About the Authors

James Beamon writes because he has to… and he can’t find anything worth watching on T.V. But he doesn’t need T.V. when his wife is a muse and his son is amused by the stuff he makes up. And the cat… well, the cat’s not a fan of speculative fiction but has learned to attack on command. James calls Virginia home but his IT work takes him all over the globe. A quick peek into his mind and latest projects can be found at http://fictigristle.wordpress.com

Kenneth Whitfield’s work has appeared in the comic anthologies: Death Rattle, Trailer Park of Terror and When Drive-Ins Attack!, the prose anthologies: DemonMinds and Gone With the Dirt: Undead Dixie, and online at Horror Garage. He currently resides in North Carolina and is working on more dark tales.

Jason Andrew lives in Seattle, Washington with his wife Lisa. He is an associate member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and member of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers. By day, he works as a mild-mannered technical writer. By night, he writes stories of the fantastic and occasionally fights crime. As a child, Jason spent his Saturdays watching the Creature Feature classics and furiously scribbling down stories; his first short story, written at age six, titled ‘The Wolfman Eats Perry Mason’ was rejected and caused his Grandmother to watch him very closely for a few years.

Natalie L. Sin is a horror writing living in the Midwest. Her work has appeared in numerous print and online publications including The New Bedlam Project, The Red Penny Papers, the upcoming Nocturnal Emissions Anthology (Library of Horror Press). When not writing Sin enjoys too much coffee, and Japanese rock.

MP Johnson pukes up stories about monsters and weirdos. He is the mastermind behind Freak Tension fanzine, which covers punk rock and things that eat brains. His horror stories have appeared in a wide range of underground books and mags. Find out more at www.freaktension.com.

JD Stone is the pen name for Daniel Fabiani, a native New Yorker with a bullet mouth and sharp opinion. His stories have been featured in Sins & Tragedies, Pill Hill Press, Library of Horror Press and more. He’s writer currently disguised in scrubs at his day job, but is breaking out as a journalist. You can contact him at: SolitarySpiral@gmail.com.

Gregory L. Norris lives and writes at the outer limits of New Hampshire. A former columnist and feature writer at Sci Fi, the official magazine of the Sci Fi Channel (before all those ridiculous Ys invaded), he once worked as a screenwriter on two episodes of Paramount’s STAR TREK: VOYAGER series. He is the author of, among others, The Q Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Alyson Books) and The Fierce and Unforgiving Muse: A Baker’s Dozen from the Terrifying Mind of Gregory L. Norris (Evil Jester Press, 2011)

Kenneth E. Olson has published the stories “Remember Me” (with artist Chris McJunkin, with whom he also co-created the comic book Ninja Garden), in Dark Horrors Anthology #1 from Arcana Press, “Hope Eternal” (with artist Olli Hihnala) in Mysterious Visions After Hours #1 from Dimestore Press, “Endless Embrace” in Being Magazine and “Depths” on the Stargate website. He lives in Minnesota with his wife Emily, his two children Gage and Morgan, three hamsters, two fish, and a dog named Lucky. He also believes a raccoon may be living under his deck, but makes no claim of it as a pet.

John McNee is employed as a reporter for a local newspaper on the west coast of Scotland. In his spare time he writes horror fiction. He is a firm believer that the maxim “truth is stranger than fiction” only applies to those suffering from a severe lack of imagination. His work appears elsewhere in the anthologies: D.O.A., Ruthless, and Gospels of Blood, Psalms of Despair, as well as in the online and print versions of Sex and Murder magazine.

Eden Royce is a stockbroker some days and a writer most nights. She tends to “genre-hop” by including horror, erotica, sci-fi, and paranormal mystery in her stories. This is her second Blood Bound Books publication after Seasons in the Abyss. She also has several short stories with Pill Hill Press and erotica with Oysters and Chocolate. Visit her at her website, www.edenroyce.com, where she plans on… well, you’ll see.

Brad Hunter writes extreme horror under various pen names, hoping no one will figure out just how sick he is. This is his second Blood Bound Books appearance.

Larissa Alloway resides on the plains of Wyoming. She writes flash fiction and short stories of varied genres, and is close to completing her first novel. Phantom Deposit is her second story to be published.

Chris Reed is the author of more than 70 short stories. His work has appeared in a variety of small press publications including Black Ink Horror, Tattered Souls, and Midnight Echo. He is also the writer/creator of the underground mini-comix, Used Addictions and The Adventures of Lil’ Pube, both available on Facebook. When not writing and drawing, he enjoys browsing thrift stores, waiting for hockey fights to break out, and eating way too much pizza.

KV Taylor hails from the foothills of West Virginia, but currently lives in the DC Metro area with her husband and mutant cat. Her short fiction can be found at kvtaylor.com, and her first novel, Scripped, is forthcoming from Belfire Press in Summer 2011. She edits for Morrigan Books and collects The Red Penny Papers in her dining room.

Jacquelyn Summerset is a 29 year old book lover whose time is spent writing, drawing, and searching the dark places of the universe. She hopes to return to school and receive her A.A. in English Lit. and to spend some time in the Peace Corp. You can find her at : http://earthlinglife.blogspot.com/.

Lawrence Conquest is British, which may account for his odd sense of humour. He is also avowedly celibate, especially when it comes to zombies. His story ‘The Face in the Sand’ (published in Night Terrors) received an honourable mention in Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year 2010, and his horror-comedy-superhero novella ‘Feeding Ambition’ is forthcoming from Blood Bound Books. More info can be found at www.lawrence-conquest.blogspot.com.

Emily Veinglory typically writes gay romance or high fantasy. Sometimes she writes something completely different. This is one of those times.

Rex McGuire lives in The City.

Jenny Corvette is a freelance writer living in Michigan. She’s been published at Ruthie’s Club, Sex-kitten.net, Associated Content, oystersandchocolate.com, raunchytaters.com, and she will have 5 short stories published in print anthologies published by Twin Trinity Media next year.

Tonia Brown lives in the hills of North Carolina with her fantastic husband and an ever fluctuating number of cats. She likes fudgesicles and coffee, though not always together, and has a penchant for Victorian dead things. You can learn more about her and her moniker, Regina Riley, at www.thebackseatwriter.com

Charlotte Nevers is a short, quiet woman with a wild imagination. She mostly enjoys spending her time weaving dark tales in her small, cool office or curling up to a good book with a tall glass of wine.
