a pair of surf shorts that hung low on his hips. The ice bucket was tucked beneath his arm. Darcy stared at his chest, smooth and muscular and gleaming in the soft light from the hallway.

“Hello,” he said. “We meet again.”

Darcy’s eyes darted up to his face. “Again?” Good God, he did remember her!

“Didn’t I see you at the candy shop this morning?”

Relief washed over her. “Mr. Martin, I’m afraid I have-”

“You know my name?”

“You just registered downstairs. I’m the manager of The Delaford and I-”

“You’re here to ask me what I need.” He chuckled softly, then braced his shoulder on the doorjamb and lazily rubbed his chest. He watched her, his gaze skimming over her face. “So, what are you offering…” He leaned closer and fixed his gaze on her nametag. “Darcy Scott?”

He hadn’t changed at all. He was still far too charming to trust. She was well aware of his reputation with the ladies and she wasn’t about to fall into his arms again. But, oh, what incredible arms he had. Darcy drew a deep breath. “There’s a book on the desk that lists all our services. Once you’ve had a chance to look at it, we’ll be happy to make reservations for you. We’ll see to your every need.”

“Every need?”

He leaned closer and Darcy was suddenly unable to continue. She wanted to step back, out of reach of his undeniable magnetism. But instead, she was drawn closer. She needed to reach out and touch him, to gauge his reaction to the contact. She slowly raised her hand and smoothed her fingers along his jaw line, rough with the stubble of a day-old beard.

“Every need within the law,” Darcy murmured.

A soft groan rumbled in his chest and he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. An instant later, his mouth found hers and she lost herself in his kiss. Memories flooded back and the five years between them evaporated like lake mist on a sunny day.

His tongue teased at her lips and she opened beneath the gentle assault. The taste of him warmed her blood and seeped into her soul. He tasted like…chocolate? She hadn’t remembered that, but it was pleasantly addictive, a taste she wanted to savor. Yes, it had been years, but it seemed as if they’d shared this same kiss not so very long ago at all.

He pulled her tighter, drawing her thigh up along his leg until her skirt was bunched at her hip. His palm slid up until he cupped her backside. Wild sensations raced through her, sharp currents that electrified every nerve in her body until she trembled with need. This was how it had happened the first time, impulse had turned to action quickly and without a conscious thought.

“That’s good,” he murmured, his breath hot against her lips, his fingers furrowed through her hair.

“Good,” she replied weakly.

“You satisfying my every need. Me satisfying yours.”

A door behind her closed and the sound was like a shock to Darcy’s system. She jumped back, out of his embrace, then shoved her skirt down and combed her fingers through her hair. “I should go.” Darcy pressed her palms against her flushed cheeks.

“It was nice meeting you, Miss Scott,” he said, before stealing another kiss. “I hope we’ll see much more of each other.”

Darcy slowly backed away, unable to take her eyes off of him. She stood like a fool in the middle of the hall until he stepped back inside his room and closed the door. The moment the lock clicked shut, her knees almost buckled and she pressed her fingers to her lips. They were still damp.

“What am I doing?” she murmured.

She didn’t have an answer to the question, but that didn’t seem to matter. She wanted Kel Martin, beyond all reason. She wanted him to open the door, drag her back inside and thoroughly seduce her.

“No, no, no,” she muttered to herself. “I’m supposed to be older and wiser.” Darcy knew precisely what would happen if she knocked on his door and, for a long moment, she contemplated doing just that. But in the end, she gathered her resolve, drew a deep breath and walked back to the elevator.

Kel was exactly like chocolate. She might want to indulge now, to allow herself just one tiny taste. But Darcy was afraid that one little taste might lead to a week-long binge. And after that, she’d crave a steady diet of Kel Martin.

KEL SLID onto a barstool and ordered a whiskey, then turned his attention to the basketball game on the television above the bar. He’d enjoyed a long, leisurely dinner in the hotel restaurant, hoping he’d run into Darcy again, but she hadn’t shown.

It was obvious by the kiss they’d shared that she remembered him. He didn’t know much about Darcy Scott, but he knew she wasn’t the type to kiss a complete stranger just a few minutes after being introduced. He frowned. Or maybe she had kissed her fair share of strangers and he had been just one more on her list.

He rubbed his palms together, recalling the feel of her silky hair slipping through his fingers. Everything he’d experienced today with Darcy seemed more intense, as though vividly colored with a desire that had been simmering for five years.

“Thanks,” Kel said as the bartender set the tumbler in front of him. The bartender nodded, then walked down to the far end. Kel’s gaze followed and came to rest on Darcy. He hadn’t noticed her at first, hiding in the shadows.

Their eyes met and he held his breath, a knot of anticipation tightening in his stomach. She had been waiting for him, knowing that he’d be looking for her. Still, Darcy’s expression was far from encouraging. She looked as if she might just bolt at any moment-or throw up.

Kel took a sip of his whiskey, the liquor warming his blood and fortifying his courage. Hell, he could understand her nerves. When they’d encountered each other five years ago, neither one of them had worried about the consequences. It had been a one-night stand, pure and simple. But now, there seemed to be so much more at stake.

He stood and strolled to the end of the bar, then sat down next to her. How was this supposed to go? Should he spend time on the preliminary flirting or did she expect him to get right to the business of seduction? “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked. A good start, but a bit of a cliché.

“Champagne,” Darcy said.

She’d ordered champagne that night. So this was how she wanted it to play out-exactly the way it had five years ago. “Are you celebrating?”

Darcy laughed softly, as if pleased that he remembered the words he’d used the first time they’d met. “I don’t know. I can’t think of anything to celebrate.”

“How about meeting me?” he asked. Geez, the line had sounded so slick five years ago, but now it was downright corny.

She bit her lower lip, amused. “Does that line actually work on women?”

“It used to,” he replied. Kel turned to the bartender. “Can I have a bottle of your best champagne and two glasses?” He directed his attention back to Darcy, his gaze skimming her face. Two tiny worry lines marred her forehead and her hands were folded in front of her on the bar, her fingers so tense her knuckles were white.

When the bartender returned with the champagne, he poured them both a glass, then dropped the bottle into a silver bucket engraved with the Delaford logo.

“So, tell me, what are you doing sitting all alone in this place?”

“I’m not alone,” Darcy said, raising her glass. The crystal rang softly as she touched her champagne flute to his.

Suddenly, Kel couldn’t remember what came next. Had he asked her what she was doing in San Francisco? Or had they talked about their jobs? Damn, he’d replayed this so many times in his brain, but he’d always skipped over the incidental conversation and moved right to the interesting parts.

But then, it really didn’t matter, did it? This little game they were playing was just a means to an end. “Would you like to get out of here?”

Darcy stood up and grabbed her glass and started toward the door. Kel quickly signed his tab, then picked up the bottle of champagne and his glass in one hand.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he muttered.

He caught up to her just outside the bar, then walked silently beside her through the lobby and to the elevator. Desire coursed through his veins as he waited for the doors to open. When they did, Kel spread his hand across the small of her back and steered her inside. The moment the elevator door closed, he turned to her.

“If you have any doubts, now’s the time to tell me. Before I start pushing any buttons here.”

Without looking away, Darcy reached over and pressed the button for the third floor. But Kel couldn’t wait any longer. He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her into a kiss, lingering over her mouth, his tongue tangling with hers.

The kiss sent a rush of warmth through his bloodstream and he felt himself growing hard. Darcy hooked her fingers in the waistband of his trousers and pulled his hips against hers, the heat of his erection pressed between. There was no doubt between them. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

The elevator doors opened and Kel tightened his grip around her waist, pulling her along with him, his mouth still clinging to hers. They stumbled toward his suite, champagne spilling from her glass as they moved. When they reached his suite, Kel dug in his pocket for his keycard. He pressed Darcy back against the door, his chin resting on her shoulder as he clumsily slipped the card in the lock.

“Hell, I hate these things,” he muttered, unable to get the card to work. He dropped the bottle of champagne on the carpet and it fizzed as it spilled.

With trembling fingers, Darcy snatched the card from his hand and turned around. He pressed up against the soft curve of her backside. God, he felt as if he were ready to explode. If he expected this night to be like their first, he’d have to summon at least a measure of self-control.

Finally, Darcy managed to get the door unlocked and they both stumbled into the room, the last of the champagne splashing on the floor. Kel grabbed her glass and set it on the wet bar along with his, his face still buried in the hair at the nape of her neck, her backside pressed to his groin. He pushed her against the wall and drew her hair back, then kissed the skin just below her ear.

Her intoxicating scent filled his head and made it hard to think straight. But Kel’s instincts drove him forward. What had happened five years ago didn’t matter anymore. They were here, right now, and he wanted her beyond all rational thought.

He reached for the hem of her skirt and drew it up to her hips, then smoothed his hands along her thighs. Her legs were bare, the skin warm and silken.

Darcy sighed softly as he stroked her buttocks, his fingers tangling in the lacy scrap of her panties. But when his caress reached her belly, she pressed her buttocks against his erection in a silent invitation. They were both still fully dressed, but it felt as if she were naked in front of him.

He slipped his palms beneath the silk panties and delved between her legs, his fingers coming back damp with her need. Slowly, Kel explored and he felt her melting into him. He knew he could bring her to her peak with his fingers, but when she came, he wanted to look into her eyes.

Gently, he turned her around to face him. She leaned back against the wall and he delved deeper. Her eyes closed, Darcy arched back, but Kel withdrew and slipped his hand around her neck. “Look at me,” he said.

She opened her eyes and he saw the passion swirling in their depths. Her lips parted and he kissed her, capturing her mouth as he had her sex. A tiny moan slipped from her throat and Kel knew that she was close. But then he felt her hand around his wrist, drawing him away.

She reached for his belt and began to work it open with clumsy fingers. His zipper was next and a heartbeat later, her fingers wrapped around him. Kel closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her touch. He’d fantasized about this so many times, wondering why all those years ago his response to her touch had been so intense. Even now, he couldn’t explain it.

Kel kissed her again. “I need you to slow down,” he whispered against her mouth. “I won’t get a prize for finishing first.” And there was no way he could continue on like this. He smoothed the back of his hand across her cheek. “We have time.”

“I can’t wait,” Darcy said. She reached in her jacket pocket and withdrew a foil packet.

“You came prepared?” he asked.

“I wasn’t sure when or where it would happen.”

Her confession pleased him. “But you knew it would?”

She nodded, then slowly slid his trousers and boxers down over his hips. When she tore the condom package open, he held his breath, wincing as she sheathed him. They had to stop. Just for a minute or two. But Darcy was determined to have him and have him now. And all he really wanted to do was please her.

He’d thought about this for years, having her in his arms again, being able to touch her at will, to sink into her and stay there forever. With a low moan, Kel drew her legs up around his waist and pushed aside the silky barrier of her panties.

Kel closed his eyes, just the thought of what he was about to do bringing him closer to the edge. But for a moment he hesitated. How could he go back once he lost himself in her? Would it be everything it had been that night in San Francisco, the stuff of fantasies?

“Please,” she murmured, her breath warm against his ear.

Kel slowly entered her, the feel of her heat around him sending a shockwave through his body. When he’d buried himself deep inside, he waited, trying to slow his pulse. How did Darcy do this to him, take away his self-control?

She shifted above him, her legs wrapped around his hips, and he couldn’t stop himself. Kel began to move, carefully at first, just barely keeping his need in check. But as he drove into her again and again, he lost touch with reality. Every thought was focused on the sensation of being inside her, of losing control in her arms.

He wasn’t sure how long they lasted. But when Darcy arched against him, holding her breath, Kel knew she was on the edge. He wanted to bring her back, but then she cried out, her body convulsing around him. Her orgasm went on and on until Kel couldn’t hold back and he drove into her one last time. Then he collapsed against the wall, his face buried in the curve of her neck. They’d come to it so quickly, but the release seemed to last forever, the two of them shuddering and moaning their pleasure.

This was the way it had been, Kel thought as he inhaled her scent. And this was the way it was. Nothing had changed. If he’d thought he could put Darcy Scott out of his head for good, then he’d been mistaken. She’d found a way back in and this time, Kel suspected he might never recover.


