
Before anyone else, I have to thank God for continuing to give me the ability and the opportunity to live out my dreams. Ten years ago, I first started trying to get published. Twelve novels, five novellas and two short stories later, part of me still can’t believe that my dream has become my reality.

Sincerest thanks also go to my husband, Matthew, whose love and support is the stuff romance novels are made of. Further gratitude goes to my agent, Nancy Yost, who’s been riding this roller coaster with me almost from the beginning. This book also wouldn’t be possible without the wonderful people at Harlequin, who’ve championed The Beautiful Ashes as though they wrote it themselves. There are too many of you to list, so in the interest of space, I’m only highlighting my editor, Margo Lipschultz, Shara Alexander from Publicity and Reka Rubin from Subrights. “Thanks” doesn’t even begin to cover everything you and the rest of the Harlequin HQN team have done.

Finally, a huge thank-you to readers, book sellers, librarians, reviewers and bloggers. Without your enthusiasm for reading and spreading the word about books, authors like me would have no one to share our stories with, and that would be very sad indeed.
