Jon’s internal alarm clock roused him some time later. His back was sore and his abs felt tight, indicating they would be tender later, too. Travis would be thrilled when he showed up at the course later to find Jon’s driving scores dramatically low. His old friend might finally win himself a game for once.

He smiled into the shadowed room thinking of how he’d earned those aches and pains.

It was well worth the sacrifice.

Beside him, Patricia was curled up like a cozy kitten, her lush body draped over him like a warm blanket.

He let his fingers coast along her back, relishing the feel of her sweet, mouth-watering curves beneath his hand. Sometime in the night, she’d tossed her leg over his hips, nestling her hot, wet pussy against his thigh. He could feel the remnants of their lovemaking against his skin, and it made his cock twitch back to life.

She was nothing as he expected, yet everything he had hoped for…

For so long, Jon had existed in some sort of dream state, breathing, but not really living. He’d gone through the motions, running a business, maintaining friendships, sleeping with any woman who threw herself at him, but he had been empty inside. That’s what guilt did to a man. It ate at him, every single day, until there was nothing left of him but a hollowed out shell.

Then Patricia, with her fiery attitude and a body made of sin entered his life, and now he felt…alive. It was the most invigorating, eye-opening feeling he’d ever experienced. He hadn’t realized how much he resembled the walking dead until the haze surrounding him was lifted away. Now everything felt bright, fresh, and new.

The novelty of having this woman in his bed was not lost on him. He hadn’t spent a full night with a woman in so long, that he’d almost forgotten what it felt like. Almost.

Every moment he spent with Patricia felt as if she were breathing life back into his world, rounding out the rough edges, little by little.

How could one little woman do so much?

And where had she been hiding all this time?

She stirred beside him, rolling on to her back, and stretching languidly. Unable to get enough of her, Jon propped himself on his elbow and looked his fill as her small, firm breasts pushed toward the ceiling, and the muscles in her legs bunching up as she pointed her toes. She was the sexiest, most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on.

The thought hit him like a sledgehammer.

If he didn’t know better, he’d say these feelings were the trappings of love.

A private smile coasted across his face, and Jon reached out to touch her. Truthfully, he didn’t know what this…feeling…was. All he knew was that he was in no hurry to see it go. He wanted to wake up every day to this vision of beauty before him, and he wanted to end every night between her soft thighs.

He knew without a doubt that Patricia was a woman who could hold his attention and his affection for a long time. She was special, which made it easy to say what he did next.

Patricia opened her sleepy eyes, turning her head to seek him out, and the moment their gazes connected, a soft smile spread across her face.

“Hey, you. How long have you been awake?”

Jon bent his head and swept a kiss across her mouth. “Will you come to my parents’ house with me this weekend?”

Patricia blinked several times. “What?”

“I realize this probably seems like it’s coming out of left field, and you can say no,” he rushed to say, “but I hope you’ll say yes.”

Patricia blinked again, then sat up, drawing the sheet up to cover her chest. “You want me to meet your parents?”

The disbelieving tone of her voice made Jon sit upright. He funneled his fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp as he nuzzled her silky shoulder. “There’s a neighborhood yard sale held each year, and they asked me to come over to help my dad clear out some things and get the yard set up. I thought I’d bring you along.”

Picking up her hand nearest to him, Jon brought it to his mouth and ran his lips over her knuckles. She turned her head to watch him, and he could hear her breathing accelerate. Knowing he was affecting her like that sent a jolt of male pride coursing through him.

Releasing her hand, he gripped the back of her neck, turning her face toward him. He held her gaze, willing her to feel what he was feeling, to hear the sincerity in his every word. “I’m afraid you’ve turned me into an addict. I don’t want to stop touching you. I don’t want to let you out of my sight.” He kissed her fiercely. “I want to spend every moment I’m not at work, with you.”

“That’s a lot of wants,” Patricia said, her voice quavering.

“I have more,” he assured her, and took her hand, pressing her palm to his hardened cock so she knew just how much.

“I don’t know.” Patti drew her hand back. “Isn’t this kind of sudden, meeting your parents?”

“Think of it more as coming along to keep me company,” he smiled wanly. “Meeting my parents is just a side effect of keeping me happy.”

“That’s a heck of a side effect,” she grinned.

“So is getting blue balls from needing you so badly.”