DARCY STARED INTO her third cup of coffee as she sat at the restaurant table, patiently waiting for the caffeine to kick in. She hadn’t slept more than a few hours last night, plagued with thoughts of Kel. Regret, confusion, frustration all swirled around in her head until she’d been forced to get out of bed and find something to calm her down. The half pound of truffles that she’d gobbled down at 4 a.m. hadn’t helped matters at all. The moment the sun had risen, Darcy had conceded defeat and crawled into the shower.

She’d done the right thing, come and run, making her exit shortly after she’d pushed her skirt back down around her hips. Indulging in an entire night of pleasure wouldn’t alter the facts. Even though the sex had been quick, it was still the best she’d had in five years.

With other men, Darcy had always been so careful, holding back, avoiding a complete surrender. She’d never really trusted Neil to completely possess her and that turned out to be a good thing. So why did she trust a stranger like Kel Martin? It didn’t make sense.

With just a simple caress, he’d stripped away every fear and inhibition she’d ever had with men. Her brain had shut off and he’d set her body free to enjoy every wonderful sensation. Maybe that freedom came because she knew he was just passing through her life. He’d make love to her and then leave her. What was she really risking after all?

Darcy took a sip of her coffee. She felt as if she’d hit the sexual lottery. A million-dollar orgasm with just one try. Now all she wanted to do was buy another ticket, and another and another, damn the odds and the risks.

She could still taste him in her mouth and feel him on her skin. If she closed her eyes she could recall the miracle of him moving inside of her. A tiny thrill raced through her and Darcy knew it wasn’t the caffeine kicking in but adrenaline leftover from the previous night. It was over now, this little detour into passion. Her curiosity had been appeased and it was time to move on.

“You look like you’ve been dragged behind a bus.” Amanda plopped into the chair across from Darcy. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

“A little,” Darcy admitted sheepishly.

“I checked the register and I see that Mr. Baseball is still with us. Did you talk to him?” Amanda looked at Darcy again, taking in her sleepy gaze. “Wait…don’t even go there. Oh, no, you didn’t.”

Darcy snatched up her napkin and dabbed at her mouth, hoping to hide the smile that wouldn’t seem to go away. She winced, her lips tender and bruised. Was it that evident? Maybe she should have just scrawled a big red “O” on her forehead and been done with it. “I didn’t mean to but I couldn’t seem to help myself. At least I can finally stop counting. The dry spell is officially over.”

“And now the typhoon season begins? You slept with a guest!” Amanda said. “Didn’t we have a seminar on this?”

“We never really made it to the bed. We got as far as the wall. And technically, he’s not a guest. He’s an old friend who happens to be staying at The Delaford.”

“Ah, you’re friends now. I think you could come up with a much better activity to do with a friend. What about a nice walk or maybe a game of tennis?”

“All right, we’re not friends, but we’re very…closely acquainted.” Darcy groaned, then buried her face in her hands. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

“I don’t care. I’m going to sit here until you tell me every detail,” Amanda said, her arms crossed beneath her breasts.

“I expected it to be bad,” Darcy began. “In truth, I wanted it to be bad so I’d finally forget about him. That’s why I went along with the whole seduction, just to prove to myself that it couldn’t possibly live up to the memory.”


“And once I realized it was going to be even better, I couldn’t seem to make myself leave. We were…consumed. And now I’m going to spend the next five years thinking about last night, the same way I spent the past five years thinking about the first night we spent together. I feel like I’ve been sucked into a giant black hole of sexual frustration.”

A thoughtful expression on her face, Amanda picked up the basket of pastries and chose a croissant. “Well, there is a way to pull yourself out. You could spend another night or two with Kel. Maybe the whole week.” She bit the end off the croissant and chewed it slowly.

“How would that help?”

“Sooner or later, he’ll fall off that sex god pedestal you’ve put him on and do something typically male.”

“Like what?”

Amanda snatched up Darcy’s glass of cranberry juice. “Do I need to be specific? Sweetie, in the end, they’re all the same. They all walk around with your underwear on their head and think it’s hilariously funny, they all leave their toenail clippings on the bathroom sink and expect you to pick them up, and they all ask you to have a threesome with the bimbo down the hall, hoping you’ll be temporarily insane and agree. It’s hard-wired into their hormones. If you’re just patient, you’ll see.”

Darcy shook her head, wryly. “I thought when I found a man I wanted as much as I want Kel, I’d be in love. I’d have a grand romance and be swept off my feet by some sexually adventurous Prince Charming.”

“We all want that, Darcy. But Prince Charming is usually dreadfully dull in bed. His naughty brother, the Duke of Debauchery, is the guy that’s meant to make your toes curl. Some men are marriage material and others are just for fun. I think Kel Martin falls into the same category as carnival rides and bungee jumping. Fun, a little scary, but not meant for daily consumption.”

“And that’s exactly the way they think about us!” Darcy cried. “There are the girls you marry and the girls you just mess around with.”

“At least you know where you stand with the Duke, right? It’s just about the sex.” Amanda sighed, gulped down Darcy’s cranberry juice, then quickly stood up. “I’ll just be going now. His highness is on his way over here.”

Darcy twisted in her chair only to see Kel approaching. He was dressed casually in a soft blue Oxford shirt, khaki trousers and well-worn loafers. His hair was still damp from his morning shower and he hadn’t bothered to shave, the stubble of his beard making him look slightly dangerous.

As Amanda hurried past him, she turned and looked at Darcy, fanning her face with her hand and mouthing the word “hot.”

When Kel reached Darcy’s table, he sat down in Amanda’s chair, flipped over a coffee cup and filled it from the carafe. “Morning,” he said cheerfully.

“Good morning,” Darcy replied.

He stared at her as he sipped his coffee, studying her intently, the silence between them growing uncomfortable. Was he deliberately trying to make her uneasy or was he searching for something to say? She prayed he wouldn’t want to discuss the previous night’s activities. “You look beautiful this morning, Darcy,” he finally said.

“Stop it,” she said. He couldn’t possibly be telling the truth. When she’d returned to her room, she’d tossed and turned for most of the night, then rushed through a shower before meeting with the staff at eight. Dark circles smudged the skin beneath her eyes and her hair had been haphazardly pulled back into a ponytail. Amanda was right, she looked like she’d been dragged behind a bus. “There’s no need to turn on the charm this early in the morning.”

“When I woke up, you weren’t there,” he said.

Darcy frowned. “You saw me leave.”

“I didn’t really like that part of the evening,” he said.

“I thought that was our deal,” she said.

He frowned. “We had a deal?”

“Like last time. It was just about sex, nothing else.”

Kel stared at her for another long moment, then shook his head. “What the hell are you talking about?”

A sudden sick feeling settled into Darcy’s stomach. Oh, God, had she been wrong? She’d just assumed he remembered their night together in San Francisco. Assumed they’d both silently acknowledged that this had all happened once before and it was about to happen again. That was what had given them permission to indulge. But maybe she’d been mistaken.

Darcy squirmed in her chair. “You know what I’m talking about.”

He covered her hand with his. “Are you angry with me? I sure hope not, because I was thinking we might want to spend a little more time together.”

Darcy gasped. This was exactly like a man! No matter how incredible the sex had been, it hadn’t been enough for him. She yanked her hand away, rubbing the spot where he’d touched her.

“Do you golf?” he asked. “We could play today or we could take a drive. I hear there are some nice wineries west of here in Sonoma.”

Darcy jumped to her feet and threw her napkin on the table. She’d had just about enough of this game he was playing. “You’re telling me you don’t remember that night in San Francisco? The bar of the Penrose, the bottle of champagne, the elevator ride? You were new in town, I just needed a drink to unwind and we ended up naked in your room.”

A slow grin replaced his serious expression and Kel chuckled, then took another sip of his coffee. “I do remember that night, quite vividly.”

“Then why did you pretend that you didn’t?” Darcy demanded.

“Until you mentioned it, I wasn’t sure you remembered that night, so don’t act all insulted.”

Darcy didn’t know what to say. Her indignation slowly dissolved, replaced by the uneasy feeling that what they’d begun last night was not over-not by a long shot. She sat down in her chair. “And you recognized me yesterday at the candy shop?”

Kel nodded. “The minute I looked into your eyes. Why do you think I’m here, Darcy? I’m not really a spa kind of guy, although I’ve been thinking I could really use a nice seaweed wrap. And that salt scrub sounds like a good deal. ‘It makes the skin glow with a youthful texture.’”

“It’s called exfoliation,” Darcy said. “And if you’re not a spa kind of guy, then what are you? A sex kind of guy? What happened last night is not going to happen again.”

He reached for her hand and distractedly twisted his fingers through hers. “Why not? I certainly enjoyed myself and so did you, unless you were…” He chuckled softly. “Were you faking it, Darcy?”

“No,” she said, trying to ignore the way his thumb caressed the inside of her wrist.

“Then you enjoyed yourself as much as I did?”

She straightened, pulling her hand away and clutching it in her lap. “That depends upon how much you enjoyed yourself,” she said.

“A lot,” he said. “More than I thought possible in such a short amount of time. Why should we deny ourselves that kind of pleasure?”

“What are you suggesting? That we just carry on with each other until…you decide to leave?” The prospect should have sounded unthinkable, but in truth, Darcy found the idea strangely intriguing. A week of fabulous sex with a devastatingly handsome man, those incredible hands on her body, that mouth driving her wild in bed, and those beautiful blue eyes watching her as he buried himself deep inside her. What more could a girl ask for?

A shiver coursed through her body. Had she possessed just a bit more courage, she’d drag Kel to her office right now and seduce him all over again. But she’d do well to carefully consider all the consequences of his proposed interlude. “So we’d be together for as long as you’re here and then we’d go back to our lives, no strings attached.” Darcy twirled her spoon in her coffee as she contemplated the offer.

“Sounds good,” he said. “With the understanding that we will take our time from now on.”

“I’ll think about it,” she finally murmured.

“Ah, don’t do that,” Kel said, leaning back in his chair and shaking his head. “This should be a simple decision, Darcy. Either you want me or you don’t. Don’t think, just do.”

“Who died and made you Yoda?” Darcy asked. “There are a lot of things to consider here.”

“Like what?”

Darcy opened her mouth, prepared to list all her reasons for not sleeping with Kel again. But then she’d be forced to admit she might not be able to control her feelings for him. Yes, the time they’d spend together would be incredible, but she’d still be left to deal with residual effects once he’d gone.

And then there were the tricky morning-after conversations. Oh, by the way, great orgasm last night. And that thing you did with your tongue, that was the best. “I’d rate it 43 on a scale of one to ten,” she muttered.

“What?” he asked, leaning forward and bracing his elbows on the table.

Darcy swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, I was just thinking out loud.”

“Here’s how I see it,” Kel began. “We seem to have this attraction to each other. I haven’t quite figured it out, but I’d sure like to. The problem is I can’t be in the same room with you without wanting to tear your clothes off and kiss your naked body. So, I suggest we deal with that.”

“You-You’re thinking about that right now?” Darcy asked.

“I’ve pretty much been thinking about that 24 hours a day since I saw you at the candy shop,” he admitted with a boyish grin.

And before that? Darcy wondered if he’d thought about her at all in the past five years. Had he stared at the ceiling, trying to sleep at night, with thoughts of her running through his brain? Had he caught the scent of her perfume in the air and remembered the way she’d kissed him, or seen her in a crowd and followed until he realized it wasn’t her? Had he been obsessed with the memory of her?

“I have a job to do here,” she said. “My father is coming in at the end of the week to do a walk-through and I have a million things to finish before then.”

“But I bet not one of them is as much fun as I am,” Kel said. He leaned over the table and caught her chin with his thumb, tipping her face up to his. His lips touched hers softly, his tongue barely grazing the crease in her lips.

God, why did his kiss have such a profound effect on her? She ought to be able to resist him if she wanted to. After all, she knew he’d spent years honing his talents on a string of other women. For Kel Martin, she was just one more in a long line of females to tumble.

So what was wrong with that? As long as she kept herself from becoming emotionally involved, Darcy could have a fabulous week with him. Ending each day in his arms, in his bed would be sheer decadence-something that even a fifty-pound box of chocolates could never match. And didn’t she deserve a little pleasure in her life?

“I have to go to work,” Darcy said. “I’ll see you tonight and let you know what I’ve decided.”

“I’ll be waiting,” Kel called as she walked away.

