THE B WORD Rex McGuire

USA, 1983

Mei sat on the bus bench, her eyes and cheeks finally dry of the tears from earlier. All that remained of her emotional destruction was smeared mascara under a bloodshot, vacant gaze. The sun had set an hour ago, buses came and went, but in that time, Mei did not rise; the ten dollars her father gave her remained crumpled in her pocket, she had nowhere to go. And as far as her eighteen-year-old mind was concerned, she had nothing anymore.

Up until this morning, it had all been a game to her. She was young and carefree; things weren’t suppose to be serious when you were eighteen. She was living free, a way her father and mother—if she were still alive—never could. A way the rest of her small, Japanese neighborhood never could. She was living the American way. She had felt like a rock star, it was too bad she didn’t realize how hard stars fell.

Despite having dated Daniel Kim for almost a year, Mei wasn’t in love with him. He was companionship. A true friend more than anything else, but the chemistry wasn’t there, sexually; truthfully, when they finally had sex, it wasn’t hot at all. Mei had expected something amazing, like in the movies, and was sorely disappointed when the act was over. But Daniel was still a cool guy overall, she did like him, and most importantly, her father approved of Daniel. Despite his Americanized name, Daniel was still part of the neighborhood, and like all the families in their barrio tenement, his parents were Japanese traditionalists.

Mei had never considered herself unfaithful or a cheater. She and Daniel were simply dating. Dating wasn’t monogamy, right? It was those type of thoughts that Kim used to justify her actions. But she had been wrong.

* * *

5 days ago

“You know this is a small building. Everyone knows everyone and—”

“Aggh,” Mei interrupted him. “Don’t remind me. I want out of this place. I’m tired of my parent’s ways, this is not Japan, this is America.”

Hiraku smiled, “This is who we are. It’s no different than over on 5th street.”

Mei scrunched her face in confusion.

“On 5th it’s all Jewish families and Jewish traditions. America is a melting pot and these types of communities keep cultural traditions.”

Mei rolled her eyes; he sounded like one of her social studies teachers instead of a kid who just graduated. But that was Hiraku, he was the scholarly pride of his family. While Mei was excited at the prospect of the first summer since high school, Hiraku was already packing for university.

He sensed her frustration and shifted gears. He was lucky a gorgeous girl like Mei was actually hanging out with him, no other girl in the building had a thing on Mei and he didn’t want to blow anytime they could spend together.

“Well, America or not,” he started, “I thought you were dating Daniel Kim.”

Mei stroked Hiraku’s leg, brushing her hand dangerously close to the bulge that was forming in the fabric of his jeans. “We date on and off. Nothing serious.”

Hiraku wasn’t sure if he believed her or not, but the closer Mei scooted towards him—on his parent’s couch, both of whom were at work—the less he cared. And the longer she let her hand linger, the more frantic his hormones became.

“Besides, weren’t you with that Jessica Divers girl from school?”

Hiraku cringed at the name. He and Jessica, as well as Mei, all graduated from the same school. Hiraku had one date with Jessica, he enjoyed it, but after the verbal tongue lashing he’d received from his parents—and the fellow Japanese tenants—it wasn’t worth seeing her again. “That’s different. We went on one date,” Hiraku defended his actions.

Mei only smiled in response and closed the remaining space between their bodies. She wrapped her arm around Chang’s neck and brought her lips to his ear. “I can do things Jessica Divers can’t.”

Mei’s hot breath stood his hair on end. Hiraku’s back arched with excitement as her hot breath was replaced by her even hotter lips. Mei sucked his earlobe, biting gently, then ran her tongue slowly up the length of his cartilage.

“What do you want?” Mei cooed in his ear. She felt his body tighten with her words and she relished the power and control she wielded. A few choice words, kisses here and there and these sheltered Japanese boys turned to putty.

Hiraku knew what he wanted, although he had no idea how to say it. He wanted the same thing he wanted all throughout high school. It was something he’d never gotten except in dreams.

“I… uh,” Hiraku fumbled, unable to speak.

Mei rubbed his bulge again. “You have to tell me or I won’t know what to do.” She mocked pouting as if she were a confused child needing assistance.

