On Tuesday afternoon, I'm walking briskly down Wabash on my way to work, feeling proud of myself. I went back to school today and actually sat through all my morning high school classes and my two afternoon college classes, taking notes and everything. I even swapped e-mails with this girl Courtney in my chemistry class who said she'd help me get up to speed. The college teachers were all really nice and understanding about me being gone the last couple of weeks to take care of my poor sick grandma.

(I had to say something, right?) My study hall teacher never even noticed I was gone; my home ec teacher assigned some make-up raspberry tarts and a cheese strudel to cover my missed assignments; and my ceramics teacher was so laid back all he said was that it was "cool" to see me. I walk into the store and instantly I can see that Derek is pissed.

"What's wrong?" I venture, not really wanting to know, in case it has something to do with me.

"What did I ask you to do last night? What did I specifically stop into the store and ask you to do?"

Uh-oh. The inventory. I totally forgot. "Oh, Derek, I'm so sorry. I forgot."

" 'Oh, Derek, I'm so sorry. I forgot,' " he mocks, in a really silly high voice. I so don't sound like that. "Yeah, well, a hell of a lot of good that does me. I guess we just don't need stock for next week, huh?"

"I'm sorry, I really am. Is there anything I can do?" I ask. Please don't fire me, please don't fire me, I chant silently in my head.

"You did quite enough," he angrily huffs. I notice Sarah hovering in front of the cash register with a slightly amused expression, pretending not to listen.

"Well, is there someone I can call? We are only half a day late with the order. I'm sure they can still take it."

"Never mind," he says. "I already took care of it."

"We'll still get our stock in for next week, then?" I ask, wondering why he is freaking out at me.

"Yes, we'll still get our stock in for next week." He slams a box of cups into a cabinet and stomps off to his office.

I look at Sarah with my jaw dropped in a "what was that?" look and she mouths, "Bad date."

"Oh." I giggle and she joins me.

"So, hey," Sarah says, "Simone called me a little while ago on my cell. She said that you set her up with Gavin."

"That I did," I say proudly. "Aren't they freakin' cute together?"

"Totally. Simone is in heaven. She said he already called her and they talked for two hours last night. They have a lunch date for tomorrow."

"That's great." I'm happy that my plan seems to be working.

"I didn't know you were into matchmaking. Maybe you can hook me up with someone? I haven't had a date since Halloween."

"Really? You want me to set you up?"

"Sure, why not? Simone is happy and I want in on it, too. Go for it."

"Okay. Let me think about it for a while and I'll see what I come up with."

"Cool," Sarah says. "Hey, are you okay for a few? I'm going to run to the bathroom."

"Yeah, go ahead." I wait until she's gone and then pull out my notebook. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Hmm. She's a little more difficult. Sarah is more of a seasonal girl. That is, she changes her drink with each season or holiday. I flip through the pages and finally settle on pumpkin spice latte, her current drink of choice.

"Ah, there we are," I mumble out loud.

Small Pumpkin Spice Latte

Lots of fun and a bit sassy. Up-to-date with all the latest trends and has a bit of an exotic flair. Wants to have a good time and not be tied down for long. Cute and playful. Likes a good thing but not too much of a good thing. Not the commitment type. She's the kind of friend who is a lot of fun to hang out with and doesn't make you feel like you owe her anything ...

"You've GOT to be kidding me," Derek says as he steps around the corner, staring directly at my notebook.

Ah, crap. Man, I'm just batting a thousand today with him.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asks, just as two older women with Tammy Faye Bakker makeup jobs walk in and head straight for the counter. "Sarah? Sarah?"

he calls out. I stuff my notebook back under the counter.

"She's in the bathroom," I say.

Sarah comes walking quickly toward us, smoothing down her apron. "Sorry about that." She gives us one of those "you know how it is when you have to go" smiles.

"Sarah, cover Jane. Jane, let's go back in my office and talk."

Ugh. This is so not cool. I give Sarah an "it's no big deal" look and follow Derek to his office. I have to think quickly before we get there. I know he is going to yell at me about my notebook, so I need a logical reason for having it up at the counter.

Derek stomps into his office, points to a seat to indicate that I should sit down, and shuts the door behind me. "What's up?" I ask, playing stupid.

He sighs, sitting heavily into his chair opposite me.

"Jane, you understand that you're the assistant manager now, right?"

"Yeah, of course." Duh, Derek, I was totally here last week when you gave me the job.

"Well, then, that means you have to start acting like one. You need to be setting an example for the other employees. You need to be backing me up whenever I need you to do something. First you screw up the inventory, and then I catch you doing your homework while you are working. You've had the job for what, four days now? Maybe I made a mistake in promoting you.

Maybe it is too much for you to handle ..."

"No!" I protest loudly, interrupting his tirade. "I'm totally perfect for this job. And I wasn't doing my homework." Please, I've been back at school for all of eight hours. I haven't reached the point of doing homework yet.

"You weren't?" His eyebrows shoot up and he tightens his lips.

"No. I was working. I was ..." Hmm ... what was I doing? "I was coming up with new specialty drinks. I thought maybe we could do an Assistant Manager's Specialty Drink of the Week' and feature what I come up with. I was being inventive. Creative. I was being a go-getter. I was 'thinking outside the box.' " Ooh ... that's a good one.

"Hmm." He seems to consider this. Believe me, believe me, believe me, I beam at him with my eyes. "Well, that's not a bad idea," he says. I relax into my seat. "But it would have to be a 'Manager's Specialty Drink of the Week.' " He straightens up and gets a little attitude in his voice. "I mean, I think people would want to know what the manager suggests since I AM the highest-ranking person here." I nod. "Of course."