DARCY GLANCED over at the clock, then kicked back from the edge of the pool. Midnight. She’d spent the entire day thinking about Kel and nothing she did could distract her mind from what they’d shared the night before.

An afternoon business meeting in San Francisco had occupied her time but she’d barely been able to focus on the architect’s plans for the new wing of the spa. Instead, she’d thought about what she’d be doing later that evening, running the possible sexual scenarios over and over in her head.

She’d expected to return by dinner, in plenty of time to discuss the terms of her decision with Kel. But a conference call with her father had delayed her for hours. Darcy had finally pulled into the parking garage at eleven, exhausted yet filled with a nervous anticipation.

A quick check of the computer brought up Kel’s itinerary for the day. After breakfast, he’d played 18 holes of golf, then had two beers in the bar along with a late lunch. At four p.m., he’d enjoyed a deep-tissue massage with Cynda, then bought some toiletries at the hotel gift shop. He’d made two phone calls to his home phone in San Francisco and watched an action movie on pay-per-view before ordering room service-a steak and baked potato with apple pie for dessert. He’d also left three messages on her voice mail and a note at the front desk.

Darcy floated on her back and stared up at the ceiling of the pool house. The reflection from the underwater lights swirled in a soothing pattern above her and she tipped her head back and closed her eyes. Swimming always exhausted her. Whenever she found herself facing a sleepless night, when her mind was plagued with business worries, she’d come to the pool and swim laps until her head cleared and her body relaxed.

Resisting Kel Martin was what really worried her. The temptation to go to his room was almost overwhelming. She’d sat in her office for fifteen minutes considering her choices. Take a swim, try to sleep or sneak up to Kel’s suite and see if they might be able to enjoy a repeat of yesterday’s activities.

Darcy stroked to the far end of the pool where a huge glass wall overlooked the grounds. Outside, a full moon hung low over the horizon and a chilly winter wind buffeted the high pines. As she made a neat kick turn, her gaze caught sight of a figure strolling across the wide stone terrace outside. Probably one of the maintenance staff, she thought as she started another lap.

But when she returned to that end of the pool again, she saw Kel standing on the deck. He was dressed in an old T-shirt and a faded pair of jeans that hung low on his hips. His feet were bare and his hair tousled, as if he’d just crawled out of bed.

“The pool is closed,” she said, grabbing onto the edge and tucking her knees to her chest.

He raked his hand through his hair. “I couldn’t sleep. Too many things on my mind.”

“How did you know where to find me?”

“The front desk clerk said you sometimes swim here late at night. I thought I’d give it a shot.”

Darcy’s hair was plastered to her forehead and she submerged once more and brushed it from her eyes. She watched as Kel’s eyes drifted from her face to her chest.

“When you retire from baseball, you ought to consider a career as a private investigator,” she said.

“Maybe so.” He squatted in front of her, his elbows resting on his knees. “I need to find something to do with myself pretty quick.” He shook his head, a rueful smile twisting his lips. “I’m pretty much done with baseball.”

His words were so thoughtful, so direct, that Darcy felt as if she had been offered a glimpse of the real Kel Martin for the very first time. “How do you feel about that?”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. You’re the first person I’ve told. I was supposed to have surgery in the post-season and I just didn’t do it.”

“Why not?”

“Another shoulder operation, a year of rehab, all for a chance at another year or two at most. If the arm didn’t come back, I’d probably bounce around the league. I was thinking, instead, maybe I should get a start on the rest of my life.”

“Isn’t baseball your life?”

Kel shook his head. “I thought so, but I know better now. I’ve had a good run. My arm has lasted longer than 95% of the guys in the league.”

“Will you miss it?”

“It’s not real-the money, the fame, the women. I knew it wasn’t real from the start, but the past few years it was starting to feel…like normal life and that scared me.”

“And what will you do now?”

“The things all guys do sooner or later. Marriage, a family.” He chuckled softly. “But right now, I’m thinking about taking a swim.”

He stood, then reached down for the hem of his T-shirt and tugged it over his head. Darcy couldn’t help but stare. He really did have a beautiful body, lean yet muscular, his wide shoulders tapering to a narrow waist. Her gaze followed a light trail of hair that began at his collarbone and disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans.

“It’s not like people won’t remember you,” she said, searching for anything to distract her from a careful study of his crotch. “You-you pitched a no-hitter, a perfect game. People will remember that.”

“I didn’t realize you followed my career.”

Darcy’s smile faded as she pushed away from the edge of the pool, swimming to the middle. “You were all over the papers. It was kind of hard to miss.”

“You followed my career,” he repeated.

“What if I did?”

“I like that,” he said. “I like knowing that you thought about me once or twice in the five years we were apart.”

“More than once or twice,” she admitted.

“Me, too,” he said. “I thought about you quite a bit.”

She watched him from the water as he unzipped his jeans and skimmed them down over his hips and knees. She’d expected boxers, but he hadn’t bothered with underwear. “You-you didn’t bring a suit,” she stuttered, stating the obvious.

“I wasn’t planning to swim,” Kel said, standing naked in front of her. “I understand the whole theory of skinny-dipping is that everyone takes their clothes off.”

Darcy shook her head. “Oh, no. I run this hotel. If someone walked in and found me in the pool, naked, with a naked man, the staff would never stop talking about it. If you come in, I’m getting out.”

Kel stepped to the edge of the pool and dove neatly into the water, swimming to the center. He came up in front of her, grabbing her waist as he did. Darcy screamed and tried to kick away from him, but Kel held tight.

“I can’t seem to get enough of you,” he said, gently tugging down one strap of her tank suit and dropping a kiss on her shoulder. “Why is that?”

“You’re seriously demented?”

He captured her mouth and plunged his tongue inside in a lightning-quick assault. “I think it’s all the chocolate I’ve been eating,” he said, his mouth now trailing up her neck to her ear. “Have you been eating chocolate? Because you taste delicious.”

“I may have had a few pieces,” she admitted.

He tugged the other strap down and her tank suit gaped in the front, exposing the tops of her breasts. Kel tugged a bit harder and the suit was suddenly around her waist. “That’s much better,” he said.

Darcy stared at him for a long moment. Why did she even bother fighting him? All her resolve just disappeared the moment he touched her. With a resigned smile, she skimmed the suit down over her hips, then kicked it off. “Satisfied?”

“Not yet, but I will be,” he teased. “And so will you.”

“What are you going to do with me?”

Kel yanked her naked body against his, his eyes fixed on hers. “I missed you today.”

Darcy moaned softly, tipping her head to the side. “Why do you insist on torturing me?”

“Because you seem to enjoy it so much,” Kel said. He drew back, then traced the shape of her lower lip with his finger. “You do enjoy it, don’t you, Darcy?”

She hesitated for a moment as Kel waited for her answer. He needed to know she wanted him as much as he wanted her. But was she ready to admit that? He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, his tongue invading her mouth as his fingers wove through her hair.

“Tell me you want me,” he murmured against her lips. “I want to hear you say it.”

“I want you,” Darcy said, dragging her mouth across his. Her body conformed to his as he pulled her legs up around his waist, his erection brushing against her suggestively. They bobbed in the water, kissing and touching, Darcy marveling at the slippery feel of their naked bodies touching underwater.

“If we do this here, one of us will end up drowned,” he said.

Darcy unwrapped her legs from his waist. “Then come with me,” she murmured. She swam to the end of the pool and climbed the steps to the deck, turning to face him as she did, unfazed by her nakedness.

A stack of fluffy white towels, embroidered with a gold “D,” sat in a nearby basket and Darcy grabbed one and wrapped it around her body. Then she turned back and watched as Kel followed her.

The sight of his shaft, hard and ready, sent a thrill racing through her. He was hers tonight, to enjoy for as long as she wished. Darcy picked up a towel and took it to him, slowly rubbing it over his damp skin and kissing the spots that she’d dried.

Kel closed his eyes, enjoying her little seduction, and for the first time, Darcy realized the power she held over him. Yes, he could seduce her, but she could just as easily seduce him. She slipped the towel around his neck and pulled him into another kiss, his desire pressing against her belly, hot and hard.

Darcy reached down and touched him, and Kel sucked in a sharp breath. Then, she stepped away from him and walked toward the spa. She could be a tease if she wanted to and Darcy wanted to return a little bit of the torment he’d lavished on her.

Each of the marble-lined steam showers were like small rooms, shower heads on three of the four walls with a low bench against one side. Darcy dropped her towel, then stepped inside and turned on the water, adjusting the temperature. A moment later, Kel joined her, grabbing her waist and pressing her back against the wall.

They stood under the rainfall of water, kissing, laughing, exploring each other’s bodies slowly and deliberately. Darcy ran her fingers over the scar at his shoulder, then kissed it, as if that could somehow make it better.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured. Kel cupped her breast in his hand and then bent and gently sucked on her nipple.

“I’m too small on top.”

He shook his head. His palms covered her breasts, his thumbs teasing at the hard peaks. “You’re perfect exactly the way you are,” he said. “See how we fit?” He straightened and pulled her against him, his hands firm on her hips. “As if we were made for each other.”

“I’m sure there are other women in this world who fit,” Darcy said, reaching around and placing her hands over his.

“Not like you,” he murmured. “Not like you.” He reached down and slipped his finger inside her. “See,” he whispered. “Perfect.”

Darcy held her breath as he slid in and out of her, teasing her closer to her release. But this wasn’t going to be about her, at least not yet. She drew his hand away and wrapped it around her neck. “I think it’s time I torture you for a change.”

“Please do,” he said, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

She pressed a kiss to his mouth, then trailed her lips lower and lower, down his chest to his belly, dropping kisses on his wet skin as she went. Then, kneeling in front of him, she slowly took him into her mouth. Kel groaned, furrowing his fingers through her wet hair in an attempt to control her.

The water seemed to heighten the experience, her palms sliding over his flat belly and narrow hips as she drew him in and out of her mouth, her fingertips exploring every hard angle and rippled muscle. As she brought him closer, with a hand to her head he urged her to slow her pace. But Darcy needed his surrender, wanted to feel it and taste it. Finally, with a frustrated growl, he bent down and drew her to her feet.

“We can’t stay here,” he said in a ragged voice. “We don’t have a condom.”

“We don’t need one,” Darcy replied.

He caught her gaze, confused. “Are you sure?”

“I’ll take care of you,” she said, her hand drifting back down over his abs to his belly.

“But I want to be inside you,” he said.

“You will be. Just close your eyes.”

He did as he was told and Darcy slowly began to stroke him. “How do I feel?” she murmured. “Tell me.”

“Oh, God,” Kel moaned. “I can’t do this.”

“You can,” Darcy urged. “Just tell me.”

He paused for a long moment. “You’re warm…and wet. And so tight.” He held his breath. “It’s like I’m part of you. You’re all around me…and it feels so…incredible.” His voice drifted off as he surrendered to her touch. Darcy listened to the clues his body gave her, his quickened breathing, his tense grip on her shoulders.

“I want you to come with me,” he murmured, reaching down to touch her between her legs. He drew his finger along the soft folds of her sex.

Darcy smiled and nuzzled his chest, slowing her pace so that she might catch up. It felt so good to touch him, to share her body with him, to enjoy his body without any fears or hesitation. With Kel, sex was so simple, just passion and lust and desire and nothing more. She didn’t have to think about her past or about her future. For now, he was hers and she’d have him whenever she wanted.

They climaxed together, shuddering into each other’s touch until they were both completely spent. Then Kel gently drew her back beneath the shower and washed them both. Darcy was so relaxed that she could barely stand and leaned on him lazily, her arms wrapped around his neck.

“Take me to bed,” she said.

He wrapped her in one of the thick terrycloth robes that hung beside each steam shower, then grabbed one for himself. They walked back through the pool house, Kel grabbing up his clothes and retrieving his room key from the pocket of his jeans. Before they got to the lobby, he drew the hood of Darcy’s robe up over her head to hide her from any curious staff members that they might encounter.

Darcy was too relaxed to worry about anything but crawling into Kel’s bed and falling asleep in his arms. They rode up the elevator snuggled together, her nose buried in the soft dusting of hair on his chest. And when they reached his room, he helped her out of the robe, then tucked her into his bed.

They could have made love. Instead, they talked, lying in each other’s arms and learning all the little details of childhood adventures and first loves and silly embarrassments. But with every detail that Kel gave her, she felt as if she knew it already.