It took him a few more minutes of petting before Hiraku worked up the nerve, but once he finally spoke up, Mei had no trouble slowly bobbing up and down on his short, fat cock. She smiled before taking his length, happy with her power.

Her devilishly skilled tongue was too much for the inexperience young man, and before long, Hiraku unleashed his warm sticky load into her mouth. Hiraku sheepishly tried to apologize, but Mei swallowed with a smile, wiping away some over flow from the corner of her mouth with a slender finger. “That was fun,” she beamed.

* * *

When she heard the doctor’s words, it felt like a dream, a movie. Surely, this was not her life; her life was fun and worry free.

* * *

4 days ago

“So, what did you do yesterday?” Daniel asked, going in for a kiss. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted them. He didn’t really want to know, plus he quickly regretted the kiss as Mei dodged, allowing him to only plant it on her cheek instead of the lips.

“Nothing really. I’ve actually felt a little sick these last few days.” At least part of her statement was true. She had been a little nauseous recently, although it hadn’t deterred her from blowing Hiraku. Perhaps it was the semen, maybe she should change to spitting.

Daniel sighed heavily; he’d been wrong for opening the conversation, but now that it was on the table, he wasn’t about to walk away that easily. He knew she’d been with Hiraku yesterday, at least that’s what he’d been told by some friends—and with some guy named Tommy from school the week before. And these friends had no reason to lie.

“Mei,” he sighed again. Daniel didn’t mind that she went out; he just wanted to know where he stood and to at least be told the truth. “I… I love you, you know that, right?”

“Don’t,” Mei stated firmly. “I don’t want to have this conversation right now.” She wasn’t cheating and didn’t want to be accused of it. She was eighteen-years-old, dating, and she loved sex.

“How would you feel if I went out with lots of different girls?”

She let her face soften. There was an easy way out of this, or at least a way of postponing the talk. Besides, it might prove to be fun. “Come here,” she said, grabbing his shirt and planting a soft kiss on his neck. “Don’t worry about it.”

Mei worked over his neck, feeling his tension melt away. She wasn’t stupid; even if she had fun elsewhere, Daniel was her bread and butter. He offered her a place to hang out when she didn’t want to be with her father in their cramped space. He bought her things, took her to dinner and the movies. Like Hiraku, Daniel was smart and had a good job. In the end, he would be someone good to settle down with, she just didn’t want to settle down yet. She wanted fun. So while Mei wasn’t in love with him yet, she was willing to throw him a bone now and then to keep the gravy train rolling.

“What can I do to keep you from roaming with other girls?” she giggled seductively. “Would this help?” Mei started slowly unbuttoning her white blouse. One by one, until her breasts were spilling out.

“It’s helping,” Daniel said, unable to hide his smile.

Without taking off her shirt, Mei undid her bra from behind and pulled it off; now, either side of her unbuttoned blouse just barely covered up her nipples, leaving the inside of her milk white curves visible.

Daniel felt his cock spring to life.

“I’m sorry if I upset you. You should punish me.” Mei turned and bent over the kitchen table, wondering if Daniel would really do something. Guys like Hiraku and Daniel dreamed big; their conservative upbringing bred wild desires. But they had trouble fulfilling those fantasies in the real world. Dreaming was easier.

Daniel looked around the apartment, half expecting his parents to come back early from work at the store. “Are you serious?” he said, choking on the words.

Mei flipped her skirt up, “Come find out.”

* * *

Mei whimpered into the cool night air. “This is not my life.”

But it was. She wanted to play the games, but she never suspected she could lose. Now, it was time to pay up. Eighteen and pregnant. Worst of all, she had no idea who the father was.

Although everyone had their suspicions, the whole building finally agreed: Mei was a whore. None of the guys would talk or look at her now, and her father was disgraced. Even the white boys from school, who loved to call Mei up, suddenly disappeared in just the three days since she informed everyone she was pregnant.

It was like a brush fire, she thought, the way information spread. How the mighty have fallen.