She reached between his legs and cupped him. “Are you saying you need me, Mr. Bradshaw?”

Jon drew back the blanket and guided her hand so that her slender fingers wrapped tightly around the head that was already weeping for her. “Does that answer your question, Ms. Jacobs?”

A soft purr of appreciation vibrated in her throat and Patricia’s fist gripped him tighter.

Witnessing her greedy, confident reaction, Jon’s balls clenched. She had no idea what she was doing to him, but she was about to find out.

“Come here,” he growled. Before she could even think to move, Jon seized her around the waist, flipping her over on to her stomach, and then drawing her back up until she rested on all fours.

He liked a woman who enjoyed a little control. He liked it even better when he was the one delivering it.

Lowering his mouth, he touched his lips to the shell of her ear. “You never gave me an answer, Patricia,” he said, fucking her name like he was about to do to her. “Are you going to come with me?”

She shuddered beneath him. “Yes,” came her hoarse reply. “Yes, I’ll come with you.”

“Good answer.” Tucking her back snug up against his front, Jon pushed himself inside her already wet and wanting core. He took her inch by slow inch, prolonging their pleasure, teasing them both with the feel of his hard cock rubbing against her cushy walls.

Patricia released a long, almost painful sounding moan, arching her back and causing her ass to lift higher, until each thrust connected with the entire span of her swollen lips.

He increased his pace, bracing himself above her on one arm so he could gather her small body against his, fitting her every curve to perfection. He loved the way she felt under him, how tiny she was in comparison. He felt like, if he wasn’t careful, he could break her. But he knew that would never happen. A firecracker like Patricia was as sturdy as they came. Which was why, when Jon leaned back and dug his fingers into her hips, he pounded his cock into her with wild abandon.

Their sweat-dampened flesh cracked together. His balls swung like a pendulum, hitting her hardened clit with the perfect rhythm to ensure she climaxed. He drove deeper with each thrust, audibly knocking the air out of her each time his pelvis slammed against her firm, round ass.

He squeezed her so hard, he knew he’d left bruises, but her cries were from pleasure, not pain, and so Jon didn’t stop or hold back. He drove ahead, chasing his release like a runner toward the finish line.

“Come for me,” he panted, as he pulled her hips closer.

“Jon, oh, God,” she gasped, dropping her head. Her shoulders shook from the strain of holding herself up, and he could tell that she wasn’t going to last much longer.

Dropping down again, Jon framed her with his body. Placing one heavy palm on her back, just between her shoulder blades, he applied enough pressure to make her collapse into the bed. Her head twisted to the side, her breath heaving out of her as she continued to receive him.

“That’s it, Patricia,” Jon praised her. He brushed her sweaty, matted hair away from her face and pinched her chin between his fingers. Bringing his face closer, he licked across her lips then bit down gently on the bottom one. Her sharp inhale and the clench of her pussy around him revealed to him how close she was.

Determination set in.

The last time she came in his arms, it’d been because of the sound of his voice, or maybe even his choice of words. Some women got off on that, and it was clear to him that Patricia was one of them.

“Come for me, Patricia,” he said close to her ear again. “I want to feel your tight little body milking me. I want to feel my seed shoot up into you, filling that sweet pussy. Come. For. Me.”

And she did.

He felt the tremors work their way down her spine, and her body stiffened, her face contorting in pure bliss as she fell apart for him.

Seeing the pleasure she derived from him, Jon couldn’t hold out any longer. His own release shot down his spine, lighting him on fire. He came so hard, his toes curled.

When the last shudder left him, it took all of Jon’s strength with it. He collapsed on top of her, molding himself around her. Cheek to cheek, their heavy breaths mingled. His cock twitched, and her channel clenched as the aftershocks continued to work their way out of their systems.

“I think you killed me,” he told her, laughing.

“Me?” she said, her voice muffled in the surrounding blankets. “I’m the one being crushed.” She shifted, as much as someone who was outweighed by a good one hundred pounds could shift in her position, and shoved against him.

Using what little strength he had left, Jon rolled over to his side of the bed, looping his arms around her and taking her with him. He was serious when he said he wasn’t ready to let her go yet. Maybe not ever.

Patricia came willingly, cuddling up next to him and resting her head on his left pec, which he was quickly coming to think of as her place.

“Do you have anything to do today?” she inquired around a yawn.