She’d known him, in her heart, since the very first time they’d met. And everything that he told her now was simply confirmation of the man that she knew him to be-a man that she might not ever stop wanting.


“AS YOU CAN see, the kitchen needs a bit of updating. New cabinets and appliances could do wonders. But the layout is good, nice and spacious.”

“I don’t do much cooking,” Kel said as he strolled to the sink. He turned on the faucet to check the water pressure then turned it off. A window over the sink opened onto the view of Crystal Lake and the long lawn that led down to the water.

“Is there a pier down there?” he asked.

The real estate agent nodded. “There’s also an old boathouse, original to the property. And there’s a Victorian gazebo just beyond the trees that is just lovely.”

Kel smiled. “Are the neighbors quiet?”

“Most of these homes have been in the families for years,” she said. “The neighbors on both sides are retired. I suppose you’re looking for a bit more action?”

Kel shook his head. He’d had enough action. If he decided to retire, he wanted a place where he could be himself, where people wouldn’t constantly be staring or requesting autographs or asking him to recount their favorite moments in Giants baseball. And a place where he could have a boat and do a little fishing. He could have that here.

“I think I’ll fit right in.” He pointed out the window. “I’m just going to walk down to the lake. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“You have one hundred feet of frontage,” she said. “There’s also a sandy beach. And there’s a nice little flagstone terrace they’ve built down there.”

Kel stepped through the door and strolled across the wide cedar deck to the lawn. He hadn’t expected to like the first place he saw, or even the second or third. In truth, Kel thought he’d have to look long and hard to find a house that pleased him.

Kel had never thrown money into real estate like many of his teammates had. Some of the guys had additional homes in Colorado and Florida and Arizona. Kel owned an old mansion in San Francisco’s Pacific Heights neighborhood, a Mercedes, a pickup truck and a decent wardrobe of Italian suits and shoes. Beyond that, he’d spent his money on the typical toys: stereo equipment, televisions and computers.

Most of his teammates might call him frugal, but from the start of his career, Kel knew the precarious position he was in. A simple pitch could lead to a career-ending injury. In the blink of an eye it could be all over. His parents had always struggled to make a living, raising seven children on a high school teacher’s salary. Kel wanted to be in a position to give them whatever they needed as they got older and, at the same time, have a comfortable future for himself.

When he reached the water, Kel walked out on the rickety dock. The lake was beautiful, calm and serene, the sun sparkling off the surface. A fisherman bobbed in a boat nearby, lazily casting his line and reeling it in. He waved at Kel and Kel returned the greeting.

“I could live here,” he said, slowly turning and taking in the view. He could imagine his siblings coming to visit in the summer, the rambling house filled with his nieces and nephews, lazy days spent out on the water. West Blueberry Lane wouldn’t make a bad address.

The agent was still waiting for him in the kitchen. She opened the door and he stepped back inside. “Well, what do you think?” she asked.

“How long has it been for sale?” Kel asked.

“Five weeks,” she said. “The mechanicals need to be replaced along with the roof and that might be scaring people off. I think it’s priced a bit high. I think it might go soon. There’s a woman in town that has been seriously considering putting in an offer. So if you’re interested you should probably get an offer in before she does. And I know of a bank that will push your financing through quickly.”

He nodded. If the agent knew who he was, she wasn’t giving any indication. Financing really wasn’t an issue, as long as Kel wanted the house. But this was a big decision. Buying a house in Austell meant that he was about to begin his life after baseball-and he’d begin that life living just a few miles from Darcy Scott.

“Let’s put together an offer,” Kel said. “Offer the asking price, no contingencies.”

The agent gasped. “None? What about financing?”

He shook his head. “I can pay cash,” Kel said. “I’m just going to walk through once more, if you don’t mind.”

Dumbstruck, the agent shook his hand and Kel walked back through the house to the living room. Maybe he was being too optimistic, but he was sure that he could find here the peace and quiet he’d always craved.

Kel wandered down the hall to the master bedroom. He tried to imagine it freshly painted and decorated, furnished with a comfortable bed. He could see the two them, snuggled in bed on a Sunday morning. He’d make breakfast for them and they’d spend the day reading the paper and making slow, sweet love. Kel paused and shook his head. Funny how the image automatically included Darcy. Since when had she become a permanent part of his future?

As he walked through the other bedrooms he thought about a family. He’d always known that marriage and kids wouldn’t have been a smart choice as long as he was playing-not that over the years he’d ever found a woman he wanted to marry. His baseball career had occupied so much of his energy, he hadn’t had a lot left over to share. But he had more time now, time to find the right person.

Kel headed to the front door and walked outside, taking one last look at the façade of the house. He could be happy here, with or without Darcy. But with her would be much better, he mused.

As he pulled out of the driveway, Kel glanced at the clock on the dashboard. Darcy had left his room this morning just after dawn. They’d spend the past three nights together in the same bed. Of course she’d be the first woman to come to mind when imagining his future here.

Kel turned the car towards The Delaford, then remembered his original reason for driving into town. “Damn,” he muttered. Condoms. He usually carried an adequate supply of them, but he and Darcy had been going through at least three or four a day. By all rights, he should have been exhausted. But Kel felt like a guy at the top of his game. Life had never been better.

He’d seen a Price Mart store on the highway just outside of town and headed back to it. Kel parked the car in the busy lot, then reached into the backseat for a baseball cap. He pulled the brim low, hoping his sunglasses and the cap would obscure his identity. Had he been shopping for a toaster, he might not have been so concerned, but condoms were a different matter.

Soft music played in the background as Kel walked past the elderly man who greeted him at the door. He went directly to the pharmacy and searched the shelves, but eventually was forced to ask the pharmacist. The man gave him an odd look, as if he might recognize him, then pointed Kel to the correct aisle.

As Kel studied the selection, he found the absurdity of the situation amusing. It took him back to the days of his youth, sneaking around, trying to hide what he was doing with his high school girlfriend. Still, that wasn’t far off. With Darcy, everything seemed so new and exciting. When she touched him, he felt exactly the way he had when he was seventeen and he’d first experienced a woman’s body.

How long would that last between them? Would the thrill eventually wear off, or could he count on it to endure for a lifetime? Kel had never considered inviting a woman into his future, but he could imagine inviting Darcy.

He drew a deep breath, then reached out and grabbed his usual brand. And the last moment, he took an extra box, one that promised “increased pleasure” for his partner.

When he got to the checkout, he grabbed cash from his wallet, intending to rush through as quickly as possible. But a young mother with a cartload of disposable diapers stood in front of him, searching her purse for coupons. He glanced over at the adjoining checkout line, then groaned inwardly.

The woman standing in that lane worked at The Delaford. He recognized her from her occasional stints behind the front desk. Amanda, if he recalled correctly. Her gaze fell to the boxes he clutched in his hands, her eyebrow quirking up in amusement.

Kel turned away and dropped the boxes on the conveyor. He managed to make it through the checkout process without anyone else recognizing him, but Amanda was waiting for him once he’d collected his purchases.

“Big night planned?” she asked.

“How is that your business?”

“I’m Darcy’s friend.” She held out her hand. “Amanda Taylor. Don’t bother introducing yourself. I’ve heard all about you.”

“You have?” he said, shaking her hand.

“Would you like to grab some lunch, maybe have a little chat?”

Kel shrugged, then followed Amanda to the lunch counter located near the exit. She bought two hot dogs with the works, then handed him one, before settling at a small table in the corner of the café.

“Thanks,” Kel said.

She nodded as she took a bite of the hot dog. “So, Mr. Baseball, what are your intentions regarding Darcy? I mean, I know you two plan to have as much sex as possible until you leave. She told me that. But beyond the sex, what are you thinking about?”

“You and Darcy talk about me?” Kel murmured.

“We’re best friends. We discuss everything.”

“And what does she say about me?” he asked. “How does she feel about what’s happening?”

Amanda leveled him a look. “You want me to rate your performance in the bedroom?”

“No!” Kel said. “Well, not unless you feel qualified. I mean, if Darcy has made comments, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to know.” He shook his head, cursing softly. “No, I don’t want to know about my performance. But I would like to know how she feels about me.”

Amanda leaned forward, bracing her arms on the table. “I’m not sure I should get involved.”

“Hey, you’re the one who invited me to lunch,” he countered.

Amanda took another bite of her hot dog, studying him. “I don’t think Darcy knows what she wants. And having wild, fantastic, mind-numbing sex every night isn’t going to help her figure it out. Maybe you ought to give her a little space.”

Mind-numbing? Were those her words or Darcy’s, Kel wondered. “I suppose I could do that,” he said.

After all, he’d already decided to buy the property on the lake. That meant their relationship wouldn’t necessarily end in a few days. There’d be nothing to stop him from playing a quick round of golf at The Delaford now and then. And while he was there, he’d stop by and visit with Darcy. “But it’s difficult to stay away from her,” he added.

“Why is that?”

“Because I really enjoy being with her. And it’s not just the sex, because if it were necessary, I could do without that, at least for a while. I just like talking to her and looking at her and holding her hand.”

“You’re not falling in love, are you?” Amanda asked.

“No!” Kel said. But as soon as he answered, he realized that wasn’t entirely true. “I don’t know. It’s kind of difficult to tell since I’ve never felt this way before. I’m usually…in control.”

Amanda sent him a wary look, then grabbed her shopping bag and stood. “I want you to know that if you hurt her, I’ll break both of your arms. Not personally, but I know some guys who could. So watch yourself.”

“I will,” Kel said, certain that Darcy’s friend didn’t make empty threats.

“Somebody has to watch out for her,” she muttered.

Kel nodded as he watched Amanda walk out of the store. Someday, maybe he’d get to be that person. But if he was going to fall in love, it certainly wouldn’t happen after just a few days with a woman. Even he knew that it took a lot longer than that.

DARCY TURNED off her desk light and quickly tidied the files she’d been reviewing. She’d spent the entire day in her office, trying to keep her mind on work and failing miserably. Her father was due to arrive in a few days and she hadn’t yet figured out how to broach the subject of her future with Scott Hotels and Resorts. In truth, all she’d been thinking about was her present.

The prospect of another evening with Kel brought a nervous flutter of anticipation to her stomach. When they were together, she felt so alive. She’d thought spending time with him would wash away the memories, but instead it had only created so many more. She’d come to crave his touch, the taste of his mouth, the feel of his skin against hers. When they were apart, Darcy found herself lapsing into wild fantasies about the erotic pleasures they might share next.

He had total control over her willpower, making her happily do whatever it took to please him. Yet his pleasure always seemed to be hers as well, and vice versa. When she looked into his eyes as he buried himself inside her, Darcy saw the surrender, the vulnerability, of a man who had carefully dismantled all barriers between them.

But there were also times when Darcy looked at him and wondered if she were perhaps coloring his reactions with her hopes instead of his realities. He seemed to genuinely care for her. They spent hours in each other’s arms talking and teasing, learning all the intimate details that lovers needed to know. But in the end, he’d leave and all this would fade into the past.

A knock sounded on her office door and Darcy looked up, expecting to see Kel standing outside. Instead, Amanda strolled in, a dripping wet rag in her hand. “I thought you ought to see this,” she said.

Darcy wrinkled her nose. “What is it?”

“It’s your swimming suit. Jerry found it stuck in the water intake for the pool filter. Would you like to explain how it got there?”

“It must have fallen off when I was swimming the other night,” Darcy said with a soft giggle. “When Kel and I were swimming.”

Amanda sat down in one of Darcy’s guest chairs, draping the wet suit over the arm of the other. “So I gather it’s going well?”

Darcy drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. “That depends on how you define ‘well.’ The sex is fabulous, Kel has to be the most disarming man I’ve ever met, and I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since he arrived. When we’re together, I can’t seem to get enough of him.”

“And how does he feel?” Amanda asked.

“I’m not supposed to care about that. I decided to embark on this little affair in order to get him out of my system.”

“And how’s that working for you?”

Darcy sighed deeply. “I can’t stop thinking about him,” she admitted. She opened her desk drawer and pulled out a new box of chocolates from Sinfully Sweet. “I had Olivia stop at Sinfully Sweet when she was in town yesterday. Try the chocolate-dipped caramels. They are absolutely to die for.”