What surprised her the most was the reaction from the rest of her social world. Her world beyond the run-down barrio in which she lived. She loved hanging out with the American boys from school. And the American boys seemed to love her. In her mind, they fucked the right way, without shame. They way she thought sex should be. Hot and steamy, passionate. Mei thought it would be just her father, Daniel and the building who would shun her after the news. They were traditionalists; she was surprised to find that the Americans, the whites, she had so admired, were just as quick to drop a pregnant girl. With all their modern ways of thinking, it still seemed that no eighteen-year-old male wanted to get tied down with a pregnant girl. Perhaps they hadn’t shamed her the way the building had, but they dropped her just the same.

She chuckled softly from the hopeless irony. The baby was going to be white. She was sure of it. She’d only had sex with Daniel once and he was adamant about wearing a condom. Even the other day, after she bent over the table, had amounted to nothing but oral—same as with Hiraku. Maybe she would have had a chance if it was Daniel or Hiraku’s baby; but as it stood now, she was out. Daniel was furious, Hiraku was terrified that he’d caught some STD—not previously knowing that she’d been with a man—and all her father had given her was bus fare before he kicked her out.

“Be gone before sun down,” he had screamed.

That wasn’t love, Mei thought. Her father was just as bad as the other cultures he defamed. Just as bad as the genital mutilations in Africa, the honor killings in the Muslim religion… killing to preserve honor. She had to laugh. And America was just as bad; the death penalty: killing people for killing people.

It was her last thought before darkness washed over her. She didn’t even register the pain of being struck.

It was still dark outside when Mei’s eyes finally opened. Despite the moon, she could barely discern her surroundings. Her head throbbed and her mouth was dry; she tried to move but felt pressure on all sides of her body.

A shrill voice pierced her ears; Mei winced at the harsh Japanese dialect. She recognized her name and a few other words in the speech, but nothing concrete. She blinked, her vision started to clear, and in the moonlight she could make out several figures standing above her.

Above her?

Mei struggled again. Only her head moved; she tasted sand.

I’m buried. Oh, my God! Where did they take me? I’m buried up to my

The voice cut her thoughts off, more Japanese words of hate. She caught her name again and the other words were for dishonor, and lechery, or unfaithful. She couldn’t be sure.

“Please, I’m sorry. Help me…” She tried switching to Japanese, struggling to pronounce her words correctly, hoping to reach her captors.

The voice ignored her pleas and continued. Mei knew that these people—five figures in all—, whoever they were, were from her building. She was still too dazed from the blow to her head to recognize the voice.

Could be Daniel.

Could have been anyone, their faces were hooded, further scrambling the voice. Then Mei noticed that the figures were not just standing there; they were moving, but Mei couldn’t really be witnessing what she thought she saw.

She recognized another word, one that only the American boys had used. Something brand new in movies, perhaps? It was a B word.

Mei forced herself to concentrate, strained her eyes and focused. In horror she realized she was right, her captives were fondling themselves, masturbating as they shouted insults at her.

The B word again, Bukkake; but this time, Mei remembered what it was. She remembered just before the first hot load splattered across her face; the man grunted heavily.

“Please, no! Daniel is that—”

A second cry broke her words off and yet another jet of sticky sperm landed on her face; this one hitting her straight in the left eye.

“Aggh” she cried. It burned and blinking was doing nothing to relieve the pain. She wanted to wipe the spunk away, but there was no chance of her breaking free of her sand encasement.

Mei’s sanity shattered as three more loads of man juice, a substance she had once cherished, threatened to drown her. She thought it couldn’t get any worse; then, through sperm-stuck eyelids she saw the blade. It’s steel glinted in the moonlight; a razor sharp katana. Deep below the sand, Mei soiled herself with fear.

She remembered what Bukkake was, what it really was—or at least what it was rumored to be—, back in Feudal Japan.

It was more than just mass ejaculation. More than just public humiliation. Sometimes it even ended in death; death to those who were unfaithful, those who were sexually shameful—cheaters.

And despite what Mei told herself, she was a cheater.

Mei closed her eyes as the blade swiped across the sand. In her vision, the moon turned upside down—the last image on her retina—as her sperm-soaked head rolled across the sand, turning the soft white grains red.
