Angelina stood in the corner of the big meeting room at Malone and Sons, where there were more people packed in than sardines in a can. The flurry of activity bewildered her. She’d expected Micah to turn over the letters to the police and then they’d wait to see where the investigation went, but this?

Micah, Connor, Nathan and Gray were sitting at one of the long tables, heads bent in conversation with four police officers. Even Damon was present, though he stood to the side, his hands in the pockets of his expensive slacks. Though his pose might seem bored, his eyes were tuned in to every nuance of the conversation going on.

Pop Malone sat at the head of the table, and every once in a while he waded into the conversation with his gruff, raspy voice.

There were three other men, not in uniform, who Angelina could only surmise were either off-duty cops or just friends of the group.

They were going through the notes, using gloves, discussing and analyzing the stalker like a bug under a microscope.

It wasn’t that police work was something new to her. She’d witnessed David and Micah and any number of other Miami cops deep into their cases. At any given time, Hannah had made dinner for a dozen cops when they were over discussing a particularly hard case.

But Angelina herself had never been the focus of any of it. Stalkers didn’t rate up there with rapists and murderers, and other than getting a restraining order, provided the identity was known, there wasn’t often a lot that could be done.

She wondered where Faith, Julie and Serena were. As fiercely protective as all the guys were, she couldn’t imagine they’d been left alone somewhere.

It was as though she’d been forgotten in the intensity of the meeting. She didn’t like standing on the edge, didn’t like the feeling of helplessness that gripped her. She didn’t like the idea of these people, Micah’s friends, her friends, putting themselves at risk for her.

It wasn’t until now that she’d realized how much she missed being part of the camaraderie and absolute loyalty of the police force David had belonged to. Until they’d turned away, thinking the worst of her brother.

“You want something to drink, sweetie?”

She blinked and looked up to see Connor standing in front of her. Her gaze went to the table, to see that the overall meeting was apparently over and now everyone had split into smaller groups, their heads bent in conversation.

“I’d love something with caffeine,” she admitted.

He curled his hand around the back of her neck and squeezed and massaged gently.

“You look tired. You just got out of the hospital. You need to be resting.”

“I’m not sure I’ll ever rest again,” she said honestly.

“We’re going to take care of you,” he promised. “Micah’s not going to let this asshole get to you.”

She wanted to believe it, but Micah was only one man. He wasn’t invincible. If intentions were all it took, then nothing would ever hurt her. Micah was fierce in his intent to protect her.

“Stay right here. I’ll get you a Coke.”

She smiled faintly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

If she stood any longer, she was going to collapse. Her legs felt all rubbery, and her knees trembled. Since there wasn’t a free chair in the room, she simply slid her back down the wall behind her until her butt hit the floor.

In the next instant, Micah crouched down in front of her, his worried gaze seeking hers.

“Hey, Angel girl, are you okay?” he asked softly.

When Connor arrived, Micah reached up to get the Coke he extended. He popped the tab and put the cold can in her hand.

She sipped gratefully at it. The adrenaline was definitely wearing off, and she was crashing hard.

“What’s the plan?” she asked after taking several gulps.

“I’ll tell you everything later. Right now I need to get you home. You’re dead on your feet.”

She shivered when he trailed a finger over her cheek. No matter how fatigued she was, her body jumped to life whenever he touched her. He was a craving, dark and erotic, one she had absolutely no control over.

His nostrils flared, and his features went tight. He felt it too, this intense connection that sizzled between them. Right now she could see the war he waged with himself. He was so readable. He wanted her. He wanted to take her and use her, but he also wanted to care for her. He thought her too weak and tired for what he wanted.

Didn’t he know that he was all she needed?

“Take me home,” she whispered.

He pulled her to her feet and tucked her securely against his side. Damon stopped them when they got to the door.

“I have an idea,” he said in a quiet voice.

“I’m listening,” Micah said.

“You and Angelina should stay at The House.”

Micah looked at Damon like he’d lost his mind.

“I’m not stashing her in a fucking sex club.”

“That’s just it,” Damon said patiently. “It’s probably the last place this asshole would look. Cover your tracks, take Angelina to The House. It has all the amenities. Kitchen, bathroom. You could have your choice of the upstairs bedrooms. I can close it to the public for as long as you need a place to stay. The security is impeccable, but I’m open to having your men do whatever updating or beefing up you feel is necessary.”

Micah rubbed his chin thoughtfully and then glanced down at Angelina. She could feel the tension in his body, coiled like a snake.

“It’s a good idea,” Micah admitted. “You’ve got enough surveillance there that no one could breathe on the place and get away with it.”

Damon nodded. “Take her there tonight. I can have Serena bring you both clothing and all the necessities tomorrow morning. The kitchen is stocked. I have a full staff, so you don’t have to worry about cooking or housekeeping.”

Micah shook his head. “I want everyone out. If I’m taking her there, it’ll be just her and me.”

“If that’s what you prefer. I’ll put my staff on vacation for as long as necessary.

Micah put his hand on Damon’s shoulder. “Thank you. I appreciate this.”

“We both do,” Angelina said.

Damon smiled at her, his brown eyes warm with affection.

“I consider Micah a very dear friend, even if he doesn’t allow me to make that claim very readily. I consider you a friend as well, Angelina. If there is anything either of you need, you have only to call.”

“Come on, Angel,” Micah said gently when she wobbled on her feet. “Let’s go get whatever we’ll need for tonight, and then we’ll see about losing any potential followers on our way to The House.”

“Do you really think he’s watching?” she asked in a troubled voice.

“I won’t lie. It’s a possibility. He was certainly watching the apartment complex. He knew just when you were alone, and he knew enough about Nathan’s association with you, and where Nathan lived, to warn him off.”

She shuddered and burrowed closer to his body. He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

“We’ll get him, Angel. You have a lot of people working this case.

She looked up at him. “I know you will. I trust you, Micah.”

“Let me tell the others what we’re doing and then we’ll get out of here.”

She nodded, and he left her briefly to go talk to the others.

“Are you going to be all right?” Damon asked.

“I don’t know,” she said truthfully. “I’m scared. More now than I was in Miami. There it was just me. Here there are more people involved. I don’t want anyone hurt.”

“You just worry about staying safe. Let us worry about ourselves.”

“Where are Serena and the others?” she asked.

Damon smiled, his teeth flashing white. “They’re unhappy with me at present, but I have them sequestered at my home with a very surly bodyguard who poses as a chauffeur.”

She had to suppress the urge to giggle. “I’m glad they’re safe.”

“As I said, don’t worry about them or us. We take care of our own. We’ll find this guy.” He gestured over his shoulder. “They have the manpower. I have unlimited capital. It’s a good combination. He won’t be able to hide forever.”

Angelina winced. “I feel like I already owe you all so much.”

Damon shrugged. “There is no debt. There is no price I wouldn’t pay to keep the ones I love safe. Serena is everything to me. Micah is one of my closest friends. And you are someone who needs the shelter of friendship most of all.”

She shook her head. “Unbelievable. I never dreamed people like you existed. All of you.” She waved her hand in a helpless circle. It honestly baffled her that all these people were willing to go to the wall for her.

“You ready?” Micah asked as he slipped up next to her again.

She nodded.

He brought her palm up to his lips and kissed it lightly. “Then let’s go.”