“So, if things are going so well,” Amanda said, “why are you sitting here eating caramels?”

“He didn’t call me today,” Darcy said. “Yesterday he called me six times and today nothing. I think maybe it’s over. He’s bored and ready to move on.”

“I ran into him today in town,” Amanda offered. “He was stocking up on condoms, so I’m pretty sure it’s not over.”

“You saw Kel?”

She nodded. “I talked to him. I told him if he hurt you, I’d break his arms.”

Darcy groaned. “No! That’s not part of the deal. I can’t get hurt because I’m not supposed to care about him, don’t you see?”

“What I see is two people who are trying so hard not to care about each other that they can’t see that they might be falling in love.”

“No,” Darcy said. “I won’t let myself. It’s as simple as that.”

“Do you want this to end?”

Darcy plucked another caramel from the box and popped it in her mouth. “No. But it is getting in the way. I haven’t done anything to prepare for my father’s visit.”

Though the distraction of having Kel around was enjoyable, she’d managed to forget everything that was really important to her. She’d worked so hard to build a career in hotel management and it was time for her to take the next step, to force her father to see her as his successor or to move on and find another job with one of his competitors.

If she’d learned anything in her life it was that she needed to be in control, that she needed to determine her own future. Darcy couldn’t depend upon her father to know what was best for her, nor could she allow a husband or a fiancé or a boyfriend to alter her plans. She wasn’t daddy’s little girl anymore, so desperate to please and so starved for his attention.

“Maybe you should tell the guy how you really feel.”

“I plan to. As soon as he arrives I’m going to tell Daddy-”

“Not your father. I was talking about Kel. And don’t try to hand me the line that you don’t know how you feel.” Amanda stood up, grabbed a handful of chocolates from the box, then walked to the door. “Gosh, all this talk about sex has made me really horny. I need to find myself a man. I think I might have to talk Carlos into giving me a massage.”

Darcy opened her mouth, ready to issue a stern warning about fraternization, but Amanda just wagged her finger and turned on her heel, leaving Darcy to her own sexual dilemmas.

Darcy reached for the phone and punched in Kel’s room number, but then quickly hung up before it rang. If this was the end, then she wanted to hear it directly from him, face to face. She opened her desk drawer and grabbed the master keycard for the guest rooms and tucked it in her pocket.

The deal had been so simple at first. She had only wanted one taste of the forbidden fruit, just enough to satisfy her hunger. But then, she’d never expected to become addicted, to crave him so much that she couldn’t control herself, to do anything for one more bite of the apple.

“I’m supposed to want more than this,” Darcy murmured. She was twenty-eight years old. Her college roommates were all married and starting families of their own and here she was, contemplating yet another night of no-strings sex with an avowed playboy.

Closing her eyes, she sighed softly. She could go to her own room and try to fall asleep or she could have one last night with Kel. “Oh, what the hell,” she muttered as she walked out of her office.

Darcy waved at Olivia as she walked through the lobby. “Take me off the board,” she called.

When she reached Kel’s door, she didn’t bother knocking. She pushed the keycard into the lock and opened the door, then slipped inside. Kel was lying on the sofa, watching television, dressed only in a pair of sweatpants.

She let the door click shut behind her and at the sound, he sat up. “Darcy!” He scrambled to his feet and stared at her, his hand resting on his hip.

“You were expecting someone else?”

“Yes,” Kel said. “Actually, I called down for a massage. They were sending someone up. Karl, I guess. I wanted him to work on my shoulder.”

“I thought we’d see each other tonight,” she said, “but I didn’t hear from you.”

“I was planning to call after the massage. I thought maybe you might like to have some time to yourself. You know, get a good night’s sleep.”

Darcy slowly crossed the room and picked up the phone next to the sofa. She punched in the number for the spa, then waited for the receptionist to pick up. “Hi, this is Darcy. I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Martin in the Bennington Suite would like to cancel his massage. He has other plans.”

Darcy dropped the phone in the cradle, then shrugged out of her jacket, tossing it aside.

“We could both use some sleep,” Kel suggested. “I’ve got a lot of things I need to think about and I can’t really do that if you’re distracting me.”

Her fingers moved down to the buttons of her blouse, a tiny frown wrinkling her brow. “All right, if that’s what you want. When we made this arrangement we didn’t say we had to spend every night together.” She pulled her blouse out of her skirt and dropped it off her shoulders, revealing a lacy black bra.

“Is that why we spend time together?” he asked, his gaze drifting to her breasts. “Because of our arrangement?”

She smiled and slowly approached. “I like our arrangement, don’t you?”

Kel nodded his head. “Yeah, I like it a lot.”

Darcy reached around for the zipper of her skirt as she walked into the bedroom of Kel’s suite. “This should do,” she said, standing next to the bed. “Why don’t you take your clothes off and I’ll give you that massage you wanted?” Slowly, she pushed her skirt over her hips and let it drop to the floor, allowing him a tempting view of her backside.

From behind, Kel slipped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “Leave the shoes on,” he murmured.

Darcy turned in his arms and slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of his sweatpants, slowly pushing them down to the floor. As she straightened, Darcy made it a point to brush up against his shaft with her breasts.

“If I could have found a masseuse like you, I’m not sure I ever would have needed shoulder surgery,” he said.

“Umm,” Darcy said, pressing her palms against his chest and gently pushed him toward the bed. He tumbled backwards, taking her along with him. A tiny squeak escaped from her lips before his mouth captured hers. But Darcy scrambled to her knees and straddled his waist, pinning his hands above his head.

“You’re not allowed to touch me,” she said playfully. “If you touch me, I’m going to have to leave.”

Kel left his hands above his head and she slowly ran her palms over his chest. His skin was warm, the muscles hard beneath her fingertips. “I think I need some lotion,” she said. Darcy crawled off the bed and headed to the bathroom. She glanced at herself in the mirror and smiled. It was nice to know she could seduce him so easily.

When she returned, he was still lying on the bed, his hard shaft resting on his belly. Darcy skimmed her fingers along the ridge as she crawled back on top of him. “And how do you like your massage?”

“It doesn’t really matter,” he said with a sleepy grin. “As long as you’re touching me it will have the intended result.”

She continued to rub his chest, allowing her hands to drift down to his belly every now and then. Kel relaxed and closed his eyes and Darcy watched his expression shift between pure pleasure and breathless desire. She bent and kissed his nipple, circling it with her tongue. “Why didn’t you call me today?”

“Amanda said you might need a break,” he murmured.

“You talked to Amanda about me?”

“Uh-huh. I thought maybe absence would make the heart grow fonder.” He opened his eyes. “I know. Stupid idea.” Kel reached out and ran a finger along her shoulder to her hand. “I guess I’m going to have to make it up to you.” His touch sent a tremor through her body. Kel took that as an invitation to touch her again and this time he ran his finger along her bottom lip.

“And how will you do that?” she asked.

He grabbed her waist and rolled her beneath him. “I’ll find a way.”

His mouth came down on hers in a sweet and gentle kiss. Their lovemaking had always had a desperate edge to it, but this was different. As Kel explored her body, he did it slowly and with exquisite tenderness, as if he were trying to memorize every detail.

Nestled between her legs, his arms braced on either side of her head, he studied her face. “What are you thinking?”

An odd feeling of melancholy settled into Darcy’s heart as she realized their time together would end soon. What would she do without this warmth and comfort, this crazy, exhilarating excitement? She’d grown so accustomed to having him close that she couldn’t imagine passing an entire day without seeing him or at least talking to him.

“I’m thinking I want you inside me,” she said.

Kel reached over to the bedside table and retrieved a condom, then handed it to her. “I’m thinking that’s what I want, too.”

She slipped the condom over him and then sighed as he slowly entered her, a tiny bit at a time. Maybe Amanda was right, she mused. Maybe she should admit her feelings to Kel. What did she have to lose? If he shared those feelings, then there might be a future for them. But if he didn’t, then at least she’d know where she stood.

Darcy pressed her lips to his ear. “What else do you want?” she whispered.

Kel moaned softly. “I want you,” he said, pressing into her, his desire burning between them.

Darcy bit her bottom lip. “For how long?” she ventured.

“Forever,” he said as he began to move. “Forever.”

Drawing a deep breath, she swallowed her emotions and let her mind drift. There would never be another man like Kel. For the rest of her life, she’d remember exactly how this felt, the sweet sensation of his body against hers, the slow climb to her release and then the wonderful surrender.

“Forever,” she whispered. If only that could be true.

In the end, as they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, completely sated, Darcy wondered what Kel had meant. Would forever last until the end of the week? Or would it last their entire lives?


DARCY WOKE SLOWLY, her face buried in the soft down pillows, blocking the morning light that streamed through the windows. She reached over for Kel but found his half of the bed empty. Pushing up on her elbow, Darcy brushed her hair out of her eyes and glanced at the clock.

It was almost eight. Kel had a tee time for nine that he’d offered to cancel but Darcy had insisted that he go. A night of passion seemed to energize him but for Darcy it brought on a pleasant exhaustion. She yawned, then stretched her arms above her head.

“Two more nights,” she murmured. Kel’s one-week stay would be over the day after tomorrow. Her father was scheduled to arrive tomorrow and she knew whatever time she and Kel had left would be stolen moments between meetings.

Darcy sank back into the pillows and sighed. Just yesterday, she’d been so sure of what she had wanted: a career with her father’s corporation, a house of her own on the lake, a future that she controlled. But lying here, after making love to Kel, all of that seemed so…dull. Right now all she really wanted was another night in bed with Mr. Baseball.

A quick rap sounded at the door and Darcy sat up, pulling the sheet around her naked body. Kel usually left the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the knob. She crawled out of bed, dragging the sheet with her, wondering if Kel had forgotten his key. But when she opened the door, she saw Amanda standing in the hall.

“Good, I found you. I figured you were probably here.”

“What’s wrong?” Darcy said.

“You need to get dressed. Your father’s downstairs and he’s looking for you.”

Darcy gasped. “What?” She glanced around the room, frantically searching for her clothes. “When did he get here?”

“About ten minutes ago. He went to your office and then to your suite and he tried to page you, but you haven’t been carrying your beeper lately. I managed to convince him to have a cup of coffee in the dining room and told him you were dealing with a little squirrel problem out on the golf course.”


“I was improvising and it was all I could think of. I bought you some time to go back to your room and change.”

Darcy frantically gathered her clothes and began to tug them on. “Go back down to the dining room and tell him I’ll join him there in fifteen minutes.” She shoved her shoes on her feet and followed Amanda out the door.

“If you go down the service elevator to the lower level, you can cut past the gym to the east wing of the hotel without having to walk through the lobby,” Amanda suggested.

It took Darcy exactly three minutes to make the trip to her suite, another seven to dress and fix her hair and two more to make it to the lobby. She arrived with two minutes to spare.

Darcy strode into the dining room and glanced around at the breakfast crowd. But she stopped her search the moment her eyes came to rest on her father. “Oh, no,” she muttered. Sam Scott was having breakfast-with Kel Martin. She watched them for a long moment. Her father seemed comfortable, relaxed almost, if that was possible. He and Kel were laughing. Darcy couldn’t imagine what they both would find humorous.

She smoothed her skirt, then walked across the room. “Hello, Daddy,” she said, bending down to kiss his cheek. “Hello, Mr. Martin.”

Kel tapped his finger on his cheek, a silent invitation for her to kiss him as well but Darcy sent him a murderous glare. The last thing she needed was Kel making friends with her father. “I’m sorry I’m late, Daddy, but I got caught up with a problem out on the golf course.”

Her father smiled at her, then indicated a chair across from him and right next to Kel. “That’s all right, Darcy. Mr. Martin was keeping me company, telling me how much he’s been enjoying his stay. He said you’ve been particularly attentive to his needs. That’s exactly what I like to hear. A hands-on manager is the key to a successful hotel. Every detail must be attended to, don’t you agree, Darcy?”

Darcy cleared her throat, trying to ignore the feel of Kel’s thigh as it brushed up against hers. “Of course, Daddy. I think you’ll find that our attention to guest service is always our number one priority. I have some figures on return visits that I know you’d like to see. Why don’t we go to my office-”

“Not now,” Sam said. “Kel has asked me to play a round of golf with him this morning. He’s got a tee time at nine.”