Jon ran his finger through her long hair. “Not today.” Travis was going to kick his ass when he figured out that Jon had stood him up, but he didn’t care.

If he could stay in bed all day, making love to Patricia’s body, and never have to deal with the outside world again, he could die a happy man.

He just hoped that she felt the same way about him.

* * *

The rest of the week passed like an impossible dream. Jon took Monday off and they spent the day in bed, exploring each other’s body, making love in every position and every place they could find. They made love in the shower, soap slicking their skin so they glided off one another. They made love on his couch during the opening credits of a movie they’d ordered on cable. By its end, when they finally came up for air, he had no idea what the movie was about, but he knew that if he pinched Patricia’s nipples hard enough while pumping into her, he could make her scream his name.

But what really sent shivers down his spine and kept him hard as a rock during the most inopportune times, like when he was sitting in a meeting surrounded by a table of serious faces dressed in perfectly pressed suits, came down to a single moment that stood out above all the rest.

It was Wednesday and he’d gone straight to her place after work, needing to see her and touch her to reaffirm that she was real and not just a really good dream. They’d watched a bit of television and she’d made them lasagna, and afterward, she’d taken him back to her bedroom and he’d made slow, passionate love to her. Afterward, they’d talked about their lives, the places they’d gone, the things they still wanted to do, all before she’d finally fallen asleep, while he’d remained wide-awake. He wasn’t tired in the least, but he’d already kept her up half the week, staying up late each night to love each other’s bodies into exhaustion.

He couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

Once he was sure she was asleep, Jon had slipped out of bed and stepped into the shower. He let the water flow over him, tapping his skin in warm, gentle pulses until he was finally relaxed enough to catch a couple of hours of sleep so he could get through work the following day without falling over at his desk.

When he’d stepped out of the shower, it was to find her standing there, leaning against the sink, completely naked.

Her eyes, flaring with desire, coasted down his body. Jon went instantly rock hard for her. He went to her then, curling his fingers around her hips and drawing her to him the rest of the way. He took her mouth slowly, relishing the high of having her lips on him, her tongue stroking his, until he had to break away before he lost it right there in the middle of the bathroom floor.

Rising onto her tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, swiping the flat of her tongue up the side of his throat and ending at his ear where she nipped his lobe playfully.

Then she said the most devastating words he’d ever heard a woman speak. “I’m hungry,” she whispered into his ear.

“Then crawl back into bed and I’ll whip up some breakfast,” he said, misunderstanding.

He moved to set her away from him, when she surprised him. With a strong hand, she gripped his hard shaft in her fist and tugged. When he looked down into her eyes, he saw a fierce hunger burning back at him.

“I’m not hungry for breakfast.”

Then, to his utter amazement, she undid him completely. Dropping down on to her knees before him, she caught his eyes as she leaned forward and opened her mouth wide to suck him in completely.

He could still feel her silky hair between his fingers, and hear her moans when he spoke to her. “That’s right, suck it, Patricia. Let me feed you.”

Her arousal was so strong, it leaked from her tight sheath, and he watched, rapt, when she reached between her legs to spread her moisture, fingering her clit and dipping into her pussy.

He came hard in her mouth, driving himself so deep down her throat she had to work to suppress her gag reflex. That only drove him higher. Watching her swallow him down, her eyes closed tightly and her fingers working feverishly, until she came apart, too, drove him insane.

He was an experienced man when it came to women, but with Patricia, every act felt like something new, something to relish and cherish. With her, he was virgin all over again.

There was only one other time in his life that he’d ever experienced something similar, but even that didn’t hold a candle to what she did to him. It was surreal and astonishing, and he wasn’t sure what he would do if it went to shit like everything else in his life had up to that point. He just didn’t think he could handle hurting her, but he knew it was only a matter of time before he did.

Jon’s life was a pile of ruins masked by wealth and power. If he allowed her to get too close, if she got even the smallest glimpse of whom he really was and what he’d done, she’d be devastated, too. But he was inherently selfish, which was why he refused to let her go now, knowing he ought to send her away for her own good. She felt too damn good, fit too damn perfect, and he wanted to hold on to the little bit of happiness she’d brought his way for as long as he could.

This was why anger and frustration roiled in his gut Saturday morning as he drove them both to his childhood home.
