Micah lay next to Angelina, listening to her breathe. She’d drifted off almost as soon as he’d climbed into bed with her, and he didn’t dare move now for fear of disturbing her. Plus he liked holding her. He needed to hold her. He’d come so close to losing her.

He carefully moved his hand from her back, sliding over her hips and then low on her belly. He cupped the area just above her pelvis where the baby—his baby—was nestled.

That knowledge blew him away. His baby. A life created by him and Angelina. Part of him was shamed that the baby had been created in a moment of blind lust, at a time when he’d lost complete control. He would have rather the conception happened when he’d tenderly made love to Angelina. But their relationship wasn’t tender. It wasn’t easy. It was volatile. She gave and he took. But that was going to end. Starting now.

A soft knock sounded at the door, and he stiffened. Then it cracked open and Connor stuck his head in.

“Uh, I can come back,” he said.

“No, it’s okay. She’s sleeping. Just keep it down,” Micah said.

Connor walked in, followed by Nathan. They stopped at the foot of the bed and stared down at Angelina sleeping in Micah’s arms.

“How is she doing?” Nathan asked.

“She woke up for just a few minutes and the nurse gave her pain medication. She’s been out ever since. Doc said the shot was just a flesh wound and she’ll be okay.”

“And the baby?” Connor asked softly.

“According to lab work, everything’s normal.”

“Hey, that’s great, man. You gonna kick my ass if I congratulate you?” Nathan asked.

Micah smiled. “No, not at all. I think I’ll be happy about it once it’s all said and done and I know for sure Angelina’s going to be all right. She’s my priority right now.”

“They found Devereaux,” Connor said. “Just like Angelina said. Tied up in the abandoned house he took her to. She worked him over pretty good. He looked like shit.”

“Good. I wish she’d killed the bastard,” Micah gritted out. “I was such a goddamn fool for trusting him. I brought him right to her front door. Hell, I practically gift wrapped and delivered her up on a silver platter.”

“Don’t beat yourself up, man,” Nathan said. “He wasn’t going to stop until he had her. She took care of herself. You should be proud of her for that. Think I’ll have her teach Julie a thing or two about self-defense.”

Connor snorted. “Men are already afraid of Julie.”

Nathan grinned. “That’s good. Then I don’t have to worry about beating their asses for getting too close to her. Now I can lead a peaceful existence.”

“Not if you keep her around for a long time,” Connor said.

Nathan smiled. “As a matter of fact, I’m going to pick up the ring tomorrow.”

“Hey that’s great, man,” Micah said sincerely. “Julie’s a great girl. You know I love her to death.”

He hadn’t seen Nathan so happy since he’d hooked up with Julie. He remembered how happy he’d been with Hannah. He wanted that again. He wanted what his friend had. It hit him like a ton of bricks. Longing. Envy. He wanted what Angelina had so sweetly offered him. Her love. Her trust. And he never wanted to let go.

He’d wanted some kind of guarantee that he’d never hurt again like he’d hurt when Hannah died. But what he’d experienced in the hours following Angelina’s abduction was a hell like no other. There had never been any hope when he’d learned of Hannah’s death. It was quick, merciful. He’d spent the longest day of his life not knowing if Angelina was alive or dead or if he’d ever see her again.

Now that he had her back, he only wanted one more day. One at a time. To make the best of each and every one.

“You okay, man?” Connor asked.

“I’ve been such a dumbass.”

He pressed his lips to Angelina’s temple and breathed in the scent of her hair.

How much had he hurt her with his adamancy? He’d told her he’d take whatever she had to offer but told her in no uncertain terms not to expect a damn thing from him. He winced as his own words played over and over in his memory.

“You finally figure it all out?” Nathan asked.

Micah turned to look at his friend. “Figure what out?”

“What the rest of us have known from the day Angelina walked back into your life.”

“I didn’t love her then,” Micah admitted. “She blindsided me.”

“Don’t they always,” Nathan drawled. “Julie ring any bells? Woman was as subtle as a freight train, but hey, us guys live in stupidity, or so I’m told.”

Connor pinned him with an even stare. “So what are you going to do about it?”

“Whatever it takes. She’s pregnant with my baby. Even if she wasn’t, I’d never let her go. I want us to be a family. She’s my second chance, one I tried to throw away so many times it’s a wonder she never gave up on me.”

“We wouldn’t be men if we didn’t do stupid shit women don’t understand,” Nathan said. “ ‘It’s genetic’ is a perfectly good excuse.”

Micah cracked a grin. Angelina stirred beside him and he looked down, his finger over his lips. But all she did was snuggle a little closer to his chest and go still again.

Not caring that he had an audience, he ran the tip of his finger over her jaw and to her chin.

“We’re going to skate on out of here,” Connor said. “We just wanted to check in on Angelina. Let us know if there’s anything you need, okay?”

“Thanks for the update. I’m glad they found the son of a bitch,” Micah said. “If you see Sanchez, let him know how much I appreciate all his efforts.”

“Think he’s planning to come by later to see if Angelina’s up to talking,” Nathan said.

Micah nodded and gathered Angelina close once more. His two friends waved and headed back out of the door, leaving them alone.

He stared back down at her face, her lashes resting delicately against her cheeks, the dark smudges beneath her eyes, like bruises.

This ... this was what love looked like. Vulnerable yet strong. Constant, unwavering. She’d fought her way back to him, protecting not only herself, but her unborn child and him. She’d put herself between him and Chad, a fact that laid him low every single time he remembered lying helpless on the floor while she bargained for his life.

He was absolutely, completely unworthy of her loyalty. The magnitude of injustice he’d heaped on her was enough to make him sick. He’d treated her like some sexual conquest, a toy to slake his lust while he kept his heart guarded and safe.

She was beautiful inside and out. She was strong, resilient, and he couldn’t imagine anyone else having his children.

God, children.

He closed his eyes and blew out his breath. The knowledge that she carried his child blew his mind. Not even with Hannah would he have experienced such indescribable satisfaction that the life he and a woman had created was theirs and solely theirs. A child shared between him and a woman he loved. With Hannah, that child would have been shared with David, his but not his. It was an agreement that caused no regrets, but now the knowledge that he had to share nothing with another man was a revelation that opened the door on possessiveness he’d never known he could feel.

He could never share Angelina or their child with another man. It made him crazy to even think about it. She was his and only his.

He bent and whispered against her soft skin. “I never want you to know another day without my love, Angel girl.”