“But we’re going to be busy today. I have so many things to go over with you. We have some very important items to discuss.”

“That can wait,” Sam said.

“Yes, that can wait,” Kel said. “How often to I get to play golf with my best girl’s dad?”

“Your what?” Darcy said, her voice rising to a slightly hysterical pitch.

“Kel told me you two have been spending some time together,” Sam said. “I’m glad to hear it. It’s about time you started thinking about your future.”

“Kel and I are not dating and he is not my future,” Darcy insisted. “We barely know each other.” She sent Kel another look, then stomped on his foot beneath the table. What was he doing, dishing out silly stories to her father? “And about my future. I have some good news. I’m going to be buying a house.”

“So, Kel, how have you enjoyed your stay so far?” Sam asked, ignoring Darcy’s revelation.

“It’s been great,” Kel said. “As I said, Darcy has been very attentive. I have had one little problem though.”

“You have more than one,” Darcy muttered.

“Not a problem, a complaint,” he corrected.

“You should take your complaints to guest services,” Darcy said, pasting a smile on her face.

“I could call guest services, but I think you’re better prepared to help me,” Kel said. “You see, I’m having a problem with my shower.”

“Maintenance will take care of that. I’ll send them right up to your room.”

“Maybe you might know how to fix the problem.”

“Is it leaking?”

“Nope. That’s not it.”

“Hasn’t it been cleaned properly?”

“It’s quite clean. But every time I get in the shower I think, this is really huge. It’s just too roomy for one person.”

“You want me to get you a room with a smaller shower?”

“No, I don’t think that’s it. But I’m sure you’ll figure out what’s wrong and get it fixed.”

“Funny,” Sam said. “I never thought the showers were too big. Darcy, maybe you should look into that.”

Darcy felt heat rising in her cheeks. She reached beneath the table and pinched Kel’s thigh as hard as she could.

“Ow!” Kel cried.

Sam frowned. “What is it?”

“Cramp,” Kel said. “I get them all the time when I don’t sleep well.”

“Is there something wrong with your bed?” Sam asked. “Darcy, maybe you ought to check on Kel’s bed, too.”

“There’s nothing wrong with his bed,” Darcy said. The words were out before she realized how they sounded. “Not that I know anything about his bed, personally. Just in general, all our beds are fine.” Darcy stood, her legs bumping up against the table as she rose.

Her father reached out to steady his water goblet, sending her an impatient glare. “Aren’t you going to order some breakfast?”

“I have a lot of work to do. I’ll catch up with you later, Daddy. After your round of golf.” She turned to Kel. “Could I talk to you for a moment? I just want to make sure I get your tee time right.”

Darcy strode out of the restaurant into the lobby and waited for Kel to join her. When he did, she grabbed his hand and dragged him toward her office. “Exactly what do you think you’re doing?”

“Having breakfast with your dad. He’s a great guy. Quite a character. And what a businessman. He gave me some good tips on investing.”

“That’s not what I meant. You told him we’re dating.”

“Well, we are. Kind of. We could be if we didn’t spend every waking moment in bed together.”

“We are not going to date,” Darcy said. “We had an agreement. This was only supposed to last a week. It’s just sex, not a relationship.”

His expression sobered. “Come on, Darcy, you know that’s not true. It’s not just about sex. Maybe it was in the beginning but not anymore.”

“I’m not looking for a relationship, Kel,” Darcy said. “Don’t you see? That’s why it’s so good between us, because we aren’t making plans for our future. We can just be who we are in the present.”

“And what would change if we started making plans?”

“Everything,” she said. “I want you to go back into the restaurant and tell my father you can’t golf with him this morning. And I want you to tell him we aren’t really dating and we’re just friends.”

“Are you sure about that, Darcy? What’s your gripe with your dad?”

“What’s going on between you and me is none of my father’s business. And what goes on between me and my father is none of your business.”

He shook his head. “You’re wrong.”

“If I’m going to have a relationship with a man, I want it to be my idea, not my father’s. He’s been running my life for as long as I can remember. I’ve never been good enough for him, no matter how hard I tried. He wants me to be just like my mother.”

“And you don’t want that?”

“Don’t get me wrong. She’s a lovely woman, but I’m not her. She was satisfied to live in a little corner of my father’s life. She’s never had anything of her own. I want to make something more out of my life, and that doesn’t include marriage and a family.”

“What’s wrong with marriage and a family?” Kel asked.

“Nothing.” She sighed. “I’m just warning you, don’t get too close to my father. Before you know it, he’ll have us married and producing a grandson every few years.” She paused, trying to contain her frustration. “I’m good at my job. I’m really good and I deserve a shot to run this company someday. And I’m going to do whatever it takes to make him see that.”

Darcy turned and walked toward her office. She hadn’t worked so hard these past two years to let a man show up and come between her and her future. Kel Martin would walk out of her life in two more days and she would go on as she had before. But even as she said the words to herself, Darcy’s conviction wavered. Somehow, she sensed that her life would never be the same again.

DARCY STOOD in the tee box of the second hole, staring out at the fairway. “I don’t golf,” she insisted. “I’m not any good at it and I would think that should be clear to you by now. It took me thirty-seven swings to get this far.”

“Strokes,” Kel corrected. He smiled to himself as he watched her struggle with the club. This may not be the relaxing afternoon he’d hoped he and Darcy would enjoy, but at least he’d achieved his goal. After all, he’d tricked Darcy into coming along with him.

Sam Scott had planned to join Kel, but at the last minute had to take a conference call. He’d insisted Darcy accompany Kel in his place and she’d immediately refused. Yet the moment Kel had tried to reschedule the round with her father, Darcy had magically agreed. It was obvious she didn’t want him spending any more time with her father.

“I swear, you’ll learn to love it,” Kel reassured her. “Just keep your eye on the ball, keep your head down and swing. It’s not that hard.”

Darcy groaned. “I’m not athletic. I was always picked last for teams in school. I hate sports.”

Though she’d laughed at her mistakes and generally been a trooper about the whole thing, it was clear Darcy hadn’t had much sleep the night before, through no fault of his own. Her father had kept her busy for most of the day yesterday, then insisted that they all have dinner together. Kel had hoped they’d be able to sneak away to his room once Sam retired, but Darcy’s father had other plans for his daughter. According to Darcy, they’d worked until three a.m.

Kel walked over to Darcy and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her and covering her hands with his. It felt good to hold her. “Maybe you need to loosen up your hips,” he said, his breath soft against her ear. “They seem a bit tight.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” Darcy asked.

Kel checked her grip, then placed his palms on her waist. “You just shift slightly when your weight moves from one foot to the other.”

She turned to him. “Can’t we try something else? There are so many more interesting things to do than chase this stupid little ball around in the grass.”

“Try one more hole,” Kel suggested.

“Loosen my hips,” she murmured. Darcy wriggled her backside, leaning into him and making direct contact with his groin. “Oh, there!” she said, feigning surprise. “That feels good. I think they’re getting looser now.” She wriggled again. “Oh, that feels good.”

Kel clamped down on her waist. “Darcy, stop it.”

This time she bent forward suggestively as she pressed her backside into his crotch, her little golf skirt riding up. “I think I feel it now,” she said playfully. “Is that better?”

Kel couldn’t control his reaction. He looked down at the growing erection pressing against the front of his trousers. “You’re right, this was a mistake.”

Darcy turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, then brushed a kiss across his lips. “I’m glad you finally agree. How can golf possibly be any fun if we have to keep our clothes on?”

“We don’t need to keep our clothes on,” Kel said. He reached for his belt and began to unfasten it, but Darcy grabbed his arm.

“We’re not playing nude golf. But if you come with me, we can get naked for all sorts of other reasons.”

Kel pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. “We can’t spend all our time in bed, Darcy. Don’t you want something more than that? Something…normal?”

She sighed, turning away from him. “Why do we have to talk about this now? Can’t we just enjoy ourselves? We only have one more day together. And with my father here, who knows how much time we’ll have?”

“That’s my point,” Kel said. “I just thought we might be able to spend a nice morning together, doing something other than rolling around in my bed.”

Darcy put her fingers at the corners of his mouth and forced him to smile. “There’s no one I’d rather spend my time with. But we aren’t a normal couple,” she said. “We’re just having fun here-that was the deal.”

“You’re right,” Kel said, his voice curt. “I keep forgetting the deal.”

“And you’re angry now,” Darcy countered. “I’m sorry. It seems, since my father arrived, all we’ve been doing is fighting.”

“I consider it renegotiating,” Kel said.

“I just don’t understand what we have to fight about.”

“What are you afraid of?” Kel asked.

“Nothing,” Darcy replied. She walked back to the tee box and picked up her golf ball before strolling back to the cart.

Kel struggled to put his feelings into words, but that had never been one of his talents. A great curveball, a charming smile and a decent short game on the golf course, that’s what he was good at. But he’d spent his adult life trying to avoid any emotional entanglements. And now that he’d gotten himself so tangled up in Darcy, he wasn’t sure how to handle it.

Every instinct told him to hold her close and not let go. At first, it was all about the sexual fireworks between them. It felt so good to touch her, to have her touch him, to lose himself inside her. But with every minute they’d spent together, things inside him had begun to change.

Unfortunately, he’d managed to fall for a woman who had absolutely no feelings for him at all-at least none she’d admit to. She seemed perfectly happy to go on as they had, enjoying their time in bed then going back to her life as it was before he came to The Delaford.

Odd how the roles had been reversed. Usually he was the one who looked for a way out. Now, he was searching for a way in-into her heart and her soul, maybe even into her life. Perhaps signing the offer for the house on Crystal Lake hadn’t been the best idea, but Kel had to believe that there was a chance for them.

“Why don’t you take the cart back and I’ll finish the round?” Kel suggested, unwilling to fight her any longer. “I could use the exercise.”

She gave him a strange look. “Will I see you later?”

If he ever expected to get out of this mess without regrets, then he’d have to put some distance between him and Darcy, starting now. It would do him no good to hope that she wanted him for anything more than his talents in the bedroom.

“I don’t know.”

“I could always ride along with you,” Darcy suggested, “and watch you golf. Maybe I could learn something.”

He shrugged. At least she was willing to compromise. That was a step in the right direction. And for all that he wanted to regain some perspective, he still preferred to spend the day with her. “All right,” he said.

She hopped in the cart, sitting behind the wheel, and watched as he teed off. “Wiggle those hips,” Darcy shouted.

Kel hit a nice drive, straight down the middle and Darcy steered the cart over to him. But just as they prepared to drive down the fairway, Kel noticed another golf cart approaching at a fast speed. He recognized one of the bellmen from the hotel.

“Mr. Martin? Mr. Martin, I have an emergency phone call for you.”

Darcy straightened. “An emergency?”

The bellman handed Kel a cellphone. “It’s a Mr. Waverly.”

Kel turned to Darcy. “My agent,” he explained. “Every time he calls, it’s some kind of emergency.” He took the cellphone from the bellman and sent Darcy a reassuring look. “Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

His agent’s voice crackled over the fading connection. “Kel. Ben Waverly here. I’ve got some news.”

“I’m on the golf course right now, Ben,” Kel said into the phone. “Can this wait?”

“Kel, they want to trade you. To Atlanta. I just got a call from the front office. You need to fly out there for a meeting and a physical. They want to know what’s going on with the shoulder before they sign on the dotted line. You’re going to have to make a decision, Kel, and pretty quick.”

“Let me get back to the hotel,” Kel said. “I’ll call you from there.” He switched off the phone and handed it back to the bellman.

“Is everything all right?” Darcy asked.

“Not really,” he murmured. He glanced around. “We should go back. I’ve got to take care of this and I can’t do it from here.”

“Tell me,” Darcy murmured, her eyes filled with worry. “If something is wrong, I’d like to help.”

Kel winced, then rubbed the back of his neck, trying to ease the tension that always came with a call from his agent. At least if he retired, he’d never have to deal with Ben Waverly again. “Would you? Come on, Darcy, that’s not part of our deal,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I wouldn’t want you to have to pretend that you cared.”

“Why have you become so obsessed with our deal? This was supposed to be simple, wasn’t it?”

“But it’s not simple. It’s gotten all messy and complicated, and now you want to cut and run.”

“And you don’t?” Darcy demanded.

“Maybe not.” He pointed toward the clubhouse. “Drive.”