"And it might raise sales," Derek says. He glances off to the side of his desk where his computer monitor sits and runs his index finger horizontally across his chin. Yeah, I'm sure he's thinking more sales than Todd Stone. "Your idea isn't half bad."

"Thank you!" I beam. Wow, three pats on the back for me for flipping this situation around so quickly. "So, what did you come up with?" he asks. Oh, crap.

"Well..." I stall for time. "I don't have my notebook with me, but..."

"Yes?" he prods.

"What about a soy raspberry mocha with a swirl of caramel?" I suggest, crossing my fingers behind my chair.

"That's gross," he says flatly. Ah, well, they can't all be winners.

"I'm still working on it," I tell him. "Give me some time."

"You lost me at caramel. But it wasn't a bad try. How about this? Come up with a month's worth of specialty drinks and get back to me with them. Your idea is okay."

He gives me an approving nod. Derek actually looks almost happy.

"Thanks, Derek!" I say, and head out of his office.

"Did he demote you?" Sarah asks when I join her in the front.

"Not at all," I respond. "We were just talking about some ways to increase profits."

"Wow," Sarah says, looking impressed.

"Yeah, there really is a lot that comes with being assistant manager," I say in my hoity-toity voice.

"Sounds like it," she replies as she straightens up the straws and picks up wrappers off the counter. "By the way, your friends were just in here."

"Which friends?" I ask.

"Two girls," Sarah answers. "Both thin and blond, but the taller one was really beautiful. I couldn't really tell if she was being sincere or snarky, though. They ordered small nonfat lattes."

"Ugh ... say no more!" I immediately know whom she is talking about. "They aren't my friends. Not even close.

I'm glad I missed them."

"Really?" Sarah questions. "They asked about you."

"What did they say?" I'm not sure I really want to know.

"Well, the taller one specifically said, 'What? My friend Jane isn't here today? Oh shoot, she makes the BEST drinks.' "

"Yeah," I conclude, "she was being snarky."

"Who were they?"

"Just some stupid girls from school last year. They were seniors when I was a junior and not exactly nice to me."

"Oh, how lame are they? I guess they haven't matured at all since high school."

"Nope," I declare, starting to make two small vanilla crème frappycaps a couple of preteens just ordered.

"So, what kind of mood is Derek in now?" Sarah asks.

"Almost decent," I tell her. "I would talk to him now if you need anything."

"I actually do," she says. "I'm hoping he'll let me have the day after Thanksgiving off. I want to hit the Black Friday sales."

"Sounds like fun! But that is one of our busiest days.

Everybody wants coffee while they shop. He might not go for it. I would definitely ask him now before he gets on his next tirade." I am so jealous. I'd love to go to the Black Friday sales, but I know for sure he'll have me work that day.

"Okay, be right back," she says, and heads toward Derek's office.

The front door swings open and five police officers walk in. They aren't in the standard-issue police uniform, though. They are wearing faded blue jeans, dark sweatshirts, and black bulletproof jackets with the word POLICE embroidered across the back in white capital letters. I recognize Officer Jake right away. He's been in here a couple of times before and he is definitely hard to miss. In his early twenties, and built like a baseball player, Officer Jake is tall, Italian, and gorgeous. The muscles busting out of his forearms are incredible. You just want to touch them. The other guys with him are decent-looking enough, though maybe a bit older. Officer Jake is definitely the cutie of the group. And single.

"Hey, how's it going?" he bellows out as he approaches the counter, confidence radiating from him.

This guy is definitely comfortable in his own skin.

"Great. What can I get you all?" They each give me their order, but I concentrate on Officer Jake's–a large extra-bold Sumatra with room for cream. Hmm ... confident, daring, fun, and, well, incredibly hot. He's perfect for Sarah.' Now how to get them together?

I make all the officers their drinks and call them out.

They take them to one of the bigger tables near the windows. It looks like they are going to sit and talk for a while, so I have a few minutes to devise a hookup plan. I grab a napkin and walk over to the employee bulletin board in the hallway outside the break room.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah," I say, scanning the employee call list tacked up on it. Bingo. I scribble Sarah's phone number onto the napkin with a short cute note and hustle back up to the front. Okay, now I have to get it to him. I glance over to the dessert tray in the display case, and a plan forms in my mind. I take out a slice of our signature coffee cake and place it on the napkin, careful not to cover the phone number so it doesn't leave any grease marks and smudge a number. Just then, Sarah returns.

"You were right, Jane. He was in a pretty good mood. He let me take the day off."

"Great. Hey, do me a favor," I say as I start finger-combing Sarah's long black curls and wipe some mascara smudges from under her eyes.

"Um ... what are you doing?" she asks. "You better not wipe spit on me next."

"I won't. Just take this cake out to that magnificent-looking policeman sitting over by the window." Sarah looks up and sees Officer Jake.

"YUUUUUUMMMMMMMY!" she exclaims, and starts to help me fix her hair. "Here." She holds out her hand and I place the cake in it. I watch Sarah walk up to the table and hand Officer Jake his cake. He grins, looking a little puzzled, but accepts the cake. Sarah tells him something and throws back her head, shaking her curls a bit. She's definitely flirting. She says something else and returns to the counter. I can see that she's hiked up her tight long-sleeve cotton shirt so that a strip of her stomach and back peeks out. She's a pro. He's totally watching her walk away.

Officer Jake and his friends talk for another moment and Sarah and I drool from afar as we watch him take a few bites of the cake. We're drooling over him, of course, though the cake looks pretty good today, too. A call comes over their radios and they all jump up and head for the door. Officer Jake comes by the counter first and waves the napkin at Sarah.

"Thanks for the cake," he says with a wink. "I'll give you a call."

Sarah beams and nods and we both watch him leave.

She turns to me, "What the ...?"

"There's your hookup."
