With many, many thanks to: My fabulous agent, Jenoyne Adams, for her never-ending energy, time, and dedication to all my books; my incredible editor, Janine O'Malley, for loving this novel and the main character, Jane, as much as I do; the rest of the FSG team (Jill Davis, Irene Metaxatos, John Nora, Karla Reganold, and Nancy Seitz) for their awesomeness; Deena Lipomi and Emily Marshall, for their endless support, cheerleading, and friendship; all of my critique partners, Deena, Emily, Julie, and Mandy, for always having amazing insights and suggestions; the supercool baristas at my local Starbucks, for letting me write the entire book from the same table in their store and letting me study them without thinking I was a freak; my mom, dad, brothers, and the rest of my great family for their continuous love and support; my four fantastic kids, Teegan, Maya, London, and Gavin, for making my every day sweet and fun and not holding it against me when I hit the cafés to write at night; and, most important, my wonderful husband, Athens, who always believed I could and would do this.