She cut across the first fairway, glancing over at him as they bumped along. He kept his eyes fixed straight ahead, trying to contain his frustration. It would have been too perfect to meet the woman of his dreams just days before he retired. Maybe he was looking for something that wasn’t there simply out of fear about the changes taking place in his life.

“That was my agent,” he said. “I’ve been traded to Atlanta.”

Darcy gasped. “Atlanta? But that’s all the way across the country.”

“Yeah, the last time I checked my map it was.” He studied her expression and then drew a deep breath. The hell if she didn’t care! For an instant, he saw it there in her eyes. She wasn’t ready to give him up. “I was going to retire, but now I’m thinking I might be able to get a few more years out of the arm. They want to see me in a few days.”

“You’re going to go?”

Kel knew he shouldn’t play with her emotions. But if this was the only way he could gauge her feelings, then he’d use it. “It’s an option I should explore. If they don’t want to put me into regular rotation, I might be able to get by without the surgery. It would probably mean a cut in my salary, but I’m all right with that.”

“So you’ll go to Atlanta?” Darcy asked.

“What do you think I should do?”

Darcy shook her head, forcing a smile. “What I think shouldn’t matter.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It doesn’t make any difference what you think because you don’t really care.”

“That’s not true,” she murmured, her voice turning defensive. “I would miss you. I will miss you-when you leave here, and if you leave San Francisco. A lot of people will.” Darcy pulled the cart to a stop in front of the clubhouse, then turned to him. “While you go take care of your business, I’m going to take care of mine. I’ve been waiting to talk to my father and I think now is the perfect time.”

“Right,” he said. “I do have some big decisions to make.”

The only problem was Kel’s heart was telling him to do one thing and his head was telling him to do the exact opposite. He wanted to believe he and Darcy had a future, but he knew she felt differently. And with just one night left together, Kel wasn’t sure he’d have enough time to change her mind.


DARCY STOOD AT Kel’s door, ready to knock. After their one-hole round of golf, they’d come back to the hotel and Kel had disappeared into his room to call his agent. Darcy had spent the next hour with her father, discussing a new corporate advertising campaign.

She still hadn’t worked up the courage to issue her ultimatum, even though she’d decided exactly what to say. Darcy wanted a seat on the board immediately and a promise that she would be next in line for a vice presidency at corporate headquarters. And if Sam Scott didn’t agree, then she was prepared to walk away. In addition, she’d decided she should tell him the truth about Kel-that their relationship had been over before it had ever started.

Things had been so easy between her and Kel over the past week. It had almost made her believe that they could sustain a real relationship. But since her father had arrived, things had begun to go bad. Maybe it was the impending end of their little “arrangement” that had set them both on edge, but they couldn’t seem to be together without an argument arising.

She tipped her head back and sighed deeply. This was what she’d wanted, proof that the attraction they had was passing at best. Proof that she’d made the right decision to put her career first.

Tonight would be their last night together and she’d have to make it special. Tomorrow would be Valentine’s Day and they’d say good-bye to each other for good. A sharp stab of regret pierced her heart and she pressed her hand to her chest. It would have been nice to have a Valentine for once. But Darcy knew better than to get caught up in silly romantic fantasies. Still, she did have feelings for Kel and, to her dismay, they were beginning to feel a lot more like love than lust.

Was she falling in love with him? Kel had touched her body like no other man had, but he’d also managed to touch her heart. He was sweet and funny and honest, all the qualities she wanted in a man. Yet she couldn’t quite believe that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

Darcy reached out and rapped on the door, then gathered her courage. Maybe it was time to risk her heart. What’s the worse that could happen-he’d leave? He was already planning to do that.

The door swung open and Darcy looked up at Kel. He was dressed and toting his garment bag and a small duffel. “Darcy. I was just coming down to talk to you.”

Her gaze darted back and forth between his face and the bags he carried. “You’re packed?”

Kel nodded. “I’ve got to go home. There’s just so much going on and I really can’t think here. I’ve got calls to make and meetings to schedule.”

Darcy swallowed hard and tried to control her emotions. Was this how it would end, in the hallway, he going one way and she going the other? “You’re going to Atlanta then?”

“Yeah, I think I am.”

She gnawed at her lip, trying to calm the whirlwind of thoughts in her head. “I-I just wanted to say a few things before you left.”

He waited, but Darcy couldn’t decide exactly how to begin. “Everything happened so fast between us,” she said. “Sometimes I wonder if things could have been different if we…” Darcy let her voice trail off. It was silly to think of what might have been. “I had a wonderful time,” she said. “And I’m glad we met that night in San Francisco, and that we met again in the candy shop.”

He reached out and took her hand, drawing her into the room. His garment bag slipped to the floor and Kel pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He lingered over her mouth, his tongue teasing at the crease between her lips. When he pulled back, his gaze met hers. “Will you miss me?” he asked.

Darcy felt tears pressing against the corners of her eyes. She laughed softly, brushing a stray tear off her cheek. “Of course I will. Gosh, why am I crying? It’s not like you’re leaving for the moon. We might run into each other again someday.”

“I’d like that,” Kel said. “And maybe, just to make sure, I could call you and we could figure out a time and a place to meet.”

Darcy laughed softly. “Wouldn’t that be a date?”

“Yeah,” Kel said with a slow grin. “I guess it would be.”

“Well, I think that would be a sensible thing, just to make sure we don’t accidentally miss each other.”

Kel kissed her again, molding her mouth to his as his hands furrowed through her hair. “All right, that’s the plan. Someday, I’ll just give you a call.”

“You’d better get going,” Darcy said. She didn’t want to weep in front of him and the emotion clogging her throat was making it difficult to talk.

“Will you walk down with me?”

Darcy shook her head. “No, I think I’m going to stay here. I wouldn’t want to make a fool of myself in front of my staff. You never know what I might do to get you to stay a little longer. I have been known to tear off my clothes in your presence.”

“All right then,” Kel said. He brushed one last kiss on her lips, then opened the door. “See ya, Darcy.”

“See ya, Kel,” Darcy replied.

She watched as the door swung shut, then stood frozen in place for a long time, willing herself not to chase after him, to accept the fact that he had gone. When she was sure she wouldn’t follow him, Darcy walked into the bedroom and flopped down on the bed.

They’d spent so much time in this spot, she mused. But without him, it was just an ordinary bed. Darcy grabbed his pillow and held it over her face, inhaling his scent. There would come a day when she wouldn’t be able to recall this smell. “I’ll just take this with me,” she murmured. She sat up and hugged the pillow.

But no matter how hard she hugged, it didn’t ease the ache in her heart. She’d miss the passion and the excitement, the wonderful anticipation she felt all day long while thinking about the evening ahead. But mostly she’d miss the quiet moments, when she curled into his body and listened to him breathe.

Darcy glanced around the room, searching for anything else Kel might have left behind. Her gaze stopped at a small item on the nightstand. She frowned as she recognized the incomplete chocolate heart, wrapped in blue foil, from Sinfully Sweet. “I guess he wasn’t looking for romance after all,” she murmured.

More chocolate was exactly what she needed now. “It’s going to take a lot more than half a chocolate heart,” she muttered.

She carefully unwrapped the heart. Inside, she found a small piece of paper. Darcy unfolded it and squinted to read the message. “All you need is love. Yeah right. Without a man, love is pretty much useless.”

Darcy crawled off the bed, the heart and its little message clutched in her hand. She grabbed Kel’s pillow before heading to the door. If she spent any more time in the room, she’d drive herself crazy. The sooner it was cleaned the better.

Before summoning the elevator, Darcy picked up the house phone that sat on the sofa table in the small lobby. Olivia answered at the front desk. “Hi, it’s Darcy. Can you let housekeeping know that the Bennington Suite is empty? Have them send someone up to clean it as soon as possible.” Darcy paused. “Has Mr. Martin left yet?”

“He just walked out a few seconds ago,” Olivia replied. “I could probably catch him if you’d like. He may be waiting for the valet to bring his car around.”

“No,” Darcy said. “That’s fine.” She dropped the phone in the cradle, then pushed the elevator button.

When she reached the lobby, she went directly to her office, Kel’s pillow still tucked beneath her arm. Olivia gave her an odd look as she passed, but Darcy kept her gaze fixed in front of her. So what if her whole staff was talking? A woman had a right to enjoy herself every now and then.

When she reached her office, she found Amanda sitting at her desk, her feet up on the edge. “I saw him leave,” she said, sending Darcy a sympathetic smile. “Are you all right?”

“Of course,” Darcy said, trying to sound cheerful. “I’m fine. I knew we only had a week and this works out perfectly. I didn’t have time to think about what I was going to say or do. It was just a nice, quick good-bye. And now my life can get back on track.”

“And that’s it?” Amanda asked.

“Yeah.” Darcy paused. “He’s been traded to Atlanta so he’ll be leaving San Francisco. But he said he might call me someday.”

Amanda scoffed. “That’s all he could manage?”

“This was just a physical thing between us, nothing more. Neither of us wanted any strings.”

“Sell that story somewhere else ’cause I’m not buying it. I’ve watched you this past week and you’ve been so happy. When Kel is around, you just…glow. This guy is meant for you, Darcy, whether you’re willing to admit it or not.”

Darcy sat down in one of her guest chairs. “You really think so?” She placed the pillow on the chair next to her and at Amanda’s inquiring frown, Darcy smiled sheepishly. “It smells like him,” she admitted.

“I rest my case,” Amanda said.

Darcy set Kel’s chocolate on the desk and cracked it into smaller pieces, then handed a piece to Amanda. “All you need is love,” she said. “That’s what the message was inside. Do you think that’s true?”

“Yes,” Amanda said. “I do believe that.” She placed a piece of the chocolate in her mouth. “All you do need is love. And great sex. And two bathrooms and separate vacations once a year. Also a dependable hairdresser, a good gynecologist, and a mother-in-law who lives at least a thousand miles away and-”

“Stop! I think you’re missing the point.”

“You know what my message said?” Amanda asked. “Nothing.”

“It was blank?”

“No, it just had the word ‘nothing’ on it. I didn’t find that particularly encouraging. Is that a question or an answer or just a mistake?”

“It must be a misprint.”

“Or somewhere out there is a guy who has a matching ‘something’ message. I just need to search for a man who has a confused look on his face. What did yours say?”

“I don’t know.” Darcy stood and retrieved her purse from the top of her credenza. She rummaged through the contents, then finally dumped everything on top of her desk. “Here it is,” she said, handing it to Amanda.

Amanda unwrapped it and pulled out the tiny piece of paper inside. “You want me to read it?”

Darcy nodded and watched as Amanda unfolded the message. Her friend gasped softly, her eyes going wide, then quickly refolded the message. “You don’t want to see this.”

“What does it say?”

Amanda’s lower lip began to tremble as she stared at the message and her eyes flooded with tears. “It’s silly and sentimental.” She brushed a tear from her eye, then quickly stood.

“What?” Darcy said. What could the note possibly say that would bring such a reaction from Amanda?. “It doesn’t say ‘something,’ does it?”

Amanda shook her head. “No. Kel Martin and I did not win a romantic dinner at The Delaford.” She smiled ruefully. “It says-” Her voice wavered and she laughed softly, then handed Darcy the paper. “Go ahead. Read it.”

“‘All you need is love.’ That’s the same as-” Darcy stopped short. “Oh, my God.”

“This is just so corny,” Amanda said, tears streaming down her face. “Don’t mind me, this kind of thing turns me into a complete sap.”

“It’s a match,” Darcy said, slowly standing. “What does that mean?”

“You win a romantic dinner for two at The Delaford!” Amanda cried.

“No, no,” Darcy said. “That’s not what it means.” She stared at the two pieces of paper. Suddenly, it all felt so right, loving Kel, wanting a future with him. But how could that be? Two silly little pieces paper and she could see them growing old together. “This is ridiculous. This doesn’t mean anything.”

“It means what you want it to mean,” Amanda said.

“And what do I want it to mean?” Darcy asked as she scooped up the contents of her purse and stuffed it all back inside.

Amanda reached out and grabbed her hand. “I think you know.”

Darcy looked at her friend as tears filled Amanda’s eyes again. Tears suddenly flooded her own eyes and a few moments later they were both crying. “I have to go,” Darcy said.

“You have to go,” Amanda replied.

“I have to talk to him.” Darcy raced around the office gathering her things. “I have to find Kel and tell him how I feel.”

“And how do you feel?” Amanda called as Darcy ran toward her office door.

“I’m in love,” she said, laughing through her tears. “Am I crazy?” Darcy shrugged. “I am. But I don’t care.”

When she got to the front desk, she quickly punched up Kel’s registration, then grabbed a pen and scribbled out his address and phone number.

“Darcy, where are we meeting? Do you have the budgets for me to review before we get started?”

Darcy glanced up to see her father approaching. Sam Scott had that impatient look on his face, one that usually ended in him giving her a stern lecture on proper business practices. “They’re setting up in the Pacific Room,” she said. “I’m not going to be able to make the meeting, but Amanda will get you a copy of the budget. She’s in my office.”

“Where are you going? You can’t just leave me with this.”

Darcy circled the counter and threw her arms around her father’s neck. They never really hugged-her father wasn’t a very demonstrative man-but Darcy couldn’t contain herself. She felt as if she could fly. “Daddy, I want a seat on the board. And I want you to promise you’ll make me a vice president within the next five years. And if you don’t agree, I’m going to quit.”

He opened his mouth to reply, but Darcy shook her head. “You know I’m good at this, Daddy, and you’d be a fool to let me go. And I know you’re not a fool. You’re not going to find anyone more loyal or devoted than I am. So I’d suggest you just nod your head and agree to give me what I want.”

“You wouldn’t quit,” Sam said.

Darcy smiled. “Try me.” She patted her father’s cheek. “You think about it for a day or two. I have to go pack now.”

“Where are you going?” Sam asked.

“San Francisco.”

“When will you be back?”

“I don’t know,” Darcy said as she hurried to the elevator. “Tomorrow? Next week?” She pressed the button, and when the elevator doors didn’t open, she pressed it again. Glancing at her watch, she calculated the time it would take to get into the city. Thank goodness, she’d have a ninety-minute ride to figure out what she was going to say to Kel.

This was crazy. She’d always thought love ought to be rational and deliberate and well-considered. That once she found it, it would follow a very precise calendar. But it wasn’t that way at all. It completely messed up all her plans-and she really didn’t care.


At first she thought she’d imagined his voice, that her excitement had gotten the better of her. But then, he spoke again. She froze, fighting back a whirl of emotion.

“Darcy, please look at me.”

She slowly turned to find Kel standing a few feet away, his bags at his feet. Her heart skipped and her knees felt weak. He’d only been gone for fifteen minutes, but she’d already missed him so much.

“You came back,” she murmured.

Kel nodded. “I couldn’t leave. I got into town and I turned around. We’re not finished yet, Darcy. I’m not sure what comes next, but there has to be something.”

“There is,” she agreed. “I know that now.”


She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the tiny pieces of paper, then handed them to him.

“What’re these?” he asked as he unfolded them.

“They’re from the inside of our chocolate heart halves from Sinfully Sweet. Remember, she gave you a heart, too. They’re a match.”

He frowned. “So? What does that mean? We win a prize?”

“Don’t you see?” Darcy cried. “This explains it all. We’re supposed to be together. The fates are conspiring against us. Or in our favor. That’s why I couldn’t forget you after that night in San Francisco and why we ran into each other at the candy store. Do you realize all the different twists of fate it took for those events to happen? And now, look at this. We had matching messages. It’s a sign.”

“And now you believe we might have a future, because of some silly message inside a chocolate wrapper?”

“Yes,” Darcy said. “It’s fate.” Why couldn’t he understand? This made all the difference in the world. It was as if she suddenly had permission to feel the way she did. She couldn’t control this, she just had to embrace it, and that freed her in a way that felt so good.

“You believe in fate, but you don’t believe in me?” Kel cursed softly. “God, I feel like I’m going crazy here. Darcy, I came back here because I want to be with you. I’m in love with you. And it doesn’t have anything to do with chocolate.”

The sound of the words, the simple admission of his feelings, brought a fresh round of tears. He loved her. “I do believe in you. In us,” Darcy finally said. “I was coming to tell you that. I was going to drive to San Francisco. And I’ve fallen in love with you too, Kel.”

A slow grin softened his tense expression and his gaze filled with affection. “You’ve fallen in love with me?”

“Yes,” Darcy said, slipping her arms around his waist.

He chuckled softly, then pulled her into a long, deep kiss. Warmth rushed through her bloodstream and her heart pounded. Darcy concentrated on the taste of him, trying to commit it to memory. It was only after he drew away, that she realized she’d never have to search for memories of him again. She’d only have to look into his eyes or touch his hand or listen to his voice. He would always be with her.

“I was hoping things might work out like this,” Kel murmured, his breath tickling her ear.

“And why is that?” she asked as he kissed her neck.

“I bought a house out on Crystal Lake.”

Darcy drew back, stunned by his admission. “When did you do this?”

“They accepted my offer yesterday. You’ll love it. It’s right on the water and it’s this huge, rambling place with a boathouse and a Victorian gazebo and a terrace that overlooks the water. You’ll love it.”

Darcy stared at him. “West Blueberry Lane?” she asked.

“How did you know?”

It was another sign, not that she needed one more. “I will love it,” she said. “But how are you going to live there if you have to move to Atlanta?”

“I’m not moving to Atlanta, Darcy. I’m ready to start the rest of my life and I’m going to do that here, with you. And I don’t care what it takes-we’ll prove to your father that you can run his hotels and love me at the same time.”

“I gave him an ultimatum,” Darcy said. “Either I’m going to have a seat on the board by tomorrow morning or I’m going to be out of a job.” She toyed with a strand of his hair. “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I could take some time off and spend every spare moment pleasing you.”

Kel chuckled. “I know you, Darcy. You’re not the type to spend your days looking after my needs. So maybe I ought to look after you. I can be in charge of the pleasing,” he said. He glanced around the lobby. “So do you think my room is still available?”

Darcy looked over her shoulder to find Amanda, Olivia and her father watching them from the reception desk. “The maid is cleaning it now. But I have nice soft bed in my room with expensive French sheets that feel really good on naked skin.”

Kel grabbed her hand and dragged her across the lobby. Darcy laughed as they began to run, as desperate as he was to have a moment alone with him. She’d never really considered herself a romantic. “Who would have thought that chocolate could have changed my mind about romance?” she said.

As Kel pulled her into his arms again and kissed her, Darcy made a mental note to order another box of chocolates from Sinfully Sweet.

“I think we should place a standing order for chocolate just to make sure this feeling never ends.”

“This feeling will definitely never end,” Darcy said softly, staring up into his gaze. “It lasted five years without us seeing each other. If we’re together, it’s bound to last a lifetime.”


BROWN PAPER COVERED the plate-glass windows of Sinfully Sweet, softening the midday sunlight that usually streamed into the shop. Inside, the glass cases, usually filled with delectable chocolate treats, were empty.

Ellie Fairbanks stood behind the counter, packing a box of cash register tapes. She paused and took a long look around the shop. Boxes were stacked up against one wall and everything that could be packed was now tucked inside crumpled newspaper and foam peanuts. In an hour or two, the movers would arrive and haul everything out to their truck.

“I really loved this store,” she murmured. “There are times that I think we should settle in one place and stay awhile.”

Her husband came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, drawing her back against his body. Resting his chin on her shoulder, Marcus placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “You always get a bit sentimental when we close up shop. But you know that as soon as we find another location, you’re going to get excited again.”

Ellie turned around in his arms and stared up at Marcus’s handsome face. As long as he was with her, it didn’t matter where they lived or what they did. He was her home, her touchstone, her reason for living. “Maybe so.”

“Until we settle on another location, I’ll just have to keep you excited in other ways,” Marcus murmured, his fingers furrowing through her hair. His lips covered hers in a deep and thorough kiss, and warm desire flooded Ellie’s body, distracting her from her melancholy. There was still work to do to get ready for the movers, but right now all she could think about was her husband’s touch.

“We did well here, didn’t we?” she asked when he nuzzled his face into the curve of her neck. “It was worth all the hard work.” She turned to the windows. The new owner had already scraped the gilt paint from the glass. It now displayed the new name of Sinfully Sweet. “Austell Confectionary.” Ellie winced. “You think they could have come up with something…sexier.”

“Well, as we both know, nothing could stop chocolate from being sexy.”

“We went a long way toward proving our theories, didn’t we?” Ellie said, picking up yesterday’s edition of the Austell Bugle. “Daniel Montgomery and Carlie Pratt are engaged.” She held the paper up to Marcus, folded to show an engagement portrait. “Don’t they look happy?”

“Blissful,” Marcus said. “But I’m not sure we should count them as a success story. I have a feeling you had something to do with them getting matching messages.”

Ellie smiled winsomely. “Me?” she asked in mock innocence. “Perhaps. But anyone could see they were perfect for each other. And both so fond of chocolate. I just couldn’t help myself.”

“I saw them yesterday walking their puppies in the park. Cute dogs, but Daniel and Carlie had their hands full keeping them from tearing up the landscape. You should have seen the area around those trees by the fountain. Those puppies have dug so many holes they’re giving the gophers a run for their money.”

“Well, you can’t discount my research methods when it comes to Rebecca Moore and Connor Bassett,” Ellie said. “Not only did we prove that chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac, but we also established that, in their case, opposites do attract.”

Marcus chuckled. “And who would have guessed that chocolate-covered strawberries could have such a potent effect on a woman’s sensuality?”

“Oh, I think Rebecca always had a sensual side,” Ellie explained. “It just took the right man, and a bit of chocolate, to bring it out.”

“Hmm,” Marcus said. “As I recall we had our own little adventure with chocolate shortly after we met. Remember the hot fudge? I was still tasting chocolate on your body days later.”

Even after twenty-seven years, the memory of that night still made Ellie blush. It was the first time she’d felt completely and passionately uninhibited. It was also the moment that she knew Marcus was the only man for her.

“And then there’s Darcy Scott and Kel Martin,” Ellie continued.

“Kel Martin? I remember when he stopped by the shop a few months ago. I didn’t realize you’d given him a chocolate heart half.”

“I couldn’t resist,” Ellie said. “But I certainly didn’t expect it to work. When Darcy came in last week to place an order for The Delaford’s signature chocolates, she informed me they were engaged. I couldn’t believe it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Marcus asked.

“I’m not sure we can count this one. It turns out they’d shared a one-night stand years ago, so they may have been preconditioned to sexual attraction.”

“Did they eat our chocolate?” Marcus asked.

Ellie nodded. “They did indeed.”

“Then I say we add them to our inventory of success stories.”

Ellie slipped out of his embrace and picked up a basket from beneath the counter, the basket that had held the heart halves. “It was a good promotion. We should consider doing it again.”

Marcus took the basket from her hand, ready to pack it in an open box, then stopped. “Look at this. There are two heart halves left.”

Frowning, Ellie peered into the basket. She could have sworn the basket was empty when she’d tucked it beneath the counter. With a devilish smile, she withdrew the heart half wrapped in blue foil and held it out in the palm of her hand. “Would you care to see if we’re a match, Mr. Fairbanks?”

Marcus took the heart and dropped it back in the basket. “I think I already know the answer to that,” he said. “I knew it from the moment I first saw you.”

Ellie slipped her arms around his waist again and drew him close, losing herself in the quiet strength of his embrace. “There will never be another Sinfully Sweet. But as long as you’re with me, I think I’d be happy selling chocolate on the moon.”

“The moon,” Marcus said as if the idea were intriguing. “Now that would be a challenge. I wonder how the effect of an aphrodisiac would be altered by the reduced gravity on the moon.”

Ellie tipped her head back and laughed. There was no end to her husband’s curiosity. But then, she’d always considered that one of his sexiest qualities. Life with Marcus Fairbanks certainly wasn’t boring. Loving him had always been an adventure-an adventure that would begin all over again in a new town, inside a new shop.

“Take me home, Marcus,” Ellie said, slipping her hand into his and pulling him along to the front door, the basket looped over her arm.

“We don’t have a home anymore,” he said. “By now the movers have probably cleaned out the house.”

“Then take me to a seedy no-tell motel,” she said. “I have some needs that require your attention.”

Marcus groaned as she pulled him toward the door. “Oh, Ellie, have you been eating our chocolates again?”
